A Grounded Investigation of Game Immersion

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A Grounded Investigation of Game Immersion

Emily Brown and Paul Cairns

University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC)
31-32, Alfred Place, London WC1E 7DP, UK
[email protected], [email protected]
+44 (0)20 7679 5208
ABSTRACT difficult to achieve: there are barriers to immersion from
The term immersion is widely used to describe games but it both the human and the system perspectives.
is not clear what immersion is or indeed if people are using
the same word consistently. This paper describes work done The paper describes the method and results of our study
to define immersion based on the experiences of gamers. together with a discussion of the implications of our
Grounded Theory is used to construct a robust division of findings. However, first, it is useful to consider previous
immersion into the three levels: engagement, engrossment work on immersion.
and total immersion. This division alone suggests new lines
for investigating immersion and transferring it into software
The concept of immersion has been considered in many
domains other than games.
contexts but it is most commonly used, for software, when
Author Keywords
talking about virtual reality and games. In the game context,
Games, immersion, engrossment, engagement, flow, barrier immersion is clearly considered to be very important. Game
reviews mention immersion as related to the realism of the
ACM Classification Keywords game world [7] or to the atmospheric sounds [1].
K8.0 Personal Computing: General: Games; H5.1 Immersion is also said to have depth [3]. The experience of
Information interfaces and presentation: Multimedia immersion is often critical to game enjoyment and is made
Information Systems: evaluation. or destroyed by game characteristics. However, though
immersion seems to be understood by the gaming
INTRODUCTION community, it is not clear exactly what is meant by
Immersion is a powerful experience of gaming, and has immersion and exactly what is causing it. There can be
been mentioned by gamers [3], designers [12], and game games with a realistic world and atmospheric sounds and
researchers [10] alike as an important experience of yet immersion is not achieved [13].
interaction. However, when trying to understand immersion Previous research has been scattered in several different
for transfer to another domain, it is very difficult to find out areas. Virtual reality, game research and interface design
what exactly is meant by immersion and indeed even consider the qualities of immersion and the game qualities
whether the different research on immersion is talking that create the experience.
about the same concept.
Often in such work, immersion is defined but it is not clear
This paper describes work done to develop a grounded what is motivating the definition. For example, Douglas et
theory [11] of immersion. More specifically, we al [5] discuss the structure of schemas in narrative and
interviewed gamers about their experiences of gaming and claim that these structural differences are what differentiate
immersion whilst gaming and attempted to define qualities engagement from immersion and immersion from flow, that
of immersion based on their experiences. The study is, “the process of total involvement with life” [4]. This
suggests that gamers experience different levels of may well be an accurate portrayal of the authors’
engagement with a game, the most engaged level being experiences but their concept of immersion may be quite
equated with immersion. However, total immersion can be different from those of gamers. Other works consider
immersion as the essence of games [10] but once again
immersion is not clearly defined. One thing Radford does
do is relate immersion to the ability to enter the game
through its controls. The invisibility of the tool is something
discussed in more task-oriented software by Winograd and
Flores [14] who refer to Heidegger’s notion of a tool being
“ready to hand.” It is not clear from Radford’s work to
what extent to-handedness is an essential part of immersion
or merely a precondition.

Virtual reality research has an interesting perspective on RESULTS
immersive experience. The concept of presence arises and As the intuitive use of the word suggests, immersion is
is defined as the “extent to which a person’s cognitive and indeed used to describe the degree of involvement with a
perceptual systems are tricked into believing they are game. This involvement moves along the path of time and
somewhere other than their physical location” [9]. Patrick is controlled by barriers. Some barriers can only be
et al (ibid) also propose that computer games and movies removed by human activity, such as concentration; others
cannot provide this feeling of presence. Thus the question can only be opened by the game itself, such as the game
is: can gamers really never feel present? Or is there some construction. Each level of involvement is only possible if
sense in which, despite fact they are not physically the barriers to the level are removed. Removing these
surrounded by stimuli, they truly do feel present in a game? barriers, however, only allows for the experience and does
not guarantee it. Three levels of involvement were found:
The lack of clear meaning for immersion becomes acute engagement; moving on to greater involvement in
when moving away from virtual reality and gaming and engrossment; and finally total immersion. In many ways,
considering immersion in other types of software. Swing the barriers to immersion act to define and scope the level
[12] attempts to add immersion to a collaborative tool. The of involvement with the game. Each stage and the barriers
result was a three dimensional world where each user had to it will now be discussed with quotations from
an avatar. It was uncertain whether this was more participants to illustrate our findings.
immersive than the previous tool because immersion was
not defined and therefore no measures were available for Engagement
comparing the experiences of the new and old software. The first stage of immersion is engagement. This is the
lowest level of involvement with a game and must occur
METHOD before any other level. To lower the barriers to enter this
Given the absence of a clear, transferable definition of level, the gamer needs to invest time, effort, and attention.
immersion, our approach was to actually talk to gamers Accordingly, an initial barrier for engagement is access.
about what they meant by immersion. By working up what This refers first to the gamers’ preference, if they do not
gamers say using Grounded Theory [11], the aim was to like a certain style of game they will not even try to engage
develop a robust concept of immersion that could be used with it.
or contrasted in other contexts.
“I don’t tend to play sport games, I don’t see the point
We interviewed seven gamers, four men and three women really.”
approximately reflecting the known gender balance of
gamers [6]. The participants were all English speakers, aged Secondly, access relates to game controls. The controls and
18 and above, who regularly played computer games. To feedback need to correspond in an appropriate manner so
prime the interviewees, we first asked them to play their that the user can become expert, at least at the main
favourite game for up to thirty minutes. This was intended controls.
to make the gamer more aware of what it is that they enjoy “You just press anything just to try and kick, you don’t
about gaming and also what it is about a particular game really know what the controls are.”
that they enjoy.
The second barrier to engagement is the investment the
Interviews were semi-structured. Questions were designed gamer puts into the game. The gamer must invest time into
to prompt the interviewee about issues of immersion, for the game and this is relative to the game and the player.
instance, asking them about a sense of presence and their The gamers talk about how they “become focused” and that
experience of time whilst playing. For many of our “if they played for ages” they would become more
participants, this was the first time they had talked about involved. Also as the gamer becomes more immersed they
these experiences so particular care was taken to ask lose track of time, which can cause a feeling of guilt.
questions that did not put words into the interviewees’
mouths. “You might look at your watch and think, you know, I’ve
been playing computer games for hours and hours I could
Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Initially, the have been outside or talking to other people, so sometimes
gamers had been videoed whilst playing to see if there were that’s a bit strange.”
physical behaviours associated with gaming. As it turned
out, there was so little physical action of any sort whilst The effort the gamers invest relates to the energy they put
gaming that this was not continued. into learning how to play.
The interviews were analysed and coded using Grounded “When it comes to learning how to play some of these
Theory. As this was a small study, the majority of the games it takes as much effort as a lot of productivity
analysis was through open coding, identification of things.”
concepts and categories of concepts, and some axial coding,
identification of relationships between categories.

Effort also relates to expected rewards. There is a feeling physical aspects of the game and have, in a sense,
expressed that effort invested in a game should equal the suspended their disbelief of the game world. This enables
rewards of success. gamers to move towards total immersion.
“[I have been playing this game] for fifteen years and I’ve
Total Immersion
never seen what’s at the end of this poxy game…I want to Total immersion is presence. Before discussing the barriers
know what’s so special about getting to the end.” to the experience it is important to see what this experience
Attention is best described as willingness to concentrate. It is for gamers. Participants described being cut off from
seems the demand for attention is greater in engrossing and reality and detachment to such an extent that the game was
totally immersive games compared to engaging games. all that mattered.
Although this is initially a gamer investment at some point “When you stop thinking about the fact that you’re playing
the game must provide something worthy of attending to. a computer game and you’re just in a computer”
The amount of time, effort and attention required from the “I suppose it’s best described as a sense of being cut off
gamer increases for more immersive experiences. from the world you actually inhabit.”
Once these two barriers of gamer investment and access are “You just forget about the things around you and you’re
lowered the user begins to feel engaged. An engaged gamer focused on what you’re doing in the game”
is interested in the game and wants to keep playing. What
this experience lacks is the emotional level of attachment “You feel like you’re there”
that is seen in later levels of immersion.
At this point in the scale of immersion the game is the only
thing that impacts the gamer’s thoughts and feelings. The
problem is that presence is only a fleeting experience.
From engagement the user may be able to become further
involved with the game and become engrossed. The barrier “I don’t think for the next couple of years we will feel like
to engrossment is game construction. This is when game we’re really there all the time apart from a few moments
features combine in such a way that the gamers’ emotions when someone is coming round a corner and shooting us
are directly affected by the game. and you get really scared. But it doesn’t matter we feel that
we are there enough.”
“There are lots of games that are still loads of fun, but lack
that semi-mystical quality of good construction.” The barriers to presence are empathy and atmosphere.
Empathy is the growth of attachment and atmosphere the
Some game features mentioned by participants that form
development of game construction. Empathy is distinct
this quality were visuals, interesting tasks, and plot.
from attachment in that you feel attached to a main
Gamers could tell when a game was well constructed and
character or team but do not necessarily empathise with
could see when designers had put effort into construction.
their situation. Gamers who did not feel total immersion
This added to their sense of respect for the game.
talked of lack of empathy and the transfer of consciousness.
“They’ve spent a lot of time creating the little worlds.
“I can’t empathise with the dinosaur.”
Making it look kind of sumptuous and realistic, I enjoy
that.” “I don’t think I play the kind of games that would allow me
to transfer my consciousness from one place to another
At this level of immersion due to the time, effort and
attention put in, there is a high level of emotional
investment in the game. This investment makes people Empathy was found to relate to several game features. All
want to keep playing and can lead to people feeling but one game mentioned as totally immersive was a first
“emotionally drained” when they stop playing. The game person perspective game. Also role-playing games were
becomes the most important part of the gamers’ attention mentioned, where the gamers assumed a character.
and their emotions are directly affected by the game.
Atmosphere is created from the same elements as game
The gamer is now less aware of their surrounding and less construction. The graphics, plot and sounds combine to
self aware than previously. create this feature. What makes atmosphere distinct from
game construction is relevance. The game features must be
“A Zen-like state where your hands just seem to know what
relevant to the actions and location of the game characters.
to do, and your mind just carries on with the story.”
The reason this is important is because of the use of
“Everything else is irrelevant, you know it’s there but it’s attention. If gamers need to attend to sound, as well as sight
irrelevant.” more effort is needed to be placed into the game. The more
attention and effort invested, the more immersed a gamer
Some gamers purposefully construct a distraction free
can feel.
environment turning out lights and turning up the volume.
Essentially gamers are involved with more than just the “The fact that you have to rely on your own senses.”

Attention is an important part of immersion and in the case study provides useful directions to follow. In particular, it is
of total immersion the extent and location is important. The not clear when we would require a user to be fully
games seem to play with three elements of attention: visual, immersed in a more traditional work-based task. However,
auditory and mental. The level of immersion felt by gamers there are contexts where this level of involvement may be
seems to correlate to the number of attentional sources advantageous. For example, in education it is clear that
needed as well as the amount of each attentional type. engagement, and possibly engrossment, are necessary parts
of the learning process [2]. A better understanding of
DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK immersion and how to manipulate it could lead to better
In previous studies there were possibly divergent meanings educational software for engaging students in learning.
of immersion and, hence, its causes. Now by looking at the
gamers’ experience of immersion we can begin to answer Immersion is an intense experience that we have begun to
some important questions. First, are gamers talking about clearly describe through its usage. Although this study has
the same experience? This study found that there was a only scratched the surface we have laid the groundwork for
shared concept of immersion but this was not a static the possibility to design for immersion.
experience but described a scale of involvement with a
game. Immersion was not a necessary feature for enjoyment
1. Benge D., Review: Sanatorium
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any level of engagement with a game not just the more Experience. Harper Perennial, 1990
immersive levels. Norman claims that, in more task 5. Douglas Y., Hargadon A. The Pleasure Principle:
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problems if the overall experience is pleasurable [8]. In
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the controls for total immersion to take place. Usability f.html
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8. Norman D.A. Emotions and Design: Attractive Things
games was not discussed and due to the fact people pay for Work Better. Interactions July and Aug, 36-42, 2002
these games, they possibly put much more effort into
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be strong links with Czsentmihalyi’s concept of flow [4], Virtual Environments. CHI Letters 2(1) 478-485, 2000
central to flow is attention. Any distraction from the task at
hand causes the feeling of flow to be erased. Flow has 10. Radford A. Games and Learning about Form in
some parallels with immersion in the fact that attention is Architecture. Automation in Construction, 9, 379-385,
needed, sense of time is altered, and sense of self is lost. 2000
Also, the use of skill and knowledge is the same in 11. Strauss A., Corbin J. Basics of Qualitative, 2nd Ed.
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These findings on games and immersion offer many 13. Taylor J. Review of Circle of Blood
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14. Winograd T., Flores F., Understanding Computers and
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