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Assessing the provision of ICT for Inclusion: 6 in a set of 8

Communication and interaction difficulties

A guide to identifying ICT provision to help pupils with

communication and interaction difficulties

This guide suggests where ICT may help and points you to the main sources of advice and
information available in this area. It is not exhaustive but a starting point on where to get help.

Pupils may have communication and interaction difficulties for a range of reasons. They may have
autistic-spectrum disorders, sensory or physical impairment, or speech and language delay. Their
difficulties may arise from general learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as
dyslexia. The communication difficulty may be in the area of writing or speech.

Does the communication difficulty lie in speaking?

Consider whether the learner would benefit from using augmentative and alternative communication

• Seek advice on whether a VOCA (voice output communication aid) is needed. A VOCA is
a device that stores speech that can then be used for communicating. There is a wide
range of VOCAs. The simplest has just one recorded message that you activate by
pressing it, while the most complicated have many areas, each with a different
message, and several layers of messages.
• Investigate the benefits of using a sound-activated switch. This can encourage children to
vocalise. Using suitable software and blowing or speaking into the microphone, they
can change a picture on the screen or create patterns in response to their voices.

Does the communication difficulty lie in writing?

The table below highlights some of the ICT devices that can help with written communication.

Type of ICT Benefits of use

Portable dedicated This is lightweight and has a long battery life. All machines offer spell-checking
word processor facilities, and word prediction can be included. Work can be printed out directly or
transferred to a desktop computer for further editing.
Portable computer This will be heavier, more expensive and have a shorter battery life than a portable
word processor. However, it may be necessary if the pupil needs additional
facilities such as word banks or speech feedback.
Desktop computer This may be necessary if the pupil has physical, sensory or other additional needs.
Hand-held spellchecker This gives the learner access to an electronic dictionary – some also include a
thesaurus and definitions.
Speech recognition This requires a computer and special software to convert the spoken word into text.
system It is particularly useful for older pupils with dyslexia.
Overlay keyboard As a simplified keyboard, this is valuable for anyone confused or distracted by the
keys on a standard keyboard. Learners with writing difficulties can be helped to
produce text by using an overlay prepared with key words and phrases for the task.
Visual clues can be added to give extra support. The writer then enters text by
pressing appropriate areas of the overlay.

© Becta 2002 page 1 of 3

published March 2002
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Does the difficulty lie in interaction?

A computer can offer some learners with autism a successful channel of learning on which they can
focus without distraction. It can also offer the means by which teachers and other learners can join
them in their focus of interest.

Mind-mapping software has proved a useful tool for dyslexic learners and, now that it is becoming
commonplace for deaf learners to take written examinations, they too have to plan and carry through
larger-scale projects. Some packages take a different approach to thinking and planning techniques,
with learners using visual organisers, webs and mind maps to help them to keep track of what they
are doing.

Where can I obtain equipment to support pupils with communication

An additional funding route has been available since April 2002. The Communication Aids Project
(CAP) is funded by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and managed by Becta. It is
designed to support and enhance the statutory provision being made by LEAs in providing ICT
equipment to help pupils with communication difficulties. In particular, it will help to supply aids to
individuals for their personal use to extend their access to the curriculum, increase interaction and,
because it is not identified with a particular school or local authority, facilitate transfer from school to
post school provision.

For further information e-mail [email protected] or visit the web site [].

Where can I find out more or obtain specialist advice?

ACE Centre Advisory Trust

This is one of the national centres for specialist assessment for pupils with communication

• Information about all the VOCAs supplied and supported in the UK.
• Communication Advice - Where do I Start? An introduction to communication difficulties.
• Developing and Introducing Communication Books, from the ACE Centre
• Developing Augmentative and Alternative Communication Policies in Schools
• Voice Recognition - Getting Specific, from the ACE Centre

ACE Centre North

• Important factors influencing the choice of an AAC system

• Developing and Introducing Communication Books Click
• Ideas for using a Single Message Communicator Click
• Developing the use of an AAC system
Becta | ict advice | timesaver | Assessing the provision of ICT for Inclusion: Communication and interaction difficulties


This national charity provides assessments and advice.

• Factsheets about augmentative and alternative communication


CALL Centre

• Augmentative communication in practice: An introduction


Communication Matters

This is a national organisation concerned with augmentative and alternative communication.


National Autistic Society (NAS)

This is the leading charity concerned with the education of pupils with autism.

Special note

This guide identifies particular ICT approaches and provision that you may consider using to support pupils’
individual needs. It follows the conventions introduced in the Code of Practice for SEN. The information
should be used only as general guidance, since many pupils are likely to need specific solutions to meet
their individual needs. Where pupils have particular disabilities or complex special educational needs, an
expert assessment should be sought. Owing to the inter-linked nature of pupils’ needs, you will be referred
to other guides in this series for further information.

See also the Becta ICT information sheets on:

Communication difficulties and ICT
Dyslexia and ICT
Hearing impairment and ICT
Physical disabilities and ICT
Speech and language difficulties and ICT
Speech recognition systems

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