SGL PT Brochure Systems HCL Syntheses

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Systems – HCl Syntheses

Process Technology

Broad Base. Best Solutions.

C Carbon is Future.
SGL Group – The Carbon Company.

Carbon has unique properties. It is indispensable in the

production of steel, aluminum and solar energy systems.
Process Technology
The Business Unit Process Technology is a
premium technology provider for chemical and
related industry process systems, equipment and
after sales services. Our focus are high-tech
materials for demanding chemical applications.
With smart and sustainable solutions for an in-
creasing number of industry we give proof of our
strong innovation culture.

Broad Base

Our range of materials:

E graphite


Carbon increases the performance of wind turbines and E PTFE

reduces the weight of airplanes, cars and sports equipment. E reactive metals

E steel

Our range of services:

E process design

E engineering

E project management
Carbon substitutes other materials and contributes to a
E production and assembly
reduction in CO2 emissions.
E commissioning

E after sales services.

With 9 manufacturing sites in 8 countries and a

continually growing worldwide sales and service
SGL Group is one of the leading manufacturers of carbon- network, we are always close to our customers.
based products and has the broadest product and technol-
ogy portfolio, a global sales network and state-of-the-art
production sites in Europe, North America and Asia.

Powered by our Broad Base of competencies, products and services, we offer Best Solutions to
our customers. For the Business Unit Process Technology, those solutions are characterized by reliability,
efficiency and sustainability.

Best Solutions

E Reliability In a business that strongly depends on reliability we never compromise on quality and
safety. Our products deliver dependable results; our services are fast and competent.
The long-standing loyalty of our customers proves that we keep our promises – on-time,
on-spec, on-budget.

E Efficiency Tailor made, innovative solutions and an integrated approach on chemistry, materials,
technology and design, ensure outstanding efficiency and improved customer value:
higher yields, lower operating cost, lower service and maintenance cost, longer service
intervals and less downtimes, and the extended product lifetime sum up to significant
lower total cost of ownership and to a higher return on investment for our customers.

E Sustainability In all industries that deal with resource- and energy- consuming processes sustainability
is of crucial importance. Based on innovative solutions, more than 60 % of our sales
contribute to the saving of resources and energy and to the reduction of greenhouse


Synthesis Plants 4 Synthesis Unit Series 91 11

Synthesis Process 6 Advantageous Details 12

Reliability and Safety 7 Quality Management and After Sales Service 14

Design of Our Synthesis Units 8 Process Technology – Our Products 15

Synthesis Unit Series 81 10

DIABON® Synthesis Plants –
the Combination of Know-How and Experience

Synthesis of hydrogen chloride by burning hydro-

gen and chlorine has proven to be an economical
and reliable operation. This is particularly true in
those processes where chlorine is produced as
a by-product or where hydrogen
chloride or hydrochloric acid is
required for on-site use. Typical
uses occur in chlor-alkali elec-
trolysis, vinyl chloride manufac-
turing, pulp and paper produc-
tion and various metallurgical

Production of 80 t/d of HCl gas

and 40 t/d of 37% hydrochloric
acid in three pre-assembled units
mounted on skids

DIABON synthesis plants supplied by SGL Group
demonstrate their capability in operation through
their unquestioned advantages:

씰 Production of hydrochloric acid in a concen-

tration range of 1 to 38% HCl from chlorine and
hydrogen, using water or weak hydrochloric
acid as the absorbing liquid.

씰 Hydrochloric acid or gas produced fulfils

any specification ranging from technical or
chemically pure quality to food grade quality
to electronic grade quality.

씰 As an HCl recovery measure, HCl gas from

other plants can be fed into the synthesis unit and
absorbed together with the synthesized gas.

씰 Chorine-containing residual gas or “sniff gas”

from other processes can be recycled to
produce HCl.

씰 Weak hydrochloric acid can be fed into the

absorber and brought up to the required acid

씰 Oxygen-containing chlorine can be combusted Production of 120 t/d of 100 % HCl with two synthesis plants,
type 91-800, supplied with chlorine from one of
in our synthesis plants without affecting the the first large-membrane plants (in operation since 1980)
service life of the burner or the combustion
씰 The combustion heat of hydrogen and chlorine
씰 Synthesis plants in DIABON graphite are also in HCl synthesis can be partially recovered in
used for the production of dry HCl gas. the form of steam or hot water.
Anhydrous HCl gas of 99.9 % purity can be
manufactured in our desorption units made of Synthesis plants in DIABON graphite
DIABON graphite and LICUFLON® steel/PTFE. fully meet these criteria, proven by our
more than 450 supplied plants all over
the world.

Synthesis Process
– a Straight-Through Process
The starting substances for the synthesis are hydro-
gen and chlorine. Hydrogen and chlorine are fed
into a burner at controlled rates. The burner consists
of two concentric tubes with chlorine flowing through
the inner tube and hydrogen through the outer an-
nulus. Above the burner, the gases are ignited to
produce hydrogen chloride gas. A hydrogen flow
of at least 5% stoichiometric excess is recommended Complete
to ensure that a complete synthesis takes place. combustion of
Cl2 and H2 in
synthesis burner
to produce HCl

The hydrogen chloride gas, at a temperature of less than 1 ppm free chlorine. By adjusting the ab-
2000 to 2500°C, flows from the combustion sorption water (weak acid) supply rate, the desired
chamber into an integrated isothermal falling-film HCl concentration can be obtained. The product acid
absorber. The HCl gas is then absorbed by water flows by gravity into a tank at atmospheric pressure.
or weak acid. The absorber is either co-current or The considerable heat generated in the synthesis
counter-current depending on the type of synthesis process must be removed, normally by cooling water.
unit. The combustion heat is 0.7 kWh per kg of HCl
The hydrochloric acid is normally produced with (100 %) and the heat of absorption in water is 0.5
kWh per kg of HCl (100 %).
Flow sheet Nearly one half of the generated
heat can be recovered as steam
or hot water.

The unabsorbed gas is fed into a

counter-current scrubbing section
where absorption water absorbs
the remaining HCl. Our synthesis
plants are designed to meet the
German Clean Air Act (TA Luft) or
tailored to meet the requirements
of local environmental regulations.

Flow sheet of a series 81 hydrogen chloride synthesis unit made of DIABON® graphite

Reliability and Safety
at Low Operating Cost

Arrangement of the burner: easily accessible at ground level

Criteria that count Dependable: operational reliability

Our extensive expertise and many years‘ experi- Regardless of the design, whether manually oper-
ence allow us to design a plant that will meet all of ated or computerized and fully automatic, our syn-
your requirements. thesis units offer a maximum of operational safety.

씰 State-of-the-art design of the synthesis units and 씰 Flame failure monitors which automatically
tailor-made engineering of instrumentation, piping shut off the hydrogen and chlorine supplies by
and steel structure for optimal performance. rapid-closure valves if the flame is extinguished.

씰 Total operational safety to ensure safe 씰 Automatic shutdown of hydrogen and chlorine
processing of chlorine and hydrogen. in the event of pressure failure.

씰 Our expertise allows us to supply cost- effective 씰 Automatic purging of the system with nitrogen
plants. before any startup and shutdown.

씰 Reliable operation. Our units have uptimes 씰 Incorporation of a flame trap to prevent back
higher than 99.9 %. flashing into the pipeline.

Design of Our Synthesis Units
State of the Art

A special feature common to all synthesis furnaces

in DIABON graphite is the bottom-mounted burner
and upward-pointing flame.

씰 Only this bottom burner design allows the pro-

duction of high-purity acid because condensate
forming in the furnace and containing free
chlorine cannot mix with the product acid and
is evacuated separately.

씰 The safety disc overpressure system is located

at the top of the furnace in the safest location.

씰 The burner, all gas feed lines, control systems

and safety systems are located near the base
of the combustion chamber, making operation
and monitoring of the unit easiest and most

씰 Burner tubes can be flushed during operation

and impurities removed while avoiding shut-
downs. DIABON® graphite absorber block element

Versatile: the design series Series 91

Synthesis plants in DIABON graphite are available in two different HCl gas is absorbed co-currently in tubular pas-
designs which differ mainly in the design of the falling-film absorber: sages surrounding the chimney. A separate vent
scrubber is used for gas cleaning. The weak acid
Series 81 leaving the vent scrubber is fed to the primary
The cylindrical block elements incorporate a absorption section to produce the strong acid.
chimney-shaped aperture in the center connecting
the combustion chamber with the safety disc. The
HCl gas absorption is counter-current in tubular Common to both series is a liquid distributor
passages surrounding the chimney. Integrated ensuring proper feed of the liquid into the ab-
tunnel trays on top of the synthesis unit accomplish sorption blocks.
final gas cleaning.

Simple and reliable control and monitoring on the first platform

Superior design combined with Flexible: a range extending from

high-performance materials equipment to complete systems
Our synthesis units owe their excellent design to Synthesis units in DIABON graphite can be sup-
our continuous further development program and plied as equipment only or as pre-assembled and
many decades of experience. ready-mounted skids including:

씰 Only high-performance materials such as 씰 Instrumentation

DIABON graphite are in contact with HCl gas 씰 Automatic ignition system
or acid. 씰 Automatic process control
씰 Piping and fittings
씰 All graphite parts are contained in a cooling
씰 Steel structure
water-flooded steel shell.
Skid-mounted units minimize erection and
씰 The graphite section containing the burner and
pre-commissioning times.
auxiliaries is extra robust with thickened walls.

Synthesis Unit
Series 81

Type Output
t/d* d [mm] h 1 [mm] h 2 [mm] weight [kg**]
81-160 2.0 273 7200 2700 800

81-250 4.0 355 8300 3000 1500

81-310 8.0 438 8800 3600 2200

81-410 12.0 542 9800 4300 3400

81-500 22.0 647 11500 4800 4800

81-660 36.0 826 12600 5700 7500

81-800 55.0 1000 13800 6700 12000

* Nominal output, based on 100 % HCl gas | **Operating weight; dimensions given in the table are not binding

Synthesis Unit
Series 91

Type Output Synthesis unit Scrubber
t/d* d [mm] h 1 [mm] weight** h 2 [mm] weight** h 3 [mm] a [mm] h 4 [mm]
91-250 4 342 8000 1300 3300 80 3300 1050 11300
91-310 8 427 8100 2200 3300 130 3900 1200 12000
91-410 15 542 9100 2800 3450 190 4600 1200 13700
91-500 22 647 9500 3700 3500 250 5100 1350 14600
91-660 36 826 11800 6300 3600 400 5800 1350 16000
91-800 55 1000 12800 9600 4550 700 6700 1700 18000
91-970 75 1252 16100 17000 4640 1000 9500 1700 21000
91-1200 115 1480 17900 24000 4700 1350 10600 2000 23000
91-1440 155 1780 19700 36000 5200 1750 12600 2200 25000

* Nominal output, based on 100 % HCl gas | **Operating weight (in kg); dimensions given in the table are not binding

Advantageous Details
of a Flawless Design

Tailor-made solutions under any process conditions Protection against overpressure: DIABON® graphite safety
disc at the top of the hydrogen chloride synthesis unit, well
outside the control zone

씰 Operation of the plant at ground level chimney between combustion chamber and safety
The burner, and therefore all feed gas lines control disc guarantees a controlled pressure release in case
and safety systems, are arranged at the bottom. of excess pressure. Fumes are released at the very top
This allows easy and safe control, monitoring, of the plant, far away from the operator’s working
operation and maintenance at ground level. The area. Splashing acid is completely avoided.
design guarantees regular and reliable inspection
of the plant by the operation staff. 씰 Gas traps
At the highest point of every available design of
씰 Plant without rotating parts synthesis units, unburned hydrogen and inerts can
SGL Group plants do not need acid recycle and accumulate. Only SGL Group designs its synthesis
product pumps due to their design and the elevated units so that this hydrogen is continuously vented
acid product outlet. Therefore, the added capital through the scrubber to avoid hazardous situations.
and maintenance costs of additional equipment
such as tanks and pumps are obsolete. 씰 Nitrogen flushing
Purging with nitrogen is carried out from the bottom
씰 Safety disc to the top of the synthesis unit. Unburned feed gas
HCl synthesis units require an excess pressure safety mixtures are removed automatically and completely
device. Therefore, a DIABON safety disc is located after shutdown, ignition failure or planned shut-
at the top of the synthesis unit. A specifically designed down. This guarantees a safe restart of the unit.

씰 Safety interlock system 씰 Burner flushing
The safety interlock system will safely shut down the The arrangement of the burner at the bottom also
plant in case of any failure, e.g. feed gas pressures, allows the installation of a flushing system. The bur-
flame failure, cooling water flow, absorption wa- ner can be flushed in operation (without stoppage)
ter flow and safety disc monitoring. to remove salt incrustations which are drained sep-
씰 Automatic ignition and control
The automatic ignition system, together with the auto- 씰 High-quality hydrochloric acid product
matic control of the H2 /Cl2 / absorption water ratio Condensate is formed in every cooled combustion
guarantees trouble-free operation under any ope- chamber, independently of up- or downward firing.
rating conditions. The unique SGL Group design allows this con-
densate to be drained off separately from the acid
씰 Flame arrestor product, thus improving product quality.
Flame arrestors for vertical installation in the hydro-
gen feed gas line prevents the flame from flashing 씰 Highest payback due to heat recovery
back into the main pipeline and the pipeline to the The combustion of H2 and Cl2 to give HCl is a strong-
pilot burner. SGL Group supplies a specifically ly exothermic process that releases 0.7 kWh for each
developed flame arrestor suitable for HCl synthesis kg of hydrogen chloride produced. This energy can
units. Only this kind of flame arrestor is in accor- be partially recovered in the form of steam (all pres-
dance with the European Directive 94/9/EC and the sure levels achievable) or hot water. Depending on
European Standards EN 1127-1 and EN 12784. plant size and energy a payback time of only 1- 3
years can be achieved for the heat recovery system.
씰 High-performance burner
SGL Carbon’s proprietary burner Flow sheet
is capable of burning the chlorine
with only 5 % excess of hydrogen.
However, depending on the on-
site conditions, e.g. the perfor-
mance of the instrumentation, it
might be necessary to increase
the excess to 10 %.

Flow sheet of a series 91 hydrogen chloride synthesis unit with steam generation system

Quality Management
and After Sales Service

After Sales Services –

Anytime and Everywhere

We take care of our products during the entire

operational lifetime. We aim to provide the best
customer service anytime and everywhere.
Quality Management
E  aintenance – genuine spare parts supply,
Continuous quality assurance Depending on specifications failure analysis, repair, field service
is an integral part of the SGL we are able to meet specific E Fast emergency support
Group corporate philosophy. requirements like the Pressure E Start-up assistance
Equipment Directive 97/23/EC E Consulting for continuous improvement
Our quality management system Annex III, Module H/H1, AD
is certified in accordance with 2000 Merkblatt N2 as well as Our service specialists as well as our service centers
ISO 9001:2008. In order to ASME “U” Stamp, Section VIII, work in a global network to support you best.
guarantee consis­tently high Part UIG.
quality to our customers, we work
according to a key performance
indicator orientated quality
management system.

Process Technology
Our Products

System Solutions
E Syntheses

E Distillation and concentration

E Purification

E Dilution

E Absorption

E Desorption

E Thermal destruction and recycling

E Reactors and converters

E Heat storage

E ...

Equipment Solutions
E Graphite and SiC heat exchangers –

shell & tube, block and plate type

E Columns and internals

E Vessels

E Quenchers

E Pumps

E Rupture discs

E PTFE piping and bellows

E PTFE hoses

E ...

After Sales Services

E Maintenance

E Emergency support

E Start-up assistance

E Consulting

E ...

Regional Sales & Service Center
Central and East Europe Asia, Oceania


Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 18 Shanghai
86405 Meitingen/Germany 1208, Shanghai Oriental Plaza
Phone +49 8271 83-1564 31 Wujiang Road/China
Fax +49 8271 83-2101 Phone +86 21 5211 0333
[email protected] Fax +86 21 5211 0085
[email protected]

South Europe, Middle East, India

SGL CARBON India Pvt. Ltd.
SGL CARBON Technic S.A.S. Plot No. E-100, MIDC Ranjangaon
18, Avenue Marcel Cachin Village: Karegaon, Taluka: Shirur
38407 Saint Martin d‘Heres/France Dist. Pune - 412 220/India
Phone +33 4 7625 9600 Phone +91 21 386 122-14
Fax +33 4 7625 6277 [email protected]
[email protected]



21945 Drake Road
44149 Strongsville, Ohio/USA
Phone +1 440 572-3600
Fax +1 440 572-9570
[email protected]

® registered trademarks of SGL CARBON SE   11 2014/0 4NÄ Printed in Germany

The data contained herein represent the current state of our product knowledge and are intended to provide general information on our products
and their application spectra. In view of the variety and large number of application possibilities, these data should be regarded merely as general
information that gives no guarantee of any specific properties and/or suitability of those products for any particular application. Consequently,
when ordering a product, please contact us for specific information on the properties required for the application concerned. On request, our
technical service will supply a profile of characteristics for your specific application requirements without delay.

Process Technology
Söhnleinstrasse 8
65201 Wiesbaden/Germany

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