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The Old Bushmills Distillery Ca.Ud

SOP 504 -CritJcal Gla ss Defect1 Glass Breakage Procedure Issue A4


Detailed explanation of processes to be carri ed out whe n glass breakage or defect is encounte red


To ensure safety and conf orma nce by operat ors wh en de aling wlt h glass brea kage and defects


lt is the responsibility of all personnel invclv ed to ensure that the operation is carried out safely,
that they are aware of the Oepartmental Risk Assess ments and that the co rrect PPE is used for
this procedure. The se deta ils can be foun d on the OBO Personal Proteeti ve Guldelines. Should
any person nel be unawa re of the aboye they mu st cease ope ration s straig ht away and contad the
Packaging Manager.


Quinn Glass Defect Register

Oepartmental Risk Assessments

O BD Perscna l Protective Guide lines - HO 020

Glass Track & Tra ce - OBO 674

Glas s Brea kage & Pallel Oelects Tab Line 1 & 3 - a BO 675

Gtass Breakage Sheet Line 2 - aBO 528


5.1 Oepa llet iser

In the event G lass Brea kage on pallet the followi ng instructio ns must be followed .

5.1.01 Continu ous ly monitor the condition of bulk glass as it is placed on the inteed con veyor - it is
alwa ys best to reje ct a pa llet before the shrinkwrap is removed contact QA w ho will determ ine
w hether the pallet is su itable for use

5.1.02 If a defect or breakage is discovered after the pa llet has mov ed into po siticn for
de-palletising , the pa llet may be used w ith QA approval after the broken gl ass has been carefully
removed and the re is no danger of contamination.

5.1.03 Remo ve and rel ain any broken bott les fro m line.

5.1.04 Record all breakages at depallelise r on the Gla ss Track & Trace O SO 674 under the tab
(Glass Breakage & Pallet Defecls Line 1 & 3) - OBO 675 . For line 2 record on the G lass Breakage
Sheet a BO 528.

5.2 On L1 ne
The Old Bushmills Distillery ce.ue
SOP 504-Crjtica l Glass Defectl Glass Breakage Procedure lssue A4

In t he ave nt Glass Brea kage o n line t he following instruetio ns must be f ollowed.

5.2.01 Stop the line

5.2.02 Keep any glass fragments for possible investigation .

5.2.03 Dete rmine th e pallel th at the broken bottle ca rne from and keep pallet card for QA.

5.2.04 creen machinelarea as pe r procedure for machine and ensure cleanlin ess befare line

5.2.05 Re cord downtime du e to brea kage.

In th e event of more th an 3 breakages on une in an hour, imm ediately inform OA wh o will co ntact
suppli er & issue an NC R if dee med neces sary .

5.3 Rin ser L1& L3

W hen a glass brea kage is detected the follo w ing procedure shef be carried out.

5.3.0 1 Stop th e Rinser

5.3.02 A l! bottles shall be removed fro m the rinser including bottles on the preceding conveyor and
ten bottles atter the outfeed wheel and place never throw into glass bin

5.3.03 Isolate leed pum p.

5.3.04 Un e 1- lnch Monoblock Unit. & Une 3 - Ineh Su perblock Unit.

5.3.05 Rem ove offending bott le.

5.3.06 Rem ove all broken glass detrimental to the rinsing pro cess.

5.3.07 Remove infeed and outfeed starwhee ls only wh en glas s ls clearly visible on top of or on the
starwhee ls. If unsure remove starwheels .

5.4 Stork Mon oblock L1

The follow ing procedure(s) must be adhered to when a glass bre akage occurs in or at the Stork
Monoblock Unit

5.4.01 Stop the Stork Mo no block Unít

5.4 .02 ln sert the bottle stop pre th e rtnser.

5.403 Label all bottl es post the Monoblock Unit.

5.4 .04 Run out and disca rd all bottle s in the Mon ob lock including bottles in an d post the bott le stop
on the Rinser. En sure the se bottle s ar e rem oved from the une. the cap screwed off, placed in th e
appropriate bin and the bottles decanted an d placed in th e glass bin .
The Old Bushmills Distillery Ca.Ud
SOP 504-Critical Glas s Defectl Glass Breakage Procedure Issue A4

5.4 .05 In the event of a breakage within the Monoblock, remo ve al! ploughs and starwheels - all
surfaces must be brushed or vacuum ed otean af glass

5.4 .06 Inspect the filling tubes, neck guides , guide rait (filler) and each individual capping head and
remove any glass fragments.

5.4.07 A further 48 bottree are to be run through the Monob tock and exam ined ter foreign matter.

Notify the Packaging Manage r and QA in the event af any irregul arities arising from this
examination exercise.

Breakage between filler and loteed of Capper

5.4.08 Stop the Monoblock Unit.

5.4 .09 Remove ten bottles befare and ten bottles añer the breakage .

5.4.10 Screw off the cap and place in appropriate bino Oecant and discard the bottles in the glass
bin o

5.4.11 Remove all broken glass in and around the machine remo ving any star wheels or guides if

Breakage Under th e Capping I Co rki ng Head

5.4.12 Stop the Monobl ock Unít

5.4 .13 Remove ten bottles before and ten bottles after the brea kage

5.4.14 Deca nt and discard the bottles

5.4.15 Remove all brok en glass in and around the machine and removing any star wheels or
guides if necessary.

5.4. 16 Check the relev ant capping I corking head and clean all glass fra gments from the side
rollers and pressure blocks .

5.5 Stork Su perbl ock L3

The following procedure(s) must be adhere d to wh en a glass breakage occurs in or at the Filler.

5.5.01 Stop the Filler.

5.5.02 Label all bottles post the Filler

5.5.03 Run out and discard an bottles in the Filler incl uding bottle s in and post the bottte stop on
the Procomac Rinser.

5.5.04 In the event of a breakage within the Filler , remove al! ploughs and starwhee ls - all surfaces
mu st be brush ed or vacuu med clean of gla ss
The Old Bushmills Distillery ce.ue
SOP S04·C ritical Glass Defect/ Glas s Breakage Proce dure Issue A4

5.5.05 Glass on the base of the Monoblock not interfering with moving parts shall be removed at a
suitabl e tim e or al the clase of operatlcn

5.5.06 lnspect the filling tubes, neck guides, guide rails and each individual capping head and
remove any glass fragme nts .

5.5.07 A further 54 bottles are lo be run through the Filler and examíned for foreign matter. Notify the
Pac kaging Manager or QA in the event of any irreqularrñes arising fro m this exa minanon exercse.

5.6 Rins a r l2
W hen a glass breakage is detected the following procedure shall be carried out:

5.6.01 Stop the Produ ct Rinser.

5.6.02 AJJ bottl es shall be remov ed from the Rinse r including ten bottl es after the outfeed wheel.

5.6.03 Remove all broken glass detrim ental to the rinsing process.

5.6.04 Undamaged glass shall be placed on the infeed con veyor prior to the Product Rinser.

5.7 Filler L2
The following procedure must be adhered to wh en a gla ss brea kage occurs in or at the filling
mac hine :

5.7.01 Stop the fille r.

5.7.02 Remove all bottles fro m inslde the Filler enclosure, decant and place in the glass bin.

5.7.03 Immediately remove all broken gla ss and clean down the surrounding area .

5.7.04 lnspect the filling nozzle s, neck guides and sealing rubbers near the breakage and wipe free
of any glass fragments .

5.7.05 On start-up 15 bottles are to be examined.

5.8 Cappe r L 2
W hen a bott le breaks the follow ing procedures must be followed :

Between the Filler and Infeed of Capper

5.8.0 1 Stop the macnlne.

5.8.02 Remo ve ten bottles before and ten bottles añ er the breakage. Decant and discard bottles .

5.8.03 Rem ove al! broken glass from the machíne.

Under Ca pping Head

5.8.04 Stop the ma chine.

The Old Bushmills Distillery Ca.Ud
SOP 504-C ritica l Glass Defectl Glass Breakage Proced ure Issue A4

5.8.05 Run out all bottles from the machine , decant and disca rd these bottles.

5.8.06 Remove a1l glass form the machine.

5.8.07 Check capping heads.

Corker l2
W hen a bott le breaks th e forrow ing procedures must be followed:

8etween the Fille r and loteed the Corker

5.9.01 Stop the machine.

5.9.02 Rem ove ten botttes befare and ten bottles after th e breakaqe . Decant product and discard
th e bcttles.

5.9.03 Re mo ve all broken glass from the machine.

Un der the Corker He ads

5.9.04 Stop th e machine.

5.9.05 Run out all bornes fro m the machine and decant and discard the bcttles.

5.9.06 Remove all glass from the rnachíne. removing the star wheels & guides if necessary.

6.0 Critical Glass Defeets

In the event of finding a Critical Glass Defect as detailed in the Glass Deteet Register the
following instruetions must be followed.

6.1.01 Stop the Line. Contact the Packaging Man ager and QA.

6.1 .02 Re mo ve the detective bottle and pass to the quality department.

6.1.03 Identify the exact pallet that the defect cam e from and keep the pallet card for QA.

6.1.04 100% inspe ct all bottles on line and rem ove affe cted patlet (if it is still there).

6.1 .05 Identify the cas e range that has used glass from the affected pa llet and put on ho ld. This
stock must be 100% inspected fo r the defecto

6.1.06 Identify the whereabouts of th e twc patlets below and the two palle ts above the affected
pallet caro number.

6.1.07 If any of the aboye paüets have been used, it must be determ ined where th e filled
stock is, The se cases must be put on hold and 100% inspection carri ed out.

6.1.08 If any of the above pa llets are fcund in the bott le stcre they must be isolated and 100 %
lns pection carried out.
The Old Bushmills Distillery Co. Ltd
SOP 504-Critical Glass DefecV Glass Breakage Procedure Issue A4

If further defects are found in an y of the aboye inspections, a further two pallets e ither side of the
affected stock must be identified and 100% inspected. This must continue until the fault is not

Please note if a bottle fa11s an ywhere on the producti on line the bottle must be checked for

Empty bott le: Ensure no neck or bottle damage has occurred .

FuI! bottle: Ensure no closure or rabel damage has occurred.

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