Voices of Israel at 70 - Shabbat Shirah Lyrics
Voices of Israel at 70 - Shabbat Shirah Lyrics
Voices of Israel at 70 - Shabbat Shirah Lyrics
J A N U A R Y 2 7 , 2 0 1 8 • 1 1 S H E VAT 5 7 7 8
“Eelu finu maleh shirah kayam, ul’shoneinu rinah
kahamon galav.”
“If only our mouths were as full of song as the sea, and our tongues
joyful as its waves.” (appears at the end of P’sukai D’zimra, verses
of praise during the Shabbat morning preliminary service).
Like much of our prayer book, this verse may be as old as the eighth
century, most likely written in Babylonia. The verse epitomizes, in
a beautiful and poetic way, the powerful strength that music has
and how it can move us beyond words, cognitive thoughts and
ideas. In a modern age of highly intellectualized messages, many
transmitted through electronic devices, music combined with our
ancient Jewish ideas and poetic expressions can lift us and take us
away from it all. As a Jew, I use Hebrew for purposes of
communication and expression, but beyond, the ancient language
of our people offers an enigmatic musicality all of its own. When
combined with music, the encounter can be quite thrilling. Jewish
music is an opportunity to bring to our communities an enchanting
language, combined with music of all different generations, new
and old. It is an opportunity to teach history and culture, and to
connect generations with our ancient heritage and story. It is a
vehicle to keep telling the story and to bring us closer to one
another, and to God.
Let’s celebrate!
} (2X)
Arava arava ad keitz,
Ein habokrim tara
Lo arar lo dardar lo eitz
ruach ba hamidbara
El hamidbar yisa’enu
Al dab’shot g’malim.
Al tzav’re’hem,
Y’tzaltzelu pa’amonim g’dolom.
Uva’u Ha’ovdim
Music: Shlomo Carlebach
Lyrics: Isaiah 27:13
Uva’u haovdim
B’eretz ashur
V’hanidacheem b’eretz Mitzrayim
V’hishtachavu LaShem
B’har hakodesh b’Yerushalayim
Music: David Weinkranz
Lyrics: Psalm 128:5-6
Ki Mi Tziyon
Music: Shlomo Carlebach
Lyrics: Liturgy
Sisu et Yerushalayim
Music: Akivah Nof
Lyrics: Isaiah 66:10, 62:6
Sisu et Yerushalayim
Gilu va kol ohaveha.
Al chomotayich ir David
Hifkad’d’ti shomrim,
Kol hayom v’chol halaila.
Verse 1
Avir harim tzalul kayayin,
V’rei’ach auranim.
Nisa b’ruach ha’arbayim,
Im kol pa’amonim.
Yerushalayim shel zahav,
V’shel nechoshet v’shel or,
Halo l’chol shirayich Ani kinnor. (2X)
O, Jerusalem of gold,
And of light and of bronze,
I am the lute for all your songs. (2X)
Verse 2 (Naomi Shemer reworked this verse after the 6-day war)
Chazarnu el borot hamayim,
Lashuk velakikar,
Shofar koreh behar habayit,
Ba’ir ha’atikah.
Yerushalayim shel zahav,
V’shel nechoshet v’shel or,
Halo l’chol shirayich Ani kinnor. (2X)
O, Jerusalem of gold,
And of light and of bronze,
I am the lute for all your songs. (2X)
5. Halleluyah
Music: Kobi Oshrat
Lyrics: Shimrit Or
Halleluyah la’olam.
Halleluyah yashiru kulam,
B’milah achat bo-d’da,
Halev maleh b’hamon todah,
V’holem gam hu eizeh olam niflah.
Halleluyah im hashir,
Halleluyah al yom shemei’ir,
Halleluyah al ma shehaya yah,
Umashe’od lo haya, Halleluyah.
Halleluyah la’olam,
Halleluyah yashiru kulam,
V’ha’inbalim hag’dolim,
Yehad’hadu b’hamon tzlilim,
V’itanu hem yomru Halleluyah.
Halleluyah im hashir,
Halleluyah al yom shemei’ir,
Halleluyah al ma shehaya yah,
Umashe’od lo haya, Halleluyah.
Halleluyah al hakol.
Hallelu al Machar v’etmol,
Halleluyah ut’nu yad b’yad,
V’shiru im lev echad, Halleluyah.
Halleluyah im hashir,
Halleluyah al yom shemei’ir,
Halleluyah al ma shehaya yah,
Umashe’od lo haya, Halleluyah.
Halleluyah, continued
6. Hatikvah
Music: Samuel Cohen (1888)
Lyrics: Naftali Herz Imber (1878)
Od lo avdah tikvateinu,
Hatikvah bat sh’not alpa’yim.
Li’h’yot am chofshi b’artzeinu,
Eretz Tziyon Vi’y’rushalayim.
Li’h’yot am chofshi b’artzeinu,
Eretz Tziyon Vi’y’rushalayim.
Carol Ambrogio-Wood
Erin Ben-Moche
Kate Connolly
Martha Pergament
Lisa Agazzi
Annie Klark
Catherine Lykins
Sarah Resnick Cohen
Armand Banooni
Darin DeWeese
Brian Leduc
Joel Ben-Moche
Kurt Frank
Tom Shilakes