Lecithin Production and Utilization: B.F. SZUHAJ, Central Soya Company, Inc., PO Box 1400, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

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Lecithin Production and Utilization

B.F. SZUHAJ, Central Soya Company, Inc., PO Box 1400, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

ABSTRACT bean lecithin. A typical phospholipid composition for a

Commercial lecithin is the most important byproduct of the edible crude lecithin is: phosphatidylcholine (PC), 15%; phos-
oil processing industry because of its functionality and wide appli- phatidylethanolamine (PE), 13 %; phosphatidylinositol (PI),
cation in food systems and industrial utility. The recovery of leci- 9%; phosphatidic acid (PA), 5%; and phosphatidylserine
thin from oil is a relatively simple process. Hydration of the phos- (PS), 2%.
phatides by water or steam followed by recovery by centrifuge and The ratio of these phospholipids is important for func-
drying is all that is required. But in order to maximize lecithin's tionality. For example, high PC favors oil-in-water (o/w)
utility and functionality, processing conditions all the way back to
the bean or seed must be carefully controlled. Bean storage and han- emulsions, whereas high PI favors water-in-oil (w/o). Pro-
dling, crude oil storage, refining pretreats, drying processes, bleach- cessing factors, either deliberate or unintentional, can affect
ing, chemical modification, and storage all can affect lecithin quality lecithin's performance as an emulsifier.
and performance. The effects of processing on lecithin quality and
performance is one of the major focal points in this presentation. MANUFACTURING CRUDE LECITHIN
Utilization of lecithins has expanded beyond the traditional appli-
cation in paints, chocolate, and margarine. Food technologists have The process for obtaining lecithin from crude vegetable
used lecithin as a functional ingredient in many modern systems. oils is simple and straightforward. The primary method
Its multifunctional properties and its "natural" status make commer- (Fig. 1) for obtaining lecithin is by degumming crude oil
cial lecithin an ideal food ingredient. The major functional proper- where up to 3% steam or water is added to crude oil with
ties include: emulsification, instantizingand particle wetting, release, slow agitation to hydrate the lecithin. These hydrated gums
viscosity modification and nutrition. The nutritional impact of leci-
thin is currently being assessed in the medical field as an important are then removed by continuous centrifugation. The re-
factor in improving neurochemical disorders. Other medical and suiting wet gums are dried either through batch or film
health related activity areas include positive changes in cholesterol, drying.
blood chemistry and circulatory factors. Lecithin is also used in
numerous industrial and nonfood applications such as pigment dis-
persing, mold release, and animal feeds. The major source of com- Art
mercial lecithin is from the processing of soybean oil. Evaluation of Ejector
lecithins from other seed crops such as cotton, corn, and rapeseed
is being pursued. The growth of these sources will be a function of ~ DeEummed
1 Dryer


Commercial lecithin, because of its multifunctionality and
wide applicability sells for 2-10 times the price of soybean Centr,fugo
~::~,. 1 T0
oil. It has more functional value than tocopherols, sterols, A,, ~ I Storage
or fatty acids.
[lect°iTr"t~4~(~ Additives fo~ Ftuld~ty
and Concentration
Defin ition Control
Commercial soybean lecithin is a complex mixture of phos-
phatides, triglycerides, phytoglycolipids, phytosterols, toco-
pherols, 'and fatty acids. In this paper, the term "lecithin"
will be used to denote commercial soybean lecithin, rather
than chemical lecithin, phosphatidytchotine.
Dr, . c , , hln
To eackLnI ~ ~
Availability FIG. 1. Flow diagram of soy lecithin degummlng (2).
Crude soybean oil is the principal source of crude lecithin.
The potential volume based on total soybean production is As you can see from Figure 1, a very important part of
nearly 250,000,000 lb. About 2/3 of this is recovered for
the process is needed to maintain consistent quality and
commercial use. It is estimated that there are more than uniformity; this is the additive step. Fluidizing additives
75,000 metric tons of lecithin available worldwide. About such as soybean oil, fatty acids, or calcium chloride can be
45% of that a m o u n t is manufactured and used in the USA. added to "adjust" the viscosity and acetone insolubles. If
Sources this process is n o t carried out, the end product, on cooling,
will be a highly plastic solid. Plastic lecithin is usable and
As mentioned before, soybeans provide the major volume functional, but is not convenient for most end users because
of usable commercial lecithin. Lecithin may be obtained it requires heating and mixing to fluidize the crude lecithin.
from other plant seeds such as corn, cotton, peanuts, and The National Soybean Processors Association has pub-
sunflowers, but little or none is available for commercial lished, as shown in Table l, specifications for commercial
or industrial use (1). soybean lecithin in their Yearbook and Trading Rules. These
six grades are the most widely manufactured, but are only
about l / 6 t h of the products sold today. These six grades
Soybean lecithin contains phosphatides, phytoglycolipids, cover the basic fluid and plastic grades with standard color
trigtycerides, phytosterols, tocopherols and free fatty acids. ranges. The fluidity and color are adjusted before the hy-
Phosphatides are the major functional ingredient in soy- drated lecithin gums are dried. Note the uniform acetone

258A/JAOCS, vol. 60, no. 2 (February lg83)


Soybean Lecithin Specifications (3)

Fluid Fluid double-
natural bleached bleached
Grade: lecithin lecithin lecithin

Acetone insoluble, min 62% 62%" 62%
Moisture, max a 1% 1% 1%
Benzene insoluble, max O.3% 0.3 % 0.3 %
Acid value, max 32 32 32
Color, Gardner, maxb t0 7 4
Viscosity, poise, @ 77 F, max c 150 150 150
Plastic Plastic double-
natural bleached bleached
Grade : lecithin lecithin lecithin

Acetone insoluble, min 65% 65% 65%
Moisture, max a 1% 1% 1%
Benzene insoluble, max 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
Acid value, max 30 30 30
Color, Gardner, maxb 10 7 4
Penetration, max d 22 mm 22 rnm 22 mm

aBy toluene distillation for 2 hr or less (AOCS Method Ja 2-46).

bOna 5% solution in mineral oil.
CBy any appropriate conventional viscosimeter, orbyAOCS Bubble/TimeMethodTq 1A-64,
assuming density to be unity. Fluid lecithin having a viscosity less than 75 poise may be
considered a premium grade.
dUsing Precision cone 73525, Penetrometer 73510; sample conditioned 24 hr at 77 F.

insolubles, moisture, benzene insolubles, acid value, viscos- M A N U F A C T U R I N G / Q U A L I T Y IMPACT

ity, and penetration, along with their different Gardner
Several factors before and after the simple degumming pro-
cess have a major impact on lecithin quality and perfor-
Six Categories of Upgraded Lecithin Products mance. Some of these arc described below.
Clarified lecitbins. These have been carefully filtered in: (a) Growing Conditions
the full miscella; (b) crude oil; or (c) directly as lecithin.
Even though the ratio between phosphatides and oil is fair-
This filtration is carried out on plate and frame filters with
ly constant, the growing conditions can have an effect on
manual or automatic cleaning cycles.
the fatty acid composition of lecithin. Soybeans grown in
Fluidized lecitbins. These are made by calcium chloride northern latitudes have higher linolenic acid content than
addition to the gums; addition of fatty acids and vegetable those grown in warmer climates. Cooler summers tend to
oil; or the addition of special proprietary dituents. reduce the levels of unsaturated fatty acids.
Compounded lecitbins. These are special purpose products Soil composition affects the ratio of oil to meal protein
made by direct addition of functional food additives like and the trace mineral content of lecithin. For example,
Spans, Tweens, or by the addition of industrial surface beans grown in the Southeastern USA have a higher calcium
active agents. Deoiled lecithin m a y be combined with selec- content than Northern beans.
ted additives to improve handling and performance.
Harvesting Time
ttydroxytated lecitbin. This is a highly water dispersible
lecithin made by reaction of hydrogen peroxide and lecithin Harvest time is usually affected by spring planting condi-
in the presence of a weak acid like lactic or acetic acid. tions and early frost. Wet spring weather delays planting in
These mildly modified lecithins have a high rate of func- some areas, resulting in premature harvesting. Green imma-
tionality in water-based systems. The color is extremely ture beans n o t only affect lecithin color, but also the amount
light, b u t the flavor tends to be soapy. and composition of the phosphatides.
Privett has shown that beans 67 days after flowering
Deoiled lecitbin. This can be made by contacting the crude have higher amounts of phosphatidic acid and lower phos-
lecithin with warm acetone. The resulting dried product is phatidylcholine. The difference in phosphatide composition
a tan-colored, waxy solid that can be made to special parti- between 67 days and 97 days after flowering is a 3-fold in-
cle sizes and have excellent free-flowing properties. crease in phosphatidylcholine and a 7-fold increase in phos-
Fractionated lecitbin. This is made b y fractionating crude phatidylethanolamine. The oil content is essentially un-
lecithin directly or after deoiling. Several patented processes changed.
use short-chain alcohols to split the lecithin into alcohol- Frost-damaged beans can result in lower phosphatide
soluble lecithin. These special products have functional yields and higher free fatty acids. This situation will lead to
properties that result from their particular phosphatide lower acetone insolubles (AI) and different gum consistency
compositions. that affects degumming centrifuge efficiency and lower vis-

JAOCS, vol. 60, no. 2 (February 1983)/259A


cosity lecithin products. The AI can go from percentage in hours, dilute hydrogen peroxide is added to stabilize the
the mid 70s to the low 60s. This results in lecithin products wet gums from bacterial spoilage. The type of bacterial
that are harder to adjust for AI and acid value. The oxidative growth reflects the environment of the processing plant.
stability of the oil and lecithin from frost-damaged beans is Coliforms must be eliminated by using good manufacturing
also reduced. practice.
Bean Storage Bleaching/Color Control
Soybeans, like all other seeds, are living systems. Bean com- Better processing controls and bean storage and handling
position does change with age and storage condition. With have reduced the degree of bleaching required to control
the change or trend from in-plant silo storage to on-the-farm lecithin color.
storage, beans can be 1-2 years old before processing. The Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is used up to 1.5% to obtain a
extended storage situation can change the AI content of the single bleached Gardner color of 14 minus. Benzoyl perox-
oil. Old beans tend to have higher phosphatidic acid and ide up to 1.5% can be used to obtain a double bleached
free fatty acid levels. These changes reduce viscosity and color of 12 minus. Each peroxide affects a different color
acetone solubles. body system. Care must be observed in dose levels as the
Frost-damaged beans have higher chlorophyll content hydrogen peroxide reduces the brown pigments and benzoyl
and lower phosphatide content, whereas older beans have peroxide reduces the red pigments. In early beans, the green
lower phosphatide, but higher phosphatidic acid and free from chlorophyll can be unmasked by the benzoyl peroxide
fatty acid levels. reducing the red pigments.
Silo-stored beans tend to be the best beans, if properly In bleached products, the elevated peroxide value indi-
rotated and kept at low moisture. Beans stored in bean cates free peroxide. It should be noted that complete elimi-
bowls or outside storage usually end up with heat damage nation of all peroxide at elevated temperatures (70 C) will
from spontaneous heating in piles, while water leakage cause the lecithin to darken rapidly.
causes spoilage or fermentation. Hot spots can develop that
burn the beans. Burnt or sour odors are transferred to the Drying Lecithin
lecithin gums. This situation has little measurable effect on Batch drying was the most widely used method of drying
oil content, but it does affect lecithin yields. lecithin. Because of the time lag needed to collect the gums,
Split beans have an adverse effect on both lecithin and this system was the most logical approach. Lecithin is diffi-
oil quality. Once the hull is broken, exposure to light and cult to vacuum dry because the foaming must be controlled.
heat will induce oxidation and decomposition of lecithin. This required careful monitoring of vacuum levels and long
Splits must be carefully added to the extractor to reduce drying time: 3-4 hr.
further changes. Film drying has been more successful in measuring the
drying rate and reducing the time and temperature expo-
Extraction of Crude Oil
sure. A cooling loop is essential to prevent darkening. Also,
Modern extraction techniques are well documented for soy- film drying is more effective in removing residual acetic
beans. Countercurrent solvent extraction can result in poor acid in modified products.
lecithin quality if the desolventizing temperature is too high
and the oil is not properly cooled after the desolventizing Storage and Handling
process. Moderate temperatures and short exposure time Once the lecithin product has been dried it must be stored
are required. in bulk or suitable sized containers such as 55 gallon drums.
Expeller oils tend to yield inferior lecithin. Low press Bulk storage can be heated or ambient. If heated, the tem-
temperatures are hard to maintain. This results in scorched perature must be controlled at ca. 48 C. Long times at ele-
lecithin and dark colors that are not bleachable. vated temperature will cause darkening. Drum storage and
Crude Oil Storage handling of lecithin products is most convenient. Shelf life
of most lecithin products at 21 C is more than one year.
The best way to store extracted soybean oil is in the crude However, physical stability can be affected by reduced tem-
state. The lecithin and tocopherols help maintain its oxida- peratures around 0 C. Freezing or lecithin can lead to a
tive stability. However, the lecithin quality can be affected separation of the oil phase. Simple remixing in the drum is
if the crude oil storage tanks are overheated and the bottoms usually adequate to redisperse the phosphatides. The steel
allowed to sour. Temperatures of 43-48 C, or even ambient drum can be heated easily with a Band heater or steam coil
are ideal for both the oil and lecithin. The longer the storage, to decrease the viscosity for easier pumping.
the lower the oil temperature should be maintained. Agita-
tion without aeration is the best way to eliminate lecithin UTILIZATION OF LECITHIN
settling. Simply turning the bottom is helpful.
Commercial lecithin is used for its multifunctional proper-
Degumming Conditions ties which are: emulsifying; antispatter; instantizing/wetting/
The oil refinery process dictates the type of degumming dispersing; release/parting agent; viscosity modifying; and,
required. Steam or water degumming is ideal for a good diet supplementing.
high quality lecithin: 1-3% is optimum. Most additives used In the USA, lecithin is GRAS approved ;kosher approved,
to aid degumming are usually deleterious to the lecithin, and meets standards of the Food Chemicals Codex.
except for acetic anhydride. Acetic anhydride will react The above facts make lecithin products ideally suited for
with the lecithin gums to form some acylated phosphatidyl- food applications. Being a natural product also gives lecithin
ethanolamine. Other additives such as phosphoric acid tend an added advantage in today's markets demanding "non-
to burn the lecithin on drying. Oxalic acid renders the leci- chemical" additives. The consumer is very familiar with the
thin toxic. Inorganic salts affect the physical and functional word lecithin and rates it highly acceptable.
properties. Lecithin is used as an ingredient in margarine, confec-
tions and snack foods, instant foods, commercial bakery
Wet Gum Storage products, cheese products, meat and poultry processing,
Since the gum lecithins are usually collected over several dairy and imitation dairy products, and dietary supplements.

260A/JAOCS, vol. 60, no. 2 (February 1983|


It is also used as a packaging aid; and directly on proces- tions. Lecithin is consumed as a whole food in liquid, cap-
sing equipment as a lubricant. sule, or granular form. The early 1950 interest in lecithin
was as a cholesterol-lowering agent. No conclusive evidence
Functions of Lecithin in Food Systems has been found. Today's interest in lecithin is in the area of
-- In margarine - lecithin is used for antispatter. aging and memory.
- In chocolates, caramels, and coatings - lecithin con- Research work at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
trois viscosity, reduces sticking, and controls crystal- nology has shown that lecithin is effective in reducing the
lization. symptoms of specific neurological disorders. The findings
- In instant foods such as cocoa powders, breakfast have led medical researchers into exploring the effects of
drinks, coffee whiteners, milk replacers, puddings, lecithin and memory. Their findings over the next decade
and toppings + lecithin functions as both an emulsi- will prove most interesting.
fier and wetting agent.
Non-Food Utilization -- Industrial Applications
- In bakery products such as breads, rolls, doughnuts,
cakes, cookies, pastries, and pies - lecithin acts as - In cosmetics - as emulsifier and emollient in hair and
an emulsifier, wetting, and release agent. make-up preparations, creams, and oils.
-- In natural and imitation cheeses - lecithin is an - In pharmaceuticals - as dietary supplements, emulsi-
effective emulsifier and slice parting agent. fying agent for injectables, and dispersant for vitamins.
- In meat and poultry glazes, pet foods, and bacon - - In coatings and paints - as a pigment dispersant.
lecithin is a good browning agent, emulsifier, phos- - In plastics and rubber molding - as both a pigment
phate dispersant, and dietary supplement. dispersant and mold release agent.
- In dairy and imitation dairy products - lecithin is In the paper and ink industry - as wetting agent and

effective in infant milk formulas, milk replacers, egg pigment dispersant.

replacers, whipped toppings, ice cream, and flavored - Masonry and asphaat products -- as emulsifier and
products as an emulsifier, wetting agent, antispatter, wetting release agent.
and release agent. In metal processing - as lubricants in wire drawing,

- In spreads and salad products - lecithin acts as an cutting processes, and metal rolling.
emulsifier and controls crystallization. -- In animal feeds - as both a functional and nutritional
- As a packaging aid - lecithin is used as a sealant and ingredient, as fat emulsifier and wetting aid in calf
releast agent. milk replacers, and in pet foods to replace eggs and
-- On processing equipment such as frying surfaces, provide shininess to the fur.
extruders, conveyers, broilers, dryers, and blenders
- lecithin is an effective lubricant and internal or
external releasing agent.
Most use levels for the above applications vary between 0.1 REFERENCES
and 2.0%, depending on the m e t h o d of application or incor-
1. Anon., JAOCS 58:779A (1981).
poration. 2. Brian, R., Ibid. 53:27 (1976).
No discussion on food applications for lecithin would be 3. National Soybean Processors Association, Yearbook and Trading
complete without mentioning its dietary and health implica- Rules, 1981-82.

JAOCS, vol. 60, no. 2 (February 1983)/261A

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