Practice Paper Math-09

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Total Marks: 25 Total Time: 40 mins

1. In the figure, if ∠ACB = 35°, then find the measure of ∠OAB. (1 Mark)

2. AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle which are on opposite sides of the centre such
that AB = 24 cm and CD = 10 cm and the distance between AB and CD is 17 cm. Find the radius
of the circle. (3 Marks)
3. The radius of a circle is 17 cm. A chord of length 30 cm is drawn. Find the distance of the (3 Marks)
chord from the centre.
4. Look at the adjoining figure. If O is the centre of the circle and ST = 3 cm, then find the (3 Marks)
radius of the circle when RS ⊥ PQ.

5. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle. Find the radius of the circle. (3 Marks)
6. In the figure, P and Q are the mid-points of AB and CD respectively. What is the (3 Marks)
length of OQ?

7. In the figure, R is the midpoint of What is the measure of ∠ORQ? (3 Marks)

MM: 25
Time:1 hour
1. Name the quadrants in which following points (3,0) (-9,-3). (1)
2. Determine the graph of the equation y=2x-3 (3)
3. Draw the graph of y=4x. From the graph find the value y when x=-2 (3)
4. Draw the graph of x=10=0. what type of graph is it? (3)
5. Draw the graph of y=-x (3)
6. The points (-2,5) and (3,-5) are plotted in xy planes. Find the slope and y intercept of the line joining the
points. (2)
7. Draw the graph of equation 3x+6y=12. Find the coordinates of the point where the graph cuts the y-axis. (3)
8. How does the graph of y=mx, depends on the value of m. Also draw graph when m=2,3 (4)
9. In which quadrant will these points (3,-5), (-3,-1) (1)
10. Determine the slope and y-intercept of line 2x+3y+7=0 (2)
Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Time-40 minutes
MM- 24
1. If B lies between A and C, AC = 12cm and BC= 9cm. what is AB2? (3 marks)
2. Define angle, vertex and congruent lines. (3 marks)
3. Given three collinear points A,B,C. Name all the line segments, enclosed. (2 marks)
4. Prove that an equilateral line segment can be constructed on any given line segment. (3 marks)
5. If AB = PQ and PQ=XY then is AB=XY too? (3 marks)
6. Prove that two distinct lines cannot have more than one point in common. (3 marks)
7. What is the measure of an angle which is 25° more than its compliment? (2 marks)
8. If AB=x+3, BC= 2x and AC= 4x-5, then what will be the measure of x, if B lies on AC? (3 marks)
9. Line segment PQ=12cm and R is appoint on it such that PR=8cm. Then find PQ2-PR2. (2 marks)

Class IX Math
Test for Linear Equations in Two Variables

Total Marks : 35
Total Time : 60 mins
1. Show that x = 2 and y = 1 satisfy the linear equation 2x + 3y = 7.
(3 Marks)
2. Write four solutions of 2x + 3y = 8.
(3 Marks)
3. Draw the graph of the equation 2x – 3y = 12. At what points, the graph of the equation cuts the x-axis and
the y-axis?
(3 Marks)
4. Draw the graph of 9x – 5y + 160 = 0. From the graph find the value of y when x = 5.
(3 Marks)
5. From the following graph, find four solutions of the equation representing the line AB.
(3 Marks)
6. The following observed values of x and y are thought to satisfy a linear equation.

Draw the graph using the values of x and y as given in the above table.
At what points the graph of the linear equation cuts the x-axis?
(4 Marks)
7. The taxi fare in a twon is Rs 10 for the first kilometre and Rs 6 per km for the subsequent distance. Taking
the distance as �x� km and total fare as Rs. y, write a linear equation for this information, what will be the
total fare for 15 km?
(4 Marks)
8. Draw the graph of the equation x – y = 4. From the graph, find the coordinates of the point when the graph
line meets the x-axis.
(4 Marks)
9. Draw the graph x + 2y = 6 and from the graph, find the value of x when y = –3.
(4 Marks)
10. Solve:
(4 Marks)


MARKS : 26
Q. 1 � 4 are of two marks each.
Q. 5 � 10 are of three marks each.
1. Eleven bags of wheat flour, each marked 5 kg actually contained the following weights of flour (in kg):
4.97 5.05 5.08 5.03 5.00 5.06 5.08 4.98 5.04 5.07 5.00
Find the probability that any of these bags chosen at random contains more than 5 kg of flour.
2. Given below is the frequency distribution table regarding the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air in
parts per million (ppm) of a certain city for 30 days:
Conc. of SO2: 0.00-0.040.04-0.080.08-0.120.12-0.160.16-0.200.20-0.24
No. of days : 4 8 9 2 4 3
Find the probability of concentration of sulphur dioxide in the interval (0.12 – 0.16) on any of these days.
3. Answer the following:
(i) If P(E) = 0.2, find P (not E).
(ii) “Probability of an event cannot be greater than 1”. Is the statement true or false?
(iii) What is the probability of a sure event?
(iv) If a coin is tossed 40 times and 19 times head appears and 21 times tail appears, write the probability
of getting a head in a trial out of these 40 trials of the experiment.
4. A type manufacturing company kept a record of the distance covered before a tyre needed to be replaced.
The table show the result of 1000 cases:
Distance (in km) Less than 4000 4000 to 9000 9000 to 14000 More than 14000
Frequency 20 210 325 445
If a tyre of this company is bought, what is the probability that:
(i) it will need to be replaced before it has covered 4000 km?
(ii) it will last more than 9000 km?
(iii) it will need to be replaced after it has covered between 4000 km and 14000 km?
5. A survey was conducted by car manufacturing company in a metropolitan city on 1000 persons having
monthly income from Rs. 30,001 to Rs. 50000. The data about the number of persons in various categories is
as under.

Find the probability that a person selected at random

(i) in the income slab 40,001 – 50,000 have more than 2 cars.
(ii) in the income slab 30,001 to 50,000 have two cars.
6. Twenty bags of sugar, each marked 10 kg, actually give the following data:
Weight of a bag (in kg) 9.5 � 9.8 9.8 � 9.9 9.9 � 10.0 10.0 � 10.1
Number of bags 1 2 5 12
What is the probability that the bag selected at random weigh 10 kg or more?
7. A die having six faces is tossed 80 times and the data is as below:
Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 10 20 10 28 8 4
Find (i) P (1) (ii) P (4) (iii) P (6) (iv) P (5).

8. The blood groups of 30 students of class IX are recorded as follows:

A, B, O, O, AB, O, A, O, B, A, O, B, A, O, O,
A, AB, O, A, A, O, O, AB, B, A, O, B, A, B, O
A student is selected at random from the class from blood donation. Find the probability that the blood
groups of the student chosen is:
(i) A (ii) B (iii) AB (iv) O
9. The following table gives the lifetime of 400 lamps:
300�400 400�500 500�600 600�700 700�800 800�900 900�1000
(in hrs)
No. of
14 56 60 86 74 62 48
A bulb is selected at random. Find the probability that the life time of the selected bulb is:
(i) less than 400 hours
(ii) between 300 to 800 hours
(iii) at least 700 hours
10. Given below is the frequency distribution of wages (in Rs.) of 30 workers in a certain factory
110-130 130-150 150-170 170-190 190-210 210-230 230-250
(in Rs.)
No. of
3 4 5 6 5 4 3
A worker is selected at random. Find the probability that his wages are:
(i) less than Rs. 150
(ii) at least Rs. 210
(iii) more than or equal to 150 but less than 210.

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