Life in The Third Reich

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The World Political Situation Then and Now.

— a speech by Friedrich Kurreck.

English translation by Eric Thomson.

I am happy to inform you about our life in Hitler’s time, for today’s
politicians and mass media are purposefully untruthful about that time.
I am a Thüringer who grew up in a farming family with seven
children, and I have vividly experienced Hitler’s time. My profession
is that of certified engineer, for which I began my studies in
Thüringen. I had a scholarship, since my mother could not provide
money for tuition after my father was killed by lightning. Under
National Socialism, it was no problem for a member of a numerous
family to obtain a scholarship plus living expenses.

One had merely to fill out an application.

As the English, with genocide intent, began bombing German cities’

populations of civilian men, women, children and elderly, I
volunteered for the Air Force to become a pilot in order to shoot down
the English terror bombers. In the course of the war, I served as a pilot
in a fighter squadron.

After my imprisonment, I returned to my home in Thüringen, but I

had to flee to West Germany, because my friends and others were
being grabbed by the Communist criminals, never to return.

I completed my studies in West Germany, while earning my own

living expenses. After six years of professional activities, I secured a
position as chief engineer in a large West German industrial
enterprise. I later founded my own development firm whose many
inventions and developments enabled me to create many jobs for

Today’s decline in nearly every area of German society stems from the
continual failures of the postwar political system and its politicians.

Postwar West Germany was rebuilt by us, the young, former soldiers
who returned from imprisonment, along with the men and women of
our homeland. There were also many old and fit business managers
who had, during the war, managed to increase war production under
the hail of English and American bombs. All of us wanted to rebuild
our Germany in the spirit of German unity. The BRD (Federal
Republic of Germany) was presented to us as provisional, until the re-
establishment of Germany.
Today, the established politicians of all stripes tacitly take this
provisional, unconstitutional BRD as permanent. No established
politician of today has ever acknowledged this unacceptable situation
for the future. The German Reich still has its legitimate existence. It is
just not functioning! The fate of our politicians whom we elected in
1933 is generally known; the Nuremberg Judgements were blatant

The German Folk-Community Spirit Survived the War.

Here is an example: The postwar Ruhr district was a huge heap of

rubble as the English took away its remaining undamaged machinery
to England as reparations. As you know, the Soviets did the same.

A general strike was called by the newly-established union to prevent

the removal of a large 10,000 ton forging press. This was the biggest
press in the world and it could have brought us economic advantages.
I would also like to add that the union leader still thought as a
German. This matter concerned the preservation of remaining jobs and
the preservation of our people. This rally also found representatives of
the Ruhr business in attendance. After the many fighting speeches had
been made by the union side, a businessman asked to speak. He
declared, “let them take the old thing. We used it to make our entire
war production. We shall build new ones that are bigger and better!”
At one stroke came the determined decision: “Yes, yes, yes!” was the
answer. He had said the magic words.

The old spirit of the folk-community was still alive and discoverable!
In National Socialism the Workers and Employers Formed
a United Front Against the Combined Enemies of
Capitalism and Communism.

The English took the old press to England, where it surely sits today.
We young engineers of that time took these words to heart and
subsequently constructed and built the most modern presses which
gave us many production advantages over England and the other
victor states, and brought about West Germany’s great rise to
prosperity. England still had production facilities which were decades
obsolete, as the norm for its industries. Over there, factories still had
long drive-shafts from which transmission belts drove the individual
machines. In Germany, we had already been using modern electric-
powered machines, which is proven to be a great technical advantage;
The English auto firms overtaken by the Germans, also bear witness
today to the inefficiency of English businesses, which is also a source
of the capitalist English hatred of the efficient Germans.

In World War II, Almost the Entire World Was Called

Upon to Beat Down the Diligent, Brave Germans in a
Long, Forced War.

Under Hitler, National Socialism emphasized the principle, as stated

already, that workers and employers belong together as a united entity
and they were not to be agitated nor played off against one another,
contrary to the capitalist system of today.

During the course of my career, I have had to consider always this

decisively correct and important concept. What can an employer do
with ever so good inventions and developments, if he has no workers
in his shop to produce them? Nothing! And vice versa: what can a
very good worker do, if he has no employer whose business decisions
can provide him with modern technology? Nothing!

The principle is that those who work with their heads and their hands,
united with nationally-conscious employers, belong together as a

This political principle, combined with our retreat from the capitalist
gold standard, delivered us from the hopelessness and harm inflicted
by the Versailles Dictate. Germany under Hitler was no longer the
World War I victors’ object of plunder.

That was Hitler’s concept of folk community which is reviled and

unheeded today. There is no remaining national consciousness in
today’s politicians, or better said, today’s capitalist vassals. “Economic
development through more mergers” are today’s magic words. Foreign
capitalists now decide upon the elimination of German jobs. The
playing off of workers against employers and vice versa within the
folk community is the foremost principle of today’s pseudo-
democratic capitalist system.

Today we see many negative examples in the economy where this has
occurred. The German worker has finally become the football of
foreign economic interests.

This Is Capitalism & Globalism in Their Purest Forms. We Must

Defend Ourselves Against Them with All Our Strength.

I would like to add, that under Hitler, the 6 to 7 million unemployed

under the “Weimar Republic” were, for the most part, re-employed
within two and one half years. Within five years, full employment was
Hitler’s enemies claim today that full employment was only achieved
by rearmament. That is absolutely untrue. Armaments began to play a
big economic role for the first time in 1939, as England and France
forced war upon us. Here are the figures:

German Defence Industry Income from 1933 to 1939:

1933/34 RM 1.9 billion = 4% of the National Income

1934/35 RM 1.9 billion = 4% of the National Income
1935/36 RM 4 billion = 7% of the National Income
1936/37 RM 5.8 billion = 9% of the National Income
1937/38 RM 8.2 billion = 11% of the National Income
1938/39 RM 18.4 billion = 22% of the National Income

The above figures belie the Allied accusations that Germany armed
her way out of the Great Depression. The economic situation of the
so-called “Weimar Republic” began with the loss of World War I,
which was waged by England against Germany in the form of
encirclement and the unprecedented hunger blockade.

In his book, “Propaganda for War”, Prof. H.C. Peterson wrote:

“By 1918, approximately 763,000 Germans had died of

malnutrition and sickness resulting from the blockade.”

These Germans were children, women, old men — the weakest

members of society.

Charles C. Tansill wrote in his book, “Back Door to War”:

“The signing of the armistice on November 11th, 1918 did not lift
the blockade against Germany. Months after the end of the First
World War, the Allied governments allowed no food to reach
millions of starving people in Germany.”

It Was Then Already Decided Upon to Kill off the German


Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, wrote:

“We did everything in our power to starve the women and

children of Germany.”

Churchill, who was even then an influential English politician,

declared in an interview in the London Times:

“If Germany re-establishes her trade in the next 50 years, we

shall have fought the war (First World War) in vain.”

All the anti-German hatred was put on paper at the conclusion of the
Versailles Conference in 1919. Germany had to give its gold reserves
to the rich victors, amounting to the unprecedented sum of 100 billion
marks, in gold. This amount would also be revised upward! By
comparison, France was required by the Frankfurt Peace Treaty of
1871 to withdraw from Elsass-Lothringen and to pay war reparations
of 5 billion francs.

Since Germany could not pay such a huge amount of ‘reparations’,

France took its share by occupying the Ruhr and Rheinland areas and
diverted their coal production to France.

The German People Froze and Starved.

Because of this enormous reparations figure, to be paid in gold, there
was no longer any backing for the mark. This led to inflation. This
wiped out the Germans’ savings. In those days, a loaf of bread cost 2
billion marks; at the end of the inflation, a pound of butter cost 2
trillion marks.

As a means of payment, the mark was only paper, without any


The introduction of the “revenue mark” in 1924 ended the inflation

and revalued the mark. The revaluation did not solve the basic
problem of unemployment, because of which the common folk and
former workers lacked the simplest and most basic necessities of life,
especially food.

The “Weimar Republic” years were for the German people

distinguished by unemployment and hunger, a lack of warm housing
in winter and a hopeless future. The urban suicide rate was very high.
Children were the foremost victims of the pervasive poverty of those
times. Because the government lacked viable alternatives and suffered
from certain democratic defects, it could only rely upon emergency
decrees. Hitler showed the proper direction to be taken by these
bungling politicians of the 32 parties of those times. Of that, more

How Did I Survive This Ordeal?

Entire armies of unemployed streamed out from the cities, into the
countryside, to beg food for their families. In the villages the
unemployed offered to work as farmhands, just for something to eat.
In autumn they gleaned the freshly-harvested potato fields for any
potatoes which remained in the ground. The poor workers lacked
money to buy coal for heating. As winter approached, one could buy a
so-called “wood licence” by paying a forester one mark. The owners
of such licences had the right to gather broken branches as firewood
from the state forests. In this way, the forests were cleared, and were
not in the condition in which one finds them today. Every day, one
saw columns with their hand carts, marching in the direction of the
forests. Lying and cynical journalists prattle today about “The Golden
Twenties”! Golden for whom? For the despoilers of the German
people? Anything else is an additional, shameless sneer and lie against
the multitudes of starving and freezing people of those times.

The Communist Party Attacks the Farmers.

The farmers of Thüringen had mostly small holdings, no money and

were often deeply in debt. Nevertheless, the Communists deemed
them to be property owners, and as such, their political enemies. Our
small farm was ‘haunted’ by groups of these people, and was robbed
again and again.

These visits were characterized by rude and arrogant behavior, with

orders to put food on the table for them, for free, of course! My father
would say to my mother, “Give them all we have, or else they will
burn down our house.” The night sky was often lit up by the flames of
farmhouses which had been torched. People said it was done by the
Communists. In that time, anxiety was our constant companion. It was
a revolutionary situation!

Later, as Hitler established the Storm Troops (S.A.), this specter was
quickly banished and relative order returned. Throughout the
mountain regions all over Germany, the common people were
especially hard hit by the all-pervasive hunger.
By means of a democratic election, Hitler took over the leadership of
Germany on January 30th, 1933. What he took over was a totally
bankrupt state, the “Weimar Republic”, with 6 to 7 million jobless
workers. As I already mentioned, all German gold reserves had been
taken by the rich victors of World War I as reparations. The treasury
was empty!

All the German people were filled with hope for this new beginning
under Hitler. He had promised us “Work and Bread”, and he kept his
word, unlike the politicians of today’s “Second Republic on German
Soil.” That we shall not forget!

For Hitler it was out of the question for Germany to become indebted
to the jewish bankers of international finance in order to develop the
economy. He did not want to fall back into their interest-slavery! The
National Socialist folk economy under Hitler thus stands in contrast
to today’s politicians of the “German Federal Republic” (BRD) with
its capitalist system of irresponsible debt-machinations.

Hitler had found a new way, and therein lie his great and unique
accomplishments. It is important for you to hear how ingeniously he
did it, to the displeasure of the foreign capitalists. Hitler’s Way is
called “Folk’s Economy”. Many of succeeding generations know very
little about it, so I shall clarify: To alleviate the greatest need of the
German people, “Winter Assistance Work” was immediately called
into being. Its motto was: “No one shall starve and freeze!”

It Was a Great Gathering of Donations for the Poorest of

the Poor in Germany’s Needy Mountain Regions and

This was a first-rate social action, and it had great success. The poor
people of these regions made small items, such as wood carvings,
glassware and the like, as tokens for donations received, quickly
earning them work and bread. People displayed these tokens to show
that they had done their bit to help the poor folk, which spurred the
entire German folk to do likewise.

In order to provide work and bread to the millions of unemployed, the

plan to “motorize” Germany was developed. The construction of
autobahns was begun, using only German materials. As you know,
today’s roads are paved with bitumen or asphalt. This petroleum
product had to be imported and paid for in dollars, but we had no
dollars. Thus was concrete slab construction invented. The roadway
was made of concrete slabs laid together upon compacted earth. All
necessary materials were available in Germany. The inventors and
builders were the engineers, Dr. Todt and Dr. Dorpmüller.

German Workers, That Is, the German Folk, Were to

Drive on the Autobahns.

The German auto industry made its proposal: the price per automobile
would be between 1,350 and 1,600 Reichsmarks, but these prices were
too high for Hitler. Hitler proposed the building of a new and modern
auto for the folk. Dr. Porsche built this new auto, the Volkswagen.
This auto was new in every respect and was the most-built and most
economical car in the world. At that time it cost 995 Reichsmarks,
which could be paid off in small installments. We will not forget that
“Volkswagen” was the word Hitler personally chose, a term which the
postwar spirit has been unable to eradicate. Think about that when you
see a VW.

In order to keep Germany independent of (largely jewish)

international finance, German chemists made tires from domestically
available German materials, chiefly coal, by means of polymerization.
The Buna Works in Merseburg was built for that purpose. The tires
made of German artificial rubber were also stronger than those made
of natural rubber.

Cars also need gasoline, and this is a distilled petroleum product. Oil
could only be purchased from overseas with dollars, which we did not

German inventiveness and enterprise produced gasoline from coal-

liquification. Thus came about the Leuna Works at Merseburg. Even
today, South Africa produces gasoline according to this technique. The
German inventors were the chemists, Fiscner and Tropsch.

The Germans needed clothes, but cotton could only be purchased with
dollars from overseas. It was thus under Hitler that the first practical
rayon fiber was invented. The rayon factory remains today in
Schwarza, Thüringen. Combined with German sheeps’ wool, this
material made comfortable clothing. After Germany lost the war
which was forced upon us, the Americans stole the patent for this fiber
as war booty, and sold clothing made of it back to us, for dollars!

For the Restoration of the Economy, the German Steel

Industry Urgently Needed Iron Ore.

There were no dollars available to purchase the rich iron are of

Sweden, with its iron content of 81% to 85%. Therefore, a new
process, the “KruppRenn Process”, was developed. This enabled us to
use domestic German ore, with only 23% to 26% iron content. The
German miners, steelworkers and metal-working firms went back to
work without being in debt to jewish financiers of the victor states of
England and America, thus avoiding their interest-slavery. Their
displeasure was not only evident, but so was their desire to change this
situation, by means of war, if necessary!
The construction of houses and apartments for workers was notable
everywhere. The financing arrangements were quite reasonable.
Newly married couples with children received generous loans
repayable in ten years, so they could buy a spacious house or
apartment. The birth of the first child would cancel a quarter of the
loan; four children would cancel the entire debt! Hitler’s viewpoint
was as follows:

“Over a ten year period, a family with four children will not only
earn more than just the amount of the loan, but will pay taxes on
hundreds of useful items.”

The houses and apartments were naturally constructed according to

the highest standards of public health, a factor for which previous
worker housing projects were very negligent. In a few years, tax
revenues trebled.

Before the end of 1933, Hitler succeeded in building 202,119

dwellings in accordance with his building program. Within four years,
nearly l.5 million (1,458,128) were built for the German people.

The monthly rent for a worker, as prescribed by law, was not to

exceed 26 Reichsmarks. That was about one eighth of his monthly
earnings! Employees with higher incomes paid 45 Reichsmarks
maximum. Compare this with today’s rents!

Hitler’s Germany Never Experienced a Financial Crisis.

These outstanding achievements of the German folk were

accomplished with German inventiveness and industry under Hitler’s
leadership, and with these achievements Germans’ self-confidence
returned. We were independent and free, without having to be in debt.
That is also something we will not forget! The same evaluation can be
made in many other areas.

As I have already stated, I come from a peasant family, so I therefore

wish to tell how Hitler solved the German agricultural problems. The
farmers also lost their savings in the great inflation. For the jews and
other foreign speculators, this dire state of affairs was an enormous
profit-making opportunity. It was said, “Go to Germany, and you can
buy a farm or a factory for a few dollars!” And they came. The
provision of credit at high interest led the way to dependence, forced
sales and property losses. At the Bückeburg Farmers’ Day
celebrations in 1935, Hitler announced the passage of The Farm
Inheritance Law for the protection of agriculture, whereby farms
bigger than 15 acres could only be transferred by inheritance. Such
farms already in alien hands had to be returned to their previous
owners. The National Socialist state made available the necessary
funds for repurchases. The purchase of farms for a few dollars was
nullified by The Farm Inheritance Law, much to the joy of the
farmers. It was a brilliant chess move for the protection of German
agriculture! The great rake-off by foreign speculators was
retroactively curtailed, and they could do nothing with their ill-gotten
Reichsmarks, because they were not convertible. This naturally stirred
such people’s hatred for National Socialist Germany.

Other effective measures were taken on behalf of the farmers, whose

incomes were the lowest in Germany. In 1933 alone, 17, 611 houses
were built for farmers. Within 3 years, 91,000 such houses were built.
By these and other measures, Hitler benefited the farmers and
improved their economic situation.

Foreign Trade.
Because Germany was no longer on the gold standard, her foreign
trade became a well-functioning barter system. All countries which
were independent of the U.S.A. and England gladly adopted this
system. In exchange for machinery, we received ores, coffee, tropical
fruit and important raw materials from Spain, Portugal, Brazil and
other lands. All European and overseas countries approved of this
method of doing business, because Germany was a very fair trading
partner. A U.S. dollar evaluation of this trade was not possible, for
these countries had no dollars to buy German machinery. To this day,
people of these lands still say that they were fairly treated by Hitler-
Germany. They remain our friends today.

Their export products were not subject to speculation in the New York
Stock Exchange, much to the advantage of our former trading

This trading method was naturally a thorn in the eye of the Anglo-
american- Jewish banksters, while they could no longer profit from it.
Extreme agitation against Germany was the result.

The first declaration of war by The Jewish World Congress came just
3 weeks after Hitler’s democratic election. This sensational
declaration was published by London’s Daily Express on March 24,
1933, as major front-page news. Here are a few excerpts from this
declaration of war:

“...14 million jews, throughout the world, are united as one man
in declaring war on German persecution of their brothers in
faith... World jewry has decided not to remain silent in the face of
a resurgent jew-baiting of the Middle Ages... The jewish prince of
trade leaves his house of business, the banker his bank, the
storekeeper his shop and the door-to-door, peddler his tray.
(Editor’s note: Were there no jewish laborers?) They unite in holy
war against the jews’ Hitlerian enemy.”
As we know today, world jewry was not concerned for their “brothers
in faith” in Germany, but only about Hitler’s withdrawal from the gold
standard by means of German productivity, and world jewry’s
consequent loss of their rackets in Germany. Two days after world
jewry’s declaration of war and agitation against Germany, The Zionist
Union for Germany sent a telegram to the top jews in America dated
March 26, 1933:

“In regard to foreign misinformation about the German jews for

the purpose of making anti-German propaganda, The Zionist
Union for Germany declares: With great resolve we have
informed the entire jewish world press via the Jewish Telegraph
Agency, already on March 17th, of our declaration against all
anti-German propaganda. We have publicly repeated our protest
against all untruthful atrocity announcements and baseless

We protest against every attempt to place jewish interests at the

service of other countries or groups. The defence of jews’ civil
rights and their economic position cannot and must not be
coupled with anti-German political actions.”

Despite these warnings from German jews, the leadership of world

jewry continued their campaign of atrocity propaganda against
Germany. Thus was the world political climate poisoned. The
president of the ‘neutral’ U.S.A. zealously joined the fray. In Chicago,
on October 50, 1937, he spoke for the first time about “peaceful
nations” versus “aggressor nations” (Japan, Italy and Germany)
which should be “quarantined”, that is, embargoed, by the U.S.A.
This was later known as “the quarantine speech”. At the conclusion of
this speech, Roosevelt said hypocritically:

“I an resolved to pursue the politics of peace, by means of all

practical measures, in order to avoid entanglement in war...
Positive efforts must be made to keep the peace. America hates
war. America hopes for peace. America will take an active role in
striving for peace.”

On November 21, 1938, Jerszy Potocki, the Polish Ambassador in

Washington, DC, mentioned that he had visited U.S. Ambassador
William Bullit, in Paris, who told him that Roosevelt had decided to
lead the U.S.A. into the next war, which could last for six years. Bullit
spoke about Germany and Hitler with extraordinary vehemence.

On December 27th, 1945, James Forrestal, U.S. Navy Undersecretary

during the war, confided in his diary:

“Played golf with Joe Kennedy. I asked him about his

conversations with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain in 1938.
Among other things, he said that Hitler would have fought against
Soviet Russia, without seeking a later conflict with England, if it
were not for Bullit’s and Roosevelt’s insistence in the summer of
1939 to humiliate Germany by means of Poland. Neither France
nor Britain would have made Poland a cause for war, had it not
been for Washington’s constant prodding... Chamberlain was
convinced that the U.S.A. and world jewry had forced England
into war...”

In 1938, the jewish declaration of war against Germany was repeated.

German goods were boycotted in the U.S.A. The U.S. people were
urged by the jew-owned press to “boycott all German goods” and
German businesses. Jews planted explosives on German freighters.
The Swiss National Socialist leader, Wilhelm Gustloff, and later, von
Rath of the German Embassy in Paris, were murdered by jews. World
jewry’s declaration of war against Germany and their attacks on
Germans and German interests overseas also endangered jews in
Germany. The result was that jewish businesses were boycotted in
Germany, again.
“Boycott jewish goods” heralded a one-day boycott of jewish
businesses in Germany, on April 1, 1933. International jewry was
responsible for the war, and because they were the declared enemies
of Germany, they would be treated as prisoners of war, and confined
as such.

You should also know that on March 24th, 1933, The National Union
of Jewish Front Soldiers sent a note to the U.S. Embassy in Berlin,
which stated:

“...It is also our decision to reject the irresponsible anti-German

agitation of so-called jewish intellectuals overseas. These men,
who were for the most part never known as German jews, gave up
their right to be our self-styled defenders when they abandoned us
at the critical moment and fled the country. They have no right to
meddle in German-jewish affairs. From their safe cover they
dishonorably shoot their arrows of exaggeration to injure
German jews as well as Germany...”

Apparently, these jewish war agitators on the other side of the Atlantic
cared nothing for the lives and safety of the German jews. They
continued their agitation in the most evil manner as war came, with
their constant defamation of Germany and Hitler. With the
unconditional surrender of the German defence forces on May 8th,
1945, the anti-Germans attained their goal: once again, the German
folk could be carved up like a dead goose, as is happening today.

Our successors know absolutely nothing about these foregoing events.

The German folk are purposely kept ignorant by the politicians and

Some Contemporary Foreign Opinions About Hitler and
National Socialism in “Those Times”.

Next, I would like to cite a foreign politician who was our enemy in
World War I, the former Prime Minister of England, Lloyd George, on
his 1936 visit to Germany, as reported by The Daily Express of

“I have just returned from a visit to Germany. I have seen the

famous German Leader, and also some of the great changes he
has brought about. Whatever one nay think of his methods, which
are certainly not parliamentary, there is no doubt that he has
brought about a wonderful change in the thinking of the German
people. For the first tine since the (First World) War, there reigns
a general feeling of confidence. The people are happier.
Throughout the entire land there is a general outpouring of joy. It
is a happier Germany.

One man has achieved this miracle. The fact is that Hitler has
freed his land of its fear of constant, despair and humiliation,
which has given him in today’s Germany, unfettered authority.

It is not merely for his popular leadership that he is admired.

(Hitler) is honored as a national hero who has rescued his land
from total hopelessness and degradation. He is Germany’s
George Washington, the man who won independence from his
country’s oppressors.”

On May 7th, 1945, the Norwegian Nobel Prize winner, Knut Hamsun,
was quoted in Aftenposten:

“Hitler was a reformer of the highest rank, and his historical fate
was to be in a time of unexampled brutality, of which he was
finally a victim.”
There were others, such as Churchill and Roosevelt. During the 1936
Olympics, Churchill said:

“We will force Hitler into war, whether he wants it or not.”

In 1937, Churchill said to German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop:

“If Germany gets too strong, we shall smash her again!”

Roosevelt declared before the U.S. Congress, in 1934;

“There will be war with Germany... all has been planned for some

Lord Halifax, Foreign Minister and Viceroy of India, also a

warmonger, as quoted in Prof. David L. Hoggan’s 1962 book, “The
Forced War”, said:

“We have decided to place the entire blame for the war upon

Hitler did not want war! On July 190, 1940, he declared in his speech
before the Reichstag:

“I am, today, still saddened by the failure of my efforts to

establish a friendship with England, which, I believe, would be a
blessing for both peoples.”

Hitler often travelled in his special train from Berlin to Munich and
back. As soon as the people on either side of the tracks would see his
train, they would stop their work and wave, or give the German salute.
Hitler was one of us, and we were proud of him!

My father was a small farmer, who had to pay his property taxes every
six months. The tax collector was a forestry worker in the same
district, who was appointed by the finance department. Although his
house was just 150 meters away from ours, my father would wear his
best suit, to bring his contribution to our country, which was called
Germany. The paying of taxes was for my father an honorable and
sacred duty. Compare this attitude with the corrupt behavior of today’s
politicians of The German Federal Republic, in regard to tax matters!

Since Hitler’s takeover of government was democratic, rather than by

violent overthrow, he took away the rubber truncheons of the police.
After so many Germans had been degraded by these weapons in
Weimar times, it was no longer permitted to beat Germans. This,
clearly showed that the leadership of the Third Reich had trust, rather
than fear for the folk, and that the folk had trust, rather than fear for
their leadership! The crime rate was extremely low under Hitler.
Please consider what it means today, that it is illegal to have a
weapon. Weapons permits are virtually nonexistent today. This can
only mean that the politicians of the Federal German Republic (BRD)
distrust and fear their own people. A drug problem was unheard of in

Under Hitler, the First Vacation Cruise Ships Were Built for the
German Workers.

The big cruise ships, “Wilhelm Gustloff”, “Robert Ley”, “Cap Arkona”
and others enabled German workers to take sea cruises for little
money. The ships were brand new, and most modern in design. These
ships were barred from British harbors, basically to prevent the British
workers from seeing what was available to German workers under
Hitler’s National Socialism.

The favorite destinations were the Portuguese island of Madeira, as

well as the Spanish islands and port cities.
In Hitler-times we perceived in our lives a breakthrough into a new
dimension. A few years previously, the folk were in the greatest
adversity, and now, a new and better future lay before us, after
decisive changes of direction. Many foreigners sent their children to
study in Germany where they wished to learn about Hitler’s Folk’s
Economy and German technology which was the apex of
technological achievement.

Hitler had thereby shown the whole world that an economy could be
built by the will of a people, without gold. This way was entirely new,
and recommended itself to many poor peoples of the Earth.

Hitler’s foreign capitalist opponents therefore viewed his new

economic system as a declaration of war and a danger to the entire
capitalist gold standard system, with its boundless credit that created
debt-slavery, dependence and dissolution of the poor countries under
Judeo-Anglo-American high finance.

Germany Had Become off Limits to Looters.

World jewish leaders brag:

“We have the greatest power on Earth: gold!”

(By which they create poverty! Ed.)

Hitler and his able comrades developed and directed an efficient

economic system out of adversity, which endangered the entire
capitalist system. The gold price threatened to fall, which would mean
universal disaster for these capitalists! This new economic system was
not only historically unprecedented, with no basis upon gold, it was,
from the beginning, serious competition against capitalism, of East
and West.
This new economic system could only be destroyed by war, and our
opponents began their preparations quite early. In his speech at Fulton
in 1946, Churchill declared:

“The war was not only waged to defeat fascism (sic) in Germany,
but to conquer the German export market. We could have, if we
had wanted, prevented war in 1935, without firing a shot, but we
did not wish to do so.”

The Jewish World Congress and capitalist England and France

declared war on Germany, because their looter-system was in danger,
and threatened with losses in the future. Nor will we forget that the
U.S. leadership stood in the background from the beginning, as one of
the warmongers. The value of their gold was in danger!

It was taken into account that the war which the Allies wished to force
upon Germany would cause the deaths of millions of innocent people.
The Second World War caused the deaths of some 55 million people,
including 11 million Germans, of whom millions were women and

World War II was conducted as a war of genocide against Germany, to

kill the maximum number of Germans, while destroying the German
economy for all time. The bombardment of German cities resulting in
the deaths of more than a million women and children make that
policy clearly evident.

This war was a many million-fold bloodbath, caused by a small group

of Judeo-Anglo-American capitalists, their lackeys and stooges, on
behalf of their gold and their money. Today, the archives are open. The
truth is known! One needs only to make the effort to track down this
secret story, according to Honore de Balzac, for this is where the real
causes of war appear.
The “Cold War” temporarily spared the German people from total
annihilation, but our elected “representatives” in the Bundestag work
openly to dissolve the German folk, and to replace us with a multi-
cultural society, a multi-national state on German soil. Thus will the
victors, who conducted genocide against Germany in war, achieve
their final goal.

In order to conceal and cover up the real background and causes of the
war against Germany, every means is used against Hitler and the Third

Defamation, criminalization, the falsification of history and

outright lies. It is alleged that the ‘democracies’ had to defend
themselves against Hitler’s plans to ‘conquer the world’.

This is absolute nonsense, shameless calumny and lying atrocity

propaganda, which is also spread by postwar German politicians and
the jewish-owned mass media. The entire political establishment of
today is determined to conceal the truth about Hitler-times. Patriotic
Germans who reveal the truth are thrown in jail, despite the
‘guarantee’ under Article 5 of the German constitution which states
that everyone is free to express his opinions.

Today, the capitalist German Federal Republic has a debt of 2,355

billion marks. That is monstrous and inconceivable! Some 5.7 million
unemployed have been jobless for a decade, and the so-called ABM
manpower are concealed unemployed, who make up 1.5 million of the
actual jobless figure. The huge national debt no longer allows the
financing of job-creation programs. Economically, the Federal
Republic of Germany is finished. Under Hitler, such a collapse would
not be possible!

Today’s economic and cultural decline in Germany and the retreat

from German values result from the victors’ imposition of their
capitalist, pseudo-democratic system. The unmistakable goal is to
bring about the distortion and destruction of Germany’s great culture-
bearing folk, through alienation and the falsification of German
history. If German justice prescribes hanging for those committing
high treason, why are those unpunished, who seek the destruction and
replacement of the German folk with a multicultural society? So far,
we have been denied our democratic right of a referendum on such
important national questions.

The German Federal Republic uses the word, “evident” (well-known)

to suppress freedom of expression in regard to important topics! The
courts and the news media are the whores of the money-powers
behind the curtain of anonymity, just as John Swinton, former
publisher of The New York Times, revealed in 1914.

National Socialism could only be impeded by imposing war upon

Germany, who had to fight against overwhelming material and
military might. Compared with parasitic capitalism, with its great
profits for the few, who must always rely upon war to attain their
goals, National Socialism was and still is the far better alternative.

This speech appeared in the weekly newspaper, Der Schlesier, July

26 to August 16th, 2002.

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