Assessment of Archimedes Screw Power Generation Potential in Ontario CCTC 2015 Paper Number 1570095585 A. Kozyn, S. Ash, and W.D. Lubitz

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Assessment of Archimedes Screw Power Generation Potential in Ontario

CCTC 2015 Paper Number 1570095585

A. Kozyn1, S. Ash1, and W.D. Lubitz1

1 University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada


Archimedes Screw Generators (ASGs) are an emerging renewable, low-carbon electricity

generation technology. ASGs are appropriate for low head hydro sites, such as existing small
dams. Several hundred ASGs have been installed in Europe. There is potential for ASG growth
in Canada, which has significant low-head hydroelectric resources. The current state of ASG
technology is presented, with details of the University of Guelph’s ASG research. The overall
ASG generating potential in Ontario is examined. It is found that there is potential to generate
approximately 16 MW of low-carbon hydroelectricity in Ontario with minimal incremental
environmental impact.

Keywords: Archimedes Screws Generator, Hydroelectric, Hydro Power, Renewable Energy

1. Introduction

Archimedes Screw Generators (ASGs) are a promising form of small hydropower generation
that are well suited for low head sites, particularly with already-existing dams. ASGs offer an
alternative generator design to typical large-scale hydroelectric power stations that provides
higher efficiencies for low head, low flow sites with significant reductions in environmental
impacts, both in terms of GHG emissions and effects on the natural environment. Electricity has
been generated by utilizing the energy available in water descending in elevation virtually since
the beginning of the utilization of electricity for lighting and other purposes. Some of the first
large electricity generating stations were hydroelectric power stations, and large-scale
hydroelectric power generation is a very mature technology compared to wind- or solar-based
electricity generation.

Globally, electricity generated by hydropower plants is the largest non-biomass supplier of

renewable electricity, supplying 3-4% of total human energy usage in recent years [1]. It is worth
noting that in comparison, fossil fuels have recently comprised approximately 80% of total
human energy use. It should be acknowledged that the remaining undeveloped dam sites do
not offer the potential additional hydro capacity to replace current fossil fuel usage, even just for
electricity generation [2].

A growing number of studies have found that regional to continental scale electricity grids based
only on existing hydro, and existing and new wind and solar generation are technically feasible
[3][4][5]. In many of these scenarios, wind and solar provide the majority of the generation, and
reservoirs at the hydro plants provide a store of energy that is used to supply peaking power.
Many scenarios also envision greater use of reservoirs in a pumped storage mode, where water
is pumped uphill into the reservoir using surplus electricity at times of low use, and then used to
provide additional electricity at high demand times. While details vary from study to study (and
region to region), hydropower and hydro reservoirs are an essential component of these
decarbonized electricity grids.

In Canada, hydropower makes up a significant portion of the energy mix and plays a vital role in
helping meet peak power demand. In Ontario, nearly one quarter of all generated electricity is
created through hydropower [6]. Hydropower represents approximately 90% of all renewable
energy supplies in the province [7]. Currently, the vast majority of hydropower is produced by
Ontario Power Generation, a public company owned by the Government of Ontario, which
operates 65 hydroelectric power stations with many of these stations existing on large dams.
The capacity of these stations rang e from 800 kilowatts to 1400 megawatts [8].

Historically, hydropower has been considered a zero or low carbon energy source, depending
on whether only the actual generation of electricity, or the entire lifecycle of the power plant, is
being considered [2]. An operating hydroelectric generator produces essentially no carbon
dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The “fuel” of a hydroelectric plant is the potential energy of
surface water, which is ultimately supplied by solar energy driving the water cycle.

In the past few decades, investigators have started examining the greenhouse gas generation
potential of hydroelectric power plants on a lifecycle basis. The primary sources of greenhouse
gasses (GHGs) emissions are construction of large dams and facilities, and flooding due to
reservoir filling [9]. Based on mass of materials moved, the large hydroelectric dams are among
the most massive individual constructions produced by humans. From a material perspective,
large dams consist of concrete and earth or rock fill in varying proportions. Both the production
of cement used in concrete, and quarrying and transportation of fill material (by fossil fuel
powered equipment) are associated with large CO2 emissions.

Flooding large areas to form reservoirs can also produce significant GHGs. Once the reservoir
is formed, submerged biomass (ranging from trees to soil microorganisms) decomposes,
releasing GHGs [10]. The decomposition process generally takes many years, and it is difficult
to directly measure the GHG emissions from a large reservoir surface. GHG emissions are
highest from tropical reservoirs. In the most extreme cases of tropical reservoirs with a large
surface area relative to the hydro generating capacity, GHG emissions from the reservoirs can
reach or even exceed the GHG emissions associated with providing equivalent electricity
generation using fossil-fuelled thermal generating plants [11].

Damming rivers and forming reservoirs has been found to produce a wide range of other
environmental and social impacts, such as mercury contamination of ecosystems, and large
changes to river ecosystems, both near and downstream of dams, silt deposition within
reservoirs and related delta and shoreline erosion downstream, and disruption of human
communities [2].

In Ontario, there is potential for hydropower generation using ASGs at a scale much smaller
than typical hydropower stations, which limits many of the aforementioned environmental
concerns. There are more than 2600 existing dams in Ontario, located on rivers, streams and
tributaries throughout the province [12], which were typically created for flood control or milling
purposes. These sit on rivers with power potential much lower than typical hydroelectric stations
(well below Ontario Power Generation’s smallest 800 kilowatt station). These dam sites
represent an untapped energy resource for small-scale hydro projects that would have minimal
additional environmental impacts because the dams are already in existence; the negative
impacts caused during construction have already been incurred.

Furthermore, many of the dams in North America were constructed several decades ago and
are in need of restoration. In the United States, the US Army Corps of Engineers National
Inventory of Dams lists 18,140 dams less than 15 feet high in the United States, many of which
are deteriorating due to insufficient or deferred maintenance [13]. Management of dam failure in

Ontario is also a concern. The Ministry of Natural Resources estimates that 70% of the dams in
Ontario were constructed before 1970 and have expected service lives of 50 to 70 years [14].
This means that 70% of Ontario’s dams will need to have major repairs or structural alterations
within the next 10 to 15 years [14]. Retrofitting these low head dams with ASGs would provide
the capacity to generate low-environmental impact, low carbon electricity. Utilizing the dams
would also provide the needed incentive and revenue for repairs and ongoing maintenance.
Retrofitting existing dam sites for hydropower production would not only create new energy
generation capacity but also help restore structural quality to aging dams, mitigating dam failure

2.0 Hydropower

The purpose of any hydroelectric generating station is to convert potential energy associated
with the water in a watercourse passing the station into electrical energy. The available power
(Pavail) in a watercourse is

Pavail = ρgQh (1)

where ρ is the density of water, g is the gravitational constant (9.81 m/s2), Q is the volume flow
rate of water and h is the available head (or “drop”) at the site. Large-scale hydroelectric plants
are extremely efficient energy conversion systems, capable of converting over 90% of this
available energy into useful electrical energy delivered to the power grid. This efficiency
includes all hydrodynamic, mechanical and electrical losses associated with the turbine,
generator and supporting systems [15].

Microhydro power plants have a capacity of 1 MW or less. Very small plants, on the order of a
few kW or smaller, are termed pico-hydro plants. Microhydro generating systems have different
environmental impact profiles than larger scale hydro generating plants. Almost all large
(megawatt and gigawatt) scale hydro generating stations use impoundment, in the form of
reservoirs created by dams, to ensure consistent availability of water and predictability of power
output. Many microhydro systems use small reservoirs on smaller scale water courses or are
run-of-river, in which the plant uses water available at the time in the watercourse, and does not
use a storage reservoir.

A range of turbine technologies are available, with choice of turbine technology depending on
the available head, flow, site access and other engineering considerations. For very high head
(20 – 100+ m) sites, Pelton and Turgo type impulse turbines are often used. Crossflow, Kaplan
or Francis turbines are often used at locations with moderate head (10 m - 30 m). Locations with
low head (less than 10 m) are more challenging, since the turbine types listed above need
minimum amounts of head in order to operate effectively. Only a few technologies are available
for these locations, including undershot waterwheels and Archimedes screws, which are the
focus of this study.

3.0 Archimedes Screw Generators

ASGs are a form of renewable hydroelectric power generation that has emerged in the last
several decades. ASGs are an adaption of the ancient Archimedes screw pump technology,
which has traditionally been used to pump water from low to high elevation under low head
conditions such as irrigation [16]. An Archimedes screw is comprised of several helical planes
fixated to a central cylindrical shaft. The screw is typically encased in an inclined trough and is
free to rotate along the axial length. When used as a pump, the lower end of the screw is placed

in water and mechanically rotated. This rotation causes buckets of water to become entrapped
between the helical plane surfaces. As the screw rotates, the water buckets are drawn up the
axial length of the screw to a higher elevation. Today, Archimedes Screw pumps are still
commonly used in wastewater treatment plants [16].

Figure 1. Archimedes screw generator system.

ASGs operate as reversed Archimedes screw pumps. Water is introduced to the top of the
screw and allowed to flow through the screw from high to low elevation. As the water
transverses the screw, the formed water buckets create a difference in pressure on the opposite
sides of the helical planed surfaces. Due to the shape of the plane surfaces, a component of
this pressure differential force always acts in a direction normal to the central cylindrical shaft
causing the screw to rotate. Attaching a gearbox and generator to the screw shaft, the
mechanical rotation can be converted to electrical power.

While Archimedes Screw technology dates back to antiquity, their use as generators is relatively
new. The first ASG was installed two decades ago by Brada [16]. Since then, several hundred
ASGs have been installed globally [17], with the vast majority being installed in Europe.
Currently, there exists one operational unit in North America, installed in Waterford, Ontario
Canada [3], but interest in the technology is growing as adoption of renewable energy
technology is expanding generally due to concerns over climate change. ASGs are particularly
advantageous over traditional hydropower generation technologies for low head sites with
heads below 5m. Williamson et al. [18], comparing various forms of micro hydro technology,
found ASG efficiency potential remains high even as the head approaches zero, something that
is not true for many traditional turbines. Typical ASG efficiency has been found to range
between 60 and 80%. Lashofer et al. [17] completed a comprehensive survey, assessing the
performance of both ASG field sites and laboratory ASG models for performance. A total of 34
field ASG units located in various European countries (Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom), spanning 7 different ASG designs, were examined.
These designs were comprised of both fixed and variable speed generators, with power ranges
from 4 to 140 kilowatts, while most ASGs inspected were below 33 kilowatts. Of the 34 ASGs
analysed, the measured overall mean efficiency was found to be 69%, with the six top
performing plants yielding efficiencies over 75%. For their laboratory tests, Lashofer et al. found
efficiencies ranging from 84% to 94% [17]. It was also noted that field ASG units suffered from
excessive noise and were subject to stoppages and inefficiencies due to icing in cold weather,
however both of these concerns were generally mitigated when the ASG units were housed in
an enclosure [17].

Beyond efficiency, ASG technology is gaining traction due to its limited impacts on wildlife and
aquatic species. Archimedes Screw pumps are often used in aquaculture industry to transport
fish but even when being used as generators are relatively safe. ASGs are particularly fish-
friendly because, unlike traditional turbines, fish, debris and other small objects can often
successfully pass through the generator without being maimed or destroyed. Generally, if fish
pass by the leading edges of the helical plane surfaces at the top of the screw, they will not be
harmed. Tests have shown that fish below 1 kg in mass can pass the leading edges without
harm under typical operating speeds; rubber bumpers can be utilized to ensure fish up to 4 kg
can safely pass without injury [19]. Additionally, it has been shown that all fish species,
including salmonoids, trout and eels, can pass successfully unharmed through commercial ASG
units in the UK [20].

3.1 Archimedes Screw Theory

Despite being an ancient technology, there are many unexplored research questions
surrounding ASGs. The dynamics of Archimedes Screw pumps have been examined within the
scientific literature [21][22][23], but significant deficits still exist in both the scientific theory and
numerical data (to validate the theory), particularly in the English literature. These deficits mean
there is a lack of robust design tools that can aid engineers to properly optimize an ASG for a
particular site.

Currently, there have been limited attempts to create predictive ASG performance models.
Müller and Senior [24] created a power model that simplified the turbine geometry by assuming
the helical planes to be two-dimensional surfaces. Their model assumed the weight of the
water trapped between adjacent planes, termed buckets, drove screw rotation. The weight of
the entrapped water created a hydrostatic pressure force across the plane surfaces, generating
a torque. Müller and Senior’s model assumed quasi-static, steady-state flow conditions,
neglecting hydraulic energy losses. Furthermore, the mechanical frictional losses from the
rotational motion were neglected as well. They did, however, attempt to account for losses that
occur due to leakage flow between the screw planes and the containing trough using Nagel’s
[21] empirically based leakage model intended for pumps. While the Müller and Senior model
has limitations, it was the first model to predict ASG performance, and seemed to have general
agreement with the initial experiments conducted by Brada [16].

Rorres [22] more appropriately quantified the three-dimensional geometry of an Archimedes

Screw and identified the optimal filling bucket volumes, but did not connect this geometry to a
power output model. Similarly, Nuernbergk and Rorres [25] extended the geometry model
created by Rorres [22] to predict the inflow head level into an ASG based on flow conditions, but
again, power output was not calculated.

The University of Guelph’s School of Engineering is currently conducting research into the
performance of ASGs, both with operational, grid-connected field units and laboratory scale
models. The intent is to create predictive models that correctly account for the complicated ASG
geometry as well as many of the dynamic energy losses. Lubitz et al. [26] at the University of
Guelph have already created an ASG performance model capable of predicting the potential
power output of an ASG based on its flow conditions and screw geometry. This model predicts
power for varying water levels within the screw, rather than just at optimal filling conditions,
which is important because real-world ASG units are often subjected to a range of flow rates.
The Lubitz et al. [26] model also assumes quasi-static flow conditions. However, this model
was specifically created be used as an engineering design tool. The theoretical model has been
implemented as practical software-based design tool. The Lubitz et al. [26] model currently

predicts flow and power, and incorporates both the dynamics and losses due to gap and
overflow leakage. Research is currently underway using both field ASG units and laboratory
scale models to validate and improve this performance model. Additionally, many of the
dynamic flow effects neglected in previous models are being incorporated and validated. These
effects include entrance and exit hydraulic losses, losses due to varying outlet water conditions,
mechanical friction losses, and complete leakage losses (both gap and overflow).

3.2 Case Study: Fletchers Horse World

The University of Guelph has been involved in the development and testing of an ASG
installation located at Fletcher’s Horse World, on Nanticoke Creek, near Waterford, in southern
Ontario, Canada. The ASG was designed and installed by Greenbug Energy Inc. (Delhi,
Ontario, Canada) in an existing dam and adjacent building. This ASG was the first commercial
ASG installation in North America when it began producing power in September, 2013. The
aesthetic impact is low: there is a small addition on one side of the building, a new inlet near the
dam, and an outfall below the dam where water is returned to the watercourse.

Figure 2. Site of Fletcher’s ASG installation before work began on the site (left) and after
installation was complete (right). The access road is located on the dam crest, and the
pre-existing dam spillway is visible under the roadway on the left side of both images.

Figure 3. Location of the Fletcher’s ASG within the building.

The system was installed in a net-metering configuration due to the large power demands of the
property (which include an indoor equestrian arena). Net-metering essentially allows the owner
to substitute hydropower from the ASG for electricity purchased from the power grid. Therefore
the financial value of the ASG is in reducing costs for electricity purchased from the grid. Each
kWh generated by the ASG is therefore worth the avoided retail cost of buying a kWh from the
grid (which includes connection charges, taxes and other fees in addition to the actual cost of
the electricity). Specifications for the system are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Fletchers ASG Specifications

Parameter Value
Maximum Output 7.2 kW
Grid Connection 240 V single phase net metered
Max. Design Water Flow Rate 536 L/sec
Design Head 1.7 m
Rotation Speed 41 RPM
Screw Diameter 1.32 m
Screw Length 5.2 m

3.3 Potential ASG Deployment

Hydropower output from all operating hydroelectric generating stations in Ontario averaged
approximately 8100 MW in 2013 [7]. This power is primarily produced by OPG’s 65
hydroelectric power stations, which are comprised of 240 dams situated on 24 different river
systems [6]. The province has long sought to increase the power output from its hydro
resources. In 1989, Ontario Hydro issued a Demand/Supply Plan Report that outlined a plan to
increase the hydropower supply by approximately 3500 MW by 2014 [27]. It was intended that
1300 MW of this increase would be developed by the private sector [28]. While the realization
of this goal did not happen, the province reaffirmed this commitment in 2005, again committing
to increase its hydropower output to approximately 9000 megawatts [7]. All of the increases,
however, were for sites with potential power output greater than 1 MW as it was deemed sites
smaller than this were not feasible [28]. It is estimated that approximately 1000 of the 2600
dams located within Ontario are privately owned by individuals, with the remaining dams owned
by the mining industry, Ministry of Natural Resources, OPG, conservation groups and
authorities and municipalities [29]. These often overlooked, privately owned dams for low head
sites creates a unique opening for the private sector to develop these underutilized hydro
resources particularly with ASG technology which is well suited for these sites.

Potential ASG deployment in Ontario were investigated using the Ontario Hydro and Ministry of
Natural Resources Water Potential Site database, which contains land, flow and potential power
assessments for 2084 dam sites and other locations in Ontario [30]. Included in this data set
are the geographical locations of each dam as well as the approximate drainage area, site
head, annual flow predictions, development status, and potential power output. Potential power
outputs for the individual dam sites were determined through the measured head and predicted
annual average flow rates.

Of these 2048, only sites with head less than 5 m and less than 200 kW of generating capacity
were deemed suitable for ASG deployment, since most of the currently existing units in Europe
have been constructed in this range [17]. Additionally, only sites identified with developments
from the past sites were analysed. Using these criterions, approximately 769 sites were

identified as suitable for potential ASG deployment. These sites were comprised of 281
developed and 488 undeveloped sites. Developed sites are sites that currently contain
hydraulic structures such as dams that are either presently functioning, or functioning at some
point in the past. Since ASG deployment would target sites with previously existing dams, only
developed sites were taken into account.

The total power output potential for these possible ASG sites is estimated to be 23 MW. The
power output potential per site ranged from 0.4 kW to 207 kW, with a mean of 59 kW per site.
The average head for these sites was approximately 3.3 meters. Figure 4a shows the locations
of current power generating stations in Ontario. Figure 4b shows the 2048 dam sites in the
Water Potential Site database that are possible locations suitable for ASG deployment.

Figure 4. a) Current location of power generating stations in Ontario, Canada. b) Sites

identified by the Ministry of Natural Resources capable of hydropower generation. Sites
suitable for ASGs are highlighted in green.

Lashofer et al. [17] observed the efficiency of a range of European ASG installations averaged
69%. Using this value, the estimated 23 MW of available energy potential represents 16 MW of
potential electrical power output. While most ASGs units installed to date are less than 200 kW,
preliminary research at the University of Guelph has suggested that ASGs might remain
effective for sites with potential power up to 500 kW. If these sites are included, the power
potential of ASGs in Ontario could be expanded to 28 MW, with an operating output of 19 MW.
It should be noted that these power approximations are subject to the uncertainty in the
estimates of the average annual flow for each site, which can be difficult to predict. Many of the
power output estimates were made using site data that dates back to the 1980s. The hydrology
of many sites has or can be expected to change in the future. With climate change, site
hydrology can be expected to change for many locations with an increase in expected flow due
to increased precipitation and snow melt [31]. Additionally, many sites located in increasingly
urbanized regions, such as southern Ontario, can expect higher average annual flow rates,
particularly during winters due to urban storm water runoff [32].

4. Conclusion

ASGs are a proven hydropower technology appropriate for low head sites. While several
hundred ASGs are deployed in Europe, in Canada, and Ontario in particular, the development
of small-scale hydro sites is underutilized. In Ontario, it is estimated that approximately 16 MW
of low head hydropower power could be generated from ASGs with limited incremental

environmental impact. With the emergence of ASGs, previously overlooked small-scale hydro
sites could become more attractive to developers and land owners as a means of creating clean
energy and economic opportunities. Specifically, ASGs provide a unique opportunity for the
private sector, small dam operators, and individual landowners to utilize existing hydropower
renewable energy, adding a new source of renewable power into Ontario’s energy mix. ASGs
can be developed without many of the environmental impacts that accompany large-scale
hydropower developments since many of the needed dams already exist. Furthermore,
retrofitting already existing dams with ASG units would help improve dam safety, helping to
safeguard property, individuals, and the environment from negative impacts of dam failure.

5. References

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[24] Müller, G., & Senior, J. (2009). Simplified theory of Archimedean screws. Journal of
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[25] Nuernbergk, D. M., & Rorres, C. (2013). Analytical Model for Water Inflow of an
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Engineering, 139(2), 213-220.

[26] Lubitz, W. D., Lyons, M., & Simmons, S. (2014). Performance Model of Archimedes
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Engineering, 140(10).

[27] Ontario Hydro. (1989). Providing the balance of power: Ontario Hydro's plan to serve
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[28] Hatch Acres. (2005). Evaluation and Assessment of Ontario's Waterpower Potential:
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[29] Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC). (2011). Ontario’s Enhanced Dam
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[30] Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). (2004). Waterpower Potential Site
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[32] Lazaro, T. R. (1990). Urban Hydrology (revised edition). CRC Press.

6. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Devon Huang and Sylvia Nguyen for all their help. The authors
would also like to thank Greenbug Energy for their continued support of our projects.

7. Biography

Andrew Kozyn is a Master of Applied Science student at the University of Guelph studying
renewable energy under the supervision of Dr. William David Lubitz. Andrew’s research is
focused on the use of Archimedes screw generators for micro hydroelectric power generation.
Andrew graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Engineering in Water
Resources Engineering in 2012 and a Bachelor of Physical Science in 2014.


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