31E00700 Labor Economics:: Matti Sarvimäki 8 Nov 2012

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31E00700 Labor Economics:

Lecture 4
Matti Sarvimäki

8 Nov 2012
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

First Part of the Course: Outline

1 Supply of labor

1 static labor supply: basics

2 static labor supply: benets and taxes
3 intertemporal labor supply

2 Demand for labor

3 Labor market equilibrium

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Labor demand is  derived demand

Firms hire workers and buy capital to produce goods and

services that consumers want

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Labor demand is  derived demand

Firms hire workers and buy capital to produce goods and

services that consumers want

Labor demand is important

strong demand leads to high wages and low unemployment

... and subject to a lot of regulation

minimum wages, maximum hours, safety regulation,

anti-discrimination laws etc.

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Labor demand is  derived demand

Firms hire workers and buy capital to produce goods and

services that consumers want

Labor demand is important

strong demand leads to high wages and low unemployment

... and subject to a lot of regulation

minimum wages, maximum hours, safety regulation,

anti-discrimination laws etc.

Today we will study demand for labor in the

short-run (rms can adjust only labor inputs)

long-run (rms can adjust all inputs)
and the impact of maximum hours policy on employment

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Labor and Capital
Decreasing Marginal Product of Labor (aka André must go)
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Marginal and average product

The total product curve gives the relationship between output and the number
of workers hired by the rm (holding capital xed). The marginal product curve
shows the output produced by each additional worker, and the average product
curve shows output per worker.

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Labor Demand in the Short-Run
Firm's problem
pf E , K − wE − rK

{E }

p the price of the output, f E , K is the production function, E

where is

employee-hours, K the (xed) capital stock, w wage rate and r rental

rate of capital
Labor Demand in the Short-Run
Firm's problem
pf E , K − wE − rK

{E }

p the price of the output, f E , K is the production function, E

where is

employee-hours, K the (xed) capital stock, w wage rate and r rental

rate of capital

pfE E , K =w

i.e. value of the marginal product of labor, VMPE = pfe (), equals the
price of the unit of labor.
Labor Demand in the Short-Run
Firm's problem
pf E , K − wE − rK

{E }

p the price of the output, f E , K is the production function, E

where is

employee-hours, K the (xed) capital stock, w wage rate and r rental

rate of capital

pfE E , K =w

i.e. value of the marginal product of labor, VMPE = pfe (), equals the
price of the unit of labor.

This yields the short-run labor demand curve for the rm
Esrd =E w , p, K

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Labor Demand in the Short-Run





Number of Workers
1 4 8

A prot-maximizing rm hires workers up to the point where the wage rate
equals the value of marginal product of labor (left panel). This corresponds to
the marginal cost of production being equal to the output price (right panel).

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Labor Demand in the Short-Run





Number of Workers
1 4 8

A prot-maximizing rm hires workers up to the point where the wage rate
equals the value of marginal product of labor (left panel). This corresponds to
the marginal cost of production being equal to the output price (right panel).
For example, if the wage is $22, the rm hires eight workers. However, if the
wage is $38, the value of average product of labor would be less than the wage
→ the rm does not hire anyone

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Firm-level short-run labor demand curve
δ Esr
δw < 0 (downward sloping due to decreasing marginal cost)
δ Esr
δp > 0 (increase in output price → higher value of marginal product)
δ Esr
> 0 (more capital → higher marginal product)
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Short-run labor demand curve (industry)




15 28 30 Employment 30 56 60 Employment

If the wage rate falls, all the rms in the industry will increase their output. As a
result, the price of the output will decrease and labor demand will adjust downwards
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Labor Demand in the Long-Run
Firm's problem
max pf (E , K ) − wE − rK
{E ,K }

[as before, but now the rm chooses the level of labor and capital]
Labor Demand in the Long-Run
Firm's problem
max pf (E , K ) − wE − rK
{E ,K }

[as before, but now the rm chooses the level of labor and capital]
The FOCs are pfE (E ∗ , K ∗ ) = w and pfK (E ∗ , K ∗ ) = r , hence

fE (E ∗ , K ∗ ) w
fK (E ∗ , K ∗ ) r
i.e. the slope of the isoquant curve equals the slope of the isocost line
Labor Demand in the Long-Run
Firm's problem
max pf (E , K ) − wE − rK
{E ,K }

[as before, but now the rm chooses the level of labor and capital]
The FOCs are pfE (E ∗ , K ∗ ) = w and pfK (E ∗ , K ∗ ) = r , hence

fE (E ∗ , K ∗ ) w
fK (E ∗ , K ∗ ) r
i.e. the slope of the isoquant curve equals the slope of the isocost line

Duality: We get the same result from solving

min wE + rK s.t. fk (E , K ) = q0
{E ,K }
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Isoquant Curves



ΔE Employment

All capital-labor combinations that lie on a single isoquant produce the same
level of output. The input combinations at points X and Y produce q9 units of
output. Combinations of input bundles that lie on higher isoquants must
produce more output. The slope of the isoquant curve corresponds to the
marginal rate of technical substitution
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Isocost Lines


Isocost with Cost Outlay C1


Isocost with Cost Outlay C0

C0/w C1/w Employment

All capital-labor combinations that lie on a single isocost curve are equally
costly. Capital-labor combinations that lie on a higher isocost curve are more
costly. The slope of an isoquant equals the ratio of input prices − wr .
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

The Firm's Optimal Combination of Inputs






100 Employment

A rm minimizes the cost of producing q0 units of output by using the

capital-labor combination at point P, where the isoquant is tangent to the
isocost. All other capital-labor combinations (such as those given by points A
and B) lie on a higher isocost curve.
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Impact of Wage Decreas on the Long Run

Demand for Labor

1 Scale eect: The rm takes advantage of the lower price of

labor by expanding production

2 Substitution eect: The rm takes advantage of the wage

change by rearranging its mix of inputs

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

The Impact of a Wage Reduction
(Holding Costs Constant)



75 P



Wage is w1
Wage is w0

25 40

A wage reduction attens the isocost curve. If the rm were to hold the initial
cost outlay constant at C0 , the isocost would rotate around C0 and the rm
would move from point P to point R. A prot-maximizing rm, however, will
not generally want to hold the cost outlay constant when the wage changes.
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

The Impact of a Wage Reduction on the Output

and Employment of a Prot-Maximizing Firm

Dollars Capital


p R


100 150 Output 25 50 Employment

A wage cut reduces the marginal cost of production and encourages the rm to
expand (from producing 100 to 150 units). The rm moves from point P to
point R, increasing the number of workers hired from 25 to 50.

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Substitution and Scale Eects






Wage is w1
Wage is w0

25 40 50 Employment

A wage cut generates substitution and scale eects. The scale eect (from P
to Q) encourages the rm to expand, increasing the rm's employment. The
substitution eect (from Q to R) encourages the rm to use a more
labor-intensive method of production, further increasing employment.
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Short- and Long-Run Demand Curves


Demand Curve

Demand Curve


In the long run, the rm can take full advantage of the economic opportunities
introduced by a change in the wage. As a result, the long-run demand curve is
more elastic than the short-run demand curve.
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Elasticity of Substitution

The elasticity of substitution

∆ (K /E ) ∆ (w /r )
σ= /
K /E w /r
i.e. the percentage change in the capital to labor ratio given a percentage
change in the price ratio (wages to real interest).

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Elasticity of Substitution

The elasticity of substitution

∆ (K /E ) ∆ (w /r )
σ= /
K /E w /r
i.e. the percentage change in the capital to labor ratio given a percentage
change in the price ratio (wages to real interest).

Interpret as the percentage change in the capitallabor ratio

given a 1% change in the relative price of labor to capital

Example: If the elasticity of substitution is 5, then a 10%

increase in the ratio of wages to the price of capital would
result in the rm increasing its capital-to-labor ratio by 50%.

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Elasticity of Substitution: The Extreme Cases

Capital and labor are perfect substitutes (σ = ∞) if the isoquant is linear (two
workers can always be substituted for one machine). The two inputs are perfect
complements (σ = 0) if the isoquant is right-angled (the rm then gets the
same output when it hires 5 machines and 20 workers as when it hires 5
machines and 25 workers)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Marshall's Rules of Derived Demand

Long-run elasticity of labor demand
δLR = = ×
∆w /w ∆w ELR

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Marshall's Rules of Derived Demand

Long-run elasticity of labor demand
δLR = = ×
∆w /w ∆w ELR
Marshall's Rules: Labor Demand is more elastic (δLR larger) when
elasticity of substitution is greater (see above)
elasticity of demand for rm's output is greater
(higher wages lead to higher prices → elastic demand means large cut in
output → rms cut employment heavily)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Marshall's Rules of Derived Demand

Long-run elasticity of labor demand
δLR = = ×
∆w /w ∆w ELR
Marshall's Rules: Labor Demand is more elastic (δLR larger) when
elasticity of substitution is greater (see above)
elasticity of demand for rm's output is greater
(higher wages lead to higher prices → elastic demand means large cut in
output → rms cut employment heavily)
the labor's share in total costs of production is greater
(if production is labor intensive, even a small increase in wages
substantially increases marginal cost of production)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Marshall's Rules of Derived Demand

Long-run elasticity of labor demand
δLR = = ×
∆w /w ∆w ELR
Marshall's Rules: Labor Demand is more elastic (δLR larger) when
elasticity of substitution is greater (see above)
elasticity of demand for rm's output is greater
(higher wages lead to higher prices → elastic demand means large cut in
output → rms cut employment heavily)
the labor's share in total costs of production is greater
(if production is labor intensive, even a small increase in wages
substantially increases marginal cost of production)
the supply elasticity of other factors of production is greater
(more expensive to substitute workers to capital if the price of capital is
very responsive to demand for capital)
31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Factor Demand with Many Inputs

Many dierent inputs

Skilled and unskilled labor, old and young workers, old and
new machines...

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Factor Demand with Many Inputs

Many dierent inputs

Skilled and unskilled labor, old and young workers, old and
new machines...

Cross-elasticity of factor demand

∆xi /xi
∆w j /w j
i.e. the percent change in the demand for input i given a percentage change in
the price of input j

Substitutes: cross-elasticity positive

Complements: cross-elasticity negative

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

The Demand Curve for a Factor of Production is

Aected by the Prices of Other Inputs

Price of Price of
input i input i

D1 D0
D0 D1

Employment of Employment of
input i input i

The labor demand curve for input i shifts up if the price of a substitutable input
rises (left panel) and down if the price of a complement rises (right panel)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?


Many people believe that the amount of work is xed

If so, unemployment follows from not sharing this work equally

→ decreasing working hours will help the unemployed

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?


Many people believe that the amount of work is xed

If so, unemployment follows from not sharing this work equally

→ decreasing working hours will help the unemployed

Hunt (1999) examines the issue empirically by focusing on a

reduction of standard hours in Germany

Identication problem: Many things can happen simultaneously

with the working hours reform (e.g. business cycle)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?


Many people believe that the amount of work is xed

If so, unemployment follows from not sharing this work equally

→ decreasing working hours will help the unemployed

Hunt (1999) examines the issue empirically by focusing on a

reduction of standard hours in Germany

Identication problem: Many things can happen simultaneously

with the working hours reform (e.g. business cycle)
Solution: Exploit the fact that cuts in regulard hours were
made on industy-by-industry basis

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?


Many people believe that the amount of work is xed

If so, unemployment follows from not sharing this work equally

→ decreasing working hours will help the unemployed

Hunt (1999) examines the issue empirically by focusing on a

reduction of standard hours in Germany

Identication problem: Many things can happen simultaneously

with the working hours reform (e.g. business cycle)
Solution: Exploit the fact that cuts in regulard hours were
made on industy-by-industry basis
Takeaway: (a) hours ↓, (b) wages ↑, (c) statistically
insignicant estimates for employment eect

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?


German unions negotiate industry level minimum wages,

regular hours, vacations...
(agreements also bind non-union members)
After a IG Metall strike in 1984 regular hours for metalworkers
reduced from 40 to 38.5 starting from 1985

Other unions followed

(and IG Metall pushed metalworkers hours to 35 by 1995)
Hours cuts accompanied with full wage compenstation
(not clear what this means)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Firm's problem
max g (h, N , K ) − whN − fN − pw (h − hs ) N − rK
{h,N ,K }

where g () is the production funtion, h hours per worker, N number of workers, K
capital, w wages, f a xed-cost of hiring a worker, p overtime premium, hs standard
hours (anything above this is overtime) and r rental rate of capital.
Firm's problem
max g (h, N , K ) − whN − fN − pw (h − hs ) N − rK
{h,N ,K }

where g () is the production funtion, h hours per worker, N number of workers, K
capital, w wages, f a xed-cost of hiring a worker, p overtime premium, hs standard
hours (anything above this is overtime) and r rental rate of capital.

Marginal costs of an extra worker and hour

MCN = wh∗ + f + pw (h∗ − hs )

MCH = (1 + p ) wh∗
Firm's problem
max g (h, N , K ) − whN − fN − pw (h − hs ) N − rK
{h,N ,K }

where g () is the production funtion, h hours per worker, N number of workers, K
capital, w wages, f a xed-cost of hiring a worker, p overtime premium, hs standard
hours (anything above this is overtime) and r rental rate of capital.

Marginal costs of an extra worker and hour

MCN = wh∗ + f + pw (h∗ − hs )

MCH = (1 + p ) wh∗

The impact of an reduction in hs (Fig. 1)

1 h > hs : N ↓ (substitution from workers to hours, scale eect,

substitution from labor to capital)
2 h∗ < hs : N ↑ (substitution from hours to workers, scale eect,
substitution from capital to workers)
Three estimation equations (Sect VI)

ln it = β2 hsit + β3 hsit −1 + ui + vt + it
ln yit = β2 hsit + β3 hsit −1 + ui + vt + β1 t + it
ln yit = β2 hsit + β3 hsit −1 + ui + vt + β1 t + β4 wit −1 + it

where yit is employment or hours at industry i at period t , , hs is standard

hours hours at this industry at period t , ui is a set of industry-level xed-eect,

vt is a set of time eects, β1 t captures industry-specic trends and wit −1 is the

nominal bargained wage in the previous quarter

Identifying assumptions (dif-in-dif )

timing of standard hours reduction independent of time-specic

unobservables → deviations from common time-eects (after conditioning on
time-invariant industry-eects) caused by the treatment
Spec. as , but allowing for industry-specic trends
Spec. : as , but also conditioning on industry-level bargained wages
(probably should not do this as wages likely aected by standard hours)
Three estimation equations (Sect VI)

ln it = β2 hsit + β3 hsit −1 + ui + vt + it (1)

ln yit = β2 hsit + β3 hsit −1 + ui + vt + β1 t + it (2)

ln yit = β2 hsit + β3 hsit −1 + ui + vt + β1 t + β4 wit −1 + it (3)

where yit is employment or hours at industry i at period t , , hs is standard


hours hours at this industry at period t , ui is a set of industry-level xed-eect,

vt is a set of time eects, β1 t captures industry-specic trends and wit −1 is the
nominal bargained wage in the previous quarter
Identifying assumptions (dif-in-dif )

Spec. 1: timing
of standard hours reduction independent of
time-specic unobservables → deviations from common time-eects (after
conditioning on time-invariant industry-eects) caused by the treatment
Spec. 2: as 1, but allowing for industry-specic trends
Spec. 3: as 2, but also conditioning on industry-level bargained
wages (probably should not do this as wages likely aected by standard hours)
Impact on Employment (Table V)
Col 1, last row
point estimate: one hour decrease in standard hours decreases
employment by 3.8 percent
however, standard error is 3.6 percent → no statistically signicant
Cols 2 and 3: similar results
IV is used here to correct for attenuation bias due to measurement
error (not selection)
note that measurement error always leads to a bias towards zero
but this can be corrected if one has two independent measures of
the same thing (one measure used as an instrument for the other)
Cols 4 and 5: weighting by industry size reduces the estimates
not clear why to weight (treatment is at industry-level)
the dierence between unweighted and weighted results simply tells
you that less was going on in larger industries
.... and the dierence between the results from alternative
specications are not statistically signicant anyways
Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Impact on Employment (Table VI)

Point estimates on col 12 suggest that one hour reduction in

standard hours decreases employment by 56 percent among
men (statistically signicant)

Hunt: this is too large to be plausible

As we discussed in the rst lecture, underpowered studies
produce either insignicant or very large estimates (see Gelman,
Weakliem (2009): Of Beauty, Sex and Power, American Scientist 97)
Some point estimates for women (col 56) suggest positive
employment eects, but these are not signicant

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Impact on Actual Hours (Table VII)


one hour reduction from 40 hours is 2.5 percent → a

coecient of 0.025 for standard hours implies one-for-one
reduction in actual hours
a coecient of zero would imply no eect on actual hours (i.e.
full shifting to overtime)

Results (cols 13): 0.024 (s.e. 0.003)

Estimates for men smaller implying some shifting to overtime

(consistent with employment results)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Impact on Actual Hours (Tables I and II)

These estimates based on individual-level panel data

y =actual hours or overtime dummies, D =standard hours

Cols 13: β = 0 implies no eect on actual hours (full shifting to
overtime); β = 1 complete pass-through to actual hours
Col 1: Cross-sectional variation
Col 2: Within-individual variation
Col 3: Within-individual variation + IV to correct for
measurement error in reported standard hours

Col 4: β < 0 implies an increased likelihood to work overtime as hs

decreases, β = 0 implies no eect
Col 5: β<0 implies an increased likelihood to work undertime as
hs decreases, β=0 implies no eect

Takeaway: One hour reduction in standard hours reduces actual

hours by 0.881 hours

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?

Impact on Wages (Table III)

Here no claims for causality

Wages and hours jointly determined

Future reductions in standard hours may be anticipated in
bargaining process

Still informative about correlation between standard hours and


Results: One hour reduction in standard hours associated with

22.4 percent increase in hourly wage → monthly pay remains
roughly constant (for a person not working overtime)

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?



most/all reduction in standard hours transfered to actual hours


hourly wages increase when standard hours decrease

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

Introduction Short-Run Long-Run Does Work-Sharing Work?



most/all reduction in standard hours transfered to actual hours


hourly wages increase when standard hours decrease


This study does not have enough data to really tell what
Nevertheless, a reasonable working hypothesis is that
work-sharing does not increase employment
Additional evidence: Crépon, Kramarz (2002, JPE) conclude
that an one-hour reduction of the workweek decreases
employment by 24%

31E00700 Labor Economics: Lecture 4 Matti Sarvimäki

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