Chain Link Fences and Gates Part 1 - General 1.1 Description
Chain Link Fences and Gates Part 1 - General 1.1 Description
This work consists of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for
furnishing and installing chain link fence, gates and accessories in
conformance with the lines, grades, and details as shown.
Fence, gates, and accessories shall be products of manufacturers'
regularly engaged in manufacturing items of type specified.
A. Product Data:
1. Product data in the form of manufacturer's technical data, specifications, and installation
instructions for fence and gate posts, fabric, gates, and accessories.
B. Samples:
1. Samples for initial selection of PVC color in form of manufacturer's color charts or 6 inch
lengths of actual fabric wire showing colors available.
2. Samples for verification of PVC color in form of 6 inch lengths of actual fabric wire to be
used in color selected.
a. Include similar samples of PVC applied on posts, rails, and accessories in color
C. Shop Drawings:
1. Showing location of fence, gates, each post, and details of post installation, extension
arms, gate swing, hardware, and accessories.
32 31 13-1
Materials shall conform to ASTM F1083 and ASTM A392 ferrous metals,
galvanized; and detailed specifications forming the various parts
thereto; and other requirements specified herein. galvanized metal
members (including fabric, gates, posts, rails, hardware and other
ferrous metal items) after fabrication shall be reasonably free of
excessive roughness, blisters and sal-ammoniac spots.
32 31 13-2
D. Equip gate openings with padlock conforming to Fed Spec FF-P-110H, Type
EPC, size 50 mm (2 inch). Padlocks shall have chains that are securely
attached to the gate or gate post. Before padlocks are delivered to
project, submit sample to Resident Engineer for approval. Approved
sample may be incorporated in work. Key padlock as directed by the
Resident Engineer.
ASTM C94/C94M, using 19 mm (3/4 inch) maximum-size aggregate, and
having minimum compressive strength of 25 mPa (3000 psig) at 28 days.
32 31 13-3
Excavation for concrete-embedded items shall be of the dimensions
shown, except in bedrock. If bedrock is encountered before reaching the
required depth, continue the excavation to the depth shown or 450 mm
(18 inches) into the bedrock, whichever is less, and provide a minimum
of 50 mm (2 inches) larger diameter than the outside diameter of the
post. Clear loose material from post holes. Grade area around finished
concrete footings as shown and dispose of excess earth as directed by
the Resident Engineer.
Install posts plumb and in alignment. Set post in concrete footings of
dimensions as shown, except in bedrock. Thoroughly compact concrete so
as it to be free of voids and finished in a slope or dome to divert
water running down the post away from the footing. // Straight runs
between braced posts shall not exceed 150 m (500 feet) //. Install
posts in bedrock with a minimum of 25 mm (one inch) of non-shrinking
grout around each post. Thoroughly work non-shrinking grout into the
hole so as to be free of voids and finished in a slope or dome. Cure
concrete and grout a minimum of 72 hours before any further work is
done on the posts.
32 31 13-4
32 31 13-5