2009 - Forensic of Fire Structures
2009 - Forensic of Fire Structures
2009 - Forensic of Fire Structures
doi: 10.1680/cien.2009.162.5.12
brickwork & masonry; concrete
structures; materials technology
Forensic engineering
of fire-damaged
Jeremy Ingham
MSc, DipRMS, CEng, MInstNDT,
EurGeol, CGeol, CSci, FGS,
There has never been a greater need for buildings, tunnels and
other infrastructure to be assessed for damage following fires.
is senior materials engineer at
Halcrow in London Even after a severe fire, structures are often capable of being
repaired rather than demolished. This paper describes the role of
forensic engineers in the investigation of fire-damaged structures
constructed in concrete, steel and masonry. Forensic-engineering
procedures described include on-site inspection and testing
techniques, laboratory testing and structural fire analysis. The design
and implementation of repairs is also discussed.
Every day in the UK alone, insurers pay out in include offices, warehouses and schools. In
excess of £2 million in commercial fire claims. recent years a number of notable fires have
Consequently there is a persistent requirement occurred during construction of multi-storey
for structures to be forensically assessed for fire buildings, when formwork and falsework has
damage to ensure safety and enable appropriate caught fire (Figure 1). Other common scenarios
repairs to be planned and executed. Building involve non-building structures, for example
structures most likely to be subjected to fire vehicle fires in car parks or tunnels.
Fires occur in structures with a wide range
of different construction systems, which use
different types or combinations of materials for
their structural members. Hence, the forensic
investigator must understand the effect that
heating has on a variety of different construc-
tion materials (Figure 2). This paper describes
forensic-engineering procedures suitable for fire-
damage assessments of structures constructed
from concrete, steel and masonry.
In the aftermath of a fire the focus is on
immediate measures for securing public safety.
In the UK, the fire brigade will usually secure
the building and may call in the local building-
control officer to make an assessment of the
stability of the structure. The building-control
officer may require parts of the structure to
be demolished or stabilised before anyone else
can enter. The responsible person, as defined
in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order,1
is required to assess whether the building is
deemed safe.
The fire-and-rescue authority can request
that compliance with the requirements of the
fire-safety order is demonstrated. The author-
ity has the powers to take enforcement action
where requirements of the order are breached
or where a serious risk to life exists. Often the
authority will also be notified by the police,
which may investigate arson.
Once the immediate concerns have been dealt
with, the insurer or owner may commission an
investigation of the damage. These parties will
often have a major interest in finding the most Figure 2. Fire in a skyscraper where the fire affected various different types of construction material
cost-effective solution for repairing the struc-
ture. In the most concise terms, the assessment,
design and repair of fire-damaged structures
consists of the following stages
n preliminary inspection
n assessment of damage
n testing and detailed assessment
n design of repairs to structural elements
n implementation of structural repairs.
Assessment of fire-damaged
The scene of apparent devastation that results
from a significant fire (Figure 3) can be mis-
leading. Methodical assessment is required to
determine correctly the degree of damage and
condition of the structure. Guidance for the
assessment of the effects of fire can be found in
The Institution of Structural Engineers publica-
tion Appraisal of Existing Structures.2
The aim of an assessment of a fire-damaged
structure is to propose appropriate repair meth-
ods or to decide whether demolition of elements
or the whole structure is more appropriate. The
assessment process should determine the degree
and extent of damage to structural elements. Figure 3. View of the interior of fire-damaged reinforced concrete structure showing a spalled slab soffit and
burnt formwork debris
The assessment would usually be used to direct-
issn 0965 089 X ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2009, 162, No. CE5 13
ly assess the quality and condition of structural of steel are cut out using an angle grinder or
members by a combination of saw. Table 1 lists a range of tests suitable for use
in fire-damage assessment programmes.
n visual inspection and hammer soundings As an alternative or addition to inspection
n non-destructive testing and testing, predictive fire-engineering tools,
n sampling of materials and subsequent labo- such as empirical equations or computer model-
ratory testing. ling used in design, can be used to assess the
fire severity in the structure. These predictions
The result of the assessment will be a damage are based on the fire load in the building, venti-
classification, which may be used in the selec- lation conditions, compartment size and shape
tion of appropriate repair techniques. Ideally and properties of wall linings.
this should be provided on drawings showing An estimate of the fire time–temperature
Figure 4. Removing concrete using a hammer the actual condition of the fire-damaged struc- curve can be based on the heat-release, the char-
and chisel to determine the depth of damaged ture. The assessment needs to provide sufficient acteristic temperatures at flashover, the expected
concrete (courtesy Brian Cole) information to finally prepare detailed drawings gas temperatures during a fully developed phase
with instructions on how to repair the structure. of the fire and the area of window openings
An assessment programme will consist of providing ventilation to the fire. An assessment
on- and off-site work. Prior to undertaking on- with a finite-element computer fluid-dynamics
site inspection the investigator must be satisfied program might then allow hot spots to be
that the structure is safe to enter. Temporary determined. Once a credible time–temperature
falsework or props may be required to secure distribution within the compartment has been
individual members and stabilise the structure determined, an assessment of the temperatures
as a whole. The primary on-site investigation within the concrete is possible without relying
technique is visual inspection, which records solely on site inspections and laboratory testing.
such features as collapse, distortion, deflections, As a result of heat transfer analysis it may be
degree of damage to materials and smoke dam- possible to reduce the amount of testing.
age. A small hammer may be used to conduct Based on the findings of the assessment, deci-
a tapping survey of element surfaces that will sions regarding any reduced load-bearing capac-
detect hollow sounding delaminated material. ity to the structure can be made. Instrumented
Simple invasive investigation techniques such load tests can be used to confirm whether or not
as using a hammer and chisel may also be used load capacity has been impaired. Load tests can
(Figure 4). also be used to investigate the efficacy of repairs
A site-specific classification scheme for the in structural terms.
damage would normally be devised. A number
of complimentary non-destructive testing Concrete structures
(NDT) techniques can be used to assess mate-
rial strength in situ. Also, samples of damaged Guidance for the assessment of fire-damaged
material and undamaged references may be concrete structures is given in Concrete Society
removed for laboratory investigation. Concrete technical report 68.3 When considering the
and masonry samples are typically obtained by effects of fire on structural concrete elements,
diamond drilling of cores or by careful extrac- the deleterious reactions undergone by both
Figure 5. Taking core samples at a fire-damaged
tion of lump samples (Figure 5), while samples concrete and any reinforcement bars or pre-
brick building
stressing tendons must be considered. In this
section, concrete will be considered while rein-
Table 1. Test method options for assessment of fire-damaged structures forcement will be discusssed in the following
Test location Test type Test method Structural material
section. Heating of concrete in a fire causes a
progressive series of mineralogical and strength
Concrete Steel (including Masonry
reinforcement) changes that are summarised in Table 2.
The strength of concrete after cooling varies
On-site Non-destructive Visual inspection 3 3 3
depending on temperature attained, the heating
Endoscope survey 3
duration, mix proportions, aggregates present
Hammer soundings 3 3 3
and the applied loading during heating. For tem-
Rebound hammer 3 3 peratures up to 300°C, the residual compressive
Ultrasonic testing 3 3 3 strength of structural-quality concrete is not sig-
Magnetic particle imaging 3 nificantly reduced, while for temperatures greater
Partially destructive Breakout/ drilling 3 3 than 500°C the residual strength may be reduced
Load test 3 3 3 to only a small fraction of its original value. The
Laboratory Petrographic examination 3 3 temperature of 300ºC is normally taken to be
Metallography 3
the critical temperature above which concrete is
deemed to have been significantly damaged.
Hardness test 3
Spalling of the surface layers is a common
Compressive strength 3 3
effect of fires and may be grouped into two or
Tensile strength 3 more types. Explosive spalling is erratic and
14 ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2009, 162, No. CE5 issn 0965 089 X
Forensic engineering of
fire-damaged structures
issn 0965 089 X ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2009, 162, No. CE5 15
Steelwork and steel reinforcement steel in concrete eventually causes buckling and
residual defections of the structural element.
Significant loss of strength of steel may occur The effect of high temperature is more critical
while the steel is at high temperature. However, on prestressing steel than on reinforcing steel.
recovery of yield strength after cooling is gener- At temperatures of 200–400ºC, steel prestress-
ally complete for temperatures up to 450°C ing tendons show considerable loss of strength
for cold-worked steel and 600°C for hot-rolled (>50% loss at about 400°C). In terms of re-use,
steel. Above these temperatures, there will be a a more important factor is the effect of heat
loss in yield strength after cooling. upon the tension of the steel. Loss of tension
For structural steelwork the adequacy of fire may be contributed to by loss of elastic modu-
protection will play an important part in the out- lus in the concrete, increased relaxation due to
come of a fire. The effects of heating may include creep and non-recoverable extension of tendons.
reduction in physical properties, distortion, axial The first stage of assessing fire damage of
Figure 8. Fire-damaged brickwork exhibiting red shortening of columns, over-stressing of bolts, steelwork is on-site visual inspection looking for
discolouration of the brickwork mortar5 connections and welds.8 Heating of reinforcing defects such as buckling, bowing, twisting and
distortion of elements. Close on-site examination
may be undertaken for evidence of overheating
such as changes in metallographic grain struc-
ture. Samples may be cut from steel members
and bolts removed for more accurate laboratory
metallographic examination and hardness test-
ing. Loads due to heating may weaken bolts and
welds, so that in-situ weld testing by ultrasonic
or magnetic particle imaging is often required.
To assess fire damage of steel reinforcement
in concrete, the visual assessment is usually
backed up by taking samples laboratory testing.
This typically comprises testing for yield, elonga-
tion and tensile strength with the results being
compared with the relevant standard for the
grade of steel concerned.
16 ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2009, 162, No. CE5 issn 0965 089 X
Forensic engineering of
fire-damaged structures
suffer from smoke staining or blackening. proposed reinstatement and repair works. structures start with the removal of loose mate-
Water used to fight the fire or water that has In general the design of the repaired sec- rials for safety reasons. With historic structures,
ingressed due to compromised weatherproofing, tions of the building should comply with cur- efforts are usually made to retain as much of
may cause salt effluorescence on surfaces and rent codes of practice. However, the damaged the original material as possible by using vari-
leaching of mortars. structure may have been designed to out of date ous consolidation techniques. It is desirable
The changes caused by heating of various types codes of practice. Consequently, it may be nec- – and an essential requirement when dealing
of natural stone are shown in Table 4. The most essary to formulate a strategy for the structural with historic buildings – to match the original
important are the red discolouration caused by design of the repaired section of the building, materials to ensure compatibility.
oxidation of iron compounds which commences which is compatible with the original design. Severely damaged masonry units and mortars
at around 300ºC. The red discolouration Also, limitations may be imposed on the restora- are replaced in order to maintain structural
corresponds with the onset of significant strength tion of listed buildings. integrity. Damage to any embedded metal
loss and it can be used to detect the 300ºC The designer should prepare key plans of cramps or fixings must also be considered in the
thermal contour in a similar manner to concrete. each area showing the location of the repair repair scheme.
Other important heat-induced changes in stone work. In addition to the design drawings and
include cracking or shattering of quartz resulting details, the designer should prepare detailed Conclusions
from the α- to β- quartz phase transition at 573ºC material and workmanship specifications for the
and the calcination of limestone and marble at repair work. These should include full informa- Fire-damaged structures are often capable of
800–1000ºC. tion on the repair materials and the means for being repaired rather than replaced. Engineers
On-site investigation of fire-damaged ensuring quality control. can successfully assess fire-damaged structures
masonry largely consists of visual survey Regarding repair, at best members may need using a range of forensic-engineering techniques
and hammer tapping. For cavity brick walls, no structural repair as they have sufficient and specify well-informed repair solutions.
endoscope surveys prove useful for investigating residual strength, and at worst demolition will As an alternative to demolition this can provide
the condition of wall ties and insulation. Stone/ be required. Concrete element repair will usu- substantial savings in capital expenditure and also
brick and mortar samples taken on-site can ally include three main processes, the first being savings in consequential losses, by permitting ear-
successfully be petrographically examined to removal of damaged concrete by using either lier reuse and reoccupation of structures.
determine the depth of fire-damage (Figure 9). power breakers or water jetting. After a severe
fire it is likely that the second process will com- References
Design and implementation of repairs prise removal of weakened reinforcement and 1. The Stationery Office. The Regulatory Reform
connection of new reinforcement. The final part (Fire Safety) Order. Stationery Office, London,
Repairs to fire-damaged structures should of the repair stage will comprise reinstatement 2005, Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 1541.
provide the strength, fire resistance, durability of concrete (Figure 10) to provide adequate 2. Institution of Structural Engineers. Appraisal
of existing structures, 2nd edn. ISE, London, 1996.
and appearance appropriate to the proposed use structural capacity, the necessary durability and 3. Concrete Society. Assessment, Design and
and projected design life of the building. The fire resistance, and an acceptable appearance. Repair of Fire-Damaged Concrete Structures. The
intended use for the structure and the objec- Structural steelwork may be strengthened Concrete Society, Camberley, 2008, technical
tives for the repair should be agreed with the by welded stiffeners or replaced completely report 68.
building owner before commencing the design or in part. In addition steelwork may require 4. Ingham J. P. and Tarada F. Turning up the heat
- full service fire safety engineering for concrete
of the repair work. In addition, the local author- replacement of fire protection and corrosion structures. Concrete, 2007, October, 27-30.
ity should be consulted regarding the need for protection systems. 5. Ingham J. P. Assessment of fire-damaged con-
approval under the Building Regulations for the Repair techniques for fire-damaged masonry crete and masonry structures: the application of
petrography. Proceedings of the 11th Euroseminar
on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Porto,
5-9 June 2007.
6. ASTM International. Standard Practice for the
Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete.
American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, USA, 2004, ASTM C856-04.
7. British Standards Institution. Testing Hardened
Concrete, Part 3: Compressive Strength of Test
Specimens. BSI, London, 2002, BS EN 12504.
8. Robery P. After the fire: testing to minimise
refurbishment costs. Construction Maintenance and
Repair, 1991, May/June, 17–21.
9. Chakrabarti B., Yates T. and Lewry A. Effect
of fire damage on natural stonework in build-
ings. Construction and Building Materials, 1996,
10, No. 7, 539–544.
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