MiddleEarth Quest 2 Treason at Helms Deep Solo Adv PDF

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DEDICATION: To Christine, for the waiting.

Cover Design: Richard H. Britton

Content Editor: Peter C. Fenlon, Jr.
System Editor: Coleman Charlton
Production: Kurt Fischer, Leo LaDell, Jessica Ney, Becky
Pope, Marcia Sterrett, Suzanne Young, Kevin Barrett,
Richard Britton, Coleman Charlton, Bill Downs

Standard (British) English spellings are used throughout this


© Copyright 1988 by Unwin Hyman, Ltd., publishing successors

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Middle-earth ® and The Hobbit® are registered trademarks of
Elan Merchandising, Inc.
Other fanciful names of characters and places derived from the
works of J.R.R. Tolkien are common law trademarks used by
license from Unwin Hyman, Ltd. and Elan Merchandising, Inc.
Middle-earth Quest is a trademark property of Unwin Hyman,
The QuestGame™ System is a trademark property of Iron Crown
Enterprises, Inc. © 1985, 1988 Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc.
Produced and distributed under an exclusive worldwide license by
Kevin Barrett and Saul Peters
Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA
22902. Editor: John David Ruemmler
Managing Editor : Kevin Barrett
ISBN- 0-425-08690-9
Cover Art: Angus McBride
All Rights Reserved. Maps : Carolyn Savoy
Illustrations : Gerald Forton
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INTRODUCTION The gamebook describes hazards, situations, and
Based on the works of the greatest fantasy writer locations that may be encountered during your
of all time, Middle-earth Quest™ gamebooks in- adventures. As you read the text sections, choices
vite the reader into the world of brave and cruel will be given as to what actions to take. The text
Men, Hobbits and Elves, Ores™ and Trolls™, and section you read will depend on the directions in the
Wizards both good and evil. The continent of text and whether the actions you attempt succeed or
Middle-earth®, rich in adventure and conflict, pro- fail.
vides the perfect background for solo adventures. These text sections are listed by three-digit num-
Welcome to the fantasy and thrills of J.R.R. bers (e.g., "365"). Read text sections only when told
Tolkien's Middle-earth! to do so by the text.
Many times during your adventures you will need
to pick a number (between 2 and 12). There are
several ways to do this:
1) Turn to the Random Number Table at the end of
this gamebook, use a pencil (or pen or similar
object), close your eyes, and touch the Random
Number Table with the pencil. The number
touched is the number which you have picked. If
your pencil falls on a line, just repeat the process. CHOOSING A SYSTEM
2) Flip to a random page in the book and look at the Before starting to play, you must decide whether
small boxed number in the inside, bottom corner you want to use the QuestGame™ Basic System
of the page. This number is the number which (following this section) or the QuestGame™ Ad-
you have picked. vanced System (at the end of this gamebook). If you
3) If you have two six-sided dice, roll them. The have never read a solo adventure and have never
result is the number which you have picked. played role playing games, we suggest that you use
(You can also roll one six-sided die twice and add the Basic System and the pre-created character
the results.) provided just before the prologue. After you have
When you are instructed to pick a number and add mastered that, use the Advanced System and create
a "bonus", treat results of 12 or greater as "12" and your own character.
treat results of 2 or less as "2".
There are three ways to choose a character:
1) You can use the pre-created character provided
just before the prologue.
2) You can create your own character using the
simple Creating a Character section at the end of
this gamebook.
3) You can create your own character using MERP,
the Middle-earth Role Playing system (an ICE
product not included in this gamebook). When
using MERP, ignore the Action Table and
Combat Table provided at the end of this game-
book. Instead, use the guide-lines and tables pro-
vided in MERP to resolve "actions" and "com-
bat" (see Optional Rules at the end of this game-

After choosing a character to play and a system to
use, start your adventures by reading the Prologue
found after the rules section. From this point on read
sections as indicated by the text.
As you adventure, you will take damage from
QUESTGAME™ SYSTEM fights, traps, falls, etc. You must keep track of this
damage in terms of a total amount of Damage
TIME Taken. (Record the total in the Damage Taken
When using the Basic System, do not keep track space on your Character Record.) Only your Dam-
of time. When the text indicates a choice of encoun- age Taken total changes during play; your Endur-
ters based upon time, read the text associated with ance does not change.
the earliest time. If your Damage Taken exceeds your Endurance
(see your Character Record), you are unconscious.
If this occurred during a fight, you are defeated and
must proceed as the text indicates. Otherwise, your
adventure is over and you may begin again from the
start. If the text indicates that you "wake up",
change your Damage Taken so that it equals your
Each time you read a section of text that you have
not read before and that does not require you to pick
a number, or fight, or take an action; you may
"rest" and reduce your Damage Taken by one.

When you are instructed to pick a number and
EQUIPMENT add a "bonus", the bonus that you should add is the
appropriate "Total Bonus" in the "SKILL" section of
Whenever you acquire money and equipment,
your Character Record. Keep in mind that these
record them on your Character Record in the spaces
"bonuses" can be negative as well as positive.
provided. Silver pieces are "money" and may be
During play, you may acquire equipment or abili-
used during your adventures to pay for food, lodg-
ties that may affect your bonuses. The Special
ing, transport, bribes, etc. Certain equipment may
Bonus spaces may be used to record these bonuses;
affect your abilities. If you wish, refer to the Ad-
of course, some of the Total Bonuses will have to be
vanced System for the effects of armour and weap-
recalculated if this occurs.
c) You successfully disengage. At the begin-
TAKING AN ACTION ning of any round of combat, you may elect
When the text directs you to take an action, refer not to attack for that round. After your op-
to the Action Table at the end of this gamebook. ponent makes his attack for that round, you
Choose one of the actions listed and follow the may pick a number and add your Running
directions given. Sometimes these directions will bonus:
require you to pick a number and use the "Total
Bonuses" listed on your Character Record. • If the result is 9 or greater, you
successfully Run Away.
FIGHTING • Otherwise, you are still engaged and must
Fighting consists of a series of "rounds." During begin another round of the fight at step 4.
each "round," you attack your opponent or you (However, you may attempt to disengage
attempt to flee and your opponent attacks you. again).
Missile attacks and your Missile OB are not used in How TO RESOLVE AN "ATTACK"
the Basic System. 1) Subtract the defender's Defensive Bonus (DB)
After a fight, the text will indicate what you are to from the attacker's Melee Offensive Bonus
do next. (Melee OB) and pick a number.
If you choose to fight an opponent or the text
indicates that you must fight, the combat is resolved 2) Using the Combat Table at the end of this
in the following fashion: gamebook, cross-index the number picked (in
the vertical column on the left side of the table)
1) You attack (see below) your opponent and and the difference between the OB and the DB
then he attacks you. This is one round of the (in the horizontal row at the top of the table).
fight (two attacks, two numbers picked). If you
are surprised, reverse the order of the attacks 3) The result is the amount of damage that the
for the entire combat. defender takes (increase his Damage Taken by
that amount). The special results "U" and "K"
2) Repeat step 1, one round of the fight, until one end the combat immediately with the defender
of the following conditions occur: being knocked out (U, Unconscious) or more
a) One of you is killed (a "K" result on the rarely, killed (K).
Combat Table).
b) One of you has more Damage Taken than If the text indicates that you must fight more than
Endurance. That combatant is unconscious one opponent in a given situation, just "fight" them
and is defeated. (This can also occur due to a one at a time as indicated above.
"I1" result on the Combat Table.)
1) At various points during the adventure, you
will be told that you have acquired an "Item" or wit-
nessed an "Event" which is significant and has a
special letter assigned to it (i.e., Item A, Event C,
etc.). Make a note of these special Items and Events
on your Character Record for future reference.
2) You may not spend time healing yourself natu-
rally while you are underground during any point in
the adventure.
3) The action of this entire gamebook takes place
over the course of one day, so do not waste any time.
4) It is best if you play a human character during
this adventure, as nonhumans would be rather hard
to justify in Helm's Deep, and contradictions might
appear in the text. If you happen to be playing a
character who has gained experience through other
books in this series, you may encounter minor
inconsistencies while reading the adventure.

You may begin with a spear, shield and/or leather
armour, unless you are playing a character who has
already been developed through previous adven-
tures in this series. In that case, you may begin with
his/her familiar equipment. Regardless, you may
also have two (2) doses of a healing herb which,
when ingested at any time during play, will reduce
your Damage Taken to 0.
PROLOGUE "But our lord Erkenbrand has ridden to the Fords
The air lies still and heavy about the ancient walls of Isen with many men. Will they not prevail against
of the great keep called the Hornburg. Like the the Orcs?"
smoke of battle, fierce and boiling, clouds gather on "Erkenbrand and the Riders face more than
Orcs," Deorhere continues, furrowing his brow. "1
the horizon in the early dawn.
"A storm is coming," you mutter, more to your- have heard that Saruman has gathered the wild
Dunlending hillmen to his cause, rekindling their
self than to your companion, Deorhere.
"Aye, a storm whose thunder is armies marching, ancient hatreds. Orcs and Wargs freely prowl the
whose lightning is flashing blades, and whose rain land, searching for stragglers to torture or save for
is arrows," says Deorhere. His hands, gnarled with even viler fates. The roads are haunted by the giant
age, grasp his spear tightly as he stares out upon the wolves, and no traveller is safe!"
darkening plain. "I fear that battle will come to us Beside Deorhere, you look out from the fastness
of the Hornburg, built in the ancient days of
soon. Perhaps too soon."
Gondor's glory. A great bay in the mountains opens
away behind you. Men of the Mark have called this
fortress Helm's Deep ever since the victory of Helm
Hammerhand over the Dunlendings during the
Long Winter of legendary times. The entrance to
the Deep, Helm's Gate, separates it from the Deep-
ing Coomb, and across the Gate spans the Deeping
Wall, hopelessly undermanned. The Deeping Wall
is anchored at its northern end by the black spur of
Hornrock, upon which rests the Keep of Hornburg,
your present vantage point. As you look down you
can just see the Deeping Stream snaking around the
Hornrock, rushing through a culvert in the Deeping
Wall, thence flowing downward to the earthen
ramparts of Helm's Dike. Beyond the Dike, to the
east and north, lies Deeping Coomb shrouded in
shadow and mist.
You are worried by your friend's words. As you caw of gathering carrion birds. Even though this is
and the others now gathered at the Hornburg know, but your sixteenth winter, Gamling has put you on
the situation is desperate. The families of your sentry duty. But then again, he has little choice.
mother and father, along with most Eorlingas from You pace the battlements of the Hornburg, leav-
the Westfold, have been evacuated into the caves ing Deorhere at his post, wondering how soon you
known as the Aglarond, at the head of Helm's Deep. will see battle and prove yourself worthy of becom-
The Westfold is now in the clutches of Dunlendings ing a Rider of the Mark, a knight of the Rohirrim!
and Orcs, both of whom roam at will among the You circle the parapet of the Hornburg's outer wall,
once-peaceful homesteads and orchards of your nestled as it is under the high northern cliff. Now, to
people. your left, is a sheer drop of five man-heights to the
Presently, Helm's Deep is defended by nearly a base of the wall. In the deep shadow, you cannot
thousand soldiers, most of them too old or too quite see the stairway from the rear gate which leads
young to be taken with Erkenbrand's Riders when down to the gorge of Helm's Deep. All seems in
he sallied forth to the Fords of Isen. Gamling the Old order here.
is the garrison commander now, and a fine leader he But wait! Was that a voice, hushed, and not too
is, despite his advanced years. You are one of those distant?
left behind. True, you have not yet crossed blades Grasping a torch from the sconce on the wall
with one of the hideous Orcs from the Nan Curunir, nearby, you lean over the massive embrasure and
but you are old enough to fight and ride, and well- peer at the base of the wall. You hold the torch
trained! Your protests were not heeded. So here you behind you for now, so as not to reveal your pres-
stand, waiting and watching. At least your watch ence. But the torch is not necessary, for someone at
commander, Deorhere, is a friend who respects the foot of the Back Gate holds a lantern that,
your aptness, despite the fact that he is old enough hooded though it is, provides enough light to illumi-
to be your grandsire and has ridden with many great nate the two men standing there. You recognize one
warriors. — it is Herulf, a Rider of the Mark wounded in a
Disturbed and driven by duty, you leave foray against scouting Orcs from Isengard but a
Deorhere and walk restlessly across the ancient week ago. He is a trusted commander, left behind by
wall of the Hornburg. Behind you juts the looming Erkenbrand to serve under Gamling. But next to
mass of the three-horned peak called Thrihyrne. Herulf stands a short and swarthy man, with dark
Northernmost tip of the White Mountains, it is hair and features. One of the hillfolk he seems,
silhouetted in the lingering darkness of dawn. All is resembling a Dunlending in the half-light But if
still and quiet in the coomb save for the occasional Dunlending he be, then treachery is afoot, for hill-
growth, is shocked and fearful. In the same instant,
you realize that your face must also be clearly
visible in the light of the torch you now hold beside
you. You leap back from the edge of the wall, heart
pounding in your chest. Treason! You have discov-
ered a Rider of Rohan and a Dunlending in parley
within Helm's Deep!
Putting the torch down, you cautiously peer over
the embrasure again. But now there is nothing save
a receding dark chasm; the lantern has been extin-
guished and the men have vanished.
You clutch the stone wall and stare into the
darkness, your mind beset by confused thoughts. Is
Herulf a traitor? Does he now treacherously pass on
a map of the Hornburg's battlements? Or a battle
plan? It will indeed go ill for the defenders of the
Hornburg if a Dunlending has discovered one of the
secret ways past the Deeping Wall and into Helm's
Deep proper. On the other hand, perhaps the Dun-
lending is a traitor to his people, and Herulf is
executing some plan to trap the faithless hillmen if
they march on the Burg.
men from beyond the Gap now swell Saruman's Whatever the truth may be, the two men have
ranks. And Herulf is handing him a rolled parch- seen you. But now you must decide: pursuit or
ment! Impossible! report? Time may be of the essence! Note on your
By his base dialect, subdued though his speech Character Record that it is now Time 0 minutes of
may be, you realize that the other man is indeed a Day 1.
Dunlending, and you gasp in amazement. Herulf • If you pursue the Dunlending into the Deep,
and the man of Dunland look up in surprise, their turn to 327.
faces clearly illuminated in the light of the lantern. • If you seek out Herulf, turn to 209.
Herulf's look is stern and indignant, while the • If you continue your patrol with the intent of
stranger's, framed in a matted and twisted black reporting Herulf, turn to 141.
If you come upon them unawares and strike
quickly, you will certainly dispatch one and sur-
prise the other. If you present yourself with weapon
ready, you may capture them or allow them to
overwhelm you. You see no other Eorlingas about,
ready to give assistance. Your life lies in the bal-
ance. With eyes watering and heart pounding, what
will you do? Just at this time, the dog appears again,
100 Time: 5 hounding towards the three of you.
Quietly, you move to the nearest tower, open the • If you present yourself and tell the two to
unbolted door, and begin to pass down the spiraling surrender, turn to 111.
stair. All is silent in the pre-dawn, save the creaking • If you strike quickly, turn to 256.
of your footfalls. Soon, you reach the bottom and • If you stand there and let the dog attack you,
approach the high portal which opens out into the turn to 334.
court. If the two have not moved, they will not see
you, for their view to the door is shielded by a stable 101 Time: 5
which juts out from the inside of the outer wall "You are my friend, Deorhere, but I fear your
nearby. judgement has waned on matters of the greatest
You slip into the courtyard, and with your back to importance." He cannot hear you, of course, and it
the stable wall, you glance around the corner. The is just as well. You have a feeling you will need all
two, still crouched against the far wall, face the the support you can garner before the day is out.
other way. The dog is gone. This is your chance. Disregarding Deorhere's advice, you make your
You move swiftly and silently across the court. way from the outer courtyard around to the inner
Pressed against a wall (the last before the Keep Burg gate, and there pass through to the Keep. The
itself), you are hidden from the two by its curvature. guard on duty sees you approach and challenges
The subdued voices speak again. Though rather you. "Hail there, who goes?"
high in pitch, like boys', they seem malevolent all "It is I, Eorling and Watchman. I wish to see
the same. Staying close to the wall, you ready your Herulf; let me pass."
weapon and advance. Within ten feet of them, you "Very well," replies the guard. He takes no par-
stop, realizing that if you advance any further, the ticular interest in your business and so steps aside.
curvature of the wall will no longer conceal you. Turn to 108.
Now a decision must be made.
102 Time: 5 103 Time: 30
You seem to have made yourself conspicuous. The afternoon is quickly slipping away into the
The man of Dunland sees you and, in a flurry, bolts evening, helped along by a thick ceiling of brood-
from under the small fir he was hiding beneath! ing, black clouds. In the distance, you notice other
Ready for the chase, you leap up and hurry after figures. They too march into Deeping Coomb, but
him. they are not Eorlingas. Saruman's Orcs, more
He climbs higher and higher up Thrihyrne's likely, you guess. They scout ahead of the siege
slope, often ducking behind rocks and manoeuvring army of the White Hand, probing the land for
through shrubs. You lose sight of him two or three Eorlingas and plunder.
times, but manage to keep up. After a few moments After a time you pass a grove of trees, and on the
he reaches a thorn bush surrounding a huge boulder, other side, witness a terrible scene. Taking advan-
which looks as though it had once been dislodged in tage of the concealment offered by a low hedge, you
a rock-slide. He turns suddenly, looking back for see three Orcs, knock-kneed and bent under heavy
you. Quickly, you fall prone, allowing him to be- packs, entering a nearby cottage. In a moment, the
lieve that he has lost you. It is at this point that he too glow of a gathering flame becomes visible, growing
drops to his stomach and makes his way underneath until smoke begins billowing out of the windows.
the thorn bush by way of what seems to be a wolf's First one, and then another Orc comes back out of
path. If you were to pass such a bramble tunnel the small house. They laugh wickedly, holding their
under any other circumstances you would swear stomachs. The third soon follows, but his rough
that it would never take a full grown man, but the clothing is aflame, and he hoots and curses as he
proof lies right before you. tries to put out the fire, which rapidly engulfs his
You discern the form of the Dunlending winding body. This action sends the other two into fits of
his way through the thorns, and when he reaches the laughter, and it is all they can do to remain standing.
base of the giant boulder, he disappears. A secret Meanwhile, the cottage's roof catches fire, and its
entrance to a mountain tunnel! timbers begin to crumble, sending showers of
• If you immediately follow the man of Dunland, sparks high into the air.
turn to 403. • If you continue towards the Dike, turn to 411.
• If you go to the Burg to report the man of • If you try to sneak up on the Orcs, turn to 124.
Dunland and the assumed secret pass,
turn to 218. 104 Time: 0
Herulf is nowhere to be found. The End.
105 Time: 50 The hillman has struck his head on the passage
With greater stealth than you ever could have ceiling! Praise good fortune! You spring forward to
expected from yourself, you track the Dunlending lake full advantage of this opportunity. When you
without making a sound. Barely five horse-lengths reach the man of Dunland he is limp and helpless,
ahead of you, he continues his journey. The two of though still alive.
you come to several forks in the passage. On each • If you kill him outright, turn to 211.
occasion, your quarry pauses, as if considering the • If you search his possessions, turn to 316.
correct tunnel to take, and then proceeds.
You do not seem to be able to muster the courage
required to attack the man. You can not advance
without alerting him, and the close quarters do not
favour combat.
At another split in the passageway, the Dunlend-
ing stops again, but this time he seems indecisive.
After a pause, you hear him crouch down and
fumble with his equipment. Soon you hear the click
of a flint being struck into tinder. Within this con-
fined space, it sounds like rolling thunder. Ahead 106 Time: 30
there is now a glimmer of light; the hillman scout's Perhaps more lost than ever before, you start
silhouette takes shape in front of it. Even under down yet another passageway. Turn to 280.
these conditions you can discern that the man is 107 Time: 5
indeed the one you saw speaking with Herulf this You feel your way down the right passage,
morning! He pulls a scroll out from a fold in his moving slowly and making sure of your footing.
clothing as the tinder flame grows. The scroll Her- The tunnel seems to close in and you become quite
ulf gave him! It appears to be a map, and the scout uncomfortable having to stoop over and keep a grip
is checking it. Herulf gave this rogue a map of a pass on your weapon and a hand on the wall all at once.
which leads right into Helm's Deep; your worst The rough corridor takes a sudden turn. Pick a
fears are confirmed! Yet, you still do not move. number and add your Perception bonus:
The man of Dunland fastens his pack and puts out • If 2-7, turn to 161.
the flame, preparing to proceed. You too prepare, • If 8-12, turn to 255.
but to continue following. Just then, he rises, but too
quickly. You hear a sharp thud, a moan, and a clatter
as your quarry falls to the tunnel floor. _
108 Time: 5 At the end of the hall are a set of matched stone
Once past the great doors of the Keep, you turn to doors, the likes of which, particularly with respect
your left and proceed along the combat corridor. to their decoration, you have only seen on ancient
Reaching a set of stairs, you begin to ascend, think- standing-stones. The doors are engraved with ar-
ing about where you must go and what you will say cane runes and symbols arranged in strange ways.
when you get there. Herulf must be quartered on the Ways which remind you of a nightmare forest, or
fifth floor, for Erkenbrand moved his family out battle. The designs are beautiful and fearsome at the
some time ago and gave the apartments over to his same time. Attracted, you approach the doors.
highest commanders. But how shall I put my ques- "Perhaps beyond these doors lies a chamber
tions to him, you wonder. which leads to the mountainside," you say to no
Upon reaching the third floor you cross the one. "I have heard tales of such. But these cursed
Keep's council chamber to access the narrower doors, they will not open!" Try as you might, they
stairwell which rises to Erkenbrand's personal will not move, but there is no lock, so what binds
rooms. There are a few old Riders seated at the (hem? Summoning all your knowledge, you at-
chamber's heavy oak table, but you are paid no tempt to defeat the portal.
heed, as they are immersed in quiet and serious talk. • If you successfully cast an Item Analysis spell,
You arrive at the landing of the fifth floor and see turn to 225.
that there are three apartments here. Two doors • Otherwise, pick a number and add your
stand ajar, the third is closed. All is silent and no one Magical bonus:
is about. Herulf must be in the third room. • If 2-5, turn to 110.
• If you listen at his door, turn to 144. • If 6-12, turn to 112.
• If you knock at his door, turn to 321.
109 Time: 10
A faint glimmer of light leads you from the
passageway you were following into a side tunnel.
To your relief, the height of this new passage
increases to the point where you can walk erect. As
you approach an even wider tunnel, the light, which
is a deep blue-green in colour, grows in intensity. At
a point where many passages and fissures converge,
a short hall is revealed. A strange plant grows on the
walls; the plant gives off the light, or so it seems.
110 Time:0 "Slaves of Saruman?" repeats one of the boys.
You think that it would be best to place your You have thoroughly surprised them, and their wits
hands on the doors, perhaps touching some of the are gone.
runes. "That would be a particularly clever way of "Hail there! Who goes?" the voice comes deep
opening these great slabs," you say aloud. and sturdy from the parapet of the inner wall tower-
But as you touch the doors, the floor falls away ing above you.
from underneath you, and you begin to plummet Your face burns as you step back from the deep
into a dark pit. You only stop falling when pierced shadow and say, "All is well, Eorling Watchman. I
by what seems like a hundred sharp and searing am just putting a dog and her two whelps back to
daggers. All hope is lost as you slowly and painfully sleep."
drift into a never-ending sleep. The End. "Well, be quick and be quiet!" is his final re-
You turn your attention back to the two boys,
gripping your weapon in a threatening gesture.
"We are sorry, Watchman, but the thought of
siege had woke us early," one lad says. "May we
return to the stable?" You begin to shake as you
lower your weapon, and the two run by, taking your
gesture as an affirmation. As the second passes, you
1ll Time: 5 hear from under his breath: "Surrender or die?"
"Surrender or die, slaves of Saruman!" you shout You look towards the graying sky and utter a
as you jump out from the wall and level your mute plea, then return to your patrol route on the
weapon. outer wall. Your imagination continues to play
In response, you hear an excited squeal from one, tricks on you, and again you wonder whether you
while the other emits a questioning "Huh?" Before should report the activities of Herulf.
you stand two Eorling stablehands, boys a few • If you report Herulf to Deorhere, your watch
winters younger than yourself. The dog arrives, tail commander, turn to 348.
wagging. Looking up, the boys' pet drops a throw- • If you continue with your assigned duties for the
ing stick at your feet. At once, you are filled with day, turn to 322.
rage and embarrassment.
"What are you doing here?" It is all you can do to
avoid screaming. The dog barks excitedly; he
thinks it's all a game.
112 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 6
After a short time you place your hands on two of
the runes.
With a start, you jump back as the two doors
slowly, but smoothly, swing out towards you. They
reveal a chamber cast in the same eerie blue-green
glow. The room is circular, and at its centre rests a
stone pillar supporting a tomb of sorts. It too is
enruned, but in a more regular pattern. About the
pillar are arranged three low stone statues, like
squat or stumpy men who look upon the casket.
• If you leave the area and continue on your
search to find a way out of the catacombs,
turn to 106.
• Otherwise, pick a number and add your
Perception bonus:
• If 2-7, turn to 113. 114 Time: 5
• If 8-12, turn to331. You take flight from the fearsome beasts, but
113 Time: 0 their short size belies their quickness. While you
You step into the room, but as you do, your foot stumble away bent over double, the statue creatures
depresses a loose flagstone. Then a wondrous, but easily pass through the tunnels and pursue you.
most horrifying, thing happens: the three statues, Driven ahead of them in a flight of madness, you
once still as stone, begin to move! They turn to face have no opportunity to gain your bearings or check
you with twisted grins uttering mute howls. Their your direction. Soon, you find yourself forced into
lids blink, and the eyes waver from side to side. passages of ever-decreasing size. On hands and
Then, as one, they advance upon you, raising wide knees now, you sense that one of the beings is very
fists preparing to strike. Take an action: close behind. Continuing to scurry forward, you
• If you successfully run away, turn to 114. turn your head back, hoping to catch a glimpse of
• If you fight, turn to 115. your pursuer. Unfortunately, your outstretched
hand knocks against something, triggering a
rockfall in this portion of the tunnel. You are
quickly crashed by the down-rushing stone; your
quest comes to a sad conclusion. The End.
115 Time: 5 118 Time: 0
You set yourself against the charge of the statue Her words are sweet, but sickly! She wishes to
creatures, determined to overcome them and claim trick me, you think, with the ring — it is so beauti-
what you might. You must fight each in turn unless ful. You cast your gaze from it and close your eyes.
you successfully run away. "Insolent fool!" rages the woman, her words hard,
(PUKEL-MAN #1 OB:2 DB:2 EP:10) and biting. You say nothing though, knowing that
(PUKEL-MAN #2 OB:2 DB:2 EP:10) you have broken her seductive spell.
(PUKEL-MAN #3 OB:2 DB:2 EP:10) Crazed, the woman commands the Orcs who are
Award yourself 15 Experience Points for each still in the tent; "Take our guest to dinner, and enjoy
Pukel-man you defeat. him! You march on the Keep this night!" Turn to
• If you successfully run away, turn to 114. 143.
• If you lose to any of the Pukel-men, turn to 128. 119 Time:N/A Exp Pt: 45
• If you defeat all three Pukel-men, turn to 131. In the end, you bring Herulf down with a mighty
116 Time: 0 Mow, and justice is done. His Dunlendings are
Climbing the knoll with as much agility as you nowhere to be seen and fail to fulfil his dream of
can summon, you reach the top and slowly turn revenge on your people. Too exhausted to return to
from a crouching position. Observing your sur- the Deep, you collapse next to Herulf's lifeless
roundings as closely as possible, you eye the broken body, and let the rain wash away the blood that
slope. Pick a number and add your Perception stains your blade.
bonus: You await the coming day with a profound
• If 2-7, turn to 102. melancholy. Turn to 130.
• If 8-12, turn to 262. 120 Time:N/A
117 Time: 0 The ladder is too heavy, and held firm from
Is there someone coming up behind you? If there below. You cannot move it! An Orc is nearly to the
is, you think to yourself, then a bad end is at hand, top of the ladder. With a drawn sword, he swings at
At your feet is the great precipice which drops down you. Pick a number and add your DB:
to the Hornrock and the Burg. You rise unsteadily • If 2-5, turn to 335.
just as you feel a great blow to your back. You are • If 6-12, turn to 312.
sent flying forward, tumbling into the everlasting
darkness of death. The End.
121 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 2 124 Time:0
Someone is moving up behind you! Quickly, you Coming to the end of the hedge, you draw your
think: he must have evil intent, for he has come upon weapon and bend low to sneak up on the two Orcs
me at unawares. Also, he must wish to cast me over now plundering the motionless body of the third.
the precipice which lies at my feet, for it would be rick a number and add your Trickery bonus:
the quickest way to dispatch me. • If 2-7, turn to 157.
Rapidly you develop a plan to defeat your foe. • If 8-12, turn to 134.
You must wait until the last possible moment and
then jump aside, bringing your weapon around to 125 Time: 300
throw him off balance and then over the cliff! Pick Your desperate battle against the Dunlending is
a number and add your Trickery bonus: valiant, but he overwhelms you. Caught off-bal-
• If 2-5, turn to 194. ance by his fierce attack, you stumble and provide
• If 6-12, turn to 379. an easy target. You remember no more for a time.
You awaken to a fierce jolting that sends stabs of
122 Time: 5 pain through your sore head. You reach for the
"Gamling," you call out to catch his attention, "I wound, but your hands are bound! Thoroughly
have a report, Commander." trussed-up, you have been thrown over the back of
"Yes, what is it?" he asks, turning to face you. a pony like a hunting trophy. Opening your eyes
"I have chased a Dunlendish spy into his secret slightly, you see daylight, but heavy clouds have
warren under the peaks of the Thrihyrne! He was blotted out the sun. You seem to be on a trail leading
the same man I saw treating with a our Rider, through, if you do not miss your guess, the thick
Herulf, on the Back Stair before dawn this morn- grass of the Westfold!
ing." Gamling's jaw drops open in disbelief, and the Have you been brought through the mountains by
other officers lean closer to hear your story. a secret pass? Events are beginning to make sense
• If you have Item A, the Map of the Secret Pass, for you now. The Dunlending that attacked you was
turn to 220. not the same as the one you had seen earlier, but
• Otherwise, turn to 195. perhaps the two were in league, using a secret
123 Time: N/A Exp Pt: 10 mountain pass from the Westfold to the Deep that
Surprising your foe, you strike, sending him no one thought existed! All the passes that you have
sailing to the other side of the parapet. However, heard tell of merely go from the Coomb to the Deep.
you have been exposed to enemy bowmen, and they But from the Westfold through the Thrihyrne! That
send you reeling back. The next invader siezes the is a danger even Erkenbrand had not accounted for.
chance to gain the battlement. And he does! Grasp- Turn to 351.
ing your weapon, you charge him. Turn to 232.
126 Time: N/A 130 Time: Special
As you are about to do battle with yet another Orc, The pale light of dawn, unhindered by cloud,
lightning strikes in the gorge, and you look up washes over you. Compared to the tumult of last
towards the cliff over the Burg. There, ascending night's battle, all seems quiet and still. When you
the cliff-path to the plateau, is an Eorling. You can summon the strength, you rise and head for the
would swear on the mound of Helm that it is Herulf! other Burg. The White Hand has been defeated.
Is he escaping or preparing to lead a Dunlendish Note on your Character Record that it is now Time
force into battle? 0 of Day 2. Turn to 330.
• If you attempt to catch Herulf, turn to 150. 131 Time:0
• If you continue to fight in the Deep, turn to 164. You stand victorious over the last bloodless
127 Time:0 corpse of these Pukel-creatures. Interestingly, in
Thinking that the Dunlending might suddenly see death, they seem to revert back to stone, but they
you, you scramble behind a large rock, but dislodge strike quite a different pose now! You turn your
several stones in the process, sending them clatter- attention to the pillar and tomb. Turn to 132.
ing down the path. You listen. The Dunlending's 132 Time:5
movement stops, but then starts again after a short You approach the stone casket with its many
moment. Relieved, you take up your pursuit again. cryptic symbols, wondering what treasures may be
Turn to 268. kept within. Perhaps they will be something to aid
128 Time: 0 you- once I escape from these cursed catacombs, you
Ravaged by these strange creatures, you suc- think silently. The runes, again, make no sense to
cumb to their determined attacks. Your quest is you, but they are not exactly like those you found
unfortunately over, as they beat you into upon the door. You examine the lid of the tomb and
unconsciousness. The End. find that it can easily be moved aside.
• If you leave now, turn to 156.
129 Time: N/A ExpPt:15 • Otherwise, pick a number:
You defeat the Orc, and Gimli is saved! • If 2-7, turn to 388.
• If Event B has occurred, or you have killed • If 8-12, turn to 176.
Herulf, turn to 164.
• Otherwise, turn to 126.
133 Time: 5 Caught up in the revelry, you shout: "Make way!
As you come upon the standing door, even the Make way for the Watchman. I must make my
wind seems to hold its breath. report to the Burg commander."
• If you call into the barracks, turn to 284. "He is here. Make your report." To your astonish-
• If you enter the barracks silently, turn to 383. ment, before you in the outer court of the Hornburg
stands Herulf: Burg commander in Gamling's stead
134 Time: 0
Stripping their unconscious comrade of his be
longings, the Goblins do not notice your approach
The crackling of the burning cottage drowns your
footfalls. No more than an arm's length away, you
raise your weapon to strike with deadly effect. Pick
a number and add your Trickery bonus and your
OB (either missile or melee, your choice):
• If 2-7, turn to 384.
• If 8-12, turn to 216.
135 Time:
Your quest is over. The End.
136 Time: 20)
You heave the Dunlendish warrior to your should
der; he is much heavier than you first expected
Carefully, you wend your way down to the base of
the Hornrock, then up the Back Stair where several
fellow Eorlingas are waiting for you. Excited and "I... he... This Dunn..." You are struck dumb by
vengeful cries charge the Deep, echoing through I he overbearing presence of your suspected traitor.
the gorge: "Well? Report!" Herulf's voice rises like rolling
"Hail, brave Eorling!" thunder and his cold eyes bore into yours. He stands
"A vile Dunlendish scout thought he would catch unblinking and bends slightly to come ever closer.
us napping!" You feel his breath on your face. "Did the man of
"We shall take him to the Dike to ward his Dunland hack out your tongue before you felled
friends!" him?" There comes a light laughter from the as-
sembled crowd. "Or was this your work at all?"
This proves to be too much for you to bear. You 137 Time: 5
drop the Dunlending's unconscious body to the You are just about to start off for Deorhere's post
ground. "Yes, it was I who brought down this rank when a young Eorling Watchman, somewhat like
enemy of our lands and stables! His blood befouls yourself, calls out softly from behind you. "Fellow
my weapon, and I show it for all to see!" At this you Eorling, attention! Do you see this apparition as I
raise your weapon to the assembly, then continue. to?" You turn around and approach him, wonder-
"He came upon me, without warning as their way ing how recently he arrived over the Back Stair.
would be, but I bested him, Eorling to Dunlending. "What is afoot?" you ask, quiet also, but very
But I fear he may have done away with several of us interested.
on watch over the Burg before I brought him down. "My eyes may be tricked by some wizardry, but
To come to the cliff, he must have taken one of the I would swear on Helm's Mound that out there," he
secret passes from the Coomb, though I know points into the gorge at the bottom of the Stair, "a
nothing of them. A spy he is. And he has had help shadow is passing from rock to bush."
to breach our defenses thus." At this, you now take "It would be no surprise to me," you say know-
your turn to glare at Herulf, trying to read his ingly. Straining to push back the folds of night, you
thoughts, though few of those around you would try to see what your companion has already discov-
guess your suspicions. ered.
"Well done. You may make a Rider yet." "There it is again," he says, grasping his spear
Herulf's reply takes you somewhat off guard, and ever tighter. "A shade from Isengard, or Mordor, it
you have no further opportunity to speak. He con- seems." You see it too, but just barely. It is the size
tinues, ordering another Eorling at hand: "Take the of a man, and retreating. No shade, you think, it is
prisoner to the dungeon. I will speak with him later. the Dunlending making good his escape!
Double the watch on the cliff and beware." Then he "I must go," you tell the young guard. "Report all
adds for the rest: "Back to your posts! If Gamling you see to your Watch Commander." With that, you
saw you in such disarray, he would break your leave.
spears and toss you into a pit of Orcs for sport!" • If you-continue on and report to Deorhere,
Herulf turns to go back to the Keep as two fellow turn to 348.
Eorlingas follow close behind with the limp body of • If you again descend to the Back Gate, but this
the Dunlending. time pursue the Dunlending, turn to 203.
• If you are wounded, turn to 424.
• Otherwise, turn to 281.
141 Time: 5
You think to yourself for a moment. There must
be some reason for Herulf's strange behaviour. By
all accounts he is a trusted Rider of the Mark, tested
in several combats. Some plan must be behind his
action. Perhaps it is best to keep clear of such things,
lor they are above your station. But then, there is so
much at stake: the lives of your comrades, loyal
Eorlingas all, men and women of the Westfold, and
their children. The Hornburg. Rohan!
138 Time: 251 • If you immediately report the incident to
Perhaps the hillman spy did not come up herd Gamling, acting commander of Helm's Deep,
after all, for you can find no trace of him. On the turn to 396.
verge of admitting failure, you start to make your • If you immediately report the incident to
way back to the cliff path. Ahead rises a rock) Deorhere, your watch commander, turn to 348.
outcropping from the steep slope. "One last look • If you continue your patrol, hoping to find evi-
from there, and then I must return to the Burg and dence of other strange behaviour, turn to 296.
make my report," you say to yourself. Turn to 116. 142 Time: 10
139 Time: 0 You are ordered to the parapet of the Burg's outer
You raise your weapon to defend yourself, but are wall above the Great Gate, where you are issued a
too late. The End. how and a number of arrows. The men about you
ready themselves; you feel the tension of the im-
140 Time: 0 pending battle. This night you will have your fill of
Your inspection reveals nothing to brand Herulf Orcs, or they will have their fill of you! Note: it is
a traitor to his sword and oath. Cursing silently, you unnecessary to add the bow and arrows to your
decide whether or not to remain and look for secret Character Record. Turn to 159.
hiding places.
• If you continue your search, turn to 365.
• If you leave Herulf's room, turn to 219.
143 Time: 15
The two burly Uruk-Hai who were standing
behind you now grab at your wrists and ankles as
they had before. Hefting you up, they carry you out,
but not before stopping to pick up your gear. Once
out of the tent, the Orc at your ankles drops his half
of the load, allowing the leader to drag you through
the camp himself. Orcs hoot and thrash and throw
refuse at you during this procession, but finally it
ends — at the cooking pits.
The lead Uruk drops you and tosses your armour
weapons, and gear to one side. He then speaks in the
common speech to a long, but rather skinny Or
who wields a cleaver beneath a sun-shelter
"Gaznag, another horse-man for you. Leave the
skin on this time. It is most tasty." Such talk A rock strikes Gaznag in the head. "Ow!" You
disheartening (to say the least!), but you must lister twist to see who, or what, threw the stone. As you
to it none the less. do, you realize you are near the edge of the encamp-
"Gaznag must do all the work?" complains the ment and the rock came from some brush, or a tuft
reluctant cook. of high grass, just beyond a shady tree. "I will teach
"Yes! And do not play with it too long. We you young Uruks a lesson!" scowls Gaznag, now
hungry! We are the fighting Uruk-Hai! Now nibbing a throbbing bruise on his temple. Rising
quick, or we eat you too!" At that, the larger Or and waving the cleaver in front of him, he tramps off
leaves. into the grass.
"Hmmm," says Gaznag eyeing and poking you You check your bonds. They have loosened from
"You would make a tasty morsel, yes? Perhaps the Orcs' rough treatment, and you manage to slip
will get some of you myself. Do you like to play? a hand free. A fight breaks out towards the centre of
The scrawny, bristle-covered Orc pulls you near the camp, and you take the opportunity to unbind
and waves the big knife over various parts of your yourself before Gaznag returns. But he does not,
body. Frozen with fear, you give little response. and the disturbance in the camp soon quells.
If you lie still, turn to 265.
If you try to escape from the camp, turn to 223.
144 Time: 5
Quiet as a mouse in a den of cats, you move over
to the door which leads to Herulf's bed chamber.
You lean forward and press your ear against the
Then, too sudden for you to react, the door flies 145 Time: 0
open with a crash. Herulf steps out in full battle You take a few tentative steps into the gloomy
dress and walks straight into you! You stagger back, long-house, when you hear a cold voice coming
aghast and mute. Herulf seems as surprised as you, from behind you: "Me you looking for, Forgoil?" A
but that is of little comfort. A tempest builds up in shadowy form leaps at you and you see a flash of
the man towering opposite, and when it breaks, you brandished metal. In the following combat, you are
wish yourself a hundred leagues away. surprised. Turn to 269.
"What is the meaning of this!" he screams. Then,
quietly; "Perhaps you would like to explain your- 146 Time: 0
self?" He moves to bare his weapon. You turn again and run towards the Riders. The
"A moment, pray," you manage, quite taken Orcs soon lose interest, retreating into the en-
aback with the horror of what has befallen you. croaching night. Turn to 212.
"Speak! "he bellows.
• If you would much rather be going about your 147 Time: 10
regular duties, turn to 398. You drag Herulf's limp body into his room, and
• If you confront Herulf, turn to 247. immediately set about searching the chamber.
There must be evidence of his treachery here, you
think. His wardrobe, in disarray, conceals nothing.
You search his writing table, again nothing. Then
you turn your attention to his foot locker. Throwing
open the lid, you sift through the bridles, boots and
woollen body-clothes. At the bottom of the chest,
you discover what you seek: a bound bundle of
• If Event B has occurred, turn to 217.
• If Event C has occurred, turn to 359.
148 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 15
Your fight in the heavy shadows proves to be
your opponent's last. With one final strike, you
bring down the man. Realizing he is close to death,
you work quickly to extract the information from
him you need. But as you lean close, you see his face
more clearly and realize that, he is not the spy you
saw at the Back Stair with Herulf. Holding the point
of your blade to his throat, you grab his hair and drag
his face up towards yours.
"How have you hillmen entered the Deep?" you
demand, none too gently. He does not speak. Press-
ing the blade, you scream, "Speak! Or I will make
your last moments most unpleasant."
You see he is near death, his life blood flowing
from him, but he is terrified, and speaks truthfully.
"The slope... above your precious Keep... there is
a... Kill me not..." But it is too late, the man of
Dunland dies in your clutches. Unfortunate, you 150 Time: N/A
think, but now you know how the traitorous hillmen You run from the battle in a desperate attempt to
are getting in. There must be some sort of secret pass catch the traitor. Once you have scaled the cliff and
on the slopes of the Thrihyrne over the Hornburg. come to the plateau, you find Herulf waiting for
Leaving the man of Dunland where he has fallen, you. His sword hangs from his hand. A heavy rain
you hurry out of the long-house and back into the drenches the two of you, and lightning smites the
Deep. Turn to 193. slopes of the Thrihyrne. The crashing report of its
thunder rolls down the Deep, shaking the very roots
149 Time: 0 of the mountain.
You hear the muffled clatter of hard boots on
wood. Someone is in the next building! Moving "My Dunlending friends have not arrived," says
towards the door, you look out. Indeed, while it was Herulf, whose voice is steady and confident.
not so just a moment ago, the door to the next "You betrayed our people, Herulf. Why?" This
barracks now stands ajar. You exit the first house you ask as you approach and bring your weapon to
and cautiously approach the second. Turn to 133.
"Our people!" he mocks, "Your people. My fa- "Oh, most certainly," you answer, wondering at
ther was a man of Dunland, slain by your good your good fortune.
Prince Theodred before I was born!" Lightning "Very well. Then take this sword, once wielded
strikes again, but this time closer. Shards of rock fly by the Rider Dwimmerthane, as a symbol of your
in all directions with the deafening boom.
valour." Gamling produces a shining blade whose
"And that is enough for treason," you state, more pommel is set with a bright green crystal.
as a fact than a question.
Taking the sword, you lift it high, saying:
"It is reason enough for me!" Herulf's blade "Rohan! I stand as your faithful servant!"
suddenly flashes up from his side. He lunges to the Your quest has come to its conclusion. If you wish
attack. Battle lust hardens your spirit. Pick a to play this character in other Middle-earth
number and reduce your Damage Taken by that QuestGames, note that your new sword adds +1 to
amount. Turn to 433.
your OB. The End.
151 Time: 30
"I must try to get to the Westfold, and there do
some spying of my own!" You hope no one is in the
tunnel to hear you, but talking aloud imparts the
strength you need to make it through this ordeal.
You strike off in the direction which you judge to be
the right one. Pick a number and add your Percep-
tion bonus:
•If 2-5, turn to280.
•If 6-10, turn to 109.
•If 11-12, turn to228.
152 Time:5 ExpPt: 8
"I saw you do battle last night," Gamling contin-
ues. "You were brave and fought well. For your
deeds of yesterday, and the spirit I see within you,
I proclaim you a Rider of the Mark! Do you accept
this honour?"
153 Time: 10 155 Time: 0
As you proceed toward the head of the gorge, you You pass the row of buildings, but a sudden
soon come upon the empty barracks of motion catches your eye. Turning to see what it
Erkenbrand's Riders. Many great wooden houses could be, you now notice that the last barracks' door
are lined before you in the gathering dawn, and all stands open, and begins to creak as it sways in the
is quiet except for the whispering of the wind which breeze. Someone is about, and whether Eorling or
blows down the length of the Deep. Not even the Dunlending, you are determined to find out who it
crag-birds have come forward to greet the reluctant is. Cautiously, you approach the barracks door.
Turn to 133.
With the long-houses abandoned, you think that
they offer excellent refuge, and even a sworn enemy 156 Time: 10
would not turn down such an opportunity to escape Calmly and set with determination, you depart
detection by a pursuing hunter. from this burial vault. Leaving the dim light behind,
• If you wish to check one of the barrack you make your way to what you think is the main
buildings, turn to 350. tunnel, and there pause to make a decision. Then,
• If you wish to continue your journey to the head yet one more time, you set out.
of the gorge, turn to 155. • If you wish to go to the Westfold,
pick a number:
154 Time: 15 • If 2-5, turn to 280.
After a time in these confounded tunnels you • If 6-12, turn to228.
begin to wonder what you are doing. A multitude, or • If you wish to go back to the Deep,
so it seems, of passages have opened to either side. pick a number:
Could you have already passed the one which the • If 2-9, turn to 270.
Dunlending has used? Will you be able to find your •If 10-12, turn to280.
way back out again? You stop, at an intersection
which splits the tunnel off to the right and the left. 157 Time: 0
One seems as bad as the other, and neither is as good As you come up behind them, one of the Orcs
as the route back, so you manoeuvre to turn around turns and looks up. Seeing you, he emits a sharp cry,
and retrace your course. As you do so, however, you and the two jump up with weapons draw to engage
sense a presence just behind you! Through laboured in combat.
breathing, a hissing voice whispers: "Now you die, • If you want to run from them, turn to 343.
Strawhead." Take an action: • If you stand and fight, turn to 289.
• If you successfully run away, turn to 187.
• If you fight, you are surprised. Turn to 226.
158 Time: 5
You fight this vile creature of the Unlife. Then, out of the darkness comes a red glow, and
Note: each time the Skeleton hits you in combat it seems that the whole Coomb is aflame.
(i.e., does damage), instead of increasing the Saruman's great host approaches. The rearguard
amount of your Damage Taken, reduce your defenders at Helm's Dike are shattered as the mass
Strength (St) Stat Value by one (1), regardless of the of Orcs and evil men break over the ramparts and
actual amount of damage you are supposed to take. continue onto the very walls of the Burg itself.
If the Skeleton scores a "U" or "K" result, or your Black and fair arrows begin to fly. The Battle of the
Strength (St) Stat Value drops to 0, you lose the fight Hornburg begins!
automatically. Strength (St) points lost in this way Note: in the great battle that follows, you lose
may be returned to your character after the end of track of time, being far too busy defending yourself,
the game. and the Burg, to worry about its passing. You may not
(SKELETON OB: 2 DB: 0 EP: 17) spend extra time healing during the battle (al-
• If you defeat the Skeleton, turn to 171. though you may take any healing herbs or potions
• If you lose, turn to 173. you have, of course). Normal time rules apply at the
• If you successfully run away, turn to 168. beginning of Day 2. Turn to 429.
160 Time: 0
Defeating the two vile servants of Saruman, you
leave their bodies for the carrion birds and head off
towards the Riders, calling out to them as you go.
Turn to 212.
161 Time:0
Much to your surprise you seem to have come
upon a pointed knife blade. A voice accompanies it,
159 Time: Special
The Coomb is veiled in an ever blackening night, low and spiteful: "Darkness take you, Strawhead..."
split open by crackling bursts of lightning, but the Take an action:
thunderheads do not yet disgorge their heavy loads • If you successfully run away, turn to 187.
of rain. As time slowly passes, the Hornburg's • If you fight, you are surprised. Turn to 226.
Rohirric defenders from Edoras arrange themselves
upon the walls, swelling your ranks and bringing
more bows to bear.
162 Time: 0
Your final vision is that of Herulf standing over
you with wild eyes full of bloodlust. He raises his
blade and plunges it into you for the last time. Your
life ends cruelly and needlessly. The End.
163 Time: 0
"Young one," says Gamling, "I could not find
Herulf yesterday. Do you know what happened to 166 Time: 20
him?" A call comes down from the earthen ramparts of
• If you killed Herulf last night, turn to 386. Helm's Dike: "Gamling, attention! An Eorling
• Otherwise, turn to 314. approaches the Dike. Or a phantom sent from Saru-
man. Come quick!" The voice then cries out to you:
164 Time: N/A Exp Pt: 20 "Eorling, if that is what you be, announce yourself!"
Many battles with sallow Orcs and crazed Dun- "It is I, Eorling and Watchman!" you call out as
lendings follow on this anguished night. You ac- you advance, "I must report to Gamling. Is he
count yourself well, though the carnage mounts and there?"
the screams of war unleash the hell-fire of the "He is!" It is Gamling who speaks as he comes to
Cracks within the Deep. The force you are with is meet you on the Horn Road. His figure is forebod-
pushed back to the caves at the head of the gorge, ing, despite his years, decked in bright mail and
but a final valiant charge of Riders routs the invad- heavy helm. "What is your report?" he asks.
ers from the Hornburg. Overtaken with exhaustion, "I have escaped from an Orc camp of war in the
the fire of life burning low within, you collapse at Westfold and have come to you thus with important
the base of the Hornrock and await the coming day. information," you declare.
Turn to 130. "Ah, I recognize you, young one. Were you not to
be on guard at the Burg this day? But I interrupt you.
165 Time: 5 Give your report, I suspect it may be very interest-
When you reach the foot of the Stair, you crouch
down and listen for a moment. You are quite sure ing." The two of you proceed back to the rampart as
you hear some movement through the brush on the you begin your story.
slope (which stretches off ahead of you and to the • If you have Item A, the Map of the Secret Pass,
right), so you prepare yourself to head off that way. turn to 295.
And Bema help the hillman when I catch him, you • Otherwise, turn to 380.
think grimly to yourself. Turn to 346.
167 Time: 0 169 Time: 5
Upon immediate reflection, you would have to You jump up and sprint to the thicket, checking
say that the man is yet another Dunlending. You the steep slopes around you for signs of any other
could tell by his mean dress of animal skins and his hillman scouts. There are none that you can see.
dark hair. And now you know where they are all When you reach the tunnel through the brambles
coming from: there must be an entrance to a secret which the man of Dunland used, you drop to your
passage under the boulder! Those Dunlendish stomach and wend your way to the base of the
rogues! From here they can discern numbers, esti- boulder. Only a few thorns scratch your face and
mate the strength of the battlements and, worst of hands. Before you lies an opening in the ground
all, plot with traitors. barely wide enough to accommodate a man and his
• If you find Dama and tell him what you saw, pack, but you slip through it quickly and quietly.
turn to 420. Soon you stand at the bottom of a pit, shrouded in
• If you wait and watch the thicket, turn to 229. gloom. There is a passage through the rock here, but
• If you pursue the man of Dunland, turn to 403. it is black as coal and you can not tell if the man of
Dunland is near at hand or not. Allowing your eyes
to adjust, you ready your weapon. The tunnel which
stretches off into the distance is barely high enough
for you to pass through doubled over. Nothing can
be heard; all is silent and black. Turn to 422.
170 Time: 0
After a cursory search, you move Herulf's bed
168 Time: 5 days and table aside in order to look for secret holes and
You flee in terror from the Skeleton's frightening the like. Then, unbelievably, the door to the room
visage. Taking first one passage, then another, opens behind you! Your blood runs to ice and you
never looking back, you pass deeper and deeper into freeze in place. "What is this?" speaks a voice, old
the mountain. You have eluded your pursuer, but and gruff. It is Ealdryhten, a brave leader of eoreds
now you are hopelessly lost. Time passes in unnum- past and confidant to Erkenbrand himself! "A spy I
bered days, and soon, giving up all hope of freedom, have caught, no?" Before you can answer or ex-
you lay down in the inky blackness and let the Valar plain, Ealdryhten—stronger than his years seem to
take your spirit. Your quest is over. The End. allow — grabs you and takes you down to the
dungeon. His last words are: "We will let Gamling
deal with you when he returns!" Turn to 435.
174 Time: 5
You jump out of the tall, dark grass you were
standing in and block the retreat of the Orc. He lifts
his curved scimitar to cut you down. You must now
light the Goblin.
171 Time: 0 ExpPt:20 (ORC OB:2 DB:0 EP:15)
You stand victorious once again. Can no creature • If you defeat the Orc, turn to 332.
on, or under, Middle-earth defeat you? You make • If the Orc defeats you, turn to 360.
your way through the scattered bones to the open • If you successfully Run Away, turn to 175.
tomb and look in. Turn to 188.
172 Time: N/A
You have been knocked unconscious during the
Battle of the Hornburg. Although vicious fighting
rages all around, you are powerless to help the
defenders. Turn to 430.

173 Time:0 175 Time: 0

Your opponent grows stronger as you weaken
You run past the Orc, onwards to the swift Eor-
under his blows. Finally, unable to bare the assault,
ling host. He does not pursue you, but continues his
you collapse and let the long arms of never-ending
sleep envelop you. Your quest is over. The End. night. You call out to the Riders as they pass, but
they are still far away and you are not sure that they
will hear. Turn to 212.
176 Time:0
With a heave, you manage to shove the coffin lid
aside and look in. There lies the moldering corpse of
some long dead chieftain, or so you surmise. An
eerie light seems to radiate from the body, but all is
peaceful now, so you pay it no mind. Several items
are cluttered together at the foot of the corpse. Turn
to 188.
177 Time: Special 178 Time: 0
The woman stands in the distance, watching your "It may be of interest to you to know that Rohan
approach. Upon reaching her, you see that her is doomed," the woman cackles, all pretence of
woollen dress is torn and her face scarred. She holds seducing you with magic gone now. "Your precious
her wrapped child in her arms. Erkenbrand's forces were broken at the Fords of
"Oh, many thanks, Rider!" she gasps when you Isen. Legions of thousands march on the Burg this
arrive. "I would not have survived their pursuit if night. All is lost for you, pitiful creature." She says
you had not come. Nor would Eiffel." At this she to the Orcs who are still in the tent, "Take him to
folds back the cloth which covers her baby's face. dinner! Get him out of my sight." Turn to 143.
"Thanks are unnecessary," you tell her, "I am
only sorry that I lost my horse. But quickly, let us get 179 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 45
to the Dike. From there you will be taken back into You open the packet, heart racing. Your eyes pass
the caves of the Deep where you will be quite safe. over the unfolded papers. As you thought: troop
How did it come to be that you were out here?" strengths, dispositions and leaders are written
"I live alone, deep in the Westfold, to the north. thereon. Complete battle plans. Information the
I was coming to the Deep with other homesteaders enemy could devour and then spit back at the
near to me, when we were waylaid by wild men. defenders of Helm's Deep! Your inspection be-
Dunlendings I think they were. Some of us man- comes more considered: the reports are detailed and
aged to escape. Eiffel and I were the last ones. I have complete. One page shows Erkenbrand's table of
come many leagues by foot, and the ways are organization and route to the Fords of Isen, where
dangerous!" You well believe they are. he hopes to crush the White Hand before it can
Fortunately, your journey is without further inci- invade the Westfold. It all smacks of defeat.
dent, and the three of you walk on for some time
before reaching the Dike. By this time, the Coomb
has become quite dark. You linger behind the
Dike's ramparts after saying goodbye to the woman
and her child, wondering at their future, and yours!
However, you are soon ordered to the Burg wall to
take up its defense. Scouts report that Saruman's
army is moving on the coomb! Note: advance the
accumulated Time total on your Character Record
to 800, if it is not yet that high. Turn to 389.
Herulf must already have passed on the com- "No," you answer, "I was chasing a Dunlending
pleted, final copies to the enemy. This thought puts of my own. Through the mountain, not over it!
you in a rage you have rarely experienced. This There is an entrance to a secret passage under the
information will no doubt cost the hearty Eorlingas three peaks, up there." Now it is your turn to point.
dearly and may bring about ultimate defeat at the "That bodes ill for us if the wild hillmen can use
hands of Saruman's hordes. And Herulf walks it rightly," says the guard.
confident and unscathed! "I will soon change that," "Indeed."
you say aloud, determined to bring this to • If you wish to report what has happened to you
Gamling's attention at the Dike. Note on your to Gamling, turn to 201.
Character Record that you now carry Item D, the • If you resume your duties at the Burg,
Traitor's Documents. Turn to 353.
turn to 192.
180 Time: N/A
With a final, mighty blow, Herulf, traitor to you
and your people, ends your life. The End.
181 Time: 20 182 Time: 5
As you climb down the rocky slope and come to "Eorlingas, awake! Eorlingas, awake! Alarm!
the plateau, you find a lone sentry standing guard Alarm! Infiltrators in the outer court! Alarm!"
there. "Hail, Eorling!" you call out. You scream until hoarse, and your voice cracks in
"Hail," he cries as he turns to see you approach. pain. Watchmen like yourself but much further
"What is amiss, Watchman?" you say. "Where along the parapet of the outer wall hasten to your
are the cliff's guardians?" The man, who is much calls. A dog begins barking. Two or three Eorlingas
older than you, seems confused, for indeed he flank you on either side, as more stream into the
probably has no idea how you came to be descend- court below, some only half-dressed in the early
ing the slopes of the Thrihyrne. morning chill. "Where? Where?" they call out to
He answers your question: "A Dunlendish war you, brandishing weapons of cold steel. Some raise
party came over the mountain from the west a short bows, arrows nocked and strings pulled taut.
while ago. To test our strength, no doubt. There was "There!" you proclaim pointing at the two now
a fierce battle hither," he says, pointing into the slowly rising from their crouch against the inner
middle-distance, up the slope. "Half our men have wall. Strange, you think, they seem so small for
gone back to the Burg with the prisoners, while the Dunlending warriors. Perhaps they are Orcs! What
other half pursue those who escaped the way they fish to catch in your net! Turn to 405.
came. But were you not with those Riders?"
183 Time: 15 185 Time: 0
"Commander," you continue, trying to keep You determine that it would be best to gain the
Gamling's attention, "I have escaped from an Orc wisdom of your superior, so you ascend the same
battle-camp in the Westfold. I was captured. I stairs and come back out again at the top of the outer
believe that one of our Riders is a..." Speaking is of Burg wall. Pick a number:
no use however. Gamling has already left you and • If 2-7, turn to 348.
is now arranging men and instiling courage. "Oh, • If 8-12, turn to 137.
this is of no use!" you say to yourself, "I must have
proof of Herulf's treachery."
You then leave the Dike's rearguard defenders
and hurry to the Burg, where men are already
arraying themselves on the battlements. Turn to
186 Time: 10
184 Time: 5 The rocky path is steep, but you have used it
"Oh... To Mordor with Dama! I cannot search for before and are sure of your footing in the darkness.
him all day; the man of Dunland is escaping!" With Watch-Commanders sometimes post a guard on the
that, you turn and bound back towards the boulder. plateau over the Burg, for it affords a good vantage
At the low entrance into the thicket, you drop to point for observing both the Coomb and the Deep.
your stomach and begin to crawl through the This is the path which leads there, and you have had
brambles. Only a few thorns scratch your face and such duty two or three times before.
hands as you arrive at the boulder. Before you lies After ascending a quarter of the path's length,
a pit just wide enough for a man and his pack to you stop. Ahead, you can barely make out a moving
squeeze through, but you will have to go head first form. The Dunlending! Or so you would guess.
and hope that the man of Dunland is not waiting in Moving closer, you now hear laboured breathing
the gloom to cut it off. You slide in quite easily, but drifting down to you, but shrubs and high rocks to
tumble into a heap at the bottom of the pit as you lose the sides of the path prevent you from clearly seeing
your handholds. Picking yourself up, you wait for your quarry. You must sneak up on your unsuspect-
your eyes to adjust to the deep shadow, then draw ing foe! Pick a number and add your Trickery
forth your weapon. A tunnel, just high enough for
you to pass through doubled over, stretches off
• If 2-7, turn to 127.
away from you. Nothing can be heard. All is silent
and black. Turn to 422. •If 8-12, turn to 268.
187 Time: 15
You run from the Dunlending in a blind panic,
several times knocking your head on low hanging
rocks or banging a shoulder on yet another unseen
bend in the passageway. Finally you stop, heaving
in gasps of dank air. You rub your eyes. It does not
help; you see nothing. Starting to move again in
desperation, you begin on your hands and knees.
Soon rising to your feet, you are still doubled over 190 Time:N/A Exp Pt: 30
because of the low ceiling. Pick a number: You push the ladder back! And with it fall four
• If 2-4, turn to 270. Orcs! Not all of the defenders on the wall are as
• If 5-10, turn to 109. successful as you, however. Running towards you
• If 11-12, turn to280. along the wall' s battlement is another Orc. He raises
his weapon, and with a shrill cry, engages you in
188 Time: 10 Exp Pt: 2 combat. Turn to 232.
At the bottom of the casket you discern the
following items: a short staff of black wood, a 191 Time: N/A
talisman made of ivory and jade, and a spear whose Try as you might, you are unable to strike an
shaft is of shining bone. You reach in and grab one attacker. Turn to 221.
of the treasures, but just as you do, the other two 192 Time: 30
break apart and burst into a low white flame. They "I must go now back to the Burg. Tell the next
are destroyed.
watch commander who comes here of my discov-
• If you picked up the staff, turn to 204.
ery, would you?" you ask.
• If you picked up the talisman, turn to 206. The old guard replies, "Certainly, and be diligent,
• If you picked up the spear, turn to 222. young one. Saruman and his allies are a treacherous
189 Time: 0 crew."
Again, you turn your attention to the passing With a "thank you," you head for the cliff-path
Riders, some far away. Pick a number and add your and follow it down into the gorge behind the
Perception bonus: Hornrock. From there, you ascend the Back Stair
•If 2-7, turn to 276. and arrive at the Burg's outer court. You report to
•If 8-12, turn to 261. Deorhere, and after telling him of your adventures,
ask to be assigned a new post. Turn to 421.
193 Time: 20 194 Time: 5
Looking back towards the Burg, you see the cliff
You rise and wheel around just in time to see a
which towers over the Hornrock. Ascending the
Dunlending hillman charge you with a sword held
cliff to your left is a path with often turns back on
out in front of him. His eyes are wild and he spits out
itself and leads onto a plateau commanding both the
the words, "Die, Forgoil!" Unfortunately, he is not
coomb and the Deep. You have been up there two or the same man of Dunland you saw with Herulf on
three times yourself while on watch, for it is an
the Back Stair.
excellent vantage point. It seems now that it also
You have no chance to escape at such close
serves as the front porch for treacherous Dunlend-
ing scouts and spies! quarters, so you must fight him. You may not at-
tempt to Run Away.
"The hillman I saw with Herulf must have
reached the plateau already," you think aloud, "and
• If you kill the Dunlending, turn to 428.
I missed him in the dark." Undaunted, you strike out • If you knock the Dunlending unconscious,
towards the path on the cliff-side, intent on catching
the spy before he escapes by whatever means is turn to 267.
• If the Dunlending defeats you, turn to 125.
available to him above the Deep. Once you reach
the base of the path, you begin the hard climb. There
are many standing stones and bushes to either side
of the path, and these make you wary. If two
Dunlendings reached the Deep, there may very well
be twenty. Or two hundred!
You are just about to round one of the very pillars
of rock that you suspect is hiding a troop of Dun-
lendish warriors, when you stop suddenly, holding
your breath. Not two yards in front of you ambles a
huge mountain bear! You slowly drop to one knee
and set your weapon. Fortunately, he does not take
much notice of you, and soon leaves the path. Turn
to 213.
195 Time: 5 198 Time:0
You continue: "I was unable to catch the Dun- "You should not be here. Be gone!" The End.
lendish spy, but I am sure that he will use the tunnels
I speak of to bring Dunlendings in force to our rear 199 Time: 5
during Saruman's siege." You then go on to tell The path, and the spy, round a standing stone just
Gamling of all the events which you have been a ahead of you. Now is your chance to prepare your
part of this day, in all necessary detail. Once you attack. You rise fully to your feet, and holding your
have finished, Gamling considers for a moment. weapon in front of you, you charge into combat.
"Your accusations are serious," he begins, "and I Crying "Death!" you round the pillar of rock and
am wary of much that you have to say. But you do strike. Pick a number and add your melee OB:
not lie! My years tell me that much. I will have • If 2-7, turn to 362.
Herulf brought before me, and he will answer the • If 8-12, turn to 329.
questions you raise. Be sure!" Turn to 367. 200 Time: 250
196 Time: 0 Your desperate battle against the Dunlending is
Though you can not be sure of your own ears, you valiant, but in the end he overwhelms you. You
would guess that you just heard a creaking door. have been knocked unconscious for a few mo-
Perhaps it was one of the other barracks buildings. ments, and when you regain your wits, the man of
One thing is for certain; you will not discover the Dunland has lit some tinder. He is checking his map
truth of the matter by staying in here. in the light of the flame. He sees your eyes open and
You exit the building and step back into the shifts his attention, saying; "Ah, Forgoil! You stu-
Deep's breeze. The door to the next house stands pid to come after me. Maybe you looking for this!"
open, and you are sure that it was not so, just The spy who spoke with Herulf holds up the map.
moments ago. Someone is near. You approach the He then lifts a rock and brings it down on the side of
open door. Turn to 133. your head, plunging you back into darkness.
You awaken again to a fierce jolting which sends
197 Time: 0 stabs of pain throughout your body. You try to reach
Blood burning, you heave the body of the hillman for your wounds but find that your hands are bound.
to your shoulder and with a defiant scream of rage, You are thoroughly trussed up and have been
throw him over the precipice. You watch on as the thrown over the back of a pony! Like a hunting
corpse lands outside the walls of the Hornburg. trophy, you think to yourself.
There, you can see watchmen on the walls below
gather on the ramparts nearest the Dunlending, as
they point and call out. Turn to 340.
Opening your eyes slightly, you see that it is 202 Time: 5
daylight, but heavy clouds have blotted out the sun. After Widwine is finished, you thank her and
You seem to be on a trail leading through the thick proceed around to the Keep's entrance. There a
grass of the Westfold! guard challenges you. "Hail, Eorling. What is your
The Dunlending spy has spared your life and business here?"
taken you through the secret pass. But for what "My business is with Herulf, and no other. Let me
purpose? Your pony is being led by Dunlendings, pass," you reply.
but the spy is not among them. What could happen "Very well," says the guard, and you pass into the
next? Turn to 351. Keep. Turn to 108.
201 Time: 40 203 Time: 5
"I must go to Gamling and tell him what has You leap to the nearest tower door, and swing it
happened. Where is he now?" you ask. open. Plunging into the darkness, you fly down the
The older man replies, "I believe he is still at the spiral stairs therein and land like a clap of thunder
Dike. You may find him there." on the guardroom floor at the bottom. Gaining your
With a nod of thanks, you head for the cliff-path bearings, you rush for the door which leads out onto
and follow it down into the gorge behind the the outer courtyard of the Burg. Once outside, you
Hornrock. From there you ascend the Back Stair skirt the tower and come upon the arched passage
and arrive at the Burg's outer court. Hundreds of know to all at the Burg as the Back Gate. You
brave warriors go about their preparations for war traverse the normally well-protected tunnel and
here. Bows are being strung. Arrows counted. notice that no guard keeps a station here as is the
Blades sharpened. Orders issued. Tonight the Orc- usual practice. Most interesting, you think. Even
hosts come, you think. more unusual, the Back Door, always locked before
You pass through the yard, round the inner Burg, the dawn, stands ajar! Turn to 395.
and out towards the causeway past the Great Gates.
204 Time: 0
When challenged, you declare your intent firmly,
This staff will enable you to cast the spell "Fire
and are let past all guard points. Finally you arrive
at Helm's Dike, and there find Gamling standing Bolt" five times before its magic is expended, and it
becomes useless. See the spell description for Fire
with a few officers looking out over Deeping
Coomb. Turn to 122. Bolt at the end of this book to determine its effects
and usage restrictions. You do not have to increase
your Damage Taken total by 6 when you cast a Fire
Bolt from the staff. Turn to 156.
209 Time: 5
Herulf, of all the Eorlingas! He must be made to
answer for this. You put the torch back in its place
and enter the tower over the Back Gate. Its heavy
wooden door creaks solemnly. You are about to slip
Time: 0 inside when you hear a similar noise coming from
Herulf dispatches you without much difficulty. the bottom of the stairs. Herulf must be passing into
If Event B has occurred, turn to 290. the outer courtyard now, you think. The staircase
If Event C has occurred, turn to 162. down to the foundation of the tower is made of
heavy stone slabs projecting from the inside of a
206 Time: 0 circular stairwell. Cautiously moving down in the
This talisman will increase your DB by 2 for as utter darkness, you reach the bottom, and cross to
long as you wear it. Turn to 156. the massive door which allows you to pass out onto
the outer court.
207 Time: 0 The guard who should be stationed here is no-
Soon you lose the trail. Cursing, you rest a
moment and listen. Turn to 300. where to be found. "This is indeed strange," you say
aloud, much to your own surprise. Slowly you push
208 Time: 0 open the door, listening anxiously for the slightest
"I do not know his fate, Commander," you tell sound, peering for the faintest flicker of movement.
Gamling, "but I would guess that he fled the battle He may suspect that I follow him, you reason; I must
before fate guided a righteous arrow to him." not allow him to catch me off-guard! Pick a number
"I see," says Gamling. "But now, let us turn to and add your Perception bonus:
other matters." Turn to 152. • If 2-7, turn to 333.
• If 8-12, turn to 382.
210 Time: 0
Wounded by many arrows, you experience a
cruel and painful death. Your quest has come to a
sad conclusion. The End.
211 Time: 15 Exp Pt: 20 212 Time: 25 ExpPt:2
Driving the point of your weapon into his chest, "Eorlingas!" you cry, "Hail, Eorlingas! Listen to
you finish off the Dunlending spy. A cold sweat me!" Your pleas are drowned out by the beating of
grips you as the dead body lies there: you realize horse' s hooves, and no one sees you. Now the host's
that this man may have been the only one who could trailers pass, and you offer one final desperate call
have lead you out of this maze of catacombs safely. before they continue on to the Hornburg; "Atten-
I must rely upon the traitor's map, you think, as you tion, Eorlingas!"
begin searching the hillman's body. One Rider turns on his mount and slows. With
Soon you have his flint struck, and the tinder him are four others, and as they see you running
burns softly with a red glow. You pull out the map towards them, one lifts a drawn bow. But he does
and examine it. At first it is very confusing, being not let the arrow fly. You near the five, who have
merely a scattered criss-crossing of lines and now stopped, and they marvel at your appearance
circles. Slowly a larger picture takes shape in your out of the Orc infested pastures.
mind. Aloud, you say; "This the Hornrock and cliff
must be, and these the peaks of the Thrihyrne. Here
is the main tunnel, and those are the side passages or
rockfalls... but where am I?"
You admit to yourself that you are quite disori-
ented, but one thing is certain: if you have guessed
at the map correctly, there is a tunnel branch which
leads right to the Westfold near the Isen. "A high-
way to the Deep and defeat, if the Dunlendings can
come in behind us!" The tinder is now exhausted;
you must make your way in the dark. Note on your
Character Record that you carry Item A, the Map to
the Secret Pass.
• If you try to go to the Westfold, turn to 151.
• If you try to go back to Helm's Deep,
turn to 378.
"Eorling," says the one who first saw you, "I am 213 Time: 15
Dernmod, and these Riders, my sons. How have Watching the bear retreat, you stand and take up
you been stranded thus?" the path again. What next?
You begin to explain, but he interrupts: "Never Soon your attention returns to the Dunlending.
you mind; we will hear your tale later. Now we must Where could he be? Alternating your determined
ride to the Burg before the siege army of the White climb with listening rests, you make your way to the
Hand comes nigh!" At this, you are pulled onto the path' s summit. This day' s watch has not yet arrived,
" back of Dernmod's horse, and the six of you start off so you are here alone, unless the spy is close by.
to catch up with the main host of Riders. "Many I will have to track him again, you think to
thanks," you offer, but go unheard. yourself, and at this you bend low and begin to look
"Theoden leads at the vanguard, does he not?" for more traces of the man of Dunland's passing.
you ask of Dernmod. Pick a number and add your General bonus:
"Aye," he answers while urging on his mount, • If 2-7, turn to 138.
"We come from Edoras. It is said that Gandalf • If 8-12, turn to 271.
Greyhame came to Meduseld and cured Theoden of
his years, giving him counsel to ride to the Deep and
stop Saruman. My sons and I donned our war gear
when the mustering horns were sounded."
"Strange, these events you report, Dernmod,"
you reply.
"And stranger still," Dernmod continues, "A
Dwarf and Elf, of all Middle-earth's creatures, ride
with the King!"
"Is Gandalf Greyhame with them?" you ask 214 Time: N/A
excitedly, for you know he is a wizard of some You grab the top of the ladder and begin to push
repute. it back, but Orcish bows launch many arrows and
"No." some come close to their mark. Pick a number and
As the host of Riders approaches the Dike, add your DB:
Dernmod offers you a healing herb if you need it. If • If 2-3, turn to 263.
your Damage Taken is greater than 0, pick a num- • If 4-7, turn to 236.
ber and reduce your Damage Taken by that amount. • If 8-12, turn to 317.
If your Damage Taken equals 0, you decline the
herb. Turn to 347.
217 Time: 5
You open the small packet, heart racing and face
flushed with excitement. Your eyes pass over the
unfolded papers. As you thought! Troop strengths,
dispositions, and leaders. Information the enemy
215 Time: 5 would devour! But what is this? The closer you
Quite by accident, your weapon scrapes against look, the more desperate you become. The leaders
the tunnel wall with a noise so sharp and sudden, a have Dunlendish names. The troop camps are lo-
surprised gasp escapes you! You freeze in silence, cated on the west side of the Isen. Troop strengths
a flurry of thoughts running through your mind. are listed as Dunlending and Orcish units! These
That has done it, you think; they heard that in documents will help the Eorlingas defeat the le-
Khand. You listen with such intensity, the walls gions of Saruman! "Oh, what mistake have I
themselves seem to wail and block out every other made!" you wail helplessly.
sound. Then, there is a quiet shuffling ahead which Just then, a shadow passes the doorway. It re-
soon ends. Your only hope is that your quarry is as turns, lingers, then a great figure steps in. It is
frightened as you are. I must go on, you think Ealdryhten, an old and trusted Eorling warrior,
silently. Turn to 364. commander of eoreds past. "What is this!" he cries.
"Herulf dead or dying, his room torn asunder, and a
216 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 20 young Rider sifts through his papers. Explain your-
You strike with a crushing blow, killing the first self! " You are quite beyond explaining however, as
Orc outright. Surprised, the second falls over and you seem to have made a grave error in judgment.
fumbles for his weapon. You have just enough time Your head, just moments ago swollen with victory,
to draw your weapon and ready it again before the now pounds the knell of defeat. You have done your
second Goblin engages you in combat. worst to an Eorling like yourself. No, not like
You fight the lone Orc. yourself, you think; his decisions were the right
(ORCOB:2 DB:-1 EP:12) ones. Your hopes of becoming a brave Rider of the
Award yourself 15 Experience Points if you de- Mark are dashed forever. The End.
feat the Orc.
• If you defeat the Orc, turn to 248.
• If the Orc defeats you, turn to 360.
• If you successfully Run Away, turn to 279.
218 Time: 10 A moment later, Dama returns. "It is as you say,
With the sure-footedness of a mountain goat, you a hidden entrance. But I know not where it goes, if
jump from shelf to rock, descending towards the it goes anywhere at all. I found no trace of the man
path leading down to the Deep. As you approach, a of Dunland, but I believe you saw him here." He
group of Eorlingas led by the watch commander stops to consider for a moment, then erupts. "Spears
Dama, breaks up from the path out onto the plateau. and spikes! I must go and report this to the Burg
"Dama!" you call out to him, "Dama, attention!" commander at once. You two stand here and let no
He sees you, and, dispersing his train of Watch- one come out. I will be back when I can." You and
men, waits for you to arrive. When you reach him, the younger guard exchange glances that are both
quite out of breath, only one lone guard stands near surprised and knowing. Dama is perhaps not as
at hand. Quickly you realize that this group of experienced as he would want his charges to be-
Eorlingas must be the day's cliff-watch, with Dama lieve. He strides off purposefully.
assigned as their leader. Your fellow guard strikes up a conversation. "He
"Dama," you gasp, "I have pursued a Dunlendish will be off to report this to Herulf then."
scout up here from the Burg this very morning. I saw "What!" you exclaim.
him at the Back Stair." You decide that it is best not "Yes, that is right," the Eorling continues calmly,
to mention Herulf at this moment. Continuing, you "Gamling is at the Dike this day, and our brave
say: "And I chased him until he ascended the slope, Herulf commands the Burg in his stead. You seem
there." You point the way you came. troubled."
"Why have you not captured him?" Dama asks. 'Troubled' understates things. How horrible, you
"He slipped beneath a thorn bush near a boulder, think; Dama will report this to Herulf, and while he
and disappeared. I fear infiltrators have found a way stalls, the Dunlending dog will be halfway to his
to the Deep by way of tunnels under Thrihyrne! destination, or better!
Come, I will show you." At this, Dama and the • If you wait for Dama to return with orders and
young guard standing beside him follow you back reinforcements, turn to 246.
up the slope.
• If you enter the secret pass without waiting,
Shortly, the three of you arrive at the thicket, turn to 310.
where you point out the tunnel through the bramble.
Dama looks skeptical, but gets down on his stomach
and squirms through the wall of thorns. You can
discern his form as it nears the underside of the
boulder, at which point he disappears, much the
same way as the Dunlending had.
219 Time: 10 222 Time: 0
"It is folly for me to remain here," you say to
yourself, "Herulf hides nothing in his own bed This spear has a "Strength" spell permanently
chamber." And with that, you leave, taking care to embedded in it. Therefore, whenever you use it in
arrange things as they had been before. Once out- combat, you always double the number of the
side, you make your way to the outer wall, quite damage delivered result on the combat table (i.e. an
disgusted. Turn to 423. 8 becomes a 16). The magic in the spear does not
affect "U" or "K" results however. Turn to 156.
220 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 20 223 Time: 0
You continue: "I slew him in the tunnels, and
took this, a map of the pass, from his body." You This is your chance! Rising to your feet, but
pull the map out from under your tunic and show it keeping low, you prepare to dash towards the brush
to Gamling. "This is the document I saw Herulf pass at the edge of the camp before more Orcs return.
to the spy on the Stair. Herulf is a traitor who, by my Pick a number and add your Intelligence Stat
guess, hoped to bring Dunlendings in force to our bonus:
rear during Saruman's siege. His actions smack of • If 2-4, turn to 402.
treachery." • If 5-12, turn to 373.
Gamling and the others consider your words.
Then Gamling says, "These are strong accusations,
young one. Are you certain of what you say?"
"Yes, Commander!" is your reply.
"Very well," says Gamling, "I will send an offi-
cer to find Herulf. He will come before me and 224 Time: N/A
answer your charges. Leave this map with me." All of the black-feathered arrows which are
Remove Item A, the Map of the Secret Pass, from aimed at you miss. You are indeed fortunate! Turn
your Character Record. Turn to 367. to 249.
221 Time: N/A 225 Time:0
You took careful aim with your arrows but ex- The door is magical in nature and was con-
posed yourself to the enemy's darts. Pick a number structed long ago by sorcerous men of the White
and add your DB:
• If 2-3, turn to 263. Mountain vales. To open the door, you must touch
• If 4-7, turn to 323. two specific door runes at the same time. Intrigued,
• If 8-12, turn to 224. you decide to do this. Turn to 112.
226 Time: 5 Descending excitedly, you disturb the gravel so
You fight the Dunlending scout. that it slides down with you, all in a clatter. Cave
(DUNLENDING OB:2 DB:2 EP:40) bats, now agitated, flutter about. Ahead, outside,
The battle is joined at close quarters and in pitch you see the tumbled rocks and waving grass of the
blackness. Parries and thrusts take you down corri- Westfold slopes. All is covered by the overcast sky.
dors which you have not traversed. Soon you are • If you exit the tunnel, turn to 242.
completely lost and fighting for your very life. • If you wait, turn to 233.
• If you win the fight, turn to 274.
• If you are knocked unconscious, turn to 200. 229 Time: 5
• If you successfully run away, turn to 187. Without moving, you continue to watch the
thicket and boulder. The hillman does not emerge.
227 Time: 40 You must take action now!
Struck several times, you lose consciousness • If you seek out Dama, and tell him what you
before being able to reach the tunnel. saw, turn to 354.
When you awaken, torn and battered, you find • If you pursue the Dunlending, turn to 169.
that you have been thoroughly trussed up and
thrown over the back of a pony. One Dunlending 230 Time: 5
leads the pack animal, while the others walk ahead. You evade the Orcs who tried to pursue you. Now
Turn to 351. I must find that woman, you think to yourself. Turn
to 177.
228 Time: 230 ExpPt: 6
While traveling through the tunnel, you try to 231 Time: 10
count the time, but it passes out of reckoning. On You make your way down the tunnel as a feeling
and on the passageway goes, with no end in sight. of uneasiness grows inside. What if you have
Several side tunnels and fissures open away to the passed the Dunlending? There have been many side
right and left, but you are not tempted to follow one; passages which you have ignored, preferring now
the path you are on now seems the best. On occa- to stay on what seems to be a main corridor.
sion, however, the tunnel splits, with one way Suddenly you stop, hearing a scraping noise close
seeming as good as the other. At these junctures you behind you. It ceases. You are being followed! Soon
make your best guesses. Eventually, you see faint there is a quiet shifting and the sound of shallow
daylight reflected across the passage walls. Press- breathing followed by: "Now you die,
ing toward it, you are finally rewarded with the sight Strawhead..." Take an action:
of an outlet at the bottom of a steep ramp covered • If you successfully run away, turn to 187.
with loose stones. • If you fight, turn to 226.
232 Time: N/A 236 Time: N/A
You do battle with one of Saruman's foul Half- You are struck by an Orcish dart. Pick a number
ores. and increase your Damage Taken by that amount.
(HALF-ORC OB:2 DB:2 EP:10) • If your Damage Taken now exceeds your
You may not attempt to Run Away during combat Endurance value, turn to 172.
• If you defeat the Half-orc, turn to 385. • Otherwise, turn to 377.
• If you are knocked unconscious, turn to 172.
• If you are killed by the Half-ore, turn to 432. 237 Time:0 Exp Pt: 6
"I am sorry, Eorling," you say with some sincer-
233 Time: 10 ity, "but I have a pressing task and I have not the
You think it best not to be hasty. For all you know, time to help you." With that, you hurry off. Turn to
a host of Saruman's Orcs could be waiting out there 288.
for your arrival! Pick a number and add your
Perception bonus: 238 Time: N/A
•If 2-9, turn to 234. Quickly searching the battlements for spent
•If 10-12, turn to 235. Orcish arrows, you turn from the ladder. Those
missiles you do find are broken or bent however,
234 Time:0 and quite useless. You turn again, just in time to see
All is quiet beyond the tunnel's opening. Even the an attacking Goblin as he brings his heavy weapon
sound of the wind comes reluctantly. down. You are surprised. Turn to 232.
• If you go back into the tunnels and try to find
your way to the Deep, turn to 239. 239 Time: 60
• If you exit the tunnel, turn to 242. You turn and retrace your steps back into the
catacombs. Strangely, though, you soon find your-
235 Time: 0 self disoriented. The darkness has caused you to
All is quiet beyond the tunnel's opening. Even the panic and take a wrong turn, or so you think. You
sound of the wind and birds comes reluctantly. You find a new, straighter tunnel and decide to travel
decide that because of the way the tunnel exit is along it. Turn to 280.
situated, it is difficult to hear things outside.
• If you go back into the tunnels and try to find 240 Time: 0
your way to the Deep, turn to 239. Your quest is over. The End.
• If you exit the tunnel, turn to 242.
241 Time: N/A Exp Pt: 30
You hit two Orcs who tumble over and soon
disappear. Turn to 221.
242 Time: 0 244 Time: 30
Drumming up your courage and conviction, you The late hour and brooding clouds cast the coomb
stride out of the tunnel, relieved to be in the open air into a deep gloom. Neither moon nor star lights your
again. Nothing appears amiss, so you leave the dark path, and a thunderous rain begins to fall. Lightning
passage behind and head for the slope which leads strikes once, and then again somewhere off behind
out onto a plane below. you, and when you turn to see where, a most awe-
Before you can take a handful of steps, however, inspiring and fearful sight commands you to stop.
you stop short. Something is dreadfully wrong. Stretching for leagues into the distance are a multi-
There is movement and hushed voices all around. tude of torches carried by an army of destruction.
"Who is there?" you call out, preparing your Saruman's Orcs march on Helm's Deep! But you
weapon. "Show yourselves!" could never have guessed at their great number. If
A man reveals himself from behind a rock with a Erkenbrand had fought but a fraction of what you
nocked arrow and drawn bowstring. He calls out in see approaching, he would have been overwhelmed
a harsh tongue, "Kurung, Forgoil!" A Dunlending! without a hope of victory.
You are about to act, when several others like the In a panic, you turn and run, the sheer weight of
first seemingly grow out of the surrounding terrain. numbers bending your mind to madness. Pick a
There are five that you can now see, and each has a number and add your Running bonus:
nocked arrow, trained and ready. Another calls out, •If 2-7, turn to 297.
"Ik as Forgoil!" Then they all seem to take up the •If 8-12, turn to 301.
phrase, though you know not what it means.
• If you run back to the tunnel, turn to 252.
• If you drop your weapon, turn to 260.
• If you stand ready, and wait, turn to 266.
243 Time: 0
Gamling turns his attention to you.
• If you killed Herulf in his room at the Keep
yesterday, turn to 440.
• Otherwise, turn to 163.
Again you stop, now empty of words and ex-
hausted. The woman withdraws her hand, and
suddenly the oppressive stench of the camp comes
rushing back in. She is not nearly as beautiful as you
had first thought, being actually rather old and bent.
Pain stabs at your joints, and your head swims as
you think of what you have just revealed to a perfect
stranger in league with Orcs! Your head falls for-
245 Time: 20 ward in shame while the woman cackles with a low
Nothing in all of Middle-earth would give you and evil laugh. "Worm," she sneers, "you are so
greater pleasure than to tell this lovely and mysteri- weak and pestilent. Know you not that your brave
ous woman everything. Filled with warmth and Erkenbrand was broken at the Fords and that you
love, your mouth falls open and begins speaking as now compromise the Strawheads of Helm's Deep?
it never has before. The woman smiles gently while Saruman is my master, and death, yours. Rohan is
you talk. On occasion, you hear what you are doomed!" Then she turns to the Orcs still in the
saying: "I saw Herulf and a Dunlending on the Back room, "Take him away, and I care not where." Turn
Stair... I was at the Burg... I think I was in a tunnel... to 143.
The sky was dark... I was with Dunlendings..." You
go on and on in greater and greater detail. It seems
so trivial though. You can not imagine how the
woman could find all of this so interesting.
Once you have finished, she speaks again, and it 246 Time: 60
is like being wrapped in a warm blanket. "How Both you and the younger guard, whose name is
absolutely marvelous! You are so strong and brave, Hermgarth, stand impatiently for some time, and
tell me of your friends. How many are there and how you begin to worry that Dama has met some ill fate
do they manage to guard the great Hornburg." So and will not return. Hermgarth, during your wait,
delighted are you by her interest, you begin anew, often eyes the tunnel through the thicket nervously,
telling of the undermanned walls and weak flanks. as if all the legions of Saruman might suddenly
She is sympathetic, and you are filled with joy, all come bursting forth from under the rock. Your mind
the time watching the glorious ring on her delicate begins toying with this thought too. There are only
two of you guarding what you assume to be a vital
tunnel. Vital indeed.
You are just about to seek out Dama again (or 247 Timer: 5
enter the tunnel yourself!) when he approaches with "Commander, I accuse you." Your voice grows
five experienced Riders. "You two may return to strong as you commit yourself. "I saw you at the
your duties. These men will take care of any who Hack Stair treating with an enemy. A Dunlending,
would use this secret lair without our leave." no less. One who came from Saruman's ranks.
"But... excuse me commander," you stutter, "will What say you to this? You handed the Dunlendish
you not be pursuing the enemy scout through the rogue a parchment — a map, or plan, or message I
passage?" know not which, but it stinks of treason and I will
"By no means!" is the response. "Herulf is con- find out. My family hides in the Glittering Caves,
vinced that all the tunnels under the Thrihyrne are and they will be saved even for the likes of you!"
circular, or lead to bad ends. This man of Dunland rick a number:
you saw must have entered it in panic, to avoid us • If 2-7, note that Event B has occurred and
catching him. When he comes out, we will deal with turn to 272.
him. Now return to your duties, and be careful: there • If 8-12, note that Event C has occurred and
are reports that a great army of Orcs is mustering in turn to 341.
the Westfold, east of the Isen!"
Could Dama be part of Herulf's traitorous 248 Time: 55
scheme? What about the men he brought with him? The Orcs defeated, you leave their corpses for
You may have made a grave error bringing all of carrion birds, and go to the burning cottage. Al-
this to his attention! Losing hope, you return to the though the heat sears your face, and the smoke
Burg. Turn to 423. brings tears to your eyes, you realize you will have
to enter the building to find out whether or not
anyone may be trapped within.
Once inside, you give up hope that there may be
survivors. The heat is too intense, and you reason
that the homesteaders would have left for the safety
of the caves some time ago.
You leave the burning house and continue on to
the Dike. By the time you arrive, weary and in need
of rest, the black storm clouds which have gathered
throughout the day bring on an early nightfall and
cool drizzle. Turn to 166.
249 Time: N/A 252 Time: 0
The creatures of Saruman have managed to throw You turn and run, but it is of no use, for the swift
scaling ladders up to the wall's embrasures. Al- arrows of the men of Dunland pierce you; and you
ready, sword battles have begun along the wall's are pelted with stones hurled from the heights
parapet off to your right. The top of one ladder above. Pick a number and subtract your Defensive
comes close to you, and no other defenders are Bonus (DB):
attending to it. The ladder shakes. Someone is •If 2-7, turn to 227.
climbing it! • If 8-12, turn to 210.
• If you leave the wall, and run down to the
courtyard below for safety, turn to 406. 253 Time: N/A
• If you look around on the walkway for more You are unable to surprise your foe, so you cross
arrows, turn to 238. blades with him. Turn to 232.
• If you wait behind the merlon next to the ladder 254 Time: 10 Exp Pt: 4
and surprise the soldier when he reaches the Confident that the Dunlending will not be mov-
top, turn to 302. ing on his own for some time, you set off along the
• If you try to throw the ladder back, turn to 214. lop of the cliff to search for evidence of other men
of Dunland, and to check with the other guards
250 Time: 5
"You do not give up easily, my Dunlending stationed here with you. You know that off to your
friend." Kind though the words seem, you spit them left, on the other side of a great barrier of rock, is
out. Note: you need only strike him once to win. your nearest fellow watchman. When you arrive at
(DUNLENDING OB:1 DB:2 EP:0) his post you find him cruelly slain, wounded in the
• If you win the fight, turn to 211. hack. There is no evidence of a struggle.
• If you are knocked unconscious, turn to 200. You find no other men of Dunland and so return
• If you successfully run away, turn to 187. to your captive. There stands another Eorling guard
from your watch; you explain what has happened.
251 Time: 0 Then you tell him of your slain comrade. "Hold
You take a few tentative steps into the gloomy firm, Eorling," he says once you have finished.
long-house, when from behind you hear a quiet "You take this treacherous Dunlending rogue to the
shuffling. Spinning around, you just manage to Burg, and I will collect our friend." With a nod, you
deflect an arc of brandished metal. Following be- concur. Turn to 136.
hind is a shadowy form and a cold voice, which
hisses: "Is it me you're looking for, Forgoil?" You
find yourself in a furious melee. Turn to 269.
255 Time: 0 The fire of life leaves your veins, or so it seems,
You stop. Intuition stays your advance. Just as you sink into unconsciousness. Around you
ahead in the darkness, you now hear shallow breath sound the voices of brave Eorling warriors, and
ing. Then a low and malevolent voice says: "Come their words smite like hammers: "This one will be
closer, Strawhead..." It is the Dunlendish spy! Take no good to us if Saruman's legions lay siege. Best
an action: we leave him as an offering at the front gate."
• If you successfully run away, turn to 187. Although your comrades neither kill you nor
• If you fight, turn to 226. leave you for the Orcs, you are incapacitated
throughout the major battle fought this night. In a
week's time you leave the Westfold in disgrace.
The End.
256 Time: 10 257 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 40
With a cry of "Eorl!" you crash down upon your With a vengeful swing, you knock Herulf aside.
opponents like a bolt of lightning. Your weapon He strikes his head on the hard stone wall and falls
sinks deep into your first foe, and you hear a moan to the floor in a crash of armour and weapons.
and a surprised squeal. The dog begins to bark, but "Dog," you hiss, "that is how it goes when the pure
does not leap to attack you. As you withdraw your of heart pit themselves against the spawn of the
weapon from the limp body, ready to strike again, Enemy!" Turn to 147.
you notice that your victim is much smaller than the 258 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 6
mighty Dunlending warrior you were expecting. The woman withdraws her hand, and with it, the
You look at the second, and in the deep shadow, ring. The sensation of ease which you had been
recognize that he is one of the stable-boys. He looks feeling is gone now, and the witch's demeanour
down at his stable mate, whom you have just terri- changes. She says, with a screeching voice, "How
bly wounded, and he gasps in horror. The two boys unfortunate that you do not know what I wish to
could only be a few winters younger than yourself. discover. You Strawheads always have been most
"Hail there! Who goes?" cries a watchman from the inadequate." After a short pause, she continues, "I
parapet of the inner wall towering above you. find it most wonderfully delicious that my master,
"Assistance! Assistance, Eorlingas," you man- Saruman, will sweep the mighty horse-lords from
age to say as you collapse to your knees and drop Middle-earth forever." She then turns to the Orcs
your bloodied weapon. You become dizzy, and who are still in the tent and says, "Take our guest to
soon there are many men surrounding you. You dinner, and be generous with the gravy!" To you,
think you hear yourself say: "...a Dunlending spy...I she adds: "Farewell, Eorling." Turn to 143.
259 Time:N/A
The Orc, seeing your charge, diverts his attention
from Gimli to you. You must fight him and may not
Run Away.
(ORC OB:1 DB:0 EP:18)
• If you defeat the Orc, turn to 129.
• If you are knocked unconscious, turn to 172. 262 Time: 5
• If the Orc kills you, turn to 432. Below the knoll, and not far off, you see the figure
of a man lying under a fir at the bottom of a shallow
260 Time: 30 stream bed. The Dunlending! "I have you now,"
With your weapon lying at your feet, the five men you whisper.
advance. The first one reaches you, and with cruel, Quietly, you leave the pile of rocks and begin to
wild eyes, grabs for your neck and shakes you stalk towards your prey, keeping low to the ground.
mercilessly. Too concerned with your own fate, you Pick a number and add your Trickery bonus:
have no time to listen to the man's raging. Not that • If 2-7, turn to 102.
you can understand his base language anyway. He • If 8-12, turn to 355.
babbles on for some time, the grip on your neck ever
tightening. How miserable! The other hillmen join 263 Time: N/A
in and kick at you until you lose consciousness. Struck by a black-feathered arrow squarely in the
When you awaken, you find that you have been chest, you stumble back, falling over. Sadly, your
thoroughly trussed up and slung over the back of a body will be counted among the defenders killed at
pony. One Dunlending leads the pack animal, while the Battle of the Hornburg. The End.
the others walk ahead. Turn to 351. 264 Time: 5
261 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 4 You fight these two spawn of Nan Curunir.
You are about to call out to your fellow Eorlingas (ORC#1OB:1 DB:1 EP:10)
when you hear men, or worse, approaching from (ORC #2 OB:2 DB:2 EP: 15)
behind! You spin around and there stand two more Award yourself 20 Experience Points for each
Orcs, like the first, with weapons drawn and fanged Orc you defeat.
mouths agape. Take an action: • If you defeat both Orcs, turn to 160.
• If you successfully Run Away, turn to 146. • If you are defeated by an Orc, turn to 360.
• If you attack the two Orcs, turn to 264. • If you successfully Run Away, turn to 307.
265 Time: 5 267 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 20
The Uruk leader swaggers over, and when he sees The fight is fierce, and the Dunlending proves to
Gaznag gone and you still lying uncooked, he he a formidable foe. Thank the Eorlingas for your
becomes very upset. "Must I do everything my- training! The man of Dunland is reckless though,
self?" the Orc asks, not expecting an answer. When and he overextends his thrusts. You see an opening
he sees your bonds removed, he starts to yell: and press your advantage. After you deal him an
"Gaznag, you fool, when I get my claws into you..." exceptionally severe blow that surprises even you,
But before he finishes, he draws forth his sword and the Dunlendish warrior collapses.
sinks it into your body. Too petrified with fear to • If, in your rage, you toss the Dunlending over
react, you lay there and slowly die. Your quest has the cliff, turn to 197.
come to a sad conclusion. The End. • If you try to rouse him for questioning,
turn to 391.
• If you take him back to the Hornburg and
report the incident, turn to 136.
• If you search the immediate area for more
Dunlendings, turn to 254.
268 Time: 0
Much more quickly than expected, you close the
distance between you and the spy. He is no more
266 Time: 20
You stand perfectly still for a moment, eyeing than a few yards ahead of you, but still shrouded by
your opponents and trying to guess at their inten- darkness and rough terrain. Pick a number and add
tions. Quite suddenly, a heavy weight comes crash- your Perception bonus:
ing down on the back of your head, and you lose •If 2-7, turn to 199.
consciousness. How miserable! • If 8-12, turn to 410.
When you awaken, you find that you have been 269 Time: 5
thoroughly trussed up and slung over the back of a You must fight the Dunlending, and because he
pony. One Dunlending leads the pack animal, while blocks the door, you may not Run Away.
the others walk ahead. Turn to 351. (DUNLENDING OB: 1 DB:0 EP:20)
• If you lose, turn to 326.
• If you win, turn to 148.
270 Time: 50
Quite sure that you are walking in circles, you
begin to believe that you will never be able to get out
of these tunnels. But, just when you are about to
give up hope, you see a glimmer of light. Daylight!
Thank Helm!
As you approach, the tunnel walls become
brighter and brighter, until, finally, you reach the pit
under the boulder. The thorn bushes are visible
above you through the crack in the earth, and all that
is necessary to put these catacombs behind you
forever is a short climb. You grab some rocky
outcroppings above you and haul yourself up.
Wending your way back through the thorn wall, you
stand, once again on the slopes of the Thrihyrne
above the Hornburg.
But no Eorlingas are in sight. The day watch on
the plateau is nowhere to be seen, and no Watchmen
cry out your arrival. You decide to go to the cliff- 272 Time: 5
path which winds down to the bottom of the Deep. Herulf glowers, then says with a low and re-
Turn to 181. strained voice, "My actions are not accountable to
you, Watchman. But so that you do not worry for
271 Time: 10 your mother, for I doubt you have children: listen
Soon, you pick up the hillman's trail again. Here, and mark my words. The Dunlending is a traitor to
his path leads up from the plateau to the ever his people and to Saruman. He brings us much
steepening slope of the Thrihyrne. You follow it as valuable information. Fearful of discovery, he
best you can in the half-light and arrive at the base demands secret words. That should be enough for
of a rocky outcropping, where you lose all signs of you. Now be off!"
the spy's passing. Not about to give up now, you "But the parchment..." you persist.
decide to climb the mound and look from there. "Shall I clean your ears with my blade?" Herulf's
Turn to 116.
voice rises again, "I said, BE OFF!"
• If you think Herulf speaks the truth, turn to 418.
• If you think Herulf is lying, turn to 282.
273 Time: 0 276 Time: 0
Deeping Coomb stretches away to the east and You open your mouth to call out to the Riders, but
south, a rolling land of fields and gullies, orchards only an desperate gasp issues forth. You have been
and small woods which rises up to meet the White struck from behind! Two Orcs have seen your fight
Mountains. Once a peaceful and prosperous vale with their third and have now come upon you to take
under the watchful eye of the Hornburg, it now lies their revenge. Note: in the following combat, you
empty of Eorlingas, quietly awaiting Saruman's are surprised. Turn to 264.
conquering hordes. You must head for Helm's Dike
and find Gamling so that you may bring him news 277 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 2
of what has befallen you. And you can ill afford to Ahead of you lies a path which leads up the
waste time! Note: because of the urgency with gorge's cliff wall to the sloping plateau above the
which you must go to the Dike, you may spend no Hornburg. You have heard many hint at the exis-
time healing while you are in Deeping Coomb. tence of entrances to secret tunnels above the cliff's
• If your accumulated time is less than 700, face. It seems likely that if that is true, the man of
turn to 103. Dunland must have used one to come into the Deep.
• If your accumulated time is from 700 to 900, "I shall go there too," you say silently. Turn to 186.
turn to 349.
• If your accumulated time is greater than 900, 278 Time: 0
turn to 244. You cross the dark courtyard, wary of shadows
lurking in corners and the clatter of wind-tossed
274 Time: 0 Exp Pts: 35 refuse. Turn to 288.
The motionless body of your foe lies at your feet
while you take a moment to catch your breath. Turn 279 Time: 50
to 392. You outdistance your Orcish pursuers, as they are
loaded with large packs (full of loot from Eorling
275 Time: 0 homes) and have little desire to come to the Dike
"So, you think I am stupid." The woman's voice without larger numbers. In time, you arrive at your
no longer holds a charm. Pick a number. destination. The pale light of day has given way to
• If 2-7, turn to 325. a early darkness and a steady drizzle of cool rain.
• If 8-12, turn to 178. Turn to 166.
280 Time: 10
Feeling your way down this cold and black pas- "As for the Dunlending," Deorhere continues,
sage, you begin to sense a draught blowing against "we must assume that Saruman's spies scouted our
your face, though you hear nothing. The tunnel secret passes long before this day. That is why we
bends and begins to slope down when you lose your have watchers on the cliff!"
footing on some loose gravel. You fall and slide Having delivered his warning, Deorhere with-
down the passageway, which, much to your horror, draws and will not hear your protests. You find
grows steeper and steeper. Clammy slime clinging yourself alone in the courtyard.
to the walls and floor prevents you from catching a • If you confront Herulf anyway, turn to 101.
handhold. Your stomach rushes up to your throat as • If you return to your duties, turn to 431.
you begin a free-fall: you have slid into a chasm! 282 Time: 0
You feel a solid blow against an arm, then a leg and Herulf's words are unworthy of a Rider of the
you spin in mid- air. The next blow hits you squarely Mark. His insults have wounded, and his actions
in the face, and you remember no more. Your quest seem to speak for themselves. Herulf is a liar.
is sadly over, and neither your moldering bones nor • If you attack Herulf, turn to 292.
battered armour will ever be found. The End. • If you wish to leave the Keep, turn to 328.
281 Time: 5 283 Time: 5
"Young one," says Deorhere, approaching, "I Wizards and waincarts! To the Crack of Doom
would speak with you." with all of them! But you find that your compulsion
You turn to face him, guessing at what he wants to help a fellow warrior is stronger — and perhaps
to say. His face is cold, his expression hard as safer — than the task at hand. Besides, you think,
granite. "You must be wary of Herulf. I can see he Herulf is going nowhere; I will snare him later.
knows the game you are playing, if the others here You walk up to the strong, swarthy warrior and
do not. And I fear it will go ill for you if you press inquire: "How may I assist you?"
him. He has many duties to occupy him, but do not He replies with the accent of a homesteader from
think that he will overlook you if he sees you are a the far Westfold, "I have a load of forage for the
threat. For now, keep your suspicions to yourself. If horses at the Dike this morning, but this wain's
it is as you think with Herulf, there are higher judges hitch is bent. If you would bend down and hold it
than us, and he will pay. If your eyes were clouded thus," and he shows you, "I could attach the bind-
and your thoughts deluded, pursuing him will only ings to the mare's harness."
bring us woe. • If you decide that you would rather be off after
Herulf, turn to 237.
• If you finish helping the man, turn to 438.
284 Time: 0
"Hail, Eorlingas!" you call out. "Are any about?"
Receiving no reply, you pass through the open
portal ever so slowly. Pick a number and add your
Perception bonus:
• If 2-7, turn to 145.
• If 8-12, turn to 251.

285 Time: 30
When your nightmares next fade to reality, a rank
odour assaults you. At best guess, you would reduce
it to a vile mixture of smoke, sweat, excrement and
carrion. You approach an Orc camp! There is a great
deal of activity and noise. Weapons are being
checked by gloating Uruks. Lesser Orcs distribute
supplies, and all these creatures of the Nan Curunir
make a ruckus, each fighting over some trivial thing
or another.
Making the effort to look up again, you see a most
disgusting sight. From the few trees that remain
standing here hang the corpses of brave Riders,
murdered in the most horrible ways. You want to
cry out, but you cannot. The Orcs must not see
weakness in you!
All of the sudden, you are dumped, most uncere-
moniously, to the ground. Two large, drooling Orcs
pick you up by your wrists and ankles, which is very
painful, considering that you are tightly bound and
your hands lie prostrate behind your back. They
carry your aching body to a black tent near the
centre of the camp. Throwing back the flap, the
Goblins thrust you inside, veritably tossing you to
the floor. Beside you lands all of your gear. There,
on the hard ground, you roll over and look up. A
woman, dark and strangely beautiful, stands over
you. She speaks the harsh words of the Black
Speech, and the two Uruks who brought you here
lift up your body, propping it in a low chair.
The woman turns to you now and reveals her
hand, upon which rests a most wondrous jewel set
in a ring. You stare into the gem, marveling at its
beauty as it sparkles and glistens though no lamp
lights the tent. "Pray," her lilting voice falls upon
you, "accept my most humble apology for your
treatment." Her words are a melody of birdsongs
after the crude Orc-speech. The dancing gem envel-
ops you. "Let us talk now of many things. Sparkling
streams and clover in the meadow. Let us forget
Orc-talk and death. Think of honey and mead. 287 Time: N/A Exp Pt: 50
Fragrant flowers and crisp snow. Do you like these Three arrows take three Orcs! "Well done, Eor-
things?" It is all you can do to nod. Her voice is ling," says Legolas behind you, "you will make an
soothing and restful, like that of a hale matron. "Tell archer yet!" Turn to 221.
me of your journey, what you saw, and how it was
you came here. I crave knowledge. It fills me. You 288 Time: 5
would not deny me this, would you? I only wish for From the outer courtyard of the Hornburg, you
your safety... you will be warm, and in want of round to the gate at the inner Burg wall, pass
nothing. Tell me... tell me now "Pick a number and through, and approach the Keep. The guard at the
add your Magical bonus: door comes to attention and asks: "Who goes?"
• If 2-8, turn to 245. "It is I," you respond, "Eorling and Watchman.
• If 9-11, turn to 118. Let me pass."
• If 12, turn to 361. "What need you in here?"
"I wish to speak with Herulf. Be quick — it is
286 Time: 0 urgent."
Becoming confused, you decide to scout along "Very well," says the guard, "you may enter. He
the basin of the Deep. It seems to make sense that has gone to his quarters." And with that, you pass
the Dunlendish spy may be seeking refuge at the far into the Keep. Turn to 108.
end of the gorge, near the Glittering Caves. Who
would look for him there? Once again determined, 289 Time: 0
you set off. Turn to 153. The two, spitting vile froth, lay on with flashing
blades. Turn to 345.
291 Time: 150
Both you and Hermgamel dash through the
waist-high grass, but you have been seen too soon
by the Orcs. Raising battle cries, they loose their
arrows. Hermgamel falls, struck twice! There is
nothing to do but continue on.
Eventually, the Orcs fall behind and you can take
the time for a short rest. Mourning the passing of
Hermgamel, you vow never to forget his service
and hope that one day you too may be as brave and
290 Time: 1 day selfless.
You awaken in a cold and dark place, though not Free of pursuit, you approach Deeping Coomb.
all is silent. Beyond a door, or that is what you guess Turn to 273.
it is, you hear subdued voices and the shuffling of
hard boots. It takes you a moment to remember what 292 Time: 5
has happened to you, but then it all comes back like "You lie, Demon of Rohan!" With this cry, you
a flood of nightmares. Herulf has defeated me, you lay on to the attack.
think. But where is this place? Before long, the door You must fight Herulf, and you may not attempt to
is thrown open. A light blinds you and you turn Run Away.
away, but you hear the voices, now more clearly: (HERULF OB:4 DB:3 EP:45)
"There he is, my Lord. He attacked one of my senior • If Herulf knocks you unconscious, turn to 205.
officers, compelled by some dream or fantasy, so it • If Herulf kills you, turn to 162.
is said." These are definitely the words of Gamling, • If you knock Herulf unconscious, turn to 257.
if you do not miss your guess, but the next speaker • If you kill Herulf, turn to 407.
freezes you to the floor. It is your King, Theoden.
His words drive spikes of ice through your heart.
"It is unfortunate. Perhaps the thought of siege was
too much for him. I must ride now with Gandalf to
Orthanc, do with him as you deem fit."
For your crime — that is how your actions are
viewed by others now—you are banished from the
Westfold and cast, alone, into a vast Middle-earth
on the eve of war. The End.
293 Time: 10 Off to your right, you hear a friendly but strained
Unfortunately, Deorhere could not help you very voice, "Fellow Eorling, I am here." From behind
much. You decide that you should report Herulf's some tall grass pokes a blond head, followed by the
actions to Gamling the Old. body of a stout Rider! "Come hither, and be silent!"
You leave the parapet of the outer wall by way of You approach your rescuer with as much stealth as
the nearest tower and descend to the courtyard you can muster.
below. From there, you round to the gate at the inner "Friend!" you exclaim once you reach him, "I am
Burg wall and approach the entrance of the Keep forever in your debt. But how did you come to save
itself. In the half-light, the guard at the main door me?"
sees you approach. "I was with Erkenbrand's forces. We were scat-
"Hail there! Who goes?" tered at the Fords of Isen, but not destroyed. I have
"It is I, Eorling and Watchman. I wish to make a been trying to come nigh to the Deep, but Orcs have
report to Gamling. Let me pass!" you reply. barred my way. I arrived here, and when I saw you
"You may pass," says the guard, "but you will not brought into the camp, I waited to see if I could help.
find Gamling here today. He has already left to set It seems I could."
the defense at the Dike, and thereafter has planned "You could indeed. And your name?" you ask.
to sortie into the Coomb to collect any from the "Hermgamel," he answers.
Westfold who have not yet reached Helm's Gate. "Ah yes, I know your son, Hermgarth, at the
He has left Herulf in command of the Keep; do you Burg. He is well, but we must leave this place if we
wish to speak with him? I do not believe he is awake should hope to come there!"
yet." "That is the way," Hermgamel points around a
Not awake! It seems this guardian is none too shoulder of the Thrihyrne, "to the vale and Deeping
attentive. Unfortunately, you will not be able to Coomb. It is far. I will not ask how you came to this
speak with Gamling. place just now, but you must tell me later. Do you
• If you go to confront Herulf, turn to 400. have the strength to make the journey back?"
• If you continue with your assigned duties for the "I do!" You rise, just as your absence at the camp
day, turn to 320. is discovered. "Come, we must hurry."
Hermgamel offers you a sword and shield. If you
294 Time: 5
When you reach the brush, you glance around, wish to take one or the other, or both, add the item(s)
trying to figure the best escape route. Then you see to your Character Record. Turn to 437.
the dead body of Gaznag! He is pierced by a long
arrow which is neither of Dunlendish nor Orcish
make. It is the arrow of an Eorling!
295 Time: 10 Nearby sits a dog like those used by herders in the
As you tell Gamling of the day's events and your high vales. It could very well be a hunting dog, for
most compelling adventure, you produce the map you have heard that the Dunlendings use such
you took from the Dunlending spy. "This," you say, beasts on forays in their native lands beyond the
"was the parchment given by Herulf to the man of Gap. Desperately, you search for others in the quiet
Dunland on the Back Stair before dawn this morn- court, but none can be seen.
ing. I slew him under the Thrihyrne and took it. If Nearby is a tower containing stairs down to the
this map had fallen into the hands of the enemy, they court. If you are silent, you could come upon these
could have used the pass to come upon our rear two and deal with them swiftly, for they seem in no
during battle. The entrance is on the plateau above hurry to move and are unaware of your presence.
the Burg." You point into the gathering gloom Perhaps they are waiting for a signal. Alternatively,
above the Keep. "They may still. I cannot guess." you could raise an alarm, or you could hail them.
"Thank you for your report, Eorling. You have But then they might escape by whatever secret
done well: Herulf will have some difficult questions entrance they used to get here. Surely you cannot
to answer. Give the map to me, and I will deal with just walk away!
him. But now I must set the Dike's defense. The • If you sneak up on them, turn to 100.
White Hand marches upon us this night! Go to the • If you raise an alarm, turn to 182.
battlements, for every spear is needed there." • If you hail the two, turn to 427.
"Yes, Gamling," are your final words as you give
him the map. Remove Item A, the Map of the Secret 297 Time: 0
Pass, from your Character Record. Turn to 389. In the vanguard of the creeping onslaught ride
wild Orcs on huge Wargs. They scout the way for
296 Time: 10 the rest, and put down any who would impede the
You pass along the parapet of the Hornburg's progress of the main body of troops. Unfortunately,
outer wall, wrestling with your thoughts when you you are on the host's main axis of assault and so,
hear yet more quiet conversation. This time it intent upon running you down, several Orcs wield-
comes from within the courtyard below, inside the ing scimitars descend upon your retreating shadow
curtain wall! Could it be infiltrators, come to slay and hack you down. Without a hope in all Middle-
the garrison before it wakes? What now! earth, you die in the Deeping Coomb with memo-
Cautiously, you peer down into the outer court of ries of a better time. The End.
the Burg. Below in the shadows you can discern two
small figures huddled next to the far wall. One
points while the other seems to hold a bow or spear
in one hand.
298 Time: 0
You have been stunned by your fall, so in the
following combat, you are surprised. Turn to 336.
299 Time: 0 303 Time: 10
Your quest is over. The End. "Well, young one," says Gamling in high spirits,
"I see no Orc claimed your head for a war trophy last
300 Time: 5 night!"
You find no trace of the Dunlending and can no "No," you respond, "and thank Helm for that!"
longer hear any unnatural movement. In a quan- Pausing for a moment of uneasy silence, you then
dary, you consider which way to go. Pick a number pose a question: "Gamling, what of Herulf and the
and add your Intelligence Stat Bonus: battle? Have you spoken with him? What is his
•If 2-7, turn to 286. late?"
•If 8-12, turn to 277. "Oh, that is a sad tale," begins Gamling. "Out-
301 Time: 20 Exp Pt: 8 numbered ten to one, Herulf was set upon by Dun-
In a desperate attempt to remove yourself from lending warriors in the Deep. But before he was
the army's line of advance, you head for the eastern brought down, he took no less than five of them."
slopes of the Thrihyrne. However, two of the many This news is most interesting, and you have much
Orcs who are scouting ahead of the main body of time to ponder it in the days ahead. In the meantime,
troops have seen you and are now in pursuit. They you attend to your pains and rejoice in the knowl-
seek their first kill of the night. edge that a band of outnumbered Eorlingas were
• If you turn to fight them, turn to 304. able to better the full weight of the White Hand. The
• If you run away from them, turn to 315. End.
302 Time: N/A 304 Time: 5
You fight these two Orcs of the White Hand.
An Orc, or something like one, scrambles to the top (ORC#1 OB:1 DB:1 EP:13)
of the ladder. He is just about to leap out onto the (ORC #2 OB:1 DB:0 EP:10)
rampart when you come upon him from the side. Award yourself 15 Experience Points for each
Pick a number and add your Trickery bonus: Orc you defeat.
• If 2-7, turn to 253. • If you defeat the Orcs, turn to 306.
• If 8-12, turn to 123. • If an Orc defeats you, turn to 311.
• If you successfully Run Away, turn to 315.
305 Time: 5
You open the small packet, heart racing and face
flushed with excitement. Your eyes pass over the
unfolded papers. As you thought: troop strengths,
dispositions, and leaders fill up the sheets. Informa-
tion the enemy would devour! But what is this? The
closer you look, the more desperate you become.
The leaders have Dunlendish names. The troop
camps are located on the west side of the Isen. Troop
strengths are listed as Dunlending and Orcish units! 306 Time: 0
These documents are to help the Eorlingas defeat You are the victor in this, your first fight Eorling
the legions of Saruman! You have made a great to Orc. Unfortunately, you realize that you will have
mistake. Erkenbrand would have seen these papers no opportunity to make your way back to the Dike.
and used their information to plan his ride to the The Coomb below you now crawls with advancing
Fords! Orcs and Wargs. Resigned to this fact, you climb
Just then the door to the room flies open, and in higher into the rocks and watch the night's proceed-
steps Ealdryhten, a great Eorlingas leader and ings, hoping that the Burg's defenders can best such
commander of eoreds past. With a raging voice, a numberless foe. Turn to 337.
tempered only by years of experience, he says: "Ah!
I thought a spy was afoot. Herulf is on his rounds." 307 Time: 0
Before you can react, or defend yourself with You evade the Orc you are fighting in the near-
speech, Ealdryhten—much stronger than his years darkness and run towards Theoden's Riders, calling
seem to allow — grabs you and takes you down to out to them. Turn to 212.
the Keep's dungeon. He will not listen to your
protests, and his last words to you are, "Gamling 308 Time: 5
will deal with you when time permits, but if I had After a short time, and despite their heavy packs,
my way, spies like you would rot down here for- these creatures bred for labour catch up to you.
ever. And perhaps you will!" Turn to 435. Realizing you must fight them or be cut down from
behind, you turn and engage them. Turn to 345.
309 Time: 0
You have little option but to fight the Orcs.
Turn to 336.
310 Time: 5 311 Time:0
After a short time you lose patience. You turn to One of the Orcs brings you down with a slicing
your fellow guard and inquire: "Eorling, I have seen Mow to the back of the knee. As you collapse, your
you at mess, but I do not know your name." defenses are cast aside, and one final swing ends
"I am Hermgarth, son of Hermgamel." your life on this Middle-earth. The End.
"Well, Hermgarth, I have no intention of waiting
for our good Dama to return. I may be old and wise 312 Time:N/A
by then. I will enter the secret pass myself." The creature misses you, but forces you back
"I wish you good fortune," says Hermgarth, "but from the embrasure. Turn to 393.
you will go alone. My family has lived in these hills 313 Time: 0
for years too many to count, and I have heard tell of Or can something be done? Herulf's limp body
the deep chasms to be found in the tunnels under the lies on the floor next to you. Almost without consid-
Thrihyrne. The safety of the Glittering Caves you ering your actions, you draw forth your weapon
will not find there!" once more and take justice upon yourself. Scream-
"Be that as it may, I go." You drop to your ing "Traitor!" you plunge the blade into his chest.
stomach and wind your way through the opening in Shaking with horror and unbridled emotion, you let
the thicket. Only a few thorns scratch your face and it rest there for a moment before twisting it, and
hands as you arrive at the boulder. Before you lies tipping it out. Herulf emits one last bloody gasp,
a pit just wide enough for a man and his pack to then leaves this Middle-earth forever.
squeeze through, but you will have to go head first. In a moment, you pick up the bundle of docu-
You slide in quite easily and soon find yourself ments and start off for the Dike where the Burg
standing at the bottom of a pit. You wait for your commander, Gamling, prepares his troops. Note on
eyes to adjust to the gloom and then ready your your Character Record that you carry Item D, the
weapon. A tunnel, just high enough for you to pass Traitor's Documents. Turn to 353.
through doubled over, stretches off away from you.
Nothing can be heard. All is silent and black. Turn 314 Time: 0
to 422. "I do not know his fate, Commander," you reply,
"but if he is not here, nor among the dead, I would
guess he has escaped. I do not envy him. Saruman
will be rude company now."
"Well-said, and true!" gloats Gamling. "I know
someone who wants to meet you, young one." Turn
to 439.
315 Time: 20
You elude your pursuers on the mountain side,
but realize that with the Coomb now crawling with
raiding Orcs and Wargs, and an advancing army
following behind, you will be unable to come to the
Dike this evening. Resigned to this fact, you climb
higher into the rocks and watch the night's proceed- 319 Time: 5
ings, hoping that the Burg's defenders can best such "Gamling," you say, "I am glad to see that you are
a numberless foe. Turn to 337. alive, and well-kept!"
316 Time: 5 "Indeed," he answers. "Young one, I was not able
You drop to your knees and search the uncon- to find Herulf yesterday, and I saw him not last
scious body of the Dunlending. As you strip away night. Do you know what happened to him?"
his weapon and harnesses, you sense that he is • If you killed Herulf last night, turn to 413.
moving but still without his wits. As you begin to • Otherwise, turn to 208.
feel your way into his belt-pouch, you hear a scrape. 320 Time: 0
He is lifting a rock to attack you! Take an action: "No," you reply, "I do not think I will disturb him
• If you successfully run away, turn to 187. just yet." You turn from the guard and make your
• If you fight, turn to 250. way back to the outer wall. Turn to 322.
317 Time: N/A 321 Time: 0 ExpPt:2
All the Orcish darts miss you! Turn to 377. You approach Herulf's bed chamber door and rap
318 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 2 at it several times. In a moment it swings open and
May the Valar strike you down if you are not sure in front of you stands a man whose innermost
you have just seen the same Dunlendish scout thoughts you can only guess at. "Yes, what is it."
Herulf was secreting with earlier this morning! His voice is loud, perhaps overly so.
There must be an entrance to a hidden pass under- "Herulf, I would speak with you." Your voice
neath the boulder. seems meek in comparison, and confidence all but
• If you find Dama and tell him what you saw, melts away.
turn to 420. "Yes?" he begins softly but ends with a crashing
• If you wait and watch the thicket, turn to 229. boom, "What!" Turn to 247.
• If you pursue the Dunlending, turn to 403.
322 Time: 30
The sun struggles to breach the black veil in the
eastern sky. Indeed, it seems as though the land of
the Enemy is belching forth clouds of war. War to
be waged on Gondor! But now you are concerned
with the Eorlingas, as well you should be. Looking
up, dark clouds are gathering here, too. If the
weather remains overcast today, that will bode ill
for the Coomb, as Saruman's raiding Orcs will
continue their advance towards the Deep.
You move from the battlements to your assigned
day-time post. It is a secluded place on a ledge high
upon the eastern side of the crag overlooking the
Hornburg. Climbing vigorously for some time, you
reach your post as the sun is just beginning to cast
its rays on the Burg. You settle yourself to watch for
foes; if a Dunlending could come to the Back Gate
of the Hornburg, then all would be threatened, no
matter how distanced. Turn to 372. 325 Time: 5
"You WILL tell me what I want to know!" and at
323 Time: N/A that, the woman's ring seems to burst into flame.
You are struck by a black-feathered arrow. Pick You are struck dumb as the flickers dance in your
a number and increase your Damage Taken by that mind. But soon, things become calm again, and the
amount. woman croons; "Now tell me everything..." Pick a
• If your Damage Taken now exceeds your number and add your Magical bonus:
Endurance value, turn to 172. • If 2-11, turn to 245.
• Otherwise, turn to 249. • If 12, gain 10 Experience Points and
turn to 118.
324 Time: 0
Helm's Deep is saved! The End. 326 Time: 0
Your last vision in this Middle-earth is that of a
wild hillman raising his blade for one final, fatal
strike. The End.
327 Time: 0 "Indeed!" says Deorhere , "that is battle."
The Dunlending has only one course of action; he "How did we prevail against such numbers last
must retreat into the Deep at this very moment! You night?" you ask. "All seemed lost to us."
must catch him, for surely he is a vile enemy, and a "Erkenbrand returned with his scattered Riders
double-threat to the Riddermark if he carries an and one other, Gandalf Greyhame! They came upon
Eorling map or plan. A curse on Herulf! But you the rear of Saruman's host and shattered it. And
will deal with him later. Now to the man of now, such sorcery as I can not believe is upon us."
Dunland! Turn to 203. "Pray," you ask, "what is it?"
"Come hither and see." Both you and Deorhere
328 Time: 10
rise to the top of the inner Burg's battlements, and
Disgusted, but not sure what to do, you take your
from there, look out across the Coomb. Therein
leave of this worm of Saruman. "I will speak of this
stands a vast forest, where none stood before! "The
to no one," you manage to say as you begin to
Dunlendings surrendered to us when the battle was
descend the stair. Herulf stands at the landing, and
won, but the Orcs fled. They passed into that ghost-
does not follow. Soon you are outside again, and
forest, and we have heard nothing of them since. It
retreat to your post on the outer wall. Turn to 375.
is as if the trees swallowed them whole." You stare
329 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 2 in disbelief. "It is all Gandalf's doing, if you ask me.
The head of your weapon comes curving down But do not! The affairs of wizards are no concern of
and delivers a solid blow. To a bear! This is not the mine." With that, Deorhere leads you down from
Dunlending, you think wildly, but a mountain bear! the wall to the inner court where he takes his leave,
You fall back in utter shock, pulling your weapon having to attend to other business.
with you. When you again look up, the bear, now Before you now stands Gamling the Old, and
sorely wounded, bounds off into the gloom. Turn to though his sword is sorely notched, he is un-
213. wounded.
• If Event B has occurred, turn to 303.
330 Time: 30 • If you gave Item D to Gamling, turn to 243.
As you near the inner Burg, your friend, • If you gave Item A to Gamling, turn to 163.
Deorhere, approaches. "Young one," he says, • Otherwise, turn to 319.
though you do not feel so young this day, "I could
not find you and feared that you had been slain."
"No," you reply, "I am not dead, though I feel that
I am."
331 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 4 Stablehands, you think to yourself, boys who
You are about to step into the chamber when you are for the horses still left at the Hornburg. They
notice a loose flagstone just past the threshold. are probably awake early because of the unsettling
Some sinister trap meant to put me at odds no doubt, rumours of an impending siege by Saruman's army.
you think. You step over it and, looking past the But to be playing with their dog so early in the
brooding statues, turn your attention to the pillar morning when there are watchful guards all about!
and tomb. Turn to 132. It is fortunate that you did not attack them.
You head back to your patrol route on the outer
332 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 15 wall as your imagination continues to play tricks on
You best the Orc, his shield's White Hand now you. Again you consider whether you should report
darkened by black blood. Pick a number: Herulf.
• If 2-7, turn to 344. • If you report Herulf to Deorhere, your watch
• If 8-12, turn to 189. commander, turn to 348.
• If you continue with your assigned duties for the
333 Time: 0 day, turn to 322.
Herulf has slipped away, or is hiding and waits
for you to pass, for you cannot see him in the 335 Time: N/A
courtyard. You have two options now: you can You are hit! Pick a number and increase your
report Herulf's activities to your Watch Com- Damage Taken by that amount.
mander, Deorhere , or you can go to Herulf's • If your Damage Taken now exceeds your
quarters in the Keep and challenge him when he Endurance value, turn to 172.
arrives, if he has not stole his way there already. • Otherwise, turn to 393.
• If you report to Deorhere, turn to 185.
• If you go to Herulf's quarters, turn to 278. 336 Time: 5
Two Orcs engage you in a wicked melee. You
334 Time: 5 must fight them.
You stand ready and set your weapon for the (ORC#1 OB:1 DB:0 EP:12)
animal's charge. But he does not leap to the attack, (ORC #2 OB:0 DB:2 EP:15)
for his tail is wagging and he holds a throwing stick Award yourself 15 Experience Points for each
in his mouth. He approaches the two just beyond Orc that you defeat.
you along the wall, and now you hear clearly the • If you defeat both Orcs, turn to 390.
voices of two Eorling boys: "Yes, Arodban! Very • If one of the Orcs defeats you, turn to 360.
good," and "Now, get it again." From out of the • If you successfully Run Away, turn to 230.
shadow flies the stick, and the dog chases it.
337 Time: several hours 338 Time: 5
The events of this night will appear in the annals You come upon some broken twigs and a swath
of the history of Middle-earth as a great victory by of grass, freshly trodden. Excited, you follow the
the men of Rohan over the host of the White Hand. meagre track. Pick a number and add your General
And you were able to watch it unfold before you. bonus:
Oh, but only if you could have fought on the Burg's • If 2-5, turn to 207.
walls! • If 6-12, turn to 368.
A great army of Saruman's Orcs and Dunlend-
ings from the west marched on the Burg. They
broke over the Dike and crashed against the
Hornrock as rain and lightning smote from above.
The Burg seemed doomed as sorcery from Isengard
flew through the low sky and battered the Keep and
its outmatched defenders. The sound of battle 339 Time: 10
would rise with each fresh assault and roll down the As you stand there thinking, you barely notice the
Coomb, shaking the very rock of Middle-earth. approach of two doughty Eorling warriors. Much to
Then, when all seemed lost, an unlooked-for troop your surprise, they stop at your side, pressing close
of Eorlingas, led by Erkenbrand, marched into the and offering no escape. You look up in shock; their
Coomb and came upon Saruman's forces from the faces are lean, with eyes narrowed and mouths
rear. You made to join them, but they scattered the pursed. "Yes, fellow Eorlingas," you begin, "is
army's rearguard ahead of them, and these Orcs (here some service I may render you?"
came up the slope towards you. You had to hide to "We have heard," one of them speaks with a
stay alive. voice low and malicious, "that a fool, disguised as
At length, the Orcs and Dunlendings were routed, a Watchman on the outer wall, doubts his resolve in
but before they could escape the Coomb, a most the fight against the White Hand."
miraculous thing occurred. It seemed to you that a "Yes," offers the other viciously, "it is said that
whole forest filled up the vale and swallowed the this particular young excuse for an Eorling doubts
Orcs who ran into it. the words of his superiors. He even questions their
The next morning, when you managed to reach orders. Perhaps, it is said, that this particular dog
the Hornburg, your first questions inquired into the may waver and refuse, when the time comes, to lay
whereabouts of Herulf. Unfortunately, you could down his life so that those in the Aglarond may be
not find him. Although none witnessed his fate, it is saved."
said that he was lost in battle. The End.
"Do you know of this cur?" asks the first accus- 340 Time: 20
You leave your post and descend the rough stair
"But... surely you..." As you start to defend your giving access to the Deep. As you approach the
integrity — for you are definitely the target of their Hornrock, you can see that several fellow Eorlingas
misgivings — you realize that you have never seen are bearing up the body of the Dunlending and
these two Riders who speak with strange accents. taking him within the walls of the Hornburg. Once
You continue anyway, "Now just a moment! I at the bottom of the gorge, you begin your own
would guess at who has filled your minds with such ascent of the Back Stair where you find several
lies. If such an Eorling as you describe exists, he Eorling Watchmen waiting for you. The first calls
beds in the Keep, and directs these slanders at me!" out to you: "Was that your work?"
"We are of a different opinion," says the second "Yes," you reply. "I must report to the com-
man as they both come closer.
"I think I smell a mouse. He scurries along the Once inside the outer courtyard, you find many
battlements and would cast brave archers into the warriors gathered around. At their head stands
jaws of Orcs at siege." The first Eorling drops a Herulf. "I am the Burg commander in Gamling's
heavy and pointing finger squarely on your chest. stead this day, for he has gone to the Dike. You will
"If you should see him, young one, tell him that tell me of what passed upon the cliff." He stares at
others watch on the honoured ramparts of the Burg. you with cold, knowing eyes which peer deep into
He could be disposed of, and none would miss you. He is tall and intimidating. You want to shrink
from him, but you cannot. You must not!
With that, the two withdraw. You stand warned. "The Dunlendish scout came upon me unawares
It takes a few moments for you to compose yourself, with intent to slay me before I could raise an alarm,"
but it is difficult to hold one's head high after such you begin. "But I heard, and engaged him. The
a blistering assault. You wonder about the two, their result of our battle you know." Then you say, loud
origins and their true intentions. Do they mean to enough for all to hear, "For that hillman to have
slay you in the night? Or perhaps embarrass you in come upon me so, one of the secret passes he must
front of Gamling, or Erkenbrand upon his return? have taken. I know not much of them, where they
Whatever game they are playing, you are glad that lead, and from whence they came, but we are not
they are now gone. You must decide what you safe if our rear is exposed to spies and traitors!"
should do. Note that Event E has occurred. With this you glare at Herulf and try to discern his
• If you return to Herulf's room while he is out, mind, but he eludes your eyes and turns to the
turn to 356.
• If you continue with your duties, turn to 423.
"Double the watch on the cliff, and beware," he 342 Time: 0
calls to one of the tower guards. "As for you," he Hiding in a clump of tall, dark grass, you let the
turns back, "return to your duties as soon as you Orc run past. When he is gone, you run towards the
may." Some unspoken message passes between the host and call out. Turn to 212.
two of you.
"Now, back to your posts," Herulf cries out to the 343 Time: 0
gathering. "If Gamling saw you, thus he would You quickly turn and run, trying to get farther
think you had the leisure of days instead of mo- from them, and closer to Helm's Dike. Pick a
ments. Now move, I say!" Herulf spins on his heel number and add your Running bonus:
and returns to the Keep. • If 2-5, turn to 308.
• If you are wounded, turn to 424. • If 6-12, turn to 279.
• Otherwise, turn to 281. 344 Time: 0
341 Time: 10 Turning your attention once again to the passing
Herulf stares at you through slitted eyes. His lips Riders, you call out and run to them, although you
curl, and when he speaks, he spits his words with an are not sure you will be either seen or heard. Turn
almost uncontrolled rage: "I account myself to to 212.
neither whelps nor rumour-mongers. You," and he
leans ever closer, "are both!"
However, without further prompting he says:
"The hillman you saw is a traitor to his people. He
comes here to deliver valuable information. To me!
He demands secrecy, and I grant it. Idle talk by fools 345 Time: 5
like you would ruin him, and what he gives to us. You battle the two Orcs.
Speak not of this to any, or I will cut out your (ORC #1 OB:2 DB:-1 EP:12)
wagging tongue. Now be off!" (ORC #2 OB:1 DB:1 EP:10)
"Herulf, the rolled parchment..." you continue, Award yourself 15 Experience Points for each
but he interrupts. Orc that you defeat.
"Would you have me clean out your ears with my • If you defeat the Orcs, turn to 248.
blade?" he threatens. "I said, BE OFF!" • If an Orc defeats you, turn to 360.
• If you think Herulf speaks the truth with respect • If you successfully Run Away, turn to 279.
to his meeting with the Dunlending, turn to 418.
• If you think Herulf is lying, turn to 282.
346 Time: 0 348 Time: 10 Exp Pt:4
Now crawling among the rocks and bushes which You pass along the top of the parapet to the
line the slope behind the Hornrock, you search for location of your watch commander. "Deorhere,"
traces of the man of Dunland's passing. At the same you begin, "I was just at the Back Gate, and there
time you are v ory of an attempt to ambush you; the saw such a strange sight as I could not believe."
hillmen are a wild race and would not think twice "Report then!" says Deorhere, taking on the more
about slaying an Eorling unaware of his peril. Pick official air of his posting.
a number and add your General bonus: "Only moments ago I looked over the wall at the
• If 2-7, turn to 300. Back Stair and saw our valiant Herulf in league with
• If 8-12, turn to 338. a Dunlendish scout!"
347 Time: 0 Deorhere stares in disbelief, then says, "Let us go
When the Riders reach the ramparts of the Dike, there, and you may explain in greater detail."
you dismount. Thanking Dernmod, you then set The two of you arrive at the wall over the Back
about finding Gamling, for you know he should be Stair, and you point to where you saw them just
here. below. All is dark and silent. You explain yourself
Theoden's host soon leaves for the Burg's cause- again, this time taking greater pains to be accurate.
way and the Great Gates. Meanwhile, Gamling, "I do not know what to tell you," Deorhere says
suited in bright mail and heavy helm, is feverishly finally. "It sounds like a wild wolf's tale, but if you
setting a rearguard for the Dike. "Gamling," you say you saw this thing, then I believe you. Perhaps
say, "a word with you, if I may." there is more to it than we can guess. Herulf is a
"What is it?" asks Gamling, quite distracted and respected and powerful man. I would not be quick
worried. to accuse him of anything. Perhaps if you talked to
"It is I, Eorling and Watchman. I have a report," him, he would explain his actions."
you begin. Such a prospect holds little promise; you have
"Can it not wait?" asks the old Rider, "the legions heard other guards speak of Herulf's quick temper.
of the White Hand have already entered the You part company with Deorhere as he leaves to
Coomb!" He then yells orders to some gathered set the next watch.
men. • If you go to Herulf's quarters in the Burg and
• If you have Item A, the Map of the Secret Pass, confront him, turn to 288.
turn to 376. • If you report Herulf to Gamling, turn to 293.
• Otherwise, turn to 183. • If you continue with your assigned duties for the
day, turn to 322.
The length of the barracks floor is covered with
straw and oil. Someone intends to bum the building
down! But it could not be the spy you seek, he never
would have had enough time to do all this. There
349 Time: 10 must be another, at least! A fire in the barracks
The late hour of the day combines with the would cause quite a diversion for the men now at the
brooding cloud to cast Deeping Coomb into a dark- Hornburg. This long-house stinks of victory for
ening gloom. Rain threatens but does not yet fall.
Saruman, you curse. Pick a number and add your
You pass farther into the vale towards the Dike
Perception bonus:
when you notice, off to the east, a host of horse-men
• If 2-7, turn to 196.
riding at great speed to the Burg. It is a mustering of
• If 8-12, turn to 149.
Riders. A mighty eored! And at the van of the troop
flies the banner of the King. Theoden comes from
As they ride, you now notice that they scatter foul
Orcs ahead of them. Saruman's ilk, they have come
into the coomb to scout ahead for their siege army.
You begin to run towards the legion of Riders when,
out of the darkness flies a routed Orc, wild and
• If you attack this Orc, turn to 174.
• If you let the Orc run past, then resume your
run to Theoden's host, turn to 342.
350 Time: 5 351 Time: 20
You approach the door of the nearest building, You travel onward in a pain-filled haze, often not
and slowly push it open. The interior of the long- knowing whether you are dreaming this awful turn
house is dark as night, but you enter and allow your of events or living it. It is of little use trying to
sight to adjust. There is a strange odour which discover where you are bound for; the Dunlendish
seems out of place; it takes you a moment to fix it in warriors seem unable to speak your language. You
your mind. Lamp oil, and something else. Your feet manage, however, to raise your head on occasion
shuffle through something loose on the floor. and look out over the Westfold plain, but there lies
Straw! That is the other scent. the worst of the nightmare.
All along the horizon billow pillars of smoke, One of the vile creatures comes back to your
each marking a ransacked homestead. Also, cross- pony, grabs you by the hair, and pulls up your head
ing the path of your little group with some regularity till it is level with his. The pain is unbearable. You
are bands of evil men. They are dressed for war, and look into the black pits of his slanted eyes and feel
in high spirits. Erkenbrand must have been defeated his hot breath on your face, as it passes through a
at the Fords, you think to yourself, and these mouth bristling with sharp, yellow teeth. You stare,
wildmen muster for the assault on the Deep. mesmerized by the sickening visage. "What is
"Strength to the defenders of the Burg..." you sput- wrong, fresh-meat," croaks the Orc, "Have you
ter in despair. never seen a fighting Uruk-Hai! Krina will have her
There is some confusion ahead; the pony comes fun with you, and then we will have ours!" And at
to a halt. Twisting your head around, you glimpse this the Orc howls with laughter as he finally lets go.
your Dunlendish captors talking with another group You make to spit at his foot, but miss, and for your
of men. No, they're Orcs! But this does not make efforts you are rewarded with a cuff across the ear.
sense. It is day-time, yet these Orcs stand their full The Goblin makes his way back to the others,
height and are at ease. Most strange. who have drawn their weapons. Insults and base
Voices are raised in an argument, and the words threats fill the air, and when one Dunlending waves
come floating back to you. Westron! Broken and ill- his blade, a furious battle is joined. You hear the
pronounced, but the hillmen and Orcs speak in awful cries of wounded and dying men, for the Orcs
Westron. The familiar words are of no comfort, prevail, and they laugh wickedly as the surviving
however, for the two groups argue over you! Dunlendings take flight.
"He, ours!" spoken defiantly. Two Orcs grab at the pony's reigns and pull it in
"Was yours, now ours!" comes the grunting of an a new direction. Fate has been cruel to you this day,
Orc. "He goes to Krina. Orders!" and it is all you can do to avoid breaking down. But
you must not! These Goblins will not shatter your
spirit! You look back and see yet another Orc
dragging along one of the vanquished men of
Dunland by the foot. But why? The answer, when it
comes to you, is so shocking, you lose conscious-
ness again. Note: your Damage Taken now equals
your Endurance, and you may not heal by any
means until you are free (assuming you survive).
Turn to 285.
352 Time: 0 "Where did you get these?" Gamling explodes.
At the bottom of a footlocker filled with wool Who wrote them?"
lens, boots and a bridle, you discover a small bundle Your answer is simple. "Herulf."
of parchments! "Now I have him," you say to the "Where is he?" Gamling rages, while drawing his
hallowed walls of the Keep. word. "When I find him he will wish he were in
• If Event B has occurred, turn to 305. Barad-dur!"
• If Event C has occurred, turn to 179. - If you have killed Herulf, turn to 363.
- Otherwise, turn to 358.
353 Time: 20
Once out of the Keep, you pass through both the
inner Burg gate and Great Gate on your way to the
Dike. The clouds above blot out the sun and threaten
rain at any moment. A cool breeze blows out of the
gorge, whipping up dust and grit from the dry soil.
When you arrive at the Dike, you find Gamling
standing with a few officers looking out over Deep-
ing Coomb.
Summoning up your courage, you say sternly,
"Commander, I am afraid I must report treason in
our ranks!" Gamling and the others turn as you say 354 Time: 5
this. Soon enough you find him. He is talking with one
"What?" is Gamling's first response. You pro- of the youngest guards on the watch, trying to instil
duce the papers you found in Herulf's room. fierce courage, no doubt. He answers your calls and
"These," you say, "are plans of our defenses. approaches. "What news, Eorling?" he asks.
Troop strengths. Leaders. Weak points. Docu- "Another Dunlendish scout," you gasp, trying to
mented by a Rider, here at the Hornburg, so that catch your wind, "I saw him enter a thicket and pass
they may be passed on to the enemy. I fear Saruman under a boulder. It is an entrance to one of the secret
already has the final and completed copies." Gam- passes, I am sure! That is how they are making their
ling grabs the parchments from you and looks way past our guard posts."
through them. His face goes red and his eyes show "Show me," is Dama's response, and he beckons
unmeasurable rage. The men standing next to him the younger guard to follow.
stare on in disbelief.
Shortly, the three of you approach the thicket and 356
156 Time: 100
boulder. When you arrive, you point out the tunnel Certain that Herulf is out inspecting Helm's Gate
through the bramble. Dama appears unbelieving, and the culvert, you make your way back to the
but gets down on his stomach and squirms through Keep. Again, the guard allows you entry, and you
the wall of thorns. You can discern his form as it climb the long stairs to Herulf's chamber. Once on
nears the underside of the boulder — then it disap- the fifth floor, a quick examination reveals all is
pears! A moment later he returns. "It is as you say, quiet and the three doors off the landing are closed.
a hidden entrance. But I know not where it goes, if You approach Herulf's door, open it, and enter. The
it goes anywhere at all. I found no trace of your spy, room is clean, if somewhat barren, and no one is
but I believe you saw him here." He stops to within. You set about your task, being as silent and
consider for a moment, then erupts: "Spears and quick as possible. Pick a number and add your
spikes! I must go report this to the Burg commander Trickery bonus:
at once. You two stand here and let no one escape. • If 2-5, turn to 170.
I will be back when I can." You and the younger • If 6-12, turn to 370.
guard exchange glances that are both surprised and
knowing. Dama is perhaps not as experienced as he
would want his underlings to believe. Your superior
strides off purposefully. How terrible, you think to
yourself: he will report to Herulf, of all people, 357 Time: 0
while the Dunlending makes good his escape. You begin to cross the courtyard, like a wolf
• If you wait for Dama to return with orders and stalking a lamb, you imagine. But without warning,
reinforcements, turn to 246. you are distracted. "Eorling, a moment, if you
• If you enter the secret pass without waiting, please." Confound it! Who could that be? You turn
turn to 310. towards the voice and face one of the many stables,
now mostly empty, which line the inside of the outer
355 Time: 0 wall of the Hornburg. There you see a warrior
Approaching closer, you ready your weapon, preparing a gelding and wain. He beckons you
and prepare to strike. Then the hillman fumbles again; "Help me with this hitch; I should have been
through his equipment and pulls out a folded parch- off last hour." There is no one else in sight to aid him
ment. You stop. He seems to be studying the page. so early in the morning.
With interest, you try to edge your way to the • If you go over and help him, turn to 283.
streambed's crest on your elbows, so that you too • If you ignore him and continue on, turn to 237.
can spy the parchment's markings. "Crack!" Your
trailing foot snaps a twig. Turn to 102.
358 Time: 5 Herulf must already have passed on the com-
"I know not where he is now, Commander," you pleted, final copies to the enemy. This thought puts
answer, "but if he knows you have these papers, I you in a rage you have rarely experienced. Here is
would think he would be on his way to Nan information which will cost the hearty Eorlingas
Curunir." many lives and may bring about ultimate defeat,
"You!" Gamling says to one of the officers stand- and there is nothing to be done about it now.
ing nearby, "find Herulf and bring him to me. He • If Herulf is dead, turn to 409.
will answer to this." • If Herulf is unconscious, turn to 313.
"Yes, Commander," says the officer as he runs
back towards the Burg. 360 Time: 0
"Now, as for you, young one," Gamling says Knocked to the ground, a final swing of the Orc's
more gently, turning back to face you, "I must keep blade heralds your passing from Middle-earth.
these papers, but the credit for finding them is Your quest has come to a valiant, but sad,
yours." Remove Item D, the Traitor's Documents, conclusion. The End.
from your Character Record. Turn to 367. 361 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 10
359 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 50 Suddenly realizing that an enchantment is being
You open the small packet, heart racing and face cast, you come to your senses and decide that it
flushed with excitement. Your eyes pass over the would be best to play along with the witch's game.
unfolded papers. As you thought: troop strengths, "Oh most lovely and gentle woman," you begin, "I
dispositions, and leaders are written thereon. was walking through the long grasses of the
Complete battle plans. Information the enemy Westfold when I saw a great army marching. I
could devour and then spit back up at the defenders though they were tall Riders, so I approached, but
of Helm's Deep! Your inspection becomes more was over-powered by Dunlendings. From them,
considered. You are amazed at the detail and com- Orcs took me, and brought me here. It is all that I
pleteness of the reports. Here is a page which shows know." Pick a number and add your Perception
Erkenbrand's table of organization and route to the bonus:
Fords of Isen where he hopes to crush the White • If 2-10, turn to 275.
Hand before it can invade the Westfold. The traitor- • If 11-12, turn to 258.
ous scum!
362 Time: 0 365 Time: 5
The head of your weapon comes curving down, You move aside the bed, and then the writing
but it only delivers a grazing strike. To a bear! This table, looking for loose floorboards or secret hiding
is not the Dunlending, you think wildly, but a places. Then, to your horror, the door opens, and
mountain bear! You fall back in utter shock, and Herulf walks in!
hope that the animal does not turn to dispose of you. Surprise gives way to fury as he draws his
Fortunately, you seem to have scared it, and the weapon. "What sort of slithering spy have I come
wounded creature bounds off. Turn to 213. upon!" he snarls, suddenly lunging forward. Un-
363 Time:5 able to escape or explain yourself, you prepare your
"He is dead, Commander," you say to Gamling, own weapon.
"I slew him, for I discovered his treachery and took You must fight Herulf and you may not Run Away.
justice upon myself. You may find his body in his You are surprised.
room at the Keep." (HERULF OB:4 DB:3 EP:45)
Gamling and the others look at you in awe. At • If Herulf defeats you, turn to 162.
length, Gamling sheaths his sword and says, "I • If you defeat Herulf, turn to 419.
believe you have done the right thing. I will, of
course, keep these papers and look into this matter
more deeply, but I count you among our heroes this
day." Remove Item D, the Traitor's Documents,
366 Time:N/A
from your Character Record. Turn to 367.
Just as you are about to descend the stairs, you are
364 Time: 15 grabbed from behind by strong hands. Twisting
Cautiously, you advance down the tunnel, often your neck around, you see the faces of the two
stopping to listen and bending down to check for swarthy Eorling warriors who talked to you on the
traces of the man of Dunland's passing. Soon you battlements earlier today. "Coward!" shouts one
come to a three-way fork in the passage just as all above the discordance of battle, "Herulf was right.
light fails you. You belong with the Orcs!" With that, the two lift
• If you take the left passage, turn to 436. you up, and you are powerless to stop them. Despite
• If you continue on straight ahead, turn to 280. your protests, they heave you over the breastwork,
• If you take the right passage, turn to 107. and you fall, flailing, into the sea of Orcs below.
You die, suddenly and horribly, at the Battle of the
Hornburg. The End.
367 Time: 5 Then, too soon for your liking, the leader of your
Gamling continues to speak: "Most worthy deeds foray spies some dark figures in the distance, now
you have performed, and there will be time for running desperately for cover. He signals the attack,
honours later. But now, I have a choice assignment. and the five horses of the company leap forward,
I must send a detachment of Riders into the Coomb galloping faster than you could have imagined. For
to teach the Orcs, who roam freely there, a lesson. no reason, other than fate, you take an opportunity
Will you ride with warriors of the Rohirrim?" to look back. There, off to your left, and in the
"Oh, most certainly, Commander!" It is all you gathering gloom, runs a woman carrying a bundle.
can do to keep from jumping with excitement. She is pursued by other dark figures, and they gain
"Herubrand," Gamling turns to one of the re- on her. An Eorling woman chased by Orcs in the
maining officers, "find this young Eorling a Coomb! You are behind the other four horsemen
mount." He then turns to you and says, "Keep it when you call out for their attention, but their
well." Turn to 401. concentration, coupled with the thunder kicked up
by the horses hooves, prevents them from hearing
368 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 4 you.
The Dunlending's trail leads to a path which rises You break off your steed's attack and bring it
high up to the plateau overlooking the Hornburg. It around to the left. Then, alone, you charge the new
is long and steep, and you are unable to see whether threat.
anyone climbs it now. You stop and think for a There are five Orcs by your count, and they are
moment. Memories of stories heard long ago sur- barely within bow-shot of the fleeing woman. As
face in your mind. You have heard of lost tunnels you bear down on them, they see you and scatter,
which have their entrances in the steep face of the but you pick out your target nonetheless. He is a
Thrihyrne, near the Deep. It is said that they lead to particularly ugly specimen with bowed legs and
dead ends, and only the mad enter them, but if one spiked helm, but he is fast, and has come nearest
such pass lies true, then the Dunlending could have your countrywoman. He turns to face your charging
used it to come to the Deep. Determined, you decide mount as you lower your weapon and prepare to
to ascend the path. Turn to 186. strike. The stallion increases his speed. Pick a
number and add your General bonus and your
369 Time: 30
The group of Riders you are with makes its sortie melee OB:
from the Dike. You ride swiftly over the Coomb's • If 2-7, turn to 374.
fields and through its orchards. Exhilarated, you • If 8-12, turn to 371.
feel as though you are flying, though the horse's
hooves beat a steady rhythm.
370 Time: 5 373 Time: 0
There is a wardrobe, bed, table and footlocker to You pick up all your war-gear, which is near at
search. Pick a number and add your Perception hand, and dash away from the camp. Unfortunately,
you were not able to regain all of your possessions.
• If 2-7, turn to 140.
Select one piece of equipment, armour, shield, or a
• If 8-12, turn to 352. weapon from your Character Record, and remove
371 Time: 0 ExpPt:20 it. Note that you need not remove Item A (if you
Contact! You feel the crushing impact of your acquired it; you have hidden it under your tunic,
blow as it travels back up your weapon. The Orc and the Orcs did not find it). Turn to 294.
flies off his feet, head thrown to one side and arms 374 Time: 0
flailing. Other Orcs run about in disarray, giving up At the last moment, the Orc jumps aside, and you
their chase of the woman; some now turn their full cannot hit him. Off-balance, the Goblin swings his
attention to you. Turn to 434. axe, and you pull hard on the reins to avoid his blow.
372 Time: 20 Pick a number and add your General bonus:
Slowly, the sun continues to rise. But the Deep, • If 2-7, turn to 381.
which you now look down upon, will not be lit until • If 8-12, turn to 397.
the sun is half-through its journey, and then only if 375 Time: 5
the storm clouds have parted. Taking a moment's rest, you consider further
The events of the last hour trouble you, and give action. Gamling the Old will be at the Dike today,
you cause to be nervous. Here at the top of the cliff, preparing its defenses, leaving Herulf in command
the wind blows hard and cold, dislodging gravel and of the Burg. He will perform a circuit of the Burg's
howling in a most menacing way. You force your- watches soon, and thus be out of the Keep. At such
self to concentrate as the time passes, for you do not a time you might return to his room and search for
want to be distracted. What game is Herulf playing? evidence of his misdeeds. This action would entail
You hear more rocks tumbling behind you, and great risk, but the rewards... Pick a number:
your spine tingles. Pick a number and add your • If 2-7, you may make one of the following
Perception bonus:
• If 2-3, you are surprised; turn to 117. • If you return to Herulf s room while he is out,
• If 4-11, you are not surprised; turn to 194. turn to 356.
• If 12, turn to 121. • If you continue with your duties, turn to 423.
• If 8-12, turn to 339.
376 Time: 20 Exp Pt: 20 377 Time: N/A
"Commander!" you insist, "treachery is afoot With a mighty shove, you try to dislodge the
within our walls! I have just escaped an Orcish war- scaling ladder and those that are on it. Pick a
camp in the Westfold, and how I came to be there is number and add your Strength bonus:
a story for may nights. But the gist of it is that in • If 2-7, turn to 120.
coming there, I obtained this map," and you pro- • If 8-12, turn to 190.
duce the parchment you took from the spy. Gamling
becomes more intent on listening to your story. "It
is from a Dunlendish spy I slew under the
Thrihyrne, in one of its secret tunnels. The map
shows the route of the secret pass, and its exit is on
the plateau above the Burg!" At this, you point over
the Keep and into the gathering night. "If this map 378 Time: 30
had been delivered, even now we could have been "I must try to get back to the Deep and report to
assailed from the rear." Gamling!" You hope no one is in the tunnel to hear
"Know you how the Dunlending got the map?" you say this, but talking aloud is somehow reassur-
asks Gamling. ing. You strike off in the direction which you judge
"I do," you affirm. "This morning, before dawn, to be the right one. Pick a number and add your
I saw our Rider, Herulf, pass this map to the hillman Perception bonus:
on the Back Stair." Gamling stands shocked by your • If 2-4, turn to 280.
accusation, as do several other Eorlingas who have • If 5-9, turn to 109.
gathered near to hear your report. • If 10-12, turn to 270.
"Impossible!" exclaims Gamling. 379 Time:0 ExpPt:5
"No, commander, I speak the truth," you say Just as you feel you are about to be knocked over
resolutely. the cliff, you move aside and whirl about, blindly
After a moment, Gamling speaks. "Thank you, swinging your weapon. Contact! For an instant you
Eorling. I will take the map and confront Herulf. get a close look at the man who would have assailed
Now, go to the Burg's battlements and ready your- you; he is a Dunlending warrior! However, you are
self for siege. Every spear is needed." Handing the sure that it is not the same one you saw earlier with
map to Gamling, you turn and run to the Great Gates Herulf.
of the Hornburg. Remove Item A, the Map of the He emits a horrible cry as he falls over the edge
Secret Pass, from your Character Record. Turn to of the precipice. Turn to 428.
380 Time: 5
You tell all that you remember of the day's
events, including your witnessing of Herulf's par-
ley with the Dunlendish spy at the Back Gate.
Gamling, however, remains somewhat skeptical of
your wild story, as do those Riders who have
gathered around you to hear it. "Do you have proof
of these things you tell of?" asks Gamling.
"No, Commander," you reply sternly, "but I do 381 Time: 0
not lie. I think Herulf is a traitor and has passed The Orc's axe strikes your leg. Pick a number
documents to the enemy. And if I do not miss my and increase your Damage Taken by that amount.
guess, I would say that there are other agents of the • If your Damage Taken total now exceeds your
White Hand among our ranks." Endurance, turn to 412.
"Thank you for your opinions and report," con- • Otherwise, turn to 434.
cludes Gamling. "I will confront Herulf when there 382 Time: 0
is time. But now, we must prepare for siege. The You see Herulf in the dark grey middle-distance,
White Hand marches upon us this night!" a solitary figure moving among the flickering shad-
You are ordered to the Burg's battlements. Turn ows of the wind-blown courtyard. He passes around
to 389. the far side of the inner Burg wall, making his way
toward the main doors of the Keep, no doubt. He
strides swiftly yet quietly. You move away from the
tower to follow him. Pick a number and add your
Trickery bonus:
• If 2-9, turn to 357.
• If 10-12, turn to 426.
383 Time: 0
Slowly, you pass through the open portal. Pick a
number and add your Perception bonus:
• If 2-6, turn to 145.
• If 8-12, turn to 251.
384 Time: 5 No quarter is being given in this frenzied battle,
You strike the first Orc in the back, but do not kill and you will soon be in it! Then you see a strange
him outright. Surprised, both Orcs fall over the sight indeed. Several of the Orcs charge a solitary
charred body of their mate and fumble for then figure. It is Gimli, the Dwarf! But no matter how
weapons. Readying your weapon again, you en may assail him, the same number of severed Orc-
gage in combat. heads come rolling back. And the corpses mount.
You fight the two Orcs. Now there is one Goblin you see who circles behind
(ORC#1 OB:1 DB:1 EP:2) the Dwarf, to take him from behind. But not if you
(ORC#2 OB:2 DB:-1 EP:12) have a say! With a cry of "Death to the White
Award yourself 15 Experience Points for each Hand!" you charge the assassin. Turn to 259.
Orc you defeat.
• If you defeat both Orcs, turn to 248.
• If an Orc defeats you, turn to 360.
• If you successfully Run Away, turn to 279.
385 Time: N/A Exp Pt: 15
You defeat the Half-ore whose brethren are also
slain behind him by other men of Rohan. This latest
assault on your length of the wall subsides for a few
moments, and the defenders here have time to
regroup. Legolas, who has now come back into
view, sheathes his glittering sword, and retrieves all
the spent arrows he can find. You are about to join
him when, abruptly, you are called away by a senior
officer. Orcs are forcing the Deeping Wall!
You run along the parapet with some twenty
other warriors to the Deeping Wall gate. Just then
you hear a tremendous crash like ten thunderclaps
and see a flash reflected off the bulwarks. What
sorcery? Men cry up from the Deep behind the wall.
Orcs stream through the culvert! Your force of men
is diverted to the new threat. You reach the Deep by
way of a long stair down from the wall, and there see
many Orcs and men.
386 Time: 0 388 Time: 0
"I slew him on the plateau over the Burg," you You push back the lid of the great stone container,
proclaim. "He was there awaiting a company of and just as you do, a flashing figure leaps at you
men of Dunland, but they never arrived." from the inside! Its eyes bum with a red flame and
"What news!" exclaims the elder warrior. "I it claws at you with talons of hard, white bone.
know someone who wants to meet you." Turn to Aghast, you stumble backwards, crashing up
439. against the chamber's wall. The bone-creature
advances, eyes blazing and teeth snapping. What
387 Time: 5 have you released? Take an action:
In your haste, you take the stairs two at once. • If you successfully run away, turn to 168.
Unfortunately, just as you reach the bottom, you • If you fight, turn to 158.
tumble over in a crashing heap, having missed the
last step! Your weapon and equipment stir up such
a ruckus that the Deep itself seems to hear you,
sending word of your clumsiness all the way back to
the Aglarond. Oh, will nothing go right this day?
You lie still for a moment and listen for other
sounds as intently as you can. When the crickets
resume their sullen chirping, you take stock of your
own situation. Waves of sharp pain pulse up from
your ankle. You have twisted it during your fall. A 389 Time: 20
curse must be upon you! As you head from the Dike to the Burg's cause-
You hear movement nearby and try to distinguish way, a cheer a thousand voices strong erupts from
if it could be the Dunlending coming back to dis- the walls of the Hornburg. You turn to see what
pose of you. Swiftly, you reach for your weapon and could cause such elation. The sight lifts your heart
ready it. Nothing approaches. After a moment, you and spirit, so that you too call out and join the
use the spear to help you rise to your feet, and chorus. Approaching the Dike is a great host of
though it pains you to do so, you stand to test the men, but not just ordinary men. They are Riders all,
weight your ankle will take. Satisfied you can mounted and with force of arms. In their vanguard
continue, you prepare yourself. Subtract 1 from rides a standard bearer whose banner shows the
your number picked the next time you use your device of the King himself. Theoden comes to
Running bonus. Turn to 346. Helm's Deep!
You watch as the van arrives at the Dike, and
Theoden, surrounded by many tall and worthy
warriors, speaks with Gamling. You cannot help
hut feel that the Burg is saved and could repel an
assault from Mordor itself, even if it emptied every
barrack, cell and hole!
Riders start to pass you now as they head for the
Great Gates. One stops, seeing you on foot, and
hoists you up on his mount. "No need to walk when
there are horses!" he says.
"Most definitely, and thank you!" you say. "But
what are they?" you ask, staring at two other riders
on a horse that passes yours.
"Of all the creatures on this Middle-earth," be-
gins your fellow Eorling, "a Dwarf and an Elf ride
with us! Gimli and Legolas are their names, or so I
am told."
You wonder after them and cannot guess how
Theoden, who you thought sickly and locked for-
ever in Meduseld, could ride forth with a great eored
again. You are certain nothing stranger could ever
happen. Dismounting at the Great Gate, you thank
the Rider again. Turn to 142.
390 Time: 0
Fortunately, you have bested the two Orcs, and
the others have run to surrounding orchards or
stream beds for fear of their lives. Your horse lies
dead, so you must head back to the Dike on foot. I
must find that woman, you think to yourself.
Turn to 177.
391 Time: 5 Once a low flame develops you look at the man of
You bend over the body and grab the man's face. Dunland's face: this is the spy you saw this morning
"You, man of Dunland," you say none too gently, with Herulf. Trembling, you unfold the parchment.
"speak!" Blood gurgles in his throat, and his eyes A map! But a very confusing one. The criss-cross of
flicker slightly, but he does not immediately regain lines and circles indicate a secret pass, no doubt the
consciousness. You search him for a map or a one you occupy now, but where are you, and which
weapon but find nothing. Suddenly, his eyes open way is the right way? A cold sweat breaks over your
and his face twists in pain. Now is your chance! skin as you realize that you have become quite dis-
"How did you get here? By secret pass, or did oriented. "Here is the Burg and the Deep," you say
Saruman change you into a mountain goat for the aloud, "and the peaks of the Thrihyrne. And this is
journey!" The questioning is of no use; the Dun- a tunnel to the Westfold near the Isen!" Your finger
lending cannot understand you. traces a line with many branches. "But where am I?"
You discard his weapon, take on his supplies and At this, the last of the tinder burns away and you
force him to rise to his feet. As he begins to realize are left in darkness once more. It is best that this map
what is happening to him, he makes a dive for the was not delivered, you think silently, for it shows a
precipice you are both standing dangerously close secret highway which could bring enemies into the
to. Too stunned to react, you watch in disbelief as Deep from nigh unto the Isen. And if Erkenbrand
the Dunlending hurls himself over the cliff's edge to lost there...
his doom. You come to the edge yourself and look You rise, determined to make your way out of the
over. Below, you see that the hillman landed near tunnels. Note on your Character Record that you
the Hornburg, and many watchmen are gathering now carry Item A, the Map to the Secret Pass.
on the ramparts nearest him. Turn to 340. • If you try to go to the Westfold, turn to 151.
• If you try to go back to Helm's Deep,
392 Time: 20 Exp Pt:20
To be sure your opponent is finished, you drive turn to 378.
the point of your weapon into his chest. "Now, what 393 Time: N/A
have you got, Dunlendish spy?" You begin to This soldier of the White Hand now jumps from
search his body. Soon you have what you guess to the ladder and lands on the walls' rampart. Grasping
be a flint and a small quantity of tinder. There is also your weapon, you attack him. Turn to 232.
a folded piece of parchment. Doing your best in the 394 Time: N/A
dark, you pile the tinder and strike the flint. After But before you can descend the stair, an Orc—or
many false starts, a soft red glow and wisp of smoke something like one—blocks your way and engages
signals success. you in combat. You are surprised. Turn to 232.
395 Time: 0 "Eorling and leader," you begin, "not but mo-
You slip through the crack at the Back Door and ments ago I was above the Back Gate on my patrol
stand atop the Back Stair. All is dark and gray ahead route when I heard voices on the stair. I looked over
and below you. Descending a few steps, you find the wall to see a Rider, and fellow of our garrison,
the lantern used by Herulf and the Dunlending, now conversing with..." You pause for a second, search-
extinguished and tipped over. Pick a number and ing the faces of Gamling's guard, "a Dunlendish
add your Intelligence Stat Bonus: scout." Shocked expressions, mixed with those of
• If 2-6, turn to 414. disbelief, arise all about. Gamling remains stern.
• If 7-12, turn to 417. "Who was this Rider you saw?" asks Gamling.
The guards draw closer. "Did you see his face?"
396 Time: 10 Exp Pt: 2 At this moment you become unsure. Each and
Out of the confusion of your thoughts, one thing every one of the men about you is a fast friend of
seems clear: you must tell Gamling what you saw! Herulf's. He is a very popular leader, and it is said
No doubt he is wise enough to pass a fair judgment. that one day he may ride at the head of an eored.
He would also know if Herulf was planning to trick "See his face I did, lord," you begin, but pause
the Dunlendings with some intricate plan. You again. Then at a further prompting you manage to
hurry to the nearest stair, rush down into the outer say, "It was Herulf."
courtyard below and then make your way around to A murmur stirs the guardsmen, and some laugh.
the gates of the Burg. As you arrive, you are just in Gamling shakes his head. "I know not what you
time to catch Gamling the Old and his personal saw, youngling, save perhaps a fevered Vision.
guards making their way out of the Keep. They are Herulf is a Rider, a brave and battle-scarred one at
about to head down to Helm's Dike and take up their that, ordered here by Erkenbrand, who places great
posts for the day. trust in him. These wild accusations do you no
"A moment, Commander; pray, a moment," you credit! There is no possible way that a Dunlending
gasp as you run up. "I have a report." could have found his way in here, save through the
The group turns and halts. The commander of the Great Gates or the culvert, and both are well-
guard, an older but fit warrior, speaks first. "What guarded, as you know."
troubles you? Is something amiss?" "But my lord," you protest, "what of the secret
"I must speak with Gamling. It is urgent!" passes from the Coomb to the Deep which all
Gamling the Old, commander of the Deep's Eorlingas have heard tell of, though few can trav-
garrison in lieu of Erkenbrand, makes his way erse rightly? I saw the Rider pass a parchment to the
through his guard and stands before you. "Yes?" he hillman — what if it was a map?"
"A dream you have had; it's Saruman's doing," Time: 0
Gamling concludes. "We shall speak no more of "Yes, I will speak with Herulf," you answer, "and
this. I know you mean well, but such charges injure I will do so now, for I do not believe I will find him
us more than they help. Speak not of this to others asleep." You pass the guard and enter the Keep.
for they have enough to concern them. Continue Turn to 108.
with your duties and be diligent. I fear if Erkenbrand
returns not this day, we will have our fill of
Saruman's hospitality." His mind spoken, Gamling
turns away with his guard in train and they proceed
through the main gate on their way to the Dike.
Dejected and embarrassed, you return to the outer
wall, knowing that you will soon be on your way to
your new post. You consider Gamling's words:
could it be true that you have had an evil dream? 401 Time: 10
You are almost convinced! Turn to 322. Your horse is as white as snow upon the moun-
tuins, and strong! You will ride with four others out
397 Time:0 across the Coomb in search of Eorling stragglers
Fortunately, the Orc's blade misses you. Turn to and scouting Orcs. Full of courage and resolve, you
434. mount the horse, as your fellow Riders mount
398 Time: 5 theirs. Pick a number and add your General bonus:
Before you give Herulf an opportunity to sepa- • If 2-7, turn to 408.
rate a piece of your body from the rest, you fly down • If 8-12, turn to 404.
the stairs babbling incoherent pleas of forgiveness. 402 Time: 0
You do not slow until reaching the combat corridor You dash as best you can from the camp, but in
on the first floor, at which point you check behind your haste, you forget your equipment. And it was
to see if Herulf is pursuing. Fortunately, he is not. lying near at hand too! Remove all of your armour,
Stumbling out of the Keep, you make your way to weapons, and equipment from your Character
the outer wall and try to reassemble yourself. Turn Record (except for Item A, if you acquired it; you
to 322. have that hidden under your tunic and the Orcs did
399 Time: N/A Exp Pt:12 not find it). Turn to 294.
You bury a shaft in an Orc carrying a scaling
ladder. He falls over and is gone. Turn to 221.
403 Time: 5 Exp Pts:4 405 Time: 10
Immediately you jump up and dash for the "And is it our own stablehands who spy on us
thicket. Once there, you drop to your stomach and now?" calls a stout Eorlingas warrior from the
pass through the brambles just as the man of Dun- courtyard below. He advances out of the deep
land had. You wend your way through the thorns as shadows of the inner wall with two stable-boys,
quickly as you can, disregarding the scratches which only a few winters younger than yourself.
stinging your face and hands. At the base of the Their dog is barking and jumping up in play. The
boulder you find a crack in the ground just wide warrior looks up at you as if bidding an explanation.
enough to accommodate a man and his pack. You You are struck dumb.
hesitate a moment and listen. Could those sounds be Spears are lowered and bowstrings relaxed as the
retreating footfalls? Was Felarof a Meara! Shaking sizable group of recently aroused fighters begin to
with a mixture of fear and excitement, you pull disperse, cursing and glancing back at you. "Well?"
yourself down into the gloom below. the voice of the same Eorling booms.
Your eyes adjust slowly to the dim light. You "Pardon, Captain," you offer feebly, "the dim-
stand at the bottom of a pit, and a dark, low tunnel ness of the light tricked my eyes."
stretches away from you. The sound of footsteps "And does the faintness of a sound you hear
has stopped. Did the hillman hear you and stop? Or change a bee to a bear?" the warrior retorts. "If we
have the bends in the passageway baffled the sound did not need every man at the wall, I would have you
while he escapes? You grasp your weapon and in the kitchen! Back to your post, and this time look
advance, doubling over in the low passage. Note: for Orcs and men wielding cruel steel, not boys
you may spend no time healing damage naturally playing sticks with their dog!"
while you are in the tunnels or their chambers. Pick Face burning with shame, you continue your
a number and add your General bonus: patrol. The other guards you pass avoid your glance,
• If 2-7, turn to 364. and some laugh none too silently. Your imagination
• If 8-12, turn to 416. continues to play tricks with you, though, and you
wonder again whether you should report Herulf.
404 Time: 0 Exp Pts: 8 But would anybody believe you now?
Although you are merely astride a horse, you feel • If you report Herulf to Deorhere, your watch
as though you command Middle-earth's most fear- commander, turn to 348.
some beast. "This is the place for an Eorling," you • If you continue with your assigned duties for the
say to one of your companions, "over a sturdy day, turn to 322.
mount, under a wide sky, Orcs level with the lance!"
"Aye," replies the Eorling, sharing your view of
the world. Turn to 369.
406 Time: N/A
You run along the battlement to the nearest stair
which leads down to the courtyard.
• If Event E has occurred, turn to 366.
• Otherwise, turn to 394.
407 Time:0 Exp Pt: 40
Herulf lets out a surprised gasp and looks down to
his stomach. There rests your blade, sunk to the haft.
Dazed, he shifts his gaze to you, then collapses. You
draw forth your weapon, head swimming in the
ecstasy of victory. Turn to 147.
408 Time: 0 Freezing in place, you watch for a long, drawn-
The stallion is large and spirited. Although you out moment as the bear sees you, but decides to
are loath to admit it, this steed will not be easy to slowly wander away.
control. Reduce your General bonus by 1 while Still with a resolve to search for the Dunlending
riding this horse. Turn to 369. upon the plateau, you get ready to resume your
ascent. Turn to 213.
409 Time: 0
You cast a glance of hatred over Herulf's lifeless 411 Time: 60
body and utter an oath of eternal pursuit and re- Giving the Orcs and the burning homestead a
venge. Then, picking up the bundle of documents, wide berth, you continue on to the Dike. There are
you start off for the Dike where the Burg com- other occasions over the next hour where you see
mander, Gamling, prepares his troops. Note on your Orcs in the distance, but you are able to avoid them
Character Record that you carry Item D, the quite easily.
Traitor's Documents. Turn to 353. As you travel along, the pale light of day suc-
cumbs to an early night, ushered in by a thick
410 Time: 10 Exp Pt: 6
gathering of brooding, black cloud. As you arrive at
A faint glimmer of the morning sun, struggling
the Dike, a cool drizzle begins to fall. Turn to 166.
through the clouds, reveals your foe. It is a moun-
tain bear! What a mistake it would have been to
come upon it unaware!
412 Time: 0 416 Time: 5
The Orc's blow sends you flying off of the horse. Quickly, you advance down the tunnel. When
Landing on the ground with a solid thud, you lose you stop to listen for the man of Dunland, you are
you weapon and gear, and before you are able to surprised to hear some shuffling and scraping
recover from the fall, several Goblins set upon you noises. They are not too far ahead of you, and it
for the kill. Your quest comes to a sad conclusion. seems the Dunlending is trying to gain his bearings
The End. in the utter darkness. Pick a number and add your
413 Time: 0 Trickery bonus:
Most certainly you know what happened to Her- •If 2-7, turn to 215.
ulf. You killed him! But you say nothing of this to •If 8-12, turn to 105.
Gamling, deciding to keep this to yourself. "Com- 417 Time: 0
mander," you say, "I am sure that Herulf encoun- Thinking quickly, you surmise that the Dun-
tered the fate that best suited him." lendish spy must have come into the Deep by way
"Aye," replies the old warrior, "that is the way of of some secret path which he must now be making
it. But let us turn to other things." Turn to 152. lor, to insure his escape. Turn to 414.
414 Time: 0 418 Time: 5
You hurry to the bottom of the Back Stair in the You are convinced that Herulf speaks the truth,
gloomy gray of the pre-dawn light. Pick a number and if it is to be done with harsh words and insults,
and add your General bonus: then that is his way. "I will speak of this to no one,"
• If 2-7, turn to 387. you say as you retreat towards the stair. Turning,
• If 8-12, turn to 165. you descend, never looking back at Herulf. You
decide that no Rider of the Mark could ever really
415 Time: 0
Both you and Hermgamel dash through the turn against his own, and it was unwise of you to
think it could ever be so.
waist-high grass, but you have been seen too soon
Once you reach the Keep's main door, you step
by the Orcs. They loose their arrows, and
out and look to the sky. A strange day indeed, you
Hermgamel falls beside you, struck twice. As you
think. "I must turn my thoughts to more pressing
waver there, you too are pierced and fall. Your last
matters." At that, you proceed to undertake your
vision is that of battle-frenzied Orcs coming upon
assigned duties for the day. Turn to 423.
you with cruel, curved swords. Your quest has come
to a sad conclusion. The End.
419 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 40 422 Time: 10
"Treacherous whelp!" you spit out, standing You enter the tunnel, bending over low and trying
victorious next to Herulf's unmoving body, "That is to stay as silent as possible. Try as you do, you
how a true Eorling fights!" cannot help but disturb the loose gravel which
Looking about, you decide to finish the task you covers the passage's floor. Several times, you curse
began here. Realizing that the footlocker remains your bad luck but still hope that the man of Dunland
unopened, you kneel down next to it, push back the has not heard you, if he is not far ahead. The
lid, and begin to sift through its contents. Beneath passageway curves and dips, but never allows you
the bridles, boots and woollens, you discover what to stand upright. You continue your pursuit. Note:
you seek and draw out a bundle of parchments. you may spend no time healing damage naturally
• If Event B has occurred, turn to 217. while you are in the tunnels or their chambers. Turn
• If Event C has occurred, turn to 359. to 364.
420 Time: 5
Nimbly, you leap down the steep slope. You must
find Dama and tell him of what you have discov-
ered. The plateau above the Hornrock is quite vast, 423 Time: 120
however, and you do not find Dama quickly. In- Submerged in thought, you wander somewhat
deed, you do not find him at all! You call his name, aimlessly to one of the stables which juts into the
but only fellow Watchers answer, and none knows courtyard from the outer Burg wall. All around you,
where he is posted now. Should you continue look- men prepare for war. Orders are shouted, arrows are
ing for him, or take matters into your own hands and counted and distributed, and warriors sharpen their
pursue the man of Dunland yourself? blades. When you enter the stable, you see no more
• If you still wish to report to Dama, turn to 354. than ten horses, and an equal number of Eorling
• If you turn back and enter the secret tunnel, Riders tending them.
turn to 184. Here, you are immediately put to work readying
421 Time: 5 lances and strapping tackle to one of the larger
"You weave an interesting tale," says Deorhere, stallions. As you work, the other warriors talk of
"and there will be an accounting of it after we have their experiences in battle. Envy takes hold of you,
dealt with Saruman. In the meantime, I believe you as these men are seasoned Riders of the Mark. "I
should help your fellow warriors at the stables. too, will have my tales of valiant battle," you say to
What few horses we have left must be ready when yourself. Turn to 425.
called upon." Turn to 423.
425 Time: 30
Just then, Herubrand, one of Gamling's officers,
enters the shadowy confines of the stable. "You five
there! Bring those horses you are working with and
follow me." Much to your surprise, you are one of
the Eorlingas Herubrand pointed at!
The five of you lead your horses out into the open
courtyard and follow Herubrand towards the Great
Gate. One of your number runs forward to the
officer. "Herubrand," he says, "what is this about?
424 Time: 30 The horses are barely prepared."
Deorhere approaches as the majority of the as- Herubrand stops and turns so that all of you can
sembled Eorlingas return to their duties. "You have hear. "There are men and women of the Westfold
been wounded," he says with concern. "I have sent who are still in the Coomb, wishing to take shelter
for the healer, Widwine. She will have more than in the caves. This would be nothing to concern us if
her share of work in the days coming, but she should it were not for the Orcs and wild Wargs who scout
have time for you now." Deorhere tries to lift your ahead of Saruman's forces. You Riders will form
spirits with light-hearted talk, but you are silent and one of our sorties into the vale. Kill all Orcs you
distant. When Widwine, a brave and beautiful find, and bring our own back to us. We fear that it
Eorling woman full with years and wisdom, arrives, has gone poorly for Erkenbrand." Herubrand then
she ushers you to her station on the Burg's inner continues toward the gate while the five of you ex-
courtyard. There she concocts a potion of brewed change wondering looks.
herbs which, though bitter to the taste, is heartening Once assembled at the Dike below the Hornrock,
all the same. As you drink the tea-brew, she tends your group receives its final orders. Turn to 401.
your wounds with dressings. Deorhere leaves after
he is satisfied that you are being well looked after.
Pick a number and reduce your Damage Taken
by that amount.
• If you return to your duties, turn to 431.
• If you confront Herulf, turn to 202.
426 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 4 427 Time: 5 Exp Pt: 2
You dart from shadow to shadow while making "You two by the wall there! Show yourselves!"
your way along the outer wall. When Herulf comes At your shout, the two rise to their feet. They are
into sight again, he is walking with less assurance, much shorter than the Dunlending warriors you
stopping often and checking behind him. At these expected them to be. They come away from the wall
times, you freeze in place and hope he looks past. and out of its deep shadow with the dog following
He never sees you. As your quarry is about to pass close behind. "Do you speak to us, Watchman?"
through the inner Burg gate, he pauses to take a look one calls. His voice is that a boy's. The dog begins
at the sky. You imagine he utters a prayer, to the to bark and jump up in play. They are only stable-
Enemy you would guess! He is then gone from boys, you realize, probably unable to sleep owing to
sight. the rumours of impending siege. Held in one of the
You cross to the gate yourself and look in. There boy's hands is a throwing stick for the dog.
stands the Keep of the Hornburg, stout defender of "Back to the stables, Eorlings; play is for daylight
the Westfold and all Rohan for time out of reckon- and less troubled times!" you call. Then more
ing; winter haven for Helm Hammerhand, and sternly you say, "I nearly slew you for Saruman
countless wardens and Marshals of the Mark since. himself! Now, back to the horses; I fear they will be
And to think it now shelters a traitorous spy; it is needed this day."
enough to make your blood turn to fire and give you "We are sorry, Watchman," they say with down-
strength to slaughter a score of Saruman's warriors! cast eyes. The two, who are perhaps only a few
Herulf has passed the guard at the Keep's doors, winters younger than yourself, return to their stable.
so you follow. The guard sees you and states his A fellow guard approaches along the rampart,
challenge: "Who goes?" attracted by the interchange. When he arrives, the
"It is I, Eorling and Watchman," you answer, "let children are out of sight. "What was that about,
me pass." young one?" The Eorling is advanced in years and
"Very well," says the guard, and you enter the suffers a slight limp.
Keep. Turn to 108. "Stablehands playing at Dunlendings," you mut-
ter and continue your patrol.
Your imagination continues to play tricks on you;
you wonder again if you should report Herulf.
• If you report Herulf to Deorhere, your watch
commander, turn to 348.
• If you continue with your assigned duties for the
day, turn to 322.
428 Time: 0 Exp Pt: 30 You watch on as the Elf moves to his embrasure
Owing to your nimble action, the Dunlending and with two smooth pulls of his bowstring, catches
plummets down the cliff face to meet a horrible end two Orcs in the throat. His victims fall but are
just outside the walls of the Hornburg. You stand, immediately replaced by a swarm of others. "Every
shocked, for a moment. Turn to 340. missile must strike!" he says.
You turn back and look at your three remaining
arrows. Heart racing, you pick up the first, and,
finding a target below, draw and release. Your first
shot is followed by the next two. Pick a number and
add your Missile OB:
• If 2-4, turn to 191.
• If 5-8, turn to 399.
• If 9-11, turn to 241.
• If 12, turn to 287.
430 Time: Special
Slowly and painfully, you awaken. The sun of
429 Time: N/A dawn shines across you, and the cries of battle fade
With your arrows set near at hand, you begin away into your uneasy dreams. Rising, you see the
sending them wildly into the writhing mass of bodies of foe and defender alike. Compared with
soldiery below. Many shafts come up to meet yours, the tumult of last night, all seems very quiet and
but you have yet to be truly threatened. The sound still. You rise and make your way to the inner Burg.
of death and battle play heavily on your ears as the Note on your Character Record that it is now Time
din increases in intensity with each new assault. 0 of Day 2. Turn to 330.
When you are reduced to three missiles, a voice,
musical and fair, speaks close behind: "Eorling,
steady your hand when you release the string." You
turn, and see that standing behind the next merlon is
the Elf, Legolas! He speaks again: "Take aim, and
let the shaft fly sure."
431 Time: 30 Meanwhile, you are thinking to yourself: What is
Slowly you make your way to the Back Stair, for Herulf? Traitor, counter-plotter, spy, or hero? You
your guard post continues to be the cliff-top above are worried for your family and your friends.
the Hornrock. At the Back Gate you meet Dama, a Once you reach the top of the cliff, Dama sets
fellow Eorling who is the Senior Watchman on the about organizing his doubled guard. You are sent
cliff this hour. Friendly and tall, he slaps your back scouting, instead of standing a post as you had
when you draw near, and says, "You dealt well with expected. All the better, you think. You do not want
that Dunlending scout. Fine work!" You feel troub- to be assailed from behind by any more ambitious
led again, so only acknowledge his praise with a men of Dunland! You climb the ever steeper slopes
grunt and a shake of your head. He guesses wrongly of the Thrihyrne in search of those allied with
at the cause of your brooding and remains silent Saruman, those who would come forth from the
during the hard climb to the top of the ledge. Wizard's Vale.
After a while, you take a moment to crouch and
catch your breath. You look up. Something is
moving ahead of you. Immediately you become
still as stone. What is it? As you watch, the mystery
takes shape and your heart leaps. A man, and not an
Eorling! He approaches a huge boulder, tilted in
such a way that you would guess it was dislodged in
a rockslide. The mass is surrounded by a sharp
thicket, but the man stoops and enters it by way of
a low tunnel that one would imagine was used by a
wolf if one did not see it accommodating a full-
grown warrior. You see his shadow pass under the
brambles and behind the boulder. He does not come
around from the other side. Pick a number and add
your Perception bonus:
• If 2-7, turn to 167.
• If 8-12, turn to 318.
435 Time: 1 day
You awaken from a cruel dream in a cold and dark
place. After a moment, you remember that you are
imprisoned within one of the Keep's holding cells.
Soon judgment will be passed on your actions,
righteous though they seemed to you!
Before long, the door is thrown open. A bright
light blinds you, though you can hear the voices of
your visitors clearly. "There he is, my Lord. He was
about to discover important plans and maps in the
chamber of one of my commanders when Eald-
432 Time: N/A ryhten ensnared him. My guess is that he is a spy of
You are cruelly slain at the Battle of the the White Hand." These are the words of Gamling,
Hornburg. The End. if you do not miss your guess, but the next speaker
433 Time: N/A strikes you dumb by the thought of his very pres-
There, on the rain-beaten rock, you fight Herulf, ence.
as the Battle of the Hornburg is decided below. It is your king, Theoden. He says; "Spies have
You may not attempt to Run Away. almost proved to be the end of our people and our
(HERULF OB:4 DB:3 EP:45) ways. I must ride now with Gandalf to Orthanc, so
• If you defeat Herulf, turn to 119. do with him as you wish."
• If Herulf defeats you, turn to 180. Your dreams of becoming a brave Rider of the
Mark are ruined forever. You find yourself cast
434 Time: 0 alone into a vast Middle-earth on the eve of war.
You pull your horse around to bear down on The End.
another Orc, but as you gain speed, several shafts
strike your steed, and he tumbles to the ground,
brought down by Orc arrows. You too roll out onto
the firm earth, but manage to maintain a grasp on
your weapon. Two Goblins come at you with drawn
scimitars. Pick a number and add your General
• If 2-7, turn to 298.
• If 8-12, turn to 309.
436 Time: 10 438 Time: 320
You feel your way along the left passage, blink- "Very well," you mutter and bend over to hold the
ing your eyes again and again, vainly hoping that hitch in such a way that the warrior can bind the cart
this might allow you to see in a place as black as to the breeching strap. You regret this however, for
pitch. The tunnel alternates a slope down with a rise the next thing you feel is a great metal weight
up, but the ceiling remains low, and your back crashing down upon your head with a solid thump!
begins to ache. Pick a number and add your Per- You awaken — some time later — to a fierce
ception bonus: jolting that sends waves of pain through your sore
• If 2-7, turn to 154. head. You try to reach for the wound, but find that
• If 8-12, turn to 231. your hands are bound! You are thoroughly trussed
up and have been thrown over the back of a pony.
opening your eyes slightly, you see that, presently,
It is daylight, but heavy clouds are blotting out the
sun. Led by a group of men of Dunland, you seem
to be on a trail leading through the thick grass of the
But what has happened? Slowly, your thoughts
arrange themselves. The warrior in the courtyard,
you think to yourself: he must have been a Dunlend-
ing spy working with Herulf! That is why he dis-
437 Time: 5 tracted me. Herulf knew I was following him. You
A sizable group of Uruks and lesser Orcs hurry curse yourself for your stupidity: the horse pulling
from the camp, and they are looking for you! Soon the wain was a gelding, but the warrior called it a
they will find Gaznag. You must run for your life! mare. You conclude that you must have been se-
Pick a number and add your Running bonus: creted out of the Hornburg under the fodder in the
• If 2-5, turn to 415. warrior's cart. But how did you get to the Westfold?
Dejected, you wonder at your fate. Turn to 351.
• If 6-12, turn to 291.
439 Time: 20 Exp Pt: 10
Gamling takes you into the Keep and up several
floors. In a conference chamber, you are told to
stand and wait. There are several people at the other
end. Gamling has words with one of them, and
when he looks up, you see your King, Theoden, now
revealed. "Come," says Theoden, his voice com-
manding. You do so, and kneel before him. He then
speaks: "It has come to my attention that you, young
Eorling, have rendered us a great service. Thanks to
you, we may now look no longer to the Keep of the
Hornburg to find men of treachery and deceit. Such
lies that these agents spread I am well acquainted
with. Would that their ilk were never again to walk
the lands of Middle-earth. And never in Rohan!
"But now," continues your king, "a token of my
gratitude." He holds forth a shining sword, bright as
silver fire and set with a green crystal. "This blade
was wielded true by Cwellanbrand, a brave Rider
who fell last night. He left no heir for the sword." He
pauses. "This is for you, Rider of Rohan!"
You take the sword, and lift it, saying, "Theoden
King! I stand as your most faithful servant!"
Your quest has come to a most successful conclu-
sion. If you keep your character to play in other
Middle-earth QuestGames, note that your new
sword adds +2 to your OB. The End
440 Time: 0
"You are the young Eorling who brought Herulf
to justice yesterday, are you not?" asks Gamling.
"Indeed, I am," you respond.
"Good. I know someone who wants to meet you."
Turn to 439.
8) DB Skill: This skill reflects your ability to avoid attacks.
CREATING A CHARACTER DB stands for "Defensive Bonus".
If you do not want to create your own character, use the
pre-created character found just before the prologue. SKILL BONUSES
If you decide to create your own character, you must follow For each of these skills, you will have a Skill Bonus used
the directions given in this section. Keep track of your char- when you attempt certain actions. Keep in mind that these
acter on the Character Record found following this section. It "bonuses" can be negative as well as positive.
is advisable to enter information in pencil so that it can be • When you start your character, you have 6 "+1 bonuses" to
erased and updated. If necessary, you may copy or photocopy assign to your skills; the choice is yours (see below). These
this Character Record for your own use. bonuses may not be assigned to your "DB" skill or your
As you go through this character creation process, refer to "Running" skill.
the pre-created character found just before the prologue. • You may assign more than one "+1 bonuses" to a given skill,
but no more than three to any one skill. Thus, two "+1
SKILLS bonuses" assigned to a skill will be a "+2 bonus," and three
The following 8 "skills" affect your chances of accomplish- "+1 bonuses" will be a "+3 bonus". These bonuses should be
ing certain actions during your adventures. recorded in the appropriate spaces in the Skill Bonus column
1) Melee OB Skill: This skill reflects your ability to attack in on your Character Record.
melee (hand-to-hand) combat. OB stands for "Offensive • If you do not assign any "+1 bonuses" to a skill, record a "-
Bonus". 2 bonus" in the appropriate space. The "DB" and "Running"
2) Missile OB Skill: This skill reflects your ability to attack skills do not receive this "-2 bonus".
using a missile such as a thrown spear or a bow. OB stands
for "Offensive Bonus" (not used in the Basic System). STATS
3) General Skill: Use this skill when directed to perform Your character starts with certain mental and physical
general activities by the text, including; Climb, Track, attributes called "stats" (short for statistics): Strength (St),
Hunt, Ride, and Swim actions. Agility (Ag), and Intelligence (In). Before beginning this
adventure, determine the values of these stats. Pick a number
4) Trickery Skill: Use mis skill when trying to move without 3 times, assign one to each of the three stats, and record them
being seen or heard (i.e., sneaking), trying to steal or take in the Stat Value column on your Character Record.
something held or protected by an opponent, picking a
lock, escaping from bonds, and other similar activities. STAT BONUSES
5) Perception Skill: This skill reflects how much information Each stat (St, Ag, In) may give a "bonus" when performing
you gather through observation and exploration. It also certain activities; keep in mind that these "bonuses" can be
negative (or zero) as well as positive.
reflects your ability to talk and negotiate with beings that
you meet during your adventures. Each stat of 2-4 gives a bonus of -1
Each stat of 5-8 gives a bonus of +0 (i.e., no bonus)
6) Magical Skill: This skill reflects your affinity with magic
Each stat of 9-10 gives a bonus of +1
and spells. You use this skill when you try to cast a spell
Each stat of 11-12 gives a bonus of +2
and when indicated by the text.
Record these bonuses in the Stat Bonus column next to the
7) Running Skill: This skill reflects your chances of running Stat Values on your Character Record.
away from danger.
In the Skill section on your character record there is also a THE ADVANCED
Stat Bonus column. Each space has a stat abbreviation next to
it; in each space record the stat bonus corresponding to the QUESTGAME™ SYSTEM
abbreviation. (Refer to the pre-created character if you need If you are going to use the Basic System do not read any
help in following these instructions.) further.
The Advanced System is similar to the Basic System in
TOTAL BONUSES many respects, but it allows for more variety and action
At this point, you should have a bonus recorded in each Stat options.
Bonus space and each Skill Bonus space; keep in mind that
these "bonuses" can be negative as well as positive. For each
skill, add the two bonuses and record the total in the
appropriate TOTAL BONUS space.
When the text instructs you to "add your bonus," it is
referring to these Total Bonuses.
During play, you may acquire equipment or abilities that
may affect your bonuses. The Special Bonus space may be
used to record these bonuses; of course, some of the Total
Bonuses will have to be recalculated when this occurs.

Your Strength stat determines the Endurance of your char-
acter. During combat you will take damage due to shock, pain,
bleeding, etc. If this "Damage Taken" exceeds your Endur-
ance you will fall unconscious (pass out). Your Endurance is
equal to:
20 plus twice your Strength stat.
Record this on your Character Record. TIME
SPELLS Keeping track of time adds a great deal of flavour and
excitement to the use of this Gamebook, but it does require that
You may decide to use the Optional Spell Rules. If so, for you keep a running total of the amount of time that passes. If
every "+1 bonus" that you do not assign to a skill, you may you desire an easier adventure, just use the gamebook as
"learn" two spells that you may cast during play (see Optional directed and ignore the text passages and rules referring to
Rules at the end of this gamebook). time (see the Basic System).
Passage of time will be abbreviated at the beginning of each
text section as: Time: #, where # is the number of minutes. As
you read each text section, add this amount to your time total.
EQUIPMENT • Armour has the following effects on your skill bonuses:
Plate Armour: +3 to DB; -3 to Trickery, Running, and
You may only wear: 1 suit of armour, 1 dagger (on belt), 1 Magical bonuses
cloak, 1 backpack, and 1 belt and pouch.
In addition, you may carry a number of pieces of equip- Chain Armour: +2 to DB; -2 to Trickery, Running, and
ment equal to your Strength stat; this total may include a Magical bonuses
maximum of 3 weapons. If you lose your backpack, this Leather Armour: +1 to DB; -1 to Trickery and
number is reduced by half (round down), and you lose any Running bonuses
excess equipment along with the backpack. Shield: +1 to DB; -1 to Magical bonus
Certain special items indicated by the text may be obtained
• A shield may not be used in combination with the following
that do not follow these restrictions.
weapons: bow, battle-axe, quarterstaff, or two-hand sword.
• Weapons: If you damage an opponent, your weapon can
provide additional damage (this additional damage applies
to each attack only when a damage result of 1 or more is
Sword +1
Mace +2 (only if opponent is wearing
chain or plate armour)
Spear +0
Dagger -1
Warhammer +2 (but -1 to melee OB)
Battle-axe +2
Quarterstaff +1
Two-hand Sword +3 (but -1 to melee OB)
Bare-handed -3 (and -2 to melee OB)
EXAMPLE: Using the Combat Table, you inflict "8"
damage on your opponent. If you are using a sword (+1 DAMAGE AND HEALING
to damage), your opponent actually takes 9 damage
points ("8" +1). If you are using a Dagger (-1 to Keep track of Damage Taken as indicated in the Basic
damage), he would take 7 damage points ("8" -1). System. If your Damage Taken exceeds your Endurance (see
your Character Record), you are unconscious. If this occurs
• Thrown Weapons: The following weapons may be used during a fight, you are defeated and must proceed as the text
once in a given combat as a missile attack (missile OB mod- indicates. If the text indicates that you "wake up," reduce your
ifications are given in parentheses: spear(-l), dagger(-l), Damage Taken to equal your Endurance.
warhammer(-2), sword(-3), mace(-3), battle-axe(-4). In Do not use the Basic System rule for healing. Each time you
such a case, the weapon may not be used in melee and may read a section of text that does not require you to pick a
only be recovered if you defeat your opponent. number, fight, or take an action, you may reduce your
• A bow may only be used in missile combat (see step 1 under Damage Taken by 1 for every 20 minutes you spend "resting".
Fighting), not in melee combat.
5) Repeat rounds of the fight until one of the following
TAKING AN ACTION conditions occur.
When the text directs you to take an action, refer to the a) One of you is killed (a "K" result on the Combat
Action Table at the end of this gamebook. Choose one of the Table); or
actions listed and follow the directions given.
b) One of you has more Damage Taken than Endur-
ance. That combatant is unconscious and is de-
feated. (This can also occur due to a "U" result on
the Combat Table.) or
c) You successfully disengage. At the beginning of any
round of combat, you may elect not to attack for that
round. After your opponent makes his attack for that
round, you may pick a number and add your
FIGHTING Running bonus:
Fighting consists of a series of "rounds." During each • If the result is 9 or greater, you successfully Run
"round," you attack your opponent or you attempt to flee and Away (follow text instructions).
your opponent attacks you. • Otherwise, you are still engaged and must begin
If you choose to fight an opponent or the text indicates that another round of the fight at step 4. (However, you
you "must fight," the combat is resolved in the following may attempt to disengage again).
1) If you are surprised, proceed directly to step 4; other- Resolve individual attacks as indicated in the Basic
wise, proceed to step 2. System: Using the Combat Table at the end of this gamebook,
2) You may make a missile attack if able (see the attack cross-index the difference in OB and DB with a number
resolution explanation). If your opponent is not sur- picked. Use your character's Missile OB for a missile attack
and Melee OB for a melee attack.
prised (i.e., he is aware of you), he will then make a
missile attack against you if able (the text will specify if
your opponent can make a missile attack).
This completes one round of the fight.
3) No one is surprised for the remainder of the combat.
Your opponent will attempt to force melee (hand-to-
hand combat). If you wish to continue making missile
attacks, pick a number and add your Running bonus. If
the result is 10 or greater, proceed to step 2; otherwise,
proceed to step 4.
4) You are engaged in melee. You make a melee attack
against your opponent, and he makes a melee attack
against you. If you are surprised, the order of the attacks
is reversed.
This completes one round of the fight.
more, the foe is "calmed," so you may automatically Run
OPTIONAL RULES Away. Otherwise, the encounter proceeds normally. If an
These rules are included to allow you to develop more encounter does not provide a Run Away opportunity in the
complete Middle-earth characters and to add certain elements choice selection, the opponent may not be "calmed." This
of realism to your QuestGame™ adventures. spell may not be cast if you are facing multiple foes.
4) Camouflage (3): For the purposes of one action, this spell
CASTING SPELLS increases your Trickery bonus by +2.
For every "+1 bonus" that you do not assign to a skill during 5) Charm Animal (6): You may cast this spell against any
the character creation process, you may "learn" two of the hostile normal "animal" (bear, wolf, snake, etc.). Proceed
spells described below. Once a spell is "learned," your char- through the text as if you had defeated the animal. The
acter "knows" it and is able to cast it within the restrictions animal will follow you (record its OB, DB, and Endur-
given below. ance) and will fight any foe you desire it to. After it has
• If you want to cast a spell, pick a number and add your been involved in one fight for you, the animal will leave.
Magical bonus. If the result is 7 or greater, you successfully You may only have one animal "charmed" at a time.
cast the spell. (Refer to the spell description for the effects.) 6) Clairvoyance (5): When given a choice of two or more
Otherwise, the spell has no effect. You must "know" a spell text sections to read, you may read two of them and then
in order to cast it. proceed to the one you prefer.
• Each time you successfully cast a spell, your Damage 7) Fire Bolt (6): This spell may be used during combat when
' Taken is increased by the number given in parentheses in you would normally make a missile attack. Pick a number
the spell description. This reflects the strain of casting and add double your Magical bonus; the result is the
spells. amount of Damage Taken by one opponent of your choice.
• If involved in a fight, you may only attempt to cast a spell 8) Healing (0): Reduces the amount of time required to heal
when a missile would normally be fired; spells are impos- 3 points of damage from 60 minutes to 20 minutes.
sible to cast when engaged in melee. 9) Luck (5): When you cast this spell just after you have
• Unless stated otherwise, the effects of a spell last for one picked a number, you may ignore the number picked and
action, one activity, of one fight. pick a number again. This spell may not cast more than
once per text passage.
10) Protection from Magic (4): When the text indicates that
1) Item Analysis (3): When told to by the text, you may cast
an opponent is casting a spell, you may cast this spell. The
this spell and "analyze" an item (follow the directions
number picked to resolve his spell will be decreased by
given in the text).
your Magical bonus.
2) Balance (2): Increases your General bonus by +2 for one
11) Shield (4): If cast at the beginning of a fight, this spell will
activity to be attempted at the current text location.
increase your DB by +2. This spell may not be cast if you
3) Calm (5): May only be cast against one animal or normal will be using a normal shield during the combat.
being (Man, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit, Orc, Troll, etc.). Pic* a
number and add your Magical bonus. If the result is 8 or
12) Speed (3): This spell may be cast whenever you attempt RACE
to Run Away or disengage from a fight. Your Running
You may choose one of the Middle-earth races for your
bonus is increased by +2 for such attempts. This is the
character with the following results:
only spell that may be cast while engaged in melee.
Man: Increase your General bonus by 1.
13) Strength (6): When cast at the beginning of a fight, this
spell doubles the damage you give with melee attacks for Elf: When underground, decrease your Perception by 1 and
the remainder of the fight. "U" and "K" results are your Magical bonus by 1. When outdoors, increase your
unaffected by a Strength spell. Perception by 1 and your Magical bonus by 1.
14) Sustain Self (2): When cast, this spell has the same effect Dwarf: Decrease your Running bonus by 1. When under-
as eating a meal. ground, increase your Perception bonus by 1 and your
General bonus by 1. Dwarves may not "learn" spells #7
and #11.
Hobbit: Increase your Trickery bonus by 2. Decrease your
Melee OB by 2. Hobbits may not "learn" spells #3, #5, #7,
and #11.


For people who prefer formulas to tables, the following
EXPERIENCE POINTS formula approximates the Combat Table's results. Using the
After certain text passages, you will see Exp Pt: #. This is formula results in slightly more damage than using the table.
the number of "Experience Points" you receive. Keep a • If the number picked is "2", automatic no damage.
running total of points in the space provided on your Character • If the number picked is "12", automatic "U" plus normal
Record. You may only receive experience points for a given Damage Taken.
text passage once.
• Otherwise, the Damage Taken by defender = Number
These points have no affect on the abilities of your character
picked - 4 + attacker's OB - defender's DB and
until you have successfully completed this adventure and wish
to start another MEQ Gamebook with the same character. • If Damage Taken is 9 or more = "U"
If you are using a MEQ Gamebook character, for every 150 • If Damage Taken is 11 or more = "K"
experience points you may choose one of these options:
1) Assign an additional +1 bonus to any of the allowed UNMODIFIED PICKED NUMBERS
skills (see "Creating Your Own Character") or In many situations, you are instructed to: Pick a number
2) You may change any "-2" skill bonus to "+1" or and add your xxxx bonus. If you have a very large (or very
3) You may choose two more spells that you may cast or small) bonus, this can often result in automatic success (or
failure) in certain activities. To avoid this, use the following
4) You may pick a number and increase your Endurance
rule: whenever you pick a number and it is a "2" or a " 12", do
by 2 plus that number.
not add any bonuses. That is, 2's and 12's are never modified:
If you are using MERP, 150 experience points is equivalent a 2 always gives a 2 result and a 12 always gives a 12 result
to approximately 5000 MERP experience points.
USING MERP WITH THIS When the text indicates that you must fight, just use the
GAMEBOOK normal MERP combat system, your character's MERP
Middle-earth Role Playing is ICE's fantasy role playing combat stats, and your opponents' MERP combat stats (as
(FRP) system for J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. We do not given in the MERP Stats Table found near the end of this
have room is this gamebook to describe its contents. Instead book).
we will give guide-lines in this section on how to use this Like normal QuestGame™ fights, fights resolved using
gamebook with a MERP character. MERP normally end in one of 3 ways: you are defeated, your
Since MERP is a general FRP system, you will have to be opponent is defeated, or you successfully Run Away.
very flexible when using it with these gamebook. Just use the Either you or your opponent is "defeated" when you are
mechanisms provided by MERP and some common sense, rendered unconscious, killed, or incapacitated.
and most situations will be easily resolved. Below we provide You may run away by making a MERP "medium" moving
guide-lines for the situations which arise most often in these manoeuvre (add your appropriate Moving Manoeuvre Bonus)
gamebooks. and getting a result of "100" or more. These results are
cumulative from round to round, so you might be able to run
USING BONUSES away over the course of several rounds (e.g., a result of "60"
During play you are often instructed to: pick a number and on the first round and a "50" on the second round would mean
add your xxxx bonus, where xxxx is Running, General, Trick- that you successfully "Run Away" at the end of the second
ery, Perception, or Magical. Then you are given two or more round).
possible places to turn to based upon the result.
When using MERP, use these corresponding MERP "Skill TAKING DAMAGE
Bonuses" instead of the bonus indicated: Often the text will instruct you to increase your Damage
Taken by a certain amount. Here are some suggested ways for
QuestGame™ translating that damage into MERP damage (Pick a Number
Bonus MERP Skill Bonus will be referred to as "2-12"):
Running ....Moving Manoeuvre based upon armour worn
General Climb, Ride, Swim, or Track QuestGame™ MERP
Damage Taken Damage
Trickery ....Ambush, Stalk/Hide, Pick Lock, or Disarm Trap
A fixed number Same number of MERP concussion hits
Perception .Perception, Leadership & Influence
Magical Read Runes, Use Item, or Make a Resistance Roll (2-12) once A MERP "A" Critical Strike + 1 -10 hits
(2-12) twice A MERP "C" Critical Strike + 1-10 hits
The circumstances of the text passage being read usually (2-12) 3 times A MERP "E" Critical Strike + 1-10 hits
make the specific MERP bonus obvious (e.g., if the passage
says you are attempting to "swim", you will use your MERP etc. etc.
Swim Skill Bonus). If it is not obvious, use the skill that seems The type of "Critical Strike" can be determined by the
most appropriate. situation (e.g., for a fall, use "impact" criticals, for fire, use
When you use a MERP Skill Bonus divide by 10 (round "heat" criticals). When in doubt, use "unbalancing" criticals.
down). For example, a MERP Swim Skill Bonus of 36 would
be used in this gamebook as a +3 General bonus in appropriate
The QuestGame™ system uses the Magical bonus to re-' CHARACTER RECORD
solve situations that would require "Resistance,Rolls" (RR's) I
in MERP. When you encounter these situations, follow the NAME: SPELLS (optional)
MERP RR procedure using the bonus appropriate for the STATS Stat Stat 1
situation (e.g., use the Poison RR bonus versus poisons); when Value Bonus 2
in doubt with regards to spells assume that they are Essence Strength (St) 3
spells. Agility (Ag) 4
If the RR involves an opponent or a trap, use the levels given Intelligence (In) 5
in the MERP Stats Table as the attack level for the RR. 6
Otherwise, use an attack level of 3. Endurance = = 20 + (2 x St Stat) 7
If you fail an RR, follow the instructions indicated by the
lowest of the ranges given. If you resist, follow the instruc- SKILLS Total Skill Stat Special
tions indicated by the highest of the ranges given. Bonus = Bonus + Bonus + Bonuses
If three ranges are given and you resist, use the highest Melee OB = + St +
range. If three ranges are given and you fail an initial RR, make Missile OB = + Ag +
a second RR. If you fail the second, use the lowest range. If you DB = N/A + Ag +
resist on the second RR, use the middle range. Running = N/A + Ag +
MAGIC ITEMS General = + Ag +
Trickery = + In +
An item with a +1 bonus in the QuestGame™ system
should have a +5 bonus in MERP and vice versa. Perception = + In +
Magical = + In +
Worn (one of each Type): Armor
Cloak Dagger
Belt&Pouch (money, gems, etc.)
In Backpack / Sheathed / Carried:
1) 7)
2) 8)
3) 9)
4) 10)
5) 11)
6) 12)
Minutes Days POINTS
(See MERP Table ST-2 for an explanation of the codes) Number Attacker's OB - Defender's DB *
Text Type Picked +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
# (number) Level Speed Hits AT DB Attack Size Crit
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
115 Pukel-man #1 5 MD 50 P1 20 55Ra M Lge 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pukel-man #2 5 MD 50 P1 20 55Ra M Lge 4 4 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Pukel-man #3 5 MD 50 P1 20 55Ra M Lge
158 Skeleton 3 MF 34 No 10 50Ra M 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0
174 Orc 2 MD 30 SL 5 40We M Reg 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0
194 Dunlending 4 MD 60 No 15 40We M Reg 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0
216 Orc 3 MD 24 SL 0 40We M Reg
226 Dunlending
8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1
5 MD 80 SL 25 45We M Reg
232 Half-ore 4 MD 20 RL 20 40We M Reg 9 U 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2
250 Dunlending 5 VS 1 SL 25 l0We M Reg 10 U U U 8 7 7 6 5 4 3
259 Orc 1 MD 36 SL 5 25We M Reg U U U U 8 7 6 5
11 K K
264 Orc #1 1 MD 20 SL 10 20We M Reg
Orc #2 3 MD 30 SL
12 K K K K K K U U U U
15 25We M Reg
269 Dunlending 2 MD 40 No 10 20We M Reg *—If OB-DB difference is greater than +5, add the excess
292 Herulf 9 MD 90 Ch 40 85We M Reg to the number picked; if the difference is less than -4,
304 Orc #l 2 MD 26 SL 15 20We M Reg treat it as -4.
Orc #2 1 MD 20 SL 5 15We M Reg
336 Orc #l 1 MD 24 Results:
SL 0 25We M Reg
Orc #2 1 # = A number result indicates the amount of damage taken; if the
MD 30 SL 15 15 We M Reg total damage taken exceeds the combatant's endurance
345 Orc #l 2 MD 24 SL 0 35We M Reg point total, the character is unconscious.
Orc #2 1 MD 20 SL 20 20We M Reg U = Unconscious (knocked out), wounded, and out of action; see
365 Use the stats from 292. text for results.
384 Orc #l 1 MD 4 SL 15 20We M Reg K = Killed; if this result is achieved against you your quest is
Orc #2 2 MD 26 SL 0 35We M Reg over!
433 Use the stats from 292.

Attack: You must fight your opponent.
Run Away: Pick a number and add your Running
bonus. If the result is 8 or greater, follow the text instruc-
tions. Otherwise, you must fight your opponent and you
are "surprised" (i.e., he gets to attack first).
6 11 8 9 7 5 6 9 8 5 7 3

7 4 10 6 3 12 7 2 10 8 4 11

9 6 5 7 4 8 5 6 9 7 10 8

8 5 7 3 6 11 8 9 7 5 6 9

10 8 4 11 7 4 10 6 3 12 7 2

9 7 10 8 9 6 5 7 4 8 5 6

7 5 6 9 8 5 7 3 6 11 8 9

3 12 7 2 10 8 4 11 7 4 10 6

4 8 5 6 9 7 10 8 9 6 5 7

6 11 8 9 7 5 6 9 8 5 7 3

7 4 10 6 3 12 7 2 10 8 4 11

9 6 5 7 4 8 5 6 9 7 10 8

8 5 7 3 6 11 8 9 7 5 6 9

10 8 4 11 7 4 10 6 3 12 7 2

9 7 10 8 9 6 5 7 4 8 5 6

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