Arts Basic Photography Week 6 Quarter 3

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School San Rafael BBH Elementary School Grade Level VI

Daily Lesson Log Teacher Mona Lizza S. Barcelo Learning Area MAPEH (Arts)
Teaching Week & Dates/Time Dec 4-8,2017 Quarter III– (Week 6)


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates QUIZ DAY
understanding of shapes, understanding of shapes, understanding of shapes, colors, understanding of shapes,
colors, values, and the colors, values, and the values, and the principles of colors, values, and the
principles of emphasis, principles of emphasis, emphasis, contrast, and harmony principles of emphasis,
contrast, and harmony in contrast, and harmony in in printmaking and photography contrast, and harmony in
printmaking and photography printmaking and photography using new technologies. printmaking and photography
using new technologies. using new technologies. using new technologies.

B. Performance Standard "The learner creates simple "The learner creates simple "The learner creates simple "The learner creates simple
printmaking (silkscreen) printmaking (silkscreen) designs printmaking (silkscreen) designs printmaking (silkscreen) designs
designs on t-shirts and posters. on t-shirts and posters. on t-shirts and posters. on t-shirts and posters.
The learner describes the basic The learner describes the basic The learner describes the basic The learner describes the basic
concepts and principles of basic concepts and principles of basic concepts and principles of basic concepts and principles of basic
photography." photography." photography." photography."

C. Learning Competencies The learner realizes that art The learner understands The learner identifies the parts The learner applies composition
(write the LC Code) processes, elements, and concepts and principles of and functions of the camera (point skills to produce a printed
principles still apply even with photography. and shoot or phone photograph for a simple photo
the use of technologies. A6PL=IIIf A6PR-IIIg essay.


A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages 21ST Century Mapeh in Action 6 21ST Century Mapeh in Action 6 21ST Century Mapeh in Action 6 21ST Century Mapeh in Action 6
pp. 153-156 pp. 153-156 pp. 153-156 pp. 153-156
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous What are the principles applied What do we use to take pictures? What is an essay?
lesson and presenting in photography? It is a collection of pictures or
new lesson images that are arrange in a
specific order to tell the
progression of events,
emotions, and concepts.
B. Establishing a purpose Ask the students what Groupings Show a picture of a camera. Groupings
for the lesson materials can be used to take Form 4 groups each will take a What are the parts of a camera? Form 3 groups each will create
photos? photo using their own gadgets their own photo essay.
1. Phones within the school premises.
2. Digital cameras
3. Slr cameras

C. Presenting What is photography? Each will be allowed to Follow the steps in making a
examples/instances of Photography comes print the best photos The different parts of a camera. photo essay:
the lesson from the Greek words: that they have. 1. Shutter 1. Think of a topic or
photo and graph. Create their photo 2. Power button theme, which you
Photo means light and collage about the 3. Flash would like to do your
graph means drawing. prnciples of art. 4. Battery chamber essay about. Make
Assign a Curator for 5. Memory card sure your theme has a
each group. (Curator-a 6. Monitor screen point or tells a story.
keeper in a museum or 7. Lens 2. Write down your ideas
any collection) for a photo
composition and
choose the best ones.
3. Take photographs
based on the topic or
theme you planned.
4. Make sure the photo
flow together and are
easily connected
5. Finally, add captions
explaining your photos
and the story they are
D. Discussing new What are the elements of Art exhibit by group’s .Each When do we need to use the
concepts and photography? group will visit their own photo flash?
practicing new skills #1 1. Contrast collage. What is the purpose of the
2. Emphasis monitor screen?
3. Harmony Picture taking by groups or
4. Unity individual. The teacher will guide
5. Balance the students to take pictures using
6. Pattern their cameras or cellular phones.


E. Discussing new Discuss the different principles What have you learn from the Have a Photo Essay exhibit.
concepts and of photography. groupings? Are the principles of Again choose your Curator for
practicing new skills #2 art found in the different photo each group.
collage? Identify the story for each
photo essay.
F. Developing mastery Groupings. Enumerate the different
(lead to formative Give the 4 groups sample of principles of art.
assessment 3) pictures and let them identify
the principles in it.
G. Finding practical Give ways on how to take care of
application of concepts your cameras.
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalization What are the principles of art? What is the role of the Curator? What are the different parts of a What is a photo essay?
and abstractions about Are the principles of art visible camera?
the lesson or shown in their photo
I. Evaluating learning Matching type Identify the principles of each True or False Enumerate the ways
Match Column A to Column B. photo. 1. Shutter button is on creating a Photo
Write only the letter of the pressed to capture a Essay.
correct answer. picture(T)
A 2. A monitor screen
1 Pattern(e) frames the image for
2 Balance(b) your picture.(T)
3 Unity(a) 3. The memory card
4 Contrast(c) houses the non-
5 Harmony(d) removable storage
6 Emphasis(f) card.(F)
7 Photo(h) 4. The lens used to
8 Graph(g) focus the image seen
B _______________________ at close or far ranges.
a. Taking parts of a 5. The flash allows the
piece of art and taking of pictures at
unifying them into high light condition.
something better (F)
as a whole.
b. Arranging the
elements in a
piece of so that
there is an
equality from one
side to the other.
c. A principle of art
may be shown
using Answers:
complementary 1. Pattern
colors or 2. Balance
emphasizing 3. Unity
differences using 4. Emphasis
light and dark 5. Harmony
colors. 6. contrast
d. Is consistent,
orderly, or
arrangement of
e. Or rhythm is
simply repeating
an element that
will cause the
viewer’s eye to
move around to
each element.
f. Principle of art in
which part of the
work stand out, in
order to draw the
viewer’s eye there
g. Light
h. Drawing
J. Additional activities Bring your own digital cameras Bring your camera or phone Bring the following:
for application or or android cellphones. (Make camera tomorrow. Magazines
remediation sure that parent’s consent on Scissors
these assignment) Paste or glue
Bring the following: Cartolina
Scissors, pentel pen, paste, If allowed camera
scotch tape or glue, colored
paper and cartolina white.

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.
A. No. of learners who earned ___ A. Alcaraz
80% in the evaluation
___P. Escuro
___G. Zara
___P. Campos
___Fe del Mundo
___Benjamin Almeda
B. No. of learners who acquired
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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