Truth About Angels

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Oct/Nov/Dec 2015


Prophecy Watch
Spotting a Counterfeit - pg. 20
An Amazing Fact
Did you know that angelfish are one of the most popular
freshwater aquarium fish? They were originally found in
the tropical waters of South America but have since been
bred into a wide variety, including marbles, zebras, and
leopards. Angelfish are carnivorous and become more
territorial and aggressive as they mature. They also breed
for life and can live up to 15 years. Their biological
name, pterophyllum, means “winged leaf,”
but the term “angelfish” caught on as
a nickname for their beautiful
and graceful fins, which
resemble wings.

“And the cherubim

shall stretch out their
wings above, covering the
mercy seat with their wings,
and they shall face one another;
the faces of the cherubim shall be
toward the mercy seat” (Exodus 25:20).
Table of
Prophecy Watch
Spotting a Counterfeit
The Bible warns us to watch out for false prophets in the last
days. How can we identify the genuine from the fake?


6 The Truth About Angels

What does the Bible really teach about angels? In
this eye-opening article about the spiritual realm,
Pastor Doug reveals amazing facts about these
heavenly messengers, facts that will inspire you
about God’s love and that will help you avoid
falling into dangerous spiritual traps.
12 Bible Answers
With whom did Jacob wrestle by the brook—an angel or God?
Do people become angels when they die?

12 10 The Bargain
“I asked God to spare my wife’s life and that I would do whatever
He wanted me to do,” John shared. God answered his plea in a
way he never imagined.

14 The Lord Is Leading in China!

10 14 Our team in China is busy translating sermons, studies, and
more to reach this huge frontier with the gospel. See how God
is opening doors and changing lives through this vital outreach.

24 Man’s Flicker or God’s Flame

One of the last great deceptions before Christ returns is a
counterfeit manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. A classic
24 from the pen of Joe Crews, the ministry’s first director.

4 The President’s Perspective 13 Broadcast Schedule 26 Prophecy Seminars

5 Mail Bag 22 News to Note 28 Special Recognition

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Inside Report 3 4Q 2015

INSIDE REPORT the president’s
President Pastor Doug Batchelor
Doug Batchelor
Managing Editor Copyeditors
Anthony Lester Arlene Clark Laurie Lyon
Assistant Editor Art Design/Layout
Curtis Rittenour Haley Trimmer

Inside Report is a quarterly publication

of Amazing Facts, Inc. Contributors to the
ministry receive the Inside Report for a year
from the date of their most recent gift.
Amazing Facts, a nonprofit ministry, shares
the saving truths of Jesus Christ around the
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Amazing Facts, Inc.

P.O. Box 1058 ow do angel wings work in outer space?” This is one of many
Roseville, CA 95678-8058
Phone: 916-434-3880
cynical questions skeptics might ask in an effort to dismiss
Fax: 916-434-3889 the topic of angels. But while the Bible does not address the
aerodynamic design of angel wings, it does have much to say about these
Visit our website at vital supernatural beings.
God created angels to serve as His messengers. Throughout history! they have provided warnings, protection, and encouragement to His people.
They appeared to Moses, Balaam, Gideon, Manoah, Mary, Elizabeth, Paul,
FREE BIBLE STUDIES Cornelius, and many others. From Genesis to Revelation we see angels
To enroll in our free 27-lesson Bible study, depicted. Angels led Israel, ministered to Elijah, and one decimated the
visit our homepage at
Assyrian army. Daniel was saved from the lion’s den by an angel from God.
and click on “Enroll in Our Free Online
Bible School.” Or to take the free course There are many references to angels in the Gospel accounts as well. More than
by mail, send us your name, address, once Jesus was cared for by ministering angels. Peter was let out of prison by
and phone number and specify that you an angel. And an angel stood by John as he wrote the book of Revelation.
would like to begin the course. (Printed The sentimental idea of angels is very popular around the world and is
lessons are in English and are available
only in Canada, the United States, and found in many religions. Artists have painted them on cathedral walls and on
their territories.) Christmas cards. Television shows portray them as partly human and partly
supernatural. Sadly, it all means that distortions about angels in our culture
ONLINE BOOKSTORE run rampant when compared to how the Bible actually describes these
Visit to discover all
the great Christian resources available
heavenly beings. Do people really become angels when they die?
through Amazing Facts, including books, This issue of Inside Report is dedicated to learning more about these
DVDs, and other products to help you in divine servants from heaven, and the timing couldn’t be more crucial
your walk with Christ and share the good as the devil prepares his final deception. So while I won’t venture to
news with others.
explain the engineering of angel wings, together we will focus on how the
Scriptures reveal the role of angels in the plan of redemption. “Are they
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit
from the New King James Version®. salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). Be blessed and enjoy!
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Inside Report 4 4Q 2015

50 Years!
“It truly is amazing how God blesses! As I received
the Inside Report for September 2015, I compared it
Amazing Facts with a report I have from the old days of Amazing

Facts. I have here the Amazing Facts Newsbeam from
November 1982, entitled “The Search for the True
Church,” by Joe Crews. The Inside Report today tells me

about Heroes of Faith. The Newsbeam tells of Amazing
Facts acquiring a primetime slot on one of America’s
most powerful radio stations. How God has led and
blessed His message and messengers! … Keep up the
good work of spreading the three angels’ messages,
Pastor Doug. Pastor Crews would be so happy if he
knew how Amazing Facts is still saving souls and
Reaching Across the Oceans preparing people for these
“I am a regular listener of Amazing Facts and Doug Batchelor. end times. An old friend
Each subject revealed from the Bible has enlightened
my spiritual eyesight to reach closer to God. I find it very
of Amazing Facts.”
interesting to listen again and again to those amazing facts Geraldine, email
and truths of the Bible. I believe it is the Holy Spirit who moves
us to understand the Word of God. I thank God for using
Pastor Doug as a tool to reveal these truths.” Anand, India
Revelation: The Bride,
the Beast & Babylon
YouTube Outreach Works!
“Thank you for your prophecy
“I stumbled across Pastor Doug Batchelor yesterday afternoon
updates. We are a group of
on YouTube. I have been listening to him since 3:00 pm yesterday.
evangelists who are setting
At the time of writing this comment, it is 3:00 am … and I am
Rome on fire with the love
still listening! He is a great teacher of the Word, and I thank God
of Jesus. We have given out
for him.” Joseph, email
more than 100,000 flyers with a call to obey the Creator and
Savior. We are also giving out The Great Controversy and the
“I wanted Amazing Facts to know that my wife and I were lost
Revelation DVD translated into Italian.” Theresa, Rome
and had no hope left. But from watching these videos from
Expanding Reach Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts, we began to have hope
“I was born into a Sunday-keeping again. From there we did the Amazing Facts Study Guides. As
family and was always confused about we did them, we found a Sabbath-keeping church where we live
the religion. About two years ago my and were baptized in August. I want you to know how much we
wife and I purchased The Prophecy Code, appreciate what you do and that you led us to the truth. Now
but it wasn’t until four months ago that we’re going to witness to the Lord, and we are so very happy!”
the Holy Spirit led me into the study. Todd & Shirley, Arizona
Reading the Bible has changed my life!
My family and I will be [baptized] by Editor’s Note: Every “thank you” from a changed life to
the grace of God in September 2015. I just want to say thank Amazing Facts is really a “thank you” to you, our dear friends
you; studying and reading the Bible has made good things and supporters. We are so grateful for your faithfulness and
happen in our lives.” Eugene, Australia dedication to God’s message through this ministry!

The Inside Report welcomes all correspondence regarding Amazing Facts. Letters and other materials might be
used—in whole or in part and edited for content and clarity—in future ministry publications. If Amazing Facts
has helped change your life for Christ, please write us at!
Inside Report 5 4Q 2015
By Pastor Doug Batchelor

The King of Syria was waging

war against the nation of Israel. He tried often to
attack by surprise, but his army was continually
foiled. Somehow, his top-secret war plans
were being divulged to the king of Israel.
So one day the Syrian king confronted his
generals, saying, “Which of us is for the

king of Israel?” (2 Kings 6:11).
They replied, “None, my lord, O
king; but Elisha, the prophet who
is in Israel, tells the king of Israel
the words that you speak in your
bedroom” (v. 12).
Now enlightened, the king
of Syria decided to kidnap
the Lord’s agent. One night
he sent a large army to
encircle the little town of
Dothan, where Elisha
was staying. Early in
the morning, Elisha’s
assistant arose and
discovered they
were completely
When he saw
the glitter
of armor on
thousands of soldiers and heard the snort of stomping horses, Because, “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who
he rushed to Elisha and cried out, “Alas, my master! What shall fear Him, and delivers them” (Psalm 34:7).
we do?” (v. 15). I also pray that God will open our eyes as we consider what
Elisha walked to the window, perhaps rubbing his eyes the Bible says about these very real but largely unseen beings.
from the sleep, and calmly responded, “Do not fear, for those
who are with us are more than those who are with them” (v. 16). Angels Everywhere
His young assistant must have been bewildered because of the It is probably safe to say that many of us have actually seen
huge army threatening them, but Elisha prayed, “Lord, I pray, these messengers from God but didn’t realize it. The Bible says,
open his eyes that he may see.” God immediately answered “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have
His messenger’s prayer. “Then the Lord opened the eyes of the unwittingly entertained angels” (Hebrews 13:2). Like many
young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of others, I believe I have been providentially protected by angels.
horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (v. 17). But that’s not why I am convinced of their existence. I
Who were these soldiers in chariots of fire? These believe in angels because the Bible plainly teaches that they
supernatural beings that surrounded the town were angels sent exist. From Genesis to Revelation we read all about them. At
from God. King David gives us this clue: “I will not be afraid least 250 Bible passages speak of angels. The last book of the
of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against Bible alone has 80 references. Surely, with so many Scriptures
me all around” (Psalm 3:6). Why could David be so confident? about them, it is a subject worthy of our careful attention.

Inside Report 6 4Q 2015

Both the Hebrew word mal’ak and the Greek word angelos, of God, the devil was empowered to set up his headquarters on
from which we get the word “angel,” simply mean “messenger.” our planet and was given temporary dominion over the earth
Indeed, the word is sometimes used to describe a human who to carry out his rebellion against God. Paul describes their evil
is dispatched as an emissary. People often mistook angels for work against us: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
ordinary people, but these heavenly messengers are greater than but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
mortal beings. And they are not all alike. One class of angels is the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in
called cherubim, such as those who guarded the gates of Eden the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). We are at war with fallen
after Adam and Eve were expelled. These winged angels are angels who daily attempt to thwart God’s will and get us to sin.
also called “watchers.” Another class is called seraphim, which Someday these evil angels, who are very real, will be
means “burning ones.” These celestial beings are often seen destroyed. Jesus spoke of their end in the parable of the sheep
before God’s throne or by prophets while in vision. and goats. “Then He [God] will say to those on the left hand,
Angels are created beings. Some have suggested that the ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared
“sons of God” uniting with the “daughters of men” reference in for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). They also know
Genesis 6:2 is referring to angels. But we know angels cannot their doom is coming. Fallen angels, or demons, would ask
procreate. They are not human. David portrays them as brilliant Jesus if He had “come to torment [them] before the time”
beings created by God, “Who makes His angels spirits, His (Matthew 8:29). Good and bad angels are very real and not
ministers a flame of fire” (Psalm 104:4). Humans, by contrast, just a figment of our imagination. They are like invisible radio
“have been made a little lower than the angels” (Psalm 8:5). waves. Though we cannot see them, they are still all around us.
While created beings, angels are much more powerful than It’s been asked that if God is all-powerful, why doesn’t
earthlings. Peter describes them as being “greater in power He just wipe out all the evil angels with the snap of His divine
and might” (2 Peter 2:11). Did you know that a single angel fingers? It is because His character is at stake. The devil has
destroyed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night? (See 2 Kings leveled dreadful charges
19:35.) When David sinned in numbering Israel, an angel went
through the land as a plague and killed 70,000 men. The Bible
explains, “Then David lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the
Lord standing between earth and heaven, having in his hand
a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem” (1 Chronicles
21:16). This was the work of just one angel.

Good and Evil Angels

Not all angels do the bidding of God. There are good
angels and bad angels. At one time all angels served the Lord,
but the highest angel of heaven, named Lucifer, turned against
God. He became Satan, the enemy, and persuaded a third of the
other angels to join in his rebellion. The Bible says, “War broke
out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon;
and the dragon and his angels fought” (Revelation 12:7). The against God. If the Lord simply incinerates all who call Him
dragon symbolizes the devil, and Michael symbolizes Christ, unfair, it would lead all of His creatures to follow Him out of
the One who is over all the angels. fear instead of serving Him out of love. Trust is the foundation
Seeing this battle helps us understand the root of sin in of true love. The Bible says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and “there
our world. It all began with a single fallen angel. “His tail drew is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (v. 18). Love
a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth” (v. 4). must remain the supreme motive for serving God. So God allows
We are warned, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the Lucifer and his angels to fully demonstrate their character to the
sea! For the devil [and his evil angels] have come down to you, universe before they are punished and annihilated.
having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” Ironically, those who are in the greatest danger of being
(v. 12). The pain and suffering and sin in our world began with influenced by evil angels are those who do not believe they
the fallen angels. When Adam and Eve listened to Satan instead exist. People who laugh at the idea of the devil and his angels
Inside Report 7 4Q 2015
as make-believe ghoulish imps with batwings and horns are Angels also have bodies, although they are not mortal like
more susceptible to his deceptive work. Even the paintings of our own; they live in a dimension we find hard to comprehend.
good angels that look like tiny, unclothed cupids floating on Interestingly, the apostle Paul says that “flesh and blood cannot
clouds are medieval fiction. Angels don’t have little baby angels. inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 15:50). At the
They are large, powerful, and majestic creatures. resurrection we will be given new bodies that, like the angels,
It’s good for us to believe in the wondrous work of heaven’s will never die.
beautiful angels. But it’s equally important for us to be aware We can begin to grasp, in a small way, the realities of
of the evil angels. Jesus told us to pray, “Do not lead us into things unseen by studying the electromagnetic spectrum.
temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” for good reason The visible spectrum are light rays we can see with the naked
(Matthew 6:13). eye—all the colors of the rainbow. We call these wavelengths
“light.” Yet there is a large range of frequencies we cannot
Angelic Abilities see. Scientists long ago discovered the existence of gamma
What are some other capabilities of rays, infrared, microwaves, radio waves, and more.
angels? For one, they are physically We now know there are thousands
brilliant. When Jesus rose from the of frequencies bombarding us
dead, the angel who came from from all around. So, likewise,
heaven had a countenance “like it shouldn’t be too difficult to
lightning” and “clothing as white believe there is a spirit
as snow” (Matthew 28:3). realm that we don’t
Angels are also fast. “The fully understand.
living creatures
ran back
and forth, How many angels
in appearance are there? The Bible
like a flash of lightning” (Ezekiel doesn’t give us an exact
1:14). It reminds me of one of number, but we know
the quickest insects on earth— there are a lot. For
the dragonfly—which has instance, when Jesus
been clocked at more than 30 was arrested in Gethsemane, He said to His fearful
miles per hour; it would be like you disciples, “Do you think that I cannot now pray to My
running at 90 miles an hour! Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of
However, angels are much quicker than dragonflies. angels?” (Matthew 26:53). That would be nearly 80,000 angels!
Heaven’s messengers evidently move faster than the speed Here’s what the apostle John saw in vision: “Then I looked,
of light. Note Daniel’s experience with an angel: “While I was and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the
speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was
vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, reached me ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands”
about the time of the evening offering” (Daniel 9:21). Picture (Revelation 5:11). This terminology in Greek indicates a
what happened: Daniel prayed to God and while he was still number that cannot be counted. Here is the same idea: “But
praying God sent an angel from heaven, thousands of light- you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God,
years away, to Daniel’s side. Now that’s fast! the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels”
Sometimes Scripture refers to angels with wings. When (Hebrews 12:22). Keep in mind that these are references to the
Isaiah saw the Lord in heaven on His throne, he also saw angels. good angels. There are plenty of bad ones out there as well.
“Above it [the throne] stood seraphim; each one had six wings:
with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, Not to Be Worshiped
and with two he flew” (Isaiah 6:2). The cherubim that were Angels are bright, powerful, intelligent, fast, and awesome.
fashioned to be on top of the ark of the covenant in the temple They are individuals with their own unique personalities. But
had wings: “The cherubim shall stretch out their wings above, for all the fascinating qualities of these heavenly beings, the
covering the mercy seat with their wings” (Exodus 25:20). Bible says we are never to worship them. They are part of the

Inside Report 8 4Q 2015

divine order, but they are not divine. As mentioned, angels are created beings. While
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are eternal, angels have a
beginning point. Good angels will live on throughout eternity, but
evil angels have finite lives with a certain ending.
The Bible cautions, “Let no one cheat you of your
reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of
angels” (Colossians 2:18). When an angel appeared
to John, he bowed down to worship. Note the angel’s
response: “See that you do not do that. … Worship
God” (Revelation 22:9).
The Ten Commandments plainly tell us,
“You shall have no other gods before Me”
(Exodus 20:3). That would include angels.
Even praying over images of angels is
prohibited. “You shall not make for
yourself a carved image—any likeness
of anything that is in heaven above, or
that is in the earth beneath, or that is in
the water under the earth; you shall not
bow down to them nor serve them”
(vv. 4, 5).
We know that one angel has demanded
worship. When Satan tempted Christ in the
wilderness, he promised Jesus the whole
world if the Savior would only worship him.
Of course, Jesus refused to comply with the
devil’s invitation. He responded, “Away with
you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship
the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve’ ”
(Matthew 4:10).
Heavenly angels see themselves as our partners in
the plan of salvation. The angel who visited John also said,
“I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets,
and those who keep the words of this book. Worship God”
(Revelation 22:9, emphasis added).

Glorifying God
One of the paramount joys of angels is to glorify God. We see this in
Isaiah 6 and Revelation 7. When the angels came to announce the birth of
Christ to the shepherds, what were their words? “Glory to God in the highest!”
(Luke 2:14). Angels find no greater pleasure, and we were created for the same
purpose. “Therefore,” writes Paul, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). We ought to find our supreme
happiness in glorifying the God who saves, just like the angels.
Angels are ministering spirits who also live to obey God’s will. They constantly
surround the Lord. You can see this symbolized in the earthly temple. It was

(Continued on page 30.)

Inside Report 9 4Q 2015

John and Mary Harder were long-time The Path to Truth
faithful members of a conservative Sunday-keeping God worked a miracle for the couple. After treatment,
church in Manitoba, Canada. For more than 30 years the tumor shrank in size and the doctors were able to
they served in many positions in their congregation and remove it. Mary was on her way to recovery. John explains,
had many friendships. They were both born into their “God had answered our prayers, but now it was our turn
church and never had any intentions of leaving it. to keep our end of the ‘bargain.’ ”
Then tragedy struck. In 2011, Mary was diagnosed John and Mary began searching the Scriptures for
with cancer. At first the doctors were hopeful that she deeper truth. They shared their experiences with others
would recover after treatment. Their church family was as they continued seeking God’s will for their lives. Some
very supportive and prayed that she would beat the Bible passages raised big questions in their minds about
slim chance of survival given her by the caring medical baptism, communion, and the Sabbath.
staff. After the operation, the two spent time with Then one day, in August 2014, they received a flyer in
one another in deep prayer. They believed everything the mail. It was an advertisement for an Amazing Facts
would turn out well. prophecy seminar conducted by evangelist Darrin Bartell.
But the next morning, three doctors met with them John recalls seeing the handbill laying on the counter for
and said the surgery had not gone well. Mary’s tumor a few days. “I studied it some, but then went back to my
was too big to be removed, and if they tried to take it other chores and didn’t pay much attention to it. But in
out she could have bled to death. They told the worried the back of my mind, I wanted to know more.”
couple that her chances for survival had dropped to John got busy with work. He and Mary also went to
just nine percent. “Never have I prayed for God’s mercy meetings at their Sunday church twice a week. But one
like I prayed that day,” John remembers. “I asked God day Mary said to her husband, “John, I’d like to talk to you
to spare my wife’s life and that I would do whatever He about those upcoming meetings.” At first he put her off,
wanted me to do.” but she insisted, so they sat down and carefully studied

Inside Report 10 4Q 2015

the brochure. They finally church,” John admits.
agreed to check the meetings
out in person, though John
God had answered “I had a board meeting
scheduled for the coming
was feeling a bit reluctant. our prayers, but week, and I was to be the
“I assumed we were already chair with the pastor and two
attending the best church now it was our turn other church members.
for us,” he admits. “I have to
thank my wife for being open
to keep our end of A Bold Faith
to this new path we were the ‘bargain.’ In the meantime, John

about to embark on.” called a district leader in his
On a Tuesday evening denomination and asked about
the next month, they drove to the the change of the Sabbath. “He told
church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for their first meeting. me in a few words that it had been
“I thought they would make a few interesting statements, moved to Sunday by the disciples,”
pass the offering baskets to collect money, and we’d go he remembers, “and that he didn’t have a
home,” John says. “Then I’d show Mary where they were problem with it.” Then John decided to call his
wrong. Wow! Was I wrong!” local pastor to arrange a meeting so he could ask him
John says they were “incredibly shocked” because some questions. The pastor insisted on knowing the topic
they decided to double check everything the evangelist and when John said he had some questions about the
stated. “We were very skeptical. We looked everything Sabbath his pastor agreed to talk with him.
up!” And they prayed earnestly to learn the truth. Soon after this John attended the church board meeting.
They kept attending the prophecy meetings and found At the conclusion, the pastor announced before the other
themselves soaking up new light, including a clearer two members that he was ready to talk with John about the
understanding about the Sabbath. Sabbath. John was completely surprised and unprepared.
After attending their first Sabbath service, Mary He had carefully arranged his questions and made notes
wasn’t feeling good about going back to their Sunday- about specific Bible verses but left all of this at home. After
keeping church. “I wasn’t quite ready to leave our old his pastor repeated many of the first-day verses in the
New Testament commonly used to support a change from
Sabbath to Sunday, John did his best to share his newfound
understanding of the Sabbath. His comments were not
received well, and he was called a legalist.
John stood up and said, “I don’t like to call any man
wrong, but I believe you are wrong.” He then politely shook
hands with everyone and left the church. In October, John
and Mary attended their Sunday-keeping church for the last
time. They chose to follow the truth they were learning in
the prophecy meetings with Darrin. On March 14, 2015,
they were baptized into God’s end-time church!
The pathway to truth led John and Mary through
some difficult times, but God was with them every step
of the way. They were determined to keep their end of the
bargain with God. Through Amazing Facts and a loving
church family, they were honest seekers and followed the
light wherever it would lead.

Inside Report 11 4Q 2015

Bible Answers

Q.  ith whom did Jacob wrestle

by the brook—an angel or God?

A. Jacob’s nighttime visitor is typically referred to as a “man” in most translations,

but the NKJV capitalizes the word “Man” because the context indicates that this
celestial being was the Lord. Yes, it first appears that Jacob wrestles with an angel, but
later he says, “I have seen God” (Genesis 32:30) because of what was being said to him.
For instance, this messenger gives Jacob a new name. Only Jesus gives us a new name
(Revelation 2:17), so I believe that Jacob wrestled with the pre-incarnate Son of God.
The Lord comes to visit Jacob, who is fearful that Esau is coming to kill him. More
than a little tense, Jacob prays in the darkness, but someone touches him. He spins
around to overpower the stranger, but the visitor’s inhuman strength reveals this is
not a mere earthling—but God. In the end, the Lord says Jacob has to let go because
the day is breaking (Genesis 30:26).
Jacob answers, “I won’t let you go unless you bless me.” Of course, Jacob isn’t
presuming that he can outwrestle God; instead, he’s pleading for mercy.
The Scriptures say, “No one has seen God at any time” (John 1:18). Yet several
places in the Old Testament indicate people talked to God—such as Moses. After seeing
a messenger from heaven, Manoah and his wife report, “We shall surely die, because we
have seen God!” (Judges 13:22).
Christ existed before His Bethlehem incarnation, which is why He says, “Before
Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). So I believe it was Christ who appeared to these
patriarchs. The member of the Godhead not seen by mortals is the Father; many
people have seen God the Son.
This story of Jacob also implies more than a physical tussle. It was a spiritual battle.
He probably latched onto Jesus’ feet when he realized he could not overcome Him. The
divine touch to his hip would remind him of his dependence on God. He did not lose
in this wrestling match; he truly gained.

Do people become angels when they die?

A. When the apostle Peter was miraculously delivered from prison, the young lady,
Rhoda, who answered the door could hardly believe it was him. In her excitement,
she left Peter locked outside and rushed to tell the others. Since he had been previously
delivered by an angel, the other believers in the house praying for Peter’s release
apparently thought this might be his angel.
It is not strange that these followers of Jesus believed Rhoda saw a spiritual being.
Even Christ’s disciples had moments when they thought they were seeing some type
of spirit. When Jesus came to them on the water during a storm, it says, “When they
saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out” (Mark 6:49).
After the resurrection, Jesus’ appearance alarmed some. “As they said these things,
Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they
Tune in to Bible Answers Live, were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit” (Luke 24:36, 37).
Amazing Facts’ live, nationwide call- Some people believe Acts 12:15 indicates that when people die they immediately
in radio program, and listen to Pastor become angels. During the time between the Old and New Testaments, many interesting
Doug give biblical, straightforward theories about angels were formulated by Jewish teachers.
answers to difficult Bible questions. But the Bible teaches that angels are not of the same order as human beings (Psalm 8:5)
To get times and stations in your area, and existed before people were even created (Job 38:4–7). Before any person ever died
or to listen to answers online, visit angels existed in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24). God has provided each of His children a guardian angel (Matthew 18:10; Psalm 34:7). Someday God’s angels will come and gather
the Lord’s people at the second coming of Jesus (Mark 13:27).
Inside Report 12 4Q 2015
Television and Radio

Watch Amazing Facts Presents on one of our family of networks! You can enjoy Amazing Facts
NATIONAL radio and TV broadcasts at
3ABN Wednesday, 7:00 am & 9:00 pm CT
anytime, day or night!
The Church Channel Monday, 7:00 pm; Saturday, 5:30 pm ET
Discovery Channel Sunday, 7:30 am (All Time Zones)
Hope Channel
Wednesday, 6:00 pm ET
Sunday, 7:00 pm; Friday, 12:30 pm PT
Lifetime Network Sunday, 8:00 am (All Time Zones) Bible Answers Live
Airs weekly on Sunday at 7:00 pm Pacific.
Safe TV Monday, 10:00 am; Wednesday, 9:00 am CT
A live call-in radio program where you
Total Living Network Wednesday, 7:00 pm CT can ask Pastor Doug any Bible question
TBN Thursday, 10:00 pm PT and get a biblical answer in return. Call
The Word Network Sunday, 1:00 pm ET 1-800-GOD-SAYS during program hours
to participate.
Hope Channel
Thursday, 7:00 pm; Friday, 5:00 am; Saturday, 9:00 am CT
Friday, 9:00 pm PT
Watch Bible programming you
Safe TV Friday, 9:00 pm; Saturday, 5:00 am & 7:00 am CT
can trust at
EVERLASTING GOSPEL Streaming online 24 hours a day,
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Hope Channel Sunday, 2:00 am &10:00 am; Saturday, 2:00 am PT
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Safe TV Sunday, 2:00 am & 11:00 am; Saturday, 7:00 am CT even watch on ROKU!

Thursday, 10:00 pm Sunday, 7:30 am

Wednesday, 6:00 pm

Inside Report 13 4Q 2015

The Lord Is Leading in
faithful Sunday-keeping Christian for 30 years, Mr. Wei* would often
be asked to preach at his local church. However, due to conflicts among
the congregation’s leadership, Wei became discouraged and asked
God what he should do. He finally decided to worship at home each week
instead, and soon others in his village joined him.
One day a woman in his group told him about a church that worshiped
on Saturday mornings in another village. Mr. Wei invited this church to send
Bible teachers to his home church. They brought with them videos of Pastor
Doug Batchelor and played them for the group. Mr. Wei heard the powerful
Sabbath truth, was deeply convicted, and was soon baptized into the church.
He continued his home church, but now it met in honor of the true Sabbath.
When Mr. Wei’s daughter learned of this change in her father, she
believed he had made a big mistake. He would lovingly share the Bible
truth with her whenever possible, but her church members warned her
not to be deceived. Ms. Wei felt confused and asked God to lead her.
“One day,” she explains, “while I was surfing the Internet, I found
a program called Cosmic Conflict. It was the first time I had ever heard
someone preach so clearly about spiritual warfare. After that, I saved
the Amazing Facts website in my favorites and began watching other
programs. I later purchased some of the Christian books recommended
on the site and then began attending a Sabbath-keeping church.”
Ms. Wei shares, “As time passed, more and more people joined my
father’s home church. His house could not hold many people, so he decided
to build a church. Last year he constructed a two-story church. To God be
the glory!” Then she adds, “But my father is getting old, so he is praying
for someone to continue this work. Recently a 30-year-old man joined. He
didn’t come from another denomination but only learned about God from
the Chinese Amazing Facts website. After watching all of Pastor Doug’s
sermons he has become an earnest and loyal worker. God is so good!”

A Growing Work
The Wei story is only one of the many exciting reports that come in
to our Amazing Facts Chinese Internet website. This year we know of 54
precious souls who have been added to God’s kingdom through baptism
or by profession of faith; their first contact with the remnant church came
through videos and printed materials from our website, which you’ve made
possible through your faithful gifts. Because of religious oppression, there
are certainly many more new believers we don’t know about,
but the Lord knows!
Our team in China is busy translating sermons,
studies, and booklets into Mandarin in order to
reach this last frontier with the gospel. Over 60 percent
of China’s 1.3 billion people are atheists. But through
generous supporters, the message is reaching them. The
Inside Report 14 4Q 2015
government, of course, is very restrictive with Christian
programming on the radio and TV, but the Lord has opened
the way through our website called—
that’s “Amazing Facts” in Mandarin.
Seekers are being reached, like Ms. Ma, a 52-year-old
“One day I found a link to a Christian
woman who had been attending a Catholic Church for the
website that spoke about the end of
past three years. She discovered our web page and began
time. I hoped it would have Chinese
watching our programs every single day. “I’ve watched all
subtitles since my English is not very
the videos you have. I just love them!” she writes. When
good. I was so happy to discover
she became convinced about the Sabbath, she was sad
everything on
because she couldn’t find a Sabbath-keeping church in her
was in Chinese! I turned away from
area. Then one of our website evangelists guided her to one
God years ago, but after watching
close by and she tells us, “I’ve finally found a church home.
Pastor Doug preach on the return
Hallelujah! May more and more people in darkness find
of the prodigal son I broke down
the light of truth.”
and wept. After 19 years I came back
In just the first half of 2015, our team has translated
into the Lord’s arms, and I will never
and uploaded 17 new videos and is working on a new
leave Him again.” —Mr. Jhiang
smartphone app to make it easier for believers in China
looking for tools to help them grow in faith. After
sharpening our “key word” advertising, Internet traffic has
gone up with almost 200,000 visits and over 650,000 pages Ms. Ben found her questions answered when she “accidentally”
viewed during the summer months. That’s an increase of found our Chinese website. Though raised a Christian, she left the
37 percent! church for a decade, but then “stumbled” upon the Amazing Facts
Chinese website and began watching Pastor Doug. She says, “I
More Lives Changed found his sermons totally different from the ones I used to listen
One of those who visited our website was a young man to.” After learning about the Sabbath, she requested help in finding
named Mr. Jin, who lives in Korea. He first learned about a church. An Amazing Facts web evangelist helped her find one
God while in middle school but wandered from the Lord and on August 8, 2015, she was re-baptized. “I want to thank the
in high school when he began selling phones to his fellow Amazing Facts workers for your website!”
students. He earned lots of money and began hanging out Not everyone touched by our Chinese site is from the
with the wrong crowd. But his business fell on hard times, Far East. We recently heard from a Sabbath-keeping pastor in
and his fair-weather friends left him. He moved to a new Southern California about an 80-year-old woman who learned
city to start fresh but could only find night work. about the Sabbath truth from watching programs on our website.
“One night,” he told us, “I got home late from work and She became so convicted by what she heard that she found this
couldn’t sleep. I started browsing YouTube on my phone and pastor and invited him to join their Bible study group. After just
found Pastor Doug’s video, ‘The Last Kingdom.’ It reminded two months, all eight class members have now become members
me of what I once learned in church. So I began watching of his church! Praise the Lord!
Amazing Facts videos every day, and it is changing my In the last quarter of this year, our Amazing Facts team in
life.” Mr. Jin is now seeking to conduct his business God’s China plans to produce eight more videos, print three books,
way. “Thank you,” he shares, “for” and launch the smartphone app to help spread the three angels’
Our primary connection with these seekers is through messages. Please pray and support our work in reaching the
our online and email correspondence. Over 12,000 different millions of people who speak Mandarin and who do not know
people have submitted personal or Bible questions this Christ as their personal Savior.
year and it has kept our Amazing Facts Internet evangelists
busy. In fact, we’re looking for another worker to keep up *All personal names and location names have been changed to
with the growing demands. protect believers.
Inside Report 15 4Q 2015
Featured Resources
from Amazing Facts
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Mary Magdalene, Peter, Rahab, Naaman, and many others. Discussion questions in each chapter
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800-538-7275 • BIBLES • BOOKS • DVDS • EBOOKS • AUDIO Inside Report 19 4Q 2015

Prophecy Watch

ust about anyone can steal cash; it doesn’t
necessarily take much skill. But to create
counterfeit money requires a great deal of
finesse. Printing fake bills is as much an
art as it is a crime. It used to be much easier to
get away with it, but the U.S. Federal Reserve
keeps adding security measures to stop
Do you have a bogus bill? Some quick
tips can help you know if you’re holding
fraudulent money. For instance, you can tell

Spotting a
the difference between a genuine bill and
a fake one often by touch. The texture of
real money is crisp because it is made from
cotton and linen fibers. It’s less likely to feel
soft and worn. Genuine money is also thinner

and might also contain a security thread,
watermark, micro-printing, and will reveal a
specific color under an ultraviolet light.
Counterfeiting is about trickery. More than any
other point made in Jesus’ statements about the end
of time, Matthew 24 rings with warnings regarding
deceit. When asked about earth’s final events, Christ’s
first words were: “Take heed that no one deceives you”
(Matthew 24:4, emphasis added). Again, in verse 11,
Jesus says, “Then many false prophets will rise up and
deceive many.” He also warns of false christs and false
prophets in verses 23 to 28.
Why this emphasis on deception? Because but also carrying messages of
dishonesty will be a serious risk factor as Christ’s warning to individuals, groups,
return approaches. Jesus knows the devil will offer up or even nations.
many pretenders. False prophets might look and sound like bona God’s messengers are not controlled by what people want
fide seers, but outward appearances can fool you. “Beware of false to hear. They obediently communicate a message from the
prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they Lord no matter how it could be received. Paul explained to the
are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15). Spotting a counterfeiter church in Galatia, “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do
requires an educated eye. I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be
a bondservant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10). Real prophets are
The Role of Prophets not people pleasers.
Christ’s warning about false prophets actually tells us that Of course, a true prophet always speaks the truth. This is
the Lord has genuine messengers gifted by the Holy Spirit. A illustrated in the experience of Ahab when he called for the
true prophet is one sent by God to deliver messages. The word prophet Micaiah. The king hated this messenger, “because
“prophet” comes from two Greek words—pro, which means he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil” (1 Kings
“before,” and phemi, which means “to speak.” A prophet is a 22:8). Even when Micaiah spoke with tongue in cheek, Ahab
spokesperson for God, sometimes foretelling future events, snapped, “How many times shall I make you swear that you

Inside Report 20 4Q 2015

tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord?” (v. 16).
Even a wicked king knew God’s prophets did not lie.

Testing Prophets
The apostle John echoed Jesus’ warning about false proph-
ets. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits,
whether they are of God; because many false prophets have Very Convincing
gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). The church in Ephesus The devil is adept at deceit, and he knows that in order to
guarded against dishonest prophets. John quotes Jesus as say- convince people to follow him, he must come as close as possible
ing, “I know your works … that you cannot bear those who are to the genuine. In other words, he must look like Christ. He will
evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and use sleight of hand to fool as many as he can. Jesus warned, “For
are not, and have found them liars” (Revelation 2:2). false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and
The Bible provides us with ways to determine if a person wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).
is truly speaking on behalf of God. There are four tests of a Christ showed signs and wonders in His ministry on the
true prophet found in Scripture: earth. Peter proclaimed, “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of
Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and

1 The prophet’s personal life will exemplify

the teachings of the Bible. Jesus said, “You
signs which God did through Him in your midst” (Acts 2:22). The
difference between these signs is their source.
will know them by their fruits” (Matthew Before Christ returns, the devil will use miracles to deceive
7:16). If someone claims to be a prophet the world. Speaking of Satan’s final work in the last days, the
yet breaks God’s law, you can know he or Bible says, “He performs great signs, so that he even makes
she is a counterfeit. fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”
(In other words, he seeks to pretend to be like Elijah.) “And he

2 The messages are in harmony with the Bible.

“To the law and to the testimony! If they do
deceives those who dwell on the earth—by those signs which
he was granted to do in the sight of the beast” (Revelation 13:13,
not speak according to this word, it is because 14). Someday, Satan himself will claim to be God. Through great
there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). If miracles he will try to gain the world’s loyalty.
a person declares to have new light that Building your faith on signs and wonders creates false
supersedes Scripture, it is not light at all. security. Jesus warned that faith based solely on miracles is
actually weak. He once told a nobleman whose son was sick,

3 God’s prophets lift up Jesus as the Son of God

and the Savior of the world. “By this you know
“Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no
means believe” (John 4:48). When some scribes and Pharisees
the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses approached Jesus and asked Him to show them a sign, He
that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of answered, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign”
God” (1 John 4:2). A true prophet sees Jesus as (Matthew 12:39, emphasis added).
more than a good man: as divine and eternal. A true prophet might perform signs, but it is not solely on the
basis of a miracle that he or she is authenticated. Other tests must be

4 Predictions made by a true messenger of God are considered. What is the message of this prophet? What are the fruits
fulfilled. “As for the prophet who prophesies of of his or her life and work? Do they uphold Jesus as the Christ and
peace, when the word of the prophet comes to do their predictions come true? These are the security measures that
pass, the prophet will be known as one whom determine whether a prophet is genuine or counterfeit.
the Lord has truly sent” (Jeremiah 28:9). If their Let’s watch and be faithful through careful study of the Bible
prediction does not come to pass, you can know so we will be able to distinguish the genuine from the false as we
they are not speaking for God. approach the return of Jesus.
Inside Report 21 4Q 2015
Pastor Doug in Your Inbox Upcoming AFCOE Events
Would you like to see more of your gifts to Amazing Facts go In 2016, the AFCOE team will
directly toward evangelism? You can when you sign up to receive travel the world to train thousands
Pastor Doug’s monthly newsletter through email! You’ll save the of people to more effectively share the
cost of a stamp and put more funds into soul-winning resources, everlasting gospel in their communities.
events, and media through Amazing Facts. Here are upcoming dates to keep your eye on; visit
It’s easy to sign up too! Just go to, to learn more details as they become available!
click the tab, “About Us,” and choose “Email Subscriptions.” Select
the “Amazing Facts Monthly Newsletter” and then hit “submit.” • Jan. 8–10: AFCOE to Go
And that’s all you need to do. in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Simple! Right? • Jan. 24–Feb. 19: AFCOE in Cape Town, South Africa
There are other print resources • Feb. 21–27: AFCOE to Go in Durban, South Africa
you can receive via email, including
the colorful and inspirational Inside • Feb. 26–28: AFCOE to Go in Johannesburg,
Report magazine you now hold in South Africa
your hands. Check it out today! • April 8–10: AFCOE to Go in Fallbrook, California
• March 21–26: AFCOE to Go and prophecy seminar
Congratulations Bible School in Charlotte, North Carolina
and Correspondence Departments!
The Amazing Facts Bible School made history in August 2015, A Fair Report
graduating a record-breaking 524 students. Never have they had John and Sheryl Hersom recently shared how God blessed
so many graduates in a single month. Carolyn Moxley, Bible school their Amazing Facts literature distribution booth at the Acton
director, and her team give all the praise to our gracious God. Fair in Maine.
The correspondence department also reports exponential Over a period
growth this year. The number of mailed letters written in August of four days in
was 218 percent more than the same month a year ago. Cyndee August, they gave
in correspondence shares, “This is very exciting because it means out 400 copies
more people’s hearts are being touched with God’s truth!” Thank of Revelation:
you for supporting these powerful ministries! The Bride, the
Beast & Babylon,
Govorite li bŭlgarski? 500 copies of
In fulfillment of carrying the Cosmic Conflict,
everlasting gospel to every tongue 500 copies of Final Events, and 400 copies of Landmarks of
(Revelation 14:6), we are busy Prophecy. The couple reports, “We had contacts with people
translating sharing books into new who have watched Pastor Doug on cable TV, including four
languages. We’ve recently added several pastors and police officers.” After planting these gospel seeds,
to our media library in Bulgarian. Slava na Boga! (Praise the Lord!) they are praying for the Holy Spirit to convict those who are
And if you do mission work in northeastern India, Burma, or the seeking for truth. If you’d like resources for setting up a booth
Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, you’ll be excited to know with posters, banners, and discounted quantities of Amazing
that our Storacles of Prophecy Bible lessons have been released in Facts materials, contact us at 916-434-3880.
the Zomi language. You can find them in our online media library.
And if you know of any other translations of our Study Guides,
Storacles, or pocket books into other languages, please contact Want more ministry news? so we can include them too! Get it at
Inside Report 22 4Q 2015
Running Over!
Peter and Eleanor have given
many faithful years to serving God’s church and have been
energetic volunteers here at Amazing Facts headquarters.
But their devotion to sharing Bible truth goes even further.
“We feel Amazing Facts’ messages are right on target,”
Eleanor shares, “and we want to help advance the gospel.” So
the two worked closely with our planned giving department
to establish a soul-winning gift annuity, a practical and
mutually beneficial way to support Amazing Facts’ work of
spreading the everlasting gospel—while also receiving a tax
deduction and a lifetime income.
They took another step of faith recently to support the
Revelation DVD project, which has been seen by millions all
around the world. “We cashed in one of our annuities here to don’t need the income.” Because of God’s blessing, they were
help advance this outreach. … able to make this significant contribution right away.
We didn’t want to tie up those “The gift annuity program is a wonderful way to
funds in an annuity if we support the mission of Amazing Facts if you would like
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Editor’s Note: As part of Amazing Facts’ 50th

anniversary celebration, we remember the
towering influence of Joe Crews, the ministry’s
first speaker. This classic article uncovers a
deception of Satan just before Christ’s return …

ONE of the clearest last-day signs
revealed in the Bible is the build- FLICKER
up of spiritual and demonic forces for a final all-out
struggle that will settle the destiny of every living soul.

God and Satan will meet in the climactic confrontation
of Armageddon, and the age-long controversy between
good and evil will be resolved for all eternity.

The Bible indicates that Satan will work feverishly
through all the artful devices that appeal to the human mind,
seeking to deceive the whole planet into his camp. John says that
he “has come down ... having great wrath, because he knows that
he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12). In preparation for this
encounter, which he has been planning for ages, the adversary
will manipulate both political and religious forces. The ultimate
goal of the devil is to make people sin, because sin is the only
thing that will keep anyone out of heaven. and establish some other authority that would still retain a
The focus of the final contest will be over obedience to respectable Christian image.
God’s great moral law. Satan despises the government of heaven In order to encompass all churches and faiths, the
and its law. He broke the concord of angels long ago by charging program would have to be outside of any doctrine, prophetic
God with requiring too much. He accused God of being unjust interpretation, or standards of living, since these would produce
by demanding obedience to a law that could not be kept. Ever only division and disagreement. It is not hard to see that all these
since that time he has tried to make his accusations come true elements would have to be incorporated into any vast trickery to
by leading people to break that law. For non-Christians the devil unite Christians in disobeying the Ten Commandments.
had no problem whatsoever, but how could he unite all the great
religious bodies in a program of disobedience? Are Miracle-Workers of God?
Obviously, some scheme would have to be devised that Now let’s study the actual inspired description of how
would make Christians comfortable in their transgression, these conditions will prevail at the end of the age. Incredibly,
which could be spread in the name of Christ, and which would the deceptive powers of the master counterfeiter will achieve
operate across all the boundaries of denomination and creed. all these objectives.
Somehow, the plan would have to destroy the traditional First, notice that Jesus confirmed how many would disobey
view of the Bible as the final authority in matters of faith, His law in the name of religion: “Not everyone who says to Me,

Inside Report 24 4Q 2015

‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does The most serious mistake anyone can make is to reject
the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that the guiding, convicting influence of the Spirit as He seeks to
day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out lead into obedience to God’s law. The principle was eternally
demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ settled by Luke when he wrote under inspiration, “We are His
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom
Me, you who practice lawlessness’ ” (Matthew 7:21–23). God has given to those who obey Him” (Acts 5:32).
Try to understand the alarming significance of those
words. These people were making great claims of being
Christians, even to exercising the extraordinary power of “We are His witnesses to
prophesying and casting out devils. They did these miracles in
these things, and so also
the name of Jesus. But Jesus said He did not even know them;
so they were not exercising the apparent spiritual gifts through is the Holy Spirit whom
the power of Christ. Then who gave them the supernatural God has given to those
power to do such miracles? There are only two sources of such who obey Him”
power—God and Satan. Since Jesus called them practitioners —Acts 5:32
of “lawlessness,” they had to be healing and prophesying in the
power of Satan, the author of iniquity.
This establishes that there will be counterfeit manifestations
of the gifts of the Spirit in the last days. Outwardly they will
appear exactly like the genuine gifts, and will be performed in
Jesus’ name in the atmosphere of religious fervor. Then how
can one tell the difference between the true and the false? Jesus
made it very clear. Although they cried, “Lord, Lord,” they were
not doing the will of the Father in heaven. What is the will of
God? David answers, “I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy
law is within my heart” (Psalms 40:8). The people who appealed How clearly we can now see why the miracle-workers
to Jesus on the basis of their many wonderful miracles were were turned away by Jesus as practitioners of lawlessness;
rejected by Him as Satan’s workers because they were breaking having rejected the will of the Father, His law, they lost access
God’s law. They really did not know Jesus, because to know Him to the power of the Holy Spirit. At that point Satan stepped
is to obey His commandments. (See 1 John 2:3, 4.) in to supply a continuation of power by producing the same
apparent miracles as the Holy Spirit produced.
Only the Obedient are Spirit-Filled Lulled into a fatal blindness by grieving the Spirit that
This brings us to another truth concerning obedience: convicted them of disobedience, the professed Christians lost
Only those who are obedient can be filled with the Spirit. This their sensitivity to the violation of God’s holy law. Under the
means that the spiritual gifts cannot be demonstrated in the exciting emotional stimulus of Satan’s spirit they continued to
life of one who is breaking God’s law. Jesus said, “If you love exercise a counterfeit religious power, based on feeling rather
Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and than the authority of the Word of God.
He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you Untold numbers of sincere Christians are being led to
forever” (John 14:15, 16). believe that God’s Spirit and approval can rest upon those who
The sequence is distinctly set forth in this text: Love leads transgress His law. Man’s flicker has been mistaken for God’s
to obedience and obedience leads to the filling of the Spirit. No flame, and the world is being prepared to make the wrong
one should overlook the relationship between obedience and choice when the Sabbath-obedience issue climaxes. May we be
the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The most basic fact about the spared from such an error by trusting the Word alone as our
Spirit is that He leads into all truth and convicts of sin. “But the infallible guide.
Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name,
He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all Read the complete pocket book at our online Free Book Library,
things that I said to you” (John 14:26). available only at
Inside Report 25 4Q 2015
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many seminars and revivals throughout Cariboo Memorial Recreation
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Inside Report 26 4Q 2015


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Inside Report 27 4Q 2015

In Loving Memory
Edna Abrams from Paul Abrams, her husband
Douglas Ackermann from June Ackermann, his wife

Lewis Bame from Nancy Bame, his wife

Jane Bowe from Stephen and Charlene Clegg
Edwin Bowen from June Ackerman

Dionicia Cabrales from Tess Wergeland, her mother

Melanie Chrestionson from Don and Dee Schlegel,
her uncle and aunt
Carl Coffman from Farrel and Bobbie B.
Joe Crews from Lu Ann Crews, his wife; from Mark Dix
Carlton Cronin from Carolyn Cronin
Forrest Cross from June Cross, his wife

Everett Dickerson from Yvonne Dickerson, his wife

Roy Drusky from Claudie English
Edith Durham from Anita Lowe, her daughter
Myron Durham from Anita Lowe, his sister
Warren Durham from Anita Lowe, his daughter

Virginia Eichele from Eldon and Evelyn Allram

Suzanne (nee Ellis) from Jean Felton

Dorsett Feyen from Albert and Margaret Marion

Lou Fogg from June Ackermann
Jewel and Ruth Foutch from Frank and Gayle Tyroff

Inside Report 28 4Q 2015

Ona Lee Glidden from Arnold Glidden, John and Thelma Lamberton Gerald Silvestri from John and Anita
her husband from Al Wiggins Silvestri, his parents
Allen Goede from Jeanette Bigsby, Gerald D. Lammerding from Bonnie and Ed Ann Simpkins from Frank and Gayle Tyroff
his sister Ensminger, his sister and brother-in-law Max Singhurst from Henry and Betty Craig
David Lazarus from Janet Herring, his sister
Suzie Hainer from Evelyn Eaton; William Lowe from Anita Lowe, his wife James and Evelyn Thomas from Mary Ann
from Jackie Sue Hoskins Homer Lynd from Teresa Lynd Jimenez, their daughter
Maurice Hansen from Eldon and Evelyn James M. Thomas from Mary Ann Jimenez
Allram Manuel Matson from Albert Wiggins his sister
Jim Hardt from Ann Hardt, his wife Sharon Miller from Olga Rodin Wayne Thompson from Al Wiggins
Walter and Opal Hasty from Dorothy Davis, Anne Tyroff from Frank and Gayle Tyroff
their daughter Don Owsley from Jim and Judy Culpepper
Thelma Herzberg from Michael and Loren Urban from Emily Urban, his wife
Debra Fechik Pedro Perales from Jim and Judy Culpepper
Melinda Sutton Hill from Jim and Pastor Earl Prest from Marty and June Lammerding Wesner from Bonnie
Judy Culpepper Debbie Varsubsky and Ed Ensminger, her sister and
Dwight Hornbacher from Eloraine Herb Pritchard from Mr. and brother-in-law
Hornbacher, his wife Mrs. Wendel Nickerson Drew Whitfield from his grandmother
Warren Huntington from Marjorie White Dad and Mrs. M.L. Wisbey from Al Wiggins
Linda Paulsen Romas from Don and
Michael Ikeda from Jutta Ikeda-Mackay, Dee Schlegel, her uncle and aunt Happy Anniversary
his mother Fred Romero Sr. from Fred Romero Jr., his son Doug and Karen Batchelor (25th) from
Lorenzo Ruiz from Myrtha Urrutia Bonnie and Ed Ensminger, their parents
C. L. Jackson from Laura Jackson Harry and Irma Rushold from Marlin
and Udene Allen, their children Happy Birthday
Doug Kirby from Marty and Karyn Powell from John Powell,
Debbie Varsubsky Don Sandstrom from Hildegard Sandstrom, her husband
Ron Knickerbocker from Doreen Liem his wife Zoe Richards from Anthony Lester
Tom Kopko from Doris Kopko, his wife Floyd Scott M.D. from Vonsella Scott, his wife and Haley Trimmer
Eugene Krause from Karen Snyder, Bill Seth from Elder and Mrs. Arden Mote Abe Sanchez from Bonnie and Ed Ensminger
his daughter Norman Sharp from Dr. William and Cheryl
James Krueger from Judy Naumann Dillard; from Jean Fenton; from Margaret
Jim Krueger from Eldon and Evelyn Allram; Henry; from Gary and Pauline Matthews;
from Alan Butts from Marylin Yetter

Amazing Facts recognizes contributions made as a tribute to those

who have passed away or as an honorarium celebrating significant
milestones in the lives of loved ones. Please type or print legibly to
ensure correct spelling; we are unable to verify spellings due to volume.

Inside Report 29 4Q 2015

“Do not forget to
(Continued from page 9.) entertain strangers,
a miniature model of the heavenly sanctuary. When God for by so doing some
instructed Moses to build a sanctuary in the wilderness, angels
adorned the temple. Angels were placed over the ark. Angels
have unwittingly
were embroidered into the curtains and engraved in the golden entertained angels”
walls of the holy place. They were everywhere. In reality, angels
surround God’s throne in heaven waiting to do His bidding.
The angels are especially interested in the plan of salvation
for our lost world. Peter speaks of our salvation as “things
which angels desire to look into” (1Peter 1:12). This host of
heaven is God’s army ready to do battle for our redemption.
They participate in saving us from destruction. “Are they not
all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will
inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). What an encouragement to
know that these divine agents are sent to serve us!

A brief reference made by Jesus about angels shows how
each one of us has at least one of these guardians of heaven Hebrews 13:2
watching over us. Christ said, “Take heed that you do not
despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven
their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven” comforted Jesus after 40 days of fasting in the wilderness and
(Matthew 18:10). Even the weakest Christian has the assurance in Gethsemane. Angels are all through the Bible.
that “their angel” has access to God. Pastor John G. Paton, a pioneer missionary in the New
David affirms the defense of angels when he writes, “Bless Hebrides Islands, told a thrilling story involving the protective
the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, care of angels. A hostile, man-eating tribe surrounded his mission
heeding the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, headquarters one night, intent on burning the Paton family out
you ministers of His, who do His pleasure” (Psalm 103:20, 21). and killing them. John Paton and his wife prayed all during that
Most comforting are David’s words of the protective care terror-filled night that God would deliver them. When daylight
angels provide God’s children. came they were amazed to see that, unaccountably, the attackers
had left. They thanked God for delivering them.
A year later, the chief of the tribe was converted, and Mr.
“Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Paton, remembering what had happened, asked the chief what
even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil had kept him and his men from burning down the house. The
shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your
chief replied in surprise, “Who were all those men you had
dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you,
with you there?”
to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall
The missionary answered, “There were no men there; just
bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
my wife and I.” The chief argued that he had seen many men
You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young
standing guard—hundreds in shining garments with drawn
lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot”
swords in their hands. They seemed to circle the mission station
(Psalm 91:9–13).
so that the tribe was afraid to attack. Only then did Mr. Paton
realize that God had sent His angels to protect them.
There are so many inspiring references to angels in the We are not alone in this world. Heavenly beings observe
Bible. We could go on for hours about the stories of these everything we do. Not only do they protect us, but they
heavenly beings in the Bible who visited Hagar, Lot, and Jacob, cooperate with God in guiding us into truth when we stray.
who fed Elijah, who saved Daniel in the lion’s den, who spoke Someday we will meet them face to face. I’m looking forward to
with Zechariah, who announced good news to Mary, who meeting my guardian angel; aren’t you? While we should never
freed Peter from prison, who guided Philip to an Ethiopian, worship them, we certainly should thank God for angels who
who encouraged Paul in a sinking ship, and who even live to serve our fallen world.

Inside Report 30 4Q 2015

“For I know the
thoughts that I
Abused. Forsaken. Despondent. She has given up think toward you,
all hope. Nobody believes in her. Nobody listens.
Nobody seems to care. She is desperate, even says the Lord,
ready to give up on life. Why go on? thoughts of peace
If only she could meet the One who has always and not of evil, to
loved her, has never abandoned her. Jesus alone give you a future
offers her the promise of a better future. But who
will make known to her the Prince of Peace? and a hope.”
—Jeremiah 29:11
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