"Resolved, That Juvenile Delinquencies Be Out Into Jail." Constructive Speech By: Maria Aubrey Villamor

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“Resolved, that juvenile delinquencies be out into jail.

Constructive Speech
By: Maria Aubrey Villamor

Juvenile delinquency is also known as teenage crime. It is like any crime that human
beings commit but these crime differ because they are committed by young people.
Young people who have less understanding of the world. Parents, friends and teachers are
all responsible along with the juvenile who commit a crime. This is why courts do not
punish the teenagers like they punish the adults when they commit a crime. There are
separate juvenile courts and the purpose of juvenile punishment is to help the teenager
understand the importance of staying away from crimes.
Therefore, we, the negative team denies the given proposition for 3 main reasons:
1. The system is ruining any chance these youths to have a future - Severely punishing
juvenile is ruining any chance these kids have at a future and thus, classical and operant
conditioning (psychology) find that punishment does not succeed in changing behavior
and instead leads directly to more problematic behaviors namely fear, aggression and
avoidance, which serve as catalysts for further criminal acts. If your goal is to reduce
juvenile crime, you need your scope to examine the causes for current juvenile crime, and
work backward through the system to change or eliminate the causes. Only when the
community provides natural support and feedback conducive to prosocial behavior will
make the crime lessen and finally cease. If the community is unable to reliably provide
these cues, crime will perpetuate.

2. Republic Act No. 9394 - This act states that the state recognizes the vital role of
children and youth in nation building and shall promote their physical, moral spiritual,
intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and
nationalism and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs. The state shall
protect the best interests of the child through measures that will ensure the observance on
international standards of child protection, especially those to which the Philippine is
party. The state likewise recognizes the right of a children to assistance, including proper
care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect abuse, cruelty and
exploitation and other condition prejudicial to their development. Pursuant to Article 40
of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the state recognizes the
right of every child alleged as accused of adjudged, or recognized as having infringed the
penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child’s sense of
dignity and worth, taking into account the child’s age and desirability of promoting his
reintegration. It shall ensure that children are dealt with in a manner appropriate to their
well-being by providing for among others, a variety of disposition measure such as care,
guidance, and supervision orders, counseling, foster care, education and vocational
training programs and other alternative institutional care.

3. We might say that this issue is not bigger than the economic crisis we are experiencing
now but to think that these delinquents are quite alarming. A youth for the sake of being
part of something that could protect him will join a gang and throw chaos to the society
that reject him; a youth who just wants to experience his miserable life will do foolish
crimes; an innocent youth yet dangerous; a naive youth yet matured; a youth supposed to
study at school, expected to to be the next leader, an asset turned a liability of our
society... It is unfair. This means, this calls for a help of the whole society to be in the
diversion of children away from committing crimes can be conducted. This includes
community development. These are just few of the possible way of helping juveniles.
Simple yet effective.

Poverty, which is considered to be the roots of all problems and issues in the country
may not be eradicated easily. So I can truly justify that, when there is poverty , there
would still be juvenile delinquents prowling all over the city. The least we can do is to
lessen their increasing population by, of course, implementing those schemes. “it does
take a village to raise a child”. Juvenile delinquents are misled youths whom has made
wrong choices in their lives which was influenced by the society itself, and the only way
to reserve it is to raise the youths and model them into better persons. This is when we
can see their potentials.

Before I end this speech, Isaac Asimov once said, “Humanity has the stars in the
future and that future is to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant
“Resolved, that juvenile delinquencies be out into jail.”
Rebuttal Summation
By: Maria Aubrey Villamor

Youthful crime is not something new in human affairs. But in our age problem of
juvenile delinquency has assumed such proportions as to cause grave concern to the
community and call for special comment and prompt remedy. But allow me first to to
define juvenile delinquency. Teenage crime as what they called. It is like any crime that
human beings commit but these crime differ because they are committed by young
people. Parents, friends and teachers are all responsible along with the juvenile who
commit a crime. There are separate juvenile courts and the purpose of juvenile
punishment is to help the teenager understand the importance of staying away from
crimes. The remedies for juvenile delinquency are suggested by the very sources of evil.
Such sources are as follows:
1.Family - the basic socialization agency for children. Children learn basic concepts
about good and bad from their family, they make their values and set norms of the
society. Family can break the personality of the children. In family the most important
role is played by the parents and the siblings. Most of the adolescents who have
delinquent behaviors in any form belong to families that could not give firm foundation
to the children. Broken families, single parent families, separated families, frequent
parents’ fight, lack of trust and confidence among the parents, criminal parent or
psychological problem . Parents can be the most important reason behind juvenile

2. Peer group influence- peer group is a very strong force that can cause delinquent
behavior in the adolescents. When friends commit crime adolescents learn to do it and
they cannot understand the consequences of the crime. Peer group rejection can also be
the cause of juvenile delinquency. Adolescents can also show delinquent behaviors when
they cannot get any similar resources as their friends have. Parents should ensure that
their children are hanging out with friends who belong to their class as this will prevent
adolescent jealousy which can cause several crimes in adolescents. Parents should also
see that their children are going out with good friends that belong to respectable family.

3. Society - society itself sometimes become very negative and create difficulties for the
youth. Society is a strong force in developing personality of the teens. Developing
negative feeling from the society can become a reason behind juvenile delinquencies.

Family should have a positive attitude towards life and towards society. Parents and
elder siblings should show the children positive values, norms and standards of the
society in this way the children will be able to show the right behavior to the society.
Family is the role model of every child and model behavior the parents and siblings can
give motivation to the child to behave positively. Government should support families
that have poor economic status so they can improve their financial condition. Parents
should also teach children the importance of respecting laws that they observe equality of
rights, justice and condemn discrimination.
Peer group influence is very strong on teens and parents should see the friends of
their children. They should create a healthy and friendly relationship with their children.
In this way children feel free to share anything and everything with their parents.

According to bulatlat.com , - statistics show that most of the Philippines’ young

offenders - “children in conflict with the law” - come from poor families. Thus, most of
the crimes they reportedly commit are crimes against property. Yet the country’s justice
and prison system - the same system to which these youth offenders are committed - is fit
only for the adult hardened criminals. In the end, because juvenile delinquency is both a
reflection and direct effect of the crises besieging the family, it is the economic and
political empowerment of the Filipino family that will decisively address the problem.

The issue calls for the help of the whole society to be in charge for the guidance of
these future generations. A community based schemes for the diversion of children away
from committing crimes can be conducive. This includes care, guidance, counseling,
foster care and training, social activities and community development. These are just a
possible way of helping juveniles and not putting them into jail.

Before I end this speech, Ed Mcbain once said, “He sees it in the juvenile street
gangs, who live in fear of death and who propagate fear by inflicting death to banish fear.
And he sees it as its worst, as the result of worst emotions bursting it into the mind and
erupting form the hands”.

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