01 - Midterm I Review

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Midterm I Review

(Phys 2200 – Spring 2017)


For actual midterm, only a two-sided 3×5 formula card and a calculator
with cleared memory is allowed

This Midterm covers chapters 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26(Sec’s 1-3)

Similar to HW problems, examples on the board, and the following review problems may be included in the
midterm. Make sure you work on all these areas.

The actual Midterm is on Thursday February 23, during class hour

There will be 4  1 problems in exam

Please try to arrive at least 5 minutes early

1. Field and force with three charges:

At a particular moment, three small charged balls, one negative and two positive, are located as shown in
Figure. Q1 = 1 nC, Q2 = 7 nC, and Q3 = -7 nC.

(a1) What is the electric field at the location of Q1, due to Q2?

(a2) Repeat (a1), but first calculate the electric potential at the location of Q1, due to Q2, and then
use that to calculate the electric field at the location of Q1, due to Q2.

(a2) What is the electric field at the location of Q1, due to Q3?

(a3) What is the net electric field at the location of Q1, due to Q2 and Q3?

(b) Use the electric field you calculated above to find the force on Q1 due to Q2 and Q3.

2. A thin spherical plastic shell of radius R1 carrier a uniformly distributed charge or Q1 on its surface. A very
large thin circular glass disk that carries a uniformly distributed charge of –Q2 is located at a distance of d
from the center of the shell. Assume d is much smaller than the size of the disk.

a) Find the potential difference VA–VB. (A is at center) Q1, R1

– Q2

b) Find the potential at point C relative to infinitely far away. (Recall we take potential at infinity to be

3. For the wires in the figure:

n = 9 1028 electrons/m3
u = 7 10-5 (m/s)/(V/m)
L1 = 0.2 m
L2 = 0.05 m
A1 = 9 10-8 m2
A2 = 1.5 10-8 m2

(a) What is E1 and E2?

(b) What is R1 and R2?

(c) If E = 12.0 V, what is the current in R1 and R2?

4. In the circuit shown below, the emf of the battery is E = 7.2 volts. Resistor R1 has a resistance of 33 ohms,
resistor R2 has a resistance of 45 ohms, and resistor R3 has a resistance of 51 ohms. A steady current flows
through the circuit.

(a) What is the equivalent resistance of R1 and R2?

(b) What is the equivalent resistance of all the resistors: R1, R2, and R3?

(c) What is the conventional current through R3?

(d) What is the power dissipated in each resistor?

(e) If another battery with emf of E = 10.0 volts is added across R2 (Positive up), then what is the current in

5) A non-conducting sphere with radius a = 4.0 cm is inside a conducting shell with radii b = 15.0 cm
and c = 20.0 cm as shown. Assume that the electric field at r 1 = 10.0 cm is measured to be 3.2103
N/C radially inward, while the electric field at r 2 = 45.0 cm from the center is 1.5102 N/C radially

a) What is the charge on the insulating sphere?

b) What is the net charge on the conducting shell?
c) What is the charge on the inner surface of spherical shell?
d) What is the charge on the outer surface of spherical shell?
e) What is the potential as a function of r inside the non-conducting sphere?


6. In the following Figure all capacitor values are 5.0 μF and the battery is 12V.

a) When all capacitors are fully charged, what are the charges on them?
b) What are the potential differences VAB and VBC? (hint: this part needs no calculations.)
c) Now if capacitor C4 is taken out of the circuit and a dielectric with constant =2.5 is placed
inside, what would be its new charge and voltage?


C2 C3

12V C1


7. A battery’s EMF is 18 V and its internal resistance is 0.05 Ω. If this battery is charged with a 90 A steady

a) what is the potential difference across its terminals?

b) What is the rate of energy dissipating into heat?
c) What is the rate of conversion of energy into chemical energy?
d) What is the rate of total energy being fed into the battery.

8. In the following circuit:

a) Find the current in all resistors.

b) What is the potential difference between points A and B?
3.0 k

50V 40V 60V

2.0 k

1.0 k B


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