Estimating Railway Infrastructure Project Cost From Transferring Nominal Price To Real Price by Considering The Working Time Possessions
Estimating Railway Infrastructure Project Cost From Transferring Nominal Price To Real Price by Considering The Working Time Possessions
Estimating Railway Infrastructure Project Cost From Transferring Nominal Price To Real Price by Considering The Working Time Possessions
The purpose of the paper is to estimate a railway project construction cost based
on the nominal market price. Currently, estimation of project costs within railway
infrastructure procurement is particularly challenging due to: 1) construction costs
highly depend on possession timeframes and duration and 2) railway construction
work costs are not transparent in the market.
This paper suggests separating the costs into 3 sub-categories: materials, labour
and machinery. Evidently, the materials are further broken down into
subcomponents, which then remains fixed, whereas the cost of labour and
machinery are varying depending on the working time possessions presented
through the closure of the railway line. The effective working hours, type of
construction work and construction speed are used as constraints to ensure the
track closure plan remains feasible.
To demonstrate the approach, a Danish railway construction project, the new
line to the fixed link across Fehmarn Belt, is introduced, where it is shown that the
non-material cost is about 19% of the total expenditure. By assuming three sets of
track blocking scenarios with the same amount of construction work it is proven
that, given an optimal track closure plan, the overall cost can be reduced by 2.7%.
It can be concluded that our approach using an optimal working possession plan
can identify the low-cost track closures.
Keywords: cost estimation, Greenfield-market price, working possession, track
closure, phase-based planning, railway infrastructure project, construction
project planning.
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4 Computers in Railways XIV Special Contributions
1 Introduction
Compared to road and other construction work, the estimation of railway
infrastructure project costs is particularly challenging, because construction costs
depend highly on the possession timeframes and duration (Rambøll [1]). Today it
is not often totally shutting down the existing railway service just on any
infrastructure maintenance and renewal purpose (Forsgren et al. [2]). 17%
passengers (2009 figure in Ponti et al. [3]) and 10.2% freights (2010 figure in
European Commission [4]) are using railway as a transport mode in Europe.
Society requires that the interruption of existing railway operations is as little as
possible by any railway infrastructure project. Most of the railway infrastructure
work therefore has to be done in the night possessions, weekends or in the
particular weekday daytime possessions when the track is not needed by trains
(literature overview in Budai-Balke [5]). Railway Infrastructure Managers (IMs)
have been suffering much higher maintenance costs in those special possessions.
Firstly the working intensity at night is naturally low (Darolia [6]). When labour
works at normal sleeping hours at night, the attention decreases rather fast. Loss
of time increases. In the Fehmarn Belt project, the general time loss at night is
estimated around 10% to 15% of possession duration depending on the
construction work (Rambøll [7]); secondly the construction works between
running traffic requires special attention with regard to safety settlements before
and after construction work. The shorter the possession duration, the higher
percentage of un-construction safety settlement time need to be paid. This
ultimately leads to an even more expensive project plan; lastly the labour wages is
higher in weekend and at night. It shows 150% and 200% of labour costs working
in weekend daytime and at night respectively in Denmark (labour law in
Denmark). Due to those reasons, the construction cost for railways is typically
higher than the road and other construction project in which the most of work are
executed in the normal working hours.
Railway construction work prices are not transparently given in the market. As
mentioned, the prices corresponding to the working time can only be estimated
from case to case; while in the road construction market, nominal prices are rather
relatively standardized known as Greenfield-market prices (G-Price),
barmarkspriser in Danish (Rambøll [1]). G-price, which can be found in many
construction websites, is the base price corresponding to the standard 37 working
hours per week during weekday daytime in Denmark. If planners collect such
nominal prices instead of real prices to estimate the project cost, the risk of budget
overrun is high (Flyvbjerg [7], Cantarellia et al. [9]). The calculation in Fehmarn
Belt project shows that dam extension real price is 26–153% more expensive than
G-price if considering the track closure time frames.
The purpose of this paper is to transfer nominal price to real price by
considering the working possessions. The method presented in this paper is to help
IMs to identify the low-cost solution among alternative track closure plans.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces a phase-based
calculation method. Five calculation phases and four mathematic formulas are
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 155, © 2014 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
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developed to guide the overall cost calculation; Section 3 presents the Fehmarn
Belt Danish railway construction project from Rail Net Denmark (Banedanmark).
The case is used to demonstrate how to use the method to estimate the project
costs. Three track closure scenarios are introduced and compared. The main
findings and future research direction are discussed; Section 4 summarizes the
method and the main achieved results.
2 Method
The method introduced by this paper was developed since 2011 when
Banedanmark planning track closure for the railway project, Fehmarn Belt. The
project shareholders would like to compare the direct costs, and identify the low-
cost feasible solution among all proposals. The method is built to estimate the
project cost at high level. The cost calculation is based on the available nominal
prices from road and other construction market and the detailed project plans.
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to remember that there are only 4 nights and a weekend possession can be assigned
in the project plan.
• : Working efficiency of labour
• : Total number of hours
• TSafety : Loss of hours due to safety settlements
• : Loss of hours due to running trains
• : Possession index indicates night shift, weekend possession etc.
• : Hours in time subcategories, e.g. 6 hours in weekday night
• ppj : Labour wage factor per time subcategories
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• ploss : General loss of time per possession type q, e.g. the general
loss of time at night is 15% for physical track works (q = 2),
so p2loss = 15%
Phase 3 is prepared to calculate the real unit price per construction work by
time possession at next phase. The calculation of machinery efficiency is similar
to labour efficiency. The only difference is that the price for the machine renting
hours as the denominator is not depending on the time frame (ppj,mac = 1). The
expected output from this phase is the time efficiency table for labour and
machinery per each possession (Table 3).
RiL RiMac
Pi,q = RiMaterials + i,q + i,q (3)
• Pi,q : Actual price per construction type i per time possession q
A real price index comparing to the nominal price can be calculated in this
phase. Meanwhile the unfeasible construction and possession combination can be
identified in the phase. E.g. installing a switch and crossing is not feasible in a
short possession. The real prices among the set of time possessions for each
construction work can be benchmarked. The expected output from Phase 4 is the
actual construction price table.
∑ ∑ ∙ (4)
• TCm : Total cost of scenario m
• FC : Fixed cost which is not time depended
• Ci : Unit price per construction type i per possession q
• Qqi : Amount of work per construction type i per possession type q
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3 Case study
3.1 Case introduction
Germany and Denmark have signed an agreement to establish a permanent
connection between Rødby and Puttgarden across the Fehmarn Belt. The Fehmarn
Belt project, decided on 15 April 2009 (Banedanmark [10]), includes both the
fixed link between Rødby and Puttgarden, and the corresponding Danish onshore
facilities upgrading (road and railway). This case is focusing on planning a
construction work for the onshore railway line between Ringsted and Fehmarn
Belt and estimating the construction costs for 3 different track closure plans.
New tracks
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The project mainly includes the following tasks: electrifying the line from
Ringsted to Rødby; constructing 55 km of new track so that the entire line will be
double-tracked; upgrading the existing tracks to the speed of 200 km/h; build and
rebuild bridges, including a 3.2 km new bridge crossing Storstrømmen
(Banedanmark [11]).
The project was divided into two main sections, north section and south section.
The north section is a double track line from Ringsted to Vordingborg. Today there
are 2 trains per hour per direction at rush hours on this section and expected to
have 3 passenger trains during the project time (2014–2020) (Madsen [12]). Due
to many international and local passengers, it is preferred to remain the existing
traffic in the north section in the construction period.
A single track is from Vordingborg to Rødby on south section. There are
relatively less local passenger demands between Vordingborg and Nykøbing F.
and between Rødby and Nykøbing F. The section is open to all tracks possession
patterns. The cost comparison among the different blocking alternatives is
calculated mainly for the south section.
Paying standard
per week
Q Possesion type Period per week
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Weekend possession
Green-field market
Costs in %
Cost in %
Cost in %
price %
i Construction work types
1 Earthwork 10% 49% 41% 100% 196% 209% 140% 124%
2 Dam extensions 5% 51% 44% 100% 253% 215% 142% 126%
3 New bridge 65% 10% 25% 100% ∞ 156% 123% 114%
4 Raising the bridge deck 35% 15% 50% 100% ∞ 167% 129% 125%
5 Track works 66% 21% 13% 100% 106% 119% 113% 108%
6 Catenary foundations 71% 20% 9% 100% ∞ 129% 110% 106%
7 Catenary mast 72% 22% 6% 100% ∞ 124% 107% 104%
8 Catenary suspension 60% 28% 12% 100% ∞ 139% 113% 108%
9 Connecting to new track 0% 65% 35% 100% ∞ ∞ 133% 118%
10 Pipes for fauna passenger 40% 38% 22% 100% ∞ ∞ 123% 114%
11 Turnout (S and C) 68% 22% 10% 100% ∞ ∞ 110% 106%
12 Replacement of existing rails 93% 5% 2% 100% ∞ 107% 102% 101%
New sub-ballast in the existing
13 track 46% 35% 19% 100% ∞ ∞ 120% 112%
14 Platform works 66% 12% 22% 100% ∞ ∞ 120% 112%
15 Retaining walls etc. 45% 36% 19% 100% 159% 157% 119% 112%
16 Security work 20% 0% 80% 100% ∞ 246% 166% 139%
By using the eqn (2) in method Phase 3, the main working efficiencies of labour
and machinery for Ringsted-Fehmarn are calculated and shown in Table 3.
Comparing the nominal price, the labour and machinery efficiencies are quite low,
because part of budget is actually paying the loss of time, high labour night wage
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 155, © 2014 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)
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Labour Efficiency
Weekday working in intervals 14.6 3.5 - 16.9 35 48% 6.9 35 48%
(10% safety time)
Weekday working in intervals 14.6 7.0 - 13.4 35 38% 13.4 35 38%
( 20% safety time)
Night working - 5.0 5.3 24.8 37.5 66% 24.8 75 33%
(15% loss at night)
Night working - 5.0 3.5 26.5 37.5 71% 26.5 75 35%
(10% loss at night)
Weekend working - 1.1 3.5 51.4 56 92% 51.4 96 54%
(15% loss at night)
Weekend working - 1.1 - 18.9 20 94% 18.9 30 55%
(only in daytime)
Totally closure - 1.7 8.0 158.3 168 94% 158.3 240 66%
(15% loss at night)
Totally closure - 5.2 - 142.8 168 85% 142.8 168 85%
(only daytime working)
The project price indexes are calculated in the method Phase 4. “Earthwork” is
used to illustrate the calculation. It can be seen that the materials ratio R1Materials is
10% which keeps fixed for all possessions. Labour ratio is 49% in G-price
(Table 2). The labour efficiency , of “Day working in intervals with 10% Safety
time” is 48% (Table 3), while the machinery ratio and machinery efficiency
are 41% and 48% respectively. The price index of “earthwork” for weekday
possession can be calculated in eqn (3): P1,1 = R1Materials + 1,1 +
1,1 = 10% + 101% + 85% = 196%. Using the same approach, the price indexes of
“earthwork” are 209%, 140% and 124% for night possession, weekend possession
and all day closure possession respectively. The actual construction prices per
possession are shown in Table 2. The possessions at night and in the weekend are
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more expensive due to high labour cost and naturally time loss. Doing the
construction between running trains is the most expensive possession. The longer
the all-day closure duration, the cheaper the total cost, because it contains more
weekday daytime where labour and machine have the highest working intensity
with relatively low costs.
The project construction period of Fehmarn Belt has been planned from 2014 to
2020. It has been decided that the north section should keep the existing traffic and
the construction should only be handled in the day time intervals blocking patterns
and weekends. The south section is open to all possessions. There are mainly 3
tracks blocking scenarios in the agreement with Rail Net Denmark (Niras [13]):
• Scenario 1: Total closure of railway line for 4 months in the summer of
• Scenario 2: Three summer closures in 3 years. The south section is closed
for 3, 4 and 3 months in 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively.
• Scenario 3: Four summer closures in 4 years. The south section is closed
for 3, 3, 4 and 3 months from 2014 to 2017, respectively.
Three detailed construction plans were made according to the above track
closure scenarios by the experienced experts. Each plan contains the construction
work loads in the combination of the 4 working possessions (Table 4).
The total cost of each scenario can be calculated according to the detailed
construction plan in method Phase 5. Table 4 illustrates “earthwork” cost
calculation for the south section in Scenario 1. The similar calculation is handled
for all 15 construction works.
Adding the project fixed costs which are not corresponding to the possession
settings, the total project cost comparison of base and 3 scenarios can be
summarized in Figure 2. Base scenario is calculated based on the nominal G-price.
It can be seen that there does exist big risk of cost under-estimation without
considering the possession time if we comparing the scenario costs with the base.
In Fehmarn Belt project, the overall direct cost difference is around 172 million
DKK, 2.7% of the total project spending. It can be achieved by re-scheduling the
track closure and working possessions.
However closure of the railway line for construction purposes can cause more
costs for passengers. To identify the overall cost efficiency solution, the passenger
loss due to the track closure need to be included. Train operating companies could
in the further work provide the related analysis in both short and long term
(Li et al. [14]).
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Table 4: Earthwork cost for the south section in Scenario 1 (Phase 5).
Cost comparison
South Section
3,000 North Section
Base Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
South Section 2,912,615,42 3,328,721,58 3,235,842,41 3,156,252,80
North Section 2,890,719,50 3,145,433,78 3,145,433,78 3,145,433,78
4 Conclusions
Estimating project costs within railway infrastructure procurement is challenging
due to the facts that: 1) the construction costs are highly depend on possession
timeframes; 2) railway real prices are not transparently given in the market. It is
practical to use the nominal prices from the similar construction market to do the
rough cost estimation. However, it is risky to under-estimate costs without
considering the actual railway track closures.
This paper has demonstrated how to estimate the railway construction cost from
transferring the nominal price to real price by considering the track closure and
the working possession plan. The presented method separates price into 3
sub-categories: materials, labour and machinery. The real prices are calculated by
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remaining the materials fixed whereas the cost of labour and machinery are
changing depending on the working time possessions presented through the
closure of the railway line.
A Danish railway construction project Ringsted-Fehmarn is introduced in the
paper. By comparing three track blocking scenarios with the same amount of
construction works. It is proven that the different of direct cost can be top to 2.7%.
Thus, it can be concluded that the Greenfield-market price method with the
detailed construction possession plan is able to identify the low-cost track closures.
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WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 155, © 2014 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)