Chapter 1

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Chapter 1



“Man is by nature a political animal”, this is how Aristotle summed up his view

that the highest achievement of human endeavor was to be a citizen of a polis or a small

city-state. Government was established in order to protect the people living in the society,

make laws and policies for the people to have guide on the norms and standards of the

society. In order to achieve peace and order, laws and policies must be implemented to

provide the people with law enforcers.

As stated by Manwong et al (2010), law enforcement is commonly seen as the sole

responsibility of the government through its law enforcement agencies. However, today’s

modern trend in law enforcement requires the unselfish contribution of the community

members to be effective and efficient.

Law enforcement is any system by which some members of society act in an

organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing

people who violates the rules and norms governing of that society. As cited by Guevara et

al (2008) police now a days utilizes the modern concept of police service, wherein the

yardstick of its effectiveness on how to prevent crime or lessen the criminality in the

society. The partnership of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) and the

Philippine National Police (PNP) in the maintenance of peace and order is very essential

in curbing crimes.

Peacekeeping is the basic function of the police. And police visibility is one of the

main thrusts of the peacekeeping activity. Without this, it would be very y difficult to

maintain peace and order. However, enhanced police visibility may not work in all

situations or fail to achieve its objective of addressing criminality. This is where the police

must share the mantle of responsibility for fighting crime with the members of the

community. Community cooperation and support is indispensable. In fact, the basic

mission of the PNP expressly states that peace and order and public safety can be assured

only with the active involvement of the community.

As an added feature of the PNP medium term Development Plan Launched on

October 2002, the PNP PCR Masterplan and its two components “Sambayan” and

“Santinig”, have gone a long way insofar as furthering the Community Oriented Policing

System doctrine is concerned. Much has been accomplished in bringing the police closer

to the people, forging partnerships which have successfully addressed peace and order


According to Haynes and Thea (2010) crimes are very complicated ventures that

cannot easily be curbed only by the police particularly those that happen in society and the

community at large. These need the assistance of civilian volunteers to help solve crimes.

The key to the improvement of civilian and military law enforcement relationship is taking

the initiative and understanding the difference in culture and how and why each agency

operates. Taking the initiative to make contact with their counterpart develops a working

relationship that will benefit public safety for both the civilian and military communities.

If initiated at the local level this important work will spread to the national level and will

help insure success in protecting communities the varied population of those communities.

Police force tapped the services of civilian volunteers in the fight against

criminality. A number of civilian volunteers and kabayan action group members have been

recruited to help in their anti-crime campaign. In addition, some of them were also tapped

to help policemen in beat patrol operation. However, instead of gun, the volunteers were

armed with metal stick and handcuffs. The said volunteers were not allowed to man

checkpoints set up to go after violators of the election gun ban as ordered by the

Commission on Elections. They were not earning even a single centavo for their

community work. The barangay peacekeeping action team were required to duty at 8:00pm

and end at 1:00am. Moreover, some of the volunteers were deployed in police community

precincts while the rest joined the policemen in security patrols. But the work done and

effort exerted were not even sometimes recognized in the society.

The existence of the barangay peacekeeping action team in attaining peace and

order of the country cannot be questioned since they are found to be useful in the combat

against criminality and peacekeeping in the society. The fundamental reason why crimes

in the community cannot be easily resolved is because of the communication gap that

occurred between civilian volunteers and the police force. The problem of Barangay

Peacekeeping Action Team and the Philippine National Police would remain unsullied in

the existing barangays if and when the partnership of the two parties will not be


Community peacekeeping activity is believed to be more effective considering the

direct support and participation from the community members, specifically in monitoring

and reporting purposes. With the Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPO) and the

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT), security and safety services traditionally

dispensed by the PNP will be enhanced by the public approach. The BPAT, the prime

movers of the BPO will render services for the community which they belong and serve.

They will be focused on the three general endeavors which are; security services focused

on proactive community based policing system, conflict resolution through Barangay

Justice System and crisis management which includes disaster mitigation. These and more,

is what the BPO and the BPAT is all about. This is the new dynamic and proactive approach

to community peacekeeping which the PNP leadership is pushing for.

The researchers who are future policemen of the country, find it necessary to look

into the level of effectiveness of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team working hand

in hand with the Philippine National Police in relation to the peace and order in Dapitan


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework of the Study

The study is primarily anchored on the Modern Policing System by Sir Robert Peel

as cited by Manwong et al (2010) which developed the Peel’s principles which describes

the best characteristics of a modern police force. The Peel’s principles are as follows: (1)

Stable and effective police force should be under government control, (2) Absence of crime

is the best proof of efficiency, (3) Fast distribution of news to the people is essential, (4)

Proper distribution of personnel according to shift and by hour, (5) The best qualification

of peace officers is control of temper, (6) Proper selection and training is the basis of

efficiency, (7) Police cannot function properly without wholehearted support of the people,

(8) Every police must sell himself to the people, and lastly (9) Police officers must go out

of their way to help or assist the people. The above stated principles are the basis of the

creation of the PNP’s plans and strategies.

This study is hinged also on the Broken Windows Theory by Wilson et al as

stipulated by Mazerolle (2005) states that “maintaining and monitoring urban


environments to prevent small crimes such as vandalism, public drinking, and toll-jumping

helps to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious

crimes from happening” thereby giving emphasis on solving the minor crime first before

it becomes worst.

The Chicago Police Department also developed and implemented a program which

is called Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy wherein its goals is to blend traditional

policing strategies with alternative strategies aimed at encouraging community members

and police to work together to reduce the occurrence of crimes. It was implemented after a

realization that between the 1960s and 1990s, the community and police were becoming

increasingly isolated from one another throughout the country and in Chicago.

This alternative method was designed to isolate the community and the police less

than traditional methods. CAPS emphasized the need for increased lines of communication

between the community and the police, so that together they could come up with solutions

for chronic neighborhood problems. Their motto was “Together We Can” which promoted

the cooperation of police, community and city services in fighting crime. This concludes

that the crime resolution is impossible when there is no cooperation coming from the

community. That is why, we need to have good relationship with the community for it is

where criminals and the victims of the crime belong.

In the Philippines, a revolutionized concept in modern policing and a new strategy

for delivering basic police services adhering to the following basic concepts have been

adopted – the so called COPS. The following were the COPS objectives: (1) The police

and community are co-producers of police vices. Hence, peace and order is shared joint

responsibility of the community and the police. (2) Put emphasis on the proactive or pre-

emptive system of policing capitalizing on the active and vigilant actions and participation

of the citizenry. (3) It is a Problem Oriented Policing System (POPS), which is zeroed in

to the root causes of the problem and its solution.

The study is also anchored on the Barangay Peacekeeping Operation and Barangay

Peacekeeping Action Team manual and pursuant to the authority of the National Peace and

Order Council and the Philippine National Police, the Barangay Peacekeeping Action

Team (BPAT) is hereby created as the primary operators to conduct Community-Oriented

Policing and Public Safety System. The BPAT will be composed of PNP supervisor,

Barangay Chairman, Ex-O, Barangay Tanod (sectoral representatives, police auxiliaries).

The main mission of BPAT is to conduct peacekeeping activities in association with the

various sectors of the community and ensure their continuous support towards the

maintenance of peace and order and safety. The BPAT shall be under the direct supervision

of the lowest PNP unit in the locality. Particularly the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team

shall have the following functions: (1) Law Enforcement; (2) Community Organization;

(3) Disaster Management; (4) Environmental Protection; and, (5) Barangay Conflict


Community is the place where crimes happen and the place where criminals take

shelter. Coordination of the community in the fight against criminality is indispensable,

police is nothing without the help of the community. The police will be more effective and

efficient if the community cooperates in enforcing the laws, in detecting and apprehending

criminals, in maintaining peace and order, and in disaster management and environmental

protection. The community plays a vital role in maintaining peace and order, and the

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team is the force multiplier of our police forces.

The independent variables of the study are the basic functions of the Barangay

Peacekeeping Action Team in terms of: (1) Law Enforcement; (2) Community

Organization; (3) Disaster Management; (4) Environmental Protection; and, (5) Barangay

Conflict Resolution.

Law Enforcement. The conduct of crime prevention and deterrence measures to

protect the vulnerable sectors of the community.

Community Organization. Organization and mobilization of various sectors of

the community in support of the maintenance of peace and order and safety.

Disaster Management. Conducting crisis management, disaster mitigation,

search, rescue, and relief operations within the community.

Environmental Protection. Initiating and performing activities relating to

environmental concerns such as community cleaning program, coastal cleaning,

reforestation, waste management activity, and the like.

Barangay Conflict Resolution. Strengthens and supports the Barangay Justice

System (Lupong Tagapamayapa). Assist in making amicable settlement of issues or

disputes wherein the conflicting parties are residents of the same or adjoining barangay to

make mutual concession and to obtain a peaceful resolution of the disputes without formal


Effectiveness. The researchers will look on the level of effectiveness of the

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team in terms of (1) Law Enforcement; (2) Community

Organization; (3) Disaster Management; (4) Environmental Protection; and, (5) Barangay

Conflict Resolution in relation to the peace and order in Dapitan city. The crime rate in

Dapitan city and in each barangays will manifest the effectiveness and efficiency in the

utilization and empowerment of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team in the fight

against criminality and lawlessness.

The schema of the study is presented in Figure 1. The first box at the left contains

the independent variable which are the basic functions of the Barangay Peacekeeping

Action Team, namely: (1) Law Enforcement; (2) Community Organization; (3) Disaster

Management; (4) Environmental Protection; and, (5) Barangay Conflict Resolution. An

arrow from the independent variable is pointing to the second block containing the

dependent variable which is the peace and order in Dapitan city. The arrow denotes the

influence of the independent variable to the dependent variables. The schema of the study

is presented on the next page.




Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Basic functions of
BPAT in terms of:

 Law Enforcement
 Community
 Disaster Peace and Order
 Environmental
 Barangay Conflict

Figure 1. Schema of the Study


Statement of the Problem

The researchers would like to look on the level of effectiveness of the Barangay

Peacekeeping Action Team vis-a-vis peace and order in Dapitan city for the fiscal year


Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 civil status; and

1.4 educational attainment?

2. How do the respondents rate the level of effectiveness of the Barangay

Peacekeeping Action Team in terms of:

2.1 law enforcement;

2.2 community organization;

2.3 disaster management;

2.4 environmental protection; and

2.5 barangay conflict resolution?

3. Is there a significant difference on the level of effectiveness of the identified

variables when data are grouped according to the demographic profile of the


4. Is there a significant relationship between the rating of the level of effectiveness

of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team and the peace and order in Dapitan

city as perceived by the respondents?



Ho1: There is no significant difference on the rate of the level of effectiveness of

the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team when analysed as to age, gender, civil status, and

educational attainment as perceived by the respondents.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between the rate of the level of

effectiveness of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team and the peace and order in

Dapitan city as perceived by the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The findings and outcomes of this study will be significantly beneficial to the


Philippine National Police. The results of this study will provide information to

the Philippine National Police on the effectiveness of the said program. It will also be an

avenue for the enhancement of the partnership between the community and the police in

maintaining peace and order.

Local Police Force. It will lessen and lighten the job of the police and will boost

the confidence of the community.

Barangay Officials. They can exercise their work better and improve the

community better for this will pave the way in developing a unique and optimistic

community-oriented policing strategies.

Community. The results of the study will give assurance to the citizens safety. And

the community will be the recepient of the good services rendered by the Philippine

National Police. The community will be more cooperative in deterring, controling and

preventing crimes as they are tapped by the Philippine National Police to help in the

maintainance of peace and order. The good relationship of the community and the police

will remain, as they are given equal opportunity in the fight against criminality.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study will be conducted in the different barangays in Dapitan City of the

Province of Zamboanga del Norte. The respondents of the study are the police officers who

are assigned or designated as Pulis Sa Barangay (PSB), barangay officials and the residents

in each Barangay in Dapitan City. The study is delimited as to the effectiveness of the

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team in terms of: (1) Law Enforcement; (2) Community

Organization; (3) Disaster Management; (4) Environmental Protection; and, (5) Barangay

Conflict Resolution. The study will be undertaken for the fiscal year 2017.

Definition of Terms

The terms enumerated below are operationally defined for clearer understanding of

the study:

Barangay Conflict Resolution. The function which strengthens and supports the

Barangay Justice System (Lupong Tagapamayapa). Assist in making amicable settlement

of issues or disputes wherein the conflicting parties are residents of the same or adjoining

barangay to make mutual concession and to obtain a peaceful resolution of the disputes

without formal adjudication.

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT). The primary operators to conduct

Community-Oriented Policing and Public Safety System. The main mission of BPAT is to

conduct peacekeeping activities in association with the various sectors of the community

and ensure their continuous support towards the maintenance of peace and order and safety.

Community Organization. Organization and mobilization of various sectors of

the community in support of the maintenance of peace and order and safety.

Disaster Management. Function whose purpose is to enhance the group in

conducting crisis management, disaster mitigation, search, rescue, and relief operations

within the community.

Effectiveness. It measures how well programs and strategies of the PNP are being

utilized and to evaluate if the empowerment of the BPAT together with the PNP greatly

affects the peace and order in the society, especially in Dapitan city. It measures whether

or not important task goals are being attained.

Empowerment. Refers to utilization and enablement of the community as

counterpart of the Philippine National Police in the fight against criminality. The idea leads

to the creation of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team.

Environmental Protection. Task of initiating and performing activities relating to

environmental concerns such as community cleaning program, coastal cleaning,

reforestation, waste management activity, and the like.

Law Enforcement. Refers to the first function of the BPAT which is the

enforcement of the basic laws of the land and to conduct crime prevention and deterrence

measures to protect the vulnerable sectors of the community.

Philippine National Police. The leading law enforcement agency of the country

who enforces the laws, deter, control and prevent crimes. The PNP work hand in hand with

the BPAT and maintain harmonious relationship with the community to gain full support

and to utilize them as force multiflier of the PNP.

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