The Development of Psychological Well - Being Programme Based On Six Factor Model Psychological Well - Being Ryff (1989)

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International Journal of Information Research and Review OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL

Vol. 2, Issue, 09, pp.1176-1180, September, 2015

ISSN: 2349-9141 Full Length Review Article


*Norsayyidatina Che Rozubi and Lau Poh Li

Department Counseling and Psychology, Education Faculty, University Of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author

Received 22nd August 2015; Published 30th September 2015


The aims of this study were to develop and validate a Psychological Well-Being Programme for primary school children based
on 6 Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff (1989). This Program encompassed 6 sub programme and 8 activities
developed along the concept and components of the 6 Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff(1989). The design
method used in this study involved a descriptive approach involving expert judgment. In addition,literature review was used to
examine the need for developing of Psychological Well-Being Programme and to justify usage the6 Factor Model Psychological
Well- Being by Ryff (1989). The instruments used to determine the content validity of the programme as advocated by Jamaludin
(2002) is a modification from Russell (1974). The sample of the study comprised six experts in the field of counseling and
psychology. A statistical software was used to analyze the descriptive statistics of the collected data which revealed promising
results. The values computed for the content validity were high, ranging from 80% to 93%. These findings reinforce the Six
Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff(1989) in the design of Psychological Well-Being Programme for primary
school children in Malaysia. Implications of the findings are discussed.
Keywords: Psychological Well-Being, child counseling and Ryff (1989).

Copyright © Norsayyidatina Che Rozubi and Lau Poh Li. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

To cite this paper: Norsayyidatina Che Rozubi and Lau Poh Li. 2015. The development of psychological well-being programme based on six
factormodel psychological well-being RYFF (1989), International Journal of Information Research and Review. Vol. 2, Issue, 09, pp.1176-
1180, Septmeber, 2015.

schools to help increase the level of child psychological well-
Malaysia is a country that has a dense population of about being in Malaysia.
29,947.6 million, of this total, 7,799 million (26%) were
children aged from 0 to 14 years (Jabatan Perangkaan Psychological Well-Being Programme
Malaysia, 2013). Based on these statistics show a quarter of
the population is comprised of children. This is a challenge to Psychological Well-Being Programme carried out by 8
the state in the next generation of potential catalysts to bring sessions included an introductory session and termination of
the State towards progress. Hence, focus and sensitivity to the each week of the session will be held. The overall programme
well-being of children should be emphasized especially in duration is 20 hours and each session is 2 hours 30 minutes
terms of psychology, as psychological well-being is a way of depending on the activity being undertaken. The programme
life towards a balance between the physical, mental and can accommodate the number of participants to about 20 -30
spiritual well-integrated to achieve optimum life and can be students from primary school. This programme can be
achieved by individuals (Myers et al., 2000). Therefore, the implemented in a group counseling in a classroom setting or a
school is the best location in the building talents, abilities, small hall. The aims of Psychological Well-Being Programme
potential, interests and personality of children (Li, 2012). is to provide opportunities for students - primary school
Accordingly, the module or programme, which aims to ranging from children to improve the psychological aspects
increase this matter is very important, this fact supported some that include cognitive, emotional and behavioral and increased
previous findings (eg., Li et al., 2012; LeBlanc and Ritchie, life satisfaction and self-esteem through structured play to
2001; Hancock, 2011: William et al., 2003, 2010). In respect generate the skills and knowledge through the participation
of interest, the Psychological Well-Being Programme programme. To develop the programme content, the researcher
developed by following the correct programme development used the Six Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff
procedure and based on strong theory can be used in the (1989). For the systematic development of the programme,
the researchers used a module construction procedure
submitted by Sidek (2001).
1177 Norsayyidatina Che Rozubi and Lau Poh Li. The development of psychological well-being programme based on six factormodel
psychological well-being ryff (1989)

The procedures were chosen because they suggest a systematic This theory is consistent with the child as the child of a small
approach in the development process and are suitable for use range of life experiences, especially with parents, family and
in the Malaysian context. The main objective of the friends. A study related psychological well-being by
Psychological Well-Being Programme is to help children: (a) Waterman (2007) argues that individuals will experience
achieve psychological well-being through self-acceptance, (b) increased well-being if they were aware of the goals
achieve psychological well-being through autonomy, (c) themselves in accordance with the requirements themselves.
achieve psychological well-being through positive
relationships with others, (d) achieve psychological well-being Theoretical Foundation of Psychological Well-Being
through controlled environment, (e) achieve psychological Programme
well-being through life's purpose and (f) To achieve prosperity
through the development of self-psychology The good programme development should be based on the
theory for each content programme built. In the development
Literature Review of the Psychological Well-Being Programme, researcher using
the Six Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff
Psychological Well Being Programme Development Needs (1989) as the basis, particularly in terms of content, structure,
and sequence of programme. This theory is very important
For centuries various mechanisms identified to address mental because it is the cornerstone of the strength psychological
disorders in order to ensure the psychological well-being can well-being programme. Ryff (1989) have built a model of
be achieved among others by implementing various programs psychological well-being is to integrate some components of
to promote health (Li et al., 2012). However, the programs the theory of Maslow’s concept of self-perfection, the full
implemented over the short term in nature and focuses on functionality of Rogers, Jung formulation concepts
children who have a chronic problem alone (Hancock, individuality, Allport maturity concept, Erikson’s psychosocial
2011).Most children of school level often experience various stage, the basic trend of Buhler concept, the executive
emotional and behavioral problems as a result of the collapse personality Neugarten and the concept of mental health Jahoda
of the family system, modernization and urbanization. Thus (Ryff 1989a, 1989b, 1995; Ryff and Keyes, Ryff and Singer,
primary school children should be given early exposure to 1995 and 1996). Based on this theory, Ryff (1989, 1995)
levels of psychological well-being at optimal levels. The study conceptualize psychological well-being in six components of
conducted on a group of American students have children self-acceptance, positive relations with others, purpose in life,
approaching their teens who actively seek their identity usually autonomy, environmental mastery and self-development. This
build a high identity, optimism, high self-esteem, lack of theory suggests that the full dimensions related positively
feeling useless and less delinquency behavior (Philips and related functionality (Zainal, 2012).Figure 1 shows the
Pittman, 2007). In addition, the selection of sample in common development framework of Psychological Well-Being
among children due to interaction study participants at each Programme based on 6 Factor Model Psychological Well-
other. This is because previous studies show that children learn Being by Ryff (1989).
from imitation and the relationship with the environment.
Similarly, a study conducted by Finstuen (2010) using the Objectives of the Study
experimental program on the effect of art activities on self-
concept and psychological well-being that the level of anxiety, This study has three objectives:
stress and behavioral disorders among children could be
reduced after the program ends. 1.To develop a Psychological Well-Being Programme for
primary school children based on 6 Factor Model
Justification of Six Factor Model Psychological Well- Being Psychological Well- Being by Ryff (1989).
by Ryff (1989) 2.To examine the needs of Psychological Well-Being
Programme development based on literature review.
Based on the theories of psychological well-being raised by 3.To determine the content validity of the Psychological Well-
well-known figures, this study has chosen the theory of Being Programme.
psychological well-being Ryff (1989, 1995) as the base model.
This is because the theory is incomplete because Ryff based Research Design, Instruments and Procedure
philosophical background and a strong theoretical guidance
including counseling theories such as Maslow, Rogers and The research method used in this study was based on
Erikson. It also discusses the theory of psychological well- quantitative approach carried out through a survey; the
being is a dimension which focuses on the characteristics that instrument to determine the content validity of the module as
are interrelated and overlap among the six proposed advocated by Jamaludin (2002) is a modification of Russell
dimensions. This theory is supported by extensive research (1974). The synthesis of the current, relevant literature had
that suggests differences based on demographic profile, social helped the researchers in developing the Psychological Well-
and personal factors influence the psychological well-being. Being Programme based on the 6 Factor Model Psychological
Therefore, in accordance with the objectives of the study to Well- Being by Ryff (1989) that contains 8 sub modules and 8
improve psychological well-being of children through the activities include ice breaking and conclusion. The survey was
implementation of Well-Being Psychology program developed administered to determine two types of validity of the module:
by researchers. Ryff and Heidrich(1997) affirms the influence i) face validity, and ii) content validity. The face validity of the
of life experience as an important factor for the psychological Psychological Well-Being Programme was examined by a
well-being of a person, including children. language expert from the National University of Malaysia
1178 International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 2, Issue, 09, pp.1176-1180, September, 2015

(UKM), and a language expert from Islamic Science and suggestions by the experts for improving all these
University of Malaysia (USIM). The experts worked through materials were rated along a continuum of scales, ranging from
the initial draft and made several recommendations to improve 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). To determine the
the syntax, sentence structure, and nomenclature of the value of the validity of the programme contents, the raw data
module. All the suggestions were followed by revising the were computed as follows: total scores of the individual
initial draft to ensure the proposed programme would be experts ratings were divided by the overall score of the rating.
appropriate for the target population. The next step followed The calculated value based on this procedure would highlight
involved validating the module contents by a panel of experts. the level of validity of a research programme, the content
The panel in this study consisted of six experts, which was validity is deemed high if the value exceeds 70% (Sidek and
deemed sufficient, as Othman (2004) states that six to nine Jamaludin, 2005).
experts are adequate in examining the constructs and items of
an instrument of a study.
Table 1. Content validity percentages of the Psychological Well-Being Programme for primary school children based on 6 Factor
Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff (1989) as advocated by Jamaludin (2002)

No. Statements Content validity Experts’

Percentages (%) judgment
1. The contents of the programme meet the target population. 93.0 Accepted
2. The contents of the programme can be implemented successfully. 86.6 Accepted
3. The contents of the module are appropriate with the planned duration. 93.0 Accepted
4. The contents of the programme can help to increase the level of psychological well-being. 80.0 Accepted
5. The content of this programme can change the thinking, emotions and behavior of children 80.0 Accepted
towards a more prosperous
Overall content 86.5 Accepted

Figure 1. Development framework of Psychological Well-Being Programme based on 6 Factor Model Psychological
Well- Being by Ryff (1989)
The six experts were chosen because of their vast experience Participants
and expertise in psychology, counseling, module development,
and teaching. Each of these experts was given a copy of a The participants who voluntarily participated in this study
complete Psychological Well-Being Programme, which were drawn from some public universities in Malaysia as they
essentially consisted of an introduction to the study, a manual are experts who have in‐depth knowledge and vast experience
of the programme, and a host of related appendices. Critiques in teaching the subject matter. Before selecting a sample
1179 Norsayyidatina Che Rozubi and Lau Poh Li. The development of psychological well-being programme based on six factormodel
psychological well-being ryff (1989)

(participants), researchers ensured credibility of the practitioners in dealing with psychological well-being of
participants in the relevant fields, particularly child counseling primary school children. The benefits of Psychological Well-
and expert in psychological well-being. Being Programmeare further boosted by its efficacy in
achieving short-term goals, and by its inherent nature to get
Findings immediate feedback from counseling practitioners. It is
envisioned that the Psychological Well-Being
Raw data elicited from the panel of experts were processed in Programmewhen used judiciously and persistently would help
a statistical software. The following Table 1 summarizes the intended children to achieve the increasing levels of
computed values for the overall content and five statements psychological well- being. Hopefully, the Psychological Well-
with respect to the integrity of the programme. Table 1 Being Programmeof this kind would be embraced by the
indicates that the validity value for the overall content of the relevant stakeholders (i.e., policymakers and the decision
the Psychological Well-Being Programme based on the 6 makers, course coordinators or counselor educators, practicing
Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff (1989) was counselors, researchers, and counseling students or trainees) in
high at 86.5 percent, comfortably exceeding the recommended earnest to foster thepsychological well-being in practicing
threshold value of 70 percent. In term of individual statements, child counseling in Malaysia.
all of them achieved high validity values, ranging from 80
percent to 93 percent. Effectively, the conditions as suggested Recommendations
by Jamaludin (2002) is a modification from Russell (1974),
which had been employed by the researchers for the Following the promising preliminary results, namely the high
programme construction, were strongly validated. Thus, the content validity of the Psychological Well-Being Programme
finding showed that the overall content validity of the based on the 6 Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by
programme was high that could be applied to relevant students. Ryff (1989), the researchers propose three recommendations as
1. Conducting a pilot study to examine the usability of the
In developing the Psychological Well-Being Programme programme when used.
based on the 6 Factor Model Psychological Well- Being by 2. Conducting an experimental research to examine the
Ryff (1989), the researchers first reviewed the relevant, effects of the Psychological Well-Being Programme.
established literature of psychological well-being, particularly 3. Promoting Psychological Well-Being Programme to the
the theoretical concepts, principles, and techniques that were counseling practitioners in the development of child
founded by Ryff (1989). All information obtained has helped psychological well- being so that more research should be
researchers to develop the programme that comprises eight (8) conducted on a larger scale in the context of Malaysia.
sub programme and 8activities. All these sub programmes and
activities, which are based on Model Psychological Well- Conclusion
Being by Ryff (1989). From the theoretical and practical
perspectives, these outcomes would have a profound impact on In this study, the researchers has demonstrated that a
the relevant body of knowledge related to psychology in Psychological Well-Being Programme based on the 6 Factor
general, child counseling, and psychological well-being in Model Psychological Well- Being by Ryff (1989) is feasible.
particular. For such an impact to be more meaningful, the Moreover, the programme developed has been validated to
content validity of the programme has to be verified prior to its possess high content validity through expert judgment. Thus,
adoption lest the effects would be spurious. the programme reported in this study, will act as a catalyst for
more research on psychological well-being and child
This assertion is best echoed by Sidek (2005) who states that counseling specifically. In a nutshell, the lessons learned from
there are three vital criteria that reflect the worthiness of a this study will encourage counseling practitioners to adopt
development module. These measures are the content validity, such an approach to develop a diverse range of programme of
reliability, and usability of the programme; among these, psychological well-being, benefitting profession counselor and
content validity is the most important factor in determining the Malaysian society.
strength of the construct built into the tool. Achieving high
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