Parental Authority-Support Cases

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198 - SUPPORT Held:

Lim Lua v. Lua (G.R. No. 175279-80, Jun. 5, 2013) The Supreme Court reversed the CA, and stated that CA
should not have allowed all the expenses incurred by
Facts: Petitioner Susan Lim-Lua filed an action for the respondent to be credited against the accrued support
declaration of nullity of her marriage with respondent pendente lite.
Danilo Y. Lua, and for support pendent lite amounting to
P500,000. The amount of support which those related by marriage
and family relationship is generally obliged to give each
Respondent on the other hand, refused and manifested other shall be in proportion to the resources or means of
that he is only willing to give as much as 75,000 as the giver and to the needs of the recipient. Such support
support. comprises everything indispensable for sustenance,
RTC ruled that the amount of 250,000 support per month dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education and
is sufficient, notwithstanding the separate medical transportation, in keeping with the financial capacity of
the family.
support for susan when the need arises. However this
amount was eventually reduced by the CA, citing the Here, the monthly support pendente lite granted by the
fact that there was no evidence adduced to show the trial court was intended primarily for food, household
alleged millions of income of respondent, and that based expenses such as salaries of drivers and house helpers,
on the evidence presented the proper amount to paid and also petitioner’s scoliosis therapy sessions.
should be 115,000. This was not assailed by any party
does it became final and executory. Hence, the value of two expensive cars bought by
respondent for his children plus their maintenance cost,
Issues once again arised, when respondent in complying travel expenses of petitioner and Angelli, purchases
with its obligation paid only the amount of P162,651.90 through credit card of items other than groceries and dry
to petitioner. Respondent explained that, as decreed in goods (clothing) should have been disallowed, as these
the CA decision, he deducted from the amount of bear no relation to the judgment awarding support
support in arrears (September 3, 2003 to March 2005) pendente lite. Any amount respondent seeks to be
ordered by the CA -- P2,185,000.00 -- plus P460,000.00 credited as monthly support should only cover those
(April, May, June and July 2005), incurred for sustenance and household expenses
totalingP2,645,000.00, the advances given by him to his
children and petitioner in the sum of P2,482,348.16
(with attached photocopies of receipts/billings). On the SUSAN LIM-LUA, Petitioner, vs. DANILO Y. LUA,
other hand petitioner contends that respondent shouldn’t Respondent. G.R. Nos. 175279-80 June 5, 2013
be allowed the deductions he made arguing that under
Article 194, support comprises everything indispensable SUMMARY: Mother of two seeks spousal and child
for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, support from rich husband. FACTS: On September 3,
education and transportation, in keeping with the 2003, petitioner Susan Lim-Lua filed an action for the
financial capacity of the family, that in this case the cars declaration of nullity of her marriage with respondent
and credit card charges are not part of support. Once Danilo Y. Lua, to the RTC. In her prayer for support
again RTC, ruled in favor of petitioner granting a writ of pendente lite for herself and her two children, petitioner
execution, however upon appeal such was decision was sought the amount of Php500,000 as monthly support,
reversed and the CA allowed the deductions made by citing respondent’s huge earnings from salaries and
respondent. Hence the case at bar. dividends in several companies and businesses here and
abroad. After due hearing, RTC cited Art. 203 of the
Family Code, stating that support is demandable from
the time plaintiff needed the said support but is payable
Issue: WON the deductions made by respondent only from the date of judicial demand, and thus also
including the two granted support pendente lite of P250,000.00 (x 7
automobile and credit card charges are valid deductions corresponding to the 7months that lapsed).
and considered as advances.
Respondent filed an Motion for Reconsideration upon verified application of any of the parties, guardian
asserting that petitioner is not entitled to spousal support or designated custodian, may temporarily grant support
considering that she does not maintain for herself a pendent lite prior to the rendition of the judgment or
separate dwelling from their children and respondent has final order. Because of its provisional nature, a court
continued to support the family for their sustenance and does not need to delve fully into the merits of the case
well- being in accordance with family’s social and before it can settle an application for this relief. All that
financial standing. As to the P250,000.00 granted by the a court is tasked to do is determine the kind and amount
trial court as monthly support pendente lite, as well as of evidence which may suffice to enable it to justly
the P1,750,000.00 retroactive support, respondent found resolve the application. It is enough that affidavits or
it unconscionable and beyond the intendment of the law other documentary evidence appearing in the record
for not having considered the needs of the respondent. establish the facts.
The Motion for Reconsideration was denied. His second
motion also having been denied, respondent filed a In this case, the amount of monthly support pendente lite
petition for certiorari in the CA. CA nullified RTC’s for petitioner and her two children was determined after
ruling and changed the amount to P115,000.00. The due hearing and submission of documentary evidence by
appellate court said that the trial court should not have the parties. Although the amount fixed by the trial court
completely disregarded the expenses incurred by was reduced on appeal, it is clear that the monthly
respondent consisting of the purchase and maintenance support pendente lite of Php115,000.000 ordered by the
of the two cars, payment of tuition fees, travel expenses, CA was intended primarily for the sustenance of
and the credit card purchases involving groceries, dry petitioner and her children, e.g., food, clothing, salaries
goods and books, which certainly inured to the benefit of drivers and house helpers, and other household
not only of the two children, but their mother (petitioner) expenses. Petitioner’s testimony also mentioned the cost
as well, and thus ordered the deduction of the amount of of regular therapy for her scoliosis and medicine.
PhP3,428,813.80 from the current total support in arrears As to financial capacity of the respondent, it is beyond
of Danilo to his wife, Susan Lim Lua and their two doubt that he can solely provide for the subsistence,
children. It also noted the lack of contribution from the
education, transportation, health/medical needs and
petitioner in the joint obligation of spouses to support recreational activities of his.
their children. Petitioner appealed.
The Family Court may direct the deduction of the
ISSUE: Whether certain expenses already incurred by provisional support from the salary of the parent. Since
the respondent may be deducted from the total support in the amount of the monthly support pendent lite as fixed
arrears owing to petitioner and her children. by the CA was not appealed by either party, there is no
DECISION: controversy as to its sufficiency and reasonableness. The
dispute concerns the deductions made by respondent in
The SC declared that the petition is PARTLY settling the support in arrears. The amounts already
GRANTED. extended to the two children; being a commendable act
of petitioner, should be continued by him considering
As a matter of law, the amount of support which those the vast financial resources at his disposal.
related by marriage and family relationship is generally
obliged to give each other shall be in proportion to the
resources or means of the giver and to the needs of the
recipient. Such support comprises everything
indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical
attendance, education and transportation, in keeping with
the financial capacity of the family.

Upon receipt of a verified petition for declaration of

absolute nullity of void marriage or for annulment of
voidable marriage, or for legal separation, and at any
time during the proceeding, the court, motu proprio or
PARENTAL AUTHORITY The minor should be given to the legitimate father.
When a parent entrusts the custody of a minor to
ARTS. 209-211 another, such as a friend or godfather, even in a
document, what is given is merely temporary custody
Santos v CA (G.R. 113054)
and it does not constitute a renunciation of parental
FACTS: authority. Only in case of the parents' death, absence or
unsuitability may substitute parental authority be
Petitioner Leouel Santos, Sr., an army lieutenant, and exercised by the surviving grandparent.
Julia Bedia a nurse by profession, were married in Iloilo
City in 1986. Their union beget only one child, Leouel The court held the contentions of the grandparents are
Santos, Jr. who was born July 18, 1987. From the time insufficient as to remove petitioner's parental authority
the boy was released from the hospital until sometime and the concomitant right to have custody over the
thereafter, he had been in the care and custody of his minor. Private respondents' demonstrated love and
maternal grandparents, private respondents herein, affection for the boy, notwithstanding, the legitimate
Leopoldo and Ofelia Bedia. father is still preferred over the grandparents.

On September 2, 1990, petitioner along with his two The latter's wealth is not a deciding factor, particularly
brothers, visited the Bedia household, where three-year because there is no proof that at the present time,
old Leouel Jr. was staying. Private respondents contend petitioner is in no position to support the boy. While
that through deceit and false pretensions, petitioner petitioner's previous inattention is inexcusable, it cannot
abducted the boy and clandestinely spirited him away to be construed as abandonment. His appeal of the
his hometown in Bacong, Negros Oriental. unfavorable decision against him and his efforts to keep
his only child in his custody may be regarded as serious
The spouses Bedia then filed a "Petition for Care, efforts to rectify his past misdeeds. To award him
Custody and Control of Minor Ward Leouel Santos Jr.," custody would help enhance the bond between parent
before the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City, with and son.
Santos, Sr. as respondent. After an ex-parte hearing on
October 8, 1990, the trial court issued an order on the The Court also held that his being a soldier is likewise
same day awarding custody of the child Leouel Santos, no bar to allowing him custody over the boy. So many
Jr. to his grandparents, Leopoldo and Ofelia Bedia. men in uniform who are assigned to different parts of the
country in the service of the nation, are still the natural
Petitioner appealed this Order to the Court of Appeals. guardians of their children.
In its decision dated April 30, 1992, respondent appellate
court affirmed the trial court's order. Also, petitioner's employment of trickery in spiriting
away his boy from his in-laws, though unjustifiable, is
Petitioner assails the decisions of both the trial court and likewise not a ground to wrest custody from him.
the appellate court to award custody of his minor son to
his parents-in-law, the Bedia spouses on the ground that SANTOS SR VS CA
under Art. 214 of the Family Code, substitute parental
authority of the grandparents is proper only when both 242 SCRA 407
parents are dead, absent or unsuitable. Petitioner's Leouel and Julia had placed their child into the care of
unfitness, according to him, has not been successfully the latter’sparents ever since the child was born. The
shown by private respondents. grandparents were the oneswho provided support for the
ISSUE: child, since Leouel cannot afford to do so.Julia then left
for the States to work but louelle does not know
Who should properly be awarded custody of the where.The grandparents claim that Julia has been
minor Leouel Santos, Jr. sending financial support toher son.

On September 1990, Leouel abducted the child from his ART 213 PARENTAL AUTHORITY IN CASE OF
grandparents.The grandparents then filed for custody of LEGAL SEPARATION
the boy, which the trial courtgranted.
Leouel appealed, stating that the respondents have failed
to show thehe is unfit to be the father and that the CFI dismisses Pacita’s claim for her daughter. She was a
substitute parental authoritygranted to the boy’s prostitute who had three children by three men whom
grandparents was inappropriate. she lived with successively (Chua Ben, Sy Sia Lay and
Victor Tan Villareal)
The respondents claim that they are financially well-off
to take care of the son, while Leouel is not. They can Betty Chua, 11 yo at the time of the trial, was one of her
provide the child with an air-conditioned room since he children and is in the custody of Flora Cabangbang.
is asthmatic. Cabangbang and Chua had different stories as to how
Also, Julia has entrusted the boy to them. Leouel’s use Betty’s custody was acquired.
of trickery toabduct the child also is a sign of his FLORA: she found the child wrapped in a bundle in
unfitness. They likewise claim thatthey are in the best their front door
position to take care of the child, and this should bethe
primary consideration of the court. PACITA: Villareal gave Betty to Flora as a payment for
his debts. She now claims custody of her child after five
ISSUE: WON Leouel should be awarded proper custody years allegedly because she did not know where to look
HELD: Yes. The father, Leouel was not shown to be an for the child.
unfit parent. The factthat he kidnapped his son from the ISSUE: WON Pacita may regain her child
latter’s maternal grandparents does notrender him unfit.
Also, disqualifying him as custodian because of the HELD: No. There was constructive abandonment and
natureof his work (soldier) would mean depriving all hence she may be deprived of parental authority. She
soldiers of their child’scompany. Only in cases of death, only wants the child back so her biological father’s
absence or unsuitability of parents maysubstitute support would resume (take note that this is still
parental authority be exercised by the surviving uncertain) and she was even willing to withdraw her suit
grandparents. if the Cabangbangs would pay her 150K. She attests no
genuine motherly longing. In the best interest of the
Theright of custody accorded to parents springs from the child, Flora Cabangbang should retain custody.
exercise of parental authority. Parental authority or COMPARED WITH CELIS v CAFUIR, Celis did not
patria potestas in Roman Law is the juridical institution lose communication with her child during the time that
whereby parents rightfully assume control and protection Cafuir had custody of her child.
of their unemancipated children to the extent required by
the latter' s needs.

It is a mass of rights and obligations which thelaw grants 2) PEREZ V CA (G.R.No. 118870, March 29, 1996)
to parents for the purpose of the children's physical
preservation and development, as well as the cultivation Facts:
of their intellect and the education of their heart and
Ray Perez is a doctor practicing in Cebu while Nerissa,
his wife, (petitioner) is a registered nurse. After six
As regards parental authority, "there is no power, but a miscarriages, two operations and a high-risk pregnancy,
task; no complex of rights, but a sum of duties; no Nerissa finally gave birth to Ray Perez II in New York
sovereignty but a sacred trust for thewelfare of the on July 20, 1992. Ray stayed with her in the U.S. twice
minor." and took care of her when she became pregnant. Unlike
his wife, however, he had only a tourist visa and was not
On January 17, 1993, the couple and their baby arrived child or children of their marriage is brought before a
in Cebu. After a few weeks, only Nerissa returned to the Court of First Instance by petition or as an incident to
U.S. She alleged that they came home only for a five- any other proceeding, the court, upon hearing the
week vacation and that they all had round-trip tickets. testimony as may be pertinent, shall award the care,
However, her husband stayed behind to take care of his custody, and control of each such child as will be for its
sick mother and promised to follow her with the baby. best interest, permitting the child to choose which parent
According to Ray, they had agreed to reside permanently it prefers to live with if it be over ten years of age, unless
in the Philippines but once Nerissa was in New York, the parent chosen be unfit to take charge of the child by
she changed her mind and continued working. She was reason of moral depravity, habitual drunkenness,
supposed to come back immediately after winding up incapacity, or poverty x x x. No child under seven years
her affairs there. of age shall be separated from its mother, unless the
court finds there are compelling reasons therefor.”
When Nerissa came home a few days before Ray II’s (Italics supplied)
first birthday, the couple was no longer on good terms.
They had quarrels. Nerissa did not want to live near her The provisions of law quoted above clearly mandate that
in-laws and rely solely on her husband’s meager income a child under seven years of age shall not be separated
of P5,000.00. On the other hand, Ray wanted to stay from his mother unless the court finds compelling
here, where he could raise his son even as he practiced reasons to order otherwise. The use of the word “shall”
his profession. He maintained that it would not be in Article 213 of the Family Code and Rule 99, Section 6
difficult to live here since they have their own home and of the Revised Rules of Court connotes a mandatory
a car. Despite mediation by the priest, the couple failed character.
to reconcile.
The general rule that a child under seven years of age
Nerissa filed a petition to surrender the custody of their shall not be separated from his mother finds its reason in
son to her. the basic need of a child for his mother’s loving care.
Only the most compelling of reasons shall justify the
The trial court issued an Order awarding custody to court’s awarding the custody of such a child to someone
Nerissa citing the second paragraph of Article 213 of the other than his mother, such as her unfitness to exercise
Family Code which provides that no child under seven sole parental authority. In the past the following grounds
years of age shall be separated from the mother, unless have been considered ample justification to deprive a
the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. mother of custody and parental authority: neglect,
Upon appeal by Ray Perez, the Court of Appeals abandonment, unemployment and immorality, habitual
drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment of the child,
reversed the trial court’s order and held that granting
custody to the boy’s father would be for the child’s best insanity and being sick with a communicable disease.
interest and welfare. It has long been settled that in custody cases, the
Issue: foremost consideration is always the welfare and best
interest of the child. In fact, no less than an international
Who should have rightful custody of a child? instrument, the Convention on the Rights of the Child
provides: “In all actions concerning children, whether
Held: undertaken by public or private social welfare
institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or
Nerissa. Aside from Article 213 of the Family Code, the
legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be
Revised Rules of Court also contains a similar provision.
a primary consideration.
Rule 99, Section 6 (Adoption and Custody of Minors)
provides: In the case, financial capacity is not a determinative
factor inasmuch as both parties have demonstrated that
“SEC. 6. Proceedings as to child whose parents are
they have ample means. Nerissa’s present work schedule
separated. Appeal. - When husband and wife are
is not so unmanageable as to deprive her of quality time
divorced or living separately and apart from each other,
with her son. Quite a number of working mothers who
and the questions as to the care, custody, and control of a
are away from home for longer periods of time are still law, in the same way, provides that the welfare of the
able to raise a family well, applying time management child shall be the primary consideration. A “tender-age
principles judiciously. Also, delegating child care presumption” exists in Article 213 of the Family Code,
temporarily to qualified persons who run day-care under which a mother is to be preferred in awarding
centers does not detract from being a good mother, as custody of children under the age of seven. This
long as the latter exercises supervision, for even in our presumption can be overturned only by compelling
culture, children are often brought up by housemaids evidence of the mother’s unfitness. The mother is
under the eagle eyes of the mother. declared unsuitable to have custody of her children in
one or more of the following instances: neglect,
Although Ray’s is a general practitioner, the records abandonment, unemployment, immorality, habitual
show that he maintains a clinic, works for several drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment of the child,
companies on retainer basis and teaches part-time. He insanity, or affliction with a communicable disease.
cannot possibly give the love and care that a mother Here, the mother was not shown to be unsuitable or
gives to his child. grossly incapable of caring for her child, therefore there
was no compelling reason to take the child from the
3) SY VS. CA
mother’s custody.

Excerpts citing CRC and other relevant human rights

The Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that
“in all actions concerning children, whether undertaken
CRC Provisions: by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of
law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the
Article 3: Best interests of the child best interests of the child shall be a primary
consideration (emphasis supplied).” The Child and
Domestic Provisions:
Youth Welfare Code, in the same way, unequivocally
Family Code, Article 213 provides that in all questions regarding the care and
custody, among others, of the child, his/her welfare shall
Child and Youth Welfare Code be the paramount consideration.
Case Summary: CRIN Comments:
The mother of a three year old child told the father that CRIN believes that this decision is not consistent with
she would be taking the child on a brief vacation. The the CRC. CRIN notes the right of the child to develop
father later discovered that she and the child would not relationships with both their parents under Article 9 of
be returning to the family home. The father petitioned the CRC. In this case, the Court failed to consider the
the Court of Appeals (CA), which granted joint custody best interests of the child in continuing her relationship
of the child to both the mother and father. This petition with her father. The best interests of the child should be
by the mother asks the Supreme Court to set aside this evaluated on a case by case basis, rather than through
decision of the CA. rigid legislative presumptions such as the “tender-age
Issue and resolution:

Custody dispute between the two biological parents of a

child. The Court revoked the joint custody order and
awarded sole custody of the child to the mother.

Court reasoning:

Article 3 of the CRC requires that the best interests of

the child shall be a primary consideration, and national
ARTICLE 225- EFFECT OF PARENTAL prejudice the insurance company which relied
AUTHORITY UPON PROPERTY OF CHILDREN on the terms of the powers of attorney which on
their face do not disclose such limitation
 Section 180 of the Insurance Code has been
Lessons Applicable: Who Exercises Rights of Minor amended by the Family Code 17 which grants
Insured or Beneficiaries (Insurance) the father and mother joint legal guardianship
Laws Applicable: Art. 225 Family Code over the property of their unemancipated
common child without the necessity of a court
appointment; however, when the market value of
FACTS: the property or the annual income of the child
exceeds P50,000.00, the parent concerned shall
 Prime Marine Services, Inc. (PMSI), a be required to put up a bond in such amount as
crewing/manning outfit, procured Group PoIicy the court may determine.
from Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. to provide life  Insurance Commission: favored petitioners
insurance coverage to its sea-based employees enrolled
under the plan.  The Insular Life Assurance Company appealed
stating that
 February 17 1986: 6 employees of the PMSI
perished at sea when M/V Nemos, a Greek cargo  (a) had no jurisdiction over the case
vessel, sunk somewhere in El Jadida, Morocco considering that the claims exceeded
 The beneficiaries asked President and General
Manager of PMSI, Capt. Roberto Nuval and  (b) erred in holding that the powers of
issued him special powers of attorney attorney relied upon by Insular Life
authorizing him to "follow up, ask, demand, were insufficient to convey absolute
collect and receive" for their benefit indemnities. authority to Capt. Nuval to demand,
It only verbally pertained to the sinking of the receive and take delivery of the
fatal vessel insurance proceeds pertaining to the
 Unknown to them, however, the PMSI, in its
capacity as employer and policyholder of the life  (c) erred in not giving credit to the
insurance of its deceased workers, filed with version of Insular Life that the power of
formal claims with their special power of attorney supposed to have been executed
attorney in favor of the Alarcons was missing,
 Capt. Nuval, upon receipt of these checks from
the treasurer, who happened to be his son-in-  (d) erred in holding that Insular Life was
law, endorsed and deposited them in his account liable for violating Section 180 of the
with the Commercial Bank of Manila, now Insurance Code for having released to
Boston Bank the surviving mothers the insurance
proceeds pertaining to the beneficiaries
 Upon learning that they are entitled to the claim, who were still minors despite the failure
they sought to recover from Insular Life but it of the former to obtain a court
denied on the ground that they already delivered authorization or to post a bond.
 CA: eliminated the award to minor beneficiaries
 The fact that there was a verbal agreement Dina Ayo and Lucia Lontok
between complainants-appellees and Capt.
Nuval limiting the authority of the latter to
claiming specified death benefits cannot
ISSUE: W/N the minor beneficiaries award should be then under Article 225 of the Family Code their
eliminated mothers could receive such shares without need
of either court appointments as guardian or the
posting of a bond
HELD: YES. petition is GRANTED. CA Reversed.
Insurance Commission Reinstated.  Art. 225. The father and the mother shall
jointly exercise legal guardianship over the
 Being special powers of attorney, they must be property of their unemancipated common child
strictly construed. Insular Life knew that a without the necessity of a court appointment. In
power of attorney in favor of Capt. Nuval for the case of disagreement, the father's decision shall
collection and receipt of such proceeds was a prevail, unless there is judicial order to the
deviation from its practice with respect to group contrary.

 Group Insurance
Where the market value of the property or the annual
 coverage terms for group insurance are income of the child exceeds P50,000, the parent
usually stated in a master agreement or concerned shall be required to furnish a bond in such
policy that is issued by the insurer to a amount as the court may determine, but not less than ten
representative of the group or to an per centum (10%) of the value of the property or annual
administrator of the insurance program income, to guarantee the performance of the obligations
 employer acts as a functionary in the prescribed for general guardians.
collection and payment of premiums and
in performing related duties
It is clear from the said Article that regardless of the
 falling within the ambit of value of the unemancipated common child's property,
administration of a group policy is the the father and mother ipso jure become the legal
disbursement of insurance payments by guardian of the child's property. However, if the market
the employer to the employees value of the property or the annual income of the child
 employee is in the position of a real exceeds P50,000.00, a bond has to be posted by the
parents concerned to guarantee the performance of the
party to the master policy
obligations of a general guardian.
 employees is the true source of the
benefits, which are a form of additional
compensation to them  It must, however, be noted that the second
 enables the employees to carry a larger paragraph of Article 225 of the Family Code
amount of insurance than they could speaks of the "market value of the property or
otherwise, and helps to attract and hold the annual income of the child," which means,
a permanent class of employees therefore, the aggregate of the child's property or
annual income; if this exceeds P50,000.00, a
 Even granting for the sake of argument that the bond is required.
special powers of attorney were in due form,
 There is no evidence that the share of each of the
Insular Life was grossly negligent in delivering
the checks, drawn in favor of the petitioners, to a minors in the proceeds of the group policy in
party who is not the agent mentioned in the question is the minor's only property. Without
special power of attorney such evidence, it would not be safe to conclude
that, indeed, that is his only property
 Nor can we agree with the opinion of the public
respondent that since the shares of the minors in
the insurance proceeds are less than P50,000.00,

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