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January 30, 2018

Nevada Congressional Delegation:

Nevada’s Healthcare Community Increasingly Concerned as Funding Deadline


As you know, our coalition of Nevada’s health care and human service consumers, workers,
providers, and insurers has been paying close attention to the debate over health care and
health care funding in Congress.

We are particularly concerned about programs that affect millions of low- and moderate-
income families and the providers that serve them. As the months have passed since the
October 1 expiration date, these Nevadans have grown increasingly worried about the

While we were pleased that Congress acted last week to fully fund the Children’s Health
Insurance Program for six years, we were very disappointed that no action was taken on
other important health care measures that ensure Nevadans’ access to coverage and care,

 Postponing the Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital cuts, which will take $3.9
million from our state’s rural and urban safety net hospitals this year.
 Extending the Health Centers Fund, which provides much needed funding to
Federally Qualified Health Centers across Nevada.
 Funding the cost-sharing reduction payments, which contribute towards the costs of
insuring moderate-income Nevadans.
 Extending the Medicare Dependent Hospital program and Low Volume payment
adjustment, which provides critical support for rural and small community

We strongly urge you to address these issues in any continuing resolution passed by the
new February 8 deadline, rather than postponing them to a full 2017-18 budget bill to be
considered in March.

Many of you have expressed strong support for these programs, which help ensure that
Nevadans from every income level have access to high-quality healthcare in all parts of the
state. The delay in funding is causing increasing stress and uncertainty for consumers and
providers alike, and we ask you to do everything you can to address these issues by
February 8.


SEIU Nevada Local 1107

Children’s Advocacy Alliance
Family TIES of Nevada
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
Nevadans Together for Medicaid
Community Health Alliance
Foundation for Positively Kids

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