Marcos vs. Manglapus Sept 15
Marcos vs. Manglapus Sept 15
Marcos vs. Manglapus Sept 15
1)Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State The declaration speaks of the “right to
shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of freedom of movement and residence within
movement and freedom to choose his residence.
the borders of each state.” (Art 13 , 1)
2)Everyone shall be free to leave any country, separately from “the right to leave any
including his own. country including his own and to return to
3)The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to
his country”. (Art 13,2)
any restrictions except those which are provided by
law, are necessary to protect national security, public Covenant guarantees “the right of liberty
order (order public), public health or morals or the of movement and freedom to choose his
rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with residence” (Art 12, 1) and the right “to be
the other rights recognized in the present Covenant. free to leave any country including his own”
4)No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to (Art 12,2) which rights may be restricted by
enter his own country. such laws “as are necessary to protect
national security, public order, public health
or morals r the separate rights and
freedoms of others” (Art 12 (4).