A L T A: Symmetric Inguistic Rends Nalysis

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by clif high
for Halfpasthuman.com
copyright 2015 all rights reserved, claims for invention and labor

Strange Attractors -
December, 2015
covering 2015 - 2022

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© 2015 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
Predictive Linguistics is the process of using computer software to aggregate vast amounts of written
text from the internet by categories delineated by emotional content of the words. Predictive
Linguistics uses emotional qualifiers and quantifiers, expressed as numeric values, for each and all
words/phrases discovered/filtered in the aggregation process. Over 80 % of all the words gathered will
be discarded for one or more reasons.
Predictive Linguistics works as NO conscious expressions are processed through the software.
Rather the contexts discussed within the report in the form of entities and linguistic structures (see
below) are read up in the various intake software programs, and the emotional sums of the language
found at that time are retrieved. Words that are identified within my system as 'descriptors' are passed
through the processing as well. These descriptor words, in the main, are those words and phrases that
provide us with the detail sets within the larger context sets.
As an example, the word 'prophecy' may be read up by our software at a sports oriented forum. In that
case, perhaps, due to the emotional sums around the context, and the emotional values of the word
itself within the lexicon, it would be put into the contextual 'bin' within the database as a 'detail word'.
Note that the context of the use of the word in the sports forum is lost in the process and is of no use to
us in these circumstances. What occurs is that the word is picked up as being atypical in its context,
therefore of high potential 'leakage of future' value. The way this works is that most sports forum
language about future events would be statistically more likely to use words such as 'bet' as in 'I bet this
XXX will be outcome', or 'I predict', or 'I think that XXX will happen'. So it is the context plus
emotional values plus rarity of use within the context that flags words for inclusion in the detail level of
the data base. Further, it is worth noting that most detail level words are encountered in our processing
mere days before their appearance. Within the IM data primarily, and then within ST data next. But a
preponderance are discovered within the IM time period. Perhaps an artifact of our processing, if so,
one not explored due to lack of time (cosmic joke noted).
Words are linked by their array values back to the lexicon using our set theory model (see below), and
the language used within the interpretation (detail words excepted) derives from the lexicon and its
links to the changing nature of contexts as they are represented within our model.
Predictive Linguistics is a field that I pioneered in 1993. The software and lexicon has been in
continual change/update mode since. This is due to the constantly changing nature of language and
human expression.
Predictive Linguistics works to predict future language about (perhaps) future events, due to the nature
of humans. It is my operating assumption that all humans are psychic, though the vast majority do
nothing to cultivate it as a skill, and are likely unaware of it within themselves. In spite of this, universe
and human nature has it that they 'leak' prescient information out continuously in their choice of
language. My software processing collects these leaks and aggregates them against a model of a
timeline and that information is provided in this report.

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© 2015 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
The ALTA report is an interpretation of the asymmetric trends that are occurring even this instant as
millions of humans are typing billions of words on the internet. The trends are provided in the form of a
discussion of the larger collections of data (dubbed entities) down to the smallest aspect/attribute swept
up from daily discussions within that context. Within the ALTA report format, detail words are
provided as noted below. Phrases and idiomatic expressions are also provided as details. In the main,
geographic references are merely summed, and if deemed pertinent, the largest bag in the collection is
discussed as a 'probable', or 'possible' location to the events being referenced within the details.
In our discussions, the interpretation is provided in a nested, set theory (fuzzy logic) pattern.

Aspects/Attributes are: collections of data that are within our broader linguistic
structures and are the 'supporting' sets that provide our insight into future developments.
The Aspect/Attribute sets can be considered as the 'brought along' serendipitous future
forecasts by way of links between words in these sets and the lexicon.

Entities are: the 'master sets' at the 'top' of our nested linguistic structures and contain
all reference that center around the very broad labels that identify the entity: Markets,
GlobalPop, and SpaceGoatFarts, as examples.

Lexicon is: at its core level, the lexicon is a digital dictionary of words in multiple
languages/alphabets stripped of definitions other than such technical elements as 'parts
of speech' identifiers.

The lexicon is quite large and is housed in a SQL database heavily populated with
triggers and other executable code for maintenance and growth (human language
expands continuously, so the lexicon must as well).

Conceptually, at the Prolog software engine processing level, the lexicon is a predicate
assignment of a complex, multidimensional array of integers to 'labels', each of which is
a word within the lexicon. The integers within the 8x8x10 level array structure are

composed of: emotional qualifiers which are assigned numeric representations of

the intensity, duration, impact and other values of the emotional components given
by humans to that word.

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© 2015 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
and also contain: emotional quantifiers which are assigned numeric
representations of the degree of each of the 'cells' level of 'emotional assignment'.

Spyders are: Software programs, that once executed are self directing, within
programmed limits, thus are called 'bots', and within these constraints are allowed to
make choices as to linguistic trails to explore on the internet. The job of the spyders is to
search, retrieve and pre-process (part of the exclusions process that will see 90% of all
returned data eliminated from consideration in our model) the 'linguistic bytes' (2048
words/phrases in multibyte character format) which are aggregated into our modelspace
when processing is complete.

List of entities explored in this report:

The GlobalPop entity represents the linguistic sets within the data that are focused on the
future of humanity, local or global. The 'local future' focus language is aggregated into
our 'global future language' sets. This entity is independent of language, alphabet, or
script form, and thus is our deepest and broadest set for emotional quantifiers and
qualifiers about humanity's future.

USAPop (and any other nation state/territorial reference)

All sub sets of the populace of the planet, within our modelspace are identified by either
a geospatial term such as a regional terrestrial label, e.g. 'AlpinePop', or a geopolitical
label, e.g. 'CanadaPop'. These are used to isolate the subset of the global populace to
which the terms are being applied in the forecast. The terrestrial references are
frequently used to provide a context of 'shared views/concerns', as in 'those things all
mountain dwelling people will have in common separate from other humans'.

The Markets entity is a super set of linguistic structures covering paper debt markets of
all kinds, commodity trading markets, physical swap markets, currency usage (within
populace), digital currency developments, new technology (FinTech),

The Terra entity is the master set for all structures that relate to the planet, and the

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© 2015 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
physical environment of planet earth. This master set frequently and increasingly has
extensive cross links to the SpaceGoatFarts entity.

This master set is where all data that fits under the contexts of [officially denied],
[unknown], and [speculative] arrives. Our processing discovered significant amounts of
data of the [unknown], and [officially denied] over 2000 – 2003 which led to the
creation of the separate entity view labeled SpaceGoatFarts. As may be expected, this set
contains the references to UFO's, Area 51, Break-away Civilization, and other 'woo-woo'

Data Types
IM = Immediacy data with forecasting effectiveness from 3 days to the end of the third
week. Error range is 4 weeks.
ST = Shorter Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the 4th week out through
and inclusive the end of the 3rd month (from date of interpretation). Error range = 4
LT = Longer Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the end of the 3rd month
out through and inclusive of the end of the 19th month. Error range = 19 months.

Terms employed:

Cross links – links from one cell in the data base and its software representation to another due to a
shared linguistic structure or pattern.

Linguistic structure – In my modelspace, a linguistic structure is a 'master set' and all its contained
sub sets (also known as 'directly held' sub sets). At the very highest level, each and all entities within
my model are linguistic structures; which, in their turn, are composed of many sub sets of other
linguistic structures. Modelspace allows for 256 layers of 'nesting' of these sets and sub sets. Each of
which, can and may, be a complex set of its own. Obviously the model is derived from Object Oriented
Programming at its highest level.

Meta Data Layer – in modelspace, when a meme appears directly held in numerous sets, at the same
level of support, it is labeled as a 'meta data layer'. These 'layers' can be thought of as a common
linguistic structure that forms with differing supporting sets in the various entities. For clarity, a meme
in Terra entity would not have the same supporting sets as that same meme in the GlobalPop entity, but
both would be part of the larger meta data layer that the meme reveals.

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Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
Modelspace – in the interpretation, the data sets are represented on screen in a 'virtual box' fashion in
which a 3d box is drawn and the lexicon linked words from the latest data processing are shown within
the 3d box by position, and color, brightness and hue of the individual pixels. Using an algorithm of my
own design and the predicate calculus of the prolog programming language, modelspace is populated
by these data base representations in a manner that resembles 'scatter graphs', but at a 3 dimensional
level. By toggling on or off several advanced features of our 3d box software, the various levels of
data, and cross links and other technical elements may be displayed.

MOM – model of modelspace. In the very first public release of information from my process, a self-
referencing loop was created by internet articles about the release, and thus the next time the spyders
were invoked, the process crashed on self-referential, circuitous references to my own work. As a
corrective measure, MOM (models of modelspace) was devised as my very improvement on the
process. MOM holds a copy of my interpretation as well as links to areas on the net to exclude from
consideration within the predictive linguistic work.

Set – Our approach involves the use of complex (fuzzy) set theory originating in the software industry's
quest for 'intelligent machines' or 'ai (artificial intelligence)'. In our approach, the fuzzy sets are based
on the ability to define such concepts as 'near', 'close to', 'about', and 'like' among many others which
provide me the ability to assign a numeric representation as a 'quantifier' to human emotions which are
the key element to future forecasting from predictive linguistics.

Temporal Echo – these are linguistic echos across time that will reference the same, previously
forecast, meme and its emotional parameters. The language manifest in both instances, that is, the
temporal (meme) anchor and its echo will be related to each other, though frequently the repeating echo
is larger in both scope and intensity. In some cases the meme is 'completed' in our predictive linguistics
sense of that word by the echo phase of the meme.

TM = Temporal Marker, think of this as a 'book mark' against which you may remember specific
details of the forecast. These are chosen due to some (more or less) easily identified linguistic 'tell-tale'
that we expect to show up in the forecast language within media discussions.

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Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
Data and Interpretation
Processing for December 2015, through to 2022

We need to note that the data flows are very greatly increased as a result of recent global events.
This has led to a large growth in modelspace such that it is difficult to process through all of the
many new sets in a timely fashion. As a result, many areas of modelspace had to be merely
scanned for highlights and those reported.

Meta Data
A long identified meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' has risen to primary supporting positions in most
of the entities in modelspace. This 'secrets revealed' meta data layer was first identified in early 1999
and has persisted and grown over time. New supporting sets for the individual lexical structures within
the layer have propelled this layer forward just at this time. There were only a very few hints of the
rising of this layer over the last two ALTA reports but nothing such as is now being displayed within

The data sets are indicating that a 'road of storms' is going to be visible in 2016, likely in Spring,
northern hemisphere as 'cyclonic forces' begin to 'wrap around (the) planet'.
A number of new sets are suggesting that an 'wave (of expansion)' within the planet is going to be
causing a 'wave' of earthquakes. These are described as being a 'wave' in the sense of one starting and
then the rest moving around the planet. It would seem that they will go 'anti-clockwise' or to the 'west'
from the point of origin of the first of these 'repetitious earthquakes'.
Some of the new sets from the Terra entity contain repetitious new sets for 'mold' which will be causing
problems globally. Not only in residences, but now a new form of 'mold' will be found on 'cruise ships'
and other 'international carriers'. The new sets are extensively cross linked over to the GlobalPop entity
where a number of 'problems' are showing as 'besetting' the populace as a result of 'infestation of
molds'. In some of these sets there are references to 'hallucinations' and 'other mental problems'. In
some, we find that 'skin diseases', and 'blood diseases' will be on the rise due to these new 'molds'. The
longer term sets are showing that 'molds' will 'alter humanity' and our 'behavior' over these next
20/twenty years. Apparently whole 'industries' will be destroyed by 'mold infestation'. More on this in
Also, related are several sets going to the idea of a 'mold' that will attack 'fuels' such as 'diesel' and

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'gasoline' and some forms of plastics. This is showing in the longer term data as being more of a
problem a few years out under differing weather conditions.

As the 'weather' sets are rising within the supporting structure of the Terra entity the cross links formed
to the USAPop and FrancePop entity areas are both extensively broad, and very deep in areas related to
'damage' from 'storm effects at sea'. These include but are not limited to 'storm surge'. In some sets we
have 'beaches being scrubbed' off the land due to 'currents' that will be reaching into areas not normally
affected and with 'forces' not normally experienced. In other sets the 'beaches' sub sets are showing
that they are 'strewn with debris (from crushed houses)'. Others yet still have 'sewage polluting area of
beaches for miles' as 'storm surge' is indicated to 'damage sewage processing plant'. Note that this has
been in the Longer Term sets for over a year and thus may be revealing a large 'emotional' punch when
it manifests.
Yet more signs of 'expansion of the planet' manifesting are forecast to show up over 2016. The longer
term sets are describing 2016 and the first half of 2017 as the 'necessary structure (set-up? Prelude?) ' to
the 'separations (earthquakes)' of mid 2017 and onward. The data sets are showing that the 'expansion
effects' in September (or so) 2017 will be 'echoing' in the planet for 'decades' as the 'skin' of earth
'settles down'.
New supporting sets within the 'earth expansion' sub set are suggesting that a 'violent' expansion
episode will be 'triggering' a 'rapid cooling' in a near by region. These sets have descriptors for 'ice fall',
and 'ice covering (rains of ice)', and 'glacier (forming in town)', and other sets of similar nature all
going to the idea of a 'rapid, unexpected, harsh, never-before-seen, regional cooling event'. The 'glacier
(forming in town)' set has details that suggest multiple story buildings that will be 'so encased in ice' as
to 'fill the gaps between them' such that a 'sold ice surface' runs across the tops of the buildings.
Other sets within the 'ice fall' and 'rain of ice' sets include 'roof collapses' (a wide meme by the way
with the 'excessive snowfall' across the globe this winter), and 'trucks frozen in place', and 'stairways
(filled with) ice', and 'broken windows (filling apartments with ice)', and many others going to the same
idea of 'destruction by ice'.
The 'expansion of the planet' sets are showing very large growth in both actual 'expansion events' as
well as 'new science (in support of) expansion of planets'.
New sets for 'strange' or 'unusual' or 'extreme' weather continue to accrue as modelspace is progressed
forward into Winter (northern hemisphere) 2016. There are sets for 'straight line winds' that will 'cut a
road (as seen from above)' through a vast forest as though a 'lawn mover' went through. There are sets
for 'buckled ground' and buckled roads' and 'twisted roads' and 'destroyed roadways' all due to 'extreme'
and 'deep' and 'long lasting cold'. These sets are going to the idea that the 'ice age' is also going to
'bubble up' into 'public consciousness'.
Other extreme weather events are showing as causing 'shipping issues' in many western ports as 'ocean
current shifts' are indicated to cause 'strange and contrary winds' that will be a 'much discussed' feature
of the next year in the marine and boating part of the planet. This will particularly affect large military
and commercial vessels including cruise ships, and many videos will pop up showing the array of
docking and embarkation issues that will be very costly to both the ships and the harbors.

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Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
The Other Side (of the years of Struggle). The data sets are showing that a 'movement' will begin in
2016 that will be quasi-global in that it will sweep throughout the dying 'dollar empire'. The data shows
that it takes several years for the 'Other Side' movement to reach its 'tipping point'. Thereafter, the
'principles of operations' {ed note: a very bad translation of some future new word/phrase} of the 'Other
Side' movement will be gradually adopted across the former 'dollar dependent states'. The ST data sets
indicate that the 'Other Side' movement is going to enter a 'grinding' phase in mid to late 2017 during
which these principles will be 'fire hardened' as the humans involved become 'fixated' upon 'getting it

The children rising...and in a very surprising way. The data sets are suggesting that a 'joint Russian and
Chinese new venture' will create a new 'cadre' of 'citizen journalists'. These 'vid kids' are going to
become something of a 'scary force' against TPTB as a 'ridiculed program' (once announced globally)
that will be 'derided by western media' gains '4/four (celebrity) backers/faces' who will 'propel
enrollment by their presence/association'. The data sets, especially the longer term sets are forecasting
that the 'vid kids group' will become (age into becoming) the planet's 'news resources' over these next
20/twenty years.

Shorter term data sets are forecasting that an 'increase' in the 'refugee' problem globally is about to
come from 'climate/weather' as several 'island states' are 'overwhelmed' by 'water' and 'land
destruction'. The data is showing this as related to the 'new lands rising', and 'ocean current changes'
sub sets which are part of the 'expansion of the planet' sub sets. The activity levels in 'earth expansion'
are showing as rising over 2016 to levels not yet seen. This will in its turn exacerbate 'global refugee
situation' as the data is forecasting that 'one and a half million island people' will be 'needing new
homes'. The data sets are showing that a 'major UN effort' at 'resettlement' of the 'former island peoples'
into 'mainland communities' will begin, and according to the data sets, will be 'prosecuted' as one of the
'first' of the 'officialdom use' of the 'TPP” on differing local populations. In this case we also have sub
sets going to the idea of 'unification' and 'common goals' that will 'bond' the 'forcefully displaced
islanders' and 'local mainland populations' as each resists the 'relocation' for their own reasons. These
sets include descriptors for a 'mothers rebellion (strike)' in support of the 'island peoples' as 'agenda 21'
is showing as being 'forced into (presstitute) media' as 'riots/protests/boycotts', and other 'activities' are
going to 'grow into a political backlash/party'. These sets are participating in the 'USAPop political
process fracturing' of early to mid 2016.

Also within the 'ocean (new developments) cause problems' are new sets for 'rescue at sea', that again,
are extensively filled with 'military' language. In at least two instances, the 'Chinese Navy' is showing
as 'effecting rescue (of distressed mariners)'. The immediacy data and the shorter term sets are also
suggesting that a 'Chinese scientist' is going to be 'rising to global prominence' temporally following
close on the 'rescue' manifestations. The 'scientist' is going to be making a 'splash' in global media due

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Strange Attractors – December, 2015
All rights reserved
to 'ocean resources' and something to do with 'gas diffusion (in water?)'.

Other instances of 'rescue' language will involve 'digging people' and 'vehicles (including a school
bus?)' out of 'mud slides'. These 'mud slides' are mostly associated with the 'american continent', but
over the course of Winter (northern hemisphere), the data suggests that both 'china', and 'russia' will be
reporting instances of 'deluge induced mudslides'. Further data shows that an 'industrial accident' will
also cause a 'major (disruptive) mudslide'. The data has 'spain' associated with the 'mudslide' but this
may be due to the origination of the 'rescuers' and the 'toxic clean up party'.
New GlobalPop sets are growing with 'africa' as a geographic reference that shows that 'China' is going
to 'displace' the 'western powers' from 'two strategic' points on the 'eastern african continent' such that
'howls of protest' will be heard from the 'dying political force/party' within the 'USA power block'. This
'howling' is described as being due to 'sudden, catastrophic loss of revenue' from 'bribes/kickbacks'
from 'displaced western corporations'.

Yet again we have new sets surfacing for a 'pandemic' scare. These sets are going to a new form of
'swine disease' that will be 'touted to/used within' the 'western media' as another 'disease scare' is
apparently needed by the 'msm presstitute propagandists'.

More 'diseases' language is showing up that is 'not within (the) plan'. Some of these sets are cross
linked over to the 'Alaska incident' of 2016 and are part of a larger meme on 'space alien war'. See
SpaceGoatFarts discussion. These sets are part of a 'creeping awareness' set within GlobalPop entity
that are part of the 'exposure (of the) break-away civilization' to humanity.

Instances of 'splash' as a descriptor set are appearing throughout the GlobalPop, SpaceGoatFarts, and
Markets entities. This language is accompanied in many sets by 'upwelling', and 'seeping (to flooding)',
and 'in creeping tidal flooding'. In some of these sets the language is clearly referencing 'water' based
events, however we are also getting numerous instances of metaphoric use of the same sets being
applied to 'politics' and 'finance'.
The data continues to grow in supporting sets for 'civil strife (warfare)' between the 'invading refugees'
and the 'core peoples' throughout Europe. These sets are indicating a 'wave' of 'winter violence' which
will leave many people without shelter in terrible weather conditions as 'arson (set fires)' will 'gain
strength unexpectedly' and go onto 'destroy (burn down)' large urban areas affecting many thousands of
people in the process.
The data sets are also pointing to the 'murder' of a 'religious figure/personage' in a German town will
set further problems going. It appears as though a 'pastor' will be the victim, and his death is going to
bring out one of the 'strangest forms' of 'anti-invasion' tactics we will see over these next few years. The
data sets are forecasting a 'winter exposure' in which videos of 'bare breasted women with brooms and
sticks and stones (and shotguns)' will both 'hold police at bay' by 'beating them senseless' and 'turn
away (the invasion wave)'.
Numerous other instances of 'core peoples' versus 'invasion wave' are within the data sets. There are
actually too many such new sets to even attempt to include a meaningful representation. This report

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would be in the hundreds of pages and never get out of EuroPop if that were to be attempted.

In a big picture perspective, the data is showing that the further north the location, the more the
'violence' and the 'scale' of the 'fights' between 'indigenous peoples' and 'invading refugees' will be
visible. The data shows that the further south, the less the violence and the smaller the instances. In
some sets the data would seem to be suggesting that whole 'towns' and 'villages' participate in 'defying
local authorities' including 'police and military' to the point of 'break down of 'judicial (claimed)
authority' as the 'defiance wave' settles in to the 'heart of the populace'. This 'defiance wave' is indicated
to include 'actions' and 'tactics' deployed by local populations to 'prove their point' and to 'turn the
(forces) back onto officialdom'. These sets include data going to the idea of 'deliberate misdirection
(changing road signs)', and other forms of 'collective actions' to 'delude/deceive (both) authorities and
In a humorous turn of the data, we have the forecast of 'large numbers (thousands) of refugees' being
'tricked' into 'settling on Rothschild property' by 'local populations'. This is apparently going to be a
very visible 'prank' that will result in 'very bad blood' within the Bauer clan (Rothschilds) versus the
local population such that 'exodus' is 'visible' as 'packing and moving' commences.
In other sets the 'refugee flood/invasion' is showing as 'triggering' the 'rise' of 'territorial political
parties' that will be bringing the 'core peoples' to 'political power' in several countries, most probably
starting in northern Europe. The data sets are suggesting that a 'murder' will trigger a 'reaction' that will
include a 'march upon (refugee housing)' as well as 'local populations burning down the facilities'. This
is further shown as causing 'arrests' by the 'national power structure' and a 'blizzard' of mainstream
media news about the 'evil locals'. The slant portrayed by the 'national officialdom' will prove to be
their 'undoing' as it will be 'antithetical' to the actual feelings of the majority population. This will cause
a backlash against the 'national government figures' so severe as to cause them distinct 'security
Shortly following the 'invasion of the castle (by refugees)' incident, the data shows that 'street battles'
between 'armed invaders' and 'local youth' will erupt in which the 'local police' are 'victims' of a 'deadly
crossfire'. Many of the sets in these linguistic structures are forecasting very vicious street warfare of a
'gangs fighting for turf' nature that will leave much of Europe horrified and shocked into mind-numbed
states of 'denial'.

The data is showing that something 'big' is coming. There are 'crash' words associated with this
something 'unknown big' that is going to 'splash' or 'splat' onto the 'A4'. This is going to be a
'something' that is totally unexpected given the 'venue' provided by the roadway. This area is
extensively cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the termination sets include
'unknown', 'unexpected', 'not usual', 'lumpy', 'splat', 'splash', 'crash', and other sets going to similar types
of descriptors.
Other aspect/attribute sets for the EnglandPop subset include data forecasting a 'political upset' that will
be 'base level (grass roots)' and 'growing (a new) pyramid (of power)' as the 'establishment (parties?)'
are forced to 'accept' an 'upstart/populist' and 'revolutionary', into their midst. Further, the

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All rights reserved
'establishment' is showing as 'emotionally melting down/losing composure' as the 'upstart political
novice' will 'insist on 100% 'transparency' by means of 'electronic devices'. These are from longer term
sets that show the rise of 'transparent video activists' over 2016 who will merge into a 'new political
force' in 2017.
Many new sets are showing up that are providing details around the idea of a 'crash' in London real
estate prices as a 'major purchase' will 'sour' due to 'taxing issues'. This 'major purchase' of some
significant real estate is a 'deal' already underway that will not only grind to a halt, but also cause other
real estate purchases to 'cease'. New descriptors include 'skirting' being used as a 'reason' for the
cancellation of the deal, but the actual cause is suggested to be 'tax regulations', and 'rapid imposition
(of new circumstances)'. These sets are within the cross link chain of Markets entity that suggests that
'social upheaval' will be radically changing the 'spending plans' of many governments and other 'funds
sources' such that 'real estate' in 'haven areas' such as London will take an extra large 'downturn' when
the 'funds rapidly shift'. Other sets include 'chinese clawbacks (on corruption charges)' will also 'send a
chill' into the 'global real estate markets'.

The 'China in Space' sub sets continue to grow. Many new supporting sets are indicating that 'good
news' from 'space materials' in 'central china' is going to further propel (pun intended) the 'Chinese
effort' to 'exploit (the) space (environment)'. This apparently will include the 'announcing of a mining
effort' that is to begin in 2016. The supporting sets include descriptors for 'logistics' for what will be
reputed to be 'the largest effort ever in human history'. These sets also include some new information to
be 'returned from space' in early 2016 that is going to 'excite the masses' within China. Further, the
'excitement wave' is shown as being 'directed' by the central authorities in support of the 'New China,
Space China' re-engineering of their social order.
The 'china in space' meme is going to be such a serious agenda of the central chinese authorities that it
will, according to the data, will be 'sucking talent' from 'hollywood/media-land-USA' as the
'propaganda machine' gets geared up in a way not seen since the Mao's early days.
The data sets are also showing that the 'underseas mining work' by the Chinese would begin with some
seriousness. As we have recently seen, China has announced very large underseas gold finds. Our data
still maintains that the 'prize' is going to be a very sizable 'mass' of 'rare earths'. Even though China is
already dominant in the area of rare earths, the data shows some 'lack' in what they produce that is the
'driving motivation' for these 'underseas mining works'. These sets within the 'rare earths' sets are cross
linked to the Terra entity where they terminate in the 'rising lands' sets; and in the SpaceGoatFarts area
where a 'new (metallic) crystal rare earth' is showing as being a 'key' to the 'new electrics'.
Other areas within the ChinaPop set include a higher degree of strangeness as there are new sets for
'UFO' wave and 'contactees' and 'mass sightings'. These last two are indicated to cause some concern
for the 'authorities' as they will be 'trying to learn' about the phenomenon as it is unfolding and
'growing' around them. Again, cross links from these sets to SpaceGoatFarts. And may be related to the
'success in space' language that is forecast to be a 'pivot point' for the 'authorities' in their 'propaganda'

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Other 'oceans' related sets include 'new naval ship (types)' are going to be 'seen' as 'china' sends 'the
military' to the 'arctic'. Other sets also include references to 'antarctica'. In both sub sets the data shows
that the 'sheer size' of the 'chinese arctic/antarctic expeditions' is going to be 'shocking' to 'western
military analysts'. The 'arctic interest' of the Chinese authorities comes into modelspace temporally
close to the 'UFO' wave of 'strangeness' that will be reported from Alaska. See USAPop.
Some new sets are indicating that 'unstable ground' in an area south of Mongolia will be of a concern to
the Chinese authorities and in turn is indicated to produce a 'big excitement' over the 'accidental
discovery' of a truly 'ancient site' that will include 'tens of thousands of artifacts'. These 'artifacts' are
indicated to be a analogous to the 'King Tut' treasures, only more 'science focused' rather than 'clothing
and funeral material'. These sets are cross linked over to the Terra entity were they terminate in the
'expansion of the planet' sets. These sets are cross linked to sets going to the 'discovery' of a 'cave
system'. The new sets link the much older find (of the caves) with some 'new exploration' as a result of
this 'unknown' issue with 'ground stability' in the region. The 'cave' find sets show that the 'artifacts'
were 'created' and 'used' in an 'underground society' rather than merely being 'buried over'.
Other new sets within the ChinaPop are indicating that the 'divisive' nature of 'chinese society' will be
seen by the 'authorities' as China's largest problem looming over the next '20/twenty years'. This
'concentration' of 'thought' about the issues involved in 'keeping China together' will surface in the form
of 'new efforts' and 'new money' being put into 'social engineering'. The data sets are showing that the
tip of this effort will become visible over early 2016. The cross links would seem to indicate that the
authorities are will 'bind' China to 'space' in a way not seen since the 'space generation' in the USA in
the 1960's. Curiously, Hong Kong will be a center of the 'social engineering' that will be 'folded over
China' like a 'deep wool blanket'.

The new data sets for the 'fracturing of the political process' within the USAPop have been joined by
new growth in 'political crises' from the immediacy and shorter term sets. These sets are suggesting that
'both political parties' are going to 'come unglued' as we move into 2016. The data sets are suggesting
that an issue of 'mental infirmity' will arise due to 'actions on a stage' as well as 'videos of mental
breakdown(s)' reaching 'visibility'. In other sets we find that 'strategic money (those who pay)' will
'abandon the presumed candidate' as several forms of 'serious/deep and wide spread political protests'
emerge around the personality involved. This 'late state abandonment' is part of the 'fracturing process'
that will bring the 'political dissolution' out into the open. The data suggests that the 'first' in a series of
'major political crises' will emerge late in the first week of December that will come to dominate the
rest of the month insofar as the 'political discourse'. This is a significant temporal marker for the
fracturing of the 'aspirations (of those who back) the political candidates'.
Other new sets are going to the 'crash' of the 'neo-lib/cons' in 'washington DC' as 'several breakdowns'
occur within the 'money system' that supports their 'academic model'. These breakdowns are indicated
to 'gut (like a dead fish)' the 'political teams' that have been 'assembled' as the 'participants flee (the
signs of a loser)'. These sets relate to the problems caused by the 'washington dc power cabal' in the rest
of the world. New attempts to 'create a new front' of 'concern/worry' about 'violence' are going to

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'backfire' on the 'neo-con-libs' as they will become 'hostage' to their 'own (created) drama' and 'unable
to extricate themselves'.
The data sets are presenting us with some very odd new sets. Many of these, while cross linked over to
the SpaceGoatFarts entity, are directly held in multiple forms within the GlobalPop entity. This means
that the central meme is likely to express in a number of variant forms. As an instance we find data
about 'mold' showing up in 28/twenty eight different instances in the GlobalPop. Most of these have
cross links over to the Terra entity. Some are suggesting that a 'mold poisoning' will occur from
'contaminated grains/flours'. This episode is showing as being reminiscent of the 'ergot fungus'
poisonings of the middle ages in that there are descriptors for 'hallucinogenic effects' and 'long (hours
of) hallucinations'. These sets are showing as affecting a large number of people and having long term
effects on the food supply.
Further sets are showing what will be described as a 'bizarre infection' in which many 'wig wearing
people (primarily women)' will be 'crippled', and 'maimed' and 'damaged (mentally)' by 'mold infection'
in 'attached hair'. Seen at first as a 'geographically limited mold infestation', the story will change as the
'bizarre infection' starts showing up 'across the continent'. Some of the 'symptoms' to be reported will
include 'sloughing skin', 'rapid (total) balding', 'pitting (of the skin/scalp)', 'stench', 'oozing', and other
'mold outpouring', including 'spore releases'. Apparently it will be discovered (after some time) that it is
the 'spores' that are causing the 'mental imbalances', and 'crazed behavior'. This is showing as
developing (long term data) over these next 2/two years such that within 4/four years, the 'mold' has
transformed the 'global hair industry'.
Further new sets for 'mold' are also within the ' cosmetics' sub sets in which we find that 'contaminated
ingredients' will start a major 'mold scare' about 'make up' that will be found to be the cause of serious
skin disease. Other 'make-up' language shows up in sub sets of the 'scam/fraud' sets that are Markets
entity cross linked. Apparently the issue of 'age dating' of cosmetics and what can be called 'natural' is
going to emerge into mainstream consciousness as a result of the 'contaminated ingredients'. This set
has emotional tone levels that suggest that a 'whole country' will be 'banned' from 'sales of [unknown]'
into the 'USA cosmetics markets' due to the 'high levels of damage' produced by the 'fraudulent
Other issues are forecast by the data sets to be dominating as we move through this next year. In longer
term data the new and growing sets have 'an armed confrontation' between 'state(s)' and the 'federal
government' as 'borders are closed' and 'refugees refused entrance'. This appears in the data sets as a
'western state versus eastern power block' confrontation though the mainstream media. In much of the
new sets are cross links over to the Presstitutes entity where the terminating sets include bespoke
'propaganda', and 'push (for) internal war'. These sets may be forecasting their temporal markers as
early as 2017.
The data sets within USAPop also contain growth for 'secession' and 'governors (deposed)' and 'coup de
tat', and 'take over', and 'mob(s) rampaging through state capitols' and other language indicating a
'political process' in turmoil. The new growth sets are pointing towards 'hyped up media reports' about
'refugees', and the 'presidential election cycle' as being huge contributors to the upcoming 'revolt of the
governors'. The gist of the 'battle' will be about the 'imposition' of 'jihadists' on 'local states rights' and
the 'conservative populations' of the 'states chosen' by 'presidential decree' to be 'recipients' of the

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'refugee flights'.
The data sets for the 'resistance (to muslim invasion) movement' are cross linked internally within
GlobalPop and are suggesting that the 'swedish experience' will be used as a 'metaphor (for) american
future unless...'. These sets further are repetitiously filled with cross links that show the 'anti-refugee
movement' within USAPop will be 'citing recent european street battles' as 'reasons to resist now'. {ed
note: these 'recent european street battles have yet to be manifest. These are upcoming 'core peoples'
versus 'armed invaders' battles.}
The data is drawing a picture of a very confusing time where 'existing (boat people) refugee crisis' is
being used as 'reasons' to 'refuse to take muslim refugees'. The detail sets would seem to be suggesting
that large populations of 'displaced persons' {ed note: apparently NOT muslim nor from middle eastern
regions} are living on 'container ships' and other 'moored vessels' on the 'west coast' of the USA.
Further sets would suggest that these 'displaced/uprooted/washed away peoples' will be 'resettled' in
'hundreds of thousands' all along the 'west coast' in what will be called the 'federally NON funded
refugee resettlement processing camps'. Many of these centers will be the 'FEMA' camps that the
government has been so cagey about having set up. The data sets are showing that the 'resistance' or
'anti-refugee' movement will use the 'existing humanitarian crisis' as a 'first response' along with 'no'
when informed by the media that 'tens of thousands (of muslim refugees)' are being 'flown in at
government expense'.
The data is suggesting that there is a 'hidden plan' that will be 'surfacing' for 'hundreds of thousands' of
'refugees' to be 'resettled in western states' that will set off a 'political fight' that the 'eastern power
block' is going to 'totally misjudge'. The data sets are forecasting that the 'eastern power block (aka
officialdom at the federal level)' is going to 'think' the 'confrontation' is 'merely about paper dollars' and
'negotiations' when it will end up as a 'bloody, armed conflict' that will forever alter the nature of the
'special relationship' of the 'federal government' to the 'western states'.
The data sets are showing that the 'revolt' will include 'seizure of vast tracts' of 'claimed federal lands
by state government officialdom'. Further these 'seizures' are showing as including 'military bases'
which will incite all kinds of problems as differing base commanders react to differing circumstances in
different states. In some cases the 'bases' are showing as being 'occupied by states soldiers' without
incident while in other sets we have data suggesting that 'air planes' and 'bombing' will be used against
local militias by 'isolated military bases'.
Much of the 'resistance (to federal imposition)' language is also extensively cross linked into the
'election cycle' language and is in supporting position to the 'fracturing (of the) american political
system (two-party oligarchy)'. It is as though the data sets are forecasting a 'political secession' a year
or so ahead of actual 'secession events'.
Returning to shorter term data sets we find that 'Alaska' is going to be rising in the 'public awareness'
from its association with the 'political crises' up coming, as well as 'earth expansion manifestations',
and from some 'deep woo-woo (officially denied UFO related strangeness)'. The 'alaska' sub sets are
growing very rapidly in a number of sets that all contain sub sets for 'movement (of personnel)' into
'new facilities' that will be 'hastily assembled and relocated' in order to 'provide logistics support' for
the 'large groups' who will be required to 'cope/deal/resolve' the 'officially denied crises'. A lot of
immediacy data going to the idea of the 'strangeness' to start appearing in Winter, 2015/2016, as well as

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the 'UFO' 'problem' that is described as 'plaguing (the) US Air Force' (and HAARP).

The immediacy data processing for this report is showing that the 'federal reserve makes a bad decision'
language will manifest before the end of December. The data is clear that a rise in interest rates is going
to be as 'destructive' as not raising rates. The data sets for the 'caught (by your foot) in a trap' language
is growing within the 'federal reserve sets'. The data sets accruing to the 'decision' sets are all negative
and all go to the idea of a 'first (and a minor one) crash' of the 'bonds', and following that is a 'grinding
down (slow crash)' of the 'equities', and a 'plummeting (downward)' of 'real estate prices'.
The 'commodities crash' that will accompany the 'bad decision' of the 'federal reserve' is indicated to
appear in December. The 'contracts failure' is showing as going to 'trigger (instant) returns (on loans)'
as a result of 'rapidly rising dollar' (albeit temporary) that causes a 'freak-out' on the 'bank' side of the
'commodities loans'.
The dominating new data sets are within the Markets entity and are referencing via shorter term values
the 'paper debt crash' of March/April 2016 in which the dominating rising supporting sub set is labeled
as 'debt destruction'. The level of the 'debt destruction' is showing as being 'crushing', and 'debilitating
(to government/federal reserve/banks)', and 'stopping (military development projects)', and 'exposing
(deep secrets)' as 'funding halts'. Many of the supporting sets for this last group go to the idea of a 'huge
layoff' of 'workers in secret government programs'. Some of these sets are going to the idea of 'inter-
governmental fighting', and 'international government in-fighting' as being the 'proximate cause' of
'sudden funding cut-offs'.
The 'debt destruction' wave is described in the supporting sub sets by labels such as 'bone deep', and
'eviscerating', and 'hemorrhaging'. {ed note: when human body parts or processes are within label
descriptors we take these very seriously as they are very primal archetypes within our work.}
The 'debt destruction' is indicated to manifest as 'bankruptcies' and 'refusals (to) honor (paper debt
obligations)'. The supporting sets contain specifics about 'banks' and 'insurance' companies that will go
into 'lock-down' as they 'scramble for liquidity'. The data sets show that for the most part, the 'sought
after escape (from debt destruction)' is 'not available' as the 'global liquidity levels' fall dramatically. As
modelspace is progressed through December of 2015 we encounter the first of a series of 'banks in
distress' sets that combine in the March/April period to form supporting sets for 'global liquidity crises'
and the 'destruction of dollar/paper debt'. These first 'hints' of the looming 'liquidity disaster' will show
in late December as 'banks' in USA will have a 'hiring (bonus) freeze' put into effect. The real key is
that this is apparently a 'secret' that will leak into the 'financial propaganda press'.
The data sets are showing that the 'stock market crash (of March/April 2016) is going to be temporally
coincident with 'gold (no offer) markets' in which the forecast is that 'days/weeks' will be coming where
there is 'no gold (to be) sold' in 'officialdom “markets”'. The first of these 'incidents' of 'failure to
deliver/no offer/none available' periods is showing in the data as modelspace is progressed through
March and April of 2016. There is so much new data, and so many of the new sets are affecting the
Markets entity, that it is difficult (at this point) to pin down any time frame closer than a 2/two months

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range. The 'no offer' period will begin with a 'day of visible scrambling' that will show 'panic' on the
part of 'participating members' on global financial media. This will then trigger a 'refusal' to 'deliver'
that will be part of the process of the 'no gold offered' day that will 'rock markets'.
The data sets are indicating that Bitcoin will enter a period of 'contention' within the context of
'officialdom' that will 'run its course' very much like a 'lawsuit'. The 'contention' is showing as ending
its 'influence' in early December as it is very much limited to the Europop and its variant of
officialdom. The data shows that BTC will be entering into 'acceptance' within the 'cafe scene' of Asia
in general with specifics for 'Singapore', and 'Hong Kong/New Territories', Malaysia, Philippines, and
Southern India. These sets include references to the 'golden treasure wallets', and 'wallets' that will
become 'family treasures' as 'inheritable property'. Other areas showing adoption include the 'maritime
communities of Asia' and northern Africa.
The data sets for 'gold', specifically NOT including silver, show that 'gold' is going to 'hold sway' over
the 'global economy' for 'over 25 years'. The data shows that the 'price' of 'gold' in 'dollars' will be
'catastrophic' for the 'central banks' near mid 2016, but that from that point forward, 'gold' is described
as 'taking hold' of the 'global economic system' over the course of the next 4/four years. This is not
referencing 'silver' as these sets are going to the idea of 'gold (and later bitcoin)' emerging as 'sovereign'
and 'large trade settlement means'. Further, 'gold' is showing as being the 'pathway' for 'silver' as it
becomes the 'settlement means (for daily life)'. It is at this point in late 2016 that the 'greek and turk
silver mining' at the 'bottom of the agean sea' starts to emerge into visibility. These sets continue to
show that a 'greek shipping owner' is going to 'bond with' a 'turk (former military? Academic?)' who
will provide the 'underseas understanding'.
The data sets are presenting new growth in longer term data that would have 'silver' reaching over
'1/one thousand dollars' per ounce as the 'dollar dies' over 2017 and 2018. However we need to note
that much of the bulk of the increase in 'dollar prices' for 'silver will emerge in the 'daily hyperinflation'
that is showing as beginning in mid 2016 (actually hits modelspace about mid July). Modelspace
continues to gain supporting sets for 'silver too precious' to be used industrially, and for many more
'copper laboratories' to begin 'announcing materials breakthroughs' in 'replacing silver' in many
applications. One rising set within the data will be of a surprise in that the 'biocide properties' of silver
will be 'surpassed' by 'new discoveries' in 'bio-active copper' that will lead to a minor boom in 'copper
utensil use' and new 'copper tools' of all kinds. These sets and others with 'base metals (new properties)
exploration' are within the supporting groups for '$1000+ silver (per ounce)' as the 'financial debt
system' undergoes 'transformation' over 2016 through 2020.
NOTING the above, the immediacy data sets are suggesting that a 'rapid rise' in the 'relative value' of
the 'US dollar' in relation to 'other currencies' is, over the first half of 2016, going to cause a very
strange circumstance in which the 'paper dollar price' of 'silver' from the 'authorities' is going to 'drop',
while the 'availability' of silver also drops, and yet the 'rising price' of the 'dollar' is going to cause the
'value of silver coins' to rise rapidly such that 'premiums' to obtain 'silver-in-hand' will also rise very
rapidly such that even as the 'officialdom price' for 'silver drops', the 'actual cost' will rise. These sets
are for the 'usa dollar (federal reserve note)' only as the data sets show that the 'crushing (of the)
currencies' versus the 'dollar' will cause 'large price spikes' in silver in those currencies.
NOTING the above paragraph, the data sets show that this situation of diverging paper price to silver

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delivered costs does not last long. The data sets within the silver sets gain new supporting values from
the general 'hyperinflation' sub sets that move into position around mid 2016. Further, the forecast
'silver price drop' is from the 'plateau (of new, higher price in dollars)' that is still showing as moving
into place in December and solidifying through the 'crashes (in paper debts)' in March/April of 2016.
Also of note, many of the 'silver' sub sets are extensively internally cross linked within the Markets
entity over to terminating sub sets within the 'bad decision (by the) fed' set.
The immediacy data sets are showing that 'silver' is going to reach an emotional state of 'advancement'
as December passes. In supporting sets we find that 'observation (of world threats)' will be a 'factor' in
'parallel maneuvers' that are going to propel the 'advancement'. The 'pricing mechanism(s)' for 'silver'
are described as being 'recreated' from 'fundamental (building) blocks' as the 'old system' has reached a
point of 'daily hardships'. These 'hardships' and 'burdens' on the 'financial (paper) system' reach a
'severe bending point' in early December that begins to 'propel' the 'influence' of both precious metals
and bitcoin into prominence. These sets are gaining supporting sub sets with descriptors that suggest
that 'gold' and 'bitcoin', and to a lesser extent, 'silver' are going to 'shift' into becoming 'settlement
commodities' as 'geopolitical tensions/problems' cause 'breakdowns' in the 'former mechanisms'.
There are a number of sets going to 'weighing scales' language that will be used in conjunction with
precious metals and 'silver and gold sales' and other such instances of 'silver' related linguistics. The
data sets are referencing the appearance of the 'weighing scales' language (in its broader form, so a
wide(ish) meme) as a temporal marker for both the visible appearance of the 'daily hardships' within
the 'financial system' and the 'silver (trailed by gold and bitcoin) exuberance'. These sets are suggesting
that the appearance of this temporal marker language can be taken as a good omen for 'silver, bitcoin,
and gold' in that order.
Also associated with the rise of currency prices paid for both precious metals and bitcoin are
indications that the 'cafe scene' in China will become a 'distributed system' for 'pan Eurasian precious
metals trades'. While the language is a bit obscure, it would appear that some form of a 'social milieu'
will form or rise up from within the Chinese 'cafe scene'. Apparently this 'scene' is mostly male, and
that these 'cafes' are also to be considered as 'educational centers' and 'networking hubs'. Within that
understanding, the data is forecasting the rise of several new 'personalities' who will make their mark
on the global 'precious metals (and bitcoin)' stage from their 'writings and speaking engagements'. At
least 2/two of these individuals (young males, one Han chinese, the other from an ethnic group in NW
china) will be 'encouraged' and 'supported' by the central Chinese government as it will 'suit their (long
term) goals' to have 'certain things known'. Further, the data sets are showing that, over time, the
'educational opportunities' of the 'cafe scene' will become a 'cultural (parallel) educational system' for
those chinese interested in business, not 'schooling'. The data sets are suggesting that the YouTube
volume from the 'chinese cafe scene' will escalate until it appears to dominate from 2019 onward. Note
that the central chinese authorities will extensively monitor the 'cafe scene' beginning in late 2017 after
a series of 'incidents' occur as a result of the 'trading bots' and 'distributed corporations' conceived
within several of these 'cafes' will 'get out of control' and cause a 'global panic' in 'bitcoin futures
trading' among other more 'unique' trading vehicles available at that time.
The data sets, both the immediacy data and the shorter term values, contain new sets for both the 'silver'
and 'gold' sub sets that include descriptors for 'drama (of collapse) of the markets', and 'closure (failing)
against (contracts)', and 'falling (dollar values) contribute (to) derivatives cascade'. Other new

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supporting sets include 'momentum (shift) creates (broken backs) of trade strategies'. Further sets
include 'obvious break (from control)' and 'obvious failure (of conspiracy) brings shouts', and
'destructive breaks (crash) global markets', and 'stocks (erode/suck) value' {ed note: through to
March/April of 2016 when they 'plummet'}.
The data sets are also showing that by mid Fall, (northern hemisphere), 2016, the 'bonds markets' will
be 'dregs' and 'debased' by the preceding 6 months. During these upcoming '6/six months (of) paper
burning', the exciting 'destruction' of the 'sovereign/corporate bonds' will be of such a magnitude that
'all eyes (of GlobalPop)' will be 'frozen to views' of the 'world (of paper debt) burning'. Many of the
sub sets include continuing supporting sets for 'credit freeze' which will be a participating component to
the 'great (world) burning of paper debt'. Again, much of this is indicated to be temporally linked to
'geopolitical tensions', and many of those arise from the 'fracturing of the USA political system'.
The data sets for 'gold' are gaining supporting sets for 'break-out point'. These contain sets for
'uncertain' and 'broken trends' that are concurrent with 'rising prices', and 'sovereign failures (demand)
gold'. These sets are in their turn supporting by 'international (tensions/crises)', and 'false starts
(attempts)' by the 'old world order' to 'restrain events'. These latter sets are gaining support from sets
that suggest we are looking at a 'crash (of paper restraints)' as 'gold vanishes'. These sets then get
support from sets that go to the idea of 'failure (of withdrawal)', and 'record breaking demand' causes a
'police action' on a 'gold storage facility' as the 'directors lock (out the staff) doors'.
Some of the supporting descriptors are suggesting that an 'algorithm failure (within a high speed
trading company)' is going to cause a 'rash (to) spread' across the 'currencies markets'. As modelspace is
progressed forward into 2016, the new supporting sets suggest that 'errors' by the Federal Reserve in
response to the 'algorithm failure' are going to 'magnify' considerably and promote a period of
'uncertainty' that will in turn 'ripple through' the 'trading communities' globally.
Many of the new sets show a 'crash of demand in the USA' is going to become so 'visible' as a result of
the 'dark christmas season' of 2015 that the 'uncertainty' is shown as 'compounding errors' on the part of
'individual traders' and 'institutional managers' that will cause sudden 'price shifts' in a number of
'managed markets' that are going to 'trigger algorithm hiccups', and 'high speed trading out-of-range
errors'. These are showing as magnifying the 'reaction of officialdom' in a very bad way.
Though the new 'copper' discoveries are described as 'spurring new industrial/technical business'
around the planet, the data is showing that it will be nearly 12/twelve years before any significant
depletion of 'above ground copper stocks' causes any drastic rise in copper prices. This is likely due to
the descriptions of 'micro-planning' which is a technique that will use 'one molecule layers' of copper to
achieve the desired electrical effect. In essence the data is describing the ability to '3d print' at a
molecular level with metals such that 'new forms' of those metals can be achieved by 'machine
intervention'. These sets are showing in modelspace as leading to a new form of 'technological
renaissance' that will begin in 2019 and carry on for the next decade.
The data sets are showing a 'bending until breaking (curve)' for the (paper debt/credit backed) 'Federal
Reserve US Dollar (digits)'. However, at the same time, we have data sets going to the idea that 'paper
cash notes', and especially 'change/coins/dimes/quarters' will 'rise rapidly' in 'local purchasing power'.
These sets are dominated by longer term data with the inference being that we are going to witness the
'international dollar death' over 2016, but that at least through to 2020 we will still have 'Federal

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Reserve notes' and 'treasury issued coins' as 'circulating currency' within the USA although it may be
'less than continental'.
The immediacy data sets are showing that a 'feeling prosperous Federal Reserve note (US Dollar)', will
over the course of December go from 'prosperous', to 'on fire'. Noting the ambiguity of the 'on fire'
descriptor, we must delve into the deeper sub sets in search of a meaning hidden within the emotional
sums around the subject. We have the 'on fire' descriptor as the ending condition, emotionally, for the
US dollar at the end of December. In getting to this emotional state, we see a move from 'prosperous',
which has an emotional tone of 'content', or 'comfortable', over to 'on fire' with an emotional tone of
'continuously anxious', and 'requiring constant alertness', and 'dancing (around) spreading brushfires'
and other such sets all indicating an emotional state that is anything but 'content (with) circumstances'.
The sets that accrue to the 'USA Dollar (federal reserve note)' set that moves our emotional sum tone
over this month of December include descriptors for 'paranoia', and '3/three years (of crisis)', and
'undoing 3/three years (of excess)', and 'crack (in the barrier)', and explicit references to 'bad luck' that
will be a '3/three years burden' to the 'Federal Reserve'. Other sets include bespoke references to
'neglected matters (over last decades)' that must be 'reconciled (dealt with)'.
The data sets for Bitcoin are suggesting that a very very good December is in the offing. The data
shows that Bitcoin is going to 'transition' from into a 'point of influence' in early December. As the
month goes along the data moves from 'influencing (financial matters)' into 'unleashed energy'. Further
sets in support of 'energy unbound' include 'rapid and continuous advancement'. Other supporting sets
go to 'fighting (against) weakening forces'. In getting to the end of December and the 'unleashing of
restrained energy', modelspace accrues 'persistence' and bespoke 'good luck'.
The data sets within Markets entity have some very large ropes of cross links over to the
SpaceGoatFarts entity from the 'silver' sets. These data sets are suggesting that a 'mystery' will be
'solved' when a 'speaker' lets loose while 'drunk on stage'. This will set up a 'gossip fest' online where
'researchers' go crazy over the 'key (leaked) out' during a 'sobbing speech'. Further, and *perhaps as a
result of the TPTB mounting an intense disinformation campaign, the data is showing bespoke 'rumors'
that 'silver (and gold)' are being 'created by TPTB' in 'secret factories'. The idea is that that suddenly
there is no longer a 'scarcity' in the precious metals. This rumor, in spite of its upcoming wide-spread
coverage on the net, and in spite of the linkages to the LHC at Cern, is false. These sets further are
going to the idea that the 'key' that is 'leaked out' during a speech will be such a 'boon' to researchers as
to 'engender' visible 'panic' in the bankster community over the subsequent days.
The continuing collapse of the 'oil industry' is showing as being yet again, 'a pivot' for the 'shift' from
'paper debt' into 'real goods'. The data within the Markets sets are showing that in spite of the
'commodities crash/deflation', the data is showing new set growth within the “majors” {ed note:
probably meaning 'major financial corporations'} that goes to the idea of a 'raging panic' to 'acquire
solid assets (non debt based 'stuff')'. This 'majors' panic is associated with the 'rapid rise' in the 'dollar
price' for 'silver', 'gold' and 'bitcoin'. The data sets are showing that the Chinese response is to 'raise the
bid'. The data is showing that the 'officialdom (of) USA' will start to 'sweat' as the 'pay structure' of the
'USA government' first has a 'seizure', and then rapidly 'dries up'.
Some of the early 'signs' for the 'USA government pay structure seizure' is shown as being in the
'student loans/colleges' area. Then rapidly, the 'failure' of the 'welfare system' in a 'state by state' way.

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The data shows that when the 'fifth state fails (to pay welfare)', there is a 'cascade' of 'defaults' that
begin occurring that then bring in yet more states and territories. This 'cascade of defaults' is also being
temporally linked to the 'deepening fracturing (of the) political process' within the USA.
Further affecting the whole of the financial system globally in 2016 are sets that suggesting that people
all over the planet will be saying, “ if 'x' wins (the US presidential election), I don't want my money to
be in US dollars”. This meme arising is showing as causing 'political handlers' to go into 'fits/spasms'
and to 'shit themselves' as the meme grows globally and 'visibly' ahead of the US elections.
Many of the Bitcoin supporting sets are cross linked over to the 'dollar death' and 'USA government
payment structure seizure'. These Bitcoin supporting sets are suggesting that, late in 2016, the
'hyperinflation' of the 'currencies' will have 'shifted' Bitcoin into the status of 'global currency (of
settlements)'. The idea coming across is that a Bitcoin2Gold/Silver exchange system develops globally
that allows for the 'settlement' of 'large scale transactions'. The data is showing that this evolving
system will be so successful that something of an economic 'resurgence' will come from those areas
employing a 'metals2Bitcoin' system. Even to the point that in early 2017, Russia will 'reconsider' its
stance on Bitcoin, and join the 'settlements group'.
The data sets around the word 'settlement' have grown significantly over this last data processing
period. There are new growth areas within a 'failure' of the 'settlement (ability to do so)' of 'shares
(purchase/selling)'. These sets have details going to the idea of the 'failure/closure/bankruptcy' of
corporations that 'sell shares' such that a 'sudden questioning' goes throughout the 'funds management
(retirement accounts)' industry. This 'questioning' is itself a participating factor in the 'USA (and some
western European countries) political crises'. These 'crises' are shown as 'compounding' as many of the
'financial corporations' will be 'waking up to nothing (not able to prove ownership in any paper asset
such as stocks or bonds)'. Some new sets show that the 'pension funds' will have 'runs' and 'withdrawal
shocks' such that many will be 'folded up (into government)' in sweeping 'bankruptcies' that will be
'rolling around the world' as 'settlements' becomes THE word in considering any form of 'investment in
The data sets are forecasting that the 'dollar' will 'gain' against other currencies over the next '5/five
months', but with the 'emerging crash' of Spring (northern hemisphere) 2016, the data shows that the
'dollar' will suffer a 'fracturing' in a similar way to the 'USA political process'. These sets are suggesting
that the 'linkage' between the 'dollar and politics' as a global 'phenomenon' will 'shock' all the 'political
participants' as well as the 'federal reserve owners'.
Other problems for the 'dollar' is indicated to come from the 'federal reserve owners' themselves. These
sets are gaining supporting sets from the idea of a 'global, concerted effort' to 'shift into' a 'competing
space economy'. The idea from the data is that 'space based economy' is 'not able to function' if it is
'limited' to 'precious metals'. These sets are extensively cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity,
and into multiple differing terminating sets. However the idea is that two competing memes are
fighting it out in the 'secret dark owners of the federal reserve world', one that a 'precious metals based
economy' somehow is 'required' here on earth in order to 'support' a 'space based economy'. The other is
that all money must be subsumed to 'credits' within the 'ideologically driven social order'. This latter is
definitively about the 'space based' part of the 'global economic vision' that is clearly within the new
supporting sub sets. Many of these sets are cross linked over to ChinaPop and are suggesting that

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'competition (in) space' is seen by the elites as a 'motivation path' for 'western millennials'.

In 2003 at the formation of the SpaceGoatFarts entity due to the need to house the many 'unknown', and
'officially denied' references, we encountered, as one of the very first forecasts, a group of linguistics
going to the idea of 'disappearing (vanishing) people' who were described as being 'video captured' as
they 'disappeared'. These sets continued to grow over the intervening years and now we are showing
immediacy data accruing to these same sets in volume. These new sets are continuations of many of the
previous descriptors with new detail layers being added. The data are showing that many new videos
are going to be appearing that will be labeled as 'demonstrating/showing' the 'manifestation' of 'unseen
forces'. These are going to include 'involuntary levitation' (at first labeled as a hoax), and 'exploding
stones/bricks', and 'floating (in mid air) fire' as well as a number of instances of 'vanishing people'.
Initially to be both 'denied', and 'unknown', as well as labeled a 'hoax', the data sets show that a 'wave
of concern' will sweep around the globe as the number of people 'vanishing in mid step in public places'
starts to reach into the hundreds.
Now to be clear, the language around the disappearances shows 'vanishing in mid step' as occurring
when all these people go missing. This does not mean we will actually see people in videos vanishing.
There may indeed be an instance of that occurring, but the data is discussing thousands of people going
missing from countries all around the planet. These individuals will be discussed by those who are
reporting their disappearances as 'vanishing without a trace', as well as 'vanishing in mid step'. So this
last may be more descriptive emotionally than factual. The data sets are quite clear that 'thousands' of
people will go missing over 2016 in a 'wave' that is atypical and 'unusual'. The numbers may even reach
into the tens of thousands. However there are not linguistic structures within the data to support the
idea of thousands of videos of the people disappearing.
Other effects to be caught on video include various forms of objects either 'exploding' or 'imploding'. In
one set are descriptors for 'implosions' of 'mail boxes', and 'shipping containers', and 'trucks', and
'boats', as well as thousands of smaller things such as 'cameras', 'bottles (which used to have wine)', and
various kinds of food containers'. The idea coming across from the very many detail sets is that the
'contents' of various kinds of 'cans' and other 'sealed containers' will 'also vanish', and leave behind a
'mild vacuum' which is the actual cause of the 'implosions'.
The data sets also hold sets that suggest that 'alternative researchers' will 'connect' the 'disappearances'
to 'force waves' that will be 'sweeping the planet'. This development will NOT be a good thing for
'calm' as it will go viral and cause global panic due to the 'seeming random nature' of these 'force
waves'. This phenomenon is showing as being so affective of the social order, both the 'disappearances',
and the resulting 'verbiage', that several 'governments' devote 'resources' to 'investigating'. This creates
its own form of a knock-on problem in that the 'official recognition' of the 'widely reported/videoed
phenomenon' brings in the large 'denier' portion of the population to the meme, and they promptly
'freak out', and 'act badly'.
The data sets are showing that some of the 'evidence' of the 'force waves' within videos will also show
'hidden objects/life' involved. This layer, to be discovered later in the phenomenon, will add its own
global repercussions. Both the 'fake alien invasion' and the 'war of the inter-dimensions caused by LHC'

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memes will be present in the subsequent debates.
Many of the 'inter-dimensions' language sets are in supporting positions to the 'alien wars' meme from
the long term data sets. The new supporting sets include 'faces' (of inter-dimensional aliens) being
'seen' (and perhaps video captured!), and other sets going to the idea of 'face to face' exposure. Further
sets also include language going to 'mental unbalance (disconnect)', and 'insane behavior' (as a result of
contact), and 'skewed perceptions' (after contact = still being able to 'see between the dimensions').
Other sets within this area include descriptors for 'invisible forces' and 'invisible holes', and 'invisible
walls', all of which are going to cause problems for humans over these next few years.
Other supporting sets within the 'alien wars' sub sets suggest that the 'rapid rise of molds' will be
'seen/viewed/spoken of' as 'alien weaponry'. There are supporting sets for the idea that 'molds' will be
viewed with 'alarm' by many in the 'military industries' as many 'new failures' will be able to be traced
to the 'onset (of) molds' on and 'in' the 'equipment'. Some of the 'military discussion' about the subject
is showing as 'leaking out' (part of 'secrets revealed' meta data layer) and causing a 'flurry' of 'panic' on
the internet due to an 'unknown incident' that will be temporally close to the 'leak of mold language'.
The 'mold' as 'space alien weapon' meme is but part of a set that goes to the idea of 'space alien
weapons' that are 'being used' to 'soften up earth' for 'invasion'. These 'rumors' of 'space alien wars' and
'bizarre weapons' are going to be wider than mere 'mold'. The data sets are going to the idea of a rising
amount of language about the 'question' of 'are we (earth) being invaded (from space)?'. The data sets
are suggesting that this 'question' is going to arise spontaneously from within the GlobalPop in several
different spots around the planet. The presumption showing within the GlobalPop entity is that there is
'evidence' that the answer to the question is 'yes'.
These sets gain new supporting sub sets that include 'war', and 'space alien attack' and 'disappearances
of people', and 'strangeness' which will include many instances of 'officialdom denying' that 'anything'
is going on. These 'denials' and the 'intensity' of the 'denial' will themselves become the focus of
'anxiety' in the general population. The data sets are also growing supporting sets for the idea that the
'denials' from one country will be 'emotion producing' in other countries. In other words, the idea is that
a 'denial of ongoing space war' from NASA (as a hypothetical instance) would cause the populace in
other countries to question their own authorities in this 'global escalation' of the meme.
Some of the new supporting sets contain yet more references to 'stuff falling to earth'. In these new
instances, as in the previously forecast (and now fulfilled) 'material from space falls to earth
(repeatedly)' were we saw multiple spheres crashing to earth over a few days and within a reasonably
small area, we now yet again have more data sets going to the idea of 'crashing materials' causing
problems for humans. These crashing materials are described as 'including satellite bodies'. Not all of
the material will be able to be identified however. The data sets point to 'authorities/officialdom'
reacting badly to these 'incidents' of 'space debris' and 'swooping down to snatch up materials' from a
variety of places. Data sets indicate that videos will be available afterward of the 'seizures of debris'.
The data sets are showing that the 'debris' falling will include 'biological', and at least one 'group' of
debris (within a field) will include 'remains (of) burnt weapons'. Other sets would seem to indicate that
'non-human (presumed)' materials will be 'claimed' in the 'salvaged debris'. These sets are showing that
'officialdom' is going to be very 'angry' and something of a 'car chase drama' will ensue.
The 'space alien war' sets contain cross links such that it would seem that the forecast is for the

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'hallucinations from mold contamination' will become associated with the 'space aliens wars' meme
over time. This is some how to prove to be not a good thing for the 'power elites' as the data sets are
indicating something of a 'propaganda push back' against the idea that will include excessive use of
'mainstream media'.
The SpaceGoatFarts entity is forecasting that the 'rise of the (hidden) space alien war' meme will cause
a side effect in that the issue of 'global geo-engineering' will rise to a higher level of consciousness
within GlobalPop. These sets are suggesting that yet another upcoming 'side effect' will see a very large
'decrease' in the 'ability' to 'spray chemtrails'. The reasons are not going to be discussed until after the
manifestation of the change for reasons that will become obvious at that time.
A large 'fire' in an 'underground secret facility' is showing as 'revealing (to) local population' that the
'base' is 'beneath their feet'. This apparently will come as something as a 'shock' to both the locals and
the internet alternative media as this 'hidden urban base' was both 'totally secret' and 'so huge'. The
shorter term sets are showing that sometime in late 2016 an 'expedition' will be undertaken into the
structure that will bring back video of the 'devastation'. This 'fire' is a temporal marker in several sets
for both 'secrets revealed' meta data layer and for the fulfillment of very long term sets about the
'exposure of the break-away civilization'.
A great many of the new sets within the SpaceGoatFarts entity are going to the 'space alien wars' and a
majority of these now have rising 'visibility' sums indicating that the linguistics are going to be
manifesting into our developing reality relatively soon. The rise in the visibility sums for many of the
longer term values within these sets are likely forecasting that previous ALTA report details along these
lines will now be manifesting into the media. New set growth and modelspace accretion patterns are
suggesting that 'space alien wars' will be a 'constant source' of new memes through at least 2022.
Other forms of new 'in media memes' are showing as including a 'cancer cluster' (sort of) around many
of the worlds most famous 'banksters'. The meme is already showing up, and is now indicated to grow
into something of a phenomenon as 'one after another' of the 'famous banksters' show up on media as
'hollowed out by cancer'. This meme is further reinforced as it will be 'pushed down' onto 'the trading
communities globally' as 'more and more' of the 'foot soldiers' in the 'global banking/financial system'
show up as 'cancer victims'. The data sets are showing that the meme will get traction on the net to the
extent that 'banksters wives/children' will run into the meme, and be forced to 'take a look/examine'
their own situation only to discover that the 'trading/financial communities' are something of a 'cancer
magnet'. These sets show that this discovery and subsequent global conversation will have far reaching
and long lasting effects on humans as 'new thought' develops from these 'correlations'.

Conclusion: Strange Attractors

In the mathematical field of dynamic systems, an attractor is a 'set of numeric values' towards which a
system tends to evolve. Within our modelspace, 'attractors' play a significant role in the processing and
are at the heart of the 'emotion reading engine' that powers modelspace and the interpretation.
An attractor is considered to be 'strange' if it has fractal properties. In dynamic systems, fractals express
in the same manner as 'design patterns' with coding/debugging. In a fractal expression of an attractor,
there will be many layers and levels of that expression at each of the fractal layers. This is an important
part of my interpretation process as once discovered (that an attractor within modelspace is strange), it

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Strange Attractors – December, 2015
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then becomes very productive to seek that same attractor at other levels both up and down from the
spot of the 'find'.
This is JUST like hunting mushrooms. While those not in the pacific northwest have likely never had
the experience, but in hunting mushrooms one finds a small grouping, and then looks both up and down
hill (following the water paths) to find others of that same 'ring'.
If one considers it diligently, the idea of the fractal nature of reality is fairly easy to establish. As above,
so below...as within, so without....and so on. Incidents of this abound in all lives, and it is merely the
thinking about it that is necessary to provide the examples.
As within the data, so without in the manifesting reality....and that is where the attractors get really
The fractal nature of our reality is, within the 'magic' community, a core component of the 'hack-ability
of life'.
Seeking the fractal nature of reality is what drives the 'black projects' world.
The fractal nature of reality is forecasting itself as manifesting into our near term future (early 2016)
not with a 'bang', but rather with a 'very large, and wet, PLOP'. After which many humans will be left
wondering 'WTF?!?'. To those in the know, the PLOP will be seen as the strange attractor towards
which the dynamic system that is our unfolding reality here in the matterium is evolving. Seemingly at
a really fast pace....
Those persons who have been so desperate for 'disclosure' are apparently going to get their wish in
2016. Many will rethink their desires when this occurs.

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Strange Attractors – December, 2015
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