Worksheet: Frozen Pizza and Other Slices of Life Antoinette Moses

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Level 6

Frozen Pizza and other slices of life Antoinette Moses

Before reading Which of his opinions had changed by the end
of the story?
1. What do you think a slice of life means? Check the
expression in a dictionary. 2. Match the beginnings and endings.
1 Mr Walker, unable to accept the idea of a
2. Read the list of themes in the back cover blurb.
Which one are you most interested in? multicultural society,
3. Read the beginnings of each story to find which 2 In return for restoring an old table,
story contains the theme you are most interested in. 3 In his dream, he saw a monk with his bowl in
4. If you have the recording, listen to the story of a monastery
your choice. 4 Greg Mount said there was nothing unusual
5 He also told him about the region’s historical
Check your reading links with Holland,
6 After discovering what Greg had said was
Two Worlds true,
1. What problems is the author referring to? a but heard a language that was neither English
1 The haves and the have-nots. (page 6) nor Latin.
2 The north-south divide. (page 6) b Mr Walker changed his ideas on what it
3 A lost generation of children. (page 11) meant to be English.
4 A sink estate. (page 15) c thought of black people as foreigners rather
Now match the problems to the sentences. than English.
a ‘... they’ve pulled the plug on us like we’re d and explained that his name was Flemish in
just dirty bath water ...’ origin.
b ‘Everyone thinks I’m stupid because I have a e Mr Walker was given an old oak bowl.
Manchester accent ...’ f people not speaking English after 1066.
c It was as if there were two different Englands 3. Have people from your country emigrated to
living side by side. other countries in the past? If so, are there any
d ... they couldn’t see any point in an particular countries where they have settled?
2. Were you surprised to read about these problems One of the Lads
existing in England? Do any of the problems 1. Match the people and places to the definitions.
exist in your country? a a top London
1 Fulham
football club
The Old Oak Bowl where the
2 Chelsea b
1. At the beginning of the story, what does Headhunters stood
Mr Walker think is right or wrong? in the old stadium
a Boys and girls together in the same school. 3 Stamford Bridge c a gang that used to
b Allowing a lot of foreigners into England. organise football
c Making money on his restoration work. violence
d Always telling the truth, even if it hurts 4 The Chelsea d a great, former
people. Headhunters Chelsea player
e Change. 5 The Shed e the stadium of
f England was at its best in the 16th and 17th Chelsea F.C.
centuries. 6 Peter Bonetti f an area of London

Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Level 6

Frozen Pizza and other slices of life Antoinette Moses

2. Complete the summary. Sweetie
Luke, a Chelsea ............ and unwilling member
1. What’s the recipe for success at university? Write
of a gang of football ............ , was always
Do or Don’t after the sentences.
............ . He was needed by the gang because
a Attend seminars regularly.
he was ............ but was never an ............ in
b Get into debt.
the gang. He was frightened of being rejected
c Complete essays on time.
by the lads. He left school with no ............ and
d Dress fashionably. e
decided to become a ............ and enjoyed the
Study in the library.
work. In fact, he had been offered a good job
f Borrow money.
making ............ . He didn’t dare admit this to
g Take notes in seminars.
the lads – their only safe topic of conversation
h Have a great social life.
was ............ . On a trip to ............ , to watch
i Ask friends to make excuses for you.
England against Holland, Luke realised he didn’t
j Have serious conversations.
have to stay with the gang. He could do what he
k Lie to family and lecturers.
wanted, leave London and work in the ............ .
2. Which student lifestyle is/was more similar to
3. How popular is football in your country? Can
your own? Nikki’s or Sue’s?
you say why? To what extent are there problems
3. Where does Nikki’s money come from? In your
with hooligans?
country who do students receive money from? Is
this satisfactory?
Frozen Pizza
1. Mrs Stonehouse’s house or the young man’s The Star Reporter
home? Which features are typical?
1. What do you expect to find in British broadsheets
or tabloids? Tick the features.
Mrs The young
Conversation. Stonehouse man broadsheets tabloids
A neat, tidy house. a Large paper size.
Eating together b Small paper size.
as a family. c Intellectual content.
Kitchen: centre of d Large, dramatic
family life. headlines.
Home-made food. e Soap star gossip.
Microwaved fast 2. Which aspects of the Carol Peters story do you
food. think the tabloids would focus on or ignore?
Independent a Her house was vulnerable to flooding.
lifestyles. b The land used to be owned by the university.
2. How typical do you think Mrs Stonehouse’s way of c She had a terrible childhood.
life is in England? Is this similar to your home life? d She may have killed a child in her care.
3. How popular is fast food among your generation e She spent five years in a young offenders’
in your country? prison.

Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Level 6

Frozen Pizza and other slices of life Antoinette Moses

f She was a loving, caring mother to Robbie. c It was as if he had become a different person
g She had little money. in the country.
h Her need to live anonymously. d ... he would start the term as the only boy in
i She could still be a danger to other children. the school who didn’t have a suntan.
3. Do you have tabloids and broadsheets in your e ‘Couldn’t you see where you were going?’
country? What is the most popular newspaper f ‘They came from down there.’
in your country, and why do you think it is so g ‘It’s amazing.’
popular? 2. Would you prefer to holiday in the Peak District,
England or in Marina di Cecina, Italy? Give your
Don’t Miss the Mozart! reasons why.
3. What are the positive and negative effects of
1. Match up the misunderstandings between Mel
tourism in your country?
and Nicole Leconte.
1 ‘I didn’t expect anyone to come and meet me
at the station.’ After reading
2 ‘I didn’t expect a hotel ... I thought I’d be Choose some of these activities.
staying in someone’s house.’
3 ‘I don’t need all that time ... I like to be fresh.
1. If you were touring around Britain, which places
I just go on and do it.’
in Frozen Pizza and other slices of life would you
4 ‘I thought you’d be rather distant and serious.
like to visit?
And you’re younger than I thought, too.’
2. If you were writing slice of life stories about your
5 ‘I expect you’re right ... Don’t miss it!’
country, would you choose similar or different
a ‘Not you ... You’re a star, aren’t you?’ themes to those in Frozen Pizza and other slices of
b ‘I never thought you’d be so funny.’ life?
c ‘I’m older than you think ... It must be a good 3. Which statement is closest to your outlook on
day.’ life? Why?
d ‘Didn’t the office tell you? ... Or your agent?’
‘Things are not always what you believe them to
e ‘Oh, fine. We didn’t know ... I’d better tell the
be.’ (page 18, Old Oak Bowl)
‘Of course it’s true. It’s in a book, isn’t it?’
2. At what point do you think Mel should have
(page 34, One of the Lads)
realised her mistake?
3. How popular are concerts in your country? What 4. Which of the stories in Frozen Pizza and other
other leisure activities are popular? slices of life made the deepest impression on you?
The Shivering Mountain 5. What new aspects of British life did you discover
from the stories?
1. Look at the words in italics. Who or what is it,
6. Imagine you are a tabloid journalist. Choose
we, he etc.?
a headline from page 84 and write your article
a ‘It doesn’t sound very promising.’
about Carol Peters.
b ‘ ... the one thing we’re all mad about ... is

Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Level 6

Frozen Pizza and other slices of life Antoinette Moses

7. Write one of the following: 10. Here is the blurb from another book at this level.
Mrs Martins’ official letter to Nikki. (See page 72.)
Peter Apton’s phone conversation with Nikki. Deadly Harvest
(See page 73.) Chief Inspector Jane Honeywell is a city
Sue Fordham’s reply to Nikki’s final email. detective in a sleepy country town who
(See page 75.) wonders why she moved there. But then the
8. Persuade a friend to read something from Frozen rural peace and quiet is suddenly disturbed by
Pizza and other slices of life. Write a review of the a particularly horrible murder, and Jane starts
story you enjoyed most. the dangerous pursuit of the killer, or killers.
9. Make your own activities for other students to
do, e.g. write some True or False questions.
Do you want to read Deadly Harvest ?

Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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