Review Article: "Assessment of Economic Flood Damage"
Review Article: "Assessment of Economic Flood Damage"
Review Article: "Assessment of Economic Flood Damage"
Review article
“Assessment of economic flood damage”
B. Merz1 , H. Kreibich1 , R. Schwarze2,4 , and A. Thieken3,4
1 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
2 Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Permoser Straße 15, 04316 Leipzig, Germany
3 alpS – Centre for Natural Hazard and Risk Management and Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Grabenweg 3,
Abstract. Damage assessments of natural hazards sup- damage assessment could trigger subsequent methodological
ply crucial information to decision support and policy de- improvements in other natural hazard areas with comparable
velopment in the fields of natural hazard management and time-space properties.
adaptation planning to climate change. Specifically, the es-
timation of economic flood damage is gaining greater im-
portance as flood risk management is becoming the domi- 1 Need for flood damage assessments
nant approach of flood control policies throughout Europe. Traditionally, design standards and structural flood defence
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art and identifies research measures were the dominant flood management approaches.
directions of economic flood damage assessment. Despite Structural flood defence measures, such as dikes and reten-
the fact that considerable research effort has been spent and tion basins, were designed in order to control up to a cer-
progress has been made on damage data collection, data tain, predefined design flood, e.g. a 100-year flood. In recent
analysis and model development in recent years, there still years, this “flood control approach” has increasingly been
seems to be a mismatch between the relevance of damage questioned. New concepts have been developed, usually re-
assessments and the quality of the available models and ferred to as “flood risk management” (Merz et al., 2010). The
datasets. Often, simple approaches are used, mainly due level of protection is determined by broader considerations
to limitations in available data and knowledge on damage than some predefined design flood while more emphasis is
mechanisms. The results of damage assessments depend on put on non-structural flood mitigation measures. An impor-
many assumptions, e.g. the selection of spatial and temporal tant development in this context is a focal shift from flood
boundaries, and there are many pitfalls in economic evalu- hazard to flood risk. Traditionally, flood policies concen-
ation, e.g. the choice between replacement costs or depre- trated on the control or reduction of flood hazard, i.e. de-
ciated values. Much larger efforts are required for empiri- creasing the probability of occurrence and intensity of flood
cal and synthetic data collection and for providing consis- discharges and inundations. Flood risk management puts a
tent, reliable data to scientists and practitioners. A major much stronger emphasis on flood risk, where risk is defined
shortcoming of damage modelling is that model validation as damage that occurs or will be exceeded with a certain
is scarcely performed. Uncertainty analyses and thorough probability in a certain time period (e.g. one year). Hence,
scrutiny of model inputs and assumptions should be manda- damage aspects need to be taken into account in any deliber-
tory for each damage model development and application, re- ations on flood risk management.
spectively. In our view, flood risk assessments are often not Flood damage assessments are gaining more importance
well balanced. Much more attention is given to the hazard as- within this evolving context of decision-making in flood risk
sessment part, whereas damage assessment is treated as some management. They are needed for
kind of appendix within the risk analysis. Advances in flood
– Assessment of flood vulnerability: elements at risk
in flood-prone areas, e.g. households or communi-
Correspondence to: B. Merz ties, are variably vulnerable to floods. For instance,
( communities which experience floods on a more or
less regular basis develop strategies for coping with – Financial appraisals during and immediately after
such events. Communities which are not “flood- floods: in the case of a flood event, disaster manage-
experienced” often neglect risk mitigation and, hence, ment and governments need assessments on the flood
develop a higher vulnerability (Thieken et al., 2007; damage, in order to budget and co-ordinate decisions
Kreibich and Thieken, 2009). Knowledge about vulner- about damage compensation.
ability of elements at risk is necessary for identifying
appropriate risk reduction measures, e.g. development Although flood damage assessment is an essential part of
of emergency plans and the undertaking of emergency flood risk management, it has not received much scientific
exercises. attention. The consideration of flood damage within the
decision-making process of flood risk management is still
– Flood risk mapping: flood risk mapping is an essen- relatively new (Messner et al., 2007). Compared to the
tial element of flood risk management and risk commu- wealth of methods and available information on flood hazard,
nication. In many countries risk mapping is regulated flood damage data are scarce and damage estimation meth-
by law. The Flood Directive of the European Union, ods are crude. This lack frequently leads to transfer of dam-
enacted in November 2007, requires member states to age data and damage assessment models in time, space and
create both flood hazard and flood risk maps (European across damage processes without sufficient justification.
Commission, 2007). Although flood mapping is fre- This paper summarises the state-of-the-art, indicates short-
quently limited to mapping the flood hazard, there is comings and identifies research directions of economic flood
a lively discussion on flood risk mapping, including the damage assessments. It can be seen as complementary to the
potentially adverse effects on asset values, people and review report of Messner et al. (2007) who provide guide-
the environment (de Moel et al., 2009). lines for flood damage estimation meant for practitioners of
– Optimal decisions on flood mitigation measures: safety governmental authorities and executing bodies dealing with
against floods requires resources, among others large ex-ante flood damage evaluation.
amounts of tax money. It should therefore be secured This paper is limited to economic flood damage. Ideally,
that these resources are well used economically. This flood risk assessments should comprise all damage dimen-
implies that the current flood risk has to be estimated, sions including adverse social, psychological, political and
the potential risk reduction options have to be deter- environmental consequences, in order to obtain a compre-
mined, and benefits and costs of different options have hensive damage picture. However, risk analyses are fre-
to be quantified and compared. For these steps to- quently limited to economic damages, either because other
wards cost-effective risk management, damage assess- dimensions are seen of lesser importance or because the
ments are an essential ingredient. available methods are not able to derive reliable estimates.
In case risk assessments do not take into account the com-
– Comparative risk analysis: in a wider context, flood plete spectrum of damages, the missing dimensions should
risk reduction competes with other policy fields dealing at least be listed. Good starting points for risk to life assess-
with risk reduction. For example, a municipality may ment are Jonkman (2007) and for health impacts Tapsell et
be prone to different types of natural hazards. A quan- al. (2002), Hajat et al. (2003), and Ahern et al. (2005).
titative comparison of different risks within a commu- Although the paper focuses on flood damage assessment
nity or a region, e.g. risks due to flooding, windstorms some issues, e.g. risk-based evaluation of mitigation mea-
and earthquakes, can be done on the basis of consistent sures, and methodological aspects of damage estimation are
damage and risk estimates (Grünthal et al., 2006). On also valid for other natural hazards. A comparison of damage
a wider perspective, the allocation of resources devoted intensities scales across different natural hazards was given
for safety against floods can be evaluated in terms of the by Blong (2003a).
social willingness-to-pay (Pandey and Nathwani, 2004).
– Financial appraisals for the (re-)insurance sector: to 2 Basics of flood damage assessment
calculate insurance premiums and to guarantee sol-
vency, expected economic damages and the probable 2.1 Types of flood damage
maximum loss (PML)1 of the portfolios of insurers and
re-insurers have to be estimated. Flood damages can be classified into direct and indirect dam-
1 The terms loss and damages are often used interchangeably in ages. Direct damages are those which occur due to the physi-
the risk management of insurers. Acknowledging the differences
cal contact of flood water with humans, property or any other
between economic as well as physical loss and damage – for ex- objects. Indirect damages are induced by the direct impacts
ample, a damaged good is not necessary lost – we will restrict our and occur – in space or time – outside the flood event. Both
usage of the term loss to either insurance contexts (where it is a ter- types of damages are further classified into tangible and in-
minus technicus) or to losses in substance such as loss of life or loss tangible damages, depending on whether or not they can be
of production. assessed in monetary values (e.g. Parker et al., 1987; Smith
and Ward, 1998). Tangible damages are damage to man- – Meso-scale: the assessment is based on spatial aggrega-
made capital or resource flows which can be easily speci- tions. Typical aggregation units are land use units, e.g.
fied in monetary terms, whereas intangible damage is dam- residential areas, or administrative units, e.g. zip code
age to assets which are not traded in a market and are diffi- areas. Their size is in the order of magnitude of 1 ha to
cult to transfer to monetary values. Although the differenti- 1 km2 .
ation in direct and indirect, and tangible and intangible dam-
age is commonplace, interpretations and delineations differ – Macro-scale: large-scale spatial units are the basis for
(Jonkman et al., 2007). Some examples for the different damage estimation. Typically, administrative units are
types of damage are: used, e.g. municipalities, regions, countries.
– Direct, tangible: damage to private buildings and con- The classification in micro-, meso- and macro-scale is, on
tents; destruction of infrastructure such as roads, rail- the one hand, related to the spatial extent of the damage
roads; erosion of agricultural soil; destruction of har- assessment. On the other hand, there is a methodological
vest; damage to livestock; evacuation and rescue mea- distinction: Meso- and macro-scale approaches differ from
sures; business interruption inside the flooded area; micro-scale approaches in their need for aggregation. Dam-
clean up costs. ages are assessed for aggregations of objects, e.g. land use
units. In order to compare different-scale methods, upscaling
– Direct, intangible: loss of life; injuries; loss of memo- and downscaling procedures for the different steps of damage
rabilia; psychological distress, damage to cultural her- assessment are necessary.
itage; negative effects on ecosystems. The results of a damage assessment depend on the spatial
and temporal boundaries of the study. For example, a flood
– Indirect, tangible: disruption of public services outside might devastate a community. At the same time, nearby com-
the flooded area; induced production losses to compa- munities might experience economic benefits, since the flood
nies outside the flooded area (e.g. suppliers of flooded might trigger business and orders that cannot be performed
companies); cost of traffic disruption; loss of tax rev- by the flood-affected companies. For example, the 1993 US
enue due to migration of companies in the aftermath of Midwest floods impeded barges to navigate the river. Be-
floods. cause of this lack of barge traffic, several trucking compa-
nies gained about 13 million US$ in additional revenue due to
– Indirect, intangible: trauma; loss of trust in authorities.
the increased demand for road transportation (Pielke, 2000).
The costs of direct impacts are generally easier to quantify Other flood beneficiaries were farmers who translated good
than indirect costs. Indirect impacts may have effects on crops and elevated crop prices into a very successful year
time scales of months and years. Further, cascades of higher- (Pielke, 2000). Similar considerations hold concerning the
order impacts are conceivable such as macro-economic ef- temporal scale. Flood can cause long-term consequences,
fects or long-term barriers to regional development in fre- such as health effects, which are not captured if a too short
quently flood-affected areas. Rose (2004) discusses the dis- time horizon of the damage assessment is chosen.
tinction between direct and indirect effects and concludes The classification in micro-, meso- and macro-scale level
that this is a subject of great confusion. One has to be care- has no clear-cut boundaries, and different analysts may set
ful in order to ensure everything is counted while double- the boundaries in a different way. Closely linked to the spa-
counting is avoided. tial scale is the context of the damage assessment (purpose,
In some cases a distinction is made between potential and required reliability, available data, available resources, etc.).
actual damage (e.g. Smith, 1994; Gissing and Blong, 2004). Local studies, e.g. cost-benefit analysis for a single water de-
Actual damage is an estimate of the damage that occurred fence structure, usually employ the micro-scale view and de-
during a specific flood. Potential damage is defined as the rive damage estimates for each flood-prone object. Since this
damage that would occur in the absence of any damage re- approach requires detailed, local input data and a large ef-
duction measures. fort per unit area, meso- and macro-scale approaches are fre-
quently chosen to cover larger areas. Messner et al. (2007)
2.2 Spatial and temporal scales give recommendations for the choice of the appropriate ap-
Flood damage assessments are performed on different spatial
scales: 2.3 Basic economic principles
– Micro-scale: the assessment is based on single elements Economic evaluations of flood damages are purpose-related
at risk. For instance, in order to estimate the damage to and therefore context-dependent. The rationales of economic
a community in case of a certain flood scenario, dam- evaluation are different in disaster relief programmes, for in-
ages are calculated for each affected object (building, surance contracts, or in public policy decisions. Disaster re-
infrastructure object, etc.). lief is assessed according to the individual need to recover
after a flood which has disturbed daily practices. Insurance (UBA, 2007), as well as other intangible damages associ-
compensation is assessed based on previously agreed con- ated with floods such as contingent valuation or hedonic price
tract terms which promise different services from partial to analysis. However, these methods are not widely accepted by
full functional repair of damaged goods. Public policy eval- practitioneers, in legal conflicts or flood risk management,
uations intend to support decisions such as flood risk zoning because of the large variance of results and their sensitiv-
and cost-benefit analysis of structural flood defence. They ity to study settings. Thus, there is a pragmatic choice to
take a broader perspective of assessing potentially all costs be made of what goods are treated as tangible or intangible
and benefits to the national or regional economy, including in flood damage assessment. Tangible damages should in-
impacts on intangible goods such as ecosystem services and clude all direct and indirect damages that can be easily and
public health. undisputedly assessed in monetary terms. This should in-
Four basic principles of economic evaluation should be clude the public spending for clean-up, evacuation and other
obeyed in order to conduct a damage assessment for pub- emergency services. The costs for emergency services are
lic policy purposes in a consistent way. (A somewhat similar easily measurable and can be accounted to the flood event
set of principles has been proposed by Messner et at., 2007). (Penning-Rowsell and Wilson, 2006). Often those costs ex-
ceed the costs of direct flood damages (Morselt et al., 2007;
Define the appropriate time and spatial boundaries Pfurtscheller and Schwarze, 2008). Sometimes they are the
of the study only damages of flooding – if emergency services are per-
fectly effective in sheltering people and assets at risk. These
A crucial choice for economic damage evaluation is the ap- costs should be regarded in the cost-benefit analysis of flood
propriate time and geographic extent over which flood effects defence since they are affected by flood control measures in
are to be considered. Estimates of the immediate damages a similar way as flood damages to households, enterprises or
within the inundation area may be appropriate for assessing public buildings.
disaster relief programmes but fall short of a complete assess-
ment of all costs to the regional or national economy. This is Use depreciated values, not full replacement costs
mainly so because indirect effects from transport or produc-
tion disruptions are – by definition – occurring outside the Depreciated values of durable consumer goods reflect the
inundation area. Some flood damage categories like effects value of a good at the time when the flood damage actually
on relocation of industries require the consideration of time occurs, whereas replacement values usually involve some
spans which are much longer than those normally applied form of improvement: “Old goods which are damaged dur-
for direct damages. On the other hand, most indirect eco- ing a flood are substituted by new, more productive or better
nomic damages at the regional level disappear in a national performing ones” (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2003). Using re-
or even international setting since regional production losses placement values overestimates the damage. Moreover it is
are compensated by production gains in regions outside the not in line with the national accounting where capital goods
flooded area or even outside the watershed. Depending on are depreciated based on a perpetual inventory of incoming
the choice of the time and spatial boundaries, considerably and outgoing capital goods (Schmalwasser and Schidlowski,
larger or smaller indirect economic damages for a given flood 2006). The evaluation of flood damages at full replacement
scenario will be estimated. The most appropriate approach to costs would systematically result in “values at risk” which
this problem is to choose the time and spatial boundaries of are higher than the ones depicted in the national accounts.
the damage assessment in accordance with the time and spa- Therefore, the basic rule for public policy appraisal is: use
tial boundaries of the public policy project to be evaluated, depreciated values, not full replacement costs.
e.g. the flood management project or the institutional out- Occasionally, the replacement of goods by improved new
reach of the planning authority. Federal planning should ac- ones can be cheaper than the repair of the goods in its origi-
count for all national direct and indirect effects whereas state nal condition at the time when the flooding occurred. This is
planning or the planning of water authorities would only con- often the case with consumer durables that recently went out
sider effects within the state or within the watershed. Best of production (e.g., single glass windows). For these types of
practice is to indicate any positive and negative transbound- goods replacement values should be used in economic eval-
ary impacts at least qualitatively in addition to the impacts uation if they undercut the costs of repair or monetary com-
assessed within the regional or executive boundaries. pensation at the depreciated original value.
Evaluate all tangible costs, including the cost Never sum up stock and flow values for one element
of emergency services at risk
Economists have since long developed methods to mone- From an economic point of view the value of a capital good is
tize damages to non-market goods, for example, life and the present value of the income flow it generates over the rest
limb (e.g. Mishan, 1971), amenities and ecosystem services of its life span (Georgescu-Roegen, 1981). Therefore, adding
1. Classification of elements at risk by pooling them into One of the tasks of damage assessment is therefore to de-
homogeneous classes. cide on the details of classification. Which objects should
be pooled together? Ideally, within each class, there should
2. Exposure analysis and asset assessment by describing be a minimum of damage variance for a given flood impact,
the number and type of elements at risk and by estimat- and there should be a maximum of variance in damages be-
ing their asset value. tween classes. To our knowledge, there are currently no clas-
sifications in flood damage assessments which are based on
3. Susceptibility analysis by relating the relative damage objective or statistical classification methods. Expert judge-
of the elements at risk to the flood impact. ment currently determines the details of classification and the
derivation of class boundaries.
This three-step procedure holds for the relative damage ap-
Figure 1 schematically depicts the relation between the de-
proach, where the damage share or relative damage is used.
tail of classification and the main influencing factors. Deci-
Alternatively, the absolute damage approach is based on the
sive are the resources that can be spent for the assessment.
absolute monetary amount of damages per risk element or
A higher level of classification requires a larger effort. This
unit (e.g. square meter). In this case steps 2 and 3 are com-
factor is related to the necessary detail of the study, although
bined within a single damage function.
it is not given that a higher level of classification always leads
3.2 Classification of elements at risk to higher reliability of the damage assessment. This is only
the case, if the higher number of estimates of assets and sus-
3.2.1 Rationale for classification ceptibility is supported by sufficient data. A very detailed
damage assessment based on sparse data may be mislead-
Depending on the spatial extent of the investigated inunda- ing, since this involves a level of accuracy which may not be
tion area and the chosen degree of detail of the damage as- given. Therefore, the availability of data for the estimation
sessment, a large number of elements at risk has to be con- of assets and susceptibility is another decisive aspect. In this
sidered. In general, it is not possible to assess the damage respect, it has to be noted that it is necessary to ascribe any
for each single object, because there is no information on individual element at risk to the appropriate class with a min-
the damage behaviour of each object and/or because such a imum of work. In addition, secondary source data, such as
detailed assessment would require a huge effort. Therefore, property valuations, may have their own system of classifi-
elements at risk are pooled into classes, and the damage as- cation and so the classification used for elements at risk must
sessment is performed for the different classes, whereas all be capable of being linked to existing data sources.
elements within one class are treated in the same way. For Further, the uniformity of the socio-economic structure
example, in the assessment of flood damage to private house- of the study area influences the detail of classification.
holds, all households of a certain type may be grouped in one More uniform areas require fewer classes. For example,
class and may obtain the same asset value, e.g. related to the Smith (1994) argues that while there are broad similarities
floor area. Similarly, the relative damage of all households in between house types and average contents throughout much
this class may be estimated by using the same susceptibility of Australia this does not hold for the UK where dwelling
function. types vary markedly. Neither does it hold for countries with
wide variations in household income. The heterogeneity of quality classes (low/medium quality, high quality). Simi-
the flood impact within the study area could influence the larly, FLEMOcs distinguishes among three classes concern-
detail of classification as well. For example, Kreibich and ing company size in respect to the number of employees (1–
Thieken (2008) and Kreibich and Dimitrova (2010) have 10, 11–100, >100 employees) and among four sub-sectors
shown that relative damage functions may not hold for dif- (public and private services, producing industry, corporate
ferent types of inundation (fluvial flood, flash flood, flooding services, trade). Even with such sub-classes the variabil-
as consequence of high groundwater, inundation as conse- ity of objects within one sub-class is large. Therefore, as-
quence of dike breaching). Therefore, classification accord- set estimates and damage functions that are given for a cer-
ing to flood impact could also be useful. tain sub-class are expected to describe only a rather limited
The detail of the classification of a damage assessment share of the variability that is observed in damage data. How-
should be in line with the relevance of the objects or classes. ever, finer classifications require more data and/or informa-
There is a tendency to use a coarse classification and very tion which are usually not available.
simple models for sectors with little data. This is problem- An interesting classification approach has been developed
atic if these sectors possess a high damage potential. A small by Schwarz and Maiwald (2007, 2008). It classifies the
share of flooded objects often causes a large share of damage. building stock according to the structural characteristics of
A single large industrial plant can incur direct flood damage buildings. The main building types are clay, prefabricated,
that exceeds that for several hundred nearby dwellings sub- framework, masonry, reinforced concrete and flood resistant
ject to the same flood risk. For instance, the winter flood designed buildings. For each building type a relationship be-
in 1993 in the Seckach catchment in south-west Germany tween flood impact and damage grade is derived based on
caused damages at several hundreds of objects in 19 com- damage observations and engineering judgement. Damage is
munities. 40% of the direct damage emerged from a single classified from damage grade DG1 (only penetration and pol-
industrial premise. A Pareto-like distribution of damages, lution) to damage grade DG5 (collapse of the building or of
e.g. 20% of the affected objects is responsible for 80% of the major parts of the building; demolition of building required).
total damage, is frequently observed in damage data. In a second step damage grades are translated into monetary
damage. This structural engineering approach is appealing
3.2.2 Commonly adopted classification approaches since it allows, in principle, to consider physical processes
at the building level. For example, the impact of flow ve-
In most cases the classification is based on economic sec- locity is very different for masonry and reinforced concrete.
tors, such as private households, companies, infrastructure The approach of Schwarz and Maiwald (2007, 2008) requires
and agriculture, with a further distinction into sub-classes. information on the building stock which can be easily ob-
This is based on the understanding that different economic tained for single buildings. However, for large-scale damage
sectors show different characteristics concerning assets and assessments, this information is not available and can only
susceptibility. For example, elements at risk of the residen- be collected with a very large effort. Therefore, some kind
tial sector are mainly buildings; this is only partly the case of regionalization approach to estimate the building type is
in other sectors like the commercial, agricultural or public necessary. The work of Deilmann (2007) points to this di-
sector. Further, flood impact varies between sectors. For ex- rection. He proposes to derive a building typology for the
ample, flood damage to residential buildings is strongly de- building stock and to link this typology with so-called urban
pendent on the water depth of a flood, whereas for damage structural types. These are areas with characteristic forma-
to agricultural crops the time of flooding and the duration tions of buildings and open spaces, under consideration of
of the flood are decisive (Förster et al., 2008). A pragmatic regional peculiarities. Urban structural types form different
reason for using economic sectors as classification criterion patterns within the urban fabric. The idea is to assign damage
is that economic data which are needed for estimating the functions and refurbishment costs to these urban structural
value of elements at risks are usually aggregated according types.
to economic sectors.
Table 1 gives a typical classification in economic sectors 3.3 Exposure analysis and asset assessment
and short remarks on their characteristics. These examples
show that the elements at risk within one economic sec- Exposure analysis identifies objects that are affected by a
tor may be very diverse. Therefore, most damage assess- certain flood scenario. Exposed objects are commonly ex-
ments introduce sub-classes. For example, recently in Ger- tracted by intersecting land use data with inundation data by
many the damage models FLEMOps and FLEMOcs have means of operations within a geo information system. In or-
been developed for the private and the commercial sector, re- der to achieve quantitative estimates of the exposed value
spectively (Thieken et al., 2008a, b; Kreibich et al., 2010). (or value at risk), asset values have to be estimated for all
FLEMOps, the model for the private sector, differentiates flood-affected objects. Asset values depend on the type of
into three building type classes (one-family homes, (semi- the elements at risk, but also vary in time and space. The
)detached houses, multi-family houses) and two building variation in time can be attributed to economic trends, e.g.
inflation, new investments and innovation. While inflation Kleist et al. (2006) and Thieken et al. (2006), were not only
can be corrected by price indices, other changes in time can used for flood risk analyses, but also for the estimation of
only be absorbed by a regular update of the data base. Vari- damages due to windstorms (Heneka et al., 2006) and earth-
ation in space occurs because the same object type has a dif- quakes (Tyagunov et al., 2006).
ferent asset value in one region than in another due to re- There are not many risk assessment studies in the literature
gional specifications or differences in material costs, wages, that explicitly explain approaches for the estimation of as-
etc. This variation can be covered by the use of regional or sets. This might be due to the fact that in many risk analyses
local data instead of national data. no quantitative risk indicators are used or that damage mod-
Within one type of element at risk, e.g. a residential home elling is done with absolute damage functions. In such cases,
or a company site, several categories of assets can be iden- land use/cover data are used to describe exposure in terms
tified. Usually the value of the building fabric (fixed assets) of affected sectors or economic activities, but they do not
and the value of the contents (moveable items) are distin- give a monetary value. In approaches that estimate monetary
guished. In the commercial and industrial sector the contents asset values (see Table 2), two steps can be distinguished.
are further divided into machinery and equipment on the one First, exposure (or asset) data are estimated on a coarse level,
hand and products, goods or stocks on the other hand. As e.g. on the level of municipalities (Kleist et al., 2006; Seifert
their susceptibility varies (e.g. in case of a flood, fixed assets et al., 2006) or census blocks, e.g. in HAZUS-MH (FEMA,
cannot be removed from the flooding zone, whereas move- 2003). In some cases, official statistics, e.g. on population,
able items such as products can be secured) and since they can be directly used as exposure data. For risk analyses, a
contribute with different proportions to the total asset value, disaggregation of these coarse values has to be done in order
the asset values of these categories should be estimated sepa- to overcome the spatial mismatch between hazard and expo-
rately. In some cases the exposure data, e.g., the data base by sure data (Chen et al., 2004).
Table 2. Examples of approaches for the estimation of exposure data. (CORINE stands for Coordination of Information on the Environment.)
In contrast to information on the exposed assets, hazard es- a coarse spatial level to a lower spatial level by means of an-
timates like water depths or inundation areas are commonly cillary information (Meer and Mosimann, 2005; Wenkel and
modelled at a spatially explicit raster level. Macro-scale ap- Schulz, 1999). As far as mapping is concerned, disaggrega-
proaches may simply assume an equal spatial distribution tion is also addressed as dasymetric mapping or regionalisa-
of the provided assets over the whole administrative area. tion (e.g. Chen et al., 2004; Meyer, 2005).
Within meso- or micro-scale studies, however, the different Different disaggregation methods using an ancillary data
assets have to be disaggregated to achieve a more realistic set with better spatial information have already been devel-
distribution. In general, disaggregation is defined as a pro- oped and applied in former studies concerning not only dam-
cess of transferring the value of a (statistical) variable from age estimation for various natural hazards, but particularly
Table 2. Continued.
mapping of population density (Eicher and Brewer, 2001; Even if disaggregation is performed, exposure data contain
Gallego and Peedell, 2001; ICPR, 2001; Mennis, 2003; Chen further uncertainties. For example, in the model HAZUS-
et al., 2004; Meyer, 2005; Thieken et al., 2006; Seifert et al., MH uniform distribution of the buildings within a census
2010). In these studies topographic maps, traffic networks, block and, thus, of the asset values is assumed. The smallest
satellite or land use and land cover data sets have been proved unit in the HAZUS-MH asset data base is therefore the cen-
suitable for disaggregation purposes, since their information sus block. As each census block should cover approximately
reveal an explicit relation to population and, therefore, to the same number of inhabitants, the census blocks vary ex-
asset distribution as well. For example, Dutta et al. (2003) tremely in extent, i.e. from a few city blocks in urban areas to
used grid cell basis land cover data to disaggregate exposure several square miles in rural areas. In urban areas with high
data that were estimated on a ward-level. In this approach, building density the assumption of an uniform building dis-
the floor area per grid cell was determined considering land tribution holds true with few exceptions (e.g. roads or parks),
cover type, building ratios (i.e. the percentage of area covered but in rural areas the building density is low and the assump-
by buildings in a given area) and floor area fractions (i.e. the tion is questionable and may lead to a large error in the spatial
total area of all storeys of a building divided by the ground distribution of asset values. This problem can only be solved
surface area of the building; thus for a one-storey building if data from a sub-scale are taken into account (Meyer, 2005;
the floor area fraction amounts to 1). The latter two parame- Wünsch et al., 2009).
ters were derived from aerial photographs. This approach is This overview shows that the methods for asset estima-
feasible for small or medium sized areas, but not for a coun- tion vary considerably in terms of detail concerning the
trywide approach, since the analysis of aerial photographs for stratification in economic classes and the spatial disaggrega-
a huge area would be too time-consuming. Other approaches tion of lumped values. The detail of asset estimation depends
as shown in Thieken et al. (2006) and Seifert et al. (2010) are strongly on the size of the study area, the available input data
also applicable in large areas. Wünsch et al. (2009) compared and the required accuracy of the risk assessment.
three different disaggregation methods and two land use data
sets in the framework of damage estimation and concluded
that it is better to invest in land use data than in more sophis-
ticated mapping techniques.
3.4 Susceptibility analysis The influence of these factors on the damage was tested
separately in most studies. However, damage susceptibility
A central idea in flood damage estimation is the concept of depends on many factors, which are not independent from
damage functions. They relate damage for the respective each other. For example an early warning can not work, if
element at risk to characteristics of the inundation. These the meaning of the warning is not recognized by the affected
functions represent the susceptibility of the respective ele- people due to a lack of preparedness, or if mitigation mea-
ment at risk, similar to dose-response functions or fragility sures are impossible due to an extreme flood impact. Thus,
curves in other safety-relevant fields. Most flood damage multivariate analyses are necessary. However, such analyses
models have in common that the damage is obtained from undertaken by McBean et al. (1988) did not lead to clear-cut
the type or use of the element at risk and the inundation results and let them conclude: “In all likelihood, the factors
depth (Wind et al., 1999; NRC, 2000). Other parameters, considered here and many others combine to determine the
like flow velocity, duration of the inundation and time of oc- level of flood damage that may be experienced in any house-
currence are rarely taken into account. Such stage-damage hold. It does not however seem possible to develop a simple
curves or depth-damage curves were proposed in the USA and practical predictive tool that incorporates these factors”.
(White, 1945, 1964) and they are seen as the standard ap-
proach to assessing urban flood damage (Smith, 1994). 3.4.2 Damage functions
3.4.1 Damage influencing parameters In developing flood damage models two main approaches
can be distinguished: empirical approaches which use dam-
It is obvious that flood damage depends, in addition to the age data collected after flood events and synthetic approaches
type of object and water depth considered by stage-damage which use damage data collected via what-if-questions. An
curves, on many factors. Some of these factors are flow ve- example for the first approach is the German flood dam-
locity, duration of inundation, sediment concentration, con- age data base HOWAS (Merz et al., 2004), from which the
tamination of flood water, availability and information con- damage functions of MURL (MURL, 2000) and Hydrotec
tent of flood warning, and the quality of external response in (Emschergenossenschaft and Hydrotec, 2004) were derived.
a flood situation. Although a few studies give some quan- What-if analyses estimate the damage which is expected in
titative hints about the influence of these factors (Smith, case of a certain flood situation, e.g.: “Which damage would
1994; Wind et al., 1999; Penning-Rowsell and Green, 2000; you expect if the water depth was 2 m above the building
Kreibich et el., 2005, 2009; Thieken et al., 2005), there is no floor?” Examples for this approach are the damage func-
comprehensive approach for including such factors in dam- tions for United Kingdom (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005).
age modelling. It is possible to combine both approaches, e.g. to extend
Damage influencing factors can be differentiated into im- empirical data with synthetic data which was done by the
pact and resistance parameters (Thieken et al., 2005). Im- US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, Galveston District,
pact parameters reflect the specific characteristics of a flood Texas, personal communication, 2006), in Australia (NRE,
event for the object under study, e.g. water depth, flow veloc- 2000; NR&M, 2002) and Germany (ICPR, 2001) or to eval-
ity, contamination. Whereas impact parameters depend on uate synthetic models with empirical data. Both approaches
the kind and magnitude of the flood, resistance parameters have advantages and disadvantages (Table 4).
depend on characteristics of the flood prone objects. They Besides the choice of empirical or synthetic damage func-
depict the capability or incapability of an object to resist the tions, a choice has to be made between relative or absolute
flood impact. Resistance parameters can be the object size functions. Table 5 compares the advantages and disadvan-
or the type and structure of a building. Further, also miti- tages of both options. Which of both approaches is chosen
gation measures, former flood experience and early warning may depend on the kind of available data, e.g. on the avail-
influence the resistance (Kreibich et al., 2007). Table 3 com- ability of data on the value of assets (Messner et al., 2007).
piles damage influencing factors that have been considered Absolute damage functions are applied, for instance, in the
in flood damage assessments. UK (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005) or in Australia (NR&M,
Most of these damage influencing factors are neglected 2002; NRE, 2000). Relative damage functions are used,
in damage modelling, since they are very heterogeneous in e.g., in the model HAZUS-MH in the USA (FEMA, 2003;
space and time, difficult to predict, and there is limited infor- Scawthorn et al., 2006) and for damage estimations along
mation on their (quantitative) effects. For instance, a gate be- the river Rhine (MURL, 2000; ICPR, 2001). A further possi-
ing opened could make the difference between high and low bility are index values, e.g. the damage may be expressed as
flow velocities and, as a consequence, scour undermining a an equivalent to the number of median-sized family houses
foundation or not (Kelman and Spence, 2004). Floating and totally destroyed (Blong, 2003b).
destruction of an oil-tank can make the difference between
total damage of a building due to severe contamination or
marginal damage due to water contact only.
Table 3. Examples of damage influencing factors considered in different flood damage assessments (adapted/extended from Gissing and
Blong, 2004; Kelman and Spence, 2004; Merz, 2006; Förster et al., 2008).
Impact parameter
Parameter Description Selected references
Inundation The higher the inundation depth, the greater CH2M Hill (1974); Black (1975),
depth the building and contents parts which are Sangrey et al. (1975), Smith and Tobin (1979),
damaged and the stronger the buoyancy force. Handmer (1986), Smith (1991), Torterotot et al. (1992),
Smith and Greenaway (1994), Hubert et al. (1996),
USACE (1996), Islam (1997), Blong (1998),
Zerger (2000), Nicholas et al. (2001), Beck et al. (2002),
Kato and Torii (2002), Citeau (2003), Dutta et al. (2003),
Hoes and Schuurmans (2005), Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005),
Büchele et al. (2006), Kreibich and Thieken (2008),
Thieken et al. (2008a)
Flow velocity The greater the velocity of floodwaters, CH2M Hill (1974), Black (1975), Sangrey et al. (1975),
the greater the probability of structural building Smith and Tobin (1979), Handmer (1986), McBean et al. (1988),
damage due to lateral pressure, scouring, etc. Smith (1991), Smith and Greenaway (1994), USACE (1996),
High flow velocities can cause direct damage to crops Islam (1997), Blong (1998), Zerger (2000),
and may lead to soil degradation from erosion. Nicholas et al. (2001), Beck et al. (2002), Kato and Torii (2002),
Citeau (2003), Schwarz and Maiwald (2007, 2008),
Kreibich et al. (2009), Pistrika and Jonkman (2009)
Duration of The longer the duration of inundation, Smith and Tobin (1979), Handmer (1986), McBean et al. (1988),
inundation the greater the saturation of building structure Torterotot et al. (1992), Consuegra et al. (1995),
and contents, the higher the effort for drying, Hubert et al. (1996), USACE (1996), Islam (1997),
the more severe the anoxia of crops, Nicholas et al. (2001), Kato and Torii (2002), Citeau (2003),
increasing the probability of damage. Dutta et al. (2003), Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005),
Förster et al. (2008)
Contamination The greater the amount of contaminants, Smith and Tobin (1979), Handmer (1986), USACE (1996),
the greater the damage and the cleanup costs. Nicholas et al. (2001), Kreibich and Thieken (2008),
Inclusion or adsorption of contaminants may Thieken et al. (2008a)
even lead to total damage. Examples are
the inclusion of small particles in porous material
impossible to remove, or the dispersal of
microorganisms in moist building material requiring
extensive clean up and disinfection.
Debris/ The presence of debris in floodwater, Handmer (1986),
sediments depending on its amount, size and weight, increases Penning-Rowsell et al. (1994),
the dynamical forces which affect buildings and thus Kato and Torii (2002)
the potential for structural damage. Sediment can
damage flooring and mechanical equipment and
it may lead to an increased effort for clean up.
Rate of rise As the rate of rise increases, it becomes Smith and Tobin (1979), Handmer (1986),
increasingly difficult to reduce flood damage. Penning-Rowsell et al. (1994)
Frequency of Repeated flooding may have cumulative effects, USACE (1996),
inundation increasing the probability of damage. On the other Elmer et al. (2010)
hand, preparedness significantly increases,
leading to reduced damage.
Timing Floods occurring at night may be associated with Smith and Tobin (1979),
greater damage owing to ineffective warning Smith and Greenaway (1984), Smith (1992),
dissemination. Floods occurring during holidays Smith (1992), Consuegra et al. (1995),
may see property owners absent and unable to take Yeo (1998), Citeau (2003), Dutta et al. (2003),
damage-reduction measures. The time of year
(season) of flood occurrence with respect to crop
growth stages and critical field operations plays
a crucial role for the magnitude of agricultural damage.
Table 3. Continued.
Resistance parameter
Parameter Description Selected references
Business Sectors differ significantly in respect to exposed MURL (2000), ICPR (2001a), FEMA (2003),
sector/ assets as well as susceptibility. For instance, Emschergenossenschaft and Hydrotec (2004),
use of the manufacturing sector has a relatively high damage Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005),
building potential (high assets and business volumes) but a relatively Scawthorn et al. (2006)
good preparedness status. In contrast, preparedness is
comparatively weak in the financial and service sectors.
Building Building type may significantly influence Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005),
type the degree of damage. For instance, multistory Büchele et al. (2006),
buildings are affected by a lower fraction in Kreibich and Thieken (2008),
contrast to single-storey buildings. Thieken et al. (2008a)
Additionally, their relation of weight to
buoyancy force is advantageous.
Building Building material reacts differently Nicholas et al. (2001),
material to exposure to (contaminated) water, Schwarz and Maiwald (2007, 2008)
e.g. absorbents rates are different.
Additionally, drying of material as well as
decontamination is more or less difficult.
Building material affects also the weight of
the building and thus the danger of buoyancy.
Precaution There are various precautionary measures, Kreibich et al. (2005), Büchele et al. (2006),
which are able to reduce flood damage significantly. Kreibich and Thieken (2008),
Examples are constructural measures such as elevated Thieken et al. (2008a)
building configuration, use of suitable building material
or flood adapted interior fitting. Measures like
flood secure configuration of oil tanks or secure
storage of chemical can prevent contamination.
External Emergency measures can be undertaken
response/ particularly effective with sufficient
emergency warning time and low water levels.
measures Such measures are for instance the dismounting of
fixed equipment/machinery, the relocation of inventory,
the sealing of openings to prevent water from entering
the building. Or quick drying or disinfection which
reduce mold building on walls.
Early Only if the warning time is sufficiently McBean et al. (1988), NRE (2000),
warning long and if the content is comprehensible, Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005)
emergency measures can be undertaken efficiently.
In the following, a few economic sectors are described exem- Most flood damage data, analyses as well as damage mod-
plarily. This compilation shows that a wide spectrum of ap- els refer to the residential sector. Here, only three models
proaches is found among damage models. Given this model are presented exemplarily to illustrate different development
heterogeneity, aspects of model reliability, calibration and strategies, function types and number of parameters (Ta-
validation are very important. ble 6). The model of the Multicoloured Manual for UK
is based on synthetic damage data and uses absolute dam-
age functions (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005). In contrast,
FLEMOps is based on empirical damage data and uses rela-
tive damage functions (Büchele et al., 2006; Thieken et al.,
Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of empirical and synthetic flood damage models.
Advantages Disadvantages
Empirical Real damage information possesses Detailed damage surveys after floods
damage a greater accuracy than synthetic are uncommon, so that models may be based
models data (Gissing and Blong, 2004). on poor quality data (Smith, 1994).
Effects of damage mitigation measures Paucity of information about floods of
can be quantified and taken into account different magnitude and often a lack of
in damage modelling (Kreibich et al., 2005; damage records with high water depth require
Thieken et al., 2008a). extrapolations (Smith, 1994; Gissing and Blong, 2004).
Variability within one category and water Transferability in time and space is difficult
depth is reflected by the data and due to differences in warning time, flood experience,
uncertainty can be quantified building type and contents (Smith, 1994).
(Merz et al., 2004).
Synthetic In each building, damage information High effort is necessary to develop detailed data bases (inventory
damage for various water levels can be retrieved method) or undertake large surveys (valuation survey method)
models (Penning-Rowsell and Chatterton, 1977). to achieve sufficient data for each category/building type (Smith, 1994).
Approach does not rely on information What-if analyses are subjective, resulting in uncertain
from actual flood events and can therefore damage estimates (Gissing and Blong, 2004;
be applied to any area (Smith, 1994). Soetanto and Proverbs, 2004)?
Higher level of standardisation and Mitigation actions are not taken into account (Smith, 1994) .
comparability of damage estimates Premises within one classification can exhibit large variations which
are not reflected by the data (Smith, 1994).
Advantages Disadvantages
Relative Simplicity, because many data sources on Values of the object assets are necessary.
damage the value of properties are available Their estimation might bring in
functions (Messner et al., 2007). additional uncertainty.
Better transferability in space and time, since
they are independent of changes in market
values of individual structures which may
result from inflation, shifts in local economy or
development status
(Krzysztofowicz and Davis, 1983).
Applicable for different purposes (cost-benefits
analyses as well as PML-studies for insurances;
only asset data base has to be altered).
Absolute No need for asset values, Need for regular re-calibration,
damage the estimated monetary damage due to e.g. damage functions of Penning-Rowsell
functions a given flood scenario results directly. and Chatterton (1977) were re-calibrated,
reflecting larger investments in properties and
contents (Penning-Rowsell and Green, 2000).
Depend on the total value of the affected object.
2008a). The relative damage model of the ICPR is based influencing parameters used. The model of the ICPR exclu-
on a combination of empirical and synthetic damage data sively takes the water depth into account to estimate the im-
(ICPR, 2001). The models differ greatly in the number of mobile and equipment damage of settlements. Additionally,
Table 6. Comparison of three exemplary damage models for the residential sector.
Table 7. Comparison of different damage models for the industrial sector (adapted from Kreibich et al., 2010).
Due to the variety of structures a three-step filtering pro- obtain an estimate of the total expected damage, the esti-
cess has been proposed with the goal to present a short list of mated relative damage needs to be related to the market value
assets for a detailed economic appraisal (Penning-Rowsell et that could have been obtained by the harvested crop without
al., 2005). This filtering consists of the following steps: flooding.
– enumerate relevant infrastructure assets at risk by as- 4 Indirect economic damages
sessing their sizes (e.g. length) and values (e.g. supply
catchment, served population), Indirect flood damages are induced by the direct impacts and
transmitted through the economic system. Thus, for exam-
– assess the total risk for each infrastructure by roughly ple, a production facility might be lacking an important input
classifying the likelihood of damage and the scale of (electricity, raw materials, etc.) due to a flood event in its
impact as high, medium or low, suppliers’ areas, and thus be unable to operate thereby incur-
ring financial loss. Indirect economic damage is necessarily
– quantify (indirect) damages for “high risk” and “very
attached to some form of interruption of usual business but
high risk” assets only.
strictly different from the business interruption caused by the
Similarly, in HAZUS-MH important lifeline components are direct physical impacts of flood water on production facili-
selected for fragility modelling. Impacts to system function- ties. It is a secondary or trigger effect caused by the inter-
ality, relative cost of the component and the overall time to linkages in the economic system (Cochrane, 2004). While
recover from damage are considered, as well (Scawthorn et recent studies on indirect economic damages – for example,
al., 2006). Hallegate (2008) estimates the indirect damage of Hurricane
Katrina in Louisiana at 28 billion US $ – demonstrate the eco-
3.5.4 Agricultural sector nomic importance of this category of damages, its measure-
ment has not been undertaken to the same extent as for direct
Flood damage in the agricultural sector includes losses of damages. This section identifies types of indirect damage
agriculture products, farm houses and farm infrastructure and methods of measuring it, particularly existing modelling
(Dutta et al., 2003). The reduction in yield and quality of methodologies. It also describes ways in which vulnerability
agriculture products may require additional expenditures for score cards can be employed to raise awareness in disaster
sowing, tillage, and the application of fertiliser and crop pro- management for indirect damages.
tective agents. Additionally, damage to the soil might be rel- The magnitude of indirect damage is determined by the
evant (Pivot et al., 2002). It refers to a potential decrease in boundaries in space and time of the damage assessment.
the quality of soil due to pollutant deposition and a loss of From a very broad temporal and spatial perspective, indirect
soil structure due to compaction or erosion. economic damages of natural disasters are zero. Measured
Total economic damages in the agricultural sector are fre- over the entire economy, the negative and positive indirect
quently much lower than those in urban areas. Hence, dam- effects cancel out. For any reasonable boundary (city, state,
age evaluation is often neglected or only accounted for by catchment area, etc.), however, there will be net indirect ef-
using simple approaches and rough estimates (Förster et al., fects from flooding. In the short-term, floods produce indi-
2008). For the estimation of building and infrastructure dam- rect economic damages from:
ages commonly models from the residential and infrastruc-
ture sector are applied. Approaches for the estimation of – Input/output losses to firms who are costumers
agriculture product damages range from models which dif- (forward-linked) or suppliers (backward-linked) to the
ferentiate only between damage to arable land (crops) and directly impacted businesses in the inundation area.
grassland (e.g. LfUG, 2005; Hoes and Schuurmans, 2005)
– Consumption reductions from the income and/or profit
and others which differentiate between several crop types
losses triggered by business interruption as a ripple ef-
(e.g. Citeau, 2003; Dutta et al., 2003; Förster et al., 2008).
fect, i.e. employees or private owners of the firms ex-
A significant difference to damage evaluations in other sec-
periencing reduced production suffer income losses and
tors is the importance of the time of occurrence of a flood
subsequently cut their own spending.
with respect to crop growth stages and critical field opera-
tions (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2003). For example, flood- Floods can also have long-term indirect impacts such as
ing in July results in much higher damages for summer grain altered migration flows, relocation of industries, depressed
crops just prior to harvesting than flooding in August just housing values, and altered government expenditures that re-
after harvesting. In most models, time of occurrence is con- sult from the new patterns of migration and regional deve-
sidered whereas the flood variables water depth, inundation lopment.
duration, and flow velocities are only rarely taken into con- Evidence to date suggests that the indirect effects are more
sideration (Table 8). Citeau (2003) gives a rough estimate of important in large disasters than in smaller disasters. For ex-
maximum tolerable submersion time, inundation depth and ample, Hallegatte (2008) demonstrates that significant indi-
flow velocity for different rural land-use types. In order to rect economic damages for the state of Louisiana only arise
when direct damages exceed 50 billion US $. He also demon- post-event supply constraints and time phased reconstruction
strates that indirect impacts are larger if a natural disaster af- in disaggregated spatial settings (van der Veen and Logtmei-
fects the economy during the expansion phase of its business jer, 2005; Yamano et al., 2007) seems promising to overcome
cycle than if it touches it during a recession phase (Hallegatte this methodological gap.
et al., 2007). Pfurtscheller and Schwarze (2010) develop a simplified
Compared to direct effects, indirect damages are much vulnerability score card to raise awareness for indirect effects
more difficult to measure. Additionally, there are limited in regional disaster management. It considers vulnerability
available sources of data for measuring indirect damages. In- factors in a regional economy such as:
surance data on business interruption are of limited value for
that purpose, as most indirect effects, for example, power – Concentration of lost production in few (–) or many in-
outage, do not qualify for compensation under business in- dustrial sectors (+) of the regional economy.
terruption insurance. Moreover, many firms do not carry – Constrained (+) or reserve production capacities (–),
business interruption insurance. The limitation of accessible during an expansion (+) or recession phase (–) of the
primary data have led to attempts to measure indirect dam- business cycle.
ages using economic models of the type that have long been
utilized for economic forecasting such as (1) Simultaneous – Availability (–) or lack (+) of finance and reconstruction
equation econometric models, (2) Input-output models, and aid.
(3) Computable General Equilibrium models (Rose, 2004).
Studies evaluating model-based estimates suggest that the – High (–) or low (+) density of insurance for business in-
models developed for traditional economic forecasting tend terruption within a narrow (+) or broad (–) scope, the
to overstate indirect effects. Differences to observed impacts latter including indirect effects such as economic dam-
from post-event economic surveys are in the order of 70 to age due to power outage.
85% (West, 1996). The reason for this overestimation of
Here, (–) signals a limited risk of indirect effects to the re-
both, indirect regional economic damages from natural dis-
gional economy, whereas (+) indicates a considerable po-
asters and indirect regional economic gains from reconstruc-
tential of indirect economic damage. The vulnerabilities
tion, is that statistically based economic models have been
could be measured along an A-B-C scale, for example, to
designed primarily to forecast the effects of a lasting impact
be scored into an overall regional economic vulnerability in-
(e.g., an investment into a new commercial development).
dex. A comparable, much more detailed and regionalised
The historical interlinkages embodied in these models are
indicator set has been developed independently by Khazai et
likely to be substantially disturbed and temporarily changed
al. (2010).
during a flood. Dynamic adjustment features such as recov-
ery, resiliency, interregional substitution, inventory adjust-
ments, changes in labour supply, number of refugees, are not 5 Macro-economic damages
reflected in these models. In short, these models are inappro-
priate for simulating natural disasters; they must be substan- Macro-economic damage models study the effect of both, di-
tially revised in order to produce reliable estimates of indirect rect and indirect economic flood damages with regard to their
effects. Computational algorithms modelling supply shocks, effects on performance indicators of the national economy,
such as growth, balance of payments or net investment (Ta- 6 Uncertainty of damage assessments
ble 9). Since they reflect the national-level repercussions of
direct damages and indirect losses, they must not be added 6.1 Availability and reliability of damage data
to those effects. Macro-economic effects are a complemen-
tary view to assess direct damages and indirect damages from In comparison to other fields of water resources manage-
a national perspective. The most important macro-economic ment, flood damage data are still scarce. Only a few data
performance indicators and the expected macro-economic ef- sets are publicly available and little is known about data qual-
fects of floods and similar natural hazards on these indicators ity. More efforts to collect flood damage data and the deve-
are given in Table 9, based on literature survey (Benson and lopment of standardized methods have been constantly called
Clay, 2000; Pelling, 2002; Mechler, 2003; ECLAC, 2003). for (e.g. Ramirez et al., 1988; Mileti, 1999; NRC, 1999; Yeo,
There is a large body of literature on the short- and 2002; WHO, 2002; Guha-Sapir and Below, 2002; Dilley et
medium-term GNP effects of natural hazards, mainly in de- al., 2005; Handmer et al., 2005; Greenberg et al., 2007). The
veloping countries (ECLAC, 2003; Mechler, 2003). The gen- lack of reliable, consistent and comparable damage data is
eral findings are: seen as a major obstacle for risk analyses and effective and
long-term damage prevention (IFRCRCS, 1997; Changnon,
– There are no significant macro-economic effects in in- 2003; Downton and Pielke, 2005). Many of the accessible
dustrialised countries, but only regional and sectoral in- data sets, such as EM-DAT (Centre for Research on the Epi-
direct economic effects. demiology of Disasters – CRED, Brussels), contain dam-
age data that have already been aggregated to a regional
– The effects of floods on national growth is short-term or national level. However, flood damage data are needed
(years), but insignificant in the medium- and long- at a variety of spatial scales (national, regional, local, ob-
term (decades). Albala-Bertrand (1993) finds signifi- ject scale) to analyze variations in damage and to investigate
cant short-term effects only in 25% of his case studies causal relations between the hazard characteristic and the
of developing countries. amount of damage (Downton et al., 2005; Jonkman, 2005).
Especially for the development of damage models, such
– An increase in national indebtedness and trade imbal-
as depth-damage curves, object-oriented data are needed.
ances could be observed as a result of floodings in de-
Such data sets are, however, hardly available or accessi-
veloping countries only.
ble. For Germany, recently the object-oriented flood dam-
– International comparative studies agree that macro- age database HOWAS 21 has been set up, containing already
economic damages are mainly triggered by economic more than 5500 damage cases of four economic sectors (as in
vulnerabilities (e.g. a low degree of diversification of April 2010,,
production), and they are influenced by institutional fac- in German).
tors such as the availability of government relief pro- There are many ways to measure the damages associated
grams or private insurance (empirically confirmed by with a flood (Pielke, 2000), and accounting for all costs
Raschky, 2008). of disasters is complicated for different reasons (Downton
and Pielke, 2005): first, indirect costs of disasters are dif-
– There are significant positive effects of national perfo- ficult to measure and can often only be assessed by mod-
mance after natural disasters if international aid is pro- els (see Greenberg et al., 2007 for a review). Above all,
vided. disasters have direct and indirect benefits, e.g. infusion of
disaster relief funds to affected regions, which should be mation, positive and negative estimation errors tend to av-
crosschecked with the costs. Second, disaster damages are erage out when estimates are highly aggregated, and hence,
a function of the spatial and temporal scale that the ana- the accuracy increases with the aggregation over larger ar-
lyst chooses in a particular analysis. Additionally, the to- eas or longer time periods. For example, for damage in
tal amount of monetary damage depends on the purpose and a state of less than 50 million US $ (in 1995 dollars) es-
context of data acquisition (e.g. loss adjustment by insurance timates from NWS and other sources often disagree by
or governmental relief fund) and the appropriate method for more than a factor of two (Pielke et al., 2002). For state
monetary assessment. Finally, many costs (and benefits) as- damage above 500 million US $ the disagreement is smaller
sociated with a disaster are intangible. The true costs of dis- than 40%. Guha-Sapir and Below (2002) compare three
asters include hidden costs and benefits which are difficult to global disaster data sets, namely NatCat (Munich Reinsur-
identify and quantify (Downton and Pielke, 2005). ance Company, Munich), Sigma (Swiss Reinsurance Com-
In general, damage data are rarely gathered, (initial) re- pany, Zurich) and EM-DAT (Centre for Research on the Epi-
pair cost estimates are uncertain and data are not updated demiology of Disasters – CRED, Brussels). Similarly, their
systematically (Dowton and Pielke, 2005). Low standard- analysis reveals a range of problems with damage data, such
ization of the collection of flood damages might cause prob- as lack of details, inconsistencies or data errors.
lems with data quality with regard to accuracy and consis- These examples illustrate the need to improve both, dam-
tency (Wind et al., 1999; Gissing and Blong, 2004). For age estimations and the quality of damage data since a good
example, assessments of flood damage and flood character- documentation and standardised collection and management
istics (water level, velocity, etc.) at affected properties are in of damage data are a prerequisite for the development of re-
most instances based on subjective perceptions of building liable damage models. Some recommendations on how to
surveyors and may therefore be prone to variation (Nicholas improve data quality and how to standardize data collection
et al., 2001; Soetanto and Proverbs, 2004). It is expected that are given in Queensland Government (2002), Downton and
damage estimates are more consistent and reliable if they are Pielke (2005), Thieken et al. (2009) and Elmer et al. (2010).
given by experienced surveyors or damage adjustors. How-
ever, damage adjusters tend to be “generous” which may 6.2 Sources of uncertainty in damage modelling
be a reflection of an allowance for intangible damages suf-
fered by flood victims (Penning-Rowsell and Green, 2000). Damage modelling aims at predicting damages of potential
Thus, benchmarks of flood damage assessment should be de- future events or they are geared towards financial appraisals
veloped which will also allow an assessment of possible re- during and immediately after floods. In both cases damage
pair strategies (Proverbs and Soetanto, 2004). As outlined by models have to be transferred to another situation. These
Dowton and Pielke (2005), there is a difference between ini- transfers can be grouped into (1) transfer between elements
tial damage estimates and the final/actual repair costs. That at risks, (2) transfer in time, (3) transfer in space, and (4)
means that flood damage data collection must include regu- transfer in spatial scale. Each transfer is associated with un-
lar updates of the costs and that a reference year for the costs certainty, in addition to the uncertainty and errors in damage
has to be given. data collection.
Many observations illustrate these general remarks about A large source of uncertainty in damage modelling is the
damage data quality problems. For example, shortly after enormous variability of damage between elements at risk
the severe flood event in Germany in August 2002 the to- (transfer between elements at risk). For instance, even two
tal flood damage was estimated to more than 22 billion C. private houses of the same building type located next to each
This amount was corrected to about 9 billion C in December other are expected to experience large differences in their
2002. Meanwhile, actual repair costs amount to a total sum damage for the same flood event. Some of the flood charac-
of 11.6 billion C. A similar experience was made after other teristics, e.g. flow velocity, can dramatically vary with short
flood events, e.g. after the Great Mississippi Flood 1993 eco- distances. The same holds for other damage-influencing fac-
nomic damage estimates differed by many billions of dollars tors, such as contamination or the capability of the residents
(Changnon, 1996). to perform damage-reducing measures. These influences are
There are only few studies that analyze and compare flood not predictable, or are – even with a large effort – only pre-
damage data sets: Downton and Pielke (2005) and Pielke et dictable to a small extent.
al. (2002) analyze historical records of flood damage pro- Transfer in time would not be problematic if the system
vided by the National Weather Service (NWS) in the USA, under study was stationary. However, the vulnerability of
and compare them with estimates from other sources. Both elements at risk changes in time, and often at a high rate.
analyses conclude that the accuracy of the damage data de- Changes have to be expected in the asset values and in the
pends on the scale of the flood damage and/or on the scale susceptibility to floods. For example, Penning-Rowsell and
of the aggregation. Damage data for small floods or local Green (2000) point to technological changes which have
areas within a larger flooded area tend to be extremely in- led to increased susceptibility: modern retail and commer-
accurate. Since there is no systematic under- or overesti- cial outlets and industrial plants nowadays include electronic
and computer-related equipment. This is usually valueless five Saxon municipalities that were affected by the flood in
after being flooded, whereas its more robust predecessors August 2002 in the Elbe catchment as well as in five munic-
could be repaired. Similarly, the increasing interconnect- ipalities in Baden-Wuerttemberg that experienced flooding
edness of modern societies and their dependence on infras- in December 1993 in the Neckar catchment (Thieken et al.,
tructures (energy supply, communication, transportation, wa- 2008a). While the mean relative error of the estimates for
ter, etc.) produce new vulnerabilities, and sometimes un- the Saxon municipalities amounted to 24% for FLEMOps+,
expected second-order effects. Mitchell (2003) gives some it was more than 1000% in case of the municipalities in
examples of changing flood vulnerability in Europe, such Baden-Wuerttemberg (Fig. 3), illustrating that transferabil-
as the increased use of floodplains by export-oriented busi- ity of damage models in space and time is limited (Thieken
nesses. The advantage of navigable waterways that connect et al., 2008a). Transferability in space depends on the simi-
deepwater international ports triggers increasing exposure to larity – in terms of the relation between damage-influencing
flood risks, as it is seen in the lower Rhine valley. Urban re- factors and economic damage – between the two areas. The
development projects in old river cities of northern Europe authors are not aware of any investigation of regional similar-
improve the attractiveness of waterfront areas. Low-value ity, based on objective methods. If enough data could be col-
investments, such as old docks and crumbling warehouses, lected, the question of homogeneous damage regions could
are substituted by higher-value investments, such as cultural be investigated in quantitative terms, for instance similarly to
facilities, shopping and entertainment complexes (Mitchell, homogeneous regions in terms of flood frequency (Hosking
2003). Johnson et al. (2007) report a substantial and above- and Wallis, 1997).
inflation increase in the potential economic damages to resi- Transfer in spatial scales occurs if a damage model has to
dential, retail, commercial and industrial properties between be applied for another scale than the one for which it has
1990 and 2005 in England and Wales. Average economic been developed. Typically, damage models are based on
damages to residential buildings due to the 2002 and 2005 micro-scale data, using damage data from single elements
flood events were more than twice as high as average eco- at risk. However, meso- and macro-scale damage assess-
nomic damages due to flood events in 1985 and 1988 in ments apply damage models for aggregations of elements at
the federal state of Bavaria, Germany (Thieken, 2008). Be- risk. We expect that this source of uncertainty is rather small
sides such rather long-term changes, changes acting on short compared to the other sources, if appropriate up-scaling and
time scales occur. The damages for the January 1995 flood down-scaling approaches are used. For instance, micro-scale
in Cologne amounted to approximately 43% of the dam- and meso-scale validations of the FLEMOps model revealed
ages for the December 1993 flood, although the 1995 flood similar results (Thieken et al., 2008a). For one municipality
was slightly higher than the event 15 months earlier. Similar in Saxony, Germany, Apel et al. (2009) showed that meso-
observations are reported for the adjacent catchment of the scale approaches can even outperform more detailed models
River Meuse (Wind et al., 1999). This dramatic reduction in and provide a good compromise between data requirements,
damages seems to be a consequence of the increased aware- simulation efforts and accuracy of results.
ness and capability of the affected people and of the admin-
istration in charge. Although temporal changes in vulnera- 6.3 Uncertainty and validation of damage modelling
bility are frequently mentioned, they are usually not taken
into account by damage models. As early as 1965, Kates Model validation aims at evaluating whether a model per-
proposed an adaptation option function (in addition to the forms well in different (observed) situations and whether it
damage function) that reflected adaptation of flood damage can thus be used for predictions of unobserved situations.
over time and space as result of training and improved infor- Frequently, the aim of damage model validation is to as-
mation (Booysen et al., 1999). It has still to be proven if this sess whether it is capable of reliably estimating the dam-
idea, which is theoretically attractive, can be implemented age for a certain area (e.g., municipality, region) for a given
in damage modelling, given the widespread lack of damage flood event. Another objective of model validation is whether
data. Currently, a regular updating of damage functions is there are systematic estimation errors, e.g. whether damages
done in UK. at a given water level are always under- or overestimated.
Transfer in space of the relation between damage- Such an evaluation is also relevant for parameters that are
influencing parameters and resulting economic damage is ne- not (yet) included in the model, e.g. flow velocity. The out-
cessary since models are developed for certain spatial entities come of a model validation could be to include further vari-
and have to be applied to other areas. For example, the model ables (such as flow velocity or flood duration) in the model.
FLEMOps was derived from damage data of a severe flood The more process-oriented model validation can primarily
event in 2002 in the Elbe and Danube catchments (Büchele be performed on the micro-scale and requires detailed data
et al., 2006; Thieken et al., 2008a). The question, whether (single objects with repair costs, input data for the damage
a model is transferable to other regions or how the model model, further parameters).
should be adapted, has been investigated only rarely. An ex-
ception are FLEMOps model applications and validations in
Fig. 3. Official repair costs and estimated building damages in ten municipalities that were affected by flooding in 1993 or in 2002 (Thieken
et al., 2008a).
One major shortcoming of damage modelling is that model If damage data of historical floods are not available and
validation is scarcely performed and that a quality assess- an absolute validation cannot be performed, other ways of
ment of damage estimates can thus hardly be achieved. The assessing the plausibility or validity of the damage model
main reasons for this shortcoming are limited or missing ob- should be sought. These include the use of expert knowl-
servations and data. Owing to these data problems, valida- edge, comparison of alternative damage models and meth-
tion methods that compare predicted damages against obser- ods for evaluating the process of model construction. The
vations (absolute validation, Kirwan, 1997) are often not ap- application of split sampling or cross-validation procedures
plicable in damage modelling. Ideally, actual damage data may be further elements of validation, but require a compar-
should be available for the complete spectrum of events that atively large data base. An application is given in Kreibich
is of interest in a risk assessment. However, in most situ- and Thieken (2008).
ations there are no damage data at all, or damage data are Further, uncertainty and sensitivity analyses may be help-
restricted to one or a few floods in the study area. Thieken ful when there are no damage data available for the area un-
et al. (2008a) compare estimates of the FLEMOps model for der study (Merz et al., 2008). If a model cannot be vali-
the residential sector to recorded repair costs. The model dated using observations, all hypothesis testing should ex-
delivers very good results for the August 2002 flood in Ger- plicitly consider the potential sources of uncertainty (Pap-
many. However, this model is based on damage data col- penberger and Beven, 2006). This allows investigating im-
lected from the 2002 event, and application of the model to portant assumption, model inputs and processes. Thus, sen-
other floods in Germany shows much larger deviations (see sitive aspects of the damage modelling (e.g. Which assump-
above). Penning-Rowsell and Green (2000) tested synthetic tions dominate the result?) can be identified, and efforts can
damage functions of Penning-Rowsell and Chatterton (1977) be guided for assembling further information and improv-
against post-flood surveys by damage adjusters, and report ing the modelling (e.g. What are the most valuable data for
general agreement between surveys and synthetic results. constraining uncertainty?). If the decisive elements of the
damage modelling are reliable, then the resulting damage es-
timate is expected to be reliable as well, even if no observa-
tions are available. If the decisive elements are riddled with
large uncertainty, then the damage estimate should be used
with caution. A further benefit of uncertainty analyses is the
1 Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 1697–1724, 2010
1718 B. Merz et al.: Assessment of economic flood damage
that standardization is a useful path. However, this should rable damage data is seen as a major obstacle for sound risk
not impede research for improved knowledge about damage assessments. Much larger efforts are required for (empirical
mechanisms. and synthetic) data collection and for providing homogenous,
The second step in the assessment of direct economic dam- reliable data to scientists and practitioners. In particular, ef-
ages is the quantification of the exposed asset values. Our forts should be intensified for heterogeneous sectors with a
review shows the methods currently in use vary considerably high damage potential like industry and infrastructure. At
in terms of detail concerning the stratification in economic the same time, quality proofing and validating damage as-
classes and the spatial disaggregation of areal values. Often sessments need to be intensified before we arrive at a set of
crude approaches are chosen. They may be adequate for ap- sound and useful data and models within Europe.
plications where gross estimates suffice. However, they may Besides the large variability in terms of damage between
be too crude for other applications due to their negligence elements at risk, two dominant sources of uncertainty in dam-
of important characteristics such as differences in building age modelling are transfer in time and transfer in space. Spa-
types. Compared to the resolution and detailedness of flood tial and temporal differences in asset values and in suscep-
hazard modelling, even the most detailed asset assessments tibility are significant, so that damage models are difficult
are regarded as coarse, often leading to a spatial mismatch to transfer between regions or between points in time. This
between hazard and exposure data. In order to overcome this problem has not received enough attention. It is an open
mismatch, disaggregation needs greater attention. question, to which extent damage models can be transferred
Due to the large variety of approaches found for describ- from one region to another and from one flood to another
ing susceptibility, the third step of direct economic dam- event. These uncertainties can only be reduced by larger in-
age assessment, we have limited our review on a few im- vestments in the understanding of the dominant drivers of
portant sectors. Despite considerable heterogeneity among changes in damage variability, and by systematic analyses of
susceptibility models, they have in common that complex the spatial and temporal changes in asset values and suscep-
processes, i.e. damage mechanisms, are described by simple tibility. A major shortcoming of damage modelling is that
approaches, e.g. depth-damage curve. Most of the damage- model validation is scarcely performed. On the one hand,
influencing factors are neglected in damage modelling, since this is understandable in view of data scarcity. On the other
they are very heterogeneous in space and time, difficult to hand, progress in damage modelling can only be expected
predict, and there is limited information on their (quantita- if every possibility is used in order to evaluate model re-
tive) effects. More sophisticated methods, e.g. multi-variate sults against observations and to assess model plausibility
analyses and exercises in data-mining, should be applied for against any other evidence. Uncertainty analyses and thor-
identifying patterns in damage data and for correctly attribut- ough scrutiny of model inputs and assumptions should be
ing damage-influencing factors to observed damage. It has mandatory for each damage model development and appli-
been shown that factors, such as contamination of flood wa- cation, respectively.
ter or the capability of residents to perform damage-reducing In our view, flood risk assessments often invest much more
measures, have the potential to significantly affect flood dam- in the hazard assessment part. Damage assessment is fre-
ages. Although these influences may not – or only to a small quently seen as some kind of appendix within the risk anal-
extent – be predictable, it is necessary to understand which ysis. Given the importance of damage assessments, a more
factors are dominant under which conditions. balanced viewpoint between hazard and damage assessment
In summary, there seems to be a mismatch between the seems warranted. This holds also true for other natural haz-
high relevance of damage assessments and the quality of the ards. In fact, flood damage modelling is quite advanced in
available models and datasets. This statement is even more comparison to damage assessments for avalanches, storms or
valid for indirect damages. They are important specifically droughts. Thus, advances in flood damage assessment could
in large disasters but difficult to assess with the current meth- trigger subsequent methodological improvements in other
ods in use. Models developed for traditional economic fore- natural hazard areas with comparable time-space properties
casting tend to greatly overstate the indirect effects. Explic- such as windstorms, but will need substantial conceptual
itly modelling supply shocks, considering post-event supply modifications for natural hazards with different time-space
constraints and time phased reconstruction in spatial settings properties that are better framed as man-nature-interactions
could overcome this methodological gap. Simplified qualita- such as droughts and forest fires.
tive methods such as risk score cards are able to raise aware-
ness for indirect effects in flood risk management.
Given this premature state of economic flood damage as- Acknowledgements. This work is part of the research project
MEDIS (Methods for the evaluation of direct and indirect flood
sessment, aspects of data availability and model reliability
damages) which was funded by the German Federal Ministry for
are very important. However, most available data are het-
Education and Research (BMBF) (No. 0330688) within the re-
erogeneous, low quality and often non-validated. Conse- search programme RIMAX (Risk management of extreme flood
quently, empirical damage functions are unreliable and can events).
be misleading. The lack of reliable, consistent and compa-
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