Requirements For Calculating Heat Input

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New Code
Requirements for
Calculating Heat Input
Welders, inspectors, and engineers should be aware of the changes
to QW-409.1 of ASME IX regarding waveform-controlled welding


Welding waveforms are used to limit ported by a procedure qualification record Three examples from GMA welding
distortion, weld open roots, and to con- (PQR) using either conventional or wave- are shown in Fig. 1. The axial spray wave-
trol HAZ properties. Waveform control form-controlled welding. forms are essentially constant, and the dif-
is essential for common processes like up- ference between the measurement meth-
hill GMA pulse welding. Power sources Calculating Heat Input ods is minimal. For the two waveform-
that support pulsing (GMAW-P, GTAW- controlled procedures, there is an error
P, etc.) are the most common waveform- Many welding codes use the equation between the measurement methods that
controlled power sources. Those mar- shown in Equation 1 to calculate heat can be in a positive or negative direction.
keted as synergic, programmable, or mi- input. Because the welding process It is clear from the significant differences
croprocessor-controlled are also likely to (GMAW, SAW, etc.) is an essential vari- why a new measurement method is
support waveform-controlled welding. able, a process or efficiency factor is not needed.
The correlation between heat input included in the heat input calculation.
and mechanical properties is blurred The new equations that will be in the 2010
when heat input is calculated using cur- edition of ASME Section IX are shown in Changes in ASME
rent and voltage readings from conven- Equations 2 and 3, either of which gives Section IX
tional meters. This includes external me- equivalent results. Both equations are
ters and even those located on the weld- shown because some welding power ASME codes and standards have a
ing power source. It’s not that the meters sources and meters display energy values, long history, now in their 125th year. The
are incorrect — in fact, most are cali- and others display power values. rules for welding were removed from the
brated and tested to NIST standards. construction codes when ASME Section
Rather, the inaccuracy involves the means Voltage × Amperage × 60 IX was published in 1941. ASME Section
of capturing and displaying the data. Travel Speed (in./min or mm/min) IX has become a global standard, refer-
Conventional DC meters display aver- enced by the ASME construction codes,
age voltage and average current. Conven- Equation 1: Traditional heat input equa- owners, engineering firms, and other fab-
tional AC meters display RMS values. To tion, ASME Section IX QW-409.1 (a). rication and construction codes.
accurately indicate the energy input to a The ASME IX Standards Committee
weld, the voltage and current readings has subcommittees that address procedure
Energy (Joules)
must be multiplied together at very rapid and performance qualifications, materials,
Weld Bead Length (in. or mm)
intervals that will capture brief changes in general requirements, and brazing. More
the welding waveforms. This frequency is than three years ago, a task group was
in the order of magnitude of 10,000 times Equation 2: New heat input equation for formed to work on issues surrounding weld-
per second. Specialized meters are re- meters displaying energy measurement ing with complex waveforms from micro-
quired to accomplish this. (Joules), ASME Section IX QW-409.1 processor-controlled power sources. The
Revisions to ASME Section IX provide (c)(1). first result of this group’s work will be a
a new method of calculating heat input change to the measurement and calcula-
that allows comparison of the heat input Power (Joules/s) × Arc Time (s) tion method for heat input.
from various welding power sources and Weld Bead Length (in. or mm) QW409.1 is the main Section IX vari-
various welding waveforms. This will allow able that deals with heat input. Currently,
production welding to take place with a Equation 3: New heat input equation for there are two ways to calculate heat input.
welding procedure specification (WPS) meters displaying power measurement Method (a) is the traditional heat input
that specifies either conventional or wave- (Joules/s or W), ASME Section IX equation shown in Equation 1. Method
form-controlled welding, which is sup- QW-409.1 (c)(2). (b) is a measurement of the volume of

TERESA MELFI is with The Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. She is chair of the AWS A5B Committee on submerged arc welding,
a member of the AWS A5 Committee on filler metal specifications, a member of ASME Section IX, including the materials subgroup and a
working group on advanced waveform welding, and is the U.S. delegate to the International Institute of Welding commission that covers pres-
sure vessels, boilers, and pipelines.

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Fig. 2 — With the proper software installed,

access to the energy reading entails pressing
the menu option “Display Energy.”

Fig. 1 — Heat input differences calculated using Equation 1 vs. Equation 2.

Fig. 3 — The real-time energy is continu-

weld metal deposited. A new method (c) guide users through these code changes. ously incremented while welding, and the
is added in the 2010 edition, which in- The appendix provides guidance with new final energy is displayed until the next arc
cludes Equations 2 and 3. procedure qualifications, existing quali- start.
Any of the methods can be used when fied procedures, and comparing heat in-
welding following procedures that are not puts between waveform-controlled and must be obtained using a meter that cap-
waveform controlled. When welding fol- nonwaveform-controlled welding. ASME tures the brief changes in a welding wave-
lowing waveform-controlled procedures, Section IX does not mandate separate form and filters out extraneous noise. The
only methods (b) or (c) are permitted. performance qualifications for waveform- simplest place to obtain this is from the
With these methods, it is possible to de- controlled welding. welding power source. Many power
termine the compliance of a production sources that output pulsing waveforms will
weld made using a waveform-controlled How to Comply with display these readings, although some
welding procedure to an existing qualified might require software upgrades to en-
procedure, even when the procedure qual- ASME Code Changes able this. Details and software upgrades
ification was performed using nonwave- for Lincoln Electric’s Powerwave “M” se-
form controlled welding. An appendix to To use method (c) of the code, a read- ries and several other models are avail-
ASME Section IX has been provided to ing of energy (Joules) or power (Joules/s) able free of charge at www.powerwave

62 JUNE 2010
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Assist Chart for ASME IX QW-409.

P QR qualified
q u a lifie d w
ith : Q
ualifies for
fo r w
elds produced
produced with:
w ith :

• N on-waveform controlled
Non-waveform controlled power
power supply
supply using
using conventional
conventional volt
volt meters
meters and
and ammeters
ammeters and
and QW-409.1(a).
controlled welding
controlled w e ld in g • N on-waveform controlled
Non-waveform c o n tr o lle d p ower supply
power supply displaying
displaying instantaneous
in s ta n ta n e o u s e n e rg y o
energy orr p ow er m
power e a s u re m e n t a
measurement nd QW-409.1(c).
and Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ) .
u sing conventional
using c o n v e n tio n a l • W aveform ccontrolled
Waveform o n tr o lle d p ower supply
power supply displaying
displaying instantaneous
instantaneous energy
energy or
or power
power measurement
measurement and
and QW-409.1(c).
Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
o lt a nd ammeters
and a m m e te rs
• W aveform ccontrolled
Waveform o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
power upply which
which doesdoes not
not display
display iinstantaneous
nstantaneous energy energy oror power
power measurement
measurement using
u s in g
and QW-409.1(a)
and Q W -4 0 9 .1 (a )
e xternal meters
external meters tthat
hat d isplay iinstantaneous
display n s ta n ta n e o u s p ower or
power or energy
energy measurements
m e a s u re m e n ts a nd Q
and W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
• N on-waveform controlled
Non-waveform controlled power
power supply
supply using
using conventional
conventional volt
volt meters
meters and
and ammeters
ammeters and
and QW-409.1(a).
N o n -w a v e fo rm
c o n tr o lle d wwelding
e ld in g • Non-waveform
N on-waveform controlled power
c o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
upply displaying
displaying instantaneous energy
in s ta n ta n e o u s e nergy or power
or p ower measurement and
m e a s u re m e n t a nd QW-409.1(c).
Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
using instantaneous
in s ta n ta n e o u s • Waveform
W aveform ccontrolled power
o n tr o lle d p ower supply
supply displaying
displaying instantaneous
instantaneous energy
energy or
or power
power measurement
measurement and
and QW-409.1(c).
Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
energy or or ppower
ower and a
• Waveform
W aveform ccontrolled power
o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
upply which
which doesdoes not
not display
display iinstantaneous
nstantaneous energy energy or power
or p ower measurement
measurement using
u s in g
QW- 4 0 9 .1 (c )
e xternal meters
meters tthat
hat d display
isplay iinstantaneous power
n s ta n ta n e o u s p ower or
or energy
energy measurements and
m e a s u re m e n ts a QW-409.1(c).
nd Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
• N on-waveform controlled
Non-waveform controlled power
power supply
supply using
using conventional
conventional volt
volt meters
meters and
and ammeters
ammeters and
and QW-409.1(a).
W aveform ccontrolled
o n tr o lle d
w e ld in g u
welding s in g
using • N on-waveform controlled
Non-waveform c o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
power u p p ly d isplaying instantaneous
displaying in s ta n ta n e o u s e nergy or
energy or p ower measurement
power m e a s u re m e n t a nd QW-409.1(c).
and Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
n s ta n ta n e o u s e n e rg y
energy • W aveform ccontrolled
Waveform o n tr o ll e d p ower supply
power supply displaying
displaying instantaneous
instantaneous energy
energy or
or power
power measurement
measurement and
and QW-409.1(c).
Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
or p
or ow er a
power nd Q
and QW-W
• W aveform ccontrolled
Waveform o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
power upply which
which doesdoes not
not display
display instantaneous
in s ta n ta n e o u s e n e rg y o
energy orr p ower measurement
power measurement using
u s in g
4 0 9 .1 (c )
e xternal meters
external meters tthat
hat d isplay iinstantaneous
display n s ta n ta n e o u s p ower or
power or energy
energy measurements
m e a s u r e m e n ts a nd Q
and W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
• N on-waveform controlled
Non-waveform c o n tr o lle d p ower supply
power supply using
using conventional
conventional volt
volt meters
meters and
and ammeters
ammeters and
and QW-409.1(a).
• N on-waveform ccontrolled
Non-waveform o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
power u p p ly d isplaying instantaneous
displaying in s ta n ta n e o u s e n e rg y o
energy orr p ow er m
power e a s u re m e n t a
measurement nd Q
and W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
W aveform controlled
c o n tr o lle d • W aveform ccontrolled
Waveform o n tr o lle d p ower supply
power supply displaying
displaying instantaneous
instantaneous energy
energy or
or power
power measurement
measurement and
and QW-409.1(c).
Q W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
w elding using
welding u s in g
onventional volt volt andand • W aveform ccontrolled
Waveform o n tr o lle d p ower ssupply
power u p p ly w hich does
which does not
not display
display iinstantaneous
n s ta n ta n e o u s e n e rg y o
energy orr p ower measurement
power measurement using
u s in g
a m m e te rs a
ammeters nd Q
and QW-W
W- e x te rn a l m
external eters tthat
meters hat d isplay iinstantaneous
display n s ta n ta n e o u s p ower or
power or e nergy measurements
energy m e a s u re m e n ts a nd Q
and W -4 0 9 .1 (c ).
4 09.1(a) ((qualified
409.1(a) q u a lifie d N ote: IIn
Note: n ssome
ome ccases,
ases, it it might
might benefit
benefit thethe user
user to
to append a P PQRQR to to show
show the the heat
heat input
input ccalculated
a lc u la te d u sing iinstantaneous
using n s ta n ta n e o u s
p rior tto
prior o2 010 ccode
2010 ode pow
power er oorr e n e rg y . T
energy. his ccan
This an bbee done
done by by welding
welding a simple
simple bead
bead o onnp la te u
plate sing the
using the ssameam e p arameters ((mode
parameters m ode o orr p ro g ra m ,
hange) vvoltage,
oltage, ccurrent,
u rre n t, e tc)
c) a
etc) ass were
were used
used in in tthe
he p rocedure qualification.
procedure q u a lific a tio n . U tiliz in g e
Utilizing ith e r a w
either e ld in g p
welding ower ssource
power ource or
or external
e x te rn a l
m eter tthat
meter hat d isplays iinstantaneous
displays n s ta n ta n e o u s e nergy or
energy or p ower, the
power, the heat
heat input
input maymay be be calculated
c a lc u la te d p er Q
per W--409.1(c) b
QW-409.1(c) ased o
based onn tthose
e a d in g s .

welding may be used to support welding

with waveform or nonwaveform-con-
trolled procedures and QW-409.1(a) or
QW-409.1(c). This can be downloaded

The ASME Section IX welding and
brazing standard is widely used by public
agencies and private companies con-
cerned about the safety and integrity of
welds. Just as specifications change when
new materials are developed, ASME Sec-
tion IX has changed to recognize modern
welding waveforms. The changes involve
Fig. 4 — The heat input is calculated by taking the final energy value and dividing it by the the measurement of energy or power
length of the weld. made at very rapid intervals, and the use
of these to calculate heat input. These For a power source that into that weld — Fig. 3. When the weld- code changes establish the relationship
doesn’t support the display of energy or ing stops, the final energy value will be between heat input across a range of
power, external meters are available. A displayed until welding resumes again. power sources and welding waveforms.
meter with demonstrated accuracy in this This value represents the amount of en- Welders, inspectors, and engineers
application is the Fluke® 345 Power Qual- ergy that went into that weld, from arc should be aware of the new ways to calcu-
ity Clamp Meter. start to arc stop. late heat input. While no code can guar-
With the proper software installed, it To calculate the heat input, the final antee good workmanship, these changes
is simple to access the energy reading — value is simply divided by the length of the make it easier for welders to use wave-
Fig. 2. In the setup menu, enable the op- weld — Fig. 4. In this case, the heat input forms that help improve their welds. The
tion to “Display Energy.” When an arc is would be 22.3 kJ/3.6 in., or 6.2 kJ/in. new method will allow flexibility in the
started, the energy value will begin to in- A detailed matrix has been developed way one compares the heat input used in
crement. The value will continue to in- showing how a PQR qualified with either procedure qualification and in production
crease, showing the real-time energy put waveform or nonwaveform-controlled welding.o

[in. (mm)]

[in. (mm)]
PQR qualified with: Qualifies for welds produced with:

• Non-waveform controlled welding procedure using conventional volt meters and ammeters and QW-409.1(a).
controlled welding • Non-waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
using conventional • Waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
volt and ammeters • Waveform controlled welding procedure which does not display instantaneous energy or power measurement using
and QW-409.1(a) external meters that display instantaneous power or energy measurements and QW-409.1(c).
• Non-waveform controlled welding procedure using conventional volt meters and ammeters and QW-409.1(a).
controlled welding • Non-waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
using instantaneous • Waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
energy or power and • Waveform controlled welding procedure which does not display instantaneous energy or power measurement using
QW-409.1(c) external meters that display instantaneous power or energy measurements and QW-409.1(c).
• Non-waveform controlled welding procedure using conventional volt meters and ammeters and QW-409.1(a).
Waveform controlled
welding using • Non-waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
instantaneous energy • Waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
or power and QW- • Waveform controlled welding procedure which does not display instantaneous energy or power measurement using
409.1(c) external meters that display instantaneous power or energy measurements and QW-409.1(c).
• Non-waveform controlled welding procedure using conventional volt meters and ammeters and QW-409.1(a).
• Non-waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
Waveform controlled • Waveform controlled welding procedure displaying instantaneous energy or power measurement and QW-409.1(c).
welding using
• Waveform controlled welding procedure which does not display instantaneous energy or power measurement using
conventional volt and
external meters that display instantaneous power or energy measurements and QW-409.1(c).
ammeters and QW-
409.1(a) (qualified Note: In some cases, it might benefit the user to append a PQR to show the heat input calculated using instantaneous
prior to 2010 code power or energy. This can be done by welding a simple bead on plate using the same parameters (mode or program,
change) voltage, current, etc) as were used in the procedure qualification. Utilizing either a welding power source or external meter
that displays instantaneous energy or power, the heat input may be calculated per QW-409.1(c) based on those readings.

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