Advent Season English Songs: Offertory: Make Us True Servants

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Offertory: Make Us True Servants

Entrance: O Come Divine Messiah I. Make us true servants to all

those in need. Filled with
I. O come divine Messiah! The compassion in thought, word
world in silence waits the day. and deed; Loving our
When hope shall sing its neighbor, whatever the cost;
triumph and sadness flee Feeding the hungry and finding
away. the lost.

Refrain: Dear Savior haste: Come, II. Lord, make us prophets to cry
come to earth, dispel the out the way. Telling the
night and show Thy face, nations of mercy's new day. Let
and bid us hail the dawn us break barriers of hatred and
of grace. scorn; Speaking of hope to all
people forlorn.
(Repeat I, then Refrain.)
III. Lord, make us healers of body
II. O Christ, whom nations sighed and mine; Give us your pow’r
for, whom priests and prophets to bring sight to the blind; Love
long foretold. Come break the to the loveless and gladness for
captive’s fetters, redeem the pain; Filling all hearts with the
long- lost fold. joy of your name.

(Repeat Refrain.)

III. You come in peace and

meekness and lowly will Thy
cradle be: All clothed in human
weakness, Thy God-head we
shall see.

(Repeat I, then Refrain, then I.)

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Communion: Simeon’s Canticle In the triumph that He brings
me, I can hold my head high.
Refrain: Lord, let Your servant go
in peace, for Your Word In His house, I shall lift up my
has been fulfilled. voice. I will sing, I will praise
(Repeat Refrain.) the Lord.

I. A Child shall be born to the (Repeat I, then A--MEN.)

Virgin, and His Name shall be
called, "Emmanuel."
(Repeat Refrain.) Recessional: Let the King of Glory
II. My own eyes have seen Your
salvation which You have Refrain: Lift up your gates! Lift up
prepared for all men. your arches; Let the King
(Repeat Refrain.) of glory come!

III. A light shall reveal to the Lift up your hearts and

nations and the glory of Your sing, you people: Let the
people, Israel. King of glory come!
(Repeat Refrain, twice.)
Verse: Come, O come,
Coda: Lord, let your servant go Emmanuel: Come and
in peace. dwell with us!

Come, O come, you Lord

Communion: One Thing I Ask of might: banish death
and fear!
I. One thing I ask: To dwell in the
house of the Lord all my days, (Repeat Refrain.)

To gaze on His goodness Coda: Let the King of glory come!

And walk in His ways.

II. He will shelter me;

He will be my strength. ADVENT SEASON-English.docx
12/5/17 mpdetorres

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