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Five Pillars of Dangerous Drugs Board

Drug Supply Reduction Strategy Enhancement of Law Enforcement Programs

The supply reduction strategy  Provision of financial support for the Specialized Training for Police
employs programs and activities in Officers Narcotics Intelligence and Investigation in Accordance with R.A.
the Enhancement Programs, 9165
Regulatory Compliance, Judicial and
Legislative Measures, and Sectoral Regulatory Compliance
Capability-Building Programs.
 Issuance of certificates of exemption, import and export permits, licenses
and other documents allowing companies to import or export dangerous
drugs or controlled chemicals and their preparations
 Reclassification of dangerous drugs and precursors
 Seminar on R.A. 9165 and Board Regulations Update for Pharmacists,
Medical Practitioners and Allied Professionals

Judicial and Legislative Measures

 Crafting of proposals and issue comments for the amendments of R.A.

 Seminar-Workshop on the Effective Prosecution of Drug Related Cases for
Drug Demand Reduction Strategy Preventive Education Programs and Activities

Programs under this strategy  Barkada Kontra Droga (Peer Groups Against Drugs)
include Preventive Education,  Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program
Capability-Building, Treatment and  National Youth Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention
Rehabilitation, and Relevant  Livelihood Programs for Out-of-School Youth
Researches and Studies  Self-Discovery Seminar for Kids
 Parent-Teachers and Community Association Against Drug Abuse
 Seminar-Workshop on Parent Youth Against Drug Abuse
 National Training on Effective Drug Abuse Prevention Program in the
 Drug Abuse Prevention Program for Transport Groups

Capability-Building Programs

 Training of Trainors on Enhancing Life Skills on Drug Abuse Prevention

 Training of National Service Training (NSTP) Program Implementers on
Drug Abuse Prevention Education
 Regional Training on Organizing Resource Speakers Bureau on Drug Abuse
 Regional Training of Trainors on Primary Prevention Research
 Regional Anti-Drug Summit for Health Workers
 Seminar on the Integration of Drug Abuse Prevention on Primary Health
 Programs for the families of Overseas Filipino Workers
 National Congress of Anti-Drug Abuse Councils
 Interfaith Programs on Drug Abuse Prevention Education
 Systematic Training for Effective Parenting

Treatment and Rehabilitation

 Providing financial support for the construction, maintenance and

operation of Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (DTRCs)
 Affording rehabilitation facilities’ upgrade to aid in the enhancement of
drug abuse prevention programs
 Improvement in the Processing of Voluntary Submission and Compulsary
Confinement of Drug Dependents
 Updating the DTRCs registry of rehabilitation program enrollees for
culling in the Integrated Drug Abuse Data and Information

Relevant Researches and Studies

 Conduct surveys to determine the magnitude of the drug abuse problem

as basis for formulation of policies and drug abuse prevention programs
 Monitor and evaluate drug abuse prevention programs and accomplish
ample policy studies

Alternative Development Strategy

 Provision of support grants of Alternative Livelihood Projects for residents
This strategy sees the incorporation of identified marijuana cultivation sites
of poverty reduction efforts in
curbing the supply and production  Conduct of advocacy programs for communities within identified
of cannabis sativa. marijuana cultivation areas

Civic Awareness and Response

Strategy  Kids Against Drugs Program
 Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program for Grade School
Programs for this strategy bank on Pupils, Levels 5-6
the capacity of various media forms  Campus Tours of Kid Listo (DDB anti-drug abuse mascot) to supplement
and social mobilizations to enjoin Drug Abuse Prevention Education for School Children
the anti-drug abuse advocacy.  Inter-School Stage Play Competition in Several Public Schools in Metro
 Integration of Drug Abuse Prevention in the National Service Training
Program (NSTP)
 Commemoration of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking (IDADAIT)
 Observance of the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control (DAPC) Week
 Production of information-education collaterals (IEC) materials including
flyers, brochures, comics, posters and stickers
 Production of public service announcements (PSAs) and audio visual
presentations (AVPs) for airing and broadcast.

Regional and International

Cooperation Strategy  Sustained cooperation with regional and international counterparts and
involvement in the exchange of data on drug abuse prevention and
This strategy covers programs that control.
involve maintenance of linkages  Seeking international and regional venues for discussion of program
with other countries as a means of innovation by hosting assemblies and trainings.
enhancing the country’s national  Supporting Philippine prevention practitioners, law enforcers and other
program on drug abuse prevention anti-drug abuse campaign workers’ involvement in international
and control. assemblies, to ensure that national programs and projects get to
platforms where they can be enhanced, collectively evaluated and
emulated for their merit.

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