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Problem Set 1
Econ 140, Spring 2018
Due in class on Th February 1. No late Problem Sets accepted, sorry!

Instructions: Include names and SIDs of the members of your study group and the name
of the single GSI for all of you. When asked to solve a question using Stata, write the solution
on your answer sheet and also attach a printout of the relevant portion of your .do and/or
.log file. Include all intermediate steps and clearly indicate the solution on your printout
(i.e. different color, box, etc.). Staple your answer sheets – otherwise it will not be accepted.

Problem 1. Golden State Warriors.

The 2015-16 season was historic for Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors. They fin-
ished the regular season with a 73-9 record, which beat out the Chicago Bulls 1995-96 record
of 72-10 for the best regular season record in NBA history. This question takes a statistical
look at the business of pro basketball. The accompanying Stata dataset PS1data(NBA).dta
contains information on 269 NBA players for one specific season. Here is a description of
some of the variables in the dataset:

Variable Description
wage player’s salary for the season in thousands of nominal dollars
exper number of years in the league
age age of the player
coll years of college completed
games number of games played that season
minutes total number of minutes played in the season
guard dummy indicator whether player plays guard position
forward dummy indicator whether player plays forward position
center dummy indicator whether player plays center position
points season average number of points per game played
rebounds season average number of rebounds per game played
assists season average number of assists per game played

(a) To begin with, test whether players who play the guard position are paid the same
as other players. Be sure to report the results of your test including the t-statistic
and p-value. [For those unfamiliar with American basketball, players are classified as
playing one of three positions: guard, forward and center.]

(b) Do NBA players who complete college degree get paid more or less than those who do
not? Test this hypothesis. [Hint: Define a new variable degree to indicate whether the
player completed 4 or more years of college.] Explain your results.

(c) The Oakland A’s are not the only local team using statistics to try and improve their
records. 1 The Warriors do so as well. In this spirit, compute the productivity of each
player in terms of the average number of points scored per minute of playing time.
Note that the variable points is itself an average per game for the sampled season.
Test whether guards are as productive as players who play other positions in this

(d) Players do more on the court than just put the ball in the hoop. They also rebound
the ball and assist other players. Data on these two measures are given as a per-game
average alongside points. Find the sample covariances and correlations between the
three performance variables: points, rebounds, and assists.

(e) To take all the performance measures into account, create a performance index as a
weighted sum of the three measures: index = points+rebounds+2∗assists. Using this
index, test whether guards have the same performance as players at other positions.

(f) Finally, NBA general managers are very interested to know whether they are getting
their money’s worth, so want to know whether players are over or under paid given
their performance. Compute a variable equal to the performance index per $1,000 of
salary and again test whether guards are paid the same relative to performance as
other positions.

Problem 2. Crime on campus.

Crime on campus has become a critical national policy issue. This question explores some
data collected about crime on a random sample of U.S. colleges and universities in 2001.
The accompanying dataset PS1(campus crime).dta contains the following variables:

Variable Description
enrollment number of full-time enrolled undergrad and grad students
private 1 if the school is private, and 0 if the school is public
police number of full-time equivalent campus police officers
crime number of confirmed on-campus crimes per year

The A’s manager, Billy Bean, was the central figure in Michael Lewis’ book “Moneyball” and the
subsequent movie starring Brad Pitt.

(a) Using Stata, complete the following table. [Hint: use the “detail” option on Stata’s
“summarize” command.]

Enrollment Police Crime

Number of observations
Sample mean
Sample median
Sample standard deviation
Sample skewness
Mean, if public
Mean, if private

(b) Use Stata to compute the sample covariance and correlation between enrollment, police,
and crime. [Hint: use the Stata “correlate” command.] Do the values you find make

(c) Test the hypothesis that the crime levels are the same in private and public schools by
performing a t-test for equality of means of two subsamples. Is there a difference at
the 5% level? At the 1% level? Do your conclusions depend on whether you assume
the same and different variances for the two types of schools? Explain.

(d) Since it is likely that more crimes occur on bigger campuses, generate a new variable
called “crimerate,” defined as the number of crimes per 1,000 students. Test whether
private and public schools have different crime rates (allowing for potentially unequal
variances). Is there a difference at the 5% level? At the 1% level? Do your conclusions
depend on whether you assume the same and different variances for the two types of
schools? Explain.

Problem 3. Post Katrina employment in New Orleans.

The following table has information about home location and employment status of New
Orleans residents taken from the U.S. Current Population Survey in August 2006, a year
after hurricane Katrina inflicted severe damage on the Gulf Coast. Observations are made
on 249 randomly selected survey respondents who had to evacuate their home due to the
hurricane. The table entries are the number of survey respondents.

Employed Unemployed Total

Returned to pre storm address 139 8 147
Have not yet returned 79 23 102
Total 218 31 249

(a) Create another table with the joint and marginal probabilities associated with this
sample. Create another table with the conditional distribution of employment status
given whether or not the resident has returned to their home.

(b) Using this last table find the expectation of a resident being employed, conditional on
returning to their home. To do this, assign values to the two variables: 1 = returned
to home and 0 = did not; 1 = employed and 0 = unemployed. Using the same table,
confirm the law of iterated expectations.

(c) Compute the sample covariance of return status and employment status.

(d) Is current employment status statistically independent of the return status? Along
with part (c), what does this say about the relationship between return status and
employment status?

(e) Give two plausible reasons that could explain the difference in employment status
between the residents who returned to their homes and those who did not.

Problem 4. Pollution.
For this question, use the Stata data set on the course website called PS1(pollution).dta.
It contains information on the gross domestic product (GDP) and yearly CO2 emissions of
214 countries for the year 2010. 2 You will find that the variable names clearly indicate
what they measure, e.g., “co2pc” is CO2 per capita.

(a) The variable oecd is a dummy indicator of each country’s membership in the Organi-
zation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): 1 = a member in OECD,
0 = not a member. The OECD consists of several dozen of the largest, most devel-
oped economies in the world. Compare the sample mean and standard deviation of
per capita GDP between the OECD and non-OECD countries. Do the same with per
capita CO2 emissions.

(b) Conduct t-test of whether the sample means of CO2 emissions per capita are signif-
icantly different between the OECD and non-OECD countries. Did you choose to
assume variances of the two groups were equal or unequal. Explain why.

In the remaining parts, we will explore the relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions.
This relationship has also been called the “Environmental Kuznets Curve.” 3
The original data are from World Development Indicators (
If you are interested in learning more about the EKC, refer to the Wikipedia page: http://en.

(c) Approximate the growth rates of GDP and CO2 by first generating variables that are
the natural logarithms of the two variables. Why would we examine the growth rates
instead of the absolute levels of emissions and GDP?

(d) Next, create a scatter plot of the logarithms of the two variables created in part (c),
placing the GDP growth rate on the X-axis and the CO2 emissions growth rate on the

(e) Some countries with relatively high GDP might argue that their large population size
– rather than carbon-intensive technology – drives high emissions. As a quick test on
this claim, draw a scatter plot with the growth rates of per capita GDP on the X-axis
and the growth rates of per capita emissions on the Y-axis. Compare the resulting
figure with the previous figure in part (d). Do you think the claim of the high-GDP
countries is convincing? Explain.

Problem 5. Wages in Los Angeles.

The file PS1(LA wages).dta contains information on several indicators for about 800 workers
in the Los Angeles metropolitan area: hourly wages (wage), years of schooling (education),
gender (female), years of work experience (exp), US citizen status (citizen), African-American
status (black), and Hispanic origin (hispanic). The sample is taken from the 1990 Census of

(a) What is the mean wage in the sample? Compute the inter-quartile range of the sample.

(b) Construct a histogram of the wage variable. [Hint: you can use the histogram com-

(c) Is the distribution skewed in any way? How could you determine this statistically?

(d) Wages and earnings are often studied by first taking logarithms. Transform wage by
taking its natural logarithm and then repeat part (a).

(e) Compute the frequencies of years of schooling (education) [Hint: command tabulate].
How many workers have at least an 8th grade education?

(f) Construct a scatter plot of ln(wages) and years of schooling. [Hint: plot ln(wages) on
the Y-axis and education on the X-axis.]

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