Understanding Photomultipliers

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Understanding photomultipliers 2. Principles of operation 3. The photocathode

1 introduction 1 Photomultipliers are extremely sensitive light detectors This section gives information on :
providing a current output proportional to light intensity.
the light sensitive area of the photomultiplier
They are used to measure any process which directly
2 principles of operation 1 or indirectly emits light. Large area light detection, high the effect of the window on light transmission
e) hemispherical
gain and the ability to detect single photons give the photocathode spectral response For diffuse light sources, e.g. arrays of photomultipliers.
3 the photocathode 2 photomultiplier distinct advantages over other light
photocathode sensitivity units
Application: Fundamental scientific research.

4 the electron multiplier 6 The photomultiplier detects light at the photocathode

(k) which emits electrons by the photoelectric effect. 3.1. Photocathode active area
These photoelectrons are electrostatically accelerated
5 limits on performance 9
and focused onto the first dynode (d 1) of an electron
f) side window
Photomultipliers are offered in a range of geometries Matches exit slit, for example, of prism/grating
multiplier. On impact each electron liberates a number of and sizes to cover applications involving both remote monochromator. The photocathode, is a reflective type
6 environmental effects 18 secondary electrons which are in turn, electrostatically and directly coupled light sources. In end window
located within the glass envelope.
accelerated and focused onto the next dynode (d 2). Application: Spectrophotometers and photometers.
photomultipliers, the photocathode is deposited as
The process is repeated at each subsequent dynode
7 choice of photomultiplier 22 a semitransparent layer directly on the inside of the figure 2
and the secondary electrons from the last dynode are window. In the majority of types the active area has a Various photomultiplier geometries are available and the
collected at the anode (a). The ratio of secondary to circular geometry (figure 2a). Some have a reduced light sensitive areas are shown in a darker colour; a) through
8 voltage dividers 24 primary electrons emitted at each dynode depends on active area, achieved by electrostatic focusing, which
e) are end window types. f) is a side window type where the
the energy of the incident electrons and is controlled photocathode is separate from the envelope.
can be an advantage in the detection of very weak light
9 photon counting 25 by the inter-electrode potentials. By using a variable sources (figure 2b). Special photocathode geometries,
Side window photomultipliers (figure 2f) have the
high voltage supply and a voltage divider network, to (figures 2 c,d and e), have been introduced for large
provide the inter-electrode voltages, the amplitude photocathode deposited on a metallic substrate
volume, extended area and large solid angle applications.
10 further information 26 of photomultiplier output can be varied over a wide mounted within the envelope. These have a rectangular
dynamic range. area 24x8 mm

3.2. Window material

window a) circular
electron Range of diameters available to suit diffuse and directly
The optical transmission of the window influences
the spectrum of light reaching the photocathode.
1. Introduction
coupled light sources.
semi-transparent Application: General purpose; scintillation. The window material is particularly important when
photocathode layer (k)
measuring ultraviolet light. Certain applications, such
This introduction is intended to provide as low level scintillation counting, also require window
an understanding of photomultiplier (pmt) material free from naturally occurring radioactive
performance. If your purpose is to select a glass envelope
contaminants. Photomultipliers are manufactured with
electron multiplier
dynodes the following window materials.
pmt please also refer to our photomultiplier
brochure. Final selection should be b) reduced borosilicate glass This is suitable for incident
Electrostatically reduced diameter for minimum dark count.. light of wavelength greater than 300 nm and is the
confirmed in consultation with ET Enterprises connection to
Application: Photon counting; laser light detection.
electrodes standard glass used. For critical applications, low
or its international representatives who will background borosilicate glass is also available.
anode mesh
advise on the latest developments.
ultraviolet glass (W) this extends the sensitivity
figure 1 Illustrating the operation of a photomultiplier.
down to185 nm.
quartz (Q). made from fused silica, this material
c) domed window transmits down to 160 nm and has the added
The inherent strength of this construction allows us to use a
advantage of low radioactive background.
very thin, and consequently low radioactivity window. The
window is often supplied shot blasted to enhance quantum magnesium fluoride (MgF2) transmits ultraviolet
ISO9001 FM517847 efficiency. radiation down to 115 nm and is free from
Application: astronomy, high energy physics
radioactive contaminants.
sapphire (S) Al2O3 is used in metal-ceramic
photomultipliers for harsh environments. It has good
The company reserves the right to modify the designs and specifications contained herein without notice. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the
copyright owner. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of the published information, the Company cannot be held responsible for errors or consequences arising therefrom.
ultraviolet transmission and low background.
© ET Enterprises Limited, 2011 d) 2π
Side wall sensitivity allows wide angle detection. The light transmission properties of these materials
Application: Probes for scintillation counting are shown in figure 3.

1 2
3. The photocathode 3. The photocathode

100 35 rubidium bialkali (RbCsSb) offers high blue and is as follows :

enhanced green response but with twice the dark 103 ∫ ∞ Ι(λ)λη(λ) dλ
30 ...(2)
MgF2 current of the bialkali. S= 0
∞ μA/lm
1.24X680 ∫ Ι(λ) V(λ) dλ

quantum efficiency QE %
Q S20, trialkali or multialkali (NaKSbCs) the For a particular photocathode, S is calculated from
transmission %

MgF2 Q S W borosilicate
multialkali photocathode response extends from uv measured values of η(λ) and tabulated values of I(λ) and
to the near infra-red. It has high light level capability V(λ) by integration.
15 but may require cooling to reduce dark current.

3.4. Photocathode sensitivity


0 0 Photocathode sensitivity describes the conversion

relative V(λ) & I(λ)

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0.6
100 200 300 400 efficiency for photons into photoelectrons; the
wavelength nm
wavelength nm relationship between photocathode sensitivity and
wavelength is called the spectral response. The terms V(λ) I(λ)
figure 3 Typical ultraviolet transmission curves for windows figure 4b Response to uv light can be increased by choosing the
apppropriate window material. This is illustrated for the bialkali quantum efficiency, radiant sensitivity, luminous
used in the manufacture of ET Enterprises photomultipliers. 0.2
The window material used for metal ceramic photomultipliers photocathode. sensitivity are used to specify photocathode response.
is sapphire, S. The optimum way of quantifying a photocathode
depends on the application. The terms used and their 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
100 inter-relationships are discussed below. wavelength (nm)

3.3. Photocathode types quantum efficiency: η (λ) or QE% figure 5 Relative luminous efficiency of human eye V( λ ) and radiant
power of a tungsten filament lamp operated at 2856 K.
quantum efficiency QE %

Photocathodes can be manufactured from a variety of 10 ( ), the quantum efficiency at wavelength λ is the
compounds and each type has a characteristic spectral average photoelectric yield per incident photon and
is normally expressed as a percentage. It is the most The luminous sensitivity specification has been adopted
response. The best choice is usually the one with the by all photomultiplier manufacturers. Values of S
maximum response over the wavelength region of fundamental unit concerning the performance of the
photomultiplier. Important practical considerations such range from 20 μA/lm to over 400 μA/lm, depending on
interest. 1
KBr Csl RbTe CsTe the photocathode type. For this test the lamp output is
as resolution, signal/noise ratio and detectivity are all
There are other considerations, such as operation at high related to quantum efficiency. adjusted to 1 millilumen and approximately 80% of the
light levels, and dark current, which are covered in detail photocathode area is illuminated.
elsewhere. (See table 5.3(a) page 10 and figure 23 radiant sensitivity (responsivity): E(λ)
100 200 300 400
filter measurements (CB, CR, IR)
page 15). Radiant sensitivity is defined as the photocathode
wavelength nm It is clear from (2) that S is derived by integrating
current emitted per watt of incident radiation at
wavelength λ and is expressed in mA/W. It is related terms which are wavelength dependent, with a high
figure 4c Solar blind photocathodes deposited on MgF2 are
bialkali sensitive to uv light only. to quantum efficiency in the following way contribution coming from long wavelengths. Luminous
λη(λ) sensitivity figures cannot, therefore, be used to compare
quantum efficiency QE %

E(λ) = mA/W ...(1) photocathode types with appreciably different spectral

25 RbCs Photocathode materials and designations used in 1.24
ET Enterprises photomultipliers are: responses. In other words, because it refers to white
provided that λ is expressed in nanometres.
20 light, S is not always a good selection parameter. By
solar blind (KBr, CsI, RbTe, CsTe) these For example, a QE of 25% at 400 nm is equivalent to a using specific colour filters placed between the standard
photocathodes are sensitive to vacuum-ultraviolet radiant sensitivity of 80.7 mA/W. light source and the photomultiplier the usefulness of S
10 and ultraviolet light only – hence the terminology. measurement has been extended. For practical purposes
The long wavelength response for KBr and CsI cuts luminous sensitivity: S photocathodes are thus individually characterised by
high temp
5 bialkali off at 200 nm while RbTe and CsTe extend to 350 nm. S is the most relevant specification for light sources noting the response to filtered light from a white light
which have a spectral response corresponding to source. The filters used are standard throughout the
0 high temperature bialkali (NaKSb) recommended industry with transmission characteristics selected to
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 that of the human eye. The human eye is sensitive to
wavelength nm for operation at high temperature because of its match the entire range of photomultiplier applications.
very low dark current. This photocathode also finds electromagnetic radiation between 400 and 760 nm and
its relative luminous efficiency V( λ) has been agreed The filters characterised in figure 6 reflect the fact that
figure 4a Spectral response curves for various photocathodes application in low level light detection. photomultiplier applications tend to divide into: blue light;
deposited on borosilicate glass. The naming of photocathode red light and infra-red light. Filter measurement results
types is historical. Measured values of QE against wavelength can S11 (SbCs) one of the earliest photocathodes with a
spectral response covering the ultraviolet and visible A tungsten filament lamp operated at a colour are recorded on the test ticket supplied with each tube,
be provided, at extra cost.
range. temperature of 2856 K, is used as the light source. as illustrated in figure 13, page 9.
This approximates to a black body radiator at the same
bialkali (SbKCs) this photocathode has mostly temperature and has a known radiant power spectrum Grading and selection with these filter measurements
superseded the S11, offering better blue response I(λ)d λ W/m. The relationship between the photocathode has become standard practice. The filters of figure 6
and lower dark current. luminous sensitivity S, η(λ), I(λ) and V(λ) are specified as follows:

3 4
3. The photocathode 4. The electron multiplier
corning blue (CB) effective diameter and uniformity The electron multiplier is a very low noise, high gain, type size gain timing linearity magnetic ap(t)
wide band amplifier with the capability of providing an most immunity

... .... ... .... .. ...

compact max fastest best best lowest
A Corning CS-5-58 filter, of half stock thickness, is The effective cathode diameter is governed by the inner output compatible with the input sensitivity of commercial
used for this measurement. CB values range from diameter of the glass envelope and the electron optical

.... . .... ... .....

instrumentation. The attributes of the range of structures LF
about 5 to 16 and are a useful relative measure of design (refer to data sheets for nominal values). The and active surfaces that are used in ET Enterprises

.. .. . . . ...
sensitivity for sources emitting in the blue region of the photomultiplier output is examined using a flying spot CF
photomultipliers are discussed in 4.2.
spectrum. This filter is most relevant to photomultipliers scanner to check uniformity as illustrated in figure 7.

. ... .. .. ... ....

with bialkali photocathodes. Ideally, the output from the photomultiplier should

corning red (CR)

be independent of the point of illumination on the 4.1. The input region VB
photocathode but in practice there is variation over the
A Corning CS-2-62 filter provides the CR value and is active surface. This arises from:
Photoelectrons must be accelerated and focused onto table 4.2 Ranking of the attributes of the multiplier structures
appropriate for selecting photomultipliers intended for spatial variation in the sensitivity of the an active area of the first dynode. The design of the k-d 1 where ap(t) is the afterpulse rate
sources emitting in the red and near IR regions of the photocathode, particularly in the side window types region has been optimised to maximise the collection of
spectrum. photoelectrons from the entire photocathode area, as
variation in the angle of incidence and point illustrated in figure 8. Some photomultiplier types have 4.3. Secondary emission surfaces
infrared (IR) of impact of photoelectrons on the first dynode, a separate focus electrode in the k-d1 region which can
A Wratten 87 filter is used to select S20 photocathodes resulting in variation of secondary electron emission be used: Two secondary emitting surfaces are available – oxidised
for applications requiring response in the IR region of the beryllium copper (BeCu) and caesiated antimony (SbCs).
Some photomultipliers include a focus electrode to allow to maximise the photomultiplier output from
spectrum. individual trimming of overall uniformity. The optimum non-uniform light sources. In some cases there is a choice of dynode material
V(f-d 1) and V(k-d1) settings are included on the test ticket. available. The choice is governed by the nature of the
100 In critical applications, diffusing the incident light over to gate the photomultiplier on or off 1). application. The principal properties are summarised
the photocathode may be beneficial. ET Enterprises can semi-transparent in table 4.3.
80 provide photomultipliers with a shot blasted entrance photocathode layer
window to special order. glass
transmission %

dynode gain linearity stability rate effect

envelope material max best highest lowest

.... .. .... ....


. .... .. .
--- SbCs
trajectory BeCu
20 45mm typ. electrodes
table 4.3 Performance differentiators of secondary emission
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ---
wavelength nm
first dynode 4.4. Gain
figure 6 Filter transmissions.
Gain in a photomultiplier is derived by current
amplification. Each dynode amplifies the incident
cathode QE% measurement electron current and the overall gain is given by the
figure 8 Photoelectron trajectories between photocathode
product of the individual dynode contributions. With
ET Enterprises has spectral response equipment which and first dynode.
45mm typ. many stages of gain, a small photoelectric signal is


provides tabulated values of quantum efficiency and

amplified to a measurable level. Denoting the gain of
radiant sensitivity traceable to standards calibrated at the
National Physical Laboratory, England. Spectral response
figure 7 Typical flying spot uniformity scans for a 52mm
photocathode. The spot size is 2mm. 4.2. Types of multiplier structure the first dynode as δ1, and so on, the final current at the
anode, for a photomultiplier with n dynodes is
is measured with 360 V between k and d1 and with all
other electrodes connected to d1. Approximately 80% A number of multiplier structures is available. Generally Ia = δ1 δ2 ...δn-1 δn Ik ...(3)
of the photocathode area is illuminated for this test. the various structures represent a compromise between
This calibration is available to customers as an option. physical size and electrical performance, particularly with
Values can be provided at any wavelength which is a reference to gain, timing, linearity, and immunity from Ia = G I k ...(4)
multiple of 10 nm within the range 110 nm to 1100 nm. external magnetic fields. Table 4.2 summarises these
attributes and indicates the relative merits of individual where Ik and Ia are the photocathode and anode currents,
The calibration also provides values of S, CB, CR and IR. structures. respectively. G is the photomultiplier gain. The gain of
each dynode is related to the energy of the incident
electrons; and hence to the inter-dynode voltage. The
gain of the first dynode is shown in figure 9 for both
BeCu and SbCs surfaces. The gain of each dynode in the
photomultiplier follows a similar curve

5 6
4. The electron multiplier 4. The electron multiplier
In general, a single high voltage power supply is The time constant of the circuit is: τ = RC, where: In the extreme case τ→∞,C integrates the charge and
used, with a resistive voltage divider network, to 4.5. Anode sensitivity A/lm the output rises with a time constant τs and remains
R0RL ...(6)
provide suitable inter-electrode voltages. The more R= there:
R0 + RL N e G [exp(-t/τs) - 1]
dynode stages in the photomultiplier, the higher is the The voltage required to attain the specified anode and v0(t) =
C ...(9)
gain at a specific overall applied voltage and the higher sensitivity is recorded on the test ticket. Specified in this
way the output is referred to the cathode sensitivity, S,
C = C0 + CL
the maximum gain attainable. This is illustrated in There are applications where the output is not pulsed
figure 10. It should be noted that gain figures and quoted in μA/lm. The gain can be derived from this and S but it varies unpredictably with time. In film scanning
by using the following relationship: Consider the output voltage response to a light source
curves are obtained with a particular voltage for example, a transition from light to dark gives a step
which decays with a single exponential time constant, τs,
distribution specified by the manufacturer. The gain Anode Sensitivity (A/lm) X 106 change in output, measured in microseconds. Here
G= ...(5
curve isdifferent if the voltage distribution is then: i(t) = N e G exp (-t/τS) ...(7) the consideration is one of choosing the output time
Cathode Sensitivity (μA/lm)
different from that specified. τS constant to match the fastest anticipated transition,
ET Enterprises specifies the voltages required on each N e G R [exp(-t/τS) - exp(-t/τ)]
and: v(t) = τ - τ ...(8) while simultaneously providing some smoothing of
photomultiplier to achieve two fixed anode sensitivities S unwanted statistical fluctuations. For example, if the
(the nominal and the maximum) with inter-dynode where:
20 fastest transition t r has a time constant of 1 μs, and, if
voltage distributions as specified in our photomultiplier N is the number of photoelectrons in the light pulse, (C0+ CL)RL is chosen to be < 3x10 -7, the output circuit
data sheets. It is sometimes useful to construct a gain- e is the electronic charge, will reproduce the transition quite faithfully. For R L=
voltage curve using these two points on log-log paper. G is the photomultiplier gain.
SbCs 10kΩ, for example, (C0+ CL) needs to be ≤ 30pF. With
15 high gain d1
this time constant, transitions faster than 100 ns will
not be followed.
first dynode gain, δ 1

4.6. Anode equivalent circuit

SbCs 0.0
10 τ =1ns
The equivalent circuit for a photomultiplier is an ideal
current source in parallel with an output resistance R 0 τ =5ns
BeCu (>1012Ω) and capacitance C0 (<10 pF). The measured -0.5
output depends on the load resistance R L and
capacitance C L in combination with R 0 and C 0. τ =10ns

v (t) (V)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
anode τ =30ns
Vk-d1 (V)
τ =100ns
R0 C0 CL
figure 9 Variation of first dynode gain, δ1, with k-d 1voltage. v(t) RL

14 stage
ground for HV + 0 10 20 30
t (ns)
12 stage
figure 11 The equivalent circuit for a photomultiplier. figure 12 The output v(t) for various time constants,
assuming N = 100, G = 1 x 10 6, τs = 5 ns, C = 10 pF
gain (G)

10 stage
The equivalent circuit applies to both dc and pulsed
By inspection of (8), the output voltage is a faithful
applications. In the case of pulsed light sources, the
representation of the input current when τ<< τs and
nature of the output signal depends upon the time
this is referred to as current mode operation.
105 profile of the input. Many applications involve light
Voltage mode operation applies with τ>> τs, in which
sources with an exponential profile. The following
case the pulse height in volts is proportional to the total
analysis is useful to determine the amplitude and the
input charge. For high or variable pulse rates there is a
104 timing profile for such input stimuli.
1000 1500 2000 2500 danger of overlap, in voltage mode operation. It is usual
applied volts (V) practice to use a value of 1/τ less than one quarter of
the event rate to avoid pulse pile up effects. In pulsed
figure 10. Variation of photomultiplier gain G with applied
light applications, the choice of τ depends principally
voltage, illustrating effect of number of dynode stages.
on the characteristic decay time of the light source
and the anticipated event rate. For example, in Na(Tl)
applications, where τs = 230 ns, choosing τ = 1 μs
ensures good integration of the signal while permitting
event rates of up to about 50 kHz, before the onset of
serious pile-up effects.

7 8
5. Limits on performance 5. Limits on performance
Photomultipliers are high gain, wide bandwidth optical currents of 100 μA. Limits on maximum photocurrent
detectors and as with all sensors, limitations apply to the also apply, governed by the resistivity of the photo-
ET Enterprises Input
quality of performance with regard to: IMPORTANT - This test ticket must be sensitive layer. Exceeding these limits results in non-
returned with tube if making a guarantee
claim. linear performance. Side window photomultipliers, with
maximum gain (sensitivity) dark current a metal substrate supporting the photosensitve layer,
Order No. 67670 REF - 921
time or frequency response stability and hysteresis Type: 9900B07 can sustain much higher currents than end window
linearity of response noise-in-signal Special selection
types. Photocurrent limits are given in table 5.3(a).
Serial: 15049
5.1. Maximum voltage Test result data 10%
cathode type lk (nA/cm2)

and sensitivity CATHODE 112

CB 12.4 CR 9.5 IR
uA/lm Luminous sensitivity
Filter measurements
Output t(fwhm)
biakali 2.5
D1 8.6 d gain high temperature bialkali 2.5
Volts 1 at 200A/lm 910V Nominal sensitivity volts
S1 5
The photomultiplier must not be operated beyond the Dark current 1 0.320nA Dark current at 90%
nominal sensitivity S11, RbCs 15
maximum specified overall sensitivity. Volts 2 at 2000A/lm 1220V Volts for maximum tt
S20 250
Beyond this limit, feedback effects may become overall sensitivity

Bgd 389s-1
Side Window 5000
significant, resulting in unstable performance and high Background counts
dark current with the possibility of breakdown under figure 14 Illustrating photomultiplier time response (rise time, full
width at half maximum, transit time). table 5.3 (a) Maximum cathode currents at 20oC.
extreme conditions. Permanent damage will occur if
the photomultiplier suffers breakdown. The sensitivity
limit is determined by the maximum allowable gain of Photomultipliers with plano-concave windows and linear b) pulsed anode current limits
the multiplier, which depends on the type of multiplier focused or circular focused multipliers give the best time Pulsed anode currents greater than 100 μA can be
figure 13 Sample photomultiplier test ticket. Parameters are
structure. The maximum allowable inter-electrode performance. Other factors affecting timing include: drawn with the proviso that the mean anode current,
measured using standard voltage dividers.
voltages are determined by the spacing of the electrodes averaged over one second, is below 100 μA. The
i) the number of dynodes. Fewer stages give better
in the photomultiplier. Excessive voltage causes photomultiplier output current will be linear with respect
electrical breakdown, and this must be borne in mind in 5.2. Time response timing.
to light input until the onset of space charge effects.
ii) the overall voltage. Higher field strengths
voltage divider network design (Section 8). Similarly, the The current at which non-linearity first appears depends
improve timing. The best timing is attained with
maximum allowable overall voltage is limited to less than The response of a photomultiplier to a delta pulse of on the type of multiplier structure and on the operating
high k-d1 voltage, with operation at the maximum
the sum of the stated maximum inter-dynode voltages. light is governed by the electron trajectories within the conditions. Linearity can be improved with a voltage
recommended gain. The time response varies
Maximum allowable inter-electrode voltages are given tube. Photoelectrons created by the light pulse follow divider distribution which has higher inter dynode
approximately as 1/V1/2.
for each tube type in the photomultiplier data sheets. individual paths to the first dynode, depending on voltages on the later stages. Linearity also depends on
iii) the photocathode diameter. Smaller diameters
their point of origin on the photocathode and on their the dynode secondary emitting surfaces as detailed in
A test ticket, an example of which is shown in figure13, have better timing. The best timing is achieved when
emission velocities. It follows that they land on the table 5.3(b). Recommended divider distributions are
is supplied with every photomultiplier. This includes two illuminating the central area only.
first dynode at different points and at different times. given in Section 8.
overall voltage figures. The nominal sensitivity, and the Secondary electrons travel individual paths between
overall volts required to attain this, is the recommended dynodes, causing further time dispersion. structure transit time rise time transit time Linearity measurements are made using two LEDs and
(ns) (ns) jitter (σ) (ns)
operating condition. The maximum overall sensitivity, A photomultiplier output pulse is characterised by: a double pulse generator. Two pulses are applied with
and the overall voltage at which this is achieved, refers VB 40-110 8-15 2.2-5.7
the second delayed with respect to the first (individual
to the maximum gain beyond which the pmt should not rise time t r BG 50-80 12-18 4.2-6.4 outputs). Then the two pulses are applied in coincidence
be operated. These voltages are measured using the CF,SW 20-35 1.5-2.5 0.5-1.0 (summed output). Non-linearity becomes evident when
standard voltage divider distributions quoted in our data full width at half maximum t(fwhm) LF 20-55 1.8-2.7 0.5-1.2 the summed output pulse differs from the expected
sheets. If a voltage distribution other than that used by transit time t t sum of the individual pulses.
ET Enterprises is chosen, the overall voltage required to table 5.2 Timing performance of ET Enterprises photomultipliers.
achieve the maximum overall sensitivity will be different. These parameters are defined in figure 14. Transit time jitter figures refer to single photon excitation.
peak anode current (mA)
dynode at Vd-d = 100 V at Vd-d = 300 V
Bandwidth is not a parameter usually quoted for structure dynode surface dynode surface
photomultipliers, although it can be derived from the 5.3. Linearity and maximum CsSb BeCu CsSb BeCu
LF 30 50 100 150
approximate formula: currents CF 10 20 30 50
f (3dB) = Hz ...(10) VB
3tr 2 4 5 20
a) direct current limits BG 0.1 0.2 0.5 1
The variation in transit time from one light pulse to the High, mean, anode currents cause fatigue effects and
next is a critical parameter when using photomultipliers reduced photomultiplier lifetime; the maximum mean
to detect the time occurrence of events. The standard anode current should be less than 100 μA and more table 5.3 (b) peak anode current for which there is 5% departure
deviation, σ, derived from a large sample of such events from linear operation. V d-d is the inter dynode voltage
stable performance is achieved by operating below
is known as the transit time jitter (sometimes the fwhm 10 μA. With correct voltage divider design all multiplier
of the distribution, equal to ~2.35 σ, is quoted as the structures are linear, within one percent, up to anode
transit time jitter).

9 10
5. Limits on performance 5. Limits on performance
The shot noise formula relates T to the inverse of the
5.4. Noise, dark current 10000 bandwidth through the Fourier transform and predicts
and dark count time base = 5ms/div
the noise on a cathode current of I k as:
100 8000 1 1
(i 2k )2 = (2 e Ik f ) 2 ...(12)
For the purpose of analysis it is convenient to categorise

counts per channel

photomultiplier applications as Where for any parallel combination of load resistances R
and capacitance C, Δf=1/4RC. Again, assuming ideal gain
continuously variable (sometimes referred to as dc) 4000

Ia (μA)
G, the S/N ratio is
pulsed. Ik Ik
S/N = 1 = 1
(i ) 2 2
k (2 e Ik f ) 2
A film scanner is a good example of dc: the intensity of 0
the light reaching the photomultiplier is continuously 0 200 400 600 800 Equation (13) is illustrated in figure 18.
variable over a wide dynamic range and is subject to 1 channel

sudden transitions in level.

figure 17 A pulse height distribution measured with a multichannel S/

ps ren
The required bandwidth of the associated output circuit N

in e C S
10-8 10

is RM
Am ur
0 5
analyzer (MCA). When the photomultiplier measures a pulsed light -1
and electronics may be 3 MHz in order to follow these 10

source of constant intensity, there is variation in pulse height from 10

fast transitions. The output produced by a NaI(Tl) crystal one pulse to the next.

mean cathode current (A)
10-10 10

has a characteristic time of 230 ns, and between events,

figure 15 dc detection: illustrating the output signal for three

the photomultiplier output is ideally zero. This is an


different levels of illumination; measured at g = 10 6.The rms noise noise

10-12 10
example of pulsed operation. contribution can be predicted by using the chart in figure 18. 1
In common with the measurement of all physical

processes, repeated measurement does not always

The purpose of this section is to examine how statistical


give exactly the same value. In the photomultiplier the

fluctuations and photomultiplier dark current contribute -1

time base = 0.2μs/div

variation in output signal is related to the statistical

voltage = 5.0mV/div 10
to non-ideal performance in the two modes of operation

fluctuation in the number of photoelectrons created

above. An understanding of this will ultimately lead the 10


user to the achievement of best performance through (photoelectron noise). There is an additional contribution
both selection of a tube with the right parameters and from the statistical variation in the number of secondary 108 106 104 102 10-0 10-2
pulse amplitude

operating the chosen device optimally. electrons created per incident electron on each dynode bandwidth f (Hz)

(multiplication noise). These effects yield expressions for

Consider a light source which remains constant in signal-to-noise ratio, (S/N), which can be applied to any
figure 18 Graphical representation of the shot noise formula. (If
intensity, over a period of seconds. If the anode output detection system using photomultipliers. the multiplier noise is taken into account, the signal to noise ratio
is observed on an oscilloscope, it will be noticed that the read off above should be multiplied by 1/a, as discussed in the
trace will always have some fluctuation superimposed photocathode noise multiplication noise section
upon it. There are two sources causing the fluctuation Consider a steady light flux incident on the photocathode
illustrated in figure 15: producing M photoelectrons per second. The
Referring to a film scanning example, with Δf=3 MHz,
photoelectric effect is a quantum mechanical one and is
dark current contributions if the requirement is S/N ≥ 100, then I k needs to be
subject to statistical fluctuations described by Poisson
>10 -8 A. To put this in perspective, for a gain of 10 4, the
statistics. If the photomultiplier output is measured
statistical noise-in-signal effects associated anode current will be 100 μA.
over a period of time T, there will be an average of MT
figure 16 Pulsed Operation. The output from a photomultiplier
The nature of, and the contributions from, dark current viewing a pulsed light source set to give 100 photoelectrons, photoelectrons produced. Based on Poisson statistics, multiplication noise
are discussed in section 5.5 while statistical effects are average, per pulse. The fluctuations in size from one pulse to the the standard deviation associated with MT is (MT) 1/2. The The signal-to-noise ratio is always less than predicted
considered in the next section, noise. next are an inescapable manifestation of noise. signal-to-noise ratio is by equation (13) because the electron multiplier is non
MT 1
ideal. For every dynode there is a statistical spread in
In the pulsed mode of operation, the consideration is: S/N = 1 = (MT)
A fluctuation in area under each pulse and a fuzziness (MT) 2
secondary emission coefficient around the mean value.
how faithfully the photomultiplier preserves the pulse
of the trace is apparent. As before, the two sources of If we assume that the gain of the multiplier is ideal, that
height information. In other words, what variation from The statistical effect is of greatest importance at
fluctuation contribute. A multichannel analyser can be is, not itself noisy, then at best the output signal will
one pulse to the next can be expected from a light the first dynode, d1, than at any subsequent dynode.
used to measure the area of each pulse assigning it to have the fluctuation of (11) imposed on it. Equation (11)
source giving nominally the same output in each light This is because the number of secondary electrons,
a specific memory location. The result of analysing a explains the origin of noise-in-signal; in this form it is
pulse. Figure 16 is a snap-shot of the output from N, is relatively small at d1 and hence subject to high
a sequence of pulses shown in figure 16 is displayed useful for predicting quantitative performance in pulsed
a photomultiplier illuminated from a steady pulsed fluctuation, 1/N 1/2. As the cascade develops in the
as a spectrum in figure 17. applications. For continuously variable applications,
light source, in this instance an LED. The statistical multiplier, it soon becomes statistically well defined
the effect must be treated in a different way by taking
contribution to the pulse-to-pulse variation can be since N increases rapidly at each subsequent
account of the bandwidth of the measuring electronics
predicted approximately from (11) and more correctly, dynode. For completeness, equation (13) must include
rather than the sampling time T.
from (14). an additional noise factor to allow for this multiplication

11 12
5. Limits on performance 5. Limits on performance
Note (11) is unaffected (this in fact is one of the major This holds true until the onset of feedback at high
attributes of photon counting) The equations become: tube type σ(g)/g
g2/g a /
(δ1 /(δ1 -1))2 5.6. Dark count spectrum gain where i q starts to increase more steeply. For
1 dc measurements, this suggests that for each tube
S/N = (MT) 2 ...(14) 6097 0.76 1.58 1.26 10 1.05
The dark count spectrum depicted in figure 21 shows a there is a window of optimum performance for signal/
9814 0.52 1.27 1.13 16 1.03 peak corresponding to the emmision of single electrons background. In the photomultiplier characterised by
while (12) becomes
from the cathode. Pulse height has been scaled in figure 22, this is at a gain of 2x107. To find the optimum
Ik 1 9924 0.57 1.32 1.15 10 1.05
S/N = 1 ...(15) photoelectrons equivalent, using the peak as reference. operating point it is sufficient to plot the ratio of signal
(2 e Ik f ) 2 a
table 5.4 Calculated noise factors by applying (17) to the curves of The contribution iq to dark current, from pulses in the (derived from a steady light source) to dark current, as a
where, for a multiplier which obeys Poisson statistics figure 19. The entries for δ1, in the penultimate column, are typical
spectrum of figure 21 is given by integration of the function of applied volts.
d1 gain values for tubes of these types.

[ ] δ 1
The figures for a in the last column are calculated from (16). curve where At low gain ID is dominated by leakage. For optimum
a= 2
...(16) ∞
δ 1 iq = ∫ n(q) q dq 0
...(18) performance in low light level applications, operate the
photomultiplier at high gain, but below the point a which
This is a theoretical expression assuming Poisson The interpretation and practical use of these noise factors where n(q) is the number of pulses/sec with charge q.
- dark current increases more rapidly than gain.
statistics apply at each dynode of mean gain δ. However, is straightforward. Referring to the 9814 photomultiplier, If I’ represents the contribution from leakage currents
in practice, the secondary emission process is poorly illustrated in Table 5.4, the S/N predicted by (11) and (13), flowing into the anode, due to applied biassing voltages
described by the simple statistical model assumed in which allows only for photocathode statistics, is further on the dynodes, then: 10- 7
(16). The measured output pulse height distribution degraded by 1/1.13 or 0.89 by the action of the multiplier.
A more detailed account of statistics and noise is given in ID = I + iq
for a photomultiplier excited by single photons (and
10- 8 lD
hence single electrons at d1) does not conform to the the ET Enterprises Technical Reprint Series. where ID is the measured dark current. For a detailed

anode current (A)

predictions of (16). The resolution is broader and there is explanation of how I/ is measured, the reader is referred
an excess of small pulses in the distribution; see section The statistical considerations given in the above to a technical publication on Photomultiplier Background
paragraphs account for the noise on the traces shown in 3
). Equation (19) provides an accurate description of dark 10- 9
5.7. Examples of actual single electron distributions are
shown in figure 19. figure 15 and explain why a pulsed light source giving current in photomultipliers and correctly predicts the /
a constant mean number of photons per pulse leads relationship between dark current and gain.
to an output distribution with finite width. However, to 10- 10 iq

1000 explain why the measured rms noise is always greater

100 101
than predicted by (14) or (15), we need to examine the
10- 11 5
800 LF contribution from dark current, and dark counts. 10 106 107 108 109
integral curves
counts per channel

gain g

600 B&G 5.5. Dark current and dark count 10- 1 100

figure 22 Dark current I D comprises a leakage component I’ and

400 a contribution i q from dark counts. Note how the measurements

integral count rate (s- 1)

VB Output from a photomultiplier is obtained even in the curves
10- 1

differential count rate

10- 2 predict the correct magnitude of ID and its dependence on gain, g.
absence of light input; this is referred to as dark current
200 in dc applications and dark count in pulsed applications
To summarise, the output from a photomultiplier when
(also referred to as background).
viewing a steady light source shows fluctuations which
0 10- 3 10- 2
0 200 400 600 800 If the dark current is observed on a chart recorder, can be explained by:
channel a trace similar to figure 20 will be obtained. There contributions from statistical effects, referred to as
is variation around a mean value with large spikes -4
thermally generated
after pulse
and glass -3 noise-in-signal
10 10
superimposed at random times. Part of the fluctuation radioactivity
figure 19 Single photoelectron pulse height spectra for various can be explained by contributions from shot noise, but contributions from fluctuations in the dark counts
photomultiplier structures taken with a charge sensitive multi- cosmic
to account fully, it is necessary to examine the sources ray The dark current or dark count varies considerably
channel analyzer (equal area curves). Channel number can effects
which contribute to dark current. The dark current 10- 5 10- 4 even amongst photomultipliers of the same type. ET
also be expressed as gain or charge. 0.1 1 10 100 1000
comprises a dc component (leakage current) plus a Enterprises can provide photomultipliers selected for
photoelectrons equivalent
Noise factors can be deduced directly from any contribution derived from pulsed sources. low dark current or dark count, to special order.
measured single electron distribution by numerical figure 21 Illustrating dark counts at 20°C in a 9813B as a function of
calculation of the variance, var(g), of the multiplier gain 4 It should be noted that in dc measurements it is possible
pulse height. The differential curve normally obtained with a pulse
g. Var(g) is related to the standard deviation σ, by var(g)= height analyzer has also been integrated to provide count rate to back off the dark current but there is no way in which
σ2. Thus: as a function of threshold. Data have been obtained at sea level the fluctuations in dark current can be nullified. The
-lD (na)

(solid lines) and 30 metres underground (broken lines) to illustrate fluctuations inherent in the signals shown in figures 16

[ ] [ ]
1 the contribution from cosmic radiation. Note the absence of the and 17 are due to statistical fluctuation in the number
var(g) 2 g2
a = 1+
= ...(17) cosmic ray peak at about 100 photoelectrons equivalent, when
2 2
1 of photoelectrons in each pulse the fluctuation in gain
g underground.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 for each pulse, and a contribution from the dark count
time (min) Figure 22 illustrates a number of points of practical spectrum. It is important to understand the sources
significance. The dark current is dominated by the of background which contribute to figure 21. Such
figure 20 Dark current from a 9829B pmt with a thin quartz
leakage component at low gain. I’ varies linearly with knowledge helps explain why measured pulse height
window (at 2 x 10 7 gain). distributions deviate from ideal.
applied voltage while i q varies linearly with gain.
13 14
5. Limits on performance 5. Limits on performance
and photocathode. In a typical event, the initial big pulse from 5-2500keV. Note that there is a spectrum of
5.7. Sources of background

is followed by a series of single photoelectrons – up to accompanying betas as well.

50 within a period of 100 μs.

anode current (μA)

For the purpose of discussion it is convenient to divide To give some perspective to the magnitude of this
the background pulse height distribution of figure 21 5.8. Effect of cooling source of background, the counts in a 75 x 75 mm
into four regions: A, B, C and D. NaI(Tl) crystal are presented for a selection of glasses 8
offered. The last column in table 5.9 gives an indication 6
At room temperature, the contribution from thermally SbCs
Region A: Small pulses <0.5 photoelectrons equivalent. of the contribution to the count rate of a 75 x 75 mm Na
generated electrons from the cathode dominates.
Small amplitude pulses occur in the signal and in (Tl) crystal in contact with the stated window material.
The emmision rate depends on the temperature, the 4
the background. A proportion of these counts can The actual count rate in any particular arrangement 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
photocathode type and the area. In addition to thermal
be explained in terms of the statistical nature of depends quite critically on where the lower energy days
electrons, pulses occur in this region from the sources
photomultiplier gain. Contributions from thermionic threshold is set, so these figures should be regarded as
previously discussed, such as cosmic radiation, natural figure 24 Sample stability curves for photomultipliers illustrating
electrons originating at the dynodes and secondaries order of magnitude only.
radioactivity and afterpulses. However, these are the different performance with BeCu and SbCs dynodes. The
generated from ion impact on the dynodes also stability of individual tubes varies within the same type.
unaffected by temperature. Figure 23 shows the effect
contribute. material k Th U total contribution
of temperature on dark counts and the advantage of decays counts 100
cooling in low level detection is obvious. For all cathodes ppm ppb ppb /minute /minute
Region B: 0.5<B<2 photoelectrons equivalent.
standard borosilicate < 60,000 < 1000 < 1000 < 400 < 100
Contributions to this region are primarily caused shown, there is little advantage in cooling below -25°C.
low background 300 250 100 25 5
by thermionic emission. However, on cooling the
ultra-low background 60 20 10 5 1
photocathode, a component attributed to natural 10

mean anode current (μA)

radioactivity and other sources within the multiplier, <5 <5 <5 < 0.3 < 0.1

table 5.9 Background levels in photomultiplier windows.
equivalent cathode dark rate (/cm2/s)

Region C: 2<C<15 photoelectrons equivalent. Counts Decays per minute refer to a 50mm diameter window of weight 30g. 1
in region C are made up of afterpulses and from natural
radioactivity in the window.
5.10. Photomultiplier stability
There is a finite probability that a signal or background
pulse will be followed by a satellite or afterpulse. These The overall sensitivity of the photomultiplier is known 0.1
1 10 100 1000
are caused by ionisation of residual gases within the to vary: days
photomultiplier by the energetic electrons from the
initial pulse. If the ion reaches the photocathode it is with operating time while maintaining constant
figure 25 Illustrating long term stability (1 year) for SbCs
likely to cause a multielectron pulse; if intercepted illumination, applied voltage and ambient dynodes as a function of mean anode current, under
by a dynode then a contribution to region A or B conditions. conditions of constant applied voltage and illumination.
may result. Afterpulses are particularly undesirable on switching the output current, after removing and hysteresis
in correlation studies or applications where temporal re-applying either the light input or overall voltage. When a light source of constant intensity is interrupted
information is involved. The 9863B and 9130B ranges
temperature (oC) with change in ambient temperature and external and then re-applied, the photomultiplier may not
of photomultipliers provide performance with very low
electromagnetic fields. These environmental effects immediately recover its previous anode current level.
afterpulse rates. figure 23 The dark counts from a photomultiplier as a function
are discussed in section 6. The effect shown in figure 26 is attributed to charging
of temperature (above a threshold of 0.2 photoelectrons).
Traces of naturally occurring 40K, 238U and 232Th are effects within the photomultiplier which temporarily alter
stability the photomultiplier gain.
present in all window material, although ET Enterprises
selects special glasses to minimise these contributions.
5.9. Low background glass The action of drawing anode current alters the secondary
emission coefficient of the dynodes, in particular the
The decay of these isotopes produces light by Cerenkov
ET Enterprises manufactures photomultipliers with low later stages where current densities are highest. The overshoot
radiation and electrons by direct interaction with the
and ultra low levels of naturally occurring radioisotopes. slow variation of anode current with operating time is 10
photocathode. More detailed information on low
usually termed ‘drift’ and its magnitude depends on

Their use is recommended in low background undershoot
background considerations is given in section 5.9.
the dynode surface (figure 24) and on the mean anode
Region D: D>15 photoelectrons equivalent. These very
scintillation counting, with both organic and inorganic
scintillators. In these applications the interaction of the current (figure 25). ~
~ ~
large pulses are a direct consequence of the passage of isotope decay products with the scintillator itself results The change in multiplier gain is not necessarily
cosmic rays (mainly muons and electrons) through the in large amplitude signals. permanent; if the photomultiplier is switched off it will
photomultiplier window. At sea-level this rate is about slowly recover its initial performance. Where stability is

Absolute levels of radionuclides, quoted in (ppm) or

15 per minute for a 51 mm diameter photomultiplier. of prime importance, the recommendation is to maintain on
Relativistic particles produce Cerenkov light emission in (ppb), are given in table 5.9. These figures refer to levels
the anode current below 1 μA. off
the windows. Since emission is biassed towards the uv, of activity in the window only. Although other parts of
0 1 2
the quartz window variants give the largest pulse height. the photomultiplier contribute, the window is the major time (ms)
In each event, between 15 and 200 photoelectrons are source.Total decays per minute given in the penultimate
produced depending on the window material, thickness column, refer to the total number of γ rays of all energies figure 26 (a) Sample curves illustrating hysteresis effects after
switching light input ON/OFF/ON. Photomultiplier type 9106B
operated at 10 4 gain. The overshoot is of the order of 0.5%.

15 16
5. Limits on performance 6. Environmental effects

mean anode current (μA)

Figure 28(b) illustrates an application at the low energy Photomultiplier operation is sensitive to environmental
end of the X-ray scale. The 5.9 keV X-ray from 55Fe conditions. Precautions can be taken to limit the
0 1 10 100
100 6 corresponds to only ~80 photoelectrons and in this case environmental effects but often more can be gained
10 BeCu SbCs the width of the distribution is reasonably well described by the correct choice of the pmt for the particular

dynodes dynodes
1 5 by (14). A low energy tail is always present in 55Fe application.
0.1 spectra. This stems from contributions originating in
0.01 4 regions C and D in the background spectra. 6.1. Temperature

change in gain (%)

3 The photomultiplier used to obtain the spectrum in
figure 28(b) included a low background window and dark current and dark counts

on 2 was selected for low counts. With an unselected Photomultiplier dark current and dark count are
off tube, the noise can encroach to 1-2 keV and affect the critically dependent on temperature. This is illustrated
0 2 4
1 resolution. in figure 23 where for most cathode types there is
time (ms) a doubling in dark current every 5°C rise above room
0 0 (a) dia. 44mm x 44mm
10 101 102 103 2000 temperature. Dark current varies considerably even for
Res 6.9%
figure 26 (b) Sample curve illustrating memory effects after count rate (kHz)
photomultipliers of the same type. ET Enterprises can
switching light input OFF/ON/OFF. Photmulitplier type 9781B
Max provide photomultipliers selected for low dark current or
figure 27 The change in gain with increasing count rate is known

counts per channel

operated at 10 5 gain dark count rate. Detailed specifications for dark current
as the rate effect. The gain change is related directly to the mean
anode current, which in turn is a function of count rate. The rate and dark count rate are given for each tube type in the
A similar effect may occur when the overall voltage 1000
effect is independent of gain. The hatched regions indicate the photomultiplier brochure.
is removed and then re-applied. The effect is more spread in this parameter from tube to tube of the same type. FWHM
pronounced if the illumination is maintained during overall sensitivity
the off period. The magnitude of these hysteresis 5.11. Pulse height resolution The overall sensitivity varies with temperature because
effects and the recovery time are determined by the of the combined effects of cathode sensitivity and
mean current, the gain, the dynode surface and the Pulse height resolution is an important, practical 0 250 500 750 1000 multiplier gain changes.
multiplier structure. Linear focused variants, such as the measure of the ability of a photomultiplier to reveal
The electron multiplier gain change is approximately -0.2
9102B, and side window types, have excellent recovery structure in spectral measurements. The source of
%/°C for both BeCu and SbCs dynodes.
characteristics. the spectrum of pulse heights may be a Na (Tl) crystal (b)
dia. 25mm x 2mm
excited by a mixture of isotopes, or some other light 3000 The change in photocathode sensitivity with temperature
Res 35.9%
Rate Effect emitting process where peaks in the distribution have depends on the photocathode type and the wavelength
In pulsed applications there is a hysteresis effect some physical significance. In both cases, the resolution, of incident light and is illustrated in figure 29. Note how

counts per channel

which produces a change in pulse height with count R, is by definition 2000 the variation is greatest at the long wavelength limits of
rate. It is not directly the count rate which causes the fwhm x 100 % sensitivity. The loss in red sensitivity should be noted
effect but the related changing anode current. Such R= ...(20)
peak position whenever cooling is employed to reduce dark counts.
an effect can be caused by poor voltage divider design where fwhm is the full width at half maximum height. 1000 The temperature coefficient of the photomultiplier is the
but for the present we refer to an intrinsic dynode gain combination of the change in photocathode sensitivity
For a Normal distribution, the relationship between
variation only. In Na (Tl) applications, a standard test is to and electron multiplier gain, e.g. -0.3 %/°C for the 9954B
standard deviation, σ, and Resolution is:. 0
change the position of a 137Cs source on the axis of the 0 250 500 750 1000 at 400 nm.
scintillator producing at first pulses at a rate of 1000 s -1, Resolution = 2.35σ ...(21) noise edge channel
0.5 keV
then pulses at 10,000 s -1 and observing the mean pulse where σ is expressed as % 1.0
Bialk RbCs

temperature coefficient (%/ oC)

9814B 9954B
height in each case. For the test to have any meaning, figure 28 Typical spectra from NaI(T1) scintillator, optically coupled 0.8
Equation 21 can be used with confidence for most to a 9266B photomultiplier responding to radioactive decay from
the gain must be specified. In high energy physics 0.6
practical distributions. A spectrum measured with (a) 137Cs, and (b) 55Fe.
applications, count rates may increase to many MHz for S20
a 9266B coupled to a 44 x 44 mm NaI(Tl) crystal is 0.4
short time durations. table 5.11 - Typical pulse height resolution for photomultipliers
shown in figure 28(a). The peak in the distribution optically coupled to standard, factory, NaI(Tl) crystals.The yield in

The cause of rate effect is not fully understood but what corresponds to the capture of the entire energy of the photoelectrons/keV is given in the second row. 0

is well established is that ET Enterprises SbCs dynodes

Cs monoenergetic gamma-ray and is known as the -0.2
offer far superior performance to BeCu dynodes. In photopeak isotope
Fe 129
I 57
Co 137
Cs 60
Co 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
wavelength (nm)
photomultipliers with BeCu dynodes there will be gain Applying the definition of (20) to this distribution gives
changes at the 1% level for anode currents in excess energy (keV) 6 30 122 662 1332
a resolution of 6.9%. The complete capture of a 137Cs figure 29 Temperature coefficient of photocathode sensitivity.
of 1μA. With SbCs dynodes the level of performance gamma-ray in a NaI(Tl)/photomultiplier combination pe/keV 12 8 8 8 6 operating temperature
is a factor of ten better under similar conditions. Where corresponds to about 5000 photoelectrons from the
crystal mm (dxh) 20x3 25x25 44x44 50x50 75x75 The resistivity of the photocathode layer increases
rate effect is critical, selection for this parameter is photocathode (a useful figure to remember is ~8 with decreasing temperature. Therefore, below room
recommended photoelectrons/keV for a 2” x 2” crystal). From the resolution (%) 32-40 25-35 8.5-10 6.8-7.4 10-15* temperature the maximum current that can be drawn
statistical arguments culminating in (14), taking the from the photocathode, if non-linear operation is to be
mean number of photoelectrons as ~5000, the expected *It is standard practice to quote 60Co performance in avoided, is less than the value quoted in table 5.3(a).
resolution should be about half that measured. The terms of the peak-to-valley ratio referred to 1.332 MeV, Maximum currents must be scaled by a factor of 2 per
explanation for this discrepancy lies in the intrinsic rather than in terms of resolution. 5°C temperature drop below 20°C.
resolution associated with Na (Tl) crystals 2.
17 18
6. Environmental effects 6. Environmental effects
unstable output, high dark current and reduced
6.2. Magnetic fields insulating sleeve d1 aperture
photomultiplier lifetime can be traced to a ground
contact on the photomultiplier window (or envelope)
An external magnetic field causes photoelectrons when the photomultiplier is operated with cathode
and secondary electrons to deviate from their normal y

dark counts (s-1)

negative with respect to ground. For similar reasons
trajectories. The effect is critically dependent on electron the casing of NaI(Tl) crystals must be maintained at
optical design and multiplier structure, the focused z
cathode potential.
structures being most susceptible. Both photoelectron x
RFI shielded ambient and cooled housings, available
collection efficiency, and electron multiplier gain, g, are glass envelope mu-metal foil optimum from ET Enterprises, have been designed for use with
affected, giving a combined effect on the overall gain G, performance
positive or negative high voltage by observing the
as illustrated in figure 30. figure 31 Cut away section illustrating the construction of the
integral mu-metal shield. The co-ordinate axes adopted for the 100 precautions outlined above.
0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000
The use of a mu-metal shield is recommended to photomultiplier are also shown. envelope potential (volts)
ET Enterprises can also provide a conductive coating
minimise the effect and in the best designs extends anode d1 cathode
on the envelope of the photomultiplier, with the coating
from the rear of the photomultiplier to a distance half of figure 33 Effect of envelope potential on the dark counts of a 9924B connected directly to the cathode pin. An insulating
the diameter beyond the photocathode. photomultiplier. Best performance is obtained when the envelope sleeve covers the conductive coating for safety
100 x-axis is maintained at cathode potential.
ET Enterprises offers integral mu-metal shields for end reasons, adding approximately 0.8 mm to the published
80 photomultiplier diameter. This option is especially
window photomultipliers up to 52 mm in diameter. The use of positive high voltage dictates that the
relative output (%)
Figure 31 shows the construction of an integral shield; 60 cathode is at ground potential. If associated housings, recommended in low light level applications.
the mu-metal is wrapped around the graphite coated 40
shielding and material in contact with the window (for
envelope and electrically protected by an insulating
example a NaI(Tl) crystal) are all maintained at ground 6.4. Effect of ionising radiation
sleeve. The relative output of the photomultiplier is potential then there will be no field gradients and stable
shown in figure 32 as a function of external magnetic 0 performance is assured. Positive high voltage is always As discussed in Section 5.7 ionising radiation causes
-24 -16 -8 0 8 16 24
field with an integral shield. Further details on this the preferred mode of photomultiplier operation but note electron emission in the photomultiplier. At high
technique and the benefits it offers are contained in applied field (gauss) this requires the anode to be ac coupled. energies it causes ‘browning’ of the glass window
the ET Enterprises reprint RP 0844 . Certain photomultiplier applications demand the use and envelope affecting transmission of light to the
figure 32 Demonstrating how a wrapped mu-metal shield reduces of negative high voltage (where the anode is directly photocathode. The amount of discolouration depends on
x-axis across dynodes the sensitivity of a 9106B photomultiplier to external magnetic
coupled to external circuitry). Optimum and stable the exposure and on the type of glass; a quartz (fused
y-axis along dynodes fields. Solid line: unshielded; grey line: wrapped shield; darker silica) window is least affected.
z-axis along tube length region: earth’s field. Field aligned across the first dynode, x axis.
performance can be obtained provided precautions are
1.5 taken to eliminate electric field gradients in the vicinity
compact focused 9781B

of the window. Figure 34 illustrates the precautions
to be taken when a NaI(Tl) crystal is coupled to a
6.5. Shock and vibration
6.3. Electric fields photomultiplier. It is not acceptable practice to ground
Photomultipliers will withstand the demands of portable
the can of the crystal. Instead it must be maintained
0.0 Photomultiplier stability and lifetime are strongly instrumentation and everyday handling. There are,
at cathode potential, and in addition, insulated from
1.5 influenced by electric fields. It is important to distinguish however, levels of shock and vibration which will cause
box & grid 9924B the surroundings.
between external and internal electric fields. Internal mechanical failure or impair electrical performance.
electrical fields are generated in the glass envelope -------------------------------
Excessive shock can give rise to mechanical failure
0.5 and immediate surroundings of the photomultiplier by Nal(TI) should any support or electrical connection fracture.
relative output

0.0 the application of high voltage. These fields are often crystal
Excessive vibration gives rise to mechanical failure of
responsible for erratic and unstable photomultiplier ------------------------------- anode the envelope or of the internal structure. In addition
1.5 linear focused 9102B behaviour. However their effect can be minimised by loose material may be produced which can accumulate
insulating epoxy or electrostatic/ voltage
1.0 application of appropriate shielding techniques. sleeve silicon grease magnetic shield divider and cause internal short circuits.
Gain stability and dark counts are strongly affected by figure 34 Stable performance with negative high voltage is Shock and vibration can manifest itself at the anode
0.0 field gradients in the vicinity of the photocathode. This is achieved by eliminating potential gradients in the vicinity of the as microphony – caused by changes in electrode
illustrated in figure 33 where dark counts are recorded photocathode. The electrostatic shielding and the can of the crystal capacitance from movement of electrodes. In addition,
venetian blind 9956B are both maintained at cathode potential by this arrangement.
as a function of envelope potential. In this investigation, where ac coupling is used, the coupling capacitor
1.0 a cylindrical screen covering the envelope, but leaving itself may be microphonic. The use of charge sensitive
0.5 the window free, was varied in potential using a Any conductor in contact with the window or amplifiers minimises these effects. Mu-metal shields
separate power supply. The effect on performance envelope of the photomultiplier must be connected are recommended to eliminate the effects of changing
-20 -10 0 10 20 is dramatic and represents typical behaviour when to cathode potential. When the photomultiplier magnetic fields. When operated at negative high voltage,
photomultipliers are operated under these conditions. is operated at cathode negative with respect to external insulators or potting materials in contact with
applied field (tesla) x 10-4
ground, a 10 M Ω safety resistor between -HV and the envelope may breakdown electrically or produce
the shield is advised. Only very good insulators, light. The method of mounting a photomultiplier is
figure 30 Relative output as a function of external magnetic field. critical: encapsulation can be designed to damp external
e.g. PTFE, should be brought into direct contact
(for photomultipliers operated at nominal gain).
with the photomultiplier window. All too often, shock and vibration.
Note: Earth’s Field is shown in darker colour.

19 20
6. Environmental effects 7. Choice of photomultiplier
Flexible potting materials applied over the full length At first sight this appears to be a formidable task
of the photomultiplier are generally recommended for 6.6. Exposure to daylight because the number of variants offered by ET
7.3. Electron multiplier structure
radial support. Axial load is recommended to prevent Enterprises. However, the choice is rapidly reduced
movement of the window with respect to the housing. The photomultiplier is an extremely sensitive light to within a few, or just one device, when external The choice is often restricted by the diameter of the
detector and should not be operated under daylight factors and performance characteristics of particular photomultiplier; the widest variety of multipliers is
Ruggedized glass and quartz photomultipliers can available in 52 mm diameter tubes.
or room lighting levels. Even when non-operational, photomultipliers are considered. External factors such
be specially manufactured to meet severe operating
exposure to daylight or normal lighting levels causes as the area over which the light extends and physical
conditions experienced for example in military, oil well The linear focused structure is recommended in pulsed
photocathode excitation, especially under uv illumination. restraints on overall dimensions usually play an
logging and space launch applications. ET Enterprises light applications for fastest time response, for best
Although this does not damage the tube, it causes an important role in selection.
will design, qualify, manufacture and test devices linearity and for highest available multiplier gain.
increased dark current (count) level. Initially this may
to specific project requirements. After qualification Performance measurements requirements such as:
be several orders of magnitude higher than the final The circular focused structure is the most compact
it is normal practice to test all project devices at an
dark current value. The effect is particularly pronounced spectral response design with good magnetic immunity, good timing, good
acceptance level, which is normally half of the random
in photomultipliers with quartz windows. Although linearity but is limited in the number of stages available.
vibration qualification level. gain
the photomultiplier can be used immediately after
ET Enterprises has extensive environmental test exposure without any effect on overall sensitivity, the dark current The venetian blind structure is an excellent general
facilities including sinusoidal and random vibration, dark current will not settle to its ultimate value for many purpose type with a wide choice in the number of
linearity stages.
shock, thermal and vacuum test. Representative shock hours. Figure 36 illustrates the dark current decay of
and vibration tests for ruggedized tubes are shown in a 9829QB. For these reasons it is recommended that speed of response
The box and grid structure is most commonly used in 30
table 6.5 while figure 35 illustrates power spectral tubes are not exposed to daylight or fluorescent room
invariably reduce the choice to within a few types. mm diameter photomultipliers and is suited to a variety
density curves for random vibration. The frequency lights but are loaded into instruments under subdued
of applications from high light levels down to the photon
range, acceleration values and test duration are agreed lighting conditions.
counting region.
with each customer.
7.1. End window or side window
table 6.5 Shock and vibration limits for ruggedized glass and metal
ceramic photomultipiers. These limits apply for all orientations, 1000 The overall performance offered by the two types 7.4. The number of dynodes
with the photomultiplier non operational. The frequency profile usually favours the selection of the end window form. In
shown in figure 35 applies to random vibration. It is important to choose a photomultiplier with the
end window tubes there is a wide choice of active areas,
dark current (nA)

parameter test glass/quartz metal ceramic 100 photocathode types and window geometry. Gathering correct number of stages. When too many stages
types types
the maximum light flux on to the photocathode from are chosen to provide the required gain, the electrical
^g 30 250 remote, diffuse and directly coupled light sources is performance is degraded. This is a consequence of
shock duration 11 ms 2 ms
shocks/axis 3 30 10 best with an end window. The side window types are low inter-electrode voltages, causing poor linearity and
(1/2 sine)
recommended when space is limited or when light timing. If too few stages are chosen, there may be
sinusoidal frequency 10-32 Hz 10-40 Hz levels are very high. insufficient gain available within the constraints of the
vibration amplitude (p-p) 10 mm 10 mm
frequency 30-2000 Hz 40-2000 Hz 1 maximum allowed operating voltage. Operation beyond
^g 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
20 30 the maximum overall sensitivity will result in excessive

sweep rate

2 octave/min

0.6 g2/Hz
2 octaves/min

2 g2/Hz
7.2. Spectral response dark current, breakdown and short lifetime.
vibration composite 20g rms 36g rms
duration/axis 2 mins 10 mins figure 36 Dark current decay of 9829Q after exposure to daylight For low light intensities, down to photon counting levels,
The most suitable photocathode type is the one that has
for 1 hour (non-operating). 10 to 14 stages will be required. For intermediate light
the maximum quantum efficiency over the wavelength
levels, 8 - 12 stages are usually sufficient. High light
100 range emitted by the light source. At low light levels
levels require between 6 and 10 stages of gain. An aid
6.7. Helium the signal-to-background ratio may be more important.
to selecting the right number of stages is presented in
At high light levels consideration should be given to the
table 7.4.
maximum cathode current allowed. This is discussed in
power spectral density (g2/Hz)

g (rms) Helium is able to permeate glass, especially quartz

30 (fused silica). While chemically inert, the increase in detail in Section 5.3. The choice of window is important
light level high medium low
1 gas pressure within the photomultiplier results in an when the light source to be measured emits in the uv.

Transmission curves given in Section 3.2 should be



photocurrent I k > 1 nA 1 nA > I k > 10 pA I k < 10 pA

increase in afterpulse rate. If the pressure exceeds



consulted. In the detection of ionising radiation using



10-3 torr, electrical breakdown becomes likely and


0.1 pmt gain g < 10 4 10 4 < g < 10 6 10 6 < g < 10 8

the photomultiplier is inoperable. a scintillator, there is a contribution to background
For this reason storage or operation in helium- count rate from the naturally occurring isotopes in number of
0.01 enriched environments must be avoided. the photomultiplier window. When this is critical, it is SbCs stages <n<8 8 < n < 10 10 < n < 12
advisable to discuss your particular requirements with number of
ET Enterprises. BeCu stages n < 10 10 < n < 12 12 < n < 14
10 20 50 100 200 400 1000 2000
frequency (Hz)
table 7.4 Relationship between light level and number of dynodes.
figure 35 Standard, random vibration power spectral density
profiles used by ET Enterprises. The square root of the area under
each curve is related to g(rms).

21 22
8. Voltage dividers 8. Voltage dividers
A series of voltages is applied to the photomultiplier to: A resistive divider poses a power dissipation problem,
7.5. SbCs or BeCu dynode surface accelerate and focus photoelectrons on to d 1; accelerate 8.2. Pulsed applications if properly designed in accordance with (22), for high
and focus the secondary electrons between successive count rates. Practical dividers, ideal for high count rates,
At any applied voltage SbCs dynodes have higher gain dynodes and to collect the secondaries from the last Some photomultipliers are capable of handling peak either incorporate zener diodes or transistors in the final
than BeCu ones but this is not always an advantage. dynode at the anode. It is common practice to derive the currents of the order of 200 mA. To achieve this level of stages. These provide the required level of performance
Since the time response depends on applied voltage, voltages from a single supply using a resistive divider performance requires a divider that differs from that in without having to draw excessive divider current.
BeCu is recommended for time-critical pulsed light network. figure 37 in two important respects:
applications. In addition, it has better pulsed current
i) the potentials applied to the last few stages must be
linearity. Voltage divider design is critical to achieving optimum
increased to overcome space charge effects;
8.3. Active dividers
performance from a photomultiplier. An outline of
SbCs requires lower operating voltages. It also has design considerations is given in this section but for
better hysteresis and rate effect performance due to ii) capacitors are added to supply the charge pulse. Active dividers (figure 39) consist of a series of FETs
a detailed account, the reader is referred to ‘Voltage
its low surface resistivity, enabling it to settle quickly With NaI(Tl) applications it is common to use positive interposed between the dynodes and a high impedance
Divider Design’ RP069 6. All photomultipliers will operate
between changing light levels. Consequently it is the high voltage with the cathode at ground potential. resistive divider. The FETs hold the dynodes at fixed
with the linear divider, shown in figure 37, although
best choice in optically chopped light applications such The coupling capacitor, C, shown in figure 38, potentials. This type of divider ensures constant gain
not necessarily with ideal performance. For example, if
as colour film scanning. Further details are given in isolates the dc potential at the anode from the up to a mean anode current of 100uA, the maximum
linearity and timing are of prime importance, it will be
sections 4.3 and 5. measuring electronics. In high energy physics permitted in most pmt types. Power consumption is
necessary to modify the basic configuration of figure
applications it is usual to couple the anode directly typically 100 mW and they are particularly suited to
37. Voltage dividers actually used by ET Enterprises for
to external electronics to avoid base line shift. portable instrumentation.
testing purposes are listed in the photomultiplier
7.6. Electrical performance data sheets.
k a
As explained in section 5, various limitations apply in Voltage divider networks are available to suit most
photomultiplier performance which may further influence photomultiplier tube types and applications. Ask for
the choice of photocathode, multiplier structure and publication ‘Voltage Divider Networks’ RP085 7.
number of dynodes. Reference should be made to this 3R R R
R 1.25R 1.5R 2R 3R R2
section before making the final choice. C

8.1. DC applications
Having chosen the most suitable photomultiplier, it is C1 C2 C3 R1
1nF 1nF 10nF
recommended that a prototype of the optical detection Direct current applications require negative high voltage +HV
system is built. It is important to confirm the mean applied at the cathode, leaving the anode at ground

cathode current, the mean and peak anode current and potential for ease of interfacing. The choice of R in
the range of operating voltages. ‘Order of magnitude figure 37 is governed by the maximum anode current
calculations’ are sufficient for this purpose. It is often Ia (max) the application demands, subject to Ia (max) figure 38 A tapered divider suitable for pulse applications. In this figure 39 Active, uniform divider providing high performance and
found that the light levels are either much higher or example, positive high voltage is used. R 2 is the load resistor, low power consumption over a wide dynamic range of operation.
always <100 μA. R should be chosen to satisfy the 10KΩ -1M Ω. R1=10MΩ safety resistor.
much lower than expected and re-selection of the most relationship Ia (max)<0.01IHV, where I HV is the divider
suitable photomultiplier may be necessary. current. This will ensure that gain linearity is preserved
As with the linear voltage divider of figure 37, R is
Manufacturers are continually upgrading equipment up to anode currents of I a (max). Once Ia (max) exceeds
chosen to satisfy
performance, which may place additional demands on one tenth IHV, serious deviation from linearity will -
become apparent. IHV > 100 Ia ...(22)
the photomultiplier. Engineers making changes which
affect the operating voltages or the currents flowing in Where Ī a is the mean anode current
the photomultiplier should always re-confirm that the k a
The degree of taper on the last few stages of the
photomultiplier remains within its performance limits.
divider depends on the tube type and on the level of
When re-design takes place, it is advisable to contact
performance required.
ET Enterprises to keep up to date with the latest
products. R R R
R R R R R R1 The size of decoupling capacitors can be calculated
from the basic relationship for a capacitor: Q = CV. It
is sufficient to demand that the inter dynode voltage
-HV o/p
remains constant to ~0.1%, that is ΔV/V ≤0.001, while
peak charge ΔQ is drawn. If C is chosen to satisfy
C> ...(23)
figure 37 A linear voltage divider for dc applications. R may be
the divider will cope with short bursts of pulses of
in the range 10 KΩ -10 M Ω. R1=10 M Ω is a safety resistor, which
prevents the anode floating to dn potential when the external load variable magnitude. It is important to appreciate that
is removed. R1 is often omitted because it can cause preamplifier decoupling capacitors only cover short bursts of pulses.
offsets. A sustained high count rate leads to a high mean anode
current I a and there is the possibility that the relationship
(22) will be violated.
23 24
9. Photon counting 10. Further information
There are three modes of photomultiplier operation, References available on request
analogue (current mode detection) 106 1) Gating of Photomultipiers (RP 061)
pulse counting and encoding

relative counts
signal plateau
2) Monte Carlo Simulation of Photomultiplier
photon counting 50 Resoulution (RP 080)
signal / background
Information on both the intensity and the time signature ratio 3) An Investigation of Photomultiplier Background
25 (c)
of a light source can be obtained by using the photon (RP 075)
counting method. 104
0 4) Integral mu-metal* Shields (RP084)

afterpulse rate (% per photoelectron)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Certain high gain photomultipliers give you the ability to
detect single photons. When used in this mode, referred
photoelectrons equivalent 5) Metal Ceramic Photomultipliers (RP079)
to as photon counting, the fundamental and unique figure 41 The pulse height distribution of the output of figure 40,
6) Voltage Divider Design (RP069)
(dark count)

counts (s-1)
characteristic of a photomultiplier is utilised - the ability known as the single electron response (SER)
to detect single photons over a large photocathode area 7) Voltage Divider Networks (RP085)
Photon counting is that mode of operation where each 102 10
In practice, photon counting is done using a circuit with
We have a worldwide network of representatives.
detected photon is separately time resolved at the anode a single fixed threshold as opposed to a multichannel
Please contact us for details of your local
of the photomultiplier. This is illustrated in figure 40 analyser. An amplifier-discriminator combines a fast
where the intensity of the incident light is sufficiently amplifier and a fixed threshold discriminator with an 101 (d)
low that there is no overlapping in the sequence of overall sensitivity of the order of one millivolt. Deciding
detected photons. Because the multiplier gain process upon the optimum operating point of a photon detection afterpulses
is statistical in nature, events which all start as single system depends on the nature of the application and 100 0.1
electrons at the cathode produce a range of output pulse to some degree on personal judgement. It is standard
heights. The narrower the spread in pulse heights, the practice to record signal and background curves as suggested
better suited is the photomultiplier to photon counting. shown in figure 42. Noting that the output pulses from 10-1
operating point
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
the photomultiplier have a range of size, characterised
A photon counting photomultiplier is one with a well
by the SER, the shape of the signal curve is explained overall voltage (kV)
defined single electron peak, shown in figure 41. This
as follows. Few counts are recorded at low applied HV
is a pulse height distribution, measured at fixed gain,
because the gain of the photomultiplier is insufficient figure 42 Finding the optimum operating voltage for photon
using a source of single photons and a multichannel
to produce a significant number of pulses that exceed counting. The steeply rising afterpulse curve suggests a preferred
analyser. A characteristic of a single electron response, operating point to the left of the Signal/Background plateau region.
the threshold (region ). As the HV, and hence gain,
SER, spectrum is that increasing or decreasing the light
is increased to 1.2kV, about half the output pulses
intensity changes the area under the curve, but not the
exceed the threshold and all pulses to the right of current mode detection
position of the peak.
the peak in the SER contribute to the measured Every discriminator circuit has an intrinsic dead time.
count rate (region ). As the gain is further increased This refers to the period the circuit requires to deal with
time base = 0.2μs/div most of the distribution in the SER is counted and a each signal. Should a second pulse appear during this
voltage = 5.0mV/div
plateau is reached (region ). Further increase in HV period then it is lost to the count rate. In theory it is
results in a slight increase in counts until the onset of possible to allow for the affects of overlapping pulses by
photomultiplier breakdown (region ). Note that the correcting the measured rate, n. If T is the dead time for
plateau characteristic is in effect an integration of the an ideal, non-paralisable, amplifier-discriminator then the
pulse amplitude

SER moving from right to left across figure 41. Also true rate N is
note that gain follows a power law with respect to HV
and and the gain span across the plateau characteristic is N = n / (1 - nT) ...(24)
typically two decades in magnitude. All photomultipliers Discriminators are not ideal and the correction becomes
produce unwanted afterpulses. Curve (d) shows that the unreliable if the dead time exceeds 50%. For a dead
afterpulse rate is a strong function of HV. time of 100 ns, for example, the correction will exceed
Good experimental technique suggest that operating at a 10% at count rates in excess of 1 MHz. At such high
point on the plateau that maximises signal/background is count rates, the statistical advantages associated with
sound practice. This ratio, shown in figure 42, indicates photon counting become less important and it may be
a wide window of acceptable performance. Taking desirable to resort to current mode detection.
account of the benefits of operating on the flattest part
figure 40 Photomultiplier output produced by a source of single
of the signal curve (providing stable performance against
gain changes) and the steeply increasing afterpulse rate,
leads to the suggested operating point indicated.
*mu-metal isis aa registered
registered trademark
trademark of

25 26
ET Enterprises Limited
Riverside Way
Uxbridge, UB8 2YF, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1895 200880
Fax: +44 (0)1895 270873
Email: [email protected]

ADIT Electron Tubes

300 Crane Street
Sweetwater, TX 79556, USA
Tel: (325) 235 1418
Toll free: (800) 399 4557
Fax: (325) 235 2872
Email: [email protected]

ref: upmt/11


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