Elementary Test - 2 A Benemerito Juarez Institute: Instructions

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- Verb to be: questions and negatives

- Short answers - Prepositions -Possessive ‘s ELEMENTARY TEST – 2 A

- Opposite adjectives - The family
- Food and drink Benemerito Juarez Institute


Read carefully the following reagents and select the correct option.
1) “_____ her name Eliza?” 9) “_____ her surname 17) It _____ Monday today.
“No, _____ .” Smith?” a) is
a) What / it isn’t “No, it _____ .” b) am
b) Is / she isn’t a) What / isn’t c) are
c) Is / it is not b) Is / is d) *
d) Is / it isn’t c) Is / isn’t 18) This is the photo _____ my
2) Is your surname Anderson? d) Are / isn’t family.
a) Yes, you are. 10) “Are you a student?” a) in
b) Yes, it is. “Yes, I _____ .” b) at
c) Yes, I am. a) am c) of
d) Yes, my is. b) have d) on
3) “Is she American?” c) is D) ‘m not 19) It’s good practice _____
“No, _____ .” 11) “_____ you from you.
a) hers isn’t Barcelona?” a) for
b) she isn’t “No, I’m not.” b) at
c) she is not D) she her a) Is c) of
isn’t b) Are d) in
4) “____ their names Jack & c) Do 20) I’m _____ home.
Benny?” d) Where a) in
“Yes, _____ .” 12) “_____ you married?” b) on
a) Are / they are “No, I _____ .” c) at
b) Aren’t / there are a) Aren’t / am d) from
c) Am / their b) Are / am 21) I’m _____ La Guardia
d) Is / they’re c) Is / am not Community College.
5) “Is your dog 2 years old?” d) Are / ’m not a) in
“Yes, _____ .” 13) “_____ is Brenda?” b) on
a) it’s “She’s Patrick’s wife.” c) at
b) dog is a) What d) of
c) it is b) Who 22) I’m _____ New York.
d) its c) Which a) in
6) “Is your elder brother d) Where b) for
married?” 14) My teacher’s name _____ c) at
“No, _____ .” John. d) of
a) brother isn’t a) are 23) I’m _____ a class _____
b) he isn’t b) is eight other students.
c) he is not c) am a) in / for
d) she isn’t d) not b) at / of
7) “Are you from Senegal?” 15) Marcus and Carlos _____ c) in / with
“No, _____ .” my brothers. d) at / off
a) I’m not a) is 24) I live _____ an apartment
b) I amn’t b) am _____ two American boys.
c) I are not c) are a) in / of
d) I not d) be b) at / with
8) “_____ Martha English?” 16) My mother and father _____ c) in / with
“Yes, she _____ .” at work. d) of/with
a) Is / isn’t a) is 25) Central Park is lovely _____
b) Are / is b) am the snow.
c) Is / is c) are a) at
d) Are / is d) * b) in
c) of
d) with
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