Prequalification Z I 17 08 2011

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Lahore Waste Management Company



Procurement of
Solid Waste Collection and Transportation, Mechanical Sweeping
and Manual Sweeping, Mechanical Washing within the borders of
Zone-I of Lahore City


Office No. 4-5, 4th Floor, Shaheen Complex,
Egerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan.

This document consist of 33pages.

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Page No.
1. Information related to Clients 3
2. Information related to the job & object of the prequalification 3
3. Availability of prequalification document for inspection and purchase purpose 4
4. Scope of prequalification document 5
5. Announcements and notifications 6
6. Mehtod of application 7
7. Documents required for prequalification application 7
8. Details regarding prequalification criteria and relevant documents 8
8.1 Documents related to financial position and required criteria 8
8.2 Documents related to professional and technical qualification and required criteria for such
documents 9
8.3 The works which will be accepted as similar work for the purpose of work experience of
Applicants 11
8.4 Method of submission of documents 11
8.5 Language of prequalification document 11

9. Availability of the prequalification document to the foreign or local Applicants 11

10. Disqualification for participation in prequalification 12
11. Exclusion from prequalification and acts forbidden 12
12. Expenses regarding prequalification application 14
13. Making explanation regarding prequalification document s 14
14. Making amendments in prequalification document 14
15. Cancelling the prequalification before the evaluation time 15
16. Joint venture 15
17. Consortium 15
18. Submission of prequalification applications and documents 16


19. Receiving and opening of the prequalification applications 17
20. Evaluation of incomplete prequalification applications 17
21. Finalizing the prequalification evaluation and invitation to the tender 18
22. Cancellation of the prequalification 18

Annexure-I Map Details 21
Annexure-II Prequalıfıcatıon Application Letter 22
Annexure-III Bank Reference Letter 23
Annexure-IV Business Experience Documents 24
Annexure-V Key Personnel Details Summary Table 25
Annexure-VI Key Personnel C.V Form 26
Annexure-VII Personnel Information Summary Table 28
Annexure-VIII Vehicle Information Summary Table 29
Annexure-IX Joint Venture or Partnership Statement 30
Annexure-X Prequalification Surety Bond 31
Annexure-XI Prequalification Checklist 32

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Lahore Waste Management Company invites prequalification applications for the work of
sweeping and cleaning of main drags, squares, parks, streets and roads within the borders of
Zone-I I of Lahore city. This work will include manual sweeping, sweeping by mechanical
vehicles, washing by using mechanical vehicles and collection of municipal solid waste
generated within borders of this zone. The collected solid waste will be transported to solid
waste disposal sites or transfer stations so designated.

Applicants with necessary national and international experience may participate in

prequalification process for the aforementioned works. All Applicants who are qualified as per
this prequalification evaluation will be invited to submit bids.



1- Information related to the Client


Address: Office No. 4-5, 4th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore,
Phone Number: +92-42-99205158, +92 42 99205153-55
Fax number: +92 42 99205156
Electronic mail address: [email protected], [email protected]
The name, the last name and the title of the concerned person: WASEEM AJMAL

The Applicants may obtain information regarding prequalification from the office of assigned
personnel by contacting them at abovementioned address.

2- Information related to the job & object of prequalification

Place of work: Lahore City, Zone-I. The place of work for the purpose of this
prequalification document is defined as Zone-I. Zone-I is further shown and explained
through maps as given in Annexure - I
Duration of Contract :7 Years

2.1. Scope of Work

Everyday task includes collection of solid waste which is an average 2700 metric tons from
Lahore city within borders of Zone-I and its transportation to the disposal sites, mechanical
sweeping of approximately 1,200,000 m2 area with vacuum cleaning vehicles, washing of

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approximately 13,000 m2 area along with squares and sidewalks and manual sweeping of
the area which is within the borders of the Zone-I and includes other works related to city
cleaning. Solid Waste shall include :

i. Waste from households exclusive of hazardous waste

ii. Waste from commercial markets
iii. Waste from institutions such as schools, hospitals (non-risk waste), public offices etc.
iv. Waste arising from street sweeping activities
v. Tree trimmings and grass cutting waste
vi. Non-biodegradable waste from gardens and parks

3- Availability of prequalification document for inspection and purchase purpose

3.1. Pre-qualification document will be available for inspection at the address and website
mentioned in Clause 1 without any charges. However, Applicants who will apply for
prequalification document shall buy prequalification document as approved by Client from the
same address. It may be noted that document available on the website will be used only for the
purposes of information.

3.2 Fee for prequalification document: USD 1,000 (US Dollars one thosand only)

3.3 Fee for prequalification document through postal service: USD 1200 (US Dollars twelve
hundred only)

3.4. Those who intend to buy the prequalification document will check whether the documents
composing the prequalification document conform to their original and such documents are
complete. Thereafter, the Standard Forms and prequalification document shall be signed as two
copies; one copy will be given to the buyer.

3.5. The prequalification document can be purchased by post subject to the deposit of fee for
prequalification document to the account of the Client. The request letter for issuance of
prequalification document shall be communicated to the Client by fax or post at least seven days
prior to the last date for submission of the prequalification application along with the receipt
showing that the document fee has been deposited to the account of the Client. The Client will
send the documents within three days from receiving of such request to the address given in the
request. These documents will be sent along with the form signed by the client to show that such
document has been purchased. The Client shall not be responsible if Applicants fail to receive
document due to late arrival or lost document.

3.6. The purchase fee for the prequalification document will be deposited in the bank (Dollar
Account) given below:

Bank name: The Bank of Punjab

Account Title: Lahore Waste Management Company

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Account Number: FCN-006776-000-2

Branch Name: MM Tower Branch, Lahore Pakistan

Branch Code: 0052

Swift Code: BPUNPKKA052

3.7 Tender document will be issued to the Applicants who are qualified upon evaluation of
prequalification applications. The tender document has to be submitted along with the invitation
letter specifying date and time. The tender document is expected to be issued approximately in
November, 2011.

4- Scope of prequalification document

4.1. Prequalification document consist of the following:

a) Prequalification Specifications,

b) Standard Forms;

Annexure -I Map Details

Annexure –II Prequalification Application Letter Form

Annexure-III Bank Reference Letter

Annexure -IV Business Experience Document

Annexure-V Key Personnel Details Summary Table

Annexure -VI Key Personnel CV Form

Annexure –VII Personnel Information Summary Table

Annexure-VIII Vehicle Information Summary Table

Annexure-IX Joint Venture Statement

Annexure-X Prequalification Surety Bond

Annexure-XI Prequalification checklist

4.2. Amendments made by the Client, pursuant to the relevant provisions of these specifications
and written statements made upon written request of Applicants shall form binding part of the
prequalification document.

4.3 Prequalification document must be read and understood by the Applicants carefully. In case
Applicants fail to fulfill conditions for filing of prequalification application, the entire

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responsibility lies with the Applicants. Applications which are not in compliance with the criteria
and procedure set forth in prequalification document shall be deemed as not received for
consideration and declared as non responsive.

5-Announcements and notifications

5.1. Announcements and notifications shall be made through registered mail or may be delivered
by hand against signature. The Client may make announcements through electronic mail or fax,
provided that the electronic mail addresses and fax number is given on the form. Announcements
with reference to prequalification document and proposal letter made through this electronic
address or fax number shall be accepted.

5.2. For the notifications made through registered mail, the date of notification shall be seventh
day following the deposit of letter to the postal service for local Applicants and fourteenth day
for the foreign Applicants. In case Applicants receive the notification before such date, actual
notification date shall be taken as basis.

5.3. For the announcements made through electronic mail or fax, the date of announcement shall
be taken as the notification date. Notification made in such a way must be confirmed by the
Client on the same day. Notifications which are not confirmed on the same day shall be
considered as not realized. In order to ensure the confirmation as realized, it will be enough to
make the notification through registered mail. Notifications made through electronic mail or fax
will be documented in such a way to contain the date of notification and its contents.

5.4. Notifications through electronic mail will be made by using the official electronic mail
address of the Client.

5.5 Notifications and announcements to the Joint ventures or Partnership will be made to the
Lead Partner or Pilot Partner or Coordinator associate.

End of Section I

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6- Method of application

If the application is made by a firm in partnership, it shall be signed by all the partners of the
firm above their full typewritten names and current address or alternatively by a partner holding
power of attorney for the firm. In such a case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall
accompany the application. A certified copy of the partnership deed and current address of all
the partners of the firm shall also accompany the application.

If a limited company or a corporation makes the application, a duly authorized person holding
power of attorney for signing the application shall sign it. In such a case a certified copy of the
power of attorney shall accompany the applications. Such limited company or corporation may
be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of its existence before the prequalification
application is filed.

7- Documents required for prequalification application

7.1. Applicants are required to submit the following documents within the scope of
prequalification applications:

a) For companies Documents proving the incorporation of the company as per the
laws they are subject to,
b) Registration document in case of registered institution,
c) Details of authorized or registered capital and supporting documents,
d) Documents showing the continuation of the activity,
e) Name, title and signature of authorized representatives of the Partnership,
Company and Joint Venture or Partnership as the case may be. Documents for
such representation or their certified copies by the relevant authorities,
f) Documentations regarding the qualification specified in articles 8.1 and 8.2 of
these specifications,
g) Entering the prequalification by proxy, the power of attorney duly certified by the
notary issued in favor of the proxy and notary certified statement of signature of
the proxy,
h) In case of Joint Venture or Partnership, the Joint Venture statement conforming to
the Standard Form given in the Annexure IX of these specifications

7.2. All the documents mentioned in article ‘a’ to ‘e’ shall be submitted separately for each
partner of Joint Venture or Partnership.

7.3. Applicants must present USD 100,000(US Dollars one hundred thosand only) in cash or
Prequalification Surety Bond. In case of Joint Venture, Prequalification Surety Bond must be
provided by the Lead or Pilot partner.

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In case of depositing security in cash, the bank information is same as given in clause 3.6.

8- Details regarding prequalification criteria and relevant documents

Proposals of the Applicants who fulfill prequalification criteria shall be taken into consideration.
Prequalification criteria is specified as under:

8.1 Documents related to financial position and the required criteria for such documents:

8.1.1. Bank Reference Letter

The Applicants shall obtain bank reference letter which indicate and certify the financial position
of such Applicants. Bank reference letter may be obtained from banks which operate in Pakistan
or abroad. It is mandatory that such bank reference letter is issued after the initial announcement
date of notice of invitation of prequalification. The Applicants shall submit a Bank Reference
Letter conforming to the sample in the Annexure No.III or in a similar format indicating that it
has unutilized cash or non-cash guarantee credit in the banks of at least USD 40,000,000 or
equivalent as of the date of prequalification. This criterion can be fulfilled by summing up the
bank deposits and credit amounts or by presenting more than one bank reference letters.

In Joint Venture or Partnership, one or more or all of the partners can realize this qualification
criterion regardless of the shareholding ratio.

8.1.2. Documents Showing the Turnover

The Applicants are required to submit an income or financial chart indicating the turnover or
equivalent documents pertaining to the last three years of business transactions before the year of

These documents shall indicate that annual turnover for the last three years 2008, 2009 & 2010 is
at least USD 30,000,000 (US Dollars thirty million only) or equivalent and total turnover is not
less than USD 90,000,000 (US Dollars ninty million only) or equivalent.

These financial statements must be prepared in accordance with the International Financial
Reporting Standards and the law applicable to the Applicants. Further these statements are
required to be approved by the competent authority or Auditor, authorized to approve such

If Applicants are participating in prequalification as Joint Venture or Partnership, criteria

pertaining to the turnover shall be fulfilled by each partner according to the rate of shares in the
Joint Venture or Partnership.

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8.2. Documents related to professional and technical qualifications and required criteria
for such documents:

8.2.1 Documents related to business experience:

The Applicants are required to submit documents related to their business experience for the last
three years 2008, 2009 and 2010 in the below mentioned activities:
- Sweeping and washing the main roads, quarters, park, street and roads with mechanical
- Collection and transportation of the solid wastes
- Manual sweeping of the streets and roads.

It is mandatory that at least any of these three works must be completed and one of the
completed work amounts to at least USD 20,000,000 or equivalent and total work must not be
less than USD 50,000,000 or equivalent. The Applicants shall submit business experience
documents and work completion certificates issued by their clients in public works and submit
agreements, invoices, payment receipts, progress report for private works in case business
experience documents are not issued.

According to the business experience documents submitted by the Applicants, amount of solid
waste collected in the last 3 years 2008,2009 and 2010 shall be at least 750,000 tons, areas swept
by hand or by machine shall be at least 40,000,000 m2.

Lead or Pilot partner in Joint Venture or Partnership shall provide minimum business experience
as required above.

8.2.2 Documents regarding vehicles, tools, machinery and equipments

The vehicles which are expected to be used in sweeping, cleaning and washing activities in
Zone-I are mentioned hereunder.

Vehicle Type Quantity

Hydraulic compacting
garbage truck of 13 Cu. M
Hydraulic compacting
garbage truck of 7 Cu. M
Sweeping vehicle 4 Cu.M
and higher

Washing vehicle 5

For the purposes of assessment of applicant’s working capacity the Applicants shall specify
whether or not they own such number and types of vehicles as mentioned in above table . The
applicants who demonstrate the ownership of required number and types of vehicles shall be
given preference in terms of weightage in bid price. Client shall mention such weightage in the
bid documents to be issued after the evaluation of prequalification application. The applicants

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who intend to take benefit of such weightage shall along with their proposals, present the
documents for vehicles, tools, machines and equipment such as vehicle licenses and plant ledger
etc. indicating that these vehicles are Applicant’s own property.

8.2.3. Details as to personnel status

Key Personnel Quantity

Representative of the company with
Project Coordinator authority or representation authority by the 1
Environmental Engineer with a minimum
Project Executor 1
experience of 2 years
Deputy Project Control personnel with a minimum
Executor experience of 3 years
Machinery- Minimum 3 years of experience in vehicle-
Maintenance machinery repair and maintenance 10
Heavy Vehicle Driver Minimum 3 years experience 50
Road Sweeping Minimum 3 years experience
Vehicle Driver

Key personnel must have worked in at least one similar work including the solid waste
collection, transportation and city cleaning including mechanical sweeping, manual sweeping
and washing for one year.

The Applicants are required to employ the same number of key personnel for bid work as stated
above. The Applicants are obligated to employ the specified key personnel in their organization.
It is compulsory to submit information and documents about the above mentioned personnel,
Applicant’s organizational structure and diploma or certificate of graduation for Applicant’s
management staff or key staff. In addition, statement of services showing their total experience
and curriculum vitae shall also be submitted. Such professional experience in similar works shall
be proved with curriculum vitae, insurance records, progress amounts and assignment documents
etc. To prove employment of key personnel as of the date of last application or prequalification,
Applicants shall certify the same with the documents indicating that premiums are paid for the
said persons. Persons shown as key personnel shall also provide their written declaration
indicating that they are employed by the Applicants as of the prequalification date.

Personnel whose names will be specified on the prequalification as key personnel are not
required to be on the work site. However, Applicants shall have the qualified personnel specified
in the article of Key personnel on the work site.

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Applicants may be requested to prove that the number and qualification of the personnel as
mentioned above are working on the business issues of pre-qualification and such personnel are
employees of the applicant. However, it is not obligatory for the applicants to employ the
personnel mentioned in the list if they win the tender.

The Applicants are under an obligation to employ the personnel of machine maintenance, heavy
vehicle drivers and road sweeping vehicle drivers, of which their numbers, experience and
qualification are given in the personnel list above. Drivers of heavy vehicles and drivers of road
sweeping vehicles as mentioned above are required to present the driving licenses thereof
authorizing them to drive those vehicles in their own countries, and all the certificates necessary
for use of those vehicles.

The people mentioned as key personnel in the above table shall deliver their declaration that they
are employed in the organization of the Applicants and may not be employed in another
incorporated body or organization during the period they are employed in the structure of the

8.2.4. Quality Certificates

The Applicants shall submit the original ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System
Quality Certificate, ISO 9001:2000 (including solid waste collection services) Quality
Management System Certificate, OHSAS 18001 certification for occupational health and safety
management which remain valid as of prequalification date and which are in international
standards, or their copies certified by a competent authority. These certificates shall be submitted
along with the applications.

8.3. The works which will be accepted as similar work for the purpose of work experience
of Applicants

8.3.1. Solid waste collection and transportation, manual sweeping and cleaning, mechanical
sweeping and washing works with machines will be accepted as the similar works.

8.4. Method of submission of documents

8.4.1. Applicants must submit the originals of the abovementioned documents or the copies
whose authenticity is certified by notary public or competent authorities and their English
Translations. The English text will prevail for understanding and construing the documents and
in the settlement of conflicts.

8.4.2 Foreign Applicants are required to present the equivalent documents issued in accordance
with the law of the Applicant’s country in place of the documents required in these
Specifications and its attachments.

8.5. Language of prequalification document

8.5.1 All documents constituting the application for prequalification must be submitted in
English. The document in other language will only be accepted if submitted along with their
translation. English will be taken as criteria in interpretation of such proposal or documents in
this case.

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9- Availability of the prequalification to the local or foreign applicants

Prequalification evaluation is open to all the Applicants, local or foreign, meeting

prequalification conditions and criteria.

10- Disqualification for participating in the prequalification

Those listed below cannot participate in prequalification in any manner directly or indirectly or
as sub Contractors, in their name or in the name of any other person or company or firm.

a. Those who are prohibited to participate in prequalification by any government

institution or authority and those who are prohibited by law due to having any
criminal record or convictions,
b. Those who have been declared bankrupt by the authorities or have filed bankruptcy,
c. Those who have been declared or announced as an insolvent by any court of law or
tribunal or any other authority or institution,
d. Those who are under liquidation,
e. Those whose affairs are run by any tribunals,
f. Those who are under any settlement with any financial institution or creditors,
g. Those who has suspended their affairs or those who are in the similar positions as
per the law of their country,
h. Those who have been declared defaulter of social security contribution or premium
payments under the law of Pakistan or as per law of their country,
i. Those who have been declared, defaulter of taxation or revenue departments for
nonpayment of income tax, sales tax, customs or duties or any other tax levied from
time to time in Pakistan or as per law of their country,
j. Those who have been condemned by the decision of any court or law or tribunal
because of their non-professional or unethical activities or professional malpractices
within the last 5 years before the date of the prequalification,
k. Those who have been determined by any institution or organization or authority or
agency for adopting or performing non-professional attitude or unethical or immoral
activities or professional malpractices, and such determination has been resulted
from administering them during their jobs which they have concluded during last 5
l. Those who does not provide the required information or provided misleading or
false representation of facts or deliberately suppressed the information to be
provided in the forms, statements and enclosures of this document and certificates.
And those who will be determined thereafter that they have provided the wrong
information or false certificates or fake documents,
m. Those who has been prohibited from professional activity by the chamber of
commerce in Pakistan or by any other equivalent body established for same purposes
in any country, where they are registered before the date of the prequalification,
n. The Applicants who are blacklisted by Federal Government, Provincial Government,
Autonomous Bodies and State Bank of Pakistan

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11- Exclusion, Prohibitions and acts forbidden

11.1. The Applicants shall be excluded from participating in prequalification under following

a. Individuals and sole proprietorships,

b. Those who are authorized by the Client for projecting the prequalification and the
people in the committees having authority in this regard,
c. Those who are in charge to prepare, run, finalize and approve the prequalification
processes of all kind relating to the job and object of the prequalification and the
administration of such prequalification,
d. The spouses and children of the people mentioned in the sub paragraphs “a” and
“b” and their relatives with blood connection up to third degree and relatives of
their spouses upto second degree and their adopted children and the people adopted
e. The associates and companies of those mentioned in the sub paragraph “a”, “b” and
“c” except the companies where these people are not in charge in the Board of
Directors or they are not having more than 10 % of their capitals,
f. The institutions established, with what so ever reason, in relation with the Client or
existing structure of the Client projecting the prequalification and institutions such
as foundation, association, union, fund, and the companies associated with the

11.2 The Following are the prohibitions applicable to the Applicants:

a. The Applicants who are rendering the advisory or consultancy services in

prequalification shall not participate in job & object of prequalification. The
Applicants who are rendering the job for the purposes of the prequalification shall
not participate in any advisory or consultancy services in prequalification. These
prohibitions are also valid for the companies or firms in which they have association
and partnership relations. It also include the companies or firms in which they have
more than half of the capitals or the independent companies or firms who are
working with them as Joint Venture or Partnership in any of the above said services,

11.3 The following acts and attitudes are forbidden in the prequalification:

a) Fraud, threat, influence, interest, agreement, extortion, bribery to rig an auction by

way of slush fund or by any other ways to win this prequalification.
b) To render the activities of other participants doubtful, to obscure them from
participation in prequalification, or to offer an agreement to the participants or to
influence them to act in a manner, which will affect the other participants or
prequalification process.
c) To issue and use false document or false Prequalification Surety Bond or to attempt to
do so,

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d) More than one offer in the prequalification directly or indirectly in the name of
themselves or in the name of the others, as in person or in mandate, except the cases
of alternate proposals.

The Applicants who are participating, in spite of these disqualification, prohibitions and
exclusions shall stand excluded and their Prequalification Surety Bonds shall be forfeited. Also if
prequalification is awarded to one of them due to non-disclosure or lack of knowledge of such
facts at the time of evaluation of the proposals the Prequalification Surety Bond shall be forfeited
and the prequalification stand cancelled.

12- Expenses regarding prequalification application

12.1. All expenses related to preparation and submission of prequalification applications shall be
borne by the Applicants. Applicants are not entitled to claim any such expense from the Client.

13- Making explanations regarding prequalification document

13.1. The Applicants may demand explanations, within fifteen days from the date of publication
of advertisement for prequalification, in writing regarding the issues they may have in the course
of preparation of the applications. Explanations sought after this date will not be entertained.

13.2. If such query is deemed suitable, the written explanation will be sent by the Client to all the
buyers of prequalification document or delivered by hand against signature or e-mail. Client will
ensure that Applicants are informed within seven (07) days from the receipt of such queries.

13.3. Questions and the detailed response of the Client will be part of explanation. The identity
of the person demanding such explanation will not be stated or disclosed.

13.4. The explanations shall form part of prequalification document and shall be given to all the
buyers of the document after the date of making explanations.

14- Making amendments in prequalification document

14.1. No amendment shall be made in pre-qualification document after the prequalification

notice is issued. However, prequalification document can be amended if material or technical
mistakes or omissions are found by the client or notified by the Applicants in writing, if such
mistakes or omission are affecting the process of preparing of application or performing the
work. Such amendments can be made by issuing an addendum. The addendum will be attached
to the prequalification document as a binding part of it.

14.2. The Client will send such addendum to all the buyers of prequalification document or
deliver by hand against signature or email. The Client will make it sure that, all the buyers are
informed at least ten days before the last application submission date.

14.3. The Client may postpone the last application date for twenty days at most for once only
with an addendum, if additional time required. During the postponement, processes of selling
prequalification document and receiving applications will continue.

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14.4. In case an addendum is made, the Applicants who have submitted their pre-qualification
applications before this arrangement will be allowed to reapply by withdrawing their

14.5. Upon complaint, if material or technical errors are found which may affect the applications
and processes of preparing the applications or performing the work the Client will decide to
make corrections in the prequalification document. The necessary correction may be made
before the last application date and last application date may be postponed once more in
accordance with the abovementioned procedure.

If material or technical errors or omissions are found in the prequalification notice and it is not
possible to proceed with the prequalification process without making a correction notice. In such
case prequalification will be cancelled if the time stipulated for the correction notice has lapsed.

15 - Cancelling the prequalification before the evaluation time

15.1. If matters are found in prequalification document which will prevent to issue the tender and
are not possible to be corrected or in case where Client finds it necessary, the prequalification
may be cancelled before the last hour of prequalification application.

15.2. The Client will announce that the prequalification is cancelled by giving the reason for
such cancellation. The Applicants who had applied till that time shall be notified about such

15.3. If prequalification is cancelled, all submitted prequalification applications shall deem to be

rejected and returned to the Applicants without being opened.

15.4. The Applicants will not be entitled to make any claim from the Client due to the
cancellation of the prequalification.

16 - Joint venture

16.1. More than one legal person may apply for prequalification by forming a Joint Venture or

16.2. The shareholder with the major share holding must be indicated as Lead or Pilot
partner.Share of the Lead or Pilot partner would not be less than 70%.

16.3. The Applicants who apply for prequalification by means of forming a joint venture will
submit a declaration of Joint Venture along with their applications showing that they have
formed a Joint Venture or Partnership in which Lead or Pilot partner will be indicated.

16.4. The competency of joint venture does not mean that each shareholder is individually

16.5. In case the prequalification is won by the Joint Venture or Partnership, the Joint Venture or
Partnership will be requested to submit the Memorandum or Articles of Association which
should be certified by notary public before signing the contract.

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16.6. The contract of Joint Venture or Partnership shall state the share percentages of
shareholding and it will also state that Lead or Pilot partner and other shareholders are jointly
and severally responsible for performing the work.

17 - Consortium

17.1. Consortiums cannot apply for preliminary qualification.

18 – Submission of prequalification applications and documents

18.1. Prequalification applications shall be submitted by hand or by registered airmail post at the
address given at para 1.1 by due date and time. Prequalification application not submitted by due
date will not be taken into consideration.

18.2 Prequalification applications cannot be retracted or amended for any reason whatsoever.

18.3 Application letter, Prequalification Surety Bond and all prequalification application
documents required with the Specification shall be placed in an envelope or package. Envelope
shall contain the name, last name, trade title, open address of Applicants for notification, work to
which the application belongs and the open address of the Client making the prequalification.
The closure line of the envelope shall be signed, stamped or sealed by the Applicants.

18.4. Prequalification applications may be submitted to the Client, against receipt with order
numbers till the time stated in the prequalification document. Prequalification applications made
after this time shall not be accepted and returned to the Applicants without opening. This
situation will be determined with an official report.

18.5. Prequalification applications may be sent with registered mail. Such mail shall be delivered
to the Client till the time stated in the prequalification document. The prequalification
applications which are not processed due to delay in mail, the delivery time of such applications
will be determined with an official report and such applications will not be evaluated.

18.6. In case prequalification application time is extended with an addendum, all rights and
obligations of the Client and Applicants depending on the last application date and time shall be
extended till the new last date and time is determined

End of Section II

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19 - Receiving and opening of the prequalification applications

The prequalification commission will apply the following procedure in receiving and opening
the prequalification applications:

19.1 Prequalification commission will review the application envelopes in their receiving order.
In this review it shall be assessed that the envelope contains the name, surname, trade name,
mailing address for notices, work to which the application belongs to, mailing address of the
Client, signature, stamp or seal by the Applicants on its fixed part. The application envelopes
which are not in conformity with these requirements shall not be evaluated.

19.2 The application envelopes shall be opened in front of those who are present with the
Applicants. It will be checked whether the application documents are complete and an official
report regarding this transaction is issued and signed by the prequalification commission. A
signed copy of this official report by the president of prequalification commission shall be given
to the requesting Applicants against signature.

19.3 No application shall be decided as accepted or rejected in this process. The documents
submitted as per Annexure X by the Applicants cannot be corrected or completed. First session
shall be ended for the applications to be evaluated by the prequalification commission.

19.4 Evaluation of prequalification application and prequalification Commission meeting will be

held at the address of Client given in para 1.1.

19.5 Evaluation of prequalification applications will be made public within sixty (60) days from
closing date and the applicants will be informed accordingly.

19.6 In case the prequalification evaluation date is a holiday, the prequalification evaluation will
be held in the place and at the time indicated above on the first following business day and the
prequalification applications made by that time shall be accepted.

19.7 Pakistan Lahore City national time zone is taken as basis for hours details.

19.8 Prequalification commission will start the evaluation of the prequalification application as
per the last application submission date and time. The applications made till this time will be
determined with an official report and announced to those who are present.

20 - Evaluation of incomplete pre-qualification applications

20.1. Applications which are found to have missing documents during evaluation shall be
excluded in the first session.

20.2. In case of missing information in the submitted documents, the Client shall request in
writing that such missing information be completed within a period determined by the Client

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Lahore Waste Management Company

Provided that such information may not change the basis of the application. A reasonable time
not less than two business days will be given by the Client for completion of such missing
information, considering the nature of the document which contains the missing information.
The applications of the Applicants who may not complete the information within the specified
period will be excluded from the evaluation.

20.3. During the period given by the Client for completion of missing information, in case
Applicant submit documents issued in a date which is later than the last application submission
date, these documents must show that the Applicants meet the prequalification participation
condition as of the last application submission date.

20.4. After this process, it will be checked whether the Applicants, whose application documents
are complete and in accordance with the procedure, meet the general compliance conditions or
not. The Applicants who do not meet general compliance conditions and criteria shall be deemed
not qualified and be left out of evaluation.

20.5. The Client will be entitled to examine the authenticity of documents submitted by
Applicants both on site and by other means, if required. If the Applicants are found to have used
forged documents and made misstatement during such examinations, the Prequalification Surety
Bond of USD 100,000 of these Applicants will be forfeited and their applications will be
excluded from evaluations. Applications shall be evaluated by the Client within 60 days, and
upon the conclusion of the prequalification evaluation, the result shall be notified to the
Applicants and their Prequalification Surety Bonds shall be returned.

21- Finalizing the pre-qualification evaluation and invitation to the tender

21.1. Applicants passing the criteria indicated in Prequalification Specification shall be accepted
as qualified.

21.2. Applicants who do not meet evaluation criteria will be informed of the reasons of not
being qualified and the prequalification decision within fourteen (14) days after such decision is

21.3. Applicants who are found qualified as result of prequalification evaluation shall be sent an
invitation to tender. Tender document shall also be attached with such letter.

21.4 Close bidding will be held among those who are declared qualified after prequalification

22 - Cancellation of the prequalification

22.1. If no Applicant meets qualification conditions in the result of prequalification evaluation,

the prequalification shall be considered as cancelled.

22.2. In case the prequalification is cancelled, the situation is notified to all the Applicants.

22.3. The Applicants shall not be entitled to make any claim from the Client due to the
cancellation of the prequalification.

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End of Section III

Please note that all requested enclosures are a requirment of the Pre-Prequalification Process.

Any queries on the content of this prequalification application should be forwarded in writing or
by email.

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Prequalification Document Page 21

Lahore Waste Management Company


….. /….. /.....

Name of the Project Procurement of Solid Waste Collection and Transportation,
Mechanical Sweeping and Manual Sweeping, Mechanical
Washing within the borders of Zone-I of Lahore City

Name, Surname / Business Name

Name of the Applying Person
Correspondance Address
Phone and Fax Number
E-Mail Address

1) All of the documents about the prequalification have been read, understood and accepted by
2) We hereby declare that we are applying by taking into consideration all of the details given in
these documents. İf we could not fulfull the obligations stated in the document, we accept all
the applicable sanctions.
3) We are local or foreign Applicants.
4) We hereby declare that we will accept notifications to our above written e-mail address or fax
number.We hereby do not accept notifications to my above given e-mail addresses and fax

Name SURNAME/Business Name

Stamp and Signature2

Applicants shall write the selected choice.

Prequalification shall be signed by the person authorized to give application. In case of giving application as a joint
venture, the application letter shall be signed by all of the partners or by the ones who have been authorized so.

Prequalification Document Page 22

Lahore Waste Management Company


Applicant`s [name and :

surname/business name]

Deposit Without Any Unused Credits

Limitation Cash Credit Contingencies

Above given information are provided upon the request of our customer.

_ _/_ _/ _ _ _ _1

[Bank name]

Name, title and signature of the Officer


1- Unit of currency shall be stated.

2- Whenever it is required by the Client, information may be confirmed from the general directorate or the branch of the bank. Confirmation
submitted by the fax shall be signed at least by two officers of the bank branch.

Bank referance letter shall be prepared after the initial announcent date of the prequalification.

Prequalification Document Page 23

Lahore Waste Management Company



(Applicants - Work Completion)

Date: ..../...../..........
1. Client :
2. Name of the work :
3. Place of Work :
4. Definition of work :
5. Name-Surname or Business title of the Applicants :
6. Partners and their percentage of shares in case of :
joint venture.
8 Initial contract amount :
9 Total contract amount :
10. Realized amount of work :
11. Contract date :
12. In case the contract is transferred :
a. Date of transfer :
b. Business amount on the date of transfer :
c. Business amount after the date of transfer :
13. Work acceptance date :
14. Document amount :


Prequalification Document Page 24


Diploma or Work Duration
Partner or Waged or Experie
No Name Surname Title Certificate Date at the
Contracted nce
and No. Company

Information about the key personnel is given above.

Name Surname and Business Name

-To be issued by Applicants with respect to key personnel for evaluation of competency.
-Resume sample at the attachment of this specification shall be submitted for each personnel.
-A separate page shall be prepared for each partner.

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Lahore Waste Management Company




Position applied for under the Contract:

1. Surname:
2. Name:
3. Birth Date and Place:
4. Nationality:
5. Marital Status: Address
(phone, fax and e-mail):
6. Education:

(month and year)


(month and year)


7. Language Knowledge

Please specify your language knowledge over scale 1 – 5. (1 – Perfect; 5 – basic):

Language Level Listening Speaking Writing

8. Membership of Professional Associations:

9. Other skills and Expertise for example computer knowledge etc.:

10. Current Position:

Prequalification Document Page 26

Lahore Waste Management Company
11. Professional experience years:

12. Main qualifications:

13. Special experience in non-industrial countries:

Country Between dates.......(month Project name and brief

and year) and ......... description
(month/ year)

14. Professional Experience:

Dates between...... (month and year)

and ........ (month and year)
Job Description

15. Other:

15a. Publications and seminars:

15b. References

I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that

(i) this CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experience;

(ii) I am not employed by the Executing or Implementing Agency;

(iii) I am committed to undertake the assignment within the validity of Proposal;

(iv) I am not part of the team who wrote or provided consultation for drafting the
terms of reference of this prequalification and bid documents;

[Signature (Person (s) authorized to sign for and on behalf of Applicants)

Prequalification Document Page 27



1. Employee
No. Name-Surname Position Identity Number Job description

Name & Signature of Applicant

*Provide Detailed Job Description.

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Lahore Waste Management Company


No. Vehicle Catagory Model Brand Vehicle Type Vehicle Capacity Pieces

Name & Signature of Applicant

Prequalification Document Page 29



We have established a Joint Venture or Partnership with the purpose to make proposal to, the
work of Solid Waste Collection and Transportation, Mechanical Sweeping and Manual
Sweeping, Mechanical Washing within the borders of Zone-I of Lahore City, Lahore Waste
Management Company, to perform and complete the said work by signing the contract. In case,
the tender is given to us, the Joint Venture or Partnership contract will be given to the Client
being signed and approved by the notary. The Lead or Pilot partner of our Joint Venture or
Partnership will be “the name of the Lead or Pilot partner” till the completion of the work.

We declare, accept and undertake that the Lead or Pilot partner is fully authorized to represent
our Joint Venture or Partnership in every manner. The communications which will be made by
the Client to the Lead or Pilot partner will be deemed as done to our Joint Venture or partnership.
The contract will be signed by all the partners. In case, the work remains with us under the
contract our Lead or Pilot partner will be fully authorized to act on behalf of our Joint Venture or
Partnership to do all related matters. All of the partners will be commonly and jointly
responsible for performing the obligations which are subject mattter of the contract and of the
works and undertakings that will come into the scope of the contract. Our Joint Venture or
Partnership shall not be dissolved or terminated for any reason, whatsoever, till the completion
of work under the contract. In case of violation and non-fullfillment of any such undertaking
Lahore Waste Management Company shall be authorized to cancel the contract and to retain the
guaranty as income. In case of death, bankruptcy, severe illness, detention or conviction for
restriction of freedom of any of the partners, the other partners will undertake all obligations and
responsibilities of the work including the guarantee and will complete the work at the risk and
cost of the Applicants.

Rank Name and surname of the partners/ Partnership Communication

No. Proportion/Joint Address
Commercial Title Venture


Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature

Lahore Waste Management Company Page 30

Lahore Waste Management Company



To Prequalification Commission
Office No. 4-5, 4th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road,
Lahore, Pakistan

Date :

Reference :

Prequalification Subject: Solid Waste Collection and Transportation, Mechanical Sweeping and
Manual Sweeping, Mechanical washing within the borders of Zone-I of Lahore City

We irrevocably declare by this document; that we hereby undertake to pay USD 100,000 (hundred
thousand US Dollars) to the Procurement Authority which represents the warrantee amount mentioned in
article 7.3 of the Prequalification Document not only as a guarantor in the name of……………and
located in the address……………………..; acting as the prime liable, having its Financial Branch located
in ….., …….., ………………………..and therefore has duly signed this document.

In case the Applicants do not perform all its liabilities mentioned in the prequalification document, the
payment shall be made without any legal proceedings or any appeal and applications upon the receipt of
initial written requirement sent by registered mail with confirmation of receipt. We shall not hold the
payment as well as not make any objections. We shall inform you in writing as soon as payment has been

The warranty provided by this prequalification surety bond is valid until 31/12/2011, 17.00 hrs and the
warranty covered by this prequalification surety bond hereby shall be ineffective in case not applied with
a written and clear letter to our bank till the said date and time. The interlocutor who received and put into
operation this letter is deemed to acknowledge this condition.

Provided that the bank shall forthwith pay Lahore Waste Management Company the said sum upon first
written demand of Lahore Waste Management Company without objection or argument and without
requiring Lahore Waste Management Company to prove or to show grounds or reasons for such demand,
notice of which shall be sent by Lahore Waste Management Company by registered post duly addressed
to the bank at its address given above.

It is also provided that Lahore Waste Management Company shall be the sole and final judge for deciding
whether …………….(Applicant’s name) has duly performed his obligations to sign the Contract or
Agreement and to furnish the requisite Performance Security within the time stated above, or has
defaulted in fulfilling said requirements and the bank shall pay without objection the said sum upon
demand from Lahore Waste Management Company forthwith and without any reference to
…………….(Applicant’s name) or any other person.

For the settlement of any dispute arising out of or connected with this coverage, International Chamber of
Commerce “ICC” rules shall be applied. The bond shall enter in force and be valid from the closing date
of the prequalification.

Prequalification Document Page 31




Chamber Registration Certificate

Signatory Circular

Principal contract of the

company’s establishment

Commercial Registration Gazette

Income Certificate showing the

Prequalification Application
Letter Form

Bank Reference Letter

Business Experience Certificate

Key personnel details summary


Key personnel CV form

Lahore Waste Management Company Page 32

Lahore Waste Management Company
Personnel Information Summary
Vehicle Information Summary

Joint Venture Declaration

Quality Certificate (ISO

14001:2004 Environment
Management System Quality
Certificate, ISO 9001:2000
(including solid waste collection
services) Quality Management
System Certificate, OHSAS
18001 certification for
occupational health and safety
Prequalification Surety Bond
( USD 100,000 )

Prequalification Document Page 33

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