AC2147 - Flight Test Safety

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The document discusses various types of flight testing and safety considerations for conducting flight tests.

The different types of flight testing mentioned are certification flight testing, experimental/developmental flight testing, and production flight testing.

The document lists factors like allocation of safety equipment, airfield/airspace conditions, ground support, and any other aspects that are considered in a flight test risk assessment.


AC 21-47(0) APRIL 2012

1. References 1  Part 21 of CASR 1998, Certification
2. Purpose 2 and Airworthiness Requirements for
Aircraft and Parts.
3. Status of this advisory circular 2
 CASA Type Certification Procedures
4. Acronyms 2 Manual, Version 1.1, November 2001.
5. Definitions 2  AC 21-10(2) – Experimental
6. Background 2 Certificates, July 2011.
7. Resources 3  AC 21-13(0) – Australian Designed
Aircraft – Type Certification,
8. Flight test planning and preparation 8
September 1999.
9. Hazard analysis / risk management 10  CAAP SMS-1(0) – Safety Management
10. Flight test operations 11 Systems for Regular Public Transport
11. Summary 14 Operations, January 2009.
Appendix A - Terms and abbreviations 15  CAAP SMS-2(0) – Integration of
Human Factors into Safety
Appendix B - Spin recovery parachutes for
Management Systems, January 2009.
light aeroplanes 17
 CAAP SMS-3(1) – Non-Technical
Appendix C - Generic flight test plan Skills Training and Assessment for
contents 21 Regular Public Transport Operations,
Appendix D - Flight test hazard analysis / risk April 2011.
management 25  ‘Emergency Bailout Procedures’ by
Appendix E - Experimental certificate - flight Allen Silver; published in ‘Soaring’ and
test - risk assessment 37 ‘Sport Aerobatics’ magazines, June to
August 1992, revised May 2003.
 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Order 4040.26A – Aircraft Certification
Service Flight Safety Program, January
Advisory Circulars are intended to provide advice and guidance to illustrate a means, but not necessarily the only
means, of complying with the Regulations, or to explain certain regulatory requirements by providing
informative, interpretative and explanatory material.
Where an AC is referred to in a ‘Note’ below the regulation, the AC remains as guidance material.
ACs should always be read in conjunction with the referenced regulations.
This AC has been approved for release by the Executive Manager Standards Development and Future
Technology Division.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 2

2.1 This Advisory Circular (AC) provides general safety information for those Civil Aviation
Safety Authority (CASA) staff, aircraft industry participants and amateur aircraft builders
involved with any of the flight testing requirements of Part 21 of the Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).
2.2 This AC applies to:
 people responsible for, or participating in, the flight testing of aircraft certificated or
manufactured under Part 21 of CASR 1998;
 applicants for, or authorised persons and CASA officers issuing, Experimental
Certificates under Regulation 21.191 of CASR 1998; and
 amateur aircraft builders and their flight test pilots.


3.1 This is the first AC to be issued on this subject.

4.1 Terms and abbreviations are listed at Appendix A of this AC.

5.1 For the purposes of this document:
Crew Resource Management (CRM) means a team training and operational philosophy with the
objective of ensuring the effective use of all available resources to achieve safe and efficient
flight operations.
Certification Flight Testing means those flight tests conducted for the purpose of demonstrating,
or verifying, compliance with the applicable airworthiness standard.
Experimental/Developmental Flight Testing means those flight tests conducted for the purpose
of defining or expanding an aircraft’s flight envelope.

Flight Test means the process of developing and gathering data during operation and flight of an
aircraft and then analysing that data to evaluate the flight characteristics of the aircraft
(Subregulation 21.35 of CASR 1998 refers). In this AC flight test does not mean a practical test
of a person’s knowledge and practical flying skill (as per Part 1 of CAR 1988).
Production Flight Testing means those flight tests conducted for the purpose of ensuring each
individual aircraft conforms with its Type Design and is in a condition for safe operation.

6.1 A variety of flight test operations are conducted by sectors of the aviation industry in
Australia. These range from the experimental, developmental and certification flight testing of
new aircraft types, or of any modification to older types, to the post-production testing of newly
manufactured aircraft. Regular flight test activity is also being undertaken by members of
Australian amateur aircraft-building associations. Flight testing can involve varying levels of risk.
While, in many cases risk levels will be low, and possibly no more than encountered during the
normal operations of certificated aircraft, in other instances significant hazards may be present.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 3

Also some phases of many test programs, like evaluating stall handling, spinning or flutter
characteristics, should always be approached with an extra measure of caution. Since the majority
of Australian civilian flight test operations are performed under the auspices of one or more of the
subparts to Part 21 of CASR 1998 CASA has an obligation to provide advice regarding reducing
the risks involved. This AC offers some such advice.
6.2 The AC will cover, in general, the provision of resources for an efficient but safety-
conscious flight test and evaluation (FT&E) organisation, test planning principles, hazard
analysis and risk management procedures and some ideas that may be applicable during actual
flight test operations. It also provides references to other relevant publications and websites.
6.3 While the information in this AC may be applicable to the flight testing of all aircraft
types it is focussed more toward the test operations of those at the lighter-weight and lower-speed
ends of the scale, principally those in the primary, normal, utility, acrobatic or amateur-built

7.1 Engineering or operational organisations involved with flight testing, be they
multinational corporations or individual consultancies, should be properly resourced. Access to
qualified personnel, functional equipment and appropriate services facilitates safe operations and
allows for efficiency in project progression. Resourcing considerations are best set out in an
organisational procedures manual as outlined at paragraph 7.2 of this AC. Selected aspects are
discussed in more detail at paragraphs 7.3 to 7.7 of this AC.

Procedures Manual
7.2 Describing and documenting the procedures used by an organisation is always a sound
idea and is also required, in some circumstances, by the regulations (for example, companies
manufacturing aircraft under Subpart 21.G of CASR 1998 are expected to do so in accordance
with a quality system procedures manual). Flight test resourcing, procedural and safety aspects
can be integrated within an organisation’s wider procedures manual however they are more suited
to inclusion in a sub-manual, or volume, on their own as such an arrangement affords ready and
easy reference to all information that may be needed in preparation for or during operations. A
flight test procedures manual would probably include sections detailing:
 an overview of the types of flight test operation to be conducted;
 organisational structure;
 management responsibilities and authorities;
 personnel qualification, experience, currency and training requirements;
 operational policies and limitations;
 test planning procedures and reporting formats;
 flight test technique and reference publications;
 aircraft modification procedures and restrictions;
 test instrumentation;
 ground support facilities;
 use of safety and photographic chase aircraft;
 airspace, test area and range definitions;
 safety equipment;
 emergency services; and
 hazard analysis and risk management policies and procedures.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 4

Flight Test Personnel

7.3 While many, maybe all, of an organisation’s personnel roster could have some role to play
during flight test operations the primary responsibilities rest with management, engineering and
aircrew staff.
 Management: Management may have varying levels of working involvement in actual
flight test activity. Whether immediately engaged or not managers must realise that they
hold direct responsibility for the safety aspects of flight test operations. In all cases a
supervisory position that provides higher level project guidance, does not become
meddlesome and that is focussed on risk management will be the most beneficial input
from a senior manager. An understanding of the ways in which project progression often
puts pressure on the flight test phase, and an intention to alleviate such pressure, is also
essential (see paragraph 10.9 of this AC). Managers serious about operational safety will
also find relevant information in CASA’s series of Civil Aviation Advisory Publications
(CAAPs) on Safety Management Systems – see the References list. While these CAAPs
focus on operations under an Air Operators Certificate many of the principles could be
easily applied to an FT&E organisation.
 Engineers: Engineering specialists will be engaged in aircraft development or
modification projects from beginning to end. The flight testing phase will most likely
include the design engineers and will benefit greatly from the participation of a qualified
Flight Test Engineer (FTE). For projects where the test flying is being conducted by
other than a professional Test Pilot (TP) the involvement of an FTE will add
significantly to the efficiency and safety of the program. The FTE will take control of the
test planning process and then, during flight operations, be able to assist aircrew
inexperienced in the test flying environment through acting in the test director role and
managing the data gathering duties.
 Test Pilots: Test flying will inevitably involve aircrew additional to the FTE. Since flight
test operations do not fall under any of the commercial purposes defined at
Regulation 206 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988) the minimum
qualification a pilot in Australia must hold in order to carry out test flying in an
experimental aircraft is a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) with the endorsements appropriate
to the type or class of aircraft being flown. Regulation 5.50 of CAR 1988 also allows
CASA, in certain cases, to issue a permission in writing for a PPL holder to fly an aircraft
for the purpose of ‘(i) testing the aeroplane; or (ii) carrying out an experiment in relation
to the aeroplane’ without those endorsements. While the regulations do not force a
requirement for the pilot acting as TP to hold any specific test flying qualifications or
knowledge the engagement of a person so qualified will normally enhance the efficiency,
progression and safety elements of the program. Additionally though, it would be most
unwise for the initial flight tests of a prototype aircraft, or for an aircraft of an established
type which has been substantially modified, to be carried out by other than a pilot with
such flight test knowledge and experience. Stability and control problems might only
become apparent after first flight liftoff, and appropriate technical understanding and skill
may be essential to avert a catastrophic event. Advice regarding professional flight test
aircrew can be obtained from:

Professional flight test crew normally gain their qualifications through completing a 12 month course of formal
training at a recognised Test Pilot School. Shorter courses followed by focussed ‘on-the-job’ experience in an active
flight test organisation may also be used.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 5

○ CASA Test Pilot, Airworthiness Engineering Branch, GPO Box 2005, ACT, 2601,
Telephone 131 757; and/or
○ Flight Test Society of Australia:

Qualifications, Experience, Currency and Training

7.4 All personnel involved in flight test operations should be appropriately qualified,
experienced and current. The nature and scope of the project will dictate what qualifications the
flight test aircrew will most suitably possess. A formal experimental test flying certificate does
not, in itself, necessarily mean that the holder is the best person to employ for a specific flight test
project. For example, a qualified TP, who graduated from Test Pilot School over thirty years ago
and who has only operated military fast jets or transport category airliners since that date, may
not be the ideal pilot to choose for the developmental test flying of a Light Sport Aircraft with a
tail-wheel landing gear configuration. If, however, they had also regularly spent weekends at the
local aero club flying similar machines they would probably be well suited. The point is that,
when selecting a suitable TP for a specific project, relevant experience and currency in the
aircraft type, or in types similar to that being tested, is just as important as any formal
qualification. In all cases general refresher and focussed work-up training is advisable prior to
embarking on actual project test flying. Additional considerations with respect to suitable TPs for
various scenarios are as follows:
 Experimental/Developmental Flight Testing: The initial and developmental test flying
for newly designed or substantially modified aircraft will be most safely conducted under
the command* of a qualified professional TP. A sufficiently and appropriately
experienced pilot who does not hold formal TP qualifications may be suitable for some
simple projects, or for the mundane aspects of more complicated ones after the initial
envelope expansion has been conducted, but would best be employed with the assistance
of an experienced FTE.
 Certification Flight Testing: Certification flight testing will also be best conducted by a
professional TP, preferably one with specific certification experience, or with guidance
from an experienced certification engineering team. Under the supervision of such a team
a sufficiently and appropriately experienced pilot who does not hold formal TP
qualifications may be a suitable alternative, however, if the aircraft under test exhibits any
handling or operational characteristics that could be considered only marginally compliant
with the applicable airworthiness standard then a certification TP should still be
 Production Flight Testing: In the production case the advisability of the TP having
experimental test flying qualifications and experience is not necessarily as strong as for
the developmental or certification cases, although it could still be appropriate. Either way
the best production TP is going to be someone with a solid background in operating the
general type of aircraft being produced and preferably extensive experience on the actual
model - i.e. someone who knows the aircraft well and who can easily detect any
anomalies with its performance, handling or systems that would constitute non
compliances with the production test schedule.

In the case of the modification of some large multi-crew aircraft the TP may not necessarily be the command pilot
but should occupy an appropriate control seat and be the flying pilot for the test sequences.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 6

7.5 The provision of flight test instrumentation can entail the use of simple tools like hand-
held force gauges, flight control position measuring tapes and the aircraft’s installed flight and
engine instruments, or sophisticated suites built in to the systems onboard prototype aircraft and
monitoring multiple measurands. The design, installation and use of such instrumentation is a
multifaceted topic in its own right and beyond the scope of this AC. Many authoritative
references are available. Nevertheless, the provision of test instrumentation tools or systems that
are simple and easy to use will improve flight test efficiency and thereby enhance flight safety.
The less time the test aircrew have to spend setting up and manipulating instrumentation or
directly recording data while airborne the more time they have for accurately flying the test
points, monitoring results and maintaining operational situational awareness.

Safety Equipment
7.6 Some flight test operations, for instance those in support of an innocuous modification of
an established aircraft type, may be safely conducted in the shirtsleeve environment of an
everyday cockpit. However any test program or sortie that entails elevated levels of risk will
justify the use of safety equipment additional to that normally used in or fitted to an aircraft under
a standard Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA). Some considerations are as follows:
 Flying Clothing: Various items of specialised flying clothing are recommended. Flying
suits and jackets, particularly those made from Nomex or any similar flame retardant
material provide sensible covering of exposed skin areas. Suitable flying gloves and
sturdy boots afford additional protection. For the early flights of an experimental or major
developmental program, and for any flight in which there is a chance that the aircraft may
be subject to a loss of control near or on the ground, or may have to be abandoned while
airborne, a protective helmet should also be worn.
 Escape Assistance: Subregulation 21.35 (4) of CASR 1998 gives the following
requirement in relation to certification flight testing: ‘Each applicant must show CASA for
each flight test…that adequate provision is made for the flight test crew for emergency
egress and the use of parachutes.’ A number of modifications or additions can be made to
an experimental aircraft that will facilitate the ability of the aircrew to escape from it
should they need to. For emergency exit from an aircraft while it is still on, or has
returned to, the ground standard exit provisions can be supplemented by supplying the
crew with crash axes or canopy breakers. Large aircraft should be provided with escape
ropes at all exits. Abandoning an aircraft while airborne entails additional exit
considerations especially since, in an emergency situation, there will probably not be
much time available and the aircraft may be gyrating out of control. Doors and canopies
should be modified to allow for quick, easy opening and jettison (for example, in small
aeroplanes, hinges can be removed and replaced with temporary fastenings that enable the
door to be simply pushed or kicked open and clear of the airframe). More than one way
out should be available and cleared. In larger aircraft, knotted escape ropes, ladders or
nets set up along the walls of each compartment, which enable the crew to reach the
exit(s) in a dark, tumbling cabin, are simple and inexpensive additions. Harnesses should
be easily releasable as should any other attachments between the crew and the aircraft
(e.g. intercom leads). Consideration to providing a ‘weak link’ to such attachments may
be worthwhile. Aircrew, when kitted out in boots, helmet, personal parachute and any
other survival equipment, should ensure that they are still able to fit easily through all
emergency exits.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 7

 Personal Parachutes: The type of personal parachute – pack, harness and canopy – most
suitable for flight test projects will depend on the size and configuration of the aircraft
under test and the size and weight of the individual crewmembers. The TP, when wearing
the parachute and strapped in to his/her seat, must retain full freedom of movement and
access to all controls. The slim-pack chute designs favoured by glider pilots are often also
the most suitable for use during flight test operations. Regardless, any parachute must be
personally fitted and adjusted to its wearer and must be serviceable (inspected and
repacked within the previous six months by a qualified rigger). Additionally, flight test
personnel will be wearing and, maybe, using personal parachutes as emergency
equipment. As such, they will probably not be experienced or trained parachutists and
advice from a professional parachuting organisation or authority should be sought. The
Australian Parachute Federation ( may be able to provide information
directly or supply contact details for the nearest qualified specialist. See also the
References at paragraph 1 of this AC.
 Ancillary Equipment: Depending on the normal equipment fit-out of the test aircraft,
and the area over which the test operations are to be conducted, the provision of additional
safety equipment may be warranted. Items to consider are fire extinguishers, emergency
oxygen systems and smoke hoods, survival packs, emergency beacons and radios, knives,
lifejackets and dinghies.
 Spin Recovery Systems: Prudent program managers will have a prototype or certification
aircraft subject to spin testing, or to any testing at high angles of attack where there is a
danger of departure from controlled flight, fitted with a system that can assist with
recovery from a spin should normal flight control inputs prove ineffective. Various spin
recovery systems have been developed or tried over the years. By far the most successful,
especially in relation to the flight testing of small aeroplanes, is the tail mounted, anti-spin
parachute. Information that may assist in developing such parachute systems is provided
at Appendix B of this AC. Alternative methods, generally more complex, expensive and
less reliable, include rockets, wing and nose mounted parachutes, and moveable or
jettisonable ballast systems. As per Section 6.4 of the Type Certification Procedures
Manual, CASA personnel will not conduct any spin testing required during an aircraft
type certification program unless a spin recovery system, preferably an anti-spin
parachute, has been fitted to the test aircraft.

Facilities and Ground Support

7.7 Flight test support can range from complex to simple. However, whether the facilities
provided to the flight test organisation include engineering flight simulators and advanced flight
following telemetry systems or are restricted to a corner in the hangar, some basic requirements
remain the same. Safety considerations include:
 Flight Following: It is a good idea to have someone on the ground monitoring the
progress of a test aircraft while it is operating. Certain sorties will also warrant the
provision of a safety chase aircraft (see paragraph 10.6 of this AC). A sophisticated test
operations centre will enable the engineering crew to follow the entire flight, observe the
progression of the test sequences, monitor data trends and maybe intervene if any
dangerous bias is noticed. While such specialist facilities may not always be available,
having an engineering or operational team member follow the test flight using a radio
capable of monitoring discrete frequencies and a pair of binoculars can be as valuable.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 8

 Airfield and Airspace: Factors affecting the choice of airfield from which flight test
operations are to be conducted can vary with the type of testing being undertaken.
Generally the ideal airfield will be one equipped with long, wide, sealed runways
bordered by unobstructed and level surrounds. The availability of suitable forced landing
areas off the airfield itself is also important. Flight testing is best conducted away from
urban or populated areas and such will be a restriction placed on the applicable
experimental certificate when issued by CASA or an authorised person (see paragraph 9.5
of this AC). These considerations usually mean that major city airfields are unsuitable,
especially if the test program involves a new or substantially modified aircraft. Similar
factors are applicable when considering the airspace in which the test exercises will be
conducted. Preference should be to operate away from busy air-traffic centres or air-
routes, although in some circumstance, for example systems testing in transport category
aircraft, the protection afforded through using controlled airspace and the positive
separation or traffic advice provided therein may be appropriate.
 Emergency Services: Ideally, the airfield from which test operations are conducted will
be supported by certified rescue and fire fighting services, although these are normally
only provided for major airports with a significantly large number of daily aircraft
movements. For test flights out of smaller or regional airfields, especially for any first or
high risk flights, the local fire station and ambulance service should be advised of the
details of the times and areas of operation. In some cases local members of the State
Emergency Service, or similar organisations, may be able to make themselves available to
act as dedicated rescue crew. Whether emergency service personnel are assigned or casual
they should be provided with relevant information such as the location of airfield entry
gates and the layout of the surrounding road network. A map or satellite photo of the local
area, overlaid with crash locater gridlines, will be a worthwhile supplementary aid.
Emergency crews must also be specifically briefed regarding the test aircraft – for
example, manipulation of normal and emergency exits or access points, fuel, engine and
electrical controls and how to operate them, the location of any hazardous stores, cargo,
systems or fixtures.


8.1 The more thoroughly a test program, or an individual flight test sortie, is planned the less
likely it will be that things will go wrong, or, if they do go wrong, the more likely it will be that
the test team will be prepared and able to deal safely with the problem. Some factors relating to
flight test planning are outlined in the following paragraphs. Hazard analysis/risk management is
discussed in more detail in section 9 of this AC.

Test From Inside Out

8.2 The basic premise used in planning any flight test exercise should be that of going from
the centre of an envelope toward its edges – going from test conditions of low or known risk
levels toward those of the increased or unknown. The principle holds up no matter what
parameter or envelope is being expanded (e.g. Airspeed/Altitude; Weight/Centre of Gravity
(CG)). For example, when testing a new or modified aircraft it would be sensible to evaluate
stability and handling characteristics initially with the CG in a more forward position and then to
carefully move it aft. Additionally, the stall speed should be measured with the CG in a forward
position and then, providing stall handling is acceptable in the forward CG case, stalling
characteristics should be further evaluated as the CG is moved aft.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 9

Associated sub-principles are, firstly, that test point increments should be small, especially as the
edges of an envelope predicted by the design engineer are approached, and secondly, testing
should be discontinued if, as these small increments are applied, unpredicted or unsafe trends are
encountered. Any unexpected or marginal behaviours encountered during this process of stepping
toward the design limit should cause a halt until the unforeseen phenomena are properly
analysed. Unsatisfactory characteristics may warrant engineering modifications or the application
of operational limits (i.e. the edge(s) of the envelope forecast at the design stage are truncated
prior to the aircraft being cleared for operational service).

Test Plan Contents

8.3 There are valid and different ways a flight test plan (FTP), or ‘schedule’, can be compiled.
One suggested outline/list of contents for a certification flight test plan is at Appendix C of this
AC. In the case of type certification projects, there is no regulatory requirement for CASA to
approve, or even review, an applicant’s certification flight test plan. However, such review is
available as part of the aircraft type certification process and, as well as enabling CASA to check
that all required areas of the airworthiness standard are to be covered, it will also allow for an
objective authority to consider and perhaps provide suggestions regarding the safety aspects of
the plan.

8.4 Besides compilation of the test plan there are other preparatory issues that will require
consideration, for example engineering, resource and budgetary matters will vary with the size of
individual projects. In regards to flight test safety, there are additional preliminary aspects that
can be addressed:
 General and Safety Training: The overall competency status of personnel who will be
involved in the flight test program can be enhanced through general safety training. Many
course options such as first aid, Occupational Health and Safety and accident
investigation are available and can be of benefit. Survival training is advisable, especially
where test operations will be conducted over water or in remote locations. Specific
training, depending on the nature of the flight test program, may also be required. For
example; teams involved in flutter testing should have a good knowledge of the principles
of aeroelasticity, while upset recovery training is highly recommended for all high speed
test participants. Helicopter underwater escape training is well worth consideration and
could be treated as a prerequisite for any crew involved in testing rotary-wing aircraft
over water (shipboard landings, oil rig platform operations, etc.).
 Work-Up Training: Focussed work-up training is advisable prior to embarking on actual
project test flying. This would also entail aircraft or type related crew familiarisation,
endorsement or refresher training. The test specific work-up program, which may best be
flown in either an engineering flight simulator, an example of the test aircraft or a
similarly configured type, should cover practice in the individual flight test techniques to
be used. This is particularly relevant to any testing that involves elevated risk profiles.
Familiarity with, and practice at, loss of control (LOC) procedures is especially
recommended. Rehearsal of test sortie profiles, during which the most efficient and safest
sequence for flying the test points is developed, may also be of benefit. Planning and risk
management practices should be applied to work-up training programs in the same
manner as they are applied to the actual testing.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 10

 Safety Review and Authorisation: A process whereby test plans and preparations are
reviewed prior to implementation is well worthwhile. Reviews within test and project
teams are part of normal procedure but value is often added by having independent
specialists carry out an appraisal as well. A final review and formal authorisation process
on the part of the appropriate manager or chief test pilot provides another layer of
protection. Also, as per paragraph 8.3 of this AC, CASA review of certification flight test
plans is available.


9.1 Project managers are strongly urged to conduct a detailed hazard analysis/risk
management exercise as part of the test planning and the ongoing flight testing processes. Risk
management is known by many acronyms and can be simple or detailed. Principally, it involves
the application of common sense to the flight test program and to aircraft operations in general.
Formally it is a process by which:
 hazards are identified;
 an assessment is made of the risks involved;
 mitigating procedures are established to reduce or eliminate the risks; and
 a conscious decision is made, at the appropriate level of authority, to accept residual risk.

General Flight Test Hazard Analysis/Risk Management References

9.2 Advice regarding flight test safety and hazard analysis/risk management procedures can
be obtained from the following:
 The CASA Test Pilot or Flight Test Engineer (Airworthiness Engineering Branch, CASA,
GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601, Telephone 131 757);
 FAA Order 4040.26A, available through the FAA website (;
 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Flight Test Safety Database
 The National Test Pilot School website (; and
 Pilot’s Handbook for Critical and Exploratory Flight Testing available through the
Society of Experimental Test Pilots.
9.3 Fundamental risk management information is provided at Australian/New Zealand
Standard – Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009). A good
reference for general flying risk management information is the FAA’s ‘Risk Management
Handbook’ also available through the FAA website.

Flight Test Hazard Analysis/Risk Management Procedures

9.4 Risk management is normally conducted through a safety review process in which a flight
test plan is examined by project and non-project personnel in order to draw out potential hazards
and recommend mitigating (or minimising) procedures. It should consider the risks to other
airspace users and persons on the ground and water as well as to the aircraft under test. Risk
management can be carried out informally, however, most benefit will be gained through
formalising the process and writing down the outcomes in a risk management plan. More
information and some suggested procedures are available at Appendix D of this AC.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 11

Experimental Certificates – Risk Assessment

9.5 The operation of experimental aircraft, especially those flown during the test phases of
developmental or modification projects, can, by its very nature, involve elevated levels of risk. So
there are no regulations attempting to limit the risks involved, or stipulating that an operator of
such experimental aircraft carry out the formal risk management procedures, with respect to the
aircraft itself or the occupants thereof, as recommended in the preceding paragraphs.
Nevertheless paragraph 21.193 (c) of CASR 1998 requires that an applicant for an experimental
certificate provide CASA or the authorised person with any information reasonably needed to
enable the imposition of conditions or limitations necessary in the interests of the safety of other
airspace users and persons on the ground or water. This implies that at least a fundamental risk
management process considering the safety of other persons must be conducted. CASA
AC 21-10(2) – Experimental Certificates, provides information and guidance to those CASA
officers or authorised persons who, in the course of contemplating an application for an
experimental certificate, need to assess whether information sufficient to satisfy the requirements
of paragraph 21.193 (c) of CASR 1998 has been submitted. This guidance is reprinted at
Appendix E of this AC. Authorised persons and amateur builders are also referred to the valuable
risk management advice available through the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia.


10.1 Once suitable resources have been put into place, a comprehensive FTP has been
compiled, a common-sense hazard analysis/risk management exercise has been conducted and
appropriate preparatory training is completed the flight testing itself will probably proceed in as
safe a manner as any other typical flying operation. While normal operational factors continue to
apply there are some additional considerations particularly relevant to flight test operations.

Weight and Balance

10.2 The importance of weight and balance, and in particular knowing the exact location of the
CG, cannot be overemphasised. Dangerous flight characteristics are usually associated with an
aircraft’s CG being beyond established limits. When intentionally approaching those limits,
especially for the first time, disciplined procedures for determining the position of the CG are
essential. Weighing the test aircraft in its precisely loaded pre-take-off condition is the
recommended method for achieving this. If this is not practical, in the case of large aircraft for
instance, accurate weight and balance data, based on a recent weighing, an inventory of
configuration changes and a validated loading system, may be acceptable. The after landing
condition is determined similarly. The precise weight and balance of the aircraft at specific test
points can then be derived by considering fuel burn and elapsed time from engine start.

10.3 Pre-briefings, during which team members are made aware of details for the planned
operation, should be conducted prior to the various overall flight test phases and then prior to
each individual flight. All participants, or at least the principal representatives from support
functionaries, should attend pre-flight briefings as should the relevant manager or authorising
officer. Post-flight briefings, whereby the success or otherwise of the mission and any safety
lessons are drawn out while still fresh in the group’s memory are also worthwhile. A good ‘Flight
Test Briefing Guide’ is available in FAA Order 4040.26A.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 12

Plan the Test, Fly the Plan

10.4 The FTP will cover the overall objectives of and methods to be used during the testing.
The requirements for each individual flight will be distilled from the FTP and will normally be
produced in the form of test cards, which can be clipped to the pilot’s knee-board or carried in the
FTE’s flight folder. The test cards, copies of which should also have been distributed to all test
participants at the pre-flight brief, provide a ready reference to the flight sequence and test point
parameters while also presenting prepared tables for manual data recording. Memory joggers for
test limitations and the initial actions in the case of emergencies can also be included. Once each
individual test flight is underway the safest general principle is to follow the plan as presented in
the test cards. If unexpected or otherwise interesting results are observed the temptation to
investigate or to pursue impromptu deviations from the plan should be resisted. After landing, the
cause of any surprising development can be safely considered and any amendments to the FTP
devised. This is not to say some alternate or reserve test points cannot be carried into each test
flight to cater for various contingencies such as, for example, unsuitable weather or unacceptable
turbulence at the planned test altitude. However, the alternate plan should also have been covered
during the pre-flight brief and all test participants should be familiar with any change in

Crew Resource Management

10.5 The constructive concepts espoused under the theories and practice of CRM can also be
applied to the flight test environment. Whether the flight test task relates to a large multi-crew
airliner or a small single pilot machine there will usually be a team of people involved in the
program. The general principles of CRM, as applicable to the normal operational environment,
can be easily extended to take in the additional support teams that will be involved in flight
testing*. For example:
 Knock-It-Off: The ‘knock-it-off’ (time-out) (KIO) principle can be usefully applied to
flight test operations. A KIO call instigates an immediate halt to test proceedings and
establishes the aircraft in a benign, straight and level, or climbing, state while situational
awareness is recovered or the source of a problem is investigated. A positive decision
regarding recommencement or termination of the sortie is then made. Pre-established
company rules should normally be in place regarding who can make a KIO call and when
one should be made although the best method is usually the most conservative – i.e. any
team member should be encouraged to make the call when they note any limit excedence,
or dangerous trend toward such.
 Fatigue: Fatigue management is relatively well understood with respect to wider aircraft
and airline operations. CASA has published the Civil Aviation Order (CAO) Part 48
series regarding Flight Time Limitations. Although flight testing is normally classified as
a private operation, so CAO 48 is not strictly applicable, it does offer some good
guidelines. The physical effects are not discriminatory and, as flight testing often involves
long periods of operation beginning or ending at odd hours, fatigue can become an issue.
Note that the ideal flight test conditions are mostly found very early in the morning or
after sunset.

Most Test Pilot Schools offer short courses relating to CRM in the flight test environment and any of these are

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 13

Chase Aircraft
10.6 As well as the use of ground based flight following support services particularly helpful
input can be gained through having the test aircraft accompanied by a dedicated
safety/photographic chase aircraft. This is especially relevant to any sortie involving elevated risk
or high intensity testing. Chase aircraft can provide wide-ranging contributions to the testing
through external and direct observation of the test aircraft during and after each test (including
assessment of damage should that occur), assisting or directing operations, monitoring and
clearance of surrounding airspace, taking charge of air-traffic communications, controlling
emergency or rescue operations (if required) and generally watching and verifying the progress of
the testing. Nevertheless, there is potential for the chase aircraft to become a hindrance or a
hazard in itself. Chase flying is a particular skill involving not just basic close and loose
formation techniques but the ability to position the chase aircraft appropriately during dynamic
test events. It should only be conducted by trained, experienced and operationally mature crews.

10.7 The adage, ‘altitude above you is like a runway behind you – useless’, is well worthy of
consideration when conducting test point sequences. Flight testing with plenty of space between
the aircraft and the ground is normally the safest option. A couple of related concepts are as
 While certain tests will require operations at low level (e.g. handling tests, like VMCA, that
depend on engines developing maximum power, or systems tests, like enhanced ground
proximity warning system (EGPWS), where proximity to the ground is a prerequisite) a
cautious tester will fly the profiles at a safe altitude in the first instance. Then, when the
tests are reflown at the lower levels an understanding of the expected performance and
handling characteristics of the aircraft will have already been acquired.
 For dynamic or rapid-manoeuvre testing the definition of a ‘hard-deck’ minimum altitude
is sensible.
 The hard-deck principle can be further refined through delineation of a series of critical
altitudes. For example, during spin testing of a small, single engine aeroplane the critical
altitudes may be something like – minimum entry altitude - 8000 ft (AO) – anti-spin chute
deployment altitude - 6000 ft – abandonment altitude - 4000 ft.

Basic Airmanship
10.8 Flight testing is often an interesting and challenging exercise and there is an occasional
tendency to become so engrossed in the detail of the tests that the overarching concepts of
airmanship fade into the background. Lookout, listen-out, airspace awareness, basic aircraft
limitations, fuel consciousness, etc. are all just as important during a flight test sortie as they are
during other forms of flying. In addition, especially if a tense test profile is to be flown, there can
be an inclination to relax after the actual test points have been achieved – remember, the sortie is
not over until the engines have stopped and the pins are in.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 14

Perceived Pressures
10.9 The flight test stage normally comes toward the end of an aircraft development or
certification project. More often than not, by the time this phase begins, most of the contingency
scheduling and funding that was added when the initial project planning took place has already
been used up. Progress slows, milestones slide to the right and the increasing, undue, financial
and program pressure is placed right where, safety-wise, it should not be i.e. the flight test phase
is squashed up against an ‘immovable’ end-date. Project and senior managers must be aware of
this tendency and realise that any such pressure is, in reality, perceived pressure. The job needs to
be completed, but not at the expense of the aircraft. Often the safest option of a few more days or
weeks is, on balance, also the cheapest and best choice. Notwithstanding, flight test crews should
also understand that the ultimate decision regarding whether it is safe to fly or not rests with

11.1 Flight testing can, by its very nature, involve varying levels of risk. To try and pass
specific safety advice relating to the multitude of potential flight test scenarios is not practicable;
however this AC is presented in an attempt to provide some background flight test safety
information. As such it may, or may not, be relevant to a particular project. Additionally though,
the concept of safety itself cannot always be isolated from common operational principles and
some of what has been presented relates to the broader aspects of running a proficient flight test
organisation. The AC covers, in general, the provision of resources for a safety-conscious flight
test and evaluation office, test planning principles, hazard analysis and risk management
procedures, and some ideas that may be pertinent during the conduct of flight test operations. Not
all relevant information is necessarily presented and the recommendation is that the References
and other authoritative publications should also be consulted for a fuller understanding of the

Executive Manager
Standards Development and Future Technology
April 2012

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 15



Symbol/Term Definition
AC Advisory Circular
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
Aft After
AO Above Obstacles
α Angle of Attack
β Angle of Sideslip
CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Publication
CAO Civil Aviation Order
CAR Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority
CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998
CG Centre of Gravity
CoA Certificate of Airworthiness
CRM Crew Resource Management
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (of the USA)
FTCM Flight Type Compliance Matrix
FT&E Flight Test and Evaluation
FTE Flight Test Engineer
FTP Flight Test Plan
FTT Flight Test Technique
GPS Global Positioning System
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
H/V Height / Velocity
KIO Knock-It-Off
LAME Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
LOC Loss of Control
MMO Maximum Operating Limit Mach Number
NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
PFL Practice (or Precautionary) Forced Landing
PPL Private Pilot Licence
RTO Rejected Take-Off
SHSS Steady Heading Sideslip
TP Test Pilot
V1 Take-Off Decision Speed
VA Design Manoeuvring Speed

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 16

Symbol/Term Definition
VD Design Diving Speed
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed
VMCA Minimum Control Speed
VMCG Minimum Control Speed on the Ground
VMO Maximum Operating Limit Speed
VMU Minimum Unstick Speed
VNE Never Exceed Speed
VS Stalling Speed
WAT Weight Altitude Temperature

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 17



Most, if not all, modern airworthiness standards require that single engine aeroplanes demonstrate
the ability to recover from a spin of at least one turn (or an innate resistance to enter a spin).
Moreover, the occasionally unpredictable nature of the spin characteristics displayed by some
aircraft means that flight testing in this regime involves elevated levels of risk. Prototype or
certification aircraft subject to spin testing, or to any testing at high angles of attack where there
is a danger of departure from controlled flight, should be fitted with a system that can assist with
recovery from a spin should normal flight control inputs prove ineffective. The most successful
system, especially in relation to the flight testing of small aeroplanes, is the tail mounted, anti-
spin parachute. The detailed principles involved in developing, fitting and using anti-spin
parachute systems are available in the literature so the aim of this Appendix is to provide a brief
summary of some of the more important aspects and to point the reader to the sources and
documents where this information is expounded.
An anti-spin system should be capable of providing sufficient counter forces to a spinning aircraft
such that, following activation of the device, the aircraft recovers to controllable flight, ideally
within two further turns of the spin. A properly designed tail mounted parachute should deliver
anti-spin yawing and pitching moments regardless of the direction, orientation or mode of the
spin. An anti-spin parachute system will normally consist of the following components:
 the main parachute canopy, risers and lanyards;
 the parachute carriage container, mounting and support structure;
 a means of deploying the main canopy clear of the spinning aircraft’s wake;
 jettison mechanism; and
 activation and jettison controls and instrumentation.

Design Information
Since there are so many factors involved in the configurations, dimensions, weights, aerodynamic
characteristics and consequent spinning behaviours of different aircraft there are going to be as
many more intricacies associated with designing a suitable spin recovery parachute system for
each of those different aircraft. Consequently there will not be a one-size-fits-all solution and
specialist design advice should be sought. Some established authoritative information is available
in the References given at the end of this Appendix. In Australia a small number of individuals
and companies have specific experience with the design and installation of anti-spin parachute
systems and contact information for these experts can be obtained from the CASA Test Pilot,
Airworthiness & Engineering Branch, CASA, GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601, telephone
131 757.
Critical design considerations with respect to the actual anti-spin effectiveness of the parachute
 the dimensions and planform of the canopy;
 the porosity of the canopy material;
 the stability of the trailing canopy and its distance behind the spinning aircraft; and
 the efficiency with which the canopy deploys.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 18

General advice, derived from the References, indicates that the best anti-spin parachute systems
will incorporate the following characteristics:
 Reliability: Confidence that the parachute will deploy clear of the aircraft and its wake
and provide positive spin recovery action, and that such will be a consistent outcome if
the device has to be used on more than one occasion. Confidence that the chute will not
deploy inadvertently during other critical phases of flight and that if it does it will break
free from the aircraft of its own accord.
 Simplicity: Such that installation complexity, hardware costs and special maintenance
procedures are minimised. Deployment and jettison controls are obviously identifiable,
easily reached and are simple and unambiguous in their modes of operation.
 Redundancy: Consideration should be given to providing backup to both the deployment
and jettison functions. Visual indication that the system is armed or safe, locked or
unlatched should be provided and, preferably, these indications should be available both
in the cockpit for the pilot and for support crew external to the test aircraft.
 Safety: A number of additional safety features can be incorporated. The ability to arm the
device only for the specific testing environment is worthwhile. The danger of accidental
functioning would then be reduced. Additionally, the system should be designed such that
if the parachute accidentally deploys it will break free from the aircraft – i.e. the attaching
mechanism could be secured by breakaway devices or weak links so that only during the
test period would the chute be locked to the aircraft. A further safety feature can be
designed into the control system by ensuring that, when the system is armed, jettison
cannot be initiated prior to deployment. The safety of ground crew, especially if the
system includes any pyrotechnic devices, must be considered.
 Unobtrusiveness: The parachute system, its container and mounting structure should
have minimal effect on the moments of inertia and aerodynamics, and consequently the
spin characteristics, of the aeroplane under test.

Operational Considerations
A few aspects of operating an aircraft fitted with an anti-spin parachute system should be
considered, for example:
 System Set Up: The test pilot should be consulted, during the design of the system, with
respect to operational requirements, especially regarding the preferred location of cockpit
controls. Ideally the primary controls, for deployment and subsequent jettison of the
chute, will have differently coloured handles and be located, while both within easy reach
of the pilot, in positions far enough apart to minimise the possibility that the jettison
handle will be activated prior to that for deployment – i.e. the deployment control should
be the more prominently placed such that it can be located instinctively during the heat of
the moment in an unresponsive spin.
 Functional Testing: Before declaring the equipment suitable for use during the extended
spin test program it ought to be subject to its own clearance testing. This functional
checking itself has the potential to be dangerous and should be approached with proper
caution. Airborne testing would normally be preceded by a series of ground tests where
the deployment and jettison mechanisms are checked. This could occur, in the first
instance, from the back of a vehicle but should also be undertaken during high speed taxi
tests with the system rigged in the aircraft itself. Any airborne testing of parachute
deployment and release should be conducted at a safe height and in a build-up sequence.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 19

The first deployments would best be from the aircraft under controlled low speed flight. If
warranted, deployments when the aircraft is stalled and then, maybe, after a one or two
turn spin could follow. The use of a photo and safety chase aircraft is recommended, and
this chase aircraft can then be used to track the jettisoned parachute to ensure its
subsequent recovery.
 Procedures, Preparation and Practice: Spin-chute testing as well as the spin program
proper or any other testing that warrants fitting of the anti-spin system should be subject
to separate and rigorous hazard analysis/risk management exercises. Plans can be drawn
up for scenarios such as the chute failing to deploy correctly or unsuccessful jettison. The
test pilot is advised to familiarise herself thoroughly with the system, and practise using it,
prior to any sortie wherein its service may be required.

 NASA Technical Note D-6866, ‘Summary of Design Considerations for Airplane Spin-
Recovery Parachute Systems’ by Sanger M. Burk Jr., August 1972.
 NASA Technical Paper 1076, ‘Spin Tunnel Investigation of the Spinning Characteristics
of Typical Single-Engine General Aviation Airplane Designs – Tail Parachute Diameter
and Canopy Distance for Emergency Spin Recovery’ by Sanger M. Burk Jr., James S.
Bowman Jr., and William L. White, November 1977.
 NASA Technical Memorandum 80237, ‘A Spin-Recovery Parachute System for Light
General-Aviation Airplanes’ by Charles F. Bradshaw, dated April 1980.
 AIAA-90-1317-CP, ‘A Summary of Spin-Recovery Parachute Experience on Light
Airplanes’ by H. Paul Stough, III, dated 1990.
 Flight Test Society of Australia, ‘Spin Recovery Parachutes for GA Aircraft – The
Australian Experience’ by Dafydd Llewellyn and Keith Engelsman, March 2009.
 Flight Test Society of Australia, ‘Spin Recovery Parachute Installations for Small
Aeroplanes’ by Dafydd Llewellyn, dated 2009.
 Flight Test Society of Australia, ‘A Drogue Gun for Small Spin-Recovery Parachutes’ by
Dafydd Llewellyn, dated 2009.
 FAA Action Notice – Implementation of Guidance on the Use of Spin Recovery
Parachutes on Aircraft Requiring Spin Testing or Other High Angle of Attack Testing for
Certification; Manager, Aircraft Engineering Division, AWS-100; dated February 12,
 ‘Emergency Spin Recovery Devices’ from ‘The Pilot’s Handbook for Critical and
Exploratory Flight Testing’, Society of Experimental Test Pilots, dated 1972.

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While the format and details of any FTP can be flexible the contents will probably cover certain
essential subject matter areas. Some suggestions for inclusion in a FTP, in this case a generic FTP
for use during an aircraft type certification project, follow the outline in the table below.

INTRODUCTION An INTRODUCTION section could comprise the following three

Background A Background subsection would outline the circumstances that
led to the task. There would normally be reference to the
regulations and category under which the aircraft or system
subject to the testing will operate and some introduction to the
broader aspects of the certification project.
Objectives The Objectives subsection states exactly what the flight testing is
intended to achieve.
Terms and Abbreviations A reference to the list of acronyms and terms used throughout
the document.

RELEVANT CONDITIONS The RELEVANT CONDITIONS section details the conditions

which will influence the validity of the results of the test activity.
Depending on the nature of the task, some or all of the following
subsections could be included.
Description of Test Aircraft This subsection provides a general description of the aircraft and
systems with emphasis on those features particularly relevant to
the flight testing. A reference to the flight manual, or supporting
documentation, for a full description of the aircraft should be
made. Details of the particular aircraft (tail-number(s)) to be flown
during the test program should be provided.
Certification Basis The details of the exact Certification Basis, including the
airworthiness standard at the applicable amendment status, for
the aircraft under test should be provided.
Certificate of Airworthiness Reference to, and or a copy of, the applicable CoA, or
Experimental Certificate issued in accordance with
Regulation 21.191 of CASR 1998, should be included.
Project Authorisation Reference to, and or a copy of, any formal (company) written
authorisation allowing the flight testing to proceed should be
included. Any applicable program limitations should be
Conformity and Engineering Reference as to how engineering conformity will be guaranteed,
Compliance and who is responsible, should be provided.
Flight Test and Project A list of personnel involved in the test program and their
Personnel responsibilities.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 22

Instrumentation and Test This subsection should describe all instrumentation and other test
Equipment equipment to be utilised. Calibration information would form part
of this description. Detailed listings of the parameters to be
measured, the measurement characteristics, and their expected
ranges may be included.
Data Reduction Data processing support requirements and/or the officer to be
responsible for processing and analysis can be nominated. Any
requirement for special application software can be outlined.

SCOPE OF TESTS A SCOPE OF TESTS section can be used to outline the range of
tests to be conducted and general related limitations,
configurations, loadings and standards, etc., which will influence
the validity of the results of test activity. Depending on the nature
of the task, some or all of the following subsections could be
Tests and Test Conditions A statement as to the nature of the testing.
Flight Type Compliance A FTCM, which details all those clauses of the applicable
Matrix Certification Basis that are subject to flight test or to assessment
by the flight test team, can be generated and referred to at this
subsection. Normally, since this can be quite a substantial
document in itself, the FTCM should be included as an annex or
as a soft copy link to a related electronic file.
Sortie Plan and Test A summary of the test program, stating the number of phases,
Progression tests, flights (including each required take-off weight and balance
condition), flight hours and general scheduling. Normally
presented as an annex.
Test Matrix If not included as part of the annexure associated with the
preceding subsections, a matrix of the actual tests to be
conducted should be detailed.
Test Limitations A summary of the test limitations, stating the test envelope or test
limits for the tests and their sources. Special attention is normally
paid to areas which expand or differ from previously cleared
limitations or restrictions.
Test Configurations Configurations in which the aircraft is to be tested can be defined.
Weight and Balance Reference to loading information and procedures. Variables
which may have a significant effect on the aircraft weight and
balance (e.g., crew, stores, fuel, ballast), and how these variables
will be controlled to meet each required take-off condition, should
be included.

METHOD OF TEST The METHOD OF TEST section should specify general

methodology and procedures relevant to the test program.
Test Standards and Advisory Reference to the guidance information or publications that will be
Information used as a basis for the test program and subsequent compliance
Test Techniques Flight test techniques (FTTs) and methods should be specified in
this subsection. If standard techniques are to be used then
reference to the publications or documentation where these FTTs
are described should be provided.

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AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 23

REPORTING A statement as to what type of report will be the outcome of the

test program and a target date for that report to be finalised.

SAFETY A dedicated SAFETY section is always warranted. Safety

aspects for the entire activity must be considered. Particular
attention should be paid when tests will be made outside the
cleared flight envelope, or in uncleared configurations. The
following subsections should be included:
Hazard Analysis and Risk A detailed hazard analysis/risk management plan should be
Management included, normally as an annex.
Preparation and Training Details of work-up and preparatory training requirements.
Safety Equipment Safety and special equipment requirements.
Briefings, Safety Review and Briefing and flight authorisation procedures should be defined.
Flight Authorisation

ADMINISTRATION An ADMINISTRATION section specifying resources,

administrative details and schedule can be included.
Test Location Where will the test program be conducted?
Task Schedule When will the test program be conducted?
Travel and Finance How will personnel and assets get to where they need to be?
What other costs will be involved?
Resource Authorisation Who will authorise the program? Who will pay for it?

ANNEXES Annexes are to be listed in this section.

REFERENCES Documents referenced in the FTP should be listed in this section.

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There is a lot of information available in the literature regarding general hazard analysis and risk
management and there are plenty of professional risk management consultancies. The following
paragraphs provide some information with respect to flight test risk management, most of which
has been derived from the references quoted at paragraph 9.2 of this AC. There is no absolute
right or wrong way to conduct the process and the following is only intended to provide general
guidance. Consultants are readily available if more detailed assistance is required.

Risk management is the process by which:
 hazards are identified;
 an assessment is made of the risks involved;
 mitigating procedures are established to reduce or eliminate the risks; and
 a conscious decision is made, at the appropriate level, to accept residual risks.
In the flight test environment risk management is normally conducted through a safety review
process in which a flight test plan, and its ongoing application, is examined by project and non-
project personnel in order to draw out potential hazards and recommend mitigating (or
minimising) procedures. Applicable conceptual definitions could be as follows:
 Hazard – A condition, event, or circumstance which could lead to an unplanned or
undesired event (injury to personnel, damage to equipment, loss of material, or loss of
 Risk – Expression of the impact of an undesired event in terms of event severity and
 Hazard Analysis – The process of identifying hazards and systematically quantifying or
qualifying the degree of risk they pose for exposed individuals or equipment.
 Risk Management – The process of reducing vulnerability to the identified risks through
eliminating, mitigating, minimising or controlling them and then making a conscious
decision to accept the residual risk.
A flight test organisation should define some underlying risk management principles to which it
will operate. Some suggestions are outlined below:
 Unnecessary risks should not be accepted. An ‘unnecessary risk’ is any risk that, if taken,
will not contribute meaningfully to task outcomes.
 Risks should be reduced to an acceptable level. Risk is part of flight test but by applying
risk management principles flight testing can be accomplished in a safe and efficient
 Hazard analysis/risk management occurs at the planning stage of the project and should
then be ongoing, with regular reviews and updates taking place throughout any program.
 Risk decisions should be taken at the appropriate level. The higher the risk the higher the
level of management that must be involved in task authorisation.

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Procedures and Considerations

This section outlines one method for formalising the hazard analysis risk management process.
There are other formats or systems which may be more suited to individual needs or preferences
and the reader is encouraged to seek them out. The featured method follows the steps outlined
 Initial Hazard Identification and Risk Assignment: Individual test events or flight test
technique (FTTs) should be listed with any likely hazards identified. The probability of
these hazards occurring and the associated outcome of such an occurrence then leads to an
assignment of an initial risk level.
 Risk Minimisation/Corrective Action: Risk minimisation considerations are then listed,
followed by any corrective actions required should the hazard still eventuate.
 Residual Risk: Assessment of the effects of the minimisation factors and corrective
action definitions should then allow an allocation of a residual risk level. Consideration of
this residual risk should involve senior management in accepting any risk above ‘medium’
(or as designated in company policy documentation).
A matrix is a convenient way of documenting the process and tabulating the results. An example
of a matrix, with some indicative examples in relation to testing a small single engine aeroplane,
is presented at the end of this Appendix.
Risk is normally evaluated as a function of the probability of an undesirable event occurring and
the consequences should such event occur. The following are further definitions addressing levels
of risk, hazard categories and probabilities relative to the assessment of a specific test condition.
These definitions are subjective in nature and can be used in the assignment of risk levels. They
may be taken as applicable to flight test operations and not necessarily relevant in other
 Unacceptable Risk. Tests or activities which present a significant risk to personnel,
equipment or property and which will probably eventuate even after all precautionary
measures have been taken. Acceptance of this level of risk should not be authorised.
 High Risk. Tests or activities which present a significant risk to personnel, equipment or
property and may eventuate even after all precautionary measures have been taken.
Acceptance of this level of risk would not normally be authorised. If any such activity was
to go ahead then it should only do so in extenuating circumstances and then only with
authorisation from the highest levels. (Regardless, flight test crews are advised to consider
whose personal presence is being exposed to such risk and make their own decisions
 Medium Risk. Tests or activities which present a risk to personnel, equipment or property
that is greater than that expected during normal or routine flight operations.
 Low Risk. Tests or activities which present no greater risk to personnel, equipment or
property than that encountered during normal or routine flight operations.
 Hazard Outcome – Catastrophic. Loss of the aircraft and/or loss of life.
 Hazard Outcome – Critical. Major damage to the aircraft and / or injury to personnel.
 Hazard Outcome – Marginal. Damage to the aircraft.
 Hazard Outcome – Acceptable. Unserviceabilities or wear and tear common to normal
 Subjective Probability – Probable. This hazard has better than a 50 percent chance of
occurring and should be expected.
 Subjective Probability – Possible. This hazard could occur under some conditions but is
not expected.

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 Subjective Probability – Unlikely. This hazard is unlikely to occur or there is uncertainty

as to whether the hazard is possible.
 Subjective Probability – Remote. This hazard is extremely unlikely, the probability of
occurrence being similar to that of a catastrophic event during normal operations.
These probability and consequence parameters can be arranged in a table which then provides a
tool for assigning risk levels:

Hazard Outcome Subjective Probability of Occurrence

Category Probable Possible Unlikely Remote
Catastrophic UNACCEPTABLE HIGH Medium Low
Critical HIGH HIGH Medium Low
Marginal Medium Medium Medium Low
Acceptable Low Low Low Low

Factors Affecting Flight Test Risk Ratings: Some factors which may be worth taking into
consideration when assigning flight test risk ratings are as follows:
 The test team’s proficiency with, currency on and familiarity with the test aircraft and the
type of tests being conducted.
 The existence of any previous test program, the thoroughness thereof and the relevant
 Test techniques and workloads.
 Altitude and airspeed in relation to terrain and/or aircraft recovery systems.
 Gross weight and centre of gravity.
 Environment (weather, air traffic control, airfield conditions, darkness, turbulence etc.).
 Aircraft internal environment (temperature, pressurisation level etc.).
 Design maturity.
 Test condition sequencing.
 Adverse system or software effects.
 Specific aircraft limitations.
 Consequence of failure in technique, system or structure.
 Intentional multiple failure conditions.
Risk Alleviation: Risk alleviation procedures are actions taken, or factors assessed, in order to
understand, respond to and minimise identified risks. They should be conditions over which the
test team has control or events that the crew can confirm have occurred (e.g. simulator
evaluations). Some considerations and examples, by no means all inclusive, are:
 Is the test condition in its present form really needed? Can results be determined or
compliance recommendations made based on other testing or information?
 How long has it been since the conformity on the test aircraft configuration was
conducted? Has anything changed since the design was reviewed?
 Review test techniques and specify steps to reduce risks.
 Design the test sequence with a conservative build-up of speed and manoeuvre.
 Design the test sequence with a conservative build-up of weight/CG. Review weight and
balance computations. Weigh the loaded aircraft if possible. This is particularly important
for critical handling qualities tests at the extremes of the weight/CG envelope and on
weight altitude temperature (WAT) limited performance tests.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 28

 Review the test environment and specify steps to reduce risks (e.g. Specify limits with
respect to temperature, wind, visibility etc.).
 Specify minimum test altitudes to allow for anti-spin chute deployment, then aircraft
abandonment if necessary.
 Provide predictions and expectations to prepare participants. Update performance
predictions with flight test data when possible.
 Run test sequences in simulators.
 Provide special training and consultation.
 Specific training with equipment (helmets, goggles, masks, oxygen, escape provisions,
parachutes, fire extinguishers etc.). All personnel should be briefed on egress procedures.
For high altitude tests all crewmembers must be briefed on oxygen use and equipment
location. For overwater flights all crewmembers must be briefed on survival equipment
use and location.
 Use of chase aircraft to provide visual data and safety support.
 Use of photo/video recording.
 Use of telemetry to monitor tests in ‘real time’.
 Use of ground support monitoring test comms frequencies.
 Install hardware to protect structure and personnel (e.g. Anti-spin chute, door/canopy
jettison, VMU tailskid).
 Limit personnel onboard to the absolute minimum required to safely conduct the test (do
not arbitrarily set a limit on the number of personnel, take the right number to safely
conduct the test).
 For build-up tests utilise the right personnel to evaluate the data and plan for subsequent
tests. Allow adequate time to evaluate the build-up test points.
 Request a thorough briefing on previous testing, techniques and results. On tests that are
highly dependent on pilot technique, allow the practised pilot to conduct the initial tests
and observe his/her performance before conducting independent tests.
 On potentially hazardous ground tests (e.g. high energy rejected take-offs (RTO))
experienced ground crews should be briefed during the pre-flight briefing and be
immediately available to support the tests if necessary (e.g. cooling fans, fire trucks,
aircraft-jacks, tow-motors etc.). The ground crews should be advised as to who is in
charge regarding their participation.
 Minimise the number of actual engine cuts during runway performance testing if spool-
down thrust can be properly accounted for by analysis and related systems failures can be
simulated accurately.
 Test personnel involved with hot/cold weather testing should be briefed on appropriate
survival skills and be properly equipped to endure the anticipated environment.
Risk Level Examples: Examples of tests which could be considered to carry different risk levels,
initially and unmitigated, are grouped below. These are typical examples only and are provided
for general guidance. The actual risk category for each test condition must be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis.
 High Risk: Tests that could be considered to involve high risk factors are as follows:
○ Stall Characteristics:
 Aft CG accelerated stalls with rapidly changing dynamic conditions.
 On aeroplanes equipped with unproved pusher systems that are masking potential
deep stalls.
 High altitude stalls on aeroplanes with potential engine flameout problems.
 With critical ice shapes.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 29

○ High speed tests above VNE/VMO/MMO.

○ VMCA tests at low altitude, particularly dynamic VMCA.
○ Flight control malfunction testing during take-off and landing phases of flight, and
asymmetric deployment of roll controls at high speeds.
○ Ice shape testing, especially during the take-off phase where special procedures are
○ Icing tests flown behind a tanker (formation flying with potentially restricted field of
○ Maximum energy RTOs where wheel brake fires are a possibility.
○ Autopilot malfunction tests at low altitudes.
○ WAT limited take-offs with actual engine cuts.
○ VMU tests at low thrust to weight ratios.
○ VMCG testing.
○ Nosewheel steering malfunction tests.
○ Spin testing.
○ Lateral-directional testing on aircraft that can achieve large sideslip angles.
○ Dynamic lateral-directional testing (Dutch rolls) on aeroplanes that are unstable under
certain conditions.
○ Inflight thrust reverser deployments.
○ Stall characteristics on Restricted Category aeroplanes with asymmetric wing store
○ Helicopter H/V envelope determination.
○ Helicopter low speed testing.
○ Autorotation testing.
○ Pilot Induced Oscillations testing.
○ Flight tests in which the test pilot is the sole occupant because of the nature of the test
and/or configuration and pilot proficiency is in question.
 Medium Risk: Tests that could be considered to involve medium risk factors are as
○ Any tests involving low altitude operations (e.g. ground course pressure error
correction testing).
○ Tests involving formation flying.
○ Aerobatic manoeuvres.
○ Actual V1 fuel cuts for take-off performance.
○ Inflight unusable fuel tests that result in engine flameout.
○ Stall speed, or glide performance, measurement with the engine actually inoperative.
○ Low speed and high speed stability and control tests.
○ Emergency electrical power landings at night using standby instruments and/or
reduced lighting (both external and internal).
○ Emergency descents to demonstrate high altitude special conditions (possible
physiological effects).
○ Abnormal flight control configuration testing. Includes pitch and roll disconnects or
manual reversion for hydraulic systems.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 30

○ Natural ice flights with large shapes on unprotected surfaces.

○ Cockpit and cargo smoke evacuation testing.
○ Engine water ingestion testing.
○ Asymmetric thrust reverser testing on the ground.
○ Abnormal operation of onboard systems.
○ Flights involving Full Authority Digital Engine Control testing (Electromagnetic
Interference, software, etc.).
○ Terrain Awareness Warning Systems ground proximity warning systems
 Low Risk: Examples of low risk testing could be as follows:
○ Basic system function tests (electrical, hydraulic, fuel, environmental, anti-ice,
avionics etc.) not involving abnormal or emergency conditions.
○ High altitude airspeed calibrations (e.g. GPS, trailing cone).
○ Climb performance/speed power etc.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 31


Hazard Analysis Risk Management Method

Table D-1 gives an example of a hazard analysis risk management matrix developed using the process outlined above. It shows some indicative
deliberations in relation to certification testing for a small single engine aeroplane. The ‘Events’ included, and their associated assessment
sequences, are meant as typical examples only and the table does not necessarily include all testing considerations that would apply to such a

Table D1 – Hazard Analysis Risk Management Matrix

Ser. Event Hazard Worst Initial Risk Minimisation Procedures Corrective Action Minimisation / Residual
Effect/ Level Corrective Effect Risk
Probability Level
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
1 SHSS Structural Catastrophic/ Medium Confirm aircraft β limit with If β limit exceeded Probability reduced Low
failure due to Unlikely applicant and observe this statically, release pedal to remote.
excessive limit during tests. slowly and smoothly.
sideslip Apply and remove pedal
loads. deflection in slow, smooth
2 Roll Rate Structural Catastrophic/ Medium Discuss roll characteristics Loss of Control (LOC) Probability of Low
failure after Unlikely with applicant test pilot prior recovery technique: aircraft damage
exceeding to tests. Simultaneously; reduced to remote.
aircraft limits. Centralise skid ball during Select engine to Idle,
testing. Centralise controls,
Knock-it-off (KIO) if control Maintain neutral aileron
reversal or significant stick until Vs+5kts,
force lightening Retract flaps at pilot’s
experienced. discretion,
Buildup by Recover from dive.
Half then Full Aileron
Clean then Takeoff then

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 32

Ser. Event Hazard Worst Initial Risk Minimisation Procedures Corrective Action Minimisation / Residual
Effect/ Level Corrective Effect Risk
Probability Level
Landing configuration.
VA or VFE – 20%
Minimum altitude during roll
testing 2000 ft AO.
3 Static Airframe Marginal/ Medium All appropriate airspeeds Decelerate to below Probability of Low
Stability damage after Unlikely will be briefed/reviewed by VNE or VNO in 1-g flight. aircraft damage
and Flight exceeding crewmembers and adhered Accelerate to Vs+5kts. reduced to remote.
Path aircraft limits to.
Stability High and low speed data
points will be reviewed and
correlated to the
appropriate high or low
speed aircraft limits.

4 1G Wings Stall Catastrophic/ Medium Discuss stall characteristics Loss of Control (LOC) Probability of Low
Level Stalls departure, Uncertain with applicant test pilot prior recovery technique: violent loss of
loss of to tests. Simultaneously; control reduced to
control Centralise skid ball during Select engine to Idle, remote.
leading to approach to stall. Oppose yaw/roll with
ground Target speed bleed rate 1 rudder, Probability of
impact. kt/sec. Lower pitch attitude to inability to regain
Knock-it-off if control accelerate, control reduced to
reversal or significant stick Maintain neutral aileron remote.
force lightening until Vs+5kts,
experienced. Retract flaps at pilots
Buildup by discretion,
Heavy to light weight, Recover from dive.
Forward to Aft C.G., and
Clean then Takeoff then
Landing configuration.
Minimum altitude during
stall testing 4000 ft AO.
Aircraft Critical/ Medium Brief aircraft limits for test Crew to monitor speed Probability reduced Low
overstress or Uncertain configuration prior to test and G during recovery. to remote.
overspeed conduct.
during stall

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 33

Ser. Event Hazard Worst Initial Risk Minimisation Procedures Corrective Action Minimisation / Residual
Effect/ Level Corrective Effect Risk
Probability Level
5 Engine Off Engine fails Catastrophic/ Medium Discuss glide / PFL Do not conduct tests if Probability of Low
Stalls to restart Uncertain characteristics with discussions/review/practi inability to recover
leading to applicant test pilot prior to ce suggest unacceptable aircraft reduced to
forced tests. characteristics. unlikely.
landing. Practise PFL profiles before
engine off sorties.
Study AFM and practise
engine restart procedures.
Crew to wear helmet / flying
suits / gloves.
Minimum altitude during
stall testing 4000 ft AO.
Minimum altitude for engine
off 3000 ft AO.

Testing to be conducted
only within gliding range of
the airfield.
6 Accelerate As per Serial Catastrophic/ Medium Discuss stall characteristics Do not conduct tests if Probability of Low
d Stalls 4. Uncertain with applicant test pilot prior discussions/review violent loss of
to tests. suggest unacceptable control reduced to
Review 1G stall characteristics. remote.
characteristics prior to Release G at point of
accelerated stall tests. departure then employ Probability of
Enter stall from balanced LOC recovery technique. inability to regain
turn. Crew to monitor speed control reduced to
Knock-it-off if control and G during recovery. remote
reversal or significant stick
force lightening
Brief aircraft limits for test
configuration prior to test
Minimum altitude during
stall testing 4000 ft AO.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 34

Ser. Event Hazard Worst Initial Risk Minimisation Procedures Corrective Action Minimisation / Residual
Effect/ Level Corrective Effect Risk
Probability Level
7 Spin Malfunction Catastrophic Medium Discuss spin chute Do not conduct tests if Probability of Medium
Preparation during / Uncertain mechanism and discussions/review inability to regain
antispin characteristics with suggest unacceptable control reduced to
chute check. applicant test pilot and characteristics. unlikely.
review applicant test report If chute does not deploy
prior to tests. properly jettison Probability of
Ensure fail safe facilities in immediately. inability to recover
place. If chute does not jettison aircraft and/or pilot
Check deployment and conduct slow speed reduced to remote.
jettison on ground. handling check, consider
Independent pre-flight recovery options – if any
check by knowledgeable doubt, abandon aircraft
LAME. preferably from height
Minimum crew (TP only). and over clear area.
Pilot to wear parachute.
Critical heights to be
Deploy not below 3000 ft
Abandon not below 1500 ft
Flight following to be
provided by FTE and
applicant with binos on
ground and safety chase
(also for chute recovery
Emergency services to be
8 Spins Development Catastrophic/ Medium Discuss spin characteristics Do not conduct tests if Probability of Medium
of Uncertain with applicant test pilot and discussions/review inability to regain
unrecoverabl review applicant test report suggest unacceptable control reduced to
e spin prior to tests. characteristics. unlikely.
characteristic Review stall characteristics Standard spin recovery
s leading to prior to spin tests. technique: Probability of
ground Standard spin recovery Select engine to Idle, inability to recover

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 35

Ser. Event Hazard Worst Initial Risk Minimisation Procedures Corrective Action Minimisation / Residual
Effect/ Level Corrective Effect Risk
Probability Level
impact. techniques to be used. Ailerons neutralised, aircraft and/or pilot
Antispin chute to be Full opposite rudder, reduced to remote.
installed for all spin testing. Forward elevator control
Minimum crew (TP only) for as required to unstall
spin sorties. wing,
Pilot to wear parachute. Retract flaps as briefed
Buildup by but not until rotation
Light to heavy weight, ceased,
Forward to Aft C.G., and Maintain neutral aileron
Clean then Flap and Power until Vs+5kts,
configurations. Recover from dive.
Critical heights to be
Entry not below 8000 ft AO
Antispin chute at 6000 ft AO
Abandon not below 4000 ft
Flight following to be
provided by FTE and
applicant on ground and
safety chase.
Emergency services to be
9 Aircraft Critical/ Medium Brief aircraft limits for test Crew to monitor speed Probability reduced Low
overstress or Uncertain configuration prior to test and G during recovery. to remote.
overspeed conduct.
during spin
10 Vibration Structural Catastrophic/ Medium Discuss vibration If abnormal vibration or Probability of Low
and failure due to Uncertain characteristics with buffet levels are violent loss of
Buffeting violent applicant test pilot and encountered recovery control reduced to
vibration review applicant test report technique will consist of: remote.
build up. prior to tests. . Power reduced
Buildup progressively from Reduce speed using
low speed to high speed. minimal G.
Minimum altitude during

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 36

Ser. Event Hazard Worst Initial Risk Minimisation Procedures Corrective Action Minimisation / Residual
Effect/ Level Corrective Effect Risk
Probability Level
high speed testing 2000 ft
No attempts will be made to
excite flutter and flutter
requirements are already to
have been checked.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 37



Risk Assessment Matrix

The risk factor matrix and worksheet provided at Table E-1 can be used in conjunction with the
risk assessment table (Table E-2) to assist in deciding what level of operating conditions and
limitations should be applied to an experimental certificate issued in accordance with
AC 21.10(2).
Note: The tables should be used as a general guide only to assist in the application of judgement
and common-sense. Their completion should not just be treated as a box-ticking exercise. They
offer a broad aggregate of general risk factors and do not necessarily provide for individual cases.
For example, if an established and professional engineering organisation, with good flight test
capabilities and conservative safety practices in place, was proposing to fly a radically new
powerplant concept, the risk level would probably be elevated even though the Risk Factor Total
from Table E1 indicated a low risk level. On the other hand, an amateur builder or inexperienced
organisation, acting in good faith, heeding all available advice and operating well away from
populated areas, should not be unduly penalised. The listed risk factors, or indeed additional
factors, may or may not be relevant to the specific application under consideration. If doubt exists
contact the Flight Test & Evaluation Office, Airworthiness Engineering Branch, CASA, GPO
Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601, Telephone 131 757.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 38

Table E1 – Risk Factor Worksheet

FACTOR Mitigating or Amplifying Comments (If
1 2 3 Allocation
Established Established engineering Organisation or individual
aeronautical and/or aviation with no flight test
engineering organisation but with experience.
organisation employing limited flight test
experienced design experience.
office and flight test staff
Conventional Developmental program Development of
modification or with some completely new or
developmental program. unconventional substantially modified
Predictable outcomes challenges. Particular aircraft or major
are expected. unusual or untried subsystem. Novel or
features may affect untested experimental
Program outcomes. features or concepts may
be involved.
No commercial or Some commercial or Significant commercial or
external imperatives. external imperatives. external imperatives.
Delays acceptable. Delays create pressure. Delays create substantial
Complete and thorough Some deficiencies in Poorly or incompletely
planning has been planning or it is lacking planned.
conducted in reference to published
Test Planning
accordance with guidance material.
published guidance

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 39

FACTOR Mitigating or Amplifying Comments (If
1 2 3 Allocation
Certificated type Certificated type Non-certificated
involving minor involving major systems developmental or
modifications or modifications or experimental aircraft.
modifications not modifications affecting
affecting flight flight performance or
performance or handling.
Aircraft Normal (or similar) Normal (or similar) Acrobatic (or similar)
category aircraft of category aircraft with category aircraft with
conventional some ‘non-conventional’ novel or ‘non-
configuration. configuration features conventional’
(e.g. tailwheel, float or configuration features.
ski landing gear;
unmatched powerplant,
Qualified and Qualified and Low time pilot and/or
experienced Test Pilot experienced pilot with inexperienced in flight
and/or Flight Test some flight test test operations.
Engineer. experience and/or a
conservative and
flexible nature.
Flight Crew Current and Current and Not current or
experienced on type. experienced on similar experienced on type or
types. similar types.
Practised at specific test Practised at general test Unpractised at test
techniques and sortie techniques but not at techniques and
profiles. specific sortie profiles. unexposed to sortie

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 40

FACTOR Mitigating or Amplifying Comments (If
1 2 3 Allocation
Relevant, complete and Incomplete suite of No relevant safety
tested suite of safety relevant safety equipment provided.
equipment provided equipment provided or
Safety (e.g. antispin chute or some items untested.
Equipment recovery and escape
features, personal
protective equipment for
test crewmembers).
Licensed airfield with Unlicensed airfield with Unlicensed or poorly
appropriate runways, appropriate runways maintained airfield with
facilities and operating and operating inappropriate operating
environment. environment. environment.
Minimal or no air-traffic Some air-traffic Significant air-traffic
problems. Few or no problems or other problems or busy
other airspace users. airspace users. airspace environment.
No built-up or Some built-up or Substantially built-up or
Airfield / significantly populated populated areas near populated areas near
Airspace areas near airfield or airfield or under airfield or under intended
under designated flight designated flight test flight test area.
test area. area.
Clear approach and Limited approach and No clear approach and
departure lanes departure lanes or departure lanes between
between airfield and approach and departure airfield and flight test
flight test area. lanes require area.
navigational procedures
to negotiate.

April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 41

FACTOR Mitigating or Amplifying Comments (If
1 2 3 Allocation
Flight test support Some flight test support No flight test support or
facilities (e.g. telemetry) or flight following flight following available.
and flight following in available.
Support Emergency, crash Some or limited No emergency, crash
recovery, fire fighting emergency, crash recovery, fire fighting and
and medical services recovery, fire fighting medical services
available and on stand- and medical services available.
by. available.
Any Other


April 2012
AC 21-47(0): Flight Test Safety 42

Table E2 – Risk Assessment

Overall risk level, to both the aircraft and  The Applicant can be advised to go ahead with the flight testing using extant
flight test crews themselves, and to planning and risk management procedures.
Low Risk people on the ground or water and other  Experimental Certificate can be issued with standard or minimal operating <25
airspace users, is low and / or conditions, limitations and directions as per AC 21.10.
Overall risk level, to both the aircraft and  The Applicant should be advised to consider further risk reduction procedures
flight test crews themselves, and to before going ahead with the flight testing.
Medium Risk people on the ground or water and other  Experimental Certificate can be issued however restrictive operating conditions, 25-35
airspace users, is elevated and / or limitations and directions as per AC 21.10 should be imposed in the interests of
deserving of further mitigation. the safety of people on the ground or water and other airspace users..
 The Applicant should be advised that the flight testing is assessed as involving
Overall risk level, to either the aircraft and
a high level of risk to both the aircraft and flight test crews themselves, and / or
flight test crews themselves, or to people
to people on the ground or water and other airspace users. He or she should be
on the ground or water and other
strongly urged to introduce risk reduction procedures or to reconsider the intent
High Risk airspace users, is high and / or >35
or scope of the proposed flight test operation.
 Experimental Certificate should not be issued unless severe operating
conditions, limitations and directions are imposed in the interests of the safety of
people on the ground or water and other airspace users.

April 2012

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