Macro Economic Situation of Nepal 2009-2010

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Current Macroeconomic Situation

(Based on the Annual Data of 2009/10)

Table No.
Real Sector
1 Gross Domestic Product
2 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Category
3 National Urban Consumer Price Index (y-o-y)
4 National Urban Consumer Price Index (Annual Average)
5 National Urban Consumer Price Index (Monthly Series)
6 Core CPI Inflation (Annual Average)
7 Core CPI Inflation (y-o-y)
8 National Wholesale Price Index (y-o-y)
9 National Wholesale Price Index (Annual Average)
10 National Wholesale Price Index (Monthly Series)
11 National Salary and Wage Rate Index (Annual Average)
12 National Salary and Wage Rate Index (y-o-y)
External Sector
13 Direction of Foreign Trade
14 Exports of Major Commodities to India
15 Exports of Major Commodities to Other Countries
16 Imports of Major Commodities from India
17 Imports of Major Commodities from Other Countries
18 Summary of Balance of Payments Presentation
19 Imports from India against the US Dollar Payment
20 Gross Foreign Exchange Holdings of the Banking Sector
21 Gross Foreign Exchange Holdings of the Banking Sector in US$
22 Exchange Rate of US Dollar
23 Price of Oil and Gold in the International Market
Government Finance
24 Government Budgetary Operation
25 Net Domestic Borrowings of the GoN
26 Outstanding Domestic Debt of the GoN
27 Government Revenue Collection
28 Fresh Treasury Bills
Monetary and Credit Aggregates
29 Monetary Survey
30 Monetary Authorities' Account
31 Factors Affecting Reserve Money
32 Condensed Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
33 Deposit Details of Commercial Banks
34 Sectorwise Credit Flows of Commercial Banks
35 Securitywise Credit Flows of Commercial Banks
36 Loan to Government Enterprises
Monetary Operations
37 Outright Sale Auction
38 Outright Purchase Auction
39 Repo Auction
40 Reverse Repo Auction
41 Foreign Exchange Intervention (in NRS)
42 Foreign Exchange Intervention (in US$)
43 Indian Currency Purchase
44 Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF)
Interbank Transaction and Interest Rates
45 Interbank Transaction (Amount)
46 Structure of Interest Rates
47 Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (91-day)
48 Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate(364 day)
49 Weighted Average Interbank Transaction Rate
Stock Market
50 Stock Market Indicators
51 Public Issue Approval
52 Listed Companies and Market Capitalization
53 Share Market Activities and Turnover Details
Table 1
Gross Domestic Product
(At 2000/01 Prices)
Rs. in million
2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P
Agriculture 155625 160421 165761 173734 179810 183015 184796 195559 201500 203753
Agriculture and Forestry 153781 158417 163676 171394 177304 180260 181958 192514 198282 200364
Fishery 1844 2005 2085 2340 2507 2755 2838 3045 3218 3389
Non-Agriculture 269830 266979 276366 291092 300535 316525 330331 349743 366110 384782
Industry 73561 74197 76492 77588 79925 83499 86792 88305 88088 91508
Mining and Quarrying 1817 1977 2040 2031 2169 2348 2383 2513 2531 2638
Manufacturing 38409 36364 36380 37163 38136 38898 39891 39545 39132 40168
Electricity Gas and Water 7750 8631 10274 10693 11117 11562 13065 13204 13084 13153
Construction 25585 27225 27798 27701 28503 30690 31453 33043 33341 35549
Service 196269 192782 199874 213504 220609 233026 243539 261438 278022 293273
Wholesale and Retail Trade 69928 61837 63233 70066 65694 68099 64292 66962 70905 74895
Hotels and Restaurant 8459 6917 7056 7955 7525 8001 8278 8851 9113 9891
Transport, Storage and Communications 31425 34055 35825 38509 40985 42001 44094 48226 51883 55232
Financial Intermediation 11455 11892 12090 12838 15957 19843 22103 24142 24502 24887
Real Estate, Renting and Business 35267 33543 32212 31538 34700 36900 41240 45544 46343 48598
Public Administration and Defence 5288 7237 8070 8019 8551 9139 9262 9319 9999 10419
Education 17372 21030 23913 25138 27606 28640 30738 32716 36399 38761
Health and Social Work 4178 4487 5171 5487 6109 6470 6888 7474 8308 8774
Other Community, Social and Personal Service 12896 11785 12303 13955 13483 13933 16643 18204 20570 21817
Total GVA including FISIM 425454 427400 442127 464826 480345 499540 515127 545302 567610 588534
Financial intermediation indirectly measured 12026 13308 12428 16172 17180 19105 21476 23043 24706 26490
GDP at basic prices 413428 414092 429699 448654 463165 480435 493651 522260 542903 562044
Taxes less subsidies on products 28090 27957 29789 32350 34574 34051 38388 42257 49030 56985
GDP at producers price 441518 442049 459488 481004 497739 514486 532038 564517 591933 619030

Percentage Change

Agriculture 3.1 3.3 4.8 3.5 1.8 1.0 5.8 3.0 1.1
Agriculture and Forestry 3.0 3.3 4.7 3.4 1.7 0.9 5.8 3.0 1.1
Fishery 8.7 4.0 12.2 7.1 9.9 3.0 7.3 5.7 5.3
Non-Agriculture -1.1 3.5 5.3 3.2 5.3 4.4 5.9 4.7 5.1
Industry 0.9 3.1 1.4 3.0 4.5 3.9 1.7 -0.2 3.9
Mining and Quarrying 8.8 3.2 -0.4 6.8 8.3 1.5 5.5 0.7 4.2
Manufacturing -5.3 0.0 2.2 2.6 2.0 2.6 -0.9 -1.0 2.6
Electricity Gas and Water 11.4 19.0 4.1 4.0 4.0 13.0 1.1 -0.9 0.5
Construction 6.4 2.1 -0.3 2.9 7.7 2.5 5.1 0.9 6.6
Service -1.8 3.7 6.8 3.3 5.6 4.5 7.3 6.3 5.5
Wholesale and Retail Trade -11.6 2.3 10.8 -6.2 3.7 -5.6 4.2 5.9 5.6
Hotels and Restaurant -18.2 2.0 12.7 -5.4 6.3 3.5 6.9 3.0 8.5
Transport, Storage and Communications 8.4 5.2 7.5 6.4 2.5 5.0 9.4 7.6 6.5
Financial Intermediation 3.8 1.7 6.2 24.3 24.4 11.4 9.2 1.5 1.6
Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities -4.9 -4.0 -2.1 10.0 6.3 11.8 10.4 1.8 4.9
Public Administration and Defence 36.8 11.5 -0.6 6.6 6.9 1.3 0.6 7.3 4.2
Education 21.1 13.7 5.1 9.8 3.7 7.3 6.4 11.3 6.5
Health and Social Work 7.4 15.3 6.1 11.3 5.9 6.5 8.5 11.2 5.6
Other Community, Social and Personal Service -8.6 4.4 13.4 -3.4 3.3 19.5 9.4 13.0 6.1
Total GVA including FISIM 0.5 3.4 5.1 3.3 4.0 3.1 5.9 4.1 3.7
Financial intermediation indirectly measured 10.7 -6.6 30.1 6.2 11.2 12.4 7.3 7.2 7.2
GDP at basic prices 0.2 3.8 4.4 3.2 3.7 2.8 5.8 3.9 3.5
Taxes less subsidies on products -0.5 6.6 8.6 6.9 -1.5 12.7 10.1 16.0 16.2
GDP at producers price 0.1 3.9 4.7 3.5 3.4 3.4 6.1 4.9 4.6
R-Revised estimate
P-Preliminary estimate
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics
Table 2
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Category
(at Current Prices)
Rs. in Million
2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P
Gross Domestic Product at Producers Price 441519 459443 492231 536749 589412 654084 727827 815663 991316 1182680
Total Consumption 390017 415843 450090 473685 521301 595327 656374 735470 895018 1071929
Government Consumption 35785 38586 42652 46397 52453 56794 66949 80663 106503 136574
Collective Consumption 25376 27857 31375 33960 34625 37105 43739 54996 69822 85881
Individual Consumption 10409 10729 11277 12437 17828 19689 23210 25667 36681 50693
Private Consumption 348989 371402 400468 419290 459530 527814 576911 641085 772762 917066
Food 205904 219127 236276 247381 271123 311410 340377 385037 484552 577150
Non-food 100160 106592 114934 120336 131885 151483 165573 179999 203232 240975
Services 42926 45682 49258 51573 56522 64921 70960 76049 84978 98941
Nonprofit Institutions 5243 5855 6970 7998 9319 10719 12515 13721 15753 18289
Actual final consumption expenditure of household 364641 387986 418715 439725 486676 558222 612635 680474 825196 986048
Gross Capital Formation 98649 93019 105383 131671 155907 175633 208779 247277 316097 451804
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 84751 89889 98073 109181 117539 135532 153337 178446 211039 251490
Government 18063 17439 14719 14955 17213 17509 24645 32993 44278 59421
Private 66687 72450 83354 94226 100326 118023 128692 145453 166761 192069
Change in Stock * 13898 3130 7310 22489 38368 40101 55442 68831 105058 200314
Domestic Demand 488666 508863 555473 605356 677208 770960 865153 982747 1211115 1523733
Net Exports of Goods and Services -47147 -49420 -63243 -68607 -87796 -116876 -137326 -167084 -219799 -341053
Imports 146757 130912 140522 158151 173754 204828 230893 271291 342536 450193
Goods 126238 111342 121053 132910 145718 171540 190437 217963 279228 391602
Services 20519 19570 19469 25241 28036 33288 40456 53328 63308 58591
Exports 99610 81492 77280 89544 85958 87952 93567 104207 122737 109140
Goods 69789 57984 50761 55228 59956 61482 61488 61971 69907 60838
Services 29822 23508 26519 34316 26002 26470 32079 42236 52830 48302
GDP at producers price 441519 459443 492231 536749 589412 654084 727827 815663 991316 1182680
Net Factor Income 1701 -605 -676 -1684 1637 4956 7432 7947 11750 12438
Gross National Income (GNI) 443220 458838 491555 535065 591048 659040 735259 823610 1003066 1195118
Net Transfer 65595 68186 75533 84889 97704 126146 128992 182817 249487 283983
Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) 508815 527024 567088 619954 688752 785185 864251 1006427 1252552 1479101

Percentage of GDP
Gross Domestic Product at Producers Price 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Total Consumption 88.3 90.5 91.4 88.3 88.4 91.0 90.2 90.2 90.3 90.6
Government Consumption 8.1 8.4 8.7 8.6 8.9 8.7 9.2 9.9 10.7 11.5
Collective Consumption 5.7 6.1 6.4 6.3 5.9 5.7 6.0 6.7 7.0 7.3
Individual Consumption 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.7 4.3
Private Consumption 79.0 80.8 81.4 78.1 78.0 80.7 79.3 78.6 78.0 77.5
Food 46.6 47.7 48.0 46.1 46.0 47.6 46.8 47.2 48.9 48.8
Non-food 22.7 23.2 23.3 22.4 22.4 23.2 22.7 22.1 20.5 20.4
Services 9.7 9.9 10.0 9.6 9.6 9.9 9.7 9.3 8.6 8.4
Nonprofit Institutions 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5
Actual final consumption expenditure of household 82.6 84.4 85.1 81.9 82.6 85.3 84.2 83.4 83.2 83.4
Gross Capital Formation 22.3 20.2 21.4 24.5 26.5 26.9 28.7 30.3 31.9 38.2
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 19.2 19.6 19.9 20.3 19.9 20.7 21.1 21.9 21.3 21.3
Government 4.1 3.8 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.7 3.4 4.0 4.5 5.0
Private 15.1 15.8 16.9 17.6 17.0 18.0 17.7 17.8 16.8 16.2
Change in Stock * 3.1 0.7 1.5 4.2 6.5 6.1 7.6 8.4 10.6 16.9
Domestic Demand 110.7 115.3 125.8 137.1 153.4 174.6 195.9 120.5 122.2 128.8
Net Exports of Goods and Services -10.7 -10.8 -12.8 -12.8 -14.9 -17.9 -18.9 -20.5 -22.2 -28.8
Imports 33.2 28.5 28.5 29.5 29.5 31.3 31.7 33.3 34.6 38.1
Goods 28.6 24.2 24.6 24.8 24.7 26.2 26.2 26.7 28.2 33.1
Services 4.6 4.3 4.0 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.6 6.5 6.4 5.0
Exports 22.6 17.7 15.7 16.7 14.6 13.4 12.9 12.8 12.4 9.2
Goods 15.8 12.6 10.3 10.3 10.2 9.4 8.4 7.6 7.1 5.1
Services 6.8 5.1 5.4 6.4 4.4 4.0 4.4 5.2 5.3 4.1
Gross Domestic Product at Producers Price 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Net Factor Income -0.1 -0.1 -0.3 0.3 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1
Gross National Income (GNI) 99.9 99.9 99.7 100.3 100.8 101.0 101.0 101.2 101.1
Net Transfer 14.8 15.3 15.8 16.6 19.3 17.7 22.4 25.2 28.6
Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) 114.7 115.2 115.5 116.9 120.0 118.7 123.4 126.4 125.1
Gross Domestic Savings 9.5 8.6 11.7 11.6 9.0 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.4
Gross National Savings 24.2 23.8 27.3 28.4 29.0 28.6 33.2 36.1 34.4
R-Revised estimate
P-Preliminary estimate
* Change in stock derived residually
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics
Table 3
National Urban Consumer Price Index
(1995/96 = 100)
Weight 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P Percent Change
Groups & Sub-Groups % June/July May/June June/July April/May May/June June/July Column 5 Column 5 Column 8 Column 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Over 3 Over 4 Over 5 Over 7

1. OVERALL INDEX 100.00 212.7 234.0 237.0 253.9 256.4 260.9 11.4 1.3 10.1 1.8

1.1. FOOD & BEVERAGES 53.20 208.6 243.1 248.4 266.2 270.5 277.8 19.1 2.2 11.8 2.7

Grains and Cereal Products 18.00 220.5 230.6 234.5 257.4 263.1 269.1 6.3 1.7 14.8 2.3
Rice and Rice Products (14.16) 220.1 232.7 237.6 257.2 265.6 273.5 8.0 2.1 15.1 3.0
1.2 Wheat and Wheat Flour 1.79 254.9 239.2 239.6 301.3 291.1 289.4 -6.0 0.2 20.8 -0.6
1.3 Other Grains and Cereal products 2.05 188.4 203.7 204.1 216.1 217.1 216.5 8.3 0.2 6.1 -0.3
Pulses 2.73 214.4 263.6 274.1 301.0 305.3 307.3 27.8 4.0 12.1 0.7
Vegetables and Fruits 7.89 168.3 246.6 264.2 219.4 226.9 249.2 57.0 7.1 -5.7 9.8
3.1 All Vegetables 6.25 155.3 244.1 263.6 204.7 212.5 240.9 69.7 8.0 -8.6 13.4
3.1.1 Vegetables without Leafy Green 5.15 152.9 253.0 274.6 204.3 211.6 238.8 79.6 8.5 -13.0 12.9
3.1.2 Leafy Green Vegetables 1.10 182.8 221.2 233.2 228.3 242.0 278.8 27.6 5.4 19.6 15.2
3.2 Fruits and Nuts 1.65 218.5 258.0 266.6 276.1 282.5 279.4 22.0 3.3 4.8 -1.1
3.2.1 Fruits 1.59 220.6 261.5 270.6 279.9 286.5 283.3 22.7 3.5 4.7 -1.1
3.2.2 Nuts 0.05 164.2 169.1 169.5 177.3 177.2 177.9 3.2 0.2 5.0 0.4
Spices 1.85 201.7 224.1 228.2 282.1 305.3 325.5 13.1 1.8 42.6 6.6
Meat, Fish and Eggs 5.21 213.1 279.0 280.9 314.7 309.8 313.6 31.8 0.7 11.6 1.2
Milk and Milk Products 4.05 187.9 215.9 216.0 241.0 247.8 255.9 15.0 0.0 18.5 3.3
Oil and Ghee 3.07 219.1 213.7 211.3 209.6 209.7 209.3 -3.6 -1.1 -0.9 -0.2
Sugar and Related Products 1.21 146.6 235.0 235.2 286.8 283.3 280.2 60.4 0.1 19.1 -1.1
Beverages 2.28 197.0 226.9 228.4 254.9 255.3 255.4 15.9 0.7 11.8 0.0
9.1 Non Alcoholic Beverages 0.75 156.1 188.6 193.7 214.7 215.9 216.4 24.1 2.7 11.7 0.2
9.2 Alcoholic Beverages 1.53 213.0 241.7 241.7 269.0 269.0 269.0 13.5 0.0 11.3 0.0
Restaurant Meals 6.91 240.7 278.2 283.2 327.6 330.6 333.0 17.7 1.8 17.6 0.7

1.2. NON-FOOD & SERVICES 46.80 217.5 223.8 223.9 239.9 240.2 241.7 2.9 0.0 7.9 0.6

Cloth, Clothing & Sewing Services 8.92 154.5 168.5 168.9 179.5 181.0 182.2 9.3 0.2 7.9 0.7
Cloths (2.28) 138.2 149.1 149.5 163.0 165.7 166.4 8.2 0.3 11.3 0.4
Clothings (5.75) 154.0 166.5 167.1 174.6 175.9 177.6 8.5 0.4 6.3 1.0
11.3 Sewing Services 0.89 204.5 234.6 234.6 258.1 258.1 258.1 14.7 0.0 10.0 0.0
Footwear 2.20 154.2 167.7 167.7 178.5 178.5 178.5 8.8 0.0 6.4 0.0
Housing goods and Services 14.87 255.0 250.8 250.7 275.3 275.4 279.1 -1.7 0.0 11.3 1.3
13.1 House Furnishing and Household Goods 3.50 160.1 178.5 178.5 194.3 194.3 194.3 11.5 0.0 8.9 0.0
13.2 House Rent 4.19 176.9 187.4 187.4 198.3 198.3 198.3 5.9 0.0 5.8 0.0
13.3 Cleaning Supplies 1.26 192.0 202.9 203.6 209.4 208.1 209.5 6.0 0.3 2.9 0.7
Fuel, Light and Water (5.92) 378.1 347.6 347.3 389.2 389.7 398.5 -8.1 -0.1 14.7 2.3
Transport and Communication 4.03 309.0 293.5 293.5 293.0 293.0 293.0 -5.0 0.0 -0.2 0.0
14.1 Transport 3.61 330.6 312.8 312.8 312.3 312.3 312.3 -5.4 0.0 -0.2 0.0
14.1.1 Public Transport 2.54 374.6 353.2 353.2 344.7 344.7 344.7 -5.7 0.0 -2.4 0.0
14.1.2 Private Transport 1.07 212.6 209.9 209.9 230.8 230.8 230.8 -1.3 0.0 10.0 0.0
14.2 Communication 0.42 126.6 126.7 126.7 126.7 126.7 126.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Medical and Personal Care 8.03 192.3 202.2 202.2 208.1 208.1 208.1 5.1 0.0 2.9 0.0
15.1 Medical Care 6.21 200.2 209.8 209.8 215.8 215.8 215.8 4.8 0.0 2.9 0.0
15.2 Personal Care 1.82 164.8 175.9 175.9 180.7 180.7 180.7 6.7 0.0 2.7 0.0
Education, Reading and Recreation 7.09 224.9 243.1 243.2 269.8 269.8 269.8 8.1 0.0 10.9 0.0
16.1 Education 4.78 248.2 269.1 269.1 299.2 299.2 299.2 8.4 0.0 11.2 0.0
16.2 Reading and Recreation 1.63 164.7 176.3 176.3 199.5 199.5 199.5 7.0 0.0 13.2 0.0
16.3 Religious Activities 0.68 212.1 227.4 228.3 243.1 243.7 243.9 7.6 0.4 6.8 0.1
Tobacco and Related Products 1.66 191.4 224.9 224.9 245.9 245.9 245.9 17.5 0.0 9.3 0.0
Petroleum Product 2.71 610.1 515.8 514.4 585.9 585.9 604.5 -15.7 -0.3 17.5 3.2
Non-Petroleum Product 97.29 201.9 226.4 229.4 244.9 247.4 251.6 13.6 1.3 9.7 1.7
Urban Consumer Price Index : Kathmandu Valley
OVERALL INDEX 100.00 201.9 226.6 227.8 242.7 245.4 249.3 12.8 0.5 9.4 1.6
FOOD & BEVERAGES 51.53 196.0 239.5 241.7 258.2 263.0 269.6 23.3 0.9 11.5 2.5
NON-FOOD & SERVICES 48.47 208.3 212.9 213.0 226.2 226.6 227.6 2.3 0.0 6.9 0.4
DOMESTIC GOODS 81.26 193.6 224.7 226.1 239.3 242.5 246.4 16.8 0.6 9.0 1.6
IMPORTED GOODS 18.74 238.2 234.6 235.2 257.3 258.0 261.5 -1.3 0.3 11.2 1.4
TRADABLE GOODS 68.86 201.1 228.5 229.9 242.1 245.7 250.6 14.3 0.6 9.0 2.0
NON-TRADABLE GOODS 31.14 203.7 222.4 223.2 244.0 244.6 246.3 9.6 0.4 10.3 0.7
GOVT.CONTROLLED GOODS 17.03 266.8 264.9 265.0 287.2 288.3 291.9 -0.7 0.0 10.2 1.2
NON-CONTROLLED GOODS 82.97 188.6 218.7 220.2 233.5 236.6 240.5 16.8 0.7 9.2 1.6
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 3.04 577.1 490.0 490.0 552.4 552.4 568.5 -15.1 0.0 16.0 2.9
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 96.96 190.2 218.3 219.6 233.0 235.7 239.3 15.5 0.6 9.0 1.5
Urban Consumer Price Index : Terai
OVERALL INDEX 100.00 218.3 238.1 242.2 258.8 261.1 266.1 10.9 1.7 9.9 1.9
FOOD & BEVERAGES 54.98 214.1 243.8 251.1 267.7 271.8 279.5 17.3 3.0 11.3 2.8
NON-FOOD & SERVICES 45.02 223.3 231.2 231.3 247.9 248.2 249.8 3.6 0.0 8.0 0.6
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 2.54 613.3 517.5 514.7 588.2 588.2 609.3 -16.1 -0.5 18.4 3.6
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 97.46 208.0 230.8 235.1 250.2 252.6 257.2 13.0 1.9 9.4 1.8
Urban Consumer Price Index : Hills
OVERALL INDEX 100.00 215.4 235.3 238.0 259.3 261.5 266.2 10.5 1.1 11.8 1.8
FOOD & BEVERAGES 53.04 214.2 247.1 252.1 275.5 279.5 286.8 17.7 2.0 13.8 2.6
NON-FOOD & SERVICES 46.96 216.8 222.0 222.1 241.0 241.2 242.9 2.4 0.0 9.4 0.7
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 2.33 655.6 553.9 553.9 634.6 634.6 650.9 -15.5 0.0 17.5 2.6
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 97.67 204.9 227.7 230.5 250.3 252.6 257.0 12.5 1.2 11.5 1.7
P = Provisional
Table 4
National Urban Consumer Price Index
Annual Average
Weight Percent Change
% 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10
Groups & sub-groups
1. OVERALL INDEX 100.00 200.2 226.7 250.5 13.2 10.5
1.1. FOOD & BEVERAGES 53.20 196.9 229.7 265.0 16.7 15.4
Grains and Cereals Products 18.00 200.7 229.5 253.6 14.3 10.5
Rice and Rice Products (14.16) 197.2 231.1 256.4 17.2 10.9
Pulses 2.73 200.8 250.9 316.3 25.0 26.1
Vegetables and Fruits 7.89 181.7 204.8 245.6 12.7 19.9
Spices 1.85 189.2 212.4 270.4 12.3 27.3
Meat, Fish and Eggs 5.21 200.7 247.6 298.7 23.4 20.6
Milk and Milk Products 4.05 182.8 210.3 235.3 15.0 11.9
Oil and Ghee 3.07 190.1 221.1 210.9 16.3 -4.6
Sugar and Related Products 1.21 136.7 199.5 290.4 45.9 45.6
Beverages 2.28 192.5 216.9 248.5 12.7 14.6
Restaurant Meals 6.91 225.7 267.4 312.2 18.5 16.8
1.2. NON-FOOD & SERVICES 46.80 204.0 223.4 233.9 9.5 4.7
Cloth, Clothing & Sewing Services 8.92 152.2 163.9 175.8 7.7 7.3
Cloths (2.28) 136.0 146.5 157.2 7.7 7.3
Clothings (5.75) 151.8 162.3 172.0 6.9 6.0
11.3 Sewing Services 0.89 202.5 223.9 253.0 10.6 13.0
Footwear 2.20 151.9 163.2 174.3 7.4 6.8
Housing 14.87 230.4 253.8 263.2 10.2 3.7
Fuel, Light and Water (5.92) 326.9 361.4 368.7 10.6 2.0
Transport and Communication 4.03 260.6 301.9 288.3 15.8 -4.5
Medical and Personal Care 8.03 190.0 199.9 206.0 5.2 3.1
Education, Reading and Recreation 7.09 222.0 241.7 267.6 8.9 10.7
Tobacco and Related Products 1.66 185.9 214.6 240.6 15.4 12.1
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 2.71 499.5 555.7 548.8 11.3 -1.2
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 97.29 192.1 217.8 242.4 13.4 11.3

Urban Consumer Price Index : Kathmandu Valley

OVERALL INDEX 100.00 190.9 218.2 239.3 14.3 9.7
FOOD & BEVERAGES 51.53 185.9 222.7 255.8 19.8 14.9
NON-FOOD & SERVICES 48.47 196.1 213.5 221.7 8.9 3.8
DOMESTIC GOODS 81.26 184.7 214.1 237.3 15.9 10.8
IMPORTED GOODS 18.74 217.4 236.2 248.0 8.6 5.0
TRADABLE GOODS 68.86 189.4 218.6 239.2 15.4 9.4
NON-TRADABLE GOODS 31.14 194.1 217.4 239.4 12.0 10.1
GOVT.CONTROLLED GOODS 17.03 237.6 269.4 280.0 13.4 3.9
NON-CONTROLLED GOODS 82.97 181.2 207.7 230.9 14.6 11.2
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 3.04 468.8 525.6 520.3 12.1 -1.0
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 96.96 182.1 208.6 230.4 14.6 10.5
Urban Consumer Price Index : Terai
OVERALL INDEX 100.00 205.2 231.5 256.3 12.8 10.7
FOOD & BEVERAGES 54.98 201.9 232.8 268.7 15.3 15.4
NON-FOOD & SERVICES 45.02 209.3 230.0 241.2 9.9 4.9
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 2.54 502.5 558.2 550.2 11.1 -1.4
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 97.46 197.5 223.0 248.7 12.9 11.5
Urban Consumer Price Index : Hills
OVERALL INDEX 100.00 202.2 227.8 253.4 12.7 11.2
FOOD & BEVERAGES 53.04 201.7 233.0 270.2 15.5 16.0
NON-FOOD & SERVICES 46.96 202.9 221.9 234.5 9.4 5.7
PETROLEUM PRODUCT 2.33 542.0 598.3 592.1 10.4 -1.0
NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCT 97.67 194.1 218.9 245.3 12.8 12.1
P = Provisional.
Table 5
National Urban Consumer Price Index (Monthly Series)
(1995/96 = 100)
(point to point annual changes)
2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P
Mid- Month
Index Percent Change Index Percent Change Index Percent Change

Aug 194.7 6.3 220.2 13.1 243.1 10.4

Sept 197.8 7.0 224.5 13.5 246.3 9.7

Oct 198.7 6.3 226.8 14.1 248.0 9.3

Nov 198.7 6.3 227.5 14.5 250.0 9.9

Dec 196.1 5.7 223.7 14.1 249.0 11.3

Jan 194.2 5.8 222.1 14.4 248.3 11.8

Feb 196.3 6.4 223.1 13.7 249.9 12.0

Mar 198.4 7.2 224.4 13.1 249.5 11.2

Apr 202.4 8.9 226.5 11.9 250.9 10.8

May 204.6 9.2 230.9 12.9 253.9 10.0

Jun 208.3 11.0 234.0 12.3 256.4 9.6

Jul 212.7 12.1 237.0 11.4 260.9 10.1

Average 200.2 7.7 226.7 13.2 250.5 10.5

P: Provisional.
Table 6
Core CPI Inflation (Annual Average)**
(1995/96 = 100)

Weight Revised Percent Change

Group & sub-groups 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P
% Weight 2008/09 2009/10
OVERALL (Adjusted) 100.00 100.00 188.3 212.0 236.7 12.6 11.7

FOOD AND BEVERAGES (Adjusted) 53.20 45.53 200.4 235.3 273.5 17.4 16.2

Grains and Cereal Products

Rice and Rice Products 14.16 0.00 197.2 231.1 256.4 17.2 10.9
Wheat and Wheat Flour 1.79 2.62 247.4 244.7 272.5 -1.1 11.4
Other Grains and Cereal Products 2.05 3.00 179.7 200.0 212.7 11.3 6.3
Pulses 2.73 3.99 200.8 250.9 316.3 25.0 26.1
Vegetables and Fruits 7.89 0.00 181.7 204.8 245.6 12.7 19.9
Spices 1.85 2.70 189.2 212.4 270.4 12.3 27.3
Meat, Fish and Eggs 5.21 7.61 200.7 247.6 298.7 23.4 20.6
Milk and Milk Products 4.05 5.92 182.8 210.3 235.3 15.0 11.9
Oil and Ghee 3.07 4.49 190.1 221.1 210.9 16.3 -4.6
Sugar and Related Products 1.21 1.77 136.7 199.5 290.4 45.9 45.6
Beverages 2.28 3.33 192.5 216.9 248.5 12.7 14.6
Restaurant Meals 6.91 10.10 225.7 267.4 312.2 18.5 16.8

NON-FOOD AND SERVICES (Adjusted) 46.80 54.47 178.2 192.5 206.0 8.1 7.0

Cloth, Clothing & Sewing Services 8.92 13.04 152.2 163.9 175.8 7.7 7.3
Footwear 2.20 3.22 151.9 163.2 174.3 7.4 6.8
Housing goods and Services
House Furnishing and Household Goods 3.50 5.12 155.8 173.8 186.4 11.6 7.2
House Rent 4.19 6.12 172.7 182.2 192.9 5.5 5.9
Cleaning Supplies 1.26 1.84 172.1 201.5 206.2 17.1 2.3
Fuel, Light and Water 5.92 0.00 326.9 361.4 368.7 10.6 2.0
Transport 3.61 0.00 276.2 322.3 307.1 16.7 -4.7
Communication 0.42 0.61 126.6 126.7 126.7 0.1 0.0
Medical and Personal Care 8.03 11.74 190.0 199.9 206.0 5.2 3.1
Education, Reading and Recreation 7.09 10.36 222.0 241.7 267.6 8.9 10.7
Tobacco and Related Products 1.66 2.43 185.9 214.6 240.6 15.4 12.1

P: Provisional
**Based on the exclusion principle by excluding rice and rice products, vegetables and fruits, fuel, light and water and transports.
Total weight excluded 31.58
Total weight included 68.42
Table 7
Core CPI Inflation**
(1995/96 = 100)

Weight Revised 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P Percent Change

Group & Sub-Groups
% Weight % June/July June/July June/July 2008/09 2009/10
OVERALL (Adjusted) 100.00 100.00 195.9 220.5 245.2 12.5 11.2

FOOD AND BEVERAGES (Adjusted) 53.20 45.53 213.0 249.3 286.9 17.1 15.1

Grains and Cereal Products

Rice and Rice Products 14.16 0.00 220.1 237.6 273.5 8.0 15.1
Wheat and Wheat Flour 1.79 2.62 254.9 239.6 289.4 -6.0 20.8
Other Grains and Cereal Products 2.05 3.00 188.4 204.1 216.5 8.3 6.1
Pulses 2.73 3.99 214.4 274.1 307.3 27.8 12.1
Vegetables and Fruits 7.89 0.00 168.3 264.2 249.2 57.0 -5.7
Spices 1.85 2.70 201.7 228.2 325.5 13.1 42.6
Meat, Fish and Eggs 5.21 7.61 213.1 280.9 313.6 31.8 11.6
Milk and Milk Products 4.05 5.92 187.9 216.0 255.9 15.0 18.5
Oil and Ghee 3.07 4.49 219.1 211.3 209.3 -3.6 -0.9
Sugar and Related Products 1.21 1.77 146.6 235.2 280.2 60.4 19.1
Beverages 2.28 3.33 197.0 228.4 255.4 15.9 11.8
Restaurant Meals 6.91 10.10 240.7 283.2 333.0 17.7 17.6

NON-FOOD AND SERVICES (Adjusted) 46.80 54.47 181.7 196.3 210.3 8.1 7.1

Cloth, Clothing & Sewing Services 8.92 13.04 154.5 168.9 182.2 9.3 7.9
Footwear 2.20 3.22 154.2 167.7 178.5 8.8 6.4
Housing goods and Services 255.0 250.7 279.1
House Furnishing and Household Goods 3.50 5.12 160.1 178.5 194.3 11.5 8.9
House Rent 4.19 6.12 176.9 187.4 198.3 5.9 5.8
Cleaning Supplies 1.26 1.84 192.0 203.6 209.5 6.0 2.9
Fuel, Light and Water 5.92 0.00 378.1 347.3 398.5 -8.1 14.7
Transport 3.61 0.00 330.6 312.8 312.3 -5.4 -0.2
Communication 0.42 0.61 126.6 126.7 126.7 0.1 0.0
Medical and Personal Care 8.03 11.74 192.3 202.2 208.1 5.1 2.9
Education, Reading and Recreation 7.09 10.36 224.9 243.2 269.8 8.1 10.9
Tobacco and Related Products 1.66 2.43 191.4 224.9 245.9 17.5 9.3

P: Provisional
**Based on the exclusion principle by excluding rice and rice products, vegetables and fruits, fuel, light and water and transports.
Total weight excluded 31.58
Total weight included 68.42
Table 8
National Wholesale Price Index
(1999/00 = 100)
2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P Percent Change
Groups and Sub-groups Weight %
June/July May/June June/July April/May May/June June/July Column 5 Column 5 Column 8 Column 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Over 3 Over 4 Over 5 Over 7
1. Overall Index 100.00 171.8 193.0 198.0 200.4 205.2 211.8 15.3 2.6 7.0 3.2
1.1 Agricultural Commodities 49.59 165.0 210.0 220.8 213.4 222.5 233.9 33.8 5.1 5.9 5.1
Foodgrains 16.58 161.4 162.8 166.3 187.2 200.2 207.5 3.0 2.1 24.8 3.6
Cash Crops 6.09 176.0 290.6 310.7 219.1 231.7 241.8 76.5 6.9 -22.2 4.4
Pulses 3.77 208.5 239.0 248.9 281.9 290.9 289.4 19.4 4.1 16.3 -0.5
Fruits and Vegetables 11.18 141.2 201.8 229.0 161.5 162.7 195.1 62.2 13.5 -14.8 19.9
Spices 1.95 136.4 150.1 161.3 201.1 235.1 245.4 18.3 7.5 52.1 4.4
Livestock Production 10.02 180.3 248.9 248.3 287.9 292.3 293.1 37.7 -0.2 18.0 0.3
1.2 Domestic Manufactured Commodities 20.37 160.8 168.9 168.5 182.8 183.2 184.2 4.8 -0.2 9.3 0.5
Food-Related Products 6.12 149.6 156.1 155.0 177.4 178.8 180.0 3.6 -0.7 16.1 0.7
Beverages and Tobacco 5.68 147.8 168.8 168.8 182.8 182.8 182.8 14.2 0.0 8.3 0.0
Construction Materials 4.50 223.9 221.4 220.8 235.5 234.5 237.7 -1.4 -0.3 7.7 1.4
Others 4.07 126.0 130.3 130.7 132.6 133.4 133.2 3.7 0.3 1.9 -0.1
1.3 Imported Commodities 30.04 190.3 181.3 180.4 190.9 191.6 194.1 -5.2 -0.5 7.6 1.3
Petroleum Products and Coal 5.40 373.5 298.3 298.3 333.5 334.1 347.4 -20.1 0.0 16.5 4.0
Chemical Fertilizers and Chemical Goods 2.46 197.9 213.3 201.9 186.8 187.3 187.3 2.0 -5.3 -7.2 0.0
Transport Vehicles and Machinery Goods 6.97 161.4 162.2 162.2 163.9 164.5 164.5 0.5 0.0 1.4 0.0
Electric and Electronic Goods 1.87 95.8 94.6 94.6 99.4 99.4 100.5 -1.3 0.0 6.2 1.1
Drugs and Medicine 2.73 114.4 126.2 126.2 130.1 131.5 131.5 10.3 0.0 4.2 0.0
Textile-Related Products 3.10 109.4 124.7 125.2 132.2 134.2 134.2 14.4 0.4 7.2 0.0
Others 7.51 167.3 169.5 169.3 183.9 184.1 184.3 1.2 -0.1 8.9 0.1

P = Provisional
Table 9
National Wholesale Price Index
(1999/00 = 100)
(Annual Average)

Weight Percent Change

Groups & sub-groups % 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 P
1. Overall Index 100.00 159.7 180.1 202.8 12.8
1.1 Agricultural Commodities 49.59 159.1 181.3 222.7 14.0
Foodgrains 16.58 148.9 161.5 189.3 8.5
Cash Crops 6.09 191.8 199.6 275.4 4.1
Pulses 3.77 186.1 226.6 278.6 21.8
Fruits and Vegetables 11.18 146.7 166.7 182.4 13.6
Spices 1.95 129.2 143.9 198.0 11.4
Livestock Production 10.02 165.9 209.6 274.5 26.3
1.2 Domestic Manufactured Commodities 20.37 148.7 164.9 179.0 10.9
Food-Related Products 6.12 138.0 153.8 173.1 11.4
Beverages and Tobacco 5.68 143.3 160.0 181.5 11.7
Construction Materials 4.50 196.1 217.9 226.6 11.1
Others 4.07 120.2 129.9 131.8 8.1
1.3 Imported Commodities 30.04 168.0 188.4 186.2 12.1
Petroleum Products and Coal 5.40 298.9 330.0 314.2 10.4
Chemical Fertilizers and Chemical Goods 2.46 194.6 209.9 189.1 7.9
Transport Vehicles and Machinery Goods 6.97 138.1 165.4 163.0 19.8
Electric and Electronic Goods 1.87 95.2 100.1 97.0 5.1
Drugs and Medicine 2.73 116.2 123.0 132.2 5.9
Textile-Related Products 3.10 108.1 125.0 128.8 15.6
Others 7.51 154.6 173.0 180.1 11.9
Percent Change
Table 10
National Wholesale Price Index (Monthly Series)
(1999/00 = 100)
(point to point annual changes)

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P

Index Percent Change Index Percent Change Index Percent Change
Aug 160.0 12.4 177.9 11.2 201.4 13.2
Sept 163.5 11.1 180.3 10.3 203.0 12.6
Oct 164.3 10.3 179.6 9.3 206.1 14.8
Nov 161.3 7.2 176.1 9.2 208.7 18.5
Dec 155.2 6.1 170.9 10.1 203.2 18.9
Jan 150.8 5.5 172.9 14.7 200.6 16.0
Feb 151.3 4.3 174.0 15.0 198.7 14.2
Mar 156.4 6.6 175.6 12.3 197.0 12.2
Apr 156.6 9.4 178.1 13.7 197.6 10.9
May 160.1 10.1 184.9 15.5 200.4 8.4
Jun 164.9 12.9 193.0 17.0 205.2 6.3
Jul 171.8 13.2 198.0 15.3 211.8 7.0
Average 159.7 9.1 180.1 12.8 202.8 12.6

P: Provisional.
Table 11
National Salary and Wage Rate Index
(2004/05 = 100)
(Annual Average)

Weight Percent Change

Groups / sub-groups % 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2008/09 2009/10
Overall Index 100.00 125.2 144.4 169.2 15.3 17.2

1 Salary Index 26.97 118.2 130.6 157.0 10.5 20.2

Officers 9.80 121.0 129.2 150.2 6.8 16.3

Non Officers 17.17 116.6 131.4 160.9 12.7 22.5

1.1 Civil Service 2.82 135.8 161.2 199.3 18.7 23.6

Officers 0.31 137.3 148.1 171.5 7.9 15.8
Non Officers 2.51 135.6 162.7 202.7 20.0 24.6
1.2 Public Corporations 1.14 121.2 138.4 164.1 14.2 18.6
Officers 0.19 132.1 140.2 161.0 6.1 14.8
Non Officers 0.95 119.0 138.1 164.7 16.1 19.3
1.3 Bank & Financial Institutions 0.55 170.5 186.0 204.1 9.1 9.7
Officers 0.10 167.7 173.8 182.3 3.6 4.9
Non Officers 0.45 171.2 188.8 209.0 10.3 10.7
1.4 Army & Police Forces 4.01 121.8 146.9 180.2 20.6 22.7
Officers 0.17 127.5 137.5 152.2 7.8 10.7
Non Officers 3.84 121.5 147.3 181.5 21.2 23.2
1.5 Education 10.55 122.8 134.5 174.5 9.5 29.7
Officers 6.80 125.7 136.4 164.5 8.5 20.6
Non Officers 3.75 117.6 131.2 192.8 11.6 47.0
1.6 Private Institutions 7.90 99.8 101.2 102.5 1.4 1.3
Officers 2.24 100.5 101.0 101.4 0.5 0.4
Non Officers 5.66 99.5 101.2 102.9 1.7 1.7

2 Wage Rate Index 73.03 127.8 149.4 173.8 16.9 16.3

2.1 Agricultural Labourer 39.49 126.7 155.9 187.3 23.0 20.1

Male 20.49 125.1 155.6 190.3 24.4 22.3
Female 19.00 128.6 156.3 184.0 21.5 17.7
2.2 Industrial Labourer 25.25 131.8 142.8 158.3 8.3 10.9
High Skilled 6.31 122.4 131.4 144.8 7.4 10.2
Skilled 6.31 129.3 140.1 155.1 8.4 10.7
Semi Skilled 6.31 133.5 145.6 161.5 9.1 10.9
Unskilled 6.32 142.2 154.2 171.7 8.4 11.3
2.3 Construction Labourer 8.29 120.2 138.6 156.6 15.3 13.0
Mason 2.76 119.3 134.4 151.3 12.7 12.6
Skilled 1.38 118.2 132.2 149.9 11.8 13.4
Unskilled 1.38 120.4 136.6 152.8 13.5 11.9
Carpenter 2.76 114.9 130.1 144.6 13.2 11.1
Skilled 1.38 114.7 126.7 141.4 10.5 11.6
Unskilled 1.38 115.1 133.4 147.7 15.9 10.7
Worker 2.77 126.5 151.3 173.8 19.6 14.9
Male 1.38 124.2 149.7 171.6 20.5 14.6
Female 1.39 128.8 152.9 176.0 18.7 15.1
Table 12
National Salary and Wage Rate Index

S.No. Groups/Sub-groups Weight 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P Percent Change

% Jun/July May/Jun Jun/July Apr/May May/Jun Jun/July
5 over 3 5 over 4 8 over 5 8 over 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Overall Index 100.0 132.6 155.0 157.0 171.7 175.7 181.8 18.4 1.3 15.8 3.5
1 Salary Index 27.0 118.2 138.0 138.0 157.0 157.0 157.0 16.8 0.0 13.8 0.0

Officers 9.8 121.0 134.5 134.5 150.2 150.2 150.2 11.2 0.0 11.7 0.0
Non Officers 17.2 116.6 140.1 140.1 160.9 160.9 160.9 20.2 0.0 14.8 0.0

1.1 Civil Service 2.8 135.8 173.9 173.9 199.3 199.3 199.3 28.1 0.0 14.6 0.0
Officers 0.3 137.3 153.5 153.5 171.5 171.5 171.5 11.8 0.0 11.7 0.0
Non Officers 2.5 135.6 176.3 176.3 202.7 202.7 202.7 30.0 0.0 15.0 0.0
1.2 Public Corporations 1.1 121.2 147.7 147.7 164.1 164.1 164.1 21.9 0.0 11.1 0.0
Officers 0.2 132.1 144.5 144.5 161.0 161.0 161.0 9.4 0.0 11.4 0.0
Non Officers 1.0 119.0 148.4 148.4 164.7 164.7 164.7 24.7 0.0 11.0 0.0
1.3 Bank & Financial Institutions 0.6 170.5 201.5 201.5 204.1 204.1 204.1 18.2 0.0 1.3 0.0
Officers 0.1 167.7 179.9 179.9 182.3 182.3 182.3 7.3 0.0 1.3 0.0
Non Officers 0.5 171.2 206.4 206.4 209.0 209.0 209.0 20.6 0.0 1.3 0.0
1.4 Army &Police Forces 4.0 121.8 159.4 159.4 180.2 180.2 180.2 30.9 0.0 13.0 0.0
Officers 0.2 127.5 142.5 142.5 152.2 152.2 152.2 11.8 0.0 6.8 0.0
Non Officers 3.8 121.5 160.2 160.2 181.5 181.5 181.5 31.9 0.0 13.3 0.0
1.5 Education 10.6 122.8 142.6 142.6 174.5 174.5 174.5 16.1 0.0 22.4 0.0
Officers 6.8 125.7 143.3 143.3 164.5 164.5 164.5 14.0 0.0 14.8 0.0
Non Officers 3.8 117.6 141.4 141.4 192.8 192.8 192.8 20.2 0.0 36.4 0.0
1.6 Private Organisations 7.9 99.8 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
Officers 2.2 100.6 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non Officers 5.7 99.5 102.9 102.9 102.9 102.9 102.9 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 Wage Rate Index 73.0 137.9 161.2 163.9 177.2 182.6 191.0 18.9 1.7 16.5 4.6

2.1 Agricultural Labourer 39.5 143.6 168.7 173.3 191.9 200.4 215.0 20.7 2.7 24.1 7.3
Male 20.5 141.0 168.5 177.4 194.3 202.3 216.7 25.8 5.3 22.2 7.1
Female 19.0 146.4 169.0 169.0 189.2 198.4 213.1 15.4 0.0 26.1 7.4
2.2 Industrial Labourer 25.3 133.5 153.9 153.9 159.9 160.6 160.6 15.3 0.0 4.4 0.0
High Skilled 6.3 123.8 140.0 140.0 147.2 146.1 146.1 13.1 0.0 4.4 0.0
Skilled 6.3 131.0 150.5 150.5 157.4 158.0 158.0 14.9 0.0 5.0 0.0
Semi Skilled 6.3 135.4 157.1 157.1 162.8 163.5 163.5 16.0 0.0 4.1 0.0
Unskilled 6.3 143.7 168.1 168.1 172.2 174.7 174.7 17.0 0.0 3.9 0.0
2.3 Construction Labourer 8.3 124.6 148.0 149.7 160.0 165.0 169.3 20.1 1.1 13.1 2.6
Mason 2.8 119.8 142.7 144.7 154.8 157.6 162.0 20.8 1.4 12.0 2.8
Skilled 1.4 119.0 139.5 143.5 152.4 157.1 160.9 20.6 2.9 12.1 2.4
Unskilled 1.4 120.5 145.9 145.9 157.2 158.1 163.1 21.1 0.0 11.8 3.2
Carpenter 2.8 118.0 138.3 139.2 147.3 150.2 153.9 18.0 0.7 10.6 2.5
Skilled 1.4 118.2 133.7 134.8 144.4 149.2 152.0 14.0 0.8 12.8 1.9
Unskilled 1.4 117.8 142.9 143.7 150.3 151.2 155.8 22.0 0.6 8.4 3.0
worker 2.8 136.0 163.0 165.0 177.7 187.3 192.1 21.3 1.2 16.4 2.6
Male 1.4 135.0 160.4 162.7 175.0 184.7 189.3 20.5 1.4 16.3 2.5
Female 1.4 136.9 165.7 167.3 180.4 189.9 194.9 22.2 1.0 16.5 2.6
P : Provisional
Table 13
Direction of Foreign Trade*
Rs in million
Percent Change
2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P
2008/09 2009/10

Total Exports 59266.5 67697.5 61126.8 14.2 -9.7

To India 38555.7 41005.9 40114.9 6.4 -2.2

To Other Countries 20710.8 26691.6 21011.9 28.9 -21.3

Total Imports 221937.7 284469.6 378795.6 28.2 33.2

From India 142376.5 162437.6 217960.4 14.1 34.2

From Other Countries 79561.2 122032.0 160835.2 53.4 31.8

Total Trade Balance -162671.2 -216772.1 -317668.8 33.3 46.5

With India -103820.8 -121431.7 -177845.5 17.0 46.5

With Other Countries -58850.4 -95340.4 -139823.3 62.0 46.7

Total Foreign Trade 281204.2 352167.1 439922.4 25.2 24.9

With India 180932.2 203443.5 258075.3 12.4 26.9

With Other Countries 100272.0 148723.6 181847.1 48.3 22.3

1. Ratio of Exports to Import 26.7 23.8 16.1

India 27.1 25.2 18.4
Other Countries 26.0 21.9 13.1
2.Share in Total Exports
India 65.1 60.6 65.6
Other Countries 34.9 39.4 34.4
3.Share in Total Imports
India 64.2 57.1 57.5
Other Countries 35.8 42.9 42.5
4.Share in Trade Balance
India 63.8 56.0 56.0
Other Countries 36.2 44.0 44.0
5.Share in Total Trade
India 64.3 57.8 58.7
Other Countries 35.7 42.2 41.3
6. Share of Exports and Imports in Total Trade
Exports 21.1 19.2 13.9
Imports 78.9 80.8 86.1
* On customs data basis
P = Provisional
Table 14
Exports of Major Commodities to India
Rs in million
Annual Percent Change
2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10
A. Major Commodities 32759.2 30454.9 28610.7 -7.0 -6.1
1 Aluminium Section 894.5 482.9 346.6 -46.0 -28.2
2 Batica Hair Oil 0.6 22.7 33.8 - 48.9
3 Biscuits 0.5 151.2 0.0 - -100.0
4 Brans 264.5 152.2 90.6 -42.5 -40.5
5 Brooms 56.8 35.8 59.7 -37.0 66.8
6 Cardamom 1034.8 1216.0 1316.0 17.5 8.2
7 Catechue 543.7 1217.1 1682.0 123.9 38.2
8 Cattlefeed 176.9 350.5 140.7 98.1 -59.9
9 Chemicals 275.7 290.1 17.7 5.2 -93.9
10 Cinnamon 24.3 21.3 21.0 -12.3 -1.4
11 Copper Wire Rod 617.4 571.8 643.6 -7.4 12.6
12 Dried Ginger 54.0 68.0 91.1 25.9 34.0
13 Fruits 0.1 69.7 1.8 - -97.4
14 G.I. pipe 242.7 1098.4 567.9 352.6 -48.3
15 Ghee (Vegetable) 2132.3 9.1 4.6 -99.6 -49.5
16 Ghee(Clarified) 101.7 106.5 107.5 4.7 1.0
17 Ginger 543.2 335.1 353.9 -38.3 5.6
18 Handicraft Goods 21.8 53.4 15.6 144.9 -70.8
19 Herbs 148.6 206.6 234.5 39.0 13.5
20 Juice 1836.4 1952.2 1750.1 6.3 -10.4
21 Jute Goods 2582.5 1282.5 2896.7 -50.3 125.9
(a) Hessian 528.8 207.1 363.9 -60.8 75.7
(b) Sackings 1219.9 458.8 2016.5 -62.4 339.5
(c) Twines 833.8 616.6 516.3 -26.0 -16.3
22 Live Animals 52.2 24.4 36.8 -53.3 50.8
23 M.S. Pipe 979.5 571.2 695.1 -41.7 21.7
24 Marble Slab 147.6 175.4 34.4 18.8 -80.4
25 Medicine (Ayurvedic) 132.1 163.4 133.1 23.7 -18.5
26 Mustard & Linseed 35.1 77.2 11.4 119.9 -85.2
27 Noodles 532.9 803.2 576.4 50.7 -28.2
28 Oil Cakes 405.0 532.7 497.5 31.5 -6.6
29 Paper 120.2 93.1 42.8 -22.5 -54.0
30 Particle Board 157.6 145.7 90.7 -7.5 -37.8
31 Pashmina 44.0 65.9 60.7 49.8 -7.9
32 Plastic Utensils 302.6 513.4 181.7 69.7 -64.6
33 Polyster Yarn 2618.0 2499.8 3397.3 -4.5 35.9
34 Pulses 314.8 381.6 27.6 21.2 -92.8
35 Raw Jute 31.1 146.3 64.5 370.4 -55.9
36 Readymade garment 478.1 1715.1 333.9 258.7 -80.5
37 Ricebran Oil 196.5 143.3 111.9 -27.1 -21.9
38 Rosin 355.6 346.6 358.8 -2.5 3.5
39 Shoes and Sandles 348.6 750.1 568.0 115.2 -24.3
40 Skin 346.0 167.5 288.8 -51.6 72.4
41 Soap 424.2 591.0 404.1 39.3 -31.6
42 Stone and Sand 395.4 415.6 401.6 5.1 -3.4
43 Tarpentine 81.4 123.2 99.6 51.3 -19.2
44 Textiles* 2114.8 3193.5 3360.5 51.0 5.2
45 Thread 4134.8 2525.4 2771.5 -38.9 9.7
46 Tooth Paste 475.6 813.2 673.2 71.0 -17.2
47 Turmeric 1.4 0.5 1.8 -64.3 260.0
48 Vegetable 17.5 66.8 16.7 281.7 -75.0
49 Wire 1546.7 895.0 1200.1 -42.1 34.1
50 Zinc Oxide 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -
51 Zinc sheet 4416.9 2821.7 1794.8 -36.1 -36.4
B. Others 5796.5 10551.0 11504.2 82.0 9.0
Total(A+B) 38555.7 41005.9 40114.9 6.4 -2.2
R= Revised
P = Provisional
*= including P.P. Fabric
Table 15
Exports of Major Commodities to Other Countries

Rs in million
Annual Percent Change
2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10
A. Major Items 13144.0 20956.1 15594.2 59.4 -25.6
1 Handicraft ( Metal and Wooden ) 194.0 1077.8 1044.6 455.6 -3.1
2 Herbs 97.9 412.0 236.8 320.8 -42.5
3 Nepalese Paper & Paper Products 347.1 361.2 553.3 4.1 53.2
4 Nigerseed 1.2 1.0 0.0 -16.7 -100.0
5 Pashmina 643.4 1526.9 1267.6 137.3 -17.0
6 Pulses 1458.4 6247.1 3952.0 328.4 -36.7
7 Readymade Garments 4755.8 4904.7 3887.3 3.1 -20.7
8 Readymade Leather Goods 22.9 58.2 59.6 154.1 2.4
9 Silverware and Jewelleries 269.4 262.4 126.6 -2.6 -51.8
10 Tanned Skin 248.7 305.4 307.0 22.8 0.5
11 Tea 57.0 63.9 91.2 12.1 42.7
12 Woolen Carpet 5048.2 5735.5 4068.2 13.6 -29.1
B. Others 7566.8 5735.5 5417.7 -24.2 -5.5
Total (A+B) 20710.8 26691.6 21011.9 28.9 -21.3
R = Revised
P = Provisional
Table 16
Imports of Major Commodities From India
Rs in million
Annual Percent Change
2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10
A. Major Commodities 111833.5 127580.2 170304.4 14.1 33.5
1 Agri. Equip.& Parts 1483.8 2490.6 3353.8 67.9 34.7
2 Almunium Bars, Rods, Profiles, Foil etc.
654.7 654.1 1087.0 -0.1 66.2
3 Baby Food & Milk Products 445.3 860.2 708.5 93.2 -17.6
4 Bitumen 252.4 212.9 465.7 -15.6 118.7
5 Books and Magazines 439.7 562.2 733.6 27.9 30.5
6 Cement 2337.0 4226.6 4092.4 80.9 -3.2
7 Chemical Fertilizer 315.7 130.2 2951.1 -58.8 -
8 Chemicals 2719.8 2784.6 3115.0 2.4 11.9
9 Coal 910.1 1532.3 2114.6 68.4 38.0
10 Coldrolled Sheet in Coil 4005.8 6073.0 6802.6 51.6 12.0
11 Cooking Stoves 52.2 69.1 107.8 32.4 56.0
12 Cosmetics 568.8 872.5 1448.3 53.4 66.0
13 Cuminseeds and Peppers 230.3 314.0 300.9 36.4 -4.2
14 Dry Cell Battery 110.7 134.5 275.8 21.5 105.1
15 Electrical Equipment 3587.3 3942.5 6081.4 9.9 54.3
16 Enamel & Other Paints 349.5 534.7 762.9 53.0 42.7
17 Fruits 675.0 349.4 433.6 -48.2 24.1
18 Glass Sheet and G.Wares 1075.8 977.7 1192.4 -9.1 22.0
19 Hotrolled Sheet in Coil 3575.9 2851.7 4111.3 -20.3 44.2
20 Incense Sticks 322.0 121.2 116.3 -62.4 -4.0
21 Insecticides 510.4 300.5 552.1 -41.1 83.7
22 Live Animals 408.6 343.9 79.3 -15.8 -76.9
23 M.S. Billet 8145.4 7106.8 13720.7 -12.8 93.1
24 M.S. Wires, Rods, Coils, Bars 2595.3 3701.0 6107.6 42.6 65.0
25 Medicine 5434.1 6558.1 7962.8 20.7 21.4
26 Molasses Sugar 74.1 67.7 20.1 -8.6 -70.3
27 Other Machinery & Parts 4682.0 7296.9 8401.5 55.8 15.1
28 Other Stationary Goods 262.1 254.1 413.5 -3.1 62.7
29 Paper 729.3 1139.3 1389.3 56.2 21.9
30 Petroleum Products 40815.7 41407.1 51558.0 1.4 24.5
31 Pipe and Pipe Fittings 1033.5 695.9 628.9 -32.7 -9.6
32 Plastic Utensils 157.0 140.3 128.9 -10.6 -8.1
33 Radio, TV, Deck & Parts 469.4 642.6 860.2 36.9 33.9
34 Raw Cotton 58.7 57.4 55.6 -2.2 -3.1
35 Readymade Garments 869.5 1178.5 1237.6 35.5 5.0
36 Rice 835.5 1134.3 1256.1 35.8 10.7
37 Salt 187.1 322.6 472.6 72.4 46.5
38 Sanitaryware 195.7 247.8 414.3 26.6 67.2
39 Shoes & Sandles 81.8 131.3 145.5 60.6 10.8
40 Steel Sheet 0.1 15.5 0.0 - -100.0
41 Sugar 12.1 662.3 672.2 - 1.5
42 Tea 18.9 26.1 24.8 38.1 -5.0
43 Textiles 1663.6 2461.9 2404.1 48.0 -2.3
44 Thread 3056.3 2597.2 3022.5 -15.0 16.4
45 Tobacco 732.2 1061.6 1806.3 45.0 70.2
46 Tyre, Tubes & Flapes 454.7 622.4 876.5 36.9 40.8
47 Vegetables 1472.3 1290.8 1611.5 -12.3 24.8
48 Vehicles & Spare Parts 11874.6 16158.6 23773.8 36.1 47.1
49 Wire Products 891.8 263.6 453.1 -70.4 71.9
B. Others 30543.0 34857.4 47656.0 14.1 36.7
Total (A+B) 142376.5 162437.6 217960.4 14.1 34.2
R= Revised
Table 17
Imports of Major Commodities From Other Countries
Rs in million
Annual Percent Change
2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10
A. Major Commodities 61473.4 96744.9 125160.9 57.4 29.4
1 Aircraft Spareparts 1049.9 2020.4 2218.2 92.4 9.8
2 Bags 78.3 124.3 121.7 58.7 -2.1
3 Betelnut 1857.0 2922.5 3324.1 57.4 13.7
4 Button 13.6 4.1 4.0 -69.9 -2.4
5 Camera 96.9 1359.0 159.1 - -88.3
6 Chemical Fertilizer 19.6 79.8 703.5 307.1 781.6
7 Cigarette Paper 33.9 31.9 38.8 -5.9 21.6
8 Clove 112.3 22.5 31.3 -80.0 39.1
9 Coconut Oil 9.0 99.9 17.4 - -82.6
10 Computer and Parts 2269.7 3769.7 5291.2 66.1 40.4
11 Copper Wire Rod,Scrapes & Sheets 1941.1 1813.6 1776.1 -6.6 -2.1
12 Cosmetic Goods 456.6 2632.5 757.8 476.5 -71.2
13 Crude Coconut Oil 68.6 61.7 243.1 -10.1 294.0
14 Crude Palm Oil 5746.8 2949.3 2026.4 -48.7 -31.3
15 Crude Soyabean Oil 1600.0 3658.6 4337.5 128.7 18.6
16 Cuminseed 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -
17 Door Locks 9.6 91.8 49.3 856.3 -46.3
18 Drycell Battery 433.4 150.5 29.9 -65.3 -80.1
19 Edible Oil 407.1 941.4 629.3 131.2 -33.2
20 Electrical Goods 3945.2 8241.6 6491.5 108.9 -21.2
21 Fastener 52.7 81.0 57.4 53.7 -29.1
22 Flash Light 13.8 21.6 42.0 56.5 94.4
23 G.I.Wire 6.0 61.2 118.0 920.0 92.8
24 Glasswares 213.1 166.3 261.4 -22.0 57.2
25 Gold 3750.5 16574.6 41635.8 341.9 151.2
26 Insecticides 36.8 122.7 59.3 233.4 -51.7
27 M.S. Billet 904.3 2946.4 609.4 225.8 -79.3
28 M.S.Wire Rod 169.5 280.1 311.6 65.3 11.2
29 Medical Equip.& Tools 1374.8 1827.6 1890.1 32.9 3.4
30 Medicine 1263.0 3117.3 3348.0 146.8 7.4
31 Office Equip.& Stationary 106.2 286.4 733.1 169.7 156.0
32 Other Machinary & Parts 3902.0 5972.3 7488.4 53.1 25.4
33 Other Stationaries 337.3 617.3 536.1 83.0 -13.2
34 P.V.C.Compound 868.1 1273.6 808.0 46.7 -36.6
35 Palm Oil 279.6 416.9 462.3 49.1 10.9
36 Parafin Wax 125.8 148.9 132.3 18.4 -11.1
37 Petroleum Products 523.0 955.7 1693.6 82.7 77.2
38 Pipe & Pipe Fittings 280.2 167.7 379.8 -40.1 126.5
39 Polythene Granules 3718.9 3616.5 5787.6 -2.8 60.0
40 Powder Milk 37.1 143.0 129.8 285.4 -9.2
41 Raw Silk 5.5 41.0 31.8 645.5 -22.4
42 Raw Wool 1394.8 355.9 791.0 -74.5 122.3
43 Readymade Garments 1778.4 4004.6 1104.9 125.2 -72.4
44 Shoes and Sandals 691.3 452.7 430.6 -34.5 -4.9
45 Silver 446.7 1175.4 3250.9 163.1 176.6
46 Small Cardamom 255.1 180.2 139.6 -29.4 -22.5
47 Steel Rod & Sheet 2.4 218.4 2094.0 - 858.8
48 Storage Battery 86.7 281.0 875.1 224.1 211.4
49 Synthetic & Natural Rubber 233.9 186.6 114.6 -20.2 -38.6
50 Synthetic Carpet 117.8 142.8 351.6 21.2 146.2
51 Telecommunication Equip. Parts 4979.4 4064.4 8432.6 -18.4 107.5
52 Tello 375.8 165.7 284.7 -55.9 71.8
53 Textile Dyes 1376.1 775.5 325.5 -43.6 -58.0
54 Textiles 1966.6 2927.3 1340.7 48.9 -54.2
55 Threads 1395.8 2173.0 2481.3 55.7 14.2
56 Toys 74.9 475.1 158.1 534.3 -66.7
57 Transport Equip.& Parts 4391.8 5502.1 4150.7 25.3 -24.6
58 Tyre,Tube & Flaps 51.6 261.0 347.6 405.8 33.2
59 Umbrella and Parts 126.8 145.7 145.0 14.9 -0.5
60 Video Television & Parts 1819.0 1818.6 1568.2 0.0 -13.8
61 Watches & Bands 121.4 232.2 156.0 91.3 -32.8
62 Writing & Printing Paper 1039.7 1019.7 1421.9 -1.9 39.4
63 X-Ray Film 172.2 90.0 126.5 -47.7 40.6
64 Zinc Ingot 458.4 283.8 303.8 -38.1 7.0
B. Others 18087.8 25287.1 35674.3 39.8 41.1
Total (A+B) 79561.2 122032.0 160835.2 53.4 31.8
R= Revised
P = Provisional
Table 18
Summary of Balance of Payments Presentation
Rs in million
Annual Percent Change
2007/08 2008/09R 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10
A. Current Account 23679.6 41437.3 -32347.8 75.0 -178.1
Goods: Exports f.o.b. 61971.1 69906.8 63488.1 12.8 -9.2
Oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -
Other 61971.1 69906.8 63488.1 12.8 -9.2
Goods: Imports f.o.b. -217962.8 -279227.8 -370757.3 28.1 32.8
Oil -40815.7 -41356.7 -51558.0 1.3 24.7
Other -177147.1 -237871.1 -319199.3 34.3 34.2
Balance on Goods -155991.7 -209321.0 -307269.2 34.2 46.8
Services: Net -11092.0 -10478.0 -16843.7 -5.5 60.8
Services: credit 42236.1 52830.1 51120.5 25.1 -3.2
Travel 18653.1 27959.8 28138.6 49.9 0.6
Government n.i.e. 13301.8 12734.4 6635.6 -4.3 -47.9
Other 10281.2 12135.9 16346.3 18.0 34.7
Services: debit -53328.1 -63308.1 -67964.2 18.7 7.4
Transportation -22675.9 -22116.2 -23350.0 -2.5 5.6
Travel -20862.0 -31396.3 -32288.2 50.5 2.8
O/W Education -7373 -12126.0 -12342.6 64.5 1.8
Government services -635.7 -980.4 -1874.5 54.2 91.2
Other -9154.5 -8815.2 -10451.5 -3.7 18.6
Balance on Goods and Services -167083.7 -219799.0 -324112.9 31.6 47.5
Income: Net 7946.8 11749.5 9117.4 47.9 -22.4
Income: credit 13447.7 16506.6 14917.9 22.7 -9.6
Income: debit -5500.9 -4757.1 -5800.5 -13.5 21.9
Balance on Goods,Services and Income -159136.9 -208049.5 -314995.5 30.7 51.4
Transfers: Net 182816.5 249486.8 282647.7 36.5 13.3
Current transfers: credit 185462.9 257461.3 287770.6 38.8 11.8
Grants 20993.2 26796.2 26673.6 27.6 -0.5
Workers' remittances 142682.7 209698.5 231725.3 47.0 10.5
Pensions 18789.9 17755.4 25850.7 -5.5 45.6
Other (Indian Excise Refund) 2997.1 3211.2 3521.0 7.1 9.6
Current transfers: debit -2646.4 -7974.5 -5122.9 201.3 -35.8
B Capital Account (Capital Transfer) 7912.5 6231.0 12578.3 -21.3 101.9
Total, Groups A plus B 31592.1 47668.3 -19769.5 50.9 -141.5
C Financial Account (Excluding Group E) 11032.6 21201.7 -3695.3 92.2 -117.4
Direct investment in Nepal 293.9 1829.2 2852.0 522.4 55.9
Portfolio Investment 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -
Other investment: assets -11396.1 -17675.1 -18253.9 55.1 3.3
Trade credits 853.2 -3024.2 -1009.0 -454.5 -66.6
Other -12249.3 -14650.9 -17244.9 19.6 17.7
Other investment: liabilities 22134.8 37047.6 11706.6 67.4 -68.4
Trade credits 12483.6 19554.6 21968.9 56.6 12.3
Loans 3391.5 -2899.0 -3933.5 -185.5 35.7
General Government 3455.9 -2832.4 -3901.5 -182.0 37.7
Drawings 11325.5 7287.9 6841.6 -35.7 -6.1
Repayments -7869.6 -10120.3 -10743.1 28.6 6.2
Other sectors -64.4 -66.6 -32.0 3.4 -52.0
Currency and deposits 6259.7 20392.0 -6328.8 225.8 -131.0
Nepal Rastra Bank -5.6 -3.4 44.9 - -1420.6
Deposit money banks 6265.3 20395.4 -6373.7 225.5 -131.3
Other liabilities 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -
Total, Group A through C 42624.7 68870.0 -23464.8 61.6 -134.1
D. Miscellaneous Items, Net -6690.3 -3719.6 14516.9 -44.4 -490.3
Total, Group A through D 35934.4 65150.4 -8947.9 81.3 -113.7
E. Reserves and Related Items -35934.4 -65150.4 8947.9 81.3 -113.7
Reserve assets -37002.0 -65069.7 5649.1 75.9 -108.7
Nepal Rastra Bank -29636.8 -45751.3 4398.2 54.4 -109.6
Deposit money banks -7365.2 -19318.4 1250.9 162.3 -106.5
Use of Fund Credit and Loans 1067.6 -80.7 3298.8 -107.6 -
Changes in reserve net ( - increase ) -29674.7 -44758.4 2619.1 50.8 -105.9
P=Provisional, R= Revised
Table 19

Imports from India Against the US Dollar Payment

Rs. in million

Mid-Month 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10*

August 728.7 726.1 980.1 957.5 2133.8 3417.4 3939.5

September 980.1 1117.4 977.6 1208.0 1655.2 2820.1 4235.2

October 1114.2 1316.8 907.9 865.7 2411.6 1543.5 4145.5

November 1019.2 1186.5 1103.2 1188.3 2065.7 1571.4 3894.8

December 1354.5 1205.8 1583.7 1661.4 2859.9 2301.6 4767.4

January 996.9 1394.9 1156.2 1644.0 3805.5 2016.8 4917.8

February 1503.6 1154.4 603.8 717.0 2962.1 2007.5 5107.5

March 1717.9 1107.8 603.0 1428.5 1963.1 2480.1 3755.8

April 2060.5 1567.2 1398.6 2052.9 3442.1 3768.2 4382.1

May 1309.9 1830.8 916.4 2714.8 3420.2 3495.0 3427.2

June 1455.4 1825.2 1181.5 1711.2 2205.7 3452.1 3016.2

July 1016.0 1900.2 1394.0 1571.8 3091.4 4253.1 2113.9

Total 15256.9 16333.1 12805.9 17720.9 32016.4 33126.8 44702.9

* The monthly data are updated based on the latest information from custom office and differ from
earlier issues.
Table 20
Gross Foreign Exchange Holdings of the Banking Sector
Rs in million
Mid-July Percent Change (Mid-Jul to Mid-Jul)
2007 2008 2009 2010P 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Nepal Rastra Bank 129626.4 169683.6 224190.3 205371.3 30.9 32.1 -8.4
Convertible 123755.3 142848.8 201756.0 165992.7 15.4 41.2 -17.7
Inconvertible 5871.1 26834.8 22434.3 39378.6 357.1 -16.4 75.5

Commercial Bank 35499.6 42939.9 62344.9 61197.8 21.0 45.2 -1.8

Convertible 31681.0 38827.1 58750.0 55884.2 22.6 51.3 -4.9
Inconvertible 3818.6 4112.8 3594.9 5313.6 7.7 -12.6 47.8

Total Reserve 165126.0 212623.5 286535.2 266569.1 28.8 34.8 -7.0

Convertible 155436.3 181675.9 260506.0 221876.9 16.9 43.4 -14.8

Share in total (in percent) 94.1 85.4 90.9 83.2 - - -
Inconvertible 9689.7 30947.6 26029.2 44692.2 219.4 -15.9 71.7
Share in total (in percent) 5.9 14.6 9.1 16.8 - - -
Import Capacity (Equivalent Months)
Merchandise 10.2 11.5 12.3 8.6 - - -
Merchandise and Services 8.4 9.3 10.0 7.3 - - -
1.Gross Foreign Exchange Reserve 165126.0 212623.5 286535.2 266569.1 28.8 34.8 -7.0
2.Gold,SDR,IMF Gold Tranche 587.5 630.6 555.3 6315.3 7.3 -11.9 1037.3
3.Gross Foreign Assets(1+2) 165713.5 213254.1 287090.5 272884.4 28.7 34.6 -4.9
4.Foreign Liabilities 33804.0 41798.7 62528.6 58836.7 23.7 49.6 -5.9
5.Net Foreign Assets(3-4) 131909.5 171455.4 224562.0 214047.6 30.0 31.0 -4.7
6.Change in NFA (before adj. ex. val.)* 7529.7 -39545.9 -53106.7 10514.4 - - -
7.Exchange Valuation (- loss) -13434.0 9871.4 8348.4 -7895.4 - - -
8.Change in NFA (- increase) (6+7)** -5904.2 -29674.5 -44758.4 2619.1 - - -
Sources: Nepal Rastra Bank and Commercial Banks; P=Provisional
*Change in NFA is derived by taking mid-July as base and minus (-) sign indicates increase.
* * After adjusting exchange valuation gain/loss
Period-end Buying Rate (Rs/USD) 64.85 68.50 78.05 74.44
Table 21
Gross Foreign Exchange Holding of the Banking Sector in US$
US $ in million

Mid-July Percent Change (Mid-Jul to Mid-Jul)

2007 2008 2009 2010P 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Nepal Rastra Bank 1998.9 2477.1 2872.4 2758.9 23.9 16.0 -4.0
Convertible 1908.3 2085.4 2585.0 2229.9 9.3 24.0 -13.7
Inconvertible 90.5 391.7 287.4 529.0 332.7 -26.6 84.0

Commercial Bank 547.4 626.9 798.8 822.1 14.5 27.4 2.9

Convertible 488.5 566.8 752.7 750.7 16.0 32.8 -0.3
Inconvertible 58.9 60.0 46.1 71.4 2.0 -23.3 55.0

Total Reserve 2546.3 3104.0 3671.2 3581.0 21.9

#DIV/0! 18.3
#DIV/0! -2.5
Convertible 2396.9 2652.2 3337.7 2980.6 10.7 25.8 -10.7
Share in total (in percent) 94.1 85.4 90.9 83.2 - - -
Inconvertible 149.4 451.8 333.5 600.4 202.4 -26.2 80.0
Share in total (in percent) 5.9 14.6 9.1 16.8 - - -

Merchandise 10.2 11.5 12.3 8.6 - - -

Merchandise and Services 8.4 9.3 10.0 7.3 - - -
1.Gross Foreign Exchange Reserve 2546.3 3104.0 3671.2 3581.0 21.9 18.3 -2.5
2.Gold,SDR,IMF Gold Tranche 9.1 9.2 7.1 84.8 1.6 -22.7 1092.4
3.Gross Foreign Assets(1+2) 2555.3 3113.2 3678.3 3665.8 21.8 18.2 -0.3
4.Foreign Liabilities 521.3 610.2 801.1 790.4 17.1 31.3 -1.3
5.Net Foreign Assets(3-4) 2034.1 2503.0 2877.2 2875.4 23.1 14.9 -0.1
6.Change in NFA (before adj. ex. val.)* 116.1 -577.3 -680.4 141.2 -597.2 17.9 -120.8
7.Exchange Valuation (- loss) -207.2 144.1 107.0 -106.1 -169.6 -25.8 -199.2
8.Change in NFA (- increase) (6+7)** -91.0 -433.2 -573.5 35.2 375.8 32.4 -106.1
*Change in NFA is derived by taking mid-July as base and minus (-) sign indicates increase.
* * After adjusting exchange valuation gain/loss
Period-end Buying Rate (Rs/USD) 64.85 68.50 78.05 74.44
Table 22
Exchange Rate of US Dollar

Month End* Monthly Average*

FY Mid-Month Average Average
Buying Selling Middle Buying Selling Middle
Rate Rate
2006/07 August 65.87 66.46 66.17 64.90 65.49 65.20
September 65.00 65.59 65.30 65.59 66.18 65.89
October 63.20 63.80 63.50 63.72 64.31 64.02
November 63.05 63.65 63.35 63.24 63.84 63.54
December 63.25 63.85 63.55 63.35 63.95 63.65
January 62.90 63.50 63.20 63.18 63.78 63.48
February 63.35 63.95 63.65 63.12 63.72 63.42
March 64.49 65.09 64.79 63.93 64.53 64.23
April 63.85 64.45 64.15 64.21 64.81 64.51
May 67.00 67.60 67.30 64.59 65.19 64.89
June 68.45 69.05 68.75 68.21 68.81 68.51
July 68.50 69.10 68.80 68.58 69.18 68.88
Annual Average 64.91 65.51 65.21 64.72 65.32 65.02
2007/08 August 68.55 69.15 68.85 67.78 68.38 68.08
September 73.25 73.85 73.55 70.54 71.14 70.84
October 77.40 78.00 77.70 74.75 75.35 75.05
November 78.70 79.30 79.00 78.14 78.67 78.40
December 77.30 77.90 77.60 79.08 79.68 79.38
January 77.75 78.35 78.05 77.00 77.60 77.30
February 77.70 78.30 78.00 78.05 78.65 78.35
March 82.55 83.15 82.85 80.46 81.06 80.76
April 79.65 80.25 79.95 80.77 81.37 81.07
May 79.15 79.75 79.45 79.39 79.99 79.69
June 75.60 76.20 75.90 75.99 76.62 76.31
July 78.05 78.65 78.35 77.02 77.62 77.32
Annual Average 77.14 77.74 77.44 76.58 77.18 76.88

2008/09 August 77.00 77.60 77.30 76.84 77.44 77.14

September 77.50 78.10 77.80 77.64 78.24 77.94
October 73.66 74.26 73.96 75.62 76.22 75.92
November 74.00 74.60 74.30 74.41 75.01 74.71
December 74.44 75.04 74.74 74.07 74.67 74.37
January 72.60 73.20 72.90 73.94 74.54 74.24
February 73.99 74.59 74.29 73.55 74.15 73.85
March 72.40 73.00 72.70 73.36 73.96 73.66
April 70.76 71.36 71.06 71.81 72.41 72.11
May 71.81 72.41 72.11 71.20 71.80 71.50
June 74.60 75.20 74.90 74.25 74.85 74.55
July 74.44 75.04 74.74 74.13 74.73 74.43
Annual Average 73.93 74.53 74.23 74.24 74.84 74.54
* As per Nepalese Calendar.

Table 23
Price of Oil and Gold in the International Market

Mid-July Percent Change

2007 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010
Oil ($/barrel)* 79.73 143.25 61.53 76.40 79.7 -57.0 24.2
Gold ($/ounce)** 666.00 986.00 938.00 1189.25 48.0 -4.9 26.8

*Crude Oil Brent

** Refers to past London historical fix.
Sources: and
Table 24
Government Budgetary Operation+
(On Cash Basis)
Rs. in million
Amount Percent Change
Heads 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10

Sanctioned Expenditure 155758.3 218368.6 256258.6 40.2 17.4

Recurrent 89621.7 126294.3 147249.0 40.9 16.6

Capital 47371.8 67304.1 80398.0 42.1 19.5
a.Domestic Resources & Loans 39844.0 56301.9 64538.6 41.3 14.6
b.Foreign Grants 7527.8 11002.2 15859.4 46.2 44.1
Principal Repayment 16386.9 19180.4 18432.3 17.0 -3.9
Others (Freeze Account) 2377.9 5589.8 10179.3 135.1 82.1

Unspent Government Balance 5799.2 11676.2 7884.4 101.3 -32.5

Recurrent 1286.2 6725.3 2870.6 422.9 -57.3

Capital 4121.7 4573.7 5013.8 11.0 9.6
Principal Repayment 391.3 377.2 0.0 -3.6 -100.0
Actual Expenditure 149959.1 206692.4 248374.2 37.8 20.2
Recurrent 88335.5 119569.0 144378.4 35.4 20.7
Capital 43250.1 62730.4 75384.2 45.0 20.2
Principal Repayment 15995.6 18803.2 18432.3 17.6 -2.0
Others (Freeze Account) 2377.9 5589.8 10179.3 135.1 82.1

Resources 127483.3 172336.3 209290.7 35.2 21.4

Revenue 107622.5 143474.5 179946.0 33.3 25.4

Foreign Grants 17530.6 24400.5 24854.3 39.2 1.9
Non-Budgetary Receipts,net 1558.9 445.8 5495.5 -71.4 1132.7
Others # -21.1 -57.9 80.8 174.4 -239.6
V. A. T. 46.3 287.2 -303.5 520.3 -205.7
Local Authorities' Account (LAA) 746.1 3786.2 -782.4 407.5 -120.7
Deficits(-) Surplus(+) -22475.8 -34356.1 -39083.5 52.9 13.8

Sources of Financing 22475.8 34356.1 39083.5 52.9 13.8

Internal Loans 18603.5 30629.7 34816.3 64.6 13.7
Domestic Borrowing 20496.4 18417.1 29914.0 -10.1 62.4
a.Treasury Bills 12500.0 9000.0 19929.9 -28.0 121.4
b.Development Bonds 6070.0 7750.0 9040.9 27.7 16.7
c.National Savings Certificates 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -
d. Citizen Saving Certificates * 1926.4 1667.1 943.3 -13.5 -43.4
Overdrafts++ -823.9 12782.2 6164.2 -1651.4 -51.8
Others@ -1069.0 -569.6 -1261.9 -46.7 121.5
Foreign Loans 3872.3 3726.4 4267.2 -3.8 14.5

+ The above figure includes the reports from 8 NRB offices, 65 RBB branches (out of 65 branches conducting govt.
transaction), 41 NBL branches (out of 42 branches conducting govt. transaction), 5 Everest Bank branches, and 1 from Nepal
Bangladesh Bank Ltd.
* Including foreign employment bond amounting to Rs. 4.0 million
# Change in outstanding amount disbursed to VDC/DDC remaining unspent.
++ Minus (-) indicates surplus.
@ Interest from government treasury transactions and others.
P : Provisional.
Table 25
Net Domestic Borrowing of the GoN
Rs in million
2007/08 % of GDP 2008/09 % of GDP 2009/10 % of GDP
A Gross Borrowings 20496.4 2.5 18417.1 1.9 29914.0 2.5
Treasury Bills 12500.0 1.5 9000.0 0.9 19929.9 1.7
Development Bonds 6070.0 0.7 7750.0 0.8 9040.9 0.8
National Saving Certificates 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Citizen Saving Bonds 1926.4 0.2 1667.1 0.2 943.3 0.1
Special Bonds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
B Payments 8561.4 1.0 8782.5 0.9 7928.0 0.7
Treasury Bills 1912.3 0.2 7518.0 0.8 4401.2 0.4
Development Bonds 3511.9 0.4 6.9 0.0 3000.0 0.3
National Saving Certificates 400.0 0.0 900.0 0.1 216.9 0.0
Citizen Saving Bonds 303.0 0.0 247.8 0.0 250.0 0.0
Special Bonds 2434.1 0.3 109.8 0.0 59.9 0.0
C Net Domestic Borrowings (NDB) (A-B) 11935.0 1.5 9634.6 1.0 21986.1 1.9
Treasury Bills 10587.7 1.3 1482.0 0.1 15528.7 1.3
Development Bonds 2558.1 0.3 7743.1 0.8 6040.9 0.5
National Saving Certificates -400.0 0.0 -900.0 -0.1 -216.9 0.0
Citizen Saving Bonds 1623.4 0.2 1419.3 0.1 693.3 0.1
Special Bonds -2434.1 -0.3 -109.8 0.0 -59.9 0.0
D Overdraft -3929.2 -0.5 8835.8 0.9 6164.2 0.5
E NDB net of Overdraft Borrowings (C+D) 8005.8 1.0 18470.4 1.9 28150.3 2.4
F GDP 815663.2 100.0 991316.1 100.0 1182680.1 100.0
Table 26
Outstanding Domestic Debt of the GoN
Rs in million
Mid-July Amount Change
2008 2009 2010 2008/09 2009/10
1 Treasury Bills 85033.0 86515.1 102043.7 1482.1 15528.7
a. Banking Sector 82545.4 83603.4 98586.9 1058.1 14983.5
i. Nepal Rastra Bank 17579.0 22548.6 30477.4 4969.6 7928.9
ii. Commercial Banks 64966.3 61054.8 68109.5 -3911.5 7054.7
b. Non-Banking Sector 2487.7 2911.7 3456.8 424.0 545.1
2 Development Bonds 21735.4 29478.5 35519.4 7743.1 6040.9
a. Banking Sector 7313.2 11038.9 15037.7 3725.7 3998.8
i. Nepal Rastra Bank 296.5 302.2 309.1 5.7 6.8
ii. Commercial Banks 7016.7 10736.7 14728.7 3720.0 3992.0
b. Non-Banking Sector 14422.3 18439.6 20481.7 4017.3 2042.1
3 National Saving Certificates 1116.9 216.9 0.0 -900.0 -216.9
a. Banking Sector 447.2 76.9 0.0 -370.3 -76.9
i. Nepal Rastra Bank 447.2 76.9 0.0 -370.3 -76.9
ii. Commercial Banks 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. Non-Banking Sector 669.8 140.0 0.0 -529.7 -140.0
4 Citizen Saving Bonds 3014.4 4433.6 5126.9 1419.3 693.3
a. Banking Sector 562.7 1155.1 2635.0 592.4 1479.8
i. Nepal Rastra Bank 562.7 1155.1 2635.0 592.4 1479.8
b. Non-Banking Sector 2451.6 3278.5 2491.9 826.9 -786.6
(Of which Foreign Emp.Bond) 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0
5 Special Bonds 339.4 229.6 169.7 -109.8 -59.9
a. Banking Sector 157.6 157.6 157.6 0.0 0.0
i. Commercial Banks 157.6 157.6 157.6 0.0 0.0
b.Non-Banking Sector 181.8 72.0 12.1 -109.8 -59.9
(Of which duty drawback) 181.8 72.0 12.1 -109.8 -59.9
6 Short Term Loan & Advances -3946.4 8835.8 15000.0 12782.2 6164.2
Nepal Rastra Bank -3946.4 8835.8 15000.0 12782.2 6164.2
7 Grand Total 107292.7 129709.5 157859.7 22416.8 28150.2
a Banking Sector 87079.6 104867.8 131417.2 17788.2 26549.5
i NRB 14939.0 32918.6 48421.5 17979.6 15502.8
ii. Commercial Banks 72140.6 71949.1 82995.8 -191.5 11046.6
b. Non-Banking Sector 20213.1 24841.8 26442.5 4628.7 1600.7
Table 27
Government Revenue Collection
Rs. in million

Amount Percent Change Composition in Percentage

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10P 2008/09 2009/10 2008/09 2009/10

Value Added Tax 31154.6 39604.2 53464.3 27.1 35.0 27.6 29.7

Customs 19811.0 26619.9 35027.5 34.4 31.6 18.6 19.5

Income Tax 19094.2 27479.7 33647.9 43.9 22.4 19.2 18.7

Excise 11216.6 16256.3 24312.2 44.9 49.6 11.3 13.5

Registration Fee 3406.3 5248.4 5500.0 54.1 4.8 3.7 3.1

Vechile Tax 1513.9 1824.5 2532.1 20.5 38.8 1.3 1.4

Educational Service Tax - 16.2 183.6 - 1,036.2 - 0.1

Non-Tax Revenue 21425.8 26425.3 25278.3 23.3 -4.3 18.4 14.0

Total Revenue 107622.5 143474.5 179946.0 33.3 25.4 100.0 100.0

P: Provisional
Source: MoF
Table 28
Fresh Treasury Bills
Rs. in million
Mid-Month 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

August - - - - - -

September - - - 1,000.00 - -

October 500.00 1,185.00 - 875.00 - -

November 850.00 - 2,480.00 2,000.00 - -

December - - - - - -

January 850.00 1,950.00 - 1,125.00 6,000.00 260.00

February - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - -

March 141.20 - 2,180.00 - - -

April 1,300.00 2,962.50 730.00 2,125.00 - -

May 500.00 - - - - -

June 1,000.00 2,000.00 - - - 7,420.00

July 330.00 2,736.70 5,661.58 4,375.00 12,249.85

Total 5,471.20 10,834.20 12,051.58 12,500.00 6,000.00 19,929.85
Table 29
Monetary Survey
Rs in million
Changes during the fiscal year
Monetary Aggregates 2008 2009 2010 2008/09 2009/10
Jul Jul Jul (e) Amount Percent Amount Percent

1. Foreign Assets, Net 171455.5 224562.0 214047.6 44758.1 1/

26.1 -2619.1 2/
1.1. Foreign Assets 213254.1 287090.5 272884.5 73836.4 34.6 -14206.1 -4.9
1.2 Foreign Currency Deposits 34229.1 54866.0 48229.8 20636.9 60.3 -6636.1 -12.1

1.3 Other Foreign Liabilities 7569.6 7662.5 10607.0 93.0 1.2 2944.5 38.4
2. Net Domestic Assets 323921.6 405084.4 507153.2 89511.2 1/
27.6 94173.4 2/

2.1. Domestic Credit 437269.8 555675.5 645482.2 118405.8 27.1 89806.7 16.2
a. Net Claims on Govt. 87079.6 104867.7 131417.3 17788.1 20.4 26549.5 25.3
i. Claims on Govt. 91026.0 104867.7 131417.3 13841.7 15.2 26549.5 25.3

ii. Govt. Deposits 3946.4 0.0 0.0 -3946.4 -100.0 0.0 -

b. Claims on Non-Financial Govt. Ent. 5646.5 5092.4 5443.1 -554.1 -9.8 350.8 6.9

c. Claims on Financial Institutions 4709.5 7361.1 7971.3 2651.5 56.3 610.2 8.3

i. Government 1670.5 1376.1 2515.4 -294.4 -17.6 1139.3 82.8

ii. Non-government 3039.1 5985.0 5455.8 2945.9 96.9 -529.1 -8.8

d. Claims on Private Sector 339834.2 438354.4 500650.6 98520.2 29.0 62296.2 14.2

2.2. Net Non-monetary Liabilities 113348.2 150591.1 138329.1 28894.6 1/

25.5 -4366.7 2/

3. Broad Money (M2) 495377.1 629646.4 721200.8 134269.3 27.1 91554.3 14.5

3.1. Money Supply (M1) 154344.0 196459.3 218429.4 42115.4 27.3 21970.1 11.2
a. Currency 100175.2 125758.5 142114.5 25583.3 25.5 16356.1 13.0

b. Demand Deposits 54168.7 70700.8 76314.8 16532.1 30.5 5614.0 7.9

3.2. Time Deposits 341033.2 433187.0 502771.3 92153.8 27.0 69584.3 16.1

4. Broad Money Liquidity (M3) 529606.2 684512.4 769430.6 154906.2 29.2 84918.2 12.4

Reserve Money 144591.6 195574.8 218547.1 50983.2 35.3 22972.3 11.7

Money Multiplier (M1) 1.067 1.005 0.999

Money Multiplier (M2) 3.426 3.219 3.300

1/ Adjusting the exchange valuation gain of Rs. 8348.4 million.

2/ Adjusting the exchange valuation loss of Rs 7895.37 million.

e = estimates.
Table 30
Monetary Authorities' Account
Rs in million
Changes during the fiscal year
2008 2009 2010 2008/09 2009/10
Jul Jul Jul (e) Amount Percent Amount Percent
1. Foreign Assets 170314.2 224745.6 211686.7 54431.4 32.0 -13058.9 -5.8
1.1 Gold 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
1.2 SDR Holdings 630.6 555.3 6315.3 -75.3 -11.9 5760.0 1037.2
1.3 Reserve Position in the Fund 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 -
1.4 Foreign Exchange 169683.6 224190.3 205371.3 54506.7 32.1 -18818.9 -8.4
2. Claims on Government 18925.8 32918.6 48421.5 13992.8 73.9 15502.9 47.1
2.1 Treasury Bills 17555.9 22173.5 30477.4 4617.6 26.3 8303.8 37.4
2.2 Development Bonds 6.9 0.0 0.0 -6.9 -100.0 0.0 -
2.3 Other Govt. Papers 1362.9 1909.3 2944.1 546.3 40.1 1034.8 54.2
2.4 Loans and Advances 0.0 8835.8 15000.0 8835.8 - 6164.2 69.8
3. Claims on Non-Financial Govt. Ent. 11.0 11.4 11.4 0.4 4.1 0.0 0.0
4. Claims on Financial Institutions 464.1 230.4 719.9 -233.7 -50.4 489.5 212.4
4.1 Government 432.1 198.4 703.9 -233.7 -54.1 505.5 254.8
4.2 Non-government 32.0 32.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 -16.0 -50.0
5. Claims on Banks 660.7 0.0 4783.3 -660.7 -100.0 4783.3 -
5.1 Refinance 60.7 0.0 2758.3 -60.7 -100.0 2758.3 -
5.2 Repo Lending 600.0 0.0 2025.0 -600.0 -100.0 2025.0 -
6. Claims on Private Sector 3053.2 3441.7 3510.7 388.5 12.7 69.0 2.0
7. Other Assets 19020.8 20980.7 27492.0 1959.8 10.3 6511.4 31.0
Assets = Liabilities 212449.8 282328.4 296625.6 69878.7 32.9 14297.1 5.1
8. Reserve Money 144591.6 195574.8 218547.1 50983.2 35.3 22972.3 11.7
8.1 Currency Outside Banks 100175.2 125758.5 142114.5 25583.3 25.5 16356.1 13.0
8.2 Currency Held by Commercial Banks 12651.9 15016.1 16863.7 2364.2 18.7 1847.6 12.3
8.3 Deposits of Commercial Banks 23857.3 45848.7 51113.7 21991.4 92.2 5265.0 11.5
8.4 Other Deposits 7907.3 8951.6 8455.2 1044.3 13.2 -496.4 -5.5
9. Govt. Deposits 3946.4 0.0 0.0 -3946.4 -100.0 0.0 -
10. Foreign Liabilities 5657.6 5991.8 8673.7 334.2 5.9 2682.0 44.8
10.1 Foreign Deposits 6.7 3.3 48.2 -3.5 -51.7 44.9 1379.5
10.2 PRGF 5650.8 5988.5 8625.6 337.7 6.0 2637.0 44.0
11. Capital and Reserve 35730.6 46708.2 45061.6 10977.6 30.7 -1646.6 -3.5
12. Other Liabilities 22523.6 34053.6 24343.1 11530.1 51.2 -9710.5 -28.5
NFA 164656.6 218753.8 203012.9 45835.4 1/ 27.8 -7741.7 2/ -3.5
NDA -20065.0 -23179.0 15534.2 5147.8 1/ -25.7 30714.0 2/ -132.5
Other Items, net 39233.4 59781.2 41912.6 12286.0 1/ 31.3 -9869.3 2/ -16.5
1/ Adjusting the exchange valuation gain of Rs. 8261.8 million.
2/ Adjusting the exchange valuation loss of Rs. 7999.2 million.
Table 31
Factors Affecting Reserve Money
Rs in million
Changes during the fiscal year
2008 2009 2010
Heads 2008/09 2009/10
Jul Jul Jul (e) Amount Percent Amount Percent
1. Net Foreign Assets 164656.6 218753.8 203012.9 45835.4 1/ 27.8 -7741.7 2/ -3.5
a. Foreign Assets 170314.2 224745.6 211686.7 54431.4 32.0 -13058.9 -5.8
b. Foreign Liabilities 5657.6 5991.8 8673.7 334.2 5.9 2682.0 44.8
2. Net Domestic Assets -20065.0 -23179.0 15534.2 5147.8 1/ -25.7 30714.0 2/ -132.5
2.1 Domestic Credit 19168.3 36602.2 57446.9 17433.9 91.0 20844.7 56.9
a. Claims on Govt.,Net 14979.4 32918.6 48421.5 17939.2 119.8 15502.9 47.1
Claims on Govt. 18925.8 32918.6 48421.5 13992.8 73.9 15502.9 47.1
Govt. Deposits 3946.4 0.0 0.0 -3946.4 -100.0 0.0 -
b. Claims on Govt. Ent. 443.1 209.9 715.4 -233.2 -52.6 505.5 240.9
c. Claims on Non-Gov Fin.Ent 32.0 32.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 -16.0 -50.0
d. Claims on Banks 660.7 0.0 4783.3 -660.7 -100.0 4783.3 -
e. Claims on Pvt. Sector 3053.2 3441.7 3510.7 388.5 12.7 69.0 2.0
2.2 Other Items, Net 39233.4 59781.2 41912.6 12286.0 1/ 31.3 -9869.3 2/ -16.5
3. Reserve Money 144591.6 195574.8 218547.1 50983.2 35.3 22972.3 11.7
a. Currency Outside NRB 112827.1 140774.5 158978.2 27947.5 24.8 18203.7 12.9
b. Deposits of Com. Banks 23857.3 45848.7 51113.7 21991.4 92.2 5265.0 11.5
c. Other Deposits 7907.3 8951.6 8455.2 1044.3 13.2 -496.4 -5.5
4. Reserve Money (Use) 144591.6 195574.8 218547.1 50983.2 35.3 22972.3 11.7
5. Govt Deposits/Overdraft* -3946.4 8835.8 15000.0
e = estimates.
*Government deposits(-)/Overdraft(+)
1/ Adjusting the exchange valuation gain of Rs. 8261.8 million.
2/ Adjusting the exchange valuation loss of Rs. 7999.2 million.
Table 32
Condensed Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
Rs in million
Changes during the fiscal year
2008 2009 2010 2008/09 2009/10
Jul Jul Jul (e) Amount percent Amount percent
1. Total Deposits 421523.7 549802.3 618860.8 128278.5 30.4 69058.5 12.6
1.1. Demand Deposits 54124.4 69489.5 78614.8 15365.2 28.4 9125.3 13.1
a. Domestic Deposits 46261.5 61749.3 67859.6 15487.8 33.5 6110.4 9.9
b. Foreign Deposits 7862.9 7740.3 10755.2 -122.6 -1.6 3014.9 39.0
1.2. Saving Deposits 211406.4 259872.4 237492.6 48466.0 22.9 -22379.8 -8.6
a. Domestic Deposits 203771.0 250300.9 232263.5 46530.0 22.8 -18037.5 -7.2
b. Foreign Deposits 7635.5 9571.5 5229.1 1936.0 25.4 -4342.4 -45.4
1.3. Fixed Deposits 152364.3 215979.9 297614.3 63615.6 41.8 81634.4 37.8
a. Domestic Deposits 133633.6 178425.7 265368.8 44792.1 33.5 86943.1 48.7
b. Foreign Deposits 18730.7 37554.2 32245.5 18823.5 100.5 -5308.7 -14.1
1.4. Margin Deposits 3628.6 4460.4 5139.0 831.7 22.9 678.6 15.2
2. Borrowings from Rastra Bank 660.7 0.0 4783.3 -660.7 -100.0 4783.3 -
3. Foreign Liabilities 1912.0 1670.8 1933.3 -241.2 -12.6 262.5 15.7
4. Other Liabilities 124993.9 154563.1 145548.0 29569.3 23.7 -9015.2 -5.8
4.1 Paid-up Capital 31750.3 40738.3 46890.5 8988.0 28.3 6152.2 15.1
4.2 General Reserves 3529.9 13359.5 15373.0 9829.5 278.5 2013.6 15.1
4.3 Other Liabilities 89713.7 100465.4 83284.4 10751.7 12.0 -17181.0 -17.1
5. Assets = Liabilities 549090.2 706036.2 771125.3 156945.9 28.6 65089.1 9.2
6. Liquid Funds 79010.5 122658.6 128713.5 43648.1 55.2 6054.9 4.9
6.1. Cash in Hand 12651.9 15016.1 16863.7 2364.2 18.7 1847.6 12.3
6.2. Balance with Rastra Bank 23857.3 45848.7 51113.7 21991.4 92.2 5265.0 11.5
6.3. Foreign Currency in Hand 358.8 823.3 437.3 464.5 129.4 -385.9 -46.9
6.4. Balance Held Abroad 41100.6 59960.4 60019.2 18859.8 45.9 58.7 0.1
6.5. Cash in Transit 1042.0 1010.2 279.6 -31.8 -3.1 -730.5 -72.3
7. Loans and Advances 420242.6 520634.6 593559.9 100392.0 23.9 72925.3 14.0
7.1. Claims on Government 72100.2 71949.1 82995.8 -151.1 -0.2 11046.7 15.4
7.2. Claims on Non-Financial Govt. Ent. 5635.5 5080.9 5431.7 -554.5 -9.8 350.8 6.9
7.3. Claims on Financial Ent. 4245.4 7130.6 7251.3 2885.2 68.0 120.7 1.7
a. Government 1238.4 1177.7 1811.5 -60.7 -4.9 633.8 53.8
b. Non Government 3007.1 5953.0 5439.8 2945.9 98.0 -513.1 -8.6
7.4 Claims on Private Sector 336781.0 434912.7 497139.8 98131.7 29.1 62227.2 14.3
a. Principal 307272.1 406673.2 472284.0 99401.1 32.3 65610.8 16.1
b. Interest Accrued 29508.9 28239.5 24855.9 -1269.4 -4.3 -3383.6 -12.0
7.5. Foreign Bills Purchased & Discounted 1480.5 1561.2 741.3 80.7 5.5 -819.9 -52.5
8. Other Assets 49837.1 62743.0 48851.9 12905.9 25.9 -13891.1 -22.1
Credit Deposit Ratio 82.6 81.6 82.5
Liquidity Deposit Ratio 35.8 35.4 34.2
NFA 6798.9 5808.2 11034.7 -1077.3 1/ -15.8 5122.6 2/ 88.2
NDA 380495.8 489128.1 559596.3 108719.0 1/ 28.6 70572.0 2/ 14.4
Other Items, net 74114.8 90810.0 96416.5 16608.6 1/ 22.4 5502.6 2/ 6.1
Total Domestic Deposit 387294.7 494936.3 570630.9 107641.6 27.8 75694.6 15.3
Total Foreign Deposits 34229.1 54866.0 48229.8 20636.9 60.3 -6636.1 -12.1
1/ Adjusting the exchange valuation gain of Rs. 86.6 million.
2/ Adjusting the exchange valuation gain of Rs 103.84 million
e = estimates
Table 33
Deposit Details of Commercial Banks
Rs in million
Changes during the fiscal year
2008 2009 2010 2008/09 2009/10
Heads Jul Jul Jul (e)* Amount Percent Amount Percent
1. Foreign Deposits 33509.7 54804.8 48229.9 21295.2 63.55 -6574.9 -12.00
2. Village Development Committees 1002.7 1368.7 1129.1 366.0 36.50 -239.6 -17.51
3. Financial Institutions 67863.9 85460.2 90928.1 17596.4 25.93 5467.9 6.40
3.1 Deposit collection Institution 20509.8 25452.4 32145.5 4942.5 24.10 6693.2 26.30
3.2 Non-Deposit Financial Institutions 42420.7 54016.7 54428.5 11596.0 27.34 411.8 0.76
a. Insurance Companies 16987.6 16582.8 19492.7 -404.8 -2.38 2909.9 17.55
b. Employees Provident Fund 16968.8 18644.8 19886.7 1676.0 9.88 1241.9 6.66
c. Citizen Investment Trust 4107.6 10805.4 7205.3 6697.7 163.06 -3600.1 -33.32
d. Others 4356.7 7983.8 7843.9 3627.0 83.25 -139.8 -1.75
3.3 Other Financial Institutions 4223.3 5064.5 4354.1 841.2 19.92 -710.4 -14.03
4. Govt Corporations 37076.3 38993.3 45812.9 1917.0 5.17 6819.6 17.49
5. Non Govt Corporations 27694.0 36186.7 61775.2 8492.8 30.67 25588.5 70.71
6. Inter Bank deposits 4555.0 12406.5 9980.6 7851.5 172.37 -2426.0 -19.55
7. Non Profit Organisations 13923.2 18845.0 25472.5 4921.8 35.35 6627.4 35.17
8. Individuals 227481.8 300013.3 327127.0 72531.5 31.88 27113.8 9.04
9. Miscellaneous 8624.2 9673.7 19235.0 1049.5 12.17 9561.3 98.84
Total 421730.8 557752.3 629690.2 136021.5 32.25 71937.9 12.90

* Also includes 'other deposits'

e estimates
Table 34
Sectorwise Credit Flows of Commercial Banks
Rs. in million
2008 2009 2010 Changes during the fiscal year 2008 2009 2010 Changes during the fiscal year
Headings July July July 2008/09 2009/10 Headings July July July 2008/09 2009/10
Amount percent Amount percent Amount percent Amount percent
1 Agriculture 13880.2 13376.3 14290.9 -504.0 -3.6 914.6 6.8 6 Transportation Equipment Production & Fitting 4340.2 6977.7 10546.4 2637.5 60.8 3568.7 51.1
1.1 Farming /Farming Service 825.7 746.1 741.7 -79.6 -9.6 -4.4 -0.6 6.1 Vehicles,Vehicle Parts 3809.7 6234.5 7226.0 2424.8 63.6 991.5 15.9
1.2 Tea 714.7 721.4 885.7 6.7 0.9 164.3 22.8 6.2 Jet Boat 4.1 0.0 136.1 -4.1 -100.0 136.1 -
1.3 Animals Farming/Service 896.7 769.2 893.5 -127.5 -14.2 124.3 16.2 6.3 Aircraft & Aircraft Parts 361.7 451.4 1744.4 89.8 24.8 1293.0 286.4
1.4 Forest, Fish Farming, Shlauter 32.5 56.1 157.1 23.7 72.8 101.0 179.8 6.4 Other Parts about Transportation 164.7 291.7 1439.8 127.0 77.1 1148.1 393.6
1.5 Other Agriculture & Agricultural Services 11410.6 11083.4 11612.9 -327.3 -2.9 529.5 4.8 7 Transportation, Communications & Public Services 16129.3 18432.8 22276.0 2303.5 14.3 3843.2 20.8
2 Mines 1955.0 1709.4 2019.8 -245.6 -12.6 310.4 18.2 7.1 Railways & Passengers Vehicles 2893.5 3819.0 4318.4 925.4 32.0 499.4 13.1
2.1 Metals (Iron, Lead etc.) 1183.2 1062.4 1075.4 -120.8 -10.2 13.0 1.2 7.2 Truck Services & Store Arrangements 1722.9 2504.6 3787.8 781.7 45.4 1283.1 51.2
2.2 Charcoal 27.4 54.0 46.3 26.6 97.3 -7.7 -14.3 7.3 Water Transportation 16.1 90.6 2.5 74.6 463.5 -88.2 -97.3
2.3 Graphite 101.7 116.4 44.1 14.7 14.4 -72.3 -62.1 7.4 Pipe Lines Except Natural Gas 29.9 0.0 0.0 -29.9 -100.0 0.0 -
2.4 Magnesite 13.8 18.4 14.0 4.6 33.5 -4.4 -23.9 7.5 Communications 2506.2 1527.3 16.9 -978.9 -39.1 -1510.4 -98.9
2.5 Chalks 3.4 3.7 6.4 0.3 8.8 2.7 74.1 7.6 Electricity 2670.3 2765.7 5461.6 95.4 3.6 2695.9 97.5
2.6 Oil & Gas Extraction 506.5 173.8 345.9 -332.7 -65.7 172.1 99.1 7.7 Gas & Gas Pipe Line Services 406.0 762.1 1091.4 356.1 87.7 329.3 43.2
2.7 About Mines Others 119.0 280.7 487.6 161.7 135.8 206.9 73.7 7.8 Other Services 5884.5 6963.5 7597.5 1079.1 18.3 634.0 9.1
3 Productions 74889.8 87878.0 94713.7 12988.3 17.3 6835.7 7.8 8 Wholesaler & Retailers 55732.9 68808.3 88584.1 13075.5 23.5 19775.8 28.7
3.1 Food Production ( Packing, Processing) 15366.5 17877.2 18974.6 2510.7 16.3 1097.3 6.1 8.1 Wholesale Business - Durable Commodities 23730.7 28104.0 33324.0 4373.3 18.4 5220.0 18.6
3.2 Sugar 1268.2 1787.7 5465.7 519.5 41.0 3678.0 205.7 8.2 Wholesale Business - Non Durable Commodities 8661.7 10744.2 12938.8 2082.5 24.0 2194.6 20.4
3.3 Drinking Materials (Bear, Alcohol, Soda etc) 2367.0 2357.0 2587.4 -10.0 -0.4 230.4 9.8 8.3 Automative Dealer/ Franchise 5063.5 6574.5 9774.2 1511.0 29.8 3199.8 48.7
3.3.1 Alcohol 1242.4 1531.4 1865.4 288.9 23.3 334.0 21.8 8.4 Other Retail Business 9926.7 12539.2 20214.5 2612.5 26.3 7675.3 61.2
3.3.2 Non-Alcohol 1124.6 825.7 722.0 -299.0 -26.6 -103.6 -12.5 8.5 Import Business 7266.9 9859.7 11286.6 2592.7 35.7 1426.9 14.5
3.4 Tobaco 98.1 259.4 67.0 161.2 164.3 -192.4 -74.2 8.6 Export Business 1083.3 986.8 1046.0 -96.5 -8.9 59.2 6.0
3.5 Handicrafts 1079.4 2017.2 2910.7 937.8 86.9 893.5 44.3 9 Finance, Insurance & Fixed Assets 24913.5 38882.7 54093.3 13969.2 56.1 15210.6 39.1
3.6 Sunpat 541.9 505.0 31.2 -36.9 -6.8 -473.9 -93.8 9.1 Commercial Banks 531.8 63.4 1.4 -468.4 -88.1 -62.0 -97.8
3.7 Textile Production & Ready Made Clothings 8771.5 8282.2 7705.9 -489.3 -5.6 -576.3 -7.0 9.2 Finance Companies 1555.9 1320.1 495.6 -235.8 -15.2 -824.5 -62.5
3.8 Loging & Timber Production / Furniture 1570.9 1827.1 486.1 256.1 16.3 -1341.0 -73.4 9.3 Development Banks 1925.3 788.7 1061.9 -1136.6 -59.0 273.2 34.6
3.9 Paper 2002.2 1976.6 1913.6 -25.5 -1.3 -63.0 -3.2 9.4 Rural Development Banks 2790.7 3656.9 5108.4 866.2 31.0 1451.5 39.7
3.10 Printing & Publishing 1251.2 2258.9 2605.8 1007.7 80.5 346.9 15.4 9.5 Saving & Debt Cooperatives 366.1 572.8 340.3 206.7 56.5 -232.5 -40.6
3.11 Industrial & Agricultural 2706.4 3501.2 149.5 794.8 29.4 -3351.7 -95.7 9.6 Pension Fund & Insurance Companies 74.0 921.7 964.1 847.8 1146.3 42.4 4.6
3.12 Medicine 3036.5 3630.0 3938.5 593.5 19.5 308.5 8.5 9.7 Other Financial Institutions 2069.8 2208.2 1695.7 138.4 6.7 -512.5 -23.2
3.13 Processed Oil & Charcoal Production 2000.3 2218.5 1482.4 218.1 10.9 -736.0 -33.2 9.8 Local Government ( VDC/Municipality/DDC) 22.4 0.0 0.0 -22.4 -100.0 0.0 -
3.14 Rasin & Tarpin 124.5 112.7 401.0 -11.8 -9.5 288.3 255.8 9.9 Non Financial Government Institutions 1674.3 1355.3 1523.6 -319.0 -19.1 168.3 12.4
3.15 Rubber Tyre 214.4 235.9 273.3 21.5 10.0 37.3 15.8 9.10 Private Non Financial Institutions 680.5 1277.1 1714.0 596.6 87.7 436.8 34.2
3.16 Leather 928.8 1016.6 713.8 87.9 9.5 -302.8 -29.8 9.11 Real Estates 10734.1 24766.0 37967.4 14031.8 130.7 13201.4 53.3
3.17 Plastic 3980.0 4709.7 4928.5 729.8 18.3 218.7 4.6 9.12 Other Investment Instutions 2488.6 1952.5 3220.8 -536.1 -21.5 1268.3 65.0
3.18 Cement 3073.6 4163.5 6692.8 1089.9 35.5 2529.3 60.7 10 Service Industries 21163.3 23357.8 29605.4 2194.6 10.4 6247.6 26.7
3.19 Stone, Soil & Lead Production 1749.1 1892.6 2614.1 143.4 8.2 721.5 38.1 10.1 Tourism (Treaking, Mountaining, Resort, Rafting, Camping etc 3434.3 1473.5 1959.2 -1960.8 -57.1 485.7 33.0
3.20 Metals - Basic Iron & Steel Plants 11543.5 13388.3 15793.5 1844.8 16.0 2405.1 18.0 10.2 Hotel 4339.9 4858.6 6142.6 518.7 12.0 1284.0 26.4
3.21 Metals - Other Plants 2025.4 2724.8 2601.5 699.4 34.5 -123.3 -4.5 10.3 Advertising Agency 149.4 155.4 383.2 6.1 4.1 227.7 146.5
3.22 Miscellaneous Productions 9190.2 11135.8 12376.9 1945.7 21.2 1241.0 11.1 10.4 Automotive Services 250.2 272.9 449.4 22.7 9.1 176.5 64.7
4 Construction 32368.8 44867.0 49568.0 12498.2 38.6 4701.0 10.5 10.5 Health Services 252.8 422.9 3050.4 170.1 67.3 2627.5 621.4
4.1 Residential 26411.1 34958.0 37517.8 8546.9 32.4 2559.8 7.3 10.6 Hospitals, Clinic etc 2727.4 3338.3 529.8 610.9 22.4 -2808.5 -84.1
4.2 Non Residential 4011.0 6908.7 6620.5 2897.8 72.2 -288.3 -4.2 10.7 Educational Services 4661.9 5640.2 7907.4 978.3 21.0 2267.2 40.2
4.3 Heavy Constructions (Highway, Bridges etc) 1946.7 3000.3 5429.7 1053.6 54.1 2429.5 81.0 10.8 Entertainment, Recreation, Films 914.2 920.9 1286.4 6.7 0.7 365.5 39.7
5 Metal Productions,Machinary & Electrical Tools & fitting 5069.4 6534.6 5877.8 1465.2 28.9 -656.9 -10.1 10.9 Other Service companies 4433.3 6275.2 7897.1 1841.9 41.5 1621.8 25.8
5.1 Fabricated Metal Equipments 1673.3 1117.3 932.9 -556.0 -33.2 -184.4 -16.5 11 Consumable Loan 9437.1 14716.2 22694.9 5279.1 55.9 7978.7 54.2
5.2 Machine Tools 194.6 270.6 185.0 76.0 39.0 -85.7 -31.7 11.1 Gold, Silver 5326.4 7973.1 11314.8 2646.7 49.7 3341.7 41.9
5.3 Machinary - Agricultural 65.6 311.2 43.8 245.6 374.2 -267.4 -85.9 11.2 Fixed A/c Receipt 1057.1 1465.0 3603.8 407.9 38.6 2138.8 146.0
5.4 Machinary - Construction, Oil, Mines 26.4 408.6 1029.7 382.1 1445.7 621.1 152.0 11.3 Guarantee Bond 2810.0 4977.1 7391.1 2167.1 77.1 2414.0 48.5
5.5 Machinary - Office & Computing 143.9 149.1 404.0 5.1 3.6 254.9 171.0 11.4 Credit Card 243.6 301.0 385.3 57.4 23.5 84.3 28.0
5.6 Machinary - Others 106.2 398.7 402.3 292.4 275.2 3.6 0.9 12 Local Government 0.0 1972.4 3087.7 1972.4 - 1115.4 56.6
5.7 Electrical Equipments 1062.1 1409.4 1245.5 347.3 32.7 -163.9 -11.6 13 Others 46656.3 74264.8 71973.9 27608.5 59.2 -2290.9 -3.1
5.8 Home Equipments 755.5 851.7 557.0 96.2 12.7 -294.7 -34.6
5.9 Communications Equipments 50.6 153.5 145.0 102.9 203.3 -8.4 -5.5 Total (1 to 13) 306535.7 401778.0 469331.8 95242.2 31.1 67553.8 16.8
5.10 Electronic Parts 246.8 389.1 225.3 142.3 57.6 -163.7 -42.1
5.11 Medical Equipments 178.9 264.1 231.1 85.1 47.6 -33.0 -12.5
5.13 Turbines 565.3 800.5 414.5 235.2 41.6 -386.0 -48.2
Table 35
Securitywise Credit Flows of Commercial Banks
Rs. in million
2008 2009 2010 Changes during the fiscal year
Headings Jul Jul Jul 2008/09 2009/10
Amount Percent Amount Percent
1 Gold/Silver 4069.5 6396.0 10333.3 2326.4 57.2 3937.4 61.6
2 Government Securities 2857.1 2949.3 2777.8 92.2 3.2 -171.6 -5.8
3 Non Government Securities 5017.7 5420.5 6748.6 402.8 8.0 1328.0 24.5
4 Fixed A/c Receipt 5750.8 5295.7 7086.2 -455.1 -7.9 1790.5 33.8
4.1 On Own Bank 2459.6 3296.0 6067.4 836.5 34.0 2771.4 84.1
4.2 On Other Banks 3291.2 1999.7 1018.8 -1291.5 -39.2 -980.8 -49.1
5 Asset Guarantee 259845.7 344977.2 402055.7 85131.5 32.8 57078.5 16.5
5.1 Fixed Assets 215808.1 291792.3 338005.8 75984.2 35.2 46213.5 15.8
5.1.1 Lands & Buildings 184555.7 246825.2 273935.8 62269.4 33.7 27110.6 11.0
5.1.2 Machinary & Tools 5169.6 7933.0 13776.1 2763.5 53.5 5843.1 73.7
5.1.3 Furniture & Fixture 353.9 303.1 2467.0 -50.8 -14.3 2163.9 713.8
5.1.4 Vehicles 20423.2 29048.7 35941.2 8625.6 42.2 6892.4 23.7
5.1.5 Other Fixed Assets 5305.7 7682.3 11885.7 2376.5 44.8 4203.5 54.7
5.2 Current Assets 44037.6 53184.9 64049.8 9147.2 20.8 10865.0 20.4
5.2.1 Agricultural Products 3190.2 3684.0 5680.8 493.9 15.5 1996.7 54.2 Rice 1341.5 1637.6 1887.4 296.2 22.1 249.8 15.3 Raw Jute 118.5 204.3 72.5 85.7 72.3 -131.8 -64.5 Other Agricultural Products 1730.2 1842.1 3720.9 111.9 6.5 1878.7 102.0
5.2.2 Other Non Agricultural Products 40847.4 49500.8 58369.0 8653.4 21.2 8868.2 17.9 Raw Materials 7921.6 8356.1 11247.8 434.5 5.5 2891.7 34.6 Semi Ready Made Goods 1624.9 1442.4 2641.5 -182.4 -11.2 1199.1 83.1 Readymade Goods 31301.0 39702.3 44479.7 8401.3 26.8 4777.4 12.0 Salt, Sugar, Ghee, Oil 3035.8 3465.5 2642.4 429.6 14.2 -823.0 -23.8 Clothing 1590.7 1358.0 1925.5 -232.7 -14.6 567.5 41.8 Other Goods 26674.4 34878.9 39911.8 8204.5 30.8 5032.9 14.4
6 On Bills Guarantee 7183.9 7394.4 4649.2 210.5 2.9 -2745.2 -37.1
6.1 Domestic Bills 506.0 717.0 360.8 210.9 41.7 -356.1 -49.7
6.2 Foreign Bills 6677.8 6677.4 4288.4 -0.4 0.0 -2389.0 -35.8
6.2.1 Import Bill & Letter of Credit 5206.7 4859.8 3212.9 -346.9 -6.7 -1646.9 -33.9
6.2.2 Export Bill 1018.3 784.5 479.5 -233.7 -23.0 -305.0 -38.9
6.2.3 Against Export Bill 244.5 402.7 275.7 158.1 64.7 -126.9 -31.5
6.2.4 Other Foreign Bills 208.4 630.5 320.3 422.1 202.6 -310.2 -49.2
7 Guarantee 8959.9 7648.7 8664.6 -1311.2 -14.6 1015.9 13.3
7.1 Government Guarantee 403.6 1286.1 2086.0 882.5 218.6 799.8 62.2
7.2 Institutional Guarantee 4802.2 3811.6 4046.1 -990.6 -20.6 234.5 6.2
7.3 Personal Guarantee 1477.6 511.2 478.8 -966.4 -65.4 -32.4 -6.3
7.4 Group Guarantee 146.4 19.1 12.3 -127.3 -86.9 -6.8 -35.7
7.5 On Other Guarantee 2130.0 2020.6 2041.4 -109.3 -5.1 20.8 1.0
8 Credit Card 239.8 299.7 384.9 59.9 25.0 85.2 28.4
9 Earthquake Victim Loan 34.1 18.4 0.0 -15.7 -46.0 -18.4 -100.0
10 Others 12577.2 21377.6 26631.6 8800.5 70.0 5254.0 24.6
Total 306535.7 401777.5 469331.8 95241.8 31.1 67554.3 16.8
Table 36
Loan to Government Enterprises
Rs in million
Changes during the fiscal year
Name of Corporation 2008 2009 2010 2008/09 2009/10
Jul Jul July Amount Percent Amount Percent
1. Industrial 374.7 506.5 567.8 131.9 35.2 61.3 12.1
1.6 Janakpur Cigaratte Factory Ltd. 27.6 340.2 373.6 312.6 1132.6 33.4 9.8
1.9 Royal Drugs LTd. 65.1 69.7 69.6 4.6 7.1 -0.1 -0.1
1.12 Himal Cement Company 15.6 15.6 15.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.15 Others 266.3 81.0 107.0 -185.4 -69.6 26.1 32.2
2 Trading 3099.3 1857.3 606.8 -1242.1 -40.1 -1250.5 -67.3
2.3 National Trading Ltd. 747.7 479.3 346.5 -268.4 -35.9 -132.8 -27.7
2.4 Nepal Food Corporation 387.2 316.8 124.8 -70.4 -18.2 -192.0 -60.6
2.5 Nepal Oil Corporation 1069.7 0.0 0.0 -1069.7 -100.0 0.0 -
2.7 Others 894.7 1061.1 72.7 166.4 18.6 -988.3 -93.1
3 Financial 965.8 909.0 1560.1 -56.8 -5.9 651.1 71.6
3.1 Agriculture Development Bank 50.0 0.0 0.0 -50.0 -100.0 0.0 -
3.9 Others 915.8 909.0 1262.4 -6.8 -0.7 353.4 38.9
4 Service Oriented 232.8 488.0 566.0 255.2 109.6 78.0 16.0
4.5 Nepal Airlines Corporation 232.8 440.0 187.6 207.2 89.0 -252.4 -57.4
4.8 Others 0.0 48.0 91.3 48.0 228471.4 43.3 90.2
5 Other Government Corporations 1134.6 1275.9 2213.5 141.2 12.4 937.6 73.5
5.2 Gorakhapatra Corporation 4.0 5.9 27.0 1.9 47.2 21.1 353.9
5.3 Janak Educationa Material Center Ltd. 154.2 658.9 217.0 504.6 327.2 -441.9 -67.1
5.7 Nepal Electricity Authority 690.0 320.0 940.0 -370.0 -53.6 620.0 193.8
5.10 Others 286.4 291.1 1029.5 4.7 1.6 738.4 253.7
Total 5807.3 5036.7 6712.1 -770.6 -13.3 1675.4 33.3
Financial 965.8 909.0 1214.0 -56.8 -5.9 -346.1 -22.2
Non-financial 4841.4 4127.7 4070.2 -713.8 -14.7 -467.4 -10.3
Capitalised Interest 533.0 533.0 636.9 0.0 0.0 83.4 15.1
Financial 4.2 4.2 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-financial 528.8 528.8 633.0 0.0 0.0 83.4 15.2
Table 37
Outright Sale Auction*
Rs. in million
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Mid-Month Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int.
Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%)
August - 1,440.0 3.47 1,000.0 2.51 - - 3,500.0 4.94 7,440.0 2.17
September - - - 1,250.0 3.06 - - - - - -
October 9,550.0 3.64 2,000.0 3.85 1,020.0 3.38 - - - - - -
November - 300.0 3.02 - - 500.0 3.44 2,000.0 5.20 - -
December - 830.0 1.90 2,620.0 1.59 740.0 4.33 1,960.0 4.95 - -
January 950.0 2.23 - - - - - - - - - -
February - - - - - - - - - - - -
March - - 470.0 3.74 2,000.0 2.94 2,460.0 4.87 - - - -
April - - 930.0 4.01 1,010.0 2.54 770.0 4.05 - - - -
May - - - - 1,300.0 3.37 2,000.0 5.38 - - - -
June - - 3,390.0 3.50 6,050.0 2.80 3,430.0 5.98 - - - -
July - - 4,150.0 3.68 2,150.0 4.51 4,950.0 5.65 - - - -
Total 10,500.0 13,510.0 18,400.0 14,850.0 4.81 7,460.0 - 7,440.0 2.17
Wtd. Int. Rate = Weighted interest rate.
* Since 2004/05, the outright sale auction of treasury bills has been used as a monetary
instrument which takes place at the initiative of NRB.

Table 38
Outright Purchase Auction*
Rs. in million
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Mid-Month Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int. Wtd. Int.
Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%) Amount Rate (%)
August - - - - - - - - - - - -
September - - - - - - - - - - - -
October - - 530.0 4.99 - - - - - - - -
November 49.6 2.43 300.0 3.52 - - - - - - - -
December - - - - - - - - - - -
January - - - - - - - - - - 3,381.73 4.51
February 1,072.2 2.29 - - - - - - - - - -
March 190.0 2.11 - - - - - - - - - -
April - - - - - - - - - - - -
May - - - - - - - - - - - -
June - - - - - - - - - - - -
July - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1,311.8 830.0 - - - - - - 3,381.73 4.51
Wtd. Int. Rate = Weighted interest rate.
* Since 2004/05, the outright purchase auction of treasury bills has been used as a monetary
instrument which takes place at the initiative of NRB.
Table 39
Repo Auction*
Rs. in million
Mid-Month 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
August - - - - - -
September - - - - - -
October - - - - - 1,000.0
November 1,050.0 - - - - 2,000.0
December 1,610.0 - - - - 13,000.0
January - - - 2,000.0 - 23,982.0
February 2,800.0 450.0 - 5,000.0 4,000.0 18,953.0
March 300.0 - - 2,000.0 5,000.0 15,250.3
April - - - - - 20,929.0
May 600.0 - 2,000.0 - - 12,000.0
June - - - - 2,000.0 11,996.5
July 320.0 - - - - 12,566.0
Total 6,680.0 450.0 2,000.0 9,000.0 11,000.0 131,676.8
* Since 2004/05, the repo auction of treasury bills has been used as a monetary instrument which
takes place at the initiative of NRB.

Table 40
Reverse Repo Auction*
Rs. in million
Mid-Month 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
August - - 2,590.0 - 2,000.0 -
September - - 1,500.0 1,000.0 3,520.0 1,000.0
October 1,500.0 - 1,500.0 4,570.0 - -
November - 500.0 6,150.0 - - -
December - 1,500.0 750.0 - 3,500.0 -
January 2,570.0 2,000.0 1,070.0 - 4,240.0 -
February - 1,000.0 - - - -
March - - 500.0 - - -
April 1,200.0 1,500.0 - 1,000.0 - -
May - - - - - -
June - - - - - -
July - - 280.0 - -
Total 5,270.0 6,500.0 14,340.0 6,570.0 13,260.0 1,000.0
* Since 2004/05, the reverse repo auction of treasury bills has been used as a monetary instrument which
takes place at the initiative of NRB.
Table 41
Foreign Exchange Intervention (in NRS)*
Rs. in million
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Net Net Net Net Net Net
Mid-Month Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale
Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection
August 1,357.50 - 1,357.50 1,699.84 522.74 1,177.11 6,548.66 - 6,548.66 2,250.71 - 2,250.71 5,574.13 183.84 5,390.29 5,766.14 - 5,766.14
September 2,067.50 - 2,067.50 2,160.84 - 2,160.84 4,746.41 - 4,746.41 4,792.01 400.38 4,391.63 7,770.00 974.74 6,795.26 9,851.09 - 9,851.09
October 3,687.80 - 3,687.80 3,783.86 - 3,783.86 5,593.18 - 5,593.18 7,387.13 - 7,387.13 18,467.03 - 18,467.03 4,561.76 - 4,561.76
November 2,435.07 1,088.43 1,346.64 6,195.49 - 6,195.49 5,134.50 - 5,134.50 6,602.39 - 6,602.39 11,548.76 - 11,548.76 6,372.05 - 6,372.05
December 3,233.32 - 3,233.32 4,826.32 - 4,826.32 6,876.10 - 6,876.10 9,124.41 - 9,124.41 17,492.02 - 17,492.02 7,210.12 - 7,210.12
January 4,718.09 - 4,718.09 4,487.17 131.74 4,355.43 5,420.58 - 5,420.58 5,915.13 - 5,915.13 13,494.70 - 13,494.70 4,258.92 446.76 3,812.16
February 2,090.36 1,750.53 339.83 2,934.97 - 2,934.97 3,363.40 511.49 2,851.92 7,033.14 548.94 6,484.18 12,134.07 - 12,134.07 8,642.31 - 8,642.31
March 2,120.21 - 2,120.21 5,263.02 - 5,263.02 7,260.27 - 7,260.27 12,834.02 - 12,834.02 11,919.78 - 11,919.78 8,950.89 - 8,950.89
April 6,237.81 - 6,237.81 3,922.80 - 3,922.80 3,531.87 - 3,531.87 10,993.26 - 10,993.26 10,794.48 - 10,794.48 13,701.53 - 13,701.53
May 3,808.95 780.34 3,028.61 5,023.75 - 5,023.75 4,500.14 - 4,500.14 10,622.39 - 10,622.39 13,464.80 13,464.80 15,581.09 - 15,581.09
June 2,288.94 - 2,288.94 9,752.21 - 9,752.21 5,395.53 - 5,395.53 12,503.12 - 12,503.12 9,098.50 377.70 8,720.80 16,544.96 - 16,544.96
July 3,849.10 - 3,849.10 5,827.24 - 5,827.24 6,596.01 - 6,596.01 13,516.69 215.42 13,301.27 12,276.90 - 12,276.90 17,665.92 - 17,665.92
Total 37,894.65 3,619.30 34,275.35 55,877.51 654.48 55,223.03 64,966.65 511.49 64,455.16 103,574.40 1,164.74 102,409.66 144,035.17 1,536.28 142,498.89 119,106.8 446.8 118,660.0
* The purchase and sale of foreign exchange takes place at the request (initiative) of commercial banks.
Table 42
Foreign Exchange Intervention (in US$)*
US$ in million
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

Net Net Net Net Net Net

Mid-Month Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale
Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection

August 18.20 - 18.20 24.10 7.40 16.70 87.50 - 87.50 34.55 - 34.55 81.75 2.70 79.05 74.75 - 74.75
September 27.60 - 27.60 30.50 - 30.50 63.85 - 63.85 72.90 6.00 66.90 109.60 13.75 95.85 126.55 - 126.55
October 49.40 - 49.40 53.00 - 53.00 76.25 - 76.25 115.90 - 115.90 245.20 - 245.20 59.80 - 59.80
November 32.90 14.60 18.30 84.35 - 84.35 71.05 - 71.05 104.10 - 104.10 149.53 - 149.53 85.30 - 85.30
December 44.50 - 44.50 65.00 - 65.00 95.85 - 95.85 143.40 - 143.40 219.45 - 219.45 96.95 - 96.95
January 66.20 - 66.20 62.30 1.80 60.50 75.95 - 75.95 93.30 - 93.30 174.50 - 174.50 57.35 6.00 51.35
February 29.50 24.50 5.00 41.20 - 41.20 47.55 7.20 40.35 111.05 8.60 102.45 155.15 - 155.15 116.70 - 116.70
March 29.90 - 29.90 73.60 - 73.60 102.50 - 102.50 199.60 - 199.60 147.65 - 147.65 121.70 - 121.70
April 88.00 - 88.00 54.70 - 54.70 50.90 - 50.90 170.25 - 170.25 132.60 - 132.60 190.20 - 190.20
May 53.90 11.00 42.90 69.25 - 69.25 67.50 - 67.50 164.30 - 164.30 168.90 168.90 218.90 - 218.90
June 32.40 - 32.40 133.00 - 133.00 82.75 - 82.75 183.45 - 183.45 119.50 5.00 114.50 222.30 - 222.30
July 54.50 - 54.50 78.80 - 78.80 101.30 - 101.30 196.35 3.10 193.25 159.10 - 159.10 237.10 - 237.10
Total 527.00 50.10 476.90 769.80 9.20 760.60 922.95 7.20 915.75 1,589.15 17.70 1,571.45 1,862.93 21.45 1,841.48 1,607.6 6.0 1,601.6
* The purchase and sale of foreign exchange takes place at the request (initiative) of commercial banks.
Table 43
Indian Currency Purchase
In million
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Mid-Month IC Purchase US$ Sale IC Purchase US$ Sale IC Purchase US$ Sale IC Purchase US$ Sale IC Purchase US$ Sale IC Purchase US$ Sale
August 1,847.36 40.00 2,611.31 60.00 2,334.58 50.00 3,641.63 90.00 5,969.58 140.00 15,930.35 330.00
September - - 2,191.90 50.00 2,786.48 60.00 3,675.43 90.00 2,644.05 60.00 8,748.60 180.00
October - - 2,652.09 50.00 3,205.30 70.00 5,542.73 140.00 3,257.10 70.00 5,629.95 120.00
November - - 1,810.73 40.00 3,602.15 80.00 3,932.35 100.00 10,657.10 220.00 3,739.15 80.00
December 1,340.73 30.00 2,290.13 50.00 2,689.33 60.00 5,531.60 140.00 6,950.80 140.00 7,453.55 160.00
January 437.30 10.00 1,348.15 40.00 3,112.01 70.00 3,943.45 100.00 4,381.80 90.00 8,316.90 180.00
February 2,183.23 50.00 2,213.55 50.00 1,326.74 30.00 5,125.83 130.00 6,352.28 130.00 8,302.05 180.00
March 2,624.23 60.00 3,106.10 70.00 3,093.78 70.00 4,799.95 120.00 7,561.65 150.00 5,503.20 120.00
April 436.25 10.00 3,124.50 70.00 3,457.58 80.00 5,624.83 140.00 5,621.88 110.00 7,246.63 160.00
May 3,052.16 70.00 452.95 10.00 4,950.64 120.00 6,474.78 160.00 6,495.80 130.00 11,627.85 260.00
June 2,177.63 50.00 2,742.23 60.00 5,293.27 130.00 7,678.38 180.00 5,298.20 110.00 9,332.05 200.00
July 1,306.88 30.00 2,304.98 50.00 4,475.85 110.00 14,631.58 340.00 8,210.38 170.00 10,262.95 220.00
Total 15,405.75 350.00 26,848.61 600.00 40,327.67 930.00 70,602.53 1730.00 73,400.62 1520.00 102,093.23 2190.00
Table 44
Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF)*

Rs. in million
Mid-Month 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
August 585.00 400.00 - - 18,150.00 -
September 189.00 550.00 370.00 4,080.00 3,720.00 350.00
October 3,367.28 220.00 1,575.00 9,665.00 11,155.00 3,700.00
November 15,836.81 - 2,101.50 13,135.00 2,500.00 13,234.00
December 2,362.50 - 1,074.70 9,310.00 - 28,178.90
January 200.00 753.50 3,070.00 10,780.00 6,010.00 19,784.40
February 6,224.80 200.00 - 25,532.00 12,260.00 18,527.19
March 11,402.00 160.00 300.00 - 29,437.50 1,394.29
April 4,027.90 950.00 8,630.00 3,850.00 2,150.00 6,617.50
May 1,040.00 4,800.00 13,821.00 21,250.00 11,220.00 67.10
June 600.00 - 350.00 4,500.00 11,180.00 2.88
July 3,472.05 1,850.00 15,687.00 1,730.00 - 4,080.00
Total 49,307.34 9,883.50 46,979.20 103,832.00 107,782.50 95,936.26
* Introduced as a safety valve for domestic payments system since 2004/05. This fully collateralised
lending facility takes place at the initiative of commercial banks.

Table 45
Interbank Transaction (Amount)
Rs. in million
Mid-Month 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
August 4,309.0 20,554.2 13,397.0 35,455.0 22,432.0 9,527.0
September 13,165.0 24,670.5 18,830.0 31,353.0 21,897.0 29,763.0
Ocotber 12,145.0 12,021.0 15,855.0 35,062.0 23,934.0 26,239.0
November 9,056.0 10,369.0 14,880.0 21,472.0 36,880.0 30,559.5
December 11,018.0 15,533.0 14,180.0 20,418.0 21,661.0 22,845.0
January 11,030.0 11,255.5 17,395.0 24,379.0 19,955.0 31,964.0
February 12,710.0 14,541.0 8,962.0 12,236.0 27,293.0 24,596.0
March 9,500.0 20,075.0 7,713.0 10,443.0 18,938.6 13,045.0
April 18,162.0 15,654.0 7,295.0 12,583.9 27,518.0 26,999.0
May 13,050.0 7,970.0 20,300.0 21,570.0 27,686.0 16,177.0
June 18,334.3 10,245.0 17,397.0 17,413.0 23,702.0 14,110.0
July 20,358.5 12,862.0 13,980.0 15,934.2 21,522.0 23,022.0
Total 152,837.8 175,750.2 170,184.0 258,319.1 293,418.6 268,846.5
Table 46
Structure of Interest Rates
(Percent per Annum)

Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Mid-month Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul July Jul**
A. Policy Rates
CRR 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5
Bank Rate 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.5 6.5
Refinance Rates Against Loans to:
Sick Industries 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Export Credit in Domestic Currency 4.5 4.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 2
Rural Development Banks (RDBs) 4.5 4.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 2 3.5
Export Credit in Foreign Currency 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.25 3.25 3.25 LIBOR+.25 LIBOR+0.25
Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF) Penal Rate - - 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 3 3.0
B. Government Securities
T-bills* (28 days) - 1.82 - 2.40 2.13 5.16 4.94 7.40
T-bills* (91 days) 2.98 1.47 3.94 3.25 2.77 5.13 6.80 6.77
T-bills* (182 days) - - 4.42 3.86 3.51 5.16 5.91 6.64
T-bills* (364 days) 4.93 3.81 4.79 4.04 4.00 6.47 6.55 6.96
Development Bonds 3.0-8.0 3.0-8.0 3.0-8.0 3.0-6.75 3.0-6.75 5.0-8.0 5.0-9.0 5.0-9.0
National/Citizen SCs 7.0-13.0 6.5-13.0 6.5-13.0 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5 6.0-7.75 6.0-8.0 6.0-10
C. Interbank Rate 4.50 0.71 4.71 2.13 3.03 3.61 3.66 5.52
D. Commercial Banks
1. Deposit Rates
Savings Deposits 2.5-6.0 2.0-5.0 1.75-5.0 2.0-5.0 2.0-5.0 2.0-6.50 2.0-7.5 2.0-12.0
Time Deposits
1 Month - 2.0-3.5 1.75-3.5 1.5-3.5 1.5-3.5 1.5-3.75 1.5-5.25 1.75-7.25
3 Months 2.0-5.0 2.0-4.0 1.5-4.0 1.5-4.0 1.50-4.0 1.50-6.75 1.50-6.0 1.75-9.5
6 Months 2.5-6.0 2.0-4.5 2.5-4.5 1.75-4.5 1.75-4.5 1.75-6.75 1.75-7.0 2.75-10.0
1 Year 3.0-7.0 2.75-5.75 2.25-5.0 2.25-5.0 2.25-5.0 2.5-6.0 2.5-9.0 4.75-11.5
2 Years and Above 3.25-7.5 3.0-6.0 2.5-6.05 2.5-6.4 2.5-5.5 2.75-6.75 2.75-9.5 5.0-13.0
2 Lending Rates
Industry 8.50-14.0 8.5-13.5 8.25-13.5 8.0-13.5 8.0-13.5 7.0-13.0 8.0-13.50 8.0-13.5
Agriculture 10.5-14.5 10.5-13 10-13 9.5-13 9.5-13 9.5-12 9.5-12.0 9.5-13.0
Export Bills 4.0-12.5 4.0-11.5 4.0-12.0 5.0-11.5 5.0-11.5 5.0-11.5 6.5.0-11.0 4.0-18.0
Commercial Loans 7.50-16.0 9-14.5 8.0-14 8.0-14 8.0-14.0 8.0-13.5 8.0-14.0 8.0-14.0
Overdrafts 10.0-17.0 10.0-16.0 5-14.5 6.5-14.5 6.0-14.5 6.50-13.5 6.50-13.5 7.0-18.0
CPI Inflation (annual average) 4.8 4.0 4.5 8.0 6.4 7.7 13.2 10.5
* Weighted average discount rate.
** Provisional
Table 47
Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (91-day)
Mid-Month Annual
FY Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Average
1991/92 8.43 8.78 8.84 8.70 8.82 8.93 9.33 9.56 9.60 9.64 9.59 9.64 9.24
1992/93 10.17 10.45 12.17 11.68 12.03 12.36 12.57 12.43 11.30 9.56 11.28 11.92 11.34
1993/94 8.49 5.94 7.24 8.74 6.05 3.93 7.57 7.56 6.38 4.93 5.31 6.01 6.50
1994/95 6.36 6.26 6.54 7.02 6.91 6.99 7.38 7.97 8.12 7.94 7.89 8.33 7.35
1995/96 8.34 8.61 8.78 9.14 9.69 11.83 12.68 12.21 10.93 12.70 12.88 12.66 10.93
1996/97 12.18 11.75 11.43 11.63 11.51 11.47 11.62 10.99 9.77 8.51 6.03 5.62 10.22
1997/98 4.87 3.36 3.81 3.36 2.63 2.71 3.90 4.00 4.17 3.44 3.24 2.87 3.52
1998/99 1.61 0.90 0.85 2.88 3.24 3.29 1.61 1.21 2.16 3.09 3.35 3.32 2.33
1999/00 3.40 2.90 3.41 4.09 3.99 4.44 5.16 5.60 5.46 5.73 5.46 5.36 4.66
2000/01 5.43 5.22 4.87 5.24 5.30 5.26 5.17 4.55 3.87 4.67 4.94 4.95 4.96
2001/02 4.78 3.78 4.66 4.96 4.95 4.85 5.19 5.39 5.05 4.86 4.52 3.78 4.71
2002/03 3.42 3.49 3.60 4.03 3.75 4.10 4.01 3.91 4.06 2.91 1.67 2.98 3.48
2003/04 4.03 3.66 3.70 3.68 3.85 3.95 3.94 3.81 1.70 0.70 0.82 1.47 2.93
2004/05 0.62 0.63 1.34 1.97 2.40 2.08 2.38 2.94 3.11 3.70 3.82 3.94 2.46
2005/06 2.26 3.38 3.10 2.69 2.20 2.46 2.20 2.65 2.89 3.63 3.31 3.25 2.84
2006/07 2.99 2.78 2.54 2.11 1.98 2.67 2.60 2.36 1.85 2.43 2.17 2.77 2.42
2007/08 4.25 2.14 2.35 3.03 3.59 3.86 5.79 5.54 4.07 5.32 5.41 5.13 4.22
2008/09 5.17 3.73 6.08 5.55 4.72 4.32 6.64 6.83 5.98 6.73 6.00 6.8 5.83
2009/10 1.77 2.41 2.73 4.67 6.35 8.74 9.01 7.79 7.35 7.41 6.77 8.13 6.50
Table 48
Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (364-day)
Mid-Month Annual
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Average
1996/97 - - - - - 11.96 - - 10.53 - 8.98 - 10.34
1997/98 - - - - - 6.30 - - 7.25 - 6.99 - 6.86
1998/99 - - - - - - - - 4.91 5.42 5.31 - 5.13
1999/00 - - - - 5.67 5.57 6.08 7.28 6.14 - - - 6.16
2000/01 - - - - 5.73 5.44 5.46 5.11 4.92 5.27 5.52 5.62 5.26
2001/02 - - - - 5.51 5.15 5.66 5.56 5.14 5.04 4.99 4.43 5.20
2002/03 - - - - 4.08 4.46 4.22 4.94 5.13 4.63 3.31 4.93 4.71
2003/04 5.31 5.18 5.30 5.15 5.12 4.95 4.70 4.04 3.02 2.65 2.57 3.81 4.15
2004/05 - - 3.53 - 3.06 2.49 2.78 3.54 3.98 4.84 4.87 4.79 4.32
2005/06 - - 3.87 3.93 3.09 3.42 3.50 3.80 4.31 4.20 3.74 4.04 3.95
2006/07 - - 3.78 3.33 3.04 3.14 3.21 3.01 3.09 3.55 3.19 4.00 3.50
2007/08 - 3.04 3.04 3.28 3.40 4.67 6.44 5.95 4.82 5.30 5.66 6.47 5.49
2008/09 - 3.56 5.57 5.65 4.96 5.2 6.84 6.19 5.96 6.53 6.59 6.55 6.06
2009/10 - 3.39 - 6.04 5.43 7.39 8.11 - 7.60 - 6.96 7.28 7.85
Table 49
Weighted Average Interbank Transaction Rate
Mid-Month\Year 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
August 4.15 1.02 2.47 2.07 4.10 5.15 1.41
September 2.67 0.39 3.87 1.83 2.18 2.33 2.00
October 3.60 0.83 3.18 2.11 3.35 5.16 5.10
November 4.21 2.24 2.36 1.20 3.73 5.34 9.22
December 4.63 3.54 0.96 1.34 4.73 2.38 9.93
January 4.68 3.49 1.22 3.03 4.93 3.37 12.83
February 4.82 3.95 2.48 2.01 7.55 8.32 11.64
March 3.67 4.33 2.84 1.39 5.07 6.38 8.85
April 0.83 4.50 1.97 1.69 2.69 5.06 7.81
May 1.01 4.28 3.52 3.35 6.48 7.07 7.13
June 0.99 4.11 1.77 2.72 4.64 5.02 5.52
July 0.71 4.71 2.13 3.03 3.61 3.66 6.57
Annual Average 3.03 3.39 2.47 2.26 4.20 5.07 7.74
Table 50
Stock Market Indicators
Fiscal Year Ending Percent Change

Particulars 2008 2009 2010

2 Over 1 3 Over 2
1 2 3
NEPSE Index (Closing)* 963.36 749.10 477.73 -22.24 -36.23
NEPSE Sensitive Index (Closing)** 253.42 198.77 116.14 -21.56 -41.57
NEPSE Float Index (Closing)*** - 71.22 44.30 - -37.80
Banking Sub Index 985.65 780.87 456.93 -20.78 -41.48
Market Capitalization (Rs. Million) 366247.56 512939.07 376871.37 40.05 -26.53
Total Paid up Value of Listed Shares (Rs. Million) 29465.00 61140.00 79786.00 107.50 30.50
Number of Listed Companies 142 159 176 11.97 10.69
Number of Listed Shares (000) 321131 637868 826046 98.6 29.5
Market Days 261 234 225 -10.34 -3.85
Number of Companies Traded 146 170 198 16.44 16.47
Number of Transactions 151288 209091 213733 38.21 2.22
Monthly Turnover
Number of Shares ('000) 28696.77 30547.16 26231.35 6.45 -14.13
Amount (Rs.Million) 22873.40 21681.14 11851.11 -5.21 -45.34
Ratio of yearly Turnover to Market Capitalization (%) 6.25 4.23 3.14 -32.32 -25.60
Ratio of Market Capitalization to GDP(%) 44.90 51.74 31.87 15.24 -38.42
Twelve Months Rolling Standard Deviation 151.70 149.60 82.60 -1.38 -44.79
GDP at Current Price ( Rs. Million) 815663.20 991316.10 1182680.10 21.53 19.30
* Base: February 12, 1994
** Base: July 16, 2006
*** Base: August 24,2008
Table 51
Public Issue Approval
Rs. in million
S.N. Company Type of Security Amount Permission Date Types of Listed Securities in Listed Amounts
S.No. Name of Companies Listed Date
1 Goodwill Finance Ltd. Rights 173.3 7/27/2009 (4/12/2066) Securities Thousand in million
2 Birgung Finance Ltd. Rights 334.7 8/9/2009 (4/25/2066) 7 Nirdhan Utthan Bank Ltd. Bonus share 209.94 20.99 27-Oct-09
3 Business Development Bank Ltd. Rights 441.0 8/26/2009 (5/10/2066) 8 Guheswori Merchant Banking & FinanceBonus share 111.21 11.12 24-Nov-09
4 Mahalaxmi Finance Ltd. Rights 324.0 12/22/2009 (9/07/2066) 9 Standard Charted Bank Ltd. Bonus share 4665.17 466.52 9-Dec-09
5 Butwal Finance Ltd. Rights 337.3 9/7/2009 (5/22/2066) 10 Nabil Bank Ltd. Bonus share 4833.77 483.38 31-Dec-09
6 Alliance Insurance Company Ltd. Rights 60.0 9/10/2009 (5/25/2066) 11 Bank of Kathmandu Ltd. Bonus share 3377.59 337.76 14-Jan-10
7 Laxmi Bank Ltd. Rights 439.2 10/15/2009 (6/29/2066) 12 Himalayan Bank Ltd. Bonus share 3837.85 383.79 14-Jan-10
8 International Leasing & Finance Co. Ltd. Rights 1360.8 10/22/2009 (7/05/2066) 13 Everest Bank Ltd. Bonus share 1916.46 191.65 14-Jan-10
9 Kuber Merchant Finance Co. Ltd. Rights 100.0 10/27/2009 (7/10/2066) 14 Malika Bikash Bank Ltd. Bonus share 100.00 10.00 14-Jan-10
10 Nepal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Rights 75.0 11/04/2009 (7/18/2066) 15 Universal Finance Ltd. Bonus share 121.67 12.17 14-Jan-10
11 Himchuli Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights 317.4 11/10/2009 (7/24/2066) 16 World Merchant Banking & finance Ltd. Bonus share 144.00 14.40 25-Jan-10
12 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. Rights 437.3 12/07/2009 (8/22/2066) 17 goodwill Finance Ltd. Bonus share 59.85 5.99 2-Feb-10
13 Global Bank Ltd. Rights 500.0 1/10/2010(9/17/2066) 18 Nepal Industrial & comm. Bank Ltd. Bonus share 1710.72 171.07 2-Feb-10
14 Paschimanchal Development Bank Ltd. Rights 210.0 1/03/2010(9/19/2066) 19 Shree Invest. & Finance Ltd. Bonus share 201.60 20.16 2-Feb-10
15 Capital Merchant Banking & Finance Ltd. Rights 561.0 1/06/2010(9/22/2066) 20 Royal Merch. Banking & Finance Ltd. Bonus share 135.51 13.55 22-Feb.-10
16 Annapurna Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights 462.0 1/13/2010(9/29/2066) 21 IME finance Ltd. Bonus share 498.92 49.89 22-Feb.-10
17 Triveni Bikash Bank Ltd. Rights 50.0 1/26/2010(10/12/2066) 22 Annapurna Finance Ltd. Bonus share 262.08 26.21 3-Mar.-10
18 Yeti Finance Ltd. Rights 62.5 2/02/2010(10/19/2066) 23 Sahayagi Bikash Bank Ltd. Bonus share 90.00 9.00 3-Mar.-10
19 Prudential Finance Co. Ltd. Rights 200.0 2/23/2010(11/11/2066) 24 Sanima Bikas Bank Ltd. Bonus share 381.85 38.19 3-Mar.-10
20 CMB Finance Ltd. Rights 75.1 2/25/2010(11/13/2066) 25 Reliable Finance Ltd. Bonus share 165.00 16.50 3-Mar.-10
21 Bank of Asia Ltd Rights 50.0 04/16/2010(01/03/067) 26 NIDC Capital Markets Ltd. Bonus share 301.84 30.18 3-Mar.-10
22 Pashupati Development Bank Ltd. Rights 500.0 04/18/2010(01/05/067) 27 Soaltee Hotel Ltd. Bonus share 1913.33 191.33 23-Mar-10
23 Om Finance Ltd Rights 105.0 04/26/2010(01/13/067) 28 NDEP Development Bank Ltd. Bonus share 320.00 32.00 23-Mar-10
24 United Finance Ltd. Rights 165.0 04/28/2010(01/15/067) 29 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. Bonus share 3504.46 350.45 12-Apr-10
25 Siddhartha Bank Ltd Rights 4.8 05/28/2010(02/14/067) 30 Laxmi Bank Ltd. Bonus share 762.00 76.20 12-Apr-10
26 Sahay ogi Vikas Bank Ltd Rights 15.0 05/31/2010(02/17/067) 31 Prime Commercial Bank Ltd. Bonus share 1000.00 100.00 12-Apr-10
27 Sunrise Bank Ltd Rights 375.0 06/01/2010(02/18/067) 32 Lumbini Finance Ltd. Bonus share 299.95 30.00 12-Apr-10
28 Gorkha Finance Ltd Rights 69.1 06/08/2010(02/25/067) 33 Lumbini Finance Ltd. Bonus share 410.54 41.05 12-Apr-10
29 Subhechha Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights 52.8 06/18/2010(3/4/067) 34 Guheswori Merchant Banking & Finance Bonus
Ltd. share 110.05 11.01 12-Apr-10
30 Citizens Bank Internationl Ltd Rights 1000.0 06/21/2010(3/7/2067) 35 Nepal Finance Ltd. Bonus share 225.00 22.50 25-Apr-10
31 Merchant Finance Co. Ltd Rights 90.0 06/23/2010(3/9/2067) 36 Paschimanchal Finance Co. Ltd. Bonus share 165.10 16.51 25-May-10
32 Naray ani National Finance Ltd Rights 217.6 06/25/2010(3/11/2067) 37 Paschimanchal Finance Co. Ltd. Bonus share 144.34 14.43 25-May-10
33 Clean Energy Dev elopment Bank Ltd Rights 768.0 06/28/2010(3/14/2067) 38 Paschimnchal Development Bank Ltd. Bonus share 100.00 10.00 26-May-10
34 Inf rastructure Dev elopment Bank Ltd Rights 480.0 06/30/2010(3/16/2067) 39 Paschimnchal Development Bank Ltd. Bonus share 165.00 16.50 26-May-10
35 Gandaki Bikas Bank Ltd Rights 100.0 07/14/2010(3/30/2067) 40 Gorkha Finance Ltd. Bonus share 91.42 9.14 26-May-10
Total 10512.7 41 Swabalamban Bikas Bank Ltd. Bonus share 63.29 6.33 8-Jun-10
1 Miteri Development Bank Ltd. Ordinary 13.5 8/16/2009 (4/32/2066) 42 World Mer. Banking & Finance Ltd. Bonus share 259.80 25.98 8-Jun-10
2 Mahakali Bikash Bank Ltd. Ordinary 8.2 9/02/2009 (5/17/2066) 43 Yeti Finance Ltd. Bonus share 187.50 18.75 8-Jun-10
3 Asian Life Insurance Company Ltd. Ordinary 108.0 9/16/2009 (5/31/2066) 44 Lalitpur Finance Ltd. Bonus share 569.53 56.95 8-Jun-10
4 Kasthamandap Dev. Bank Ltd. Ordinary 96.0 9/22/2009 (6/06/2066) 45 Nepal Awas Bikas Bitta Co Ltd. Bonus share 146.70 14.67 8-Jun-10
5 Resunga Bikash Bank Ltd. Ordinary 9.2 10/04/2009 (6/18/2066) 46 Birat Laxmi Bikas Bank Ltd. Bonus share 55.00 5.50 8-Jun-10
6 Pathibhara Bikash Bank Ltd. Ordinary 24.5 10/11/2009 (6/25/2066) 47 Arun Valley Hydro Power Co Ltd. Bonus share 686.00 68.60 8-Jun-10
7 Udhyam Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary 15.0 10/22/2009 (7/05/2066) 48 Citizen Investmetn Trust Bonus share 200.00 20.00 22-Jun-10
8 Nerude Laghubitta Bikash Bank Ltd. Ordinary 6.0 11/04/2009 (7/18/2066) 49 Subhechha Bikas Bank Ltd. Bonus share 80.00 8.00 22-Jun-10
9 Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary 40.0 12/16/2009(9/01/2066) 50 Nirdhan Utthan Bank Ltd. Bonus share 99.69 9.97 22-Jun-10
10 City Development Bank Ltd. Ordinary 60.0 1/08/2010(9/24/2066) 51 Butawal Power Co. Ltd. Bonus share 839.09 83.91 22-Jun-10
11 Nilgiri Vikash Bank Ltd. Ordinary 15.0 1/14/2010(9/30/2066) 52 Gorkha Development Bank Ltd. Bonus share 608.18 60.82 22-Jun-10
12 NMB Bank Ltd. Ordinary 71.5 1/25/2010(10/07/2066) 53 Siddhartha Bank Ltd. Bonus share 1434.98 143.50 8-Jun-10
13 Manakamana Dev. Bank Ltd. Ordinary 300.0 2/03/2010(10/20/2066) 54 Salt Trading Bonus share 43.22 4.32 8-Jun-10
14 Gaurishankar Dev. Bank Ltd. Ordinary 60.0 2/10/2010(10/27/2066) 55 Bhrikuti bikas bank ltd Bonus share 211.42 21.14 8-Jun-10
15 Agriculture Dev. Bank Ltd. Ordinary 960.0 2/10/2010(10/27/2066) Total 40629.05 4062.91
16 Prime Life Insurance Ltd. Ordinary 108.0 2/11/2010(10/28/2066) 1 Ace Development Bank Ltd. Rights share 2929.18 292.92 4-Aug-09
17 Surya life Insurance Co. Ltd. Ordinary 108.0 2/11/2010(10/28/2066) 1 Sanima Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights share 3840.00 384.00 17-Aug-09
18 Zenith Finance Limited Ordinary 42.0 3/02/2010(11/18/2066) 2 Nepal Bangaladesh Bank Ltd. Rights share 375.38 37.54 17-Aug-09
19 Shubhalaxmi Finance Ltd. Ordinary 60.0 4/8/2010(12/26/2066) 3 Standard Finance Ltd. Rights share 8349.00 834.90 17-Aug-09
20 Alpine Development Bank Ltd. Ordinary 33.0 04/28/2010(01/15/067) 4 Shrijana Finance Ltd. Rights share 140.00 14.00 17-Aug-09
21 Diyalo Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary 35.0 04/29/2010(01/16/0670 5 Nepal Dev. & Emp. Pro. Bank Ltd. Rights share 1565.97 156.60 1-Sep-09
22 Western Development Bank Ltd. Ordinary 23.0 05/03/2010(01/20/067) 6 DCBL Bank Ltd. Rights share 5537.28 553.73 1-Sep-09
23 Surya Darshan Finance Co. Ltd. Ordinary 40.0 05/13/2010(01/30/067) 7 NMB Bank Ltd. Rights share 3246.41 324.64 17-Sep-09
24 Unque Financial Institution Ltd Ordinary 40.0 06/02/2010(02/19/067) 8 Lumbini Bank Ltd. Rights share 5.00 0.50 17-Sep-09
25 Seti Bittiya Sanstha Ltd Ordinary 19.6 06/03/2010(02/20/067) 9 Nepal Express Finance Ltd. Rights share 240.00 24.00 17-Sep-09
26 Arniko Development Bank Ltd Ordinary 98.0 05/25/2010(02/11/067) 10 Gurkha Development Bank Ltd. Rights share 1170.48 117.05 8-Oct-09
27 Swastik Merchant Finance Co. Ltd Ordinary 30.0 06/20/2010(3/6/2067) 11 Navadurga Finance Co. Ltd. Rights share 544.30 54.43 13-Oct-09
28 Bisawa Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 93.6 06/21/2010(3/7/2067) 12 Narayani Dev. Bank Ltd. Rights share 99.88 9.99 27-Oct-09
29 Arun Finance Ltd Ordinary 60.0 06/30/2010(3/16/2067) 13 Civil Merchant Bittiya Santha Ltd. Rights share 499.27 49.93 27-Oct-09
30 Kankai Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 12.0 07/02/2010(3/18/2067) 14 Prabhu Finance Ltd. Rights share 800.00 80.00 27-Oct-09
31 Valley Finance Ltd Ordinary 34.4 07/05/2010(3/21/2067) 15 Sagarmatha Merchant Banking & FinanceRights share 750.00 75.00 24-Nov-09
32 Karnali Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 39.2 07/05/2010(3/21/2067) 16 Fewa Finance Ltd. Rights share 1820.00 182.00 9-Dec-09
33 33 Garima Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 94.0 07/06/2010(3/22/2067) 17 Central Finance Ltd. Rights share 253.87 25.39 9-Dec-09
34 Kabeli Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 6.0 07/08/2010(3/24/2067) 18 Bhrikutee Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights share 1409.89 140.99 9-Dec-09
35 Jyoti Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 292.0 07/11/2010(3/27/2067) 19 General Finance Ltd. Rights share 242.42 24.24 31-Dec-09
36 Himalaya Finance Ltd Ordinary 56.0 07/14/2010(3/30/2067) 20 Business Development Bank Ltd. Rights share 3557.03 355.70 11-Jan-10
37 Tinau Bikas Bank Ltd Ordinary 30.0 07/16/2010(3/32/067) 21 Lord Buddha Finance Ltd. Rights share 375.00 37.50 11-Jan-10
Total 3140.7 22 Malika Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights share 1442.43 144.24 14-Jan-10
Grand Total 13653.4 23 Universal Finance Ltd. Rights share 589.92 58.99 14-Jan-10
Source: SEBON 24 Everest Finance Ltd. Rights share 200.00 20.00 25-Jan-10
25 World Merchant Banking & Finance Ltd.Rights share 696.00 69.60 25-Jan-10
Listed Securities in Nepal Stock Exchange Limited 26 Goodwill Finance Ltd. Rights share 59.85 5.99 2-Feb-10
27 Nepal Shreelanka Mer. Bank & Fin. Ltd. Rights share 2000.00 200.00 22-Feb.-10
Listed Securities in Listed Amounts in 28 Laxmi |Bank Ltd. Rights share 4392.34 439.23 22-Feb.-10
S.No. Name of Companies Types of Securities Listed Date
Thousand million 29 Lumbini Bank Ltd. Rights share 2898.38 289.84 22-Feb.-10
1 Api Finance Ltd. Ordinary share 600.00 60.00 23-Sep-09 30 Annapurna Finance Ltd. Rights share 4159.99 416.00 3-Mar.-10
2 Prime Com. Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 10000.00 1000.00 12-Sep-09 31 Kaski Finance Ltd. Rights share 1000.00 100.00 3-Mar.-10
3 Sunrise Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 12500.00 1250.00 12-Sep-09 32 Birgunj Finance Ltd. Rights share 3347.02 334.70 12-Apr-10
4 Vibor Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 6800.00 680.00 12-Sep-09 33 Patan Finance Ltd. Rights share 500.00 50.00 12-Apr-10
5 Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company LtdOrdinary share 1715.00 171.50 34 Aliance Insurance Co. Ltd. Rights share 599.52 59.95 23-Mar-10
6 Crystal Finance Ltd. Ordinary share 700.00 70.00 35 Imperial Finance Ltd. Rights share 399.00 39.90 12-Apr-10
7 Madhyamnchal Grameen Bikas Bank Ordinary share 1000.00 100.00 3-Jan-10 36 Lumbini Finance Ltd. Rights share 450.00 45.00 12-Apr-10
8 Public Devlopment Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 1500.00 150.00 3-Jan-10 37 Nepal Share Markets & Finance Ltd. Rights share 15677.28 1567.73 25-Apr-10
9 Mahakali bikash Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 200.00 20.00 14-Jan-10 38 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. Rights share 4287.46 428.75 25-Apr-10
10 Mitery Development Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 451.44 45.14 7-Feb.-10 39 Paschimanchal Finance Co. Ltd. Rights share 278.30 27.83 25-May-10
11 Pathiva Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 500.00 50.00 4-Apr-10 40 Global Bank Ltd. Rights share 4814.13 481.41 26-May-10
12 Asian Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Ordinary share 3600.00 360.00 4-Apr-10 41 Kuber Merchant Finance Ltd. Rights share 1000.00 100.00 26-May-10
13 Resunga Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 306.00 30.60 4-Apr-10 42 Paschimnchal Development Bank Ltd. Rights share 1976.17 197.62 26-May-10
14 Kasthamandap Development Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 3200.00 320.00 16-May-10 43 National Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Rights share 1250.96 125.10 26-May-10
15 Taragaon Regency Hotel Ordinary share 5859.39 585.94 31-May-10 44 Himchuli Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights share 3174.00 317.40 26-May-10
16 NMB Bank Ltd. Further Public Issue 715.00 71.50 10-Jun-10 45 Nepal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Rights share 738.74 73.87 8-Jun-10
17 Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 1000.00 100.00 16-May-10 46 Mahalaxmi Finance Ltd. Rights share 3240.00 324.00 8-Jun-10
18 Prime Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Ordinary share 3600.00 360.00 30-Jun-10 47 Annapurna Bikas Bank Ltd. Rights share 4620.00 462.00 9-Jul-10
19 Nilgiri Bikas Bank Ltd. Ordinary share 500.00 50.00 30-Jun-10 48 Taragaon Regency Hotel Pref. Share 2121.75 212.17 8-Jun-10
20 Nerude Lagubitta Bikas Bank Ordinary share 200.00 20.00 22-Jun-10 Total 103663.60 10366.37
Total 54946.83 5494.68 1 Bikas Rinpatra 2071 "Kha" Gov. Bond 30000.00 3000.00 23-Oct-09
1 Biratlaxmi Bikas Bank Ltd. Bonus share 50.00 5.00 17-Aug-09 2 Bikas Rinpatra 2073 "Ka" Gov. Bond 27500.00 2750.00 23-Oct-09
2 United Finance Ltd. Bonus share 150.00 15.00 17-Aug-09 3 Bikash Rinpatra 2069 Gov. Bond 15000.00 1500.00 17-Mar-10
3 Premier Finance Ltd. Bonus share 80.78 8.08 1-Sep-09 4 Bikas Rinpatra 2072 "Kha" Gov. Bond 25500.00 2550.00 29-Jun-10
4 Siddhartha Bank Ltd. Bonus share 1242.00 124.20 1-Sep-09 Total 98000.00 9800.00
5 Om Finance Ltd. Bonus share 210.00 21.00 17-Sep-09 Siddhartha Bank Rinpatra 2072 Debenture 227.77 227.77 2066-6-22
6 Kumari Bank Ltd. Bonus share 1075.65 107.57 8-Oct-09 Grand Total 297467.25 29951.73
Source: Nepal Stock Exchange Limited
Table 52
Listed Companies and Market Capitalization
Number of Listed Companies Market Capitalization of Listed Companies (Rs in million)
Mid July Mid July
2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 Percent Change
Total 142 159 176 366247.7 100.0 512939.1 100.0 376871.4 100.0 40.1 -26.5
Financial Institutions 112 128 144 326868.9 89.2 382901.8 74.6 273397.6 72.5 17.1 -28.6
Commercial Banks 17 21 23 259955.3 71.0 302219.3 58.9 206282.5 54.7 16.3 -31.7
Development Banks 23 29 40 17997.8 4.9 27137.9 5.3 27488.9 7.3 50.8 1.3
Finance Companies 55 61 62 37674.4 10.3 43007.1 8.4 29869.6 7.9 14.2 -30.5
Insurance Companies 17 17 19 11241.4 3.1 10537.5 2.1 9756.6 2.6 -6.3 -7.4
Manufacturing & Processing 18 18 18 7516.9 2.1 7706.1 1.5 7592.0 2.0 2.5 -1.5
Hotel 4 4 4 4809.7 1.3 4852.0 0.9 5285.6 1.4 0.9 8.9
Trading 4 4 4 1170.2 0.3 1696.4 0.3 1617.5 0.4 45.0 -4.6
Hydro Power 3 3 4 25863.3 7.1 21413.7 4.2 19959.5 5.3 -17.2 -6.8
Others 1 2 2 18.7 0.0 94369.2 18.4 69019.2 18.3 - -26.9

Table 53
Share Market Activities
Mid July
2008 2009 2010 Percent Change
Closing High Low Closing High Low Closing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 over 1 7 over 4
Commercial Banks 985.65 780.87 679.64 780.87 456.93 428.63 456.93 -20.8 -41.5
Development Banks 1285.89 772.56 692.31 772.56 492.55 471.57 478.53 -39.9 -38.1
Insurance Companies 817.25 656.41 627.40 656.41 563.16 542.78 548.52 -19.7 -16.4
Finance Companies 1152.74 731.04 674.29 697.61 422.40 397.38 397.38 -39.5 -43.0
Manufacturing & Processing 423.66 434.32 434.32 434.32 427.89 427.89 427.89 2.5 -1.5
Hotel 370.88 369.35 365.98 367.42 422.11 399.50 400.26 -0.9 8.9
Trading 204.08 295.83 281.78 295.83 282.08 276.77 282.08 45.0 -4.6
Others 1176.12 1044.81 868.35 1044.81 881.00 705.69 881.00 -11.2 -15.7
Hydro Power 768.26 738.99 633.27 738.99 560.45 516.99 540.48 -3.8 -26.9
NEPSE Overall Index* 963.36 749.10 661.78 749.10 477.73 455.48 477.73 -22.2 -36.2
NEPSE Sensitive Index** 253.72 198.77 176.32 198.77 116.53 110.92 116.14 -21.7 -41.6
NEPSE Float Index*** - 71.22 65.47 71.22 44.30 42.20 44.30 - -37.80

Turnover Details
Mid July Percent Change
2008 2009 2010

Share Units Percent Share Share Units Percent Share Share Units Percent Share Share Unit Share Amount
Particulars Rs in million Rs in million Rs in million
('000) of Value ('000) of Value ('000) of Value

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 over 1 7over 4 5 over 2 8 over 5

Total 3328.42 2648.84 100.00 4062.24 1475.23 100.00 1575.75 586.43 100.00 22.05 -61.21 -44.31 -60.25
Commercial Banks 1596.06 1665.41 62.87 1933.59 983.02 66.64 651.09 357.75 61.00 21.15 -66.33 -40.97 -63.61
Development Banks 225.75 217.34 8.21 217.14 121.15 8.21 240.28 62.25 10.62 -3.81 10.66 -44.26 -48.62
Insurance Companies 44.61 43.53 1.64 36.66 10.71 0.73 231.02 53.14 9.06 -17.82 530.17 -75.40 396.17
Finance Companies 378.81 371.09 14.01 225.67 127.35 8.63 124.60 31.24 5.33 -40.43 -44.79 -65.68 -75.47
Manufacturing & Processing 134.45 14.66 0.55 0.11 0.47 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 -99.92 -100.00 -96.79 -100.00
Hotel 29.84 7.37 0.28 10.70 2.19 0.15 10.30 2.46 0.42 -64.14 -3.74 -70.28 12.33
Trading 1.74 3.96 0.15 1.43 4.57 0.31 1.38 4.28 0.73 -17.82 -3.50 15.40 -6.35
Hydropower 419.65 156.01 5.89 1362.22 151.78 10.29 82.18 34.21 5.83 224.61 -93.97 -2.71 -77.46
Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.87 23.08 1.56 19.92 9.04 1.54 - -52.42 - -60.83
Mutual Fund 84.00 2.03 0.08 1.00 0.03 0.00 3.30 0.10 0.02 -98.81 230.00 -98.52 233.33
Preferred Stock 17.39 16.96 0.64 0.76 0.73 0.05 1.10 0.99 0.17 -95.63 44.74 -95.70 35.62
Promoter Share 396.12 150.48 5.68 231.09 50.15 3.40 210.58 30.97 5.28 -41.66 -8.88 -66.67 -38.25
* Base: February 12, 1994
** Base: July 16, 2006
***Base: August 24, 2008

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