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Interpretive article

Development of
TC Type Insulated Overlaps
Electric Power Facilities Group, Technical Center, Research and Development Center of JR East Group
Kentaro Nishi
When a train stops at an insulated overlap of a feeding sections in a DC electric railway system, heat due to arcing
(electric spark) or due to too large a current flowing between the feeding sections sometimes melts and severs the
contact wire that supplies electric power to pantographs. We thus developed TC type insulated overlaps to prevent
that. TC type insulated overlaps have a large surface area that brings about high heat radiation and a function
of relieving the tension of the contact wire when heat softens and deteriorates the mechanical strength of the
contact wire. In tests of the developed TC type insulated overlaps, we confirmed characteristics of high resistance
to arcing and sufficient ability to function as components of the overhead contact line system. This article will
introduce the developed insulated overlaps and give an overview of the tests.

Substation A Substation B
1 Introduction

An electric railway system has electrically sectioned insulated overlaps

at transitions of contact lines and overlaps where those transitions
are electrically connected as shown in Fig. 1. At insulated overlaps,
as shown in Fig. 2, arcing or high current sometimes occurs due to
potential difference between different feeding sections. In cases when Insulated Insulated
a train stops at an insulated overlap, localized heating of the contact overlap overlap

wire might melt the material, severing the contact wire. Trains are
Fig. 1 Overview of an Insulated Overlap and Uninsulated Overlap
therefore prohibited from stopping at insulated overlaps but may
stop there in cases such as emergencies. Thus, we have to clarify the
detailed causes of contact wire severing by arcing and address those.
We have carried out arcing tests between the contact wire and the
pantograph1) – 3), clarifying the current at arcing and at contact wire
severing as well as conditions of potential difference and gaps between
the contact wire and the pantograph. Furthermore, we have found in difference

the evaluation of arc resistance of different types and diameters of Potential difference causes arcing between
the contact wire and the pantograph
contact wire and different structures of the contact line system that at insufficient insulation

catenaries with aluminum cases lines have excellent resistance4).

Fig. 2 Arcing at an Insulated Overlap
Based on the findings above, we developed TC type insulated
overlaps with aluminum cases. Those can be installed at existing
insulated overlaps locations and have good radiation of arcing
heat and a function of relieving tension of the contact wire in case 2 Overview of the Development
of softening. In the development, we also carried out tests on
wind pressure, current collection, mechanical strength and arcing 2.1 Development Concept
to confirm that arcing would not sever the contact wire even if To prevent severing of the contact wire by arcing, contact line system
a train stopped at an insulated overlap. We also confirmed that components should have the following two features.
the developed insulated overlaps have sufficient performance as (1) High radiation function to reduce heating of the contact wire
components of the contact line system. The following sections of (2) A function relieves the tension of the contact wire in cases where
this article will introduce the developed insulated overlaps and give the tensile strength of the contact wire drops due to softening in
an overview of the tests. heating

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We therefore conducted development to meet the following 5) Structure that is easy to install
conditions, based on use of an aluminum case. (2) Connection fitting
• Application to existing insulated overlaps The connection fitting is a joint to connect aluminum cases shown in
• Arc resistance in case a train stops at an insulated overlap Fig. 5. It has the strength to take over the tension of the contact wire
• Satisfaction of wind pressure characteristics, current collection in case it softens and the durability as an overhead contact line.
characteristics and other mechanical characteristics as a component
of the contact line system 47 mm

2.2 Basic Study 42 mm

The size of the aluminum case, an important element of this

development, has to meet the following contradicting characteristics.
Contact wire
1) Items where a large size is desirable
→ Arc resistance, tensile strength and other mechanical Fig. 4 Cross-Section Fig. 5 Connection Fitting
characteristics of the Aluminum Case
2) Items where a small size is desirable
→ Wind pressure characteristics, current collection characteristics (3) End clamp
So, we examined and set targets for cross-sectional shape, cross- End clamps are metal fixtures attached to the ends of the aluminum
sectional height and unit weight of the aluminum sheath in theory. case to retain the tension that is transferred to the aluminum case
Then, based on the simulation results of the conditions that satisfy when the contact wire softens. Fig. 6 shows the shape and Fig. 7
the above-mentioned characteristics, we made some prototypes. illustrates the transfer of tension.
Finally, we carried out arcing tests in the laboratory, employing a (4) Stress relaxation fitting5)
prototype of a structure that is as light as possible while satisfying the Since the ends of the developed insulated overlap are the boundaries
required arc resistance. of the aluminum case and the contact wire as shown in Fig. 3, the
mass and rigidity per unit length varies. So, to reduce the impact
2.3 Developed Insulated Overlaps of a passing pantograph that might be big at the ends, we applied a
The developed insulated overlaps have a structure where the fixture stress relaxation fitting shown in Fig. 5.
shown in Fig. 3 can be installed on the cross section of the insulated
overlap shown in Fig. 2, and they consist mainly of the following
four parts.

Aluminum case End clamp Fig. 6 End Clamp

2.5 m

End clamp

Connection fitting Stress relaxation fitting Normal

Contact wire

Fig. 3 Overview of TC Type Insulated Overlaps Arcing

Contact wire softens

No tension
(1) Aluminum case Tension on contact wire
The aluminum case is the most important component in this
development. It has a large surface area, and the part that is Fig. 7 Transfer of Tension
connected to the contact wire is thick. This allows it to radiate the
heat applied to the contact wire due to arcing and relieve the tension
of the contact wire when the contact wire becomes soft. Based on
examination of the shape of the aluminum case for the following
conditions, we adopted the shape shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 8 Stress Relaxation Fitting
1) Shape that has the largest possible surface area and volume to
enhance heat radiation in case of arcing
2) Structure that has the strength to take over the tension of the
contact wire in case it softens and durability as an overhead
contact line
3) Structure that is as light as possible to enhance the current
collection of the pantograph when passing
4) Structure that has the smallest possible height and width to
enhance the wind pressure characteristic against strong wind

46 JR EAST Technical Review-No.13

Interpretive article

3 Wind Pressure Characteristics 20 m/s

Lift per unit length FL (N/m)

30 m/s

For installation of the aluminum case, the following two points in

wind gusts had to be checked.
(1) Galloping and other unusual vibration of the contact lines
(2) Drag per unit length of the aluminum case to identify the lateral
displacement to prevent dewirement of pantographs
We measured in a wind tunnel the wind pressure characteristic of Angle of attack θ (deg)
the sample prototype shown in Fig. 9. The measurement conditions
are as follows. FD is the drag (horizontal force), and FL is the lift Fig. 11 Measurement Results of Lift per Unit Length
(vertical force).
• Wind speed: 20 m/s, 30 m/s (the same as the train running speed)
• Wind direction: 0º, ±8º, ±16º, ±30º, ±45º
4 Mechanical Characteristics
48 mm

We carried out mechanical characteristic tests on the developed

42 mm insulated overlaps to confirm mechanical strength. Table 1 shows
Wind the test results, each of which met the specified value. We also tested
by severing the contact wire if the tension of the contact wire is
Contact wire
(a) Sample measured (b) Wind direction and transferred to the aluminum case when the contact wire softened as
force direction shown in Fig. 7. The transfer of tension of the contact wire is one
Fig. 9 Sample for Wind Pressure Tests and Wind Directions of the important functions of the developed insulated overlaps. The
tension was transferred to the aluminum case as expected, and we
discovered no problems with the tensile strength of the aluminum
Fig. 10 shows the drag per unit length, and Fig. 11 shows the lift case. We therefore confirmed that the mechanical strength of the
per unit length of the sample measured, based on the wind pressure developed insulated overlaps met the target.
test result. The conditions where galloping occurs6) can be described
by formula (1). Drag is FD, the lift coefficient is FL and the angle of Table 1 Mechanical Strength Test Results
attack is θ.
Test item Target spec. Test result
Tensile load 33 kN
Aluminum Max. tensile load 45 kN or more
case +20 – 0 mm amplitude
200 mil. times
Applying the results of Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 to formula (1), there is Tensile load 33 kN
no chance of galloping occurring at 20 m/s and 30 m/s wind speed. End clamp
Max. tensile load 45 kN or more
+20 – 0 mm amplitude
So, we can say that no unusual vibration of the contact lines occurs at 200 mil. times
Tensile load 33 kN
the wind speed of a running train.
Connection Max. tensile load 45 kN or more
When installing the aluminum case, however, the wind pressure fitting
+20 – 0 mm amplitude
200 mil. times
load will become larger than with the existing overhead contact line. +20 – 0 mm amplitude
So, we have to examine in the time of design whether to increase the relaxation fitting 200 mil. times

supports based on the conditions such as measurement result shown

in Fig. 10 and the tension of the overhead contact line, type and
support intervals of the overhead contact line.
5 Current Collection Characteristics
20 m/s
Drag per unit length FD (N/m)

30 m/s
Usually, current collection characteristics of the overhead contact
line are poor, the lower the total tensile of that contact line is and
the heavier it is. Since the developed insulated overlaps need to
have an aluminum case and other fixtures installed, the mass of the
overlap of the feeding sections is larger. Thus, the current collection
characteristics of the pantograph when passing may become poor.
Angle of attack θ (deg)
So, we checked the current collection characteristics of simple
catenary equipment using the current collection equipment of the
Fig. 10 Measurement Results of Drag per Unit Length
Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI). The equipment was
chosen because the simple catenary equipment has the smallest
total tension of the overhead contact line and the effect of installing

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Interpretive article
the developed insulated overlaps is expected to be large. Fig. 12
400 Line A Support 1

Strain of the contact wire

illustrates the measured overhead contact line and Fig. 13 shows the 300 Line B Support 3
test. 100

(X 10–6)
25 m 25 m
Line B 80 100 120 140 160
Line A
Running speed (km/h)
Line A Line B
Uplift of line A Uplift of line A Uplift of line B
at support 1 and Uplift of line B at support 3
at support 2 Fig. 15 Measurement Result of the Strain of the Contact Wire

Aluminum case 20 m

There was concern that overly large strain would occur at the ends
Fig. 12 Outline of Current Collection Test
of the TC type insulated overlaps where the linear density radically
changed. However, the results showed that the maximum value was
lower than 200 X 10–6. This could be because the stress relaxation
fitting limited such large stress.
The maximum actual strain of the aluminum case measured
was –117 X 10–6, which was much lower than the allowable value
of 1,817 X 10–6 that we calculated from the 129 N/mm2 8) fatigue
strength of the aluminum alloy.
We further measured the maximum contact loss time. If
Fig. 13 Current Collection Test
installation of the developed insulated overlaps causes overly long
contact loss, that might lead to power failure in the train at the usual
In the current collection characteristics test, we had to evaluate the running speed. The test results show that the longest contact loss at
following items. 120 km/h or less—actual running speed with the simple catenary
(1) Contact wire uplift at supports equipment—was 15 ms. That is lower than the allowable time of
Checked the possibility of overlifting that damages the overhead 20 ms7) with SIV (Static Inverter) auxiliary machine. At 150 km/h or
contact line less, the maximum contact loss time was 44 ms, which is lower than
(2) Strain of the contact wire and the aluminum case the allowable time of 200 ms when the auxiliary machine is a motor
Checked possibility of overstress of the contact wire and the generator. Hence, we can say that the developed insulated overlaps
aluminum case that leads to fatigue breakdown from vibration have no problem in terms of maximum contact loss time.
by passing pantographs.
(3) Maximum contact loss time
Checked possibility of overly long contact loss that causes power 6 Arc Tests Using an Actual Vehicle
failure in the train.
Fig. 14 shows the measurement results of contact wire uplift at the We carried out arc tests of the developed insulated overlaps, in the
supports. The results show that the maximum lift up was 48 mm, same conditions of trains being stopped and running under power at
much lower than the allowable value of 70 mm7). insulated overlaps of feeding sections. In the test, no severing of the
Fig. 15 shows the measurement results of strain of the contact wire contact wire from melting occurred, confirming high arc resistance
at the support points. The result shows that the maximum strain was characteristics9).
339 X 10–6 7), much lower than the allowable value of 500 X 10–6 7). Then, we installed the developed insulated overlaps to the insulated
overlap locations of feeding sections and carried out arc tests using an

Line A Support 1
actual vehicle. In the tests, we simulated as follows a train stopping
Contact wire uplift (mm)

 Line A Support 2
Line B Support 2
and then running at the insulated overlaps.
 Line B Support 3
1) Setting of potential difference at the insulated overlap locations
 We set the potential difference between different power supplies at

150V, which is around the maximum potential difference actually
measured at insulated overlaps

     2) Train stopped at the insulated overlap
Running speed (km/h)
We stopped a vehicle at the insulated overlap to cause insufficient
Fig. 14 Measurement Results of Contact Wire Uplift contact between the contact wire of the side with higher potential
and the contact strip, making continuous arcing occur. Then we
applied for five minutes 100A current equivalent to the auxiliary

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Interpretive article

3) Running under power from the insulated overlap 8 Conclusion

After stopping for five minutes, we started the vehicle at the
insulated overlap and applied when starting approx. 300A arc As explained, we developed TC type insulated overlaps that have high
current equivalent to that at powered running. arc resistance characteristics for insulated overlaps. The insulated
Fig. 16 shows arcing in the test and the Fig. 17 shows the overlap functions and the findings in the tests are as follows.
measurement results of the temperature increase at the contact wire (1) The aluminum case, a major component, can radiate the heat
and the aluminum case. The highest temperature at the contact from arcing and take over the tension of the contact wire if the
wire in this test was 273°C and that of the aluminum case, 257°C, contact wire softens.
much lower than the 500°C at which the contact wire melts and is (2) There is no possibility of galloping and other unusual vibration
severed. And we found no affects such as softening of the contact at the wind speed of 30 m/s or less when a train is running.
wire from arcing, even after running. Thus, we could confirm that (3) The mechanical strength test results show that the developed
the developed insulated overlaps have high arc resistance. insulated overlaps have sufficient mechanical strength as
components of the overhead contact line.
(4) The measurement results of uplift and strain of the contact wire,
deformation of the aluminum sheath and maximum contact
loss time showed that the developed insulated overlaps have no
problems in terms of current collection performance in simple
catenary equipment.
(5) The arc tests using an actual vehicle proved high arc resistance
Fig. 16 Arc Test Using an Actual Vehicle characteristics of the developed insulated overlaps.
These results proved that the developed insulated overlaps have
no problems in actual use for the overhead contact line. We are
Contact wire therefore carrying out field tests on the Ome and Tohoku main lines
Aluminum case
for further checks.
Temperature (ºC)

Stopped 1) Hitoshi Hayashiya et al.: Experimental results to discuss the pos-
sibility of the breaking of contact wire exposed to the arc between
Time (sec.) the wire and pantograph caused by snowfall, the Institute of
Electrical Engineers of Japan, Transportation and Electric Railway
Fig. 17 Temperature Measurement Results Technical Committee, TER-04-05, pp. 19 – 24 (2004)
2) Hitoshi Hayashiya et al.: Heat transfer simulation of the trolley
wire and its comparison with experimental results, the Institute of
Electrical Engineers of Japan, Transportation and Electric Railway
7 Field Tests Technical Committee, TER-06-40, pp. 1 – 6 (2006)
3) Hitoshi Hayashiya et al.: Relation between pantograph movement
As we confirmed that the developed insulated overlaps have good and the breaking of the trolley caused by arc, J-rail 2005, S8-4-7,
arc resistance characteristics and function as a components of the pp. 47 – 50
overhead contact line, we installed the developed insulated overlaps 4) Takahiro Hamada et al.: Evaluation for Contact Wires Breaking-
to the insulated overlap locations between Tachikawa and Nishi- Resistance Performance by Arc at Air Section, General Meeting of
Tachikawa on the Ome line and between Saitama-Shintoshin and the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan in 2007, No. 5-186,
Omiya on the Tohoku main line to carry out field tests. pp. 284 – 285
We have observed good results so far. Fig. 18 shows the installed 5) Masatoshi Shimizu et al.: Development of Transition Structures
insulated overlaps between Tachikawa and Nishi-Tachikawa on the Between Overhead Rigid Conductor Line and Catenary-Type Contact
Ome line. Line, Quarterly report of RTRI, Vol. 21, No. 10, October 2007
6) Den Hartog, translated by Osamu Taniguchi et al.: Mechanical
Vibrations, CORONA Publishing Co., Ltd., 1967
7) RTRI: Catenary and Pantograph Lecture, Ken-yu sha Inc.,
November 2002
8) Japan Aluminium Association: Aluminium Handbook, Japan
Aluminium Association, January 2007
9) Kentaro Nishi et al.: Development experiment of high-heat
radiation catenary (TC Type air section), General Meeting of the
Fig. 18 Installed Insulated Overlaps Between Tachikawa and Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan in 2008, No. 5-90,
Nishi-Tachikawa on the Ome Line pp. 145 – 146

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