Clinical Assessment of Sleepiness

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Clinical Assessment of Sleepiness

Assessing the clinical significance of a patient’s complaint of excessive sleepiness can be complex
for an inexperienced clinician. The assessment depends on two important factors: chronicity and
reversibility. Chronicity can be explained simply. Although a healthy normal individual and
unremitting. As to reversibility, unlike the healthy normal person, increased sleep time may not
completely or consistently ameliorate a patient’s sleepiness. Patients with excessive sleepiness may
not complain of sleepiness per se, but rather its consequences: loss of energy, fatigue, lethargy,
weariness, lack of initiative, memory lapses, or difficulty concentrating.

To clarify the patient complaint, it is important to focus on soporific situations in which

physiological sleepiness is more likely to be manifest, as was discussed earlier. Such situations
might include watching television, reading, riding in a car, listening to a lecturer, or sitting in a
warm room. Table 4-1 presents the commonly reported “sleep including “ situations for a large
sample of patients with sleep apnea syndrome. After clarifying the complaint, one should ask the
patient about the entire day: morning, midday, and evening. In the next section, it will become clear
that most adults experience sleepiness over the midday. However, patients experience sleepiness at
other times of the day as well, and often throughout the day. Whenever possible, objective
documentation of sleepiness and its severity should be sought. As indicated earlier, the standard and
accepted method to document sleepiness objectively is the MSLT.

Guidelines for interpreting the result of the MSLT are available (see Fig 4-1). “A number of
case series of patients with disorders of excessive sleepiness have been published with
accompanying MSLT data for each diagnostic classification. These data provide the clinician with
guidelines for evaluating the clinical significance of a given patient’s MSLT results. Although these
data cannot be considered norms, a scheme for a ranking MSLT scores to indicate degree of
pathology has been suggested. An average daily MSLT score of 5 minutes of fewer suggests
pathological sleepiness, a score of more than 5 minutes but fewer than 10 minutes is considered a
diagnostic gray area, and a score of more than 10 minutes is considered to be in the normal range
(see Fig 4-1 for MSLT results in the general population). The MSLT is also useful in identifying
sleep-onset REM periods (SOREMPs), which are common in patients with narcolepsy. The
American Academy of Sleep Medicine Standards of Practice Committee has concluded that the
MSLT is indicated in the evaluation of patients with suspected narcolepsy. MSLT results, however,
must also be evaluated with respect to the conditions under which the testing was conducted.
Standards have been published for administering the MSLT, which must be followed to obtain a
valid, interpretable result.

Quantity of Sleep

The degree of daytime sleepiness is directly related to the amount of nocturnal sleep. The
performance effects of acute and chronic sleep deprivation are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. As to
sleepiness, partial or total sleep deprivation in healthy normal subjects is followed by increased
daytime sleepiness the following day. Therefore, modest nightly sleep restriction accumulates over
nights to progressively increase daytime sleepiness and performance lapses (see Fig. 4-1) However,
the speed at which sleep loss is accumulated is critical, as studies have shown adaptation to a slow
accumulation of 1 to 2 hours nightly occurs, which then increases the duration of the subsequent
recovery process. Increased sleep time in healthy, but sleepy, young adults by extending bedtime
beyond the usual 7 to 8 hours per night produces an increase in alertness (i.e., reduction in
sleepiness). Further, the pharmacological extension of sleep time by an increase in mean sleep
latency on the MSLT (i.e., increased alertness).

Reduced sleep time explains the excessive sleepiness of several patient and non-patient
groups. For example, a subgroup of sleep clinic patients has been identified whose excessive
daytime sleepiness can be attributed to chronic insufficient sleep. These patients show objectively
documented excessive sleepiness, “normal” nocturnal sleep with unusually high sleep efficiency
(time asleep-time in bed), and report about 2 hours more sleep on each weekend day than each
weekday. Regularizing bedtime and increasing time in bed produces a resolution of their symptoms
and normalized MSLT results. The increased sleepiness of healthy young adults also can be
attributed to insufficient nocturnal sleep. When the sleepiest 25% of a sample of as long as 5 to 14
consecutive nights, their sleepiness is reduced to a level resembling the general population mean.

Individual differences in tolerability to sleep loss have been reported. These differences can
be attributed to a number of possible factors. A difference in the basal level of sleepiness at the start
of a sleep time manipulation is quite possible given the range of sleepiness in the general population
(see Fig. 4-1). The basal differences may reflect insufficient nightly sleep relative to ones’ sleep
need. There also may be differences in the sensitivity and responsivity of the sleep homeostat to
sleep loss, that is how large a sleep deficit the system can tolerate and how robustly the sleep
homeostat produces sleep when detecting deficiency. Finally, genetic differences in sleep need, the
set point around which the sleep homeostat regulates daily sleep time, have long been hypothesized
and one study has suggested a gene polymorphism may mediate vulnerability to sleep loss. These
all are fertile areas for research.
Quality of Sleep

Daytime sleepiness also relates to the quality and the continuity of a previous night’s sleep. Sleep in
patients with a number of sleep disorders is punctuated by frequent, brief arousals of 3 to 15
seconds durations. These arousals are characterized by bursts of EEG speeding or alpha activity
and, occasionally, transient increases in skeletal muscle tone. Standard scoring rules for transient
EEG arousals have been developed. A transient arousal is illustrated in Figure 4-3. These arousals
typically do not result in awakening by either Rechtschaffen and Kales sleep staging criteria or
behavioral indicators, and the arousals recur in some conditions are often as 1 to 4 times per minute.
The arousing stimulus differs in the various disorders and can be identified in some cases (apneas,
leg movements, pain) but not in others. Regardless of etiology, the arousals generally do not result
in shortened sleep but rather in fragmented or discontinuous sleep, and this fragmentation produces
daytime sleepiness.

Correlational evidence suggests a relation between sleep fragmentation and daytime

sleepiness. Fragmentation, as indexed by number of brief EEG arousals, number of shifts from
other sleep stages to stage I sleep correlates with EDS in various patient groups. Treatment studies
also link sleep fragmentation and excessive sleepiness. Patients with sleep apnea syndrome who are
successfully treated by surgery (i.e., number of apneas are reduced) show a reduced frequency of
arousals from sleep as well as a reduced level of sleepiness, whereas those who do not benefit from
the surgery (i.e., apneas remain) show no decrease in arousals or sleepiness, despite improved
sleeping oxygenation. Similarly, SPAP, by providing a pneumatic airway splint, reduces breathing
disturbances and consequent arousals from sleep and reverse EDS. The reversal of daytime
sleepiness following CPAP treatment of sleep apnea syndrome is presented in Figure 4-4. The hours
of nightly CPAP use predicts both subjective and objective measures of sleepiness.

Experimental fragmentation of the sleep of healthy normal subjects has been produced by
inducing arousals with an auditory stimulus. Several studies have shown that subjects awakened at
various intervals during the night demonstrate performance decrements and increased sleepiness on
the following day. Studies have also fragmented sleep without awakening subjects by terminating
the stimulus on EEG signs of arousal rather than on behavioral response. Increased daytime
sleepiness (shortened latencies on the MSLT) resulted from nocturnal sleep fragmentation in one
study, and in a second study, the recuperative a nap following sleep deprivation were compromised
by fragmenting the sleep on the nap.

One noncilinical population in which sleep fragmentation is an important determinant of

excessive sleepiness is the elderly. Many studies have shown that even elderly people without sleep
complaints show an increased number of apneas and periodic leg movements during sleep. As noted
earlier, the elderly as a group are sleepier than other groups. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated
that elderly people with the highest frequency of arousal during sleep have the greatest daytime

Circadian Rhythms

A biphasic pattern of objective, normal young adult and elderly subjects were tested every 2 hours
over a complete 24-hour day. During the sleep period (11:30 PM to 8:00 ) the latency testing was

accomplished by awakening subject for 15 minutes and then allowing them to return to sleep. Two
troughs of alertness-one during the nocturnal hours (about 2:00 to 6:00 AM )-were observed. Figure
4-5 shows the biphasic pattern of sleepiness-alertness.

Other research protocols have yielded similar results. In constant routine studies, where
external environmental stimulation is minimized and subject remain awake, superimposed on the
expected increase in self-rated fatigue resulting from the deprivation of sleep is a biphasic circadian
rhythmicity of self-rated fatigue similar to that seen for sleep latency. In another constant routine
study in which EEG was continuously monitored, a biphasic pattern of “unintentional sleep” was
observed. In studies with sleep scheduled at unusual times, the duration of sleep periods has been
used as an index of the level of sleepiness. A pronounced circadian variation in sleep duration is
found with the termination of sleep periods closely related to the biphasic sleep latency function in
the studies cited earlier. If individuals are permitted to nap when they are placed in time-free
environments, this biphasic pattern becomes quite apparent in the form of a midcycle nap.

This circadian rhythm in sleepiness is part of a circadian system in which many biological
processes vary rhythmically over 24 hours. The sleepiness rhythm parallels the circadian variation
in body temperature, with shortened latencies occurring in conjunction with temperature troughs.
But these two functions, sleep latency and body temperature, are not mirror images of each other,
the midday body temperature decline is relatively small compared with that of sleep latency.
Furthermore, under free running conditions, the two functions become dissociated. However, no
other biological rhythm is as closely associated with the circadian rhythm of the sleepiness as is
body temperature.

Earlier, it was noted that shift workers are unusually sleepy, and jet travelers experience
sleepiness acutely in a new time zone. The sleepiness in these two conditions results from the
placement of sleep and wakefulness at times that are out of phase with the existing circadian
rhythms. Thus, not only is daytime sleep shortened and fragmented but also wakefulness occurs at
the peak of sleepiness or trough of alertness. Several studies have shown that pharmacological
extension and consolidation of out-of-phase sleep can improve daytime sleepiness (see Chapters 42,
73, and 81 for more detail). Yet, the basal circadian rhythm of sleepiness remains, although the
overall level of sleepiness has been reduced. In other words, the synchronization of circadian
rhythms to the new sleep wake schedule is not hastened.

CNS Drugs


Central nervous system (CNS) depressant drugs, as expected increase sleepiness. Most of these
drugs act as agonists at the GABA, receptor complex. The benzodiazepine hypnotics hasten sleep
onset at bedtime and shorten the latency to return to sleep after an awakening during the night
(which is their therapeutic purpose), as demonstrated by a number of objective studies. Long-acting
benzodiazepines continue to shorten sleep latency on the MSLT the day following bedtime
administration. Finally, ethanol administered during the daytime (9:00 AM) reduces sleep latency in a
dose-related manner as measured by the MSLT.

Second generation antiepileptic drugs, including gabapentin, tiagabine, vigabatrin,

pregabalin,and others, enhance GABA activity through various mechanisms that directly or
indirectly involve the GABAA receptor. The sedating effects of these various drugs have not been
thoroughly documented, but some evidence indicates they do have sedative activity. GABA B
receptor agonists are being investigated as treatments for drug addictions and the preclinical animal
research suggests these drugs may have sedative activity as well.

Antagonist acting at the histamine H1 receptor also have sedating effects. One of the most
commonly reported side effects associated with the use of H 1 antihistamine is daytime sleepiness.
Several double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have shown that certain H 1 antihistamines, such as
diphenhydramine, increase sleepiness using sleep latency as the objective measure of sleepiness,
whereas others, such as terfenadine or loratadine do not. The difference among these compounds
relates to their differential CNS penetration and binding. Others of the H 1 antihistamines (e.g.,
tazifylline) are thought to have a greater peripheral compared with central H 1 affinity, and,
consequently, effects on daytime sleep latency are found only at relatively high doses.

Antihypertensives, particularly beta adrenoreceptor blockers, are also reported to produce

sedation during the daytime. These CNS effects are thought to be related to the differential
liposolubility of the various compounds. However, we are unware of any studies that directly
measure the daytime sleepiness produced by beta-blockers; the information is derived from reports
of side effects. As noted earlier, it is important to differentiate sleepiness from tiredness of fatigue.
Patients may be describing tiredness or fatigue resulting from the drugs peripheral effects (i.e.,
lowered cardiac output and blood pressure), not sleepiness, a presumed central effect.

Sedative effect of dopaminergic agonists used in treating Parkinson’s disease have been
reported as adverse events in clinical trials and in case reports as “sleep attacks: while driving. It is
now clear these “sleep attacks” are not attacks per se, but are the expression of excessive sleepiness.
Whereas the dose-related sedative effect of these drugs has been established, the mechanism by
which the sedative effects occur is unknown. The dopaminergic agonists are also known to disrupt
and fragment sleep. Thus, the excessive sleepiness may be secondary to disturbed sleep, or to a
combination of disturbed sleep and direct sedative effects.


Stimulant drugs reduce sleepiness and increase alertness. The drugs in this group differ in their
mechanisms of action. Amphetamine, methylphenidate, and pemoline block dopamine reuptake and
to a lesser extent enhance the release of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. The mechanism
of modafinil is not established; some evidence suggests that modafinil has a mechanisms distinct
from the classical stimulants. Amphetamine, methylphenidate, pemoline, and modafinil are used to
treat the EDS associated with narcolepsy and some have been studied medications to maintain
alertness and vigilance in normal subjects under conditions of sustained sleep loss (e.g., military
operations). Studies in patients with narcolepsy using MLST or MWT have shown improved
alertness with amphetamine, methylphenidate, modafinil and pemoline. There is dispute as to the
extent to which the excessive sleepiness of narcoleptics is reversed and the comparative efficacy of
the various drugs. In healthy normal persons restricted or deprived of sleep, both amphetamine and
methylphenidate increase alertness on the MSLT and improve psychomotor performance. Caffeine
is an adenosine receptor antagonist. Caffeine, in doses equivalent to 1 to 3 cups of coffee, reduced
daytime sleepiness on the MSLT in normal subjects after 5 hours of sleep the previous night.
Influence of Basal Sleepiness

The preexisting level of sleepiness-alertness interacts with a drug to influence the drug’s behavioral
effect. In other words, a drug’s effect differs when sleepiness is at its maximum compared to is
minimum. As noted previously, the basal level of daytime sleepiness can be altered by restricting or
extending time in bed; this in turn alters the usual effects of a stimulating versus a sedating drug. A
study showed comparable levels of sleepiness-alertness during the day following 5 hours in bed and
morning (9:00 AM) caffeine consumption compared to 11 hours in bed and morning (9:00 AM )
ethanol ingestion. Follow-up studies basal sleepiness. Dose-related differences in daytime
diminished after even 1 night of 5 hours sleep, although the measured levels of ethanol in breath
were consistent day to day. In other words, sleepiness enhanced the sedative effects of ethanol. In
contrast, caffeine and methylphenidate produced a similar increase in alertness, regardless of the
basal level of sleepiness. Clinically, these findings imply, for example, that a sleepy driver with
minimal blood ethanol levels may be as dangerous as an alert driver who is legally intoxicated.

The basal state of sleepiness also influences drug-seeking behavior. The likelihood that
healthy normal person without a drug abuse history will self-administer methylphenidate is greatly
enhanced after 4 hours of sleep the previous night compared to 8 hours of sleep (see Fig. 4-4).
Though not experimentally demonstrated as yet, self administration of caffeine also is probably
influenced by basal state of sleepiness. The high volume of caffeine use in the population probably
relates to the high rate of self medication for sleepiness due to chronic insufficient sleep in the

CNS Pathologies

Pathology of the CNS is another determinant of daytime sleepiness. The previously noted
hypocretin/orexin deficiency is thought to cause excessive sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy.
Another sleep disorder associated with excessive sleepiness due to an unknown pathology of the
CNS is idiopathic CNS hypersomnolence. A report of a series of rigorously diagnosed cases (n=77)
found moderate MSLT scores (8.5 minutes mean latency). As yet hypocrentin/orexin deficiency has
not been shown in this disorder. These two conditions are described in detail in chapters 84 and 86.

Excessive sleepiness is reported in other neurological disease. A study in patients with

myotonic dystrophy, type 1 reported excessive sleepiness on the MSLT and reduced cerebrospinal
levels of hypocretin/orexin. “Sleep attacks” have been reported in Parkinson’s disease and
assessment with the MSLT suggests these attacks are the expression of excessive daytime
sleepiness. What remains unresolved in the excessive sleepiness of Parkinson’s disease is the
relative contribution of the disease itself, the fragmentation of sleep due to periodic leg movement
or apnea, and the dopaminergic drugs used in treating Parkinson’s disease. The previously cited
study found no or sleep fragmentation, although further assessment in larger samples is necessary to
confirm this finding. Sleepiness may be prominent after traumatic brain injury.

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