Metrology 2

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The key takeaways are that metrology is the science of measurement and different tools like rules, tapes, calipers and gauges are used to take accurate measurements in mechanical fabrication.

The different types of measuring instruments discussed are rules and tapes, calipers, vernier height gauges, and dial gauge indicators.

A vernier height gauge is used by cleaning the surfaces, checking the gauge, loosening the clamping screws to position the workpiece, lowering the scriber to contact the workpiece, and tightening the screws before taking a reading from the main and vernier scales.


Learn the basic metrology skills of
measuring instruments and practice by
handling them on real mechanical

Metrology can be defined as science of

measurement or a system of measurement.

Metrology includes all theoretical and practical

aspects of measurement.In mechanical
fabrication, we need to measure the product to
make sure the dimension is same as the
requirement as shown in mechanical design etc.
 3.1 Rules and Tapes
The simplest way to perform
measurements is using rules or tapes.
There are several types of rules and tapes
with respect to the way of usage. Using
the rules or tapes, we can measure either
small objects or large objects, short or
long objects. However, with these tools we
can only measure with a modest accuracy.
Fig.1-1 Rules and tapes
3.2 Calipers

 Calipers are used to determine the

dimension of thicknesses, diameters and
distance between two surfaces. Simple
calipers need to be used with a scale or
rule to determine the measurement
because calipers are not equipped with
scale. The calipers you will most
commonly use are shown in Fig.1-2.
Fig.1-2 Simple Calipers
Fig.1-3 Using Calipers
Steel Rule Measurement
The most commonly used steel rule is the 6" rule. Although
rules come in 6-inch increments (Example: 6", 12", 18", 24",
and 36" lengths), the 6-inch rule is the most popular because
it fits into the apron pocket easily. It also comes in various
widths and thicknesses to meet varying requirements as will
be seen in the slide series.
Increment Divisions
There are four basic divisions that are found on a
fractional inch rule. These are 1/64, 1/32, 1/16 and
1/8 of an inch.
Let's look at each graduation a little closer. A 1/64"
graduate scale mean that in a 1-inch length, there
are 64 lines dividing the 1-inch length (Figure 3).

Figure 3
These are the smallest graduations on the rule,
therefore making the accuracy of a steel rule 1/64".
This is sometimes argued by some of the metal
workers who say they can measure to within ±.003
with the rule. They are right for they have worked
with it a long time and have become masters at
reading the graduations. However, the rule is only
intended to measure to 1/64" accuracy, and other
instruments are used to measure to closer
The next set of graduations is the 1/32" scale
which divides a 1-inch length into 32 divisions. A
1/32 division is equal to 2/64 divisions (Figure 4).

(Figure 4).
The 1/16" scale divides a 1-inch length into 16
divisions and is a total of 4/64 or 2/32 graduations
(Figure 5).

(Figure 5).
The 1/8" scale divides a 1-inch length into 8 equal
divisions and is a total of 8/64, 4/32, or 2/16
graduations (Figure 6).

(Figure 6).
As you can see, a combination of two or
more of the various graduations will make up
a larger graduation. The same holds true with
graduations larger than 1/8". Any
combination of the four different sized
graduations will give a reading up to the 1-
inch length. Figure 7 is a decimal equivalent
chart that shows all the various fractions
possible in one inch.
Fig: 7
As can be seen on the chart, 3/8" is only given as
3/8". It is not 24/64", 6/16", or 12/32". Any of these
fractions does equal 3/8", but it is reduced to its
lowest terms. Another example would be 7/16".
This could be given as 14/32" or 28/64", but these
are not in their lowest terms.
Also, the 1/2 division, the 3/4 division and 1-inch
division are not read as 8ths, 64ths, 32nds, or 1/16
even though they are made from these
combinations. They are read as 1/2", 3/4", or 1
inch. Now that you have this information under
your belt, let's look at how a rule should be used.
Reading Decimal Inch Rules

Many industries use

decimal notations which
is simply dividing the
English inch into ten parts
or multiples of ten parts
such as 40 or 100. A
decimal rule is used to
provide decimal
measurements (Figure
Decimal inch dimensions are specified and read as
thousandths of an inch. Decimal rules, however are
not graduated in thousandths, but are typically
graduated into 1 /10", 1/50", or 1 /100" (figure 16). A
typical decimal rule may have 1/50" graduations on
one edge and 1 /100" graduations on the other
edge. As the inch is divided into 10 equal parts,
each graduation is 1 /10" or 100/1000" (one hundred
thousandths of an inch). On the edge that is divided
into 1/50", each 1 /10" increment is further divided
into 5 equal parts, making the value of each of these
divisions .020 (twenty thousandths) of an inch. The
edge that is divided into 1 /100", each inch is divided
into 100 equal parts, with each part equal to 1 /100
or 10/1000 (ten thousandths) of an inch.
Figure 16. 100ths graduation decimal rule.
Examples of Decimal Inch Readings

 Distance "A" falls on the second marked

graduation. Thus the reading is 2 /10 or
200/1000" (0.200) inch.
 Distance "B" falls on the ninth graduation
beyond the .20 graduation and thus can be read
only on the 1 00th,, scale. The reading is .200"
plus .09" or .290". This distance cannot be read
on the .50 rule because the discrimination on
this scale is not sufficient
Distance "C" falls on the second mark past the .600" line. This reading is .600"
plus.020" or .620". Since .020 is equal to 1/50 of an inch, it can be read on
either rule.
Distance "D" falls three marks past the first full inch mark- The reading is 1.00"
plus .030" or 1.030".
Reading Metric Rules
Many products are made in metric dimensions and require workers to be able
to use a metric rule. The typical metric rule has millimeter (mm) and half-
millimeter graduations (figure 18). Meters are typically divided into centimeters
(1 /100 meter) and millimeters (1 /1000 m). All metric measures are expressed
in mm. Thus 1.5 meters (m) would be 1500mm.

figure 18
Examples of Reading Metric Rules
Distance "A" falls at the 22nd
graduation on the mm rule. The reading
is 22 mm. Figure 19. Millimeter
Distance "B" falls at the 12th rule with .5 mm
graduation on the mm rule. The reading graduations.
is 12 mm.
 Distance "C" falls at the half-mm mark
between 31mm and 32 mm. The
reading is 31mm plus one half mm or
 Distance "D" falls one half mm past
the 4 cm graduation. Since 4 cm are
equal to 40mm, the distance is
3.3 Vernier Caliper
Vernier calipers are generally used in situations where
measurement of dimensions using a rule or tape is not
accurate enough. The vernier caliper, shown in Fig. 1-4, is
a combination of a standard caliper and a steel rule. The
main body of the instrument includes the main scale with a
fixed anvil at one end. This carries a sliding anvil that is
provided with a second, vernier scale. This second scale is
shorter than the main scale and is divided into units that are
slightly smaller than the main scale units but related to
them by a fixed factor. Determination of the point where the
two scales coincide enables very accurate measurements
to be made. With a single vernier caliper we can measure
the dimensions of inner diameters, outer diameters and
also depths of holes or slots. Vernier calipers usually have
2 types of dimension scale; millimeter and inch. Most of the
time we will use the millimeter scale.
Fig.1-4 Vernier Caliper

Internal jaws - Measure inner diameters

External jaws - Measure outer diameters

Depth blade - Measure depths

FIG : Reading The Vernier Caliper

1. See the measurement on the main scale which is indicated by the zero on
the vernier scale.Look at the (fig: 1-5)shows that zero on the scale
pointing between 13mm and 14mm.
2. See where the position of the main scale and vernier is coincided.
Fig: 1-5,shows that boths scale coincide on 42.
3. Total measurement : 13.00 + 0.42 mm = 13.42mm

• Indicated – menandakan,menunjukkan.
• Coincided – selari,sama,serentak.
Example: a)
Example: b)
Figure 1 : The reading here is 3.7 mm.
Figure 1 : The reading here is 15.8 mm.
Figure 4: The reading is 37.46 mm.
Figure 5: The reading is 34.60 mm.
Figure 6: The reading is 40.00 mm.
Try the following for yourself.

Figure 7: 30.88 mm
Figure 8: 8.10 mm
Figure 9: 121.68 mm
Micrometer is a measuring instrument for making precise
linear measurement of dimensions such as inner and outer
diameters,thicknesses, depths and lengths of solid bodies. It
consists of a C-shaped screw frame with a movable
jaw/anvil operated by an integral. The fineness of the
measurement that can be made depends on the lead of the
screw (amount that spindle moves toward or away from the
anvil in one revolution). Most micrometers are capable to
measure lengths with an accuracy of 1/100 millimeter.
Basically, there are three types of micrometer; their names
are based on the applications:
 Outside Micrometer
 Inside Micrometer
 Depth Micrometer
3.4.1 Outside Micrometer
Outside Micrometer which is commonly called micrometer
is used to measure outer diameters,thicknesses and

a) b)

Fig.1-7 (a) Outside Micrometer; (b) Using outside micrometer

In figure 11 the last graduation visible to the left of the thimble is 7 mm and the thimble
lines up with the main scale at 38 hundredths of a millimetre (0.38 mm); therefore the
reading is 7.38 mm.

Figure 11: The reading is 7.38 mm.

In figure 12 the last graduation visible to the left of the thimble is 7.5 mm;
therefore the reading is 7.5 mm plus the thimble reading of 0.22 mm, giving
7.72 mm.

Figure 12: The reading is 7.72 mm.

Figure 13: The reading is 3.46 mm.
In figure 13 the main scale reading is 3 mm while the reading on the drum is
0.46 mm; therefore, the reading is 3.46 mm.
Figure 14: The reading is 3.56 mm.
In figure 14 the 0.5 mm division is visible below the main scale; therefore the
reading is 3.5 mm + 0.06 mm = 3.56 mm.
Try the following for yourself.

Figure 15: 5.80 mm

Figure 16: 3.09 mm
Figure 17: 0.29 mm
The metric micrometer looks very similar to
a standard inch micrometer until you look
at the graduations on the sleeve and the
barrel (Figure 1).

Figure 1 0-25 millimeter micrometer

There are two separate
Figure 2 When reading a metric
rows of lines on the
micrometer you have to remember to
sleeve of the metric
add the half-millimeter graduations of
micrometer (Figure 2).
the upper row to the reading.

The lower row represents whole millimeter graduations. The upper row
represents one-half millimeter. Each complete turn of the thimble moves the
spindle ½ millimeter (0.5 mm). The circumference of the thimble is separated
into 50 equal divisions (Figure 2) or .01 mm.
Reading the Metric Micrometer
To read the metric micrometer, first read the number
of whole millimeters on the bottom row of the sleeve
of the micrometer (Figure 3). These are the whole
millimeters. If there is an additional line uncovered
on the top row, this is equal to one-half a millimeter
(Figure 3). So 0.5 mm would need to be added to
the measurement. Then add the thimble reading to
whole and half millimeter sleeve readings. Refer to
figures 3, 4, and 5 and try to read the measurements
before looking at the answer in the figure
Figure 3 Metric micrometer reading equals 23.15 millimeters

23 whole divisions are uncovered = 23 millimeters.

0 millimeters divisions are uncovered = 0.0 millimeters
15 0.01 millimeter divisions line up on the thimble = 0.15 millimeters.
Figure 4a Metric micrometer reading equals 18.60 millimeters.

18 whole divisions are uncovered = 18 millimeters.

0.5 millimeters division is uncovered = 0.5 millimeters
10 0.01 millimter divisions line up on the thimble = 0.10 millimeters
Figure 4b Metric micrometer reading equals 15.63 millimeters

15 whole divisions are uncovered = 15 millimeters.

1 0.50 millimeters division is uncovered = 0.5 millimeters
13 0.01 millimter divisions line up on the thimble = 0.13 millimeters
Reading the Vernier Metric Micrometer

 The vernier metric micrometer has the ability to

measure to two thousandths of a millimeter
(0.002-mm). 0.002 mm is equivalent to
approximately 0.00008 of an inch.
 The vernier is graduated in increments of 0.002
mm starting and ending with 0 (Figure 5).
 If either 0 on the vernier graduation scale lines
up with the thimble reading, no additional
thousandths of a millimeter are added to the
Figure 5 The two-thousandths vernier scale line that lines up with
the graduated line on the thimble is added to the reading. In this
case 0.006 mm must be added.
The reading of the vernier metric micrometer is accomplished by
adding the whole millimeter, the half-millimeter, and the hundredths of a
millimeter just as before. To this reading is added the number of two-
thousandths of a millimeter, which is read off of the vernier scale
(Figure 5).

Figure 6 Metric micrometer reading equals 15.584 millimeters.

15 - whole divisions are uncovered = 15 millimeters.

1 - 0.50 millimeters division is uncovered = 0.5 millimeters
8 – 0.01 millimter divisions line up on the thimble = 0.08 millimeters.
4 – vernier divisions line up on the vernier scale = 0.004
The reading line on the sleeve is
graduated above the line in milimeters
(1.0mm) with every fifth millimeter
being numbered from 0 to 25. Each
millimeter is also divided in half (0.5
mm) below the reading line. It requires
two revolutions of the thimble to
advance the spindle 1.0 mm
The beveled edge of the timble is
divided into fifty equal parts,with each
line representing 0.01 mm and every
fifth line being numbered from 0 to 50.
Rotating the thimble from one of these
lines to the next moves the spindle
longitudinally 0.01 mm; rotating two
divisions represents 0.02 mm, etc.
Inside micrometer is use to measure
inside diameters of solids bodies. It has
the same principles as outside micrometer
where measurement could be done by
rotating the thimble until the inside jaws
firmly touch the inner part of the specimen.
In the case of measuring holes,
micrometers are inaccurate if there is any
ovality in the hole, unless the diameter is
measured at several points

Fig 1-8 a) Inside micrometer b) Using inside micrometer

Figure 1 Inside micrometer set
Using the Inside Micrometer

When using the inside

micrometer it is necessary to rotate the
head end of the micrometer in an
axially direction as well as up and
down (Figure 4), all the while adjusting
Figure 4 When possible, hold the
the head to the proper feel. Rotating the
reference end of the inside
head in this manner assures that the
micrometer in one hand while
micrometer is accurately centralized in
rotating and adjusting the
the part. The inside micrometer, in
micrometer head.
most cases, is removed from the part
while the actual reading is being done.
For this reason the barrel lock is
relatively snug to retain the reading.
Calibration of the Inside Micrometer
The inside micrometer must be calibrated before each use and after changing
rods. The calibration must be done against a known standard, such as an
inspection ring. If an inspection ring is not available, a properly calibrated
outside micrometer may be used (Figure 6).

Ring Gage Outside Micrometer

Figure 6 Checking the calibration of the inside micrometer against
a known standard
Micrometer is use to measure depth or holes ,etc.


Fig: 1-9 a) Depth micrometer b) Using depth micrometer

The depth micrometer is an accurate and reliable
tool to use for depth measurement (Figure 1). The Figure
depths of holes, slots, shoulders, and projections 1 Typical
can be measured accurately to within 0.001 of an depth
inch. micrometer
When using a depth micrometer, two points must
be kept in mind. Depth micrometers measure
Figure 2 Measuring
from a reference plane to a point. The large base
distance is from the
of the depth micrometer (Figure 2) makes up the
reference plane to the
reference plane. The very small area of the
contact point.
measuring rod makes up the point of contact.
With a depth micrometer it is important that the area
in which the reference base of the depth micrometer
makes contact with the workpiece is clean and free
Figure 3 Depth
of dirt or burrs.
micrometers read
The other aspect of the depth micrometer, which
from the right to the
must always be kept in consideration, is that it reads
in reverse from other micrometers
(Figure 3).
Depth micrometers can be purchased with a number
Figure 4 Additional
of different length rods, allowing the measuring tool
rods can be purchased
to be used over a broader range of depths (Figure 4).
in a variety of lengths.
The head movement of the depth micrometer is
one inch. Whenever you use the micrometer, with Figure 5 The depth
the existing rod or to different length rods, check micrometer is checked
the accuracy of the depth micrometer against a for accuracy before
known standard (Figure 5). every use.
Measuring Drilled Holes
When measuring the depth of a drilled hole, it is
important to measure at the outside wall of the hole
to obtain the depth of the full diameter portion of the
Figure 6 Drilled holes
hole (Figure 6).
are typically measured
Hold the measuring rod next to the wall of the drilled
to full diameter depth
hole to assure an accurate full diameter depth

Read a measurement
for micrometers can be
done by adding the
reading the
measurement boths of
thimble and sleeve.
Fig : 1 -10 Reading measurement

Refer to the Fig:1-10

Read the scale of sleeve= 3.25 mm
Read the scale of thimble= 0.15 mm
Add both numbers for overal measurement. 3.40 mm
Others sample

Fig.1-11(a),(b) Samples of measurement

Adjusting Micrometers
Adjustments to micrometers are rarely
needed, but in some cases adjustments
may be necessary. Before any adjustments
are made to any measuring instruments,
you must first make sure that the instrument
is clean and in good condition. Also, in
some manufacturing environments,
adjustments to measuring instruments can
only be done by the inspection department.
Clean the micrometer by lightly closing a piece of
paper between the anvil and spindle surfaces of the Figure 1 Cleaning
micrometer. Slide the paper out from between the the measuring
surfaces and blow out any paper residue that clings surfaces of the
to the spindle or anvil (Figure 1). micrometer.
Bring the spindle and anvil
Figure 2 Use the same gaging force when
together using the ratchet or the
checking the micrometer as you would use
friction thimble (Figure 2).
when measuring a part.
Check the zero point on the barrel
Figure 3 If the zero point and the
against the index line located on the
index line are not in alignment, an
sleeve (Figure 3).
adjustment is necessary.
If an adjustment is necessary, use the
Figure 4 Adjustments to the spanner wrench, which was included with
micrometer are made with the the micrometer, to turn the sleeve until the
spindle and sleeve in contact line on the sleeve coincides with the zero
with one another. line on the thimble (Figure 4).
If any play has developed in the spindle screw threads
due to wear on the spindle, adjustments to the spindle
nut may be necessary. To adjust the spindle nut, back Figure 5 Back off the
off the thimble until the spindle nut is visible thimble until the
(Figure 5). spindle nut is visible.
Insert the spanner wrench in the slot of the
Figure 6 Use caution
adjusting nut and tighten just enough to take out
not to over-tighten the
the play (Figure 6).
spindle nut


The height vernier gauge is

used in thelayout of jigs and
fix vernier caliper mounted
on a flat base. On a bench, it
is used to check the location
of holes and surfaces. It
accurately measures and
marks off vertical distances
from a plane surface.
Reading measurement of
height vernier is same as
reading the measurement on
the ordinary vernier caliper.
Fig:1-12 Height Vernier

Di dalam topik ini, pelatih terlebih dahulu didedahkan

dengan pengenalan kepada Tolok Tinggi Vernier. Bahagian-
bahagian Tolok Tinggi Vernier dan kegunaannya. Ia juga
menerangkan mengenai cara-cara menggunakan Tolok
Tinggi Vernier dengan betul serta penjagaannya.


Tolok Tinggi Vernier adalah salah satu daripada alat

pengukuran jitu yang digunakan untuk mengukur
ketinggian bendakerja kepada ketepatan 0.02mm atau
0.001 inci. Tolok ini juga digunakan untuk membuat
tandaan garisan lurus atau menegak sebagai tanda rujukan
untuk melakukan proses-proses seperti memotong dan
menebuk bendakerja.
Tolok Tinggi Vernier digunakan untuk :-

1. Menanda pada ukuran yang dikehendaki

2. Mengukur ketinggian
3. Memeriksa dan menguji keselarian pada mata
alat pemotongan Machine Miling. (cutting)
Bahagian- Bahagian Tolok Tinggi Vernier
Bahagian- Bahagian Tolok Tinggi Vernier

A Badan (Beam)
Terdapat skala-skala yang sama seperti Skala Utama pada Vernier
Caliper. Unit-unit skala ini adalah dalam metrik dan imperial.
Bacaan terkecil yang boleh dibaca ialah 1mm.
B Tapak (Base)
Diperbuat daripada besi tuang (cast iron). Tapak ini adalah berat
kerana berfungsi untuk menstabilkan ketinggian Beam.
C Penggarit (Scriber)
Diperbuat daripada keluli tahan karat (stainless steel). Hujungnya
disalut dengan karbida untuk mendapatkan garisan yang halus dan
tahan haus.
D Nat Pelaras Halus (Fine Adjusting Nut)
Boleh dilaras untuk mendapatkan ukuran yang paling tepat sehingga
E Gelangsar (Slider)
Bahagian di mana terdapat skala vernier untuk mendapatkan ukuran
sebenar bendakerja. Tepat sehingga 0.02 mm atau 0.001 inci.
50 senggatan pada Skala vernier = 49mm pada Skala utama

1 senggatan pada Skala vernier = 49mm x 1 senggatan

50 senggatan
= 0.98mm

Perbezaan di antara vernier scale dan main scale

= 1.00mm – 0.98mm
= 0.02mm

Ini bermakna bacaan terkecil yang dibaca pada

Tolok Tinggi Vernier ialah = 0.02mm
F Nat Pengunci Gelangsar
(Slider Locking Nut)

Untuk mengunci kedudukan Slider pada

kedudukan bacaan yang dikehendaki sebelum
garisan dibuat.

G Skru Pelaras Sifar (Zero Setting Screw)

Bacaan dilaraskan pada kedudukan ‘0’ dengan

menggunakan Zero Setting Screw sebelum
kerja-kerja penandaan dibuat.
Kegunaan Tolok Tinggi Vernier
i) Membuat garisan selari dengan permukaan bendakerja
sebagai tanda rujukan

ii) Mengukur ketinggian bendakerja.

a) Membuat garisan yang selari dengan permukaan “ surface

plate “ ( sebagai garisan rujukan )
Jika sesuatu benda kerja hendak di potong ,kita perlu
membuat satu garisan selari sebagai tanda.
b) Menguji ketinggian bendakerja dengan menggunakan
v block sebagai penahan tepi.
Boleh juga digunakan sebagai alat bantuan semasa kerja-
kerja pengukur.
Menggarit Bendakerja Menggunakan Tolok Tinggi Vernier

2 bahagian yang hendak digarit ialah :-

 Tebal bendakerja
 Permukaan bendakerja

Sebelum kerja-kerja menggarit dibuat, bersihkan

permukaan bendakerja dengan kain pembersih untuk
mengelakkan dhabuk yang boleh mengubah nilai

Lihat pada skala utama nilai bacaan yang dikehendaki.

Laraskan Scriber (di set) pada ketinggian yang
dikehendaki. Buat garisan menggunakan Scriber.
Pegang Tolok Tinggi Vernier pada bahagian tapak/
base dengan menggerakkan di sepanjang bendakerja.
Prosedur menggunakan vernier Height
1. Bersihkan permukaan meja penanda, tapak vernier high
gauge dan permukaan bendakerja.

2. Uji atau periksa dahulu vernier height gauge sebelum

memulakan kerja penandaan.

3. Longgarkan Fine Adjusting Nut dan Slider Clamping

Screw untuk mengukur ketinggian bendakerja. Naikkan Slider tinggi
sedikit sebelum bendakerja diletakkan dan diukur.
Letakkan bendakerja dibawah Scriber dan turunkan bahagian Slider
perlahan-lahan sehingga mencecah ke permukaan bendakerja.
Ketatkan Fine Adjusting Nut dan Slider Clamping Screw sebelum
nilai bacaan dicatat.

4.Tolakkan Slider ke atas lebih tinggi sedikit daripada ketinggian

bendakerja. Untuk mendapatkan ukuran, turunkan Slider
menyentuh permukaan bendakerja.
Vernier Height Gauge perlu dijaga supaya ia dapat mengekalkan
ketepatannya dengan cara:-
 Bersihkan tapaknya terlebih dahulu sebelum dan selepas
 Asingkan vernier height gauge semasa menyimpannya dari alatan
lain kerana alatan lain boleh menjejaskan ketajaman scribber
disebabkan scribber tidak boleh dicanai semula kerana ia boleh
menjejaskan ketepatannya. Jadi , ia hanya perlu diganti dengan yang
lain apabila ia haus atau tumpul / sumbing.
 Jangan menghentakkannya ke atas benda-benda lain kerana ia akan
menyebabkan ketepatannya terjejas.
 Gunakan permukaan yang rata sahaja untuk meletakkan tapak
vernier high gauge.
 Setelah digunakan , bersihkan dan letakkan minyak sebelum
disimpan di dalam kotak yang dikhaskan.
Cara Mengambil Bacaan Pada Tolok Tinggi
 Laraskan Zero Setting Screw untuk mendapatkan bacaan ‘0’
sebelum kerja-kerja penandaan dan pengukuran dibuat.
 Untuk membaca nilai bacaan pada Tolok Tinggi Vernier :-

 Longgarkan Adjusting Nut untuk mendapatkan ukuran tepat
sehingga 0.02mm.
 Laras bacaan Slider dengan pergerakan sedikit perlahan.
 Ketatkan nut yang telah dilonggarkan apabila nilai bacaan
 Lihat bacaan ‘0’ pada skala vernier, ia mestilah selari dengan
senggatan pada skala utama. Catat nilai bacaan yang diperolehi
pada skala utama.
 Lihat senggatan pada skala vernier yang selari dengan skala
utama. Catat nilai bacaan yang diperolehi pada skala vernier. 1
senggatan skala vernier mewakili 0.02mm.
 Tambah nilai bacaan pada skala utama dan skala vernier.
Kemudian catat nilai bacaan yang diperolehi.

 Bacaan pada skala utama = 120 mm

 Bacaan pada skala vernier = 0.5mm
 Jumlah bacaan = 100.00 + 0.5
= 120.5mm
Cara bacaan pada Tolok Tinggi Vernier

Cara bacaan adalah sama dengan bacaan pada vernier caliper.

Sila lihat rajah sebelah:
a.Bacaan pada skala utama (main scale): 70.50
b.Bacaan pada skala vernier : 0.16
Bacaannya ialah = 70.50 + 0.16= 70.66mm.
3.6 Dial Gauge Indicator
The Dial Gauge Indicator as shown in
Fig:1-13,consists of a spring loaded
probe that drives a pointer around a
circular scale via rack and pinion
gearing. Typical measurement
resolution is 0.01 mm. When used to
measure the height of objects, it is
clamped in a retort stand and a
measurement taken of the height of the
unknown component. Then it is put in
contact with a height vernier gauge that
is adjusted until the reading on the dial
gauge is the same.

Fig: 1- 13 Dial Gauge Indicator

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