Perit Dial Int-2016-Li-481-508

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Peritoneal Dialysis International, Vol. 36, pp. 481–508 0896-8608/16 $3.00 + .

00 Copyright © 2016 International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis



Philip Kam-Tao Li,1 Cheuk Chun Szeto,1 Beth Piraino,2 Javier de Arteaga,3 Stanley Fan,4 Ana E. Figueiredo,5
Douglas N. Fish,6 Eric Goffin,7 Yong-Lim Kim,8 William Salzer,9 Dirk G. Struijk,10
Isaac Teitelbaum,11 and David W. Johnson12

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Department of Medicine and Therapeutics,1 Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,2 Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Department of Nephrology,3 Hospital Privado and
Catholic University, Cordoba, Argentina; Department of Renal Medicine and Transplantation,4 Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK; Nursing School-FAENFI,5 Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil;
Department of Clinical Pharmacy,6 Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado,
Aurora, CO, USA; Department of Nephrology,7 Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université catholique de
Louvain, Belgium; Department of Internal Medicine,8 Kyungpook National University School of Medicine,
Clinical Research Center for End Stage Renal Disease, Daegu, Korea; University of Missouri-Columbia
School of Medicine,9 Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Infectious Disease, MI, USA;
Department of Nephrology,10 Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands; University of Colorado Hospital,11 Aurora, CO, USA; and
Department of Nephrology,12 University of Queensland at
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

KEY WORDS: Peritonitis; guidelines; prevention; treatment; 2. Prevention of peritonitis

ISPD. 3. Initial presentation and management of peritonitis
4. Subsequent management of peritonitis

P eritonitis is a common and serious complication of peri-

toneal dialysis (PD). Although less than 5% of peritonitis
episodes result in death, peritonitis is the direct or major
5. Future research

These recommendations are evidence-based where such

contributing cause of death in around 16% of PD patients evidence exists. Publications in or before December 2015
(1–6). In addition, severe or prolonged peritonitis leads to were reviewed. The bibliography is not intended to be com-
structural and functional alterations of the peritoneal mem- prehensive. When there were many similar publications on
brane, eventually leading to membrane failure. Peritonitis is the same area, the committee included articles that were
a major cause of PD technique failure and conversion to long- recently published. In general, these recommendations follow
term hemodialysis (1,5,7,8). the Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development and
Recommendations under the auspices of the International Evaluation (GRADE) system for classification of the level of
Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) were first published in evidence and grade of recommendations in clinical guideline
1983 and revised in 1993, 1996, 2000, 2005, and 2010 (9–14). reports (15). Within each recommendation, the strength of
The present recommendations are organized into 5 sections: the recommendation is indicated as Level 1 (We recommend),
Level 2 (We suggest), or not graded, and the quality of the
1. Peritonitis rate supporting evidence is shown as A (high quality), B (mod-
Correspondence to: Philip Kam-Tao Li, CUHK Carol & Richard Yu PD erate quality), C (low quality), or D (very low quality). The
Research Centre, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince recommendations are not meant to be implemented in every
of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
[email protected] Perit Dial Int 2016; 36(5):481–508 epub ahead of print: 09 June 2016
Received 20 March 2016; accepted 4 May 2016.
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LI et al. SEPTEMBER  2016 - VOL. 36, NO. 5 PDI

situation indiscriminately. Each PD unit should examine its TABLE 1

own pattern of infection, causative organisms, and sensitivi- Methods for Reporting Peritonitis
ties, and adapt the protocols according to local conditions as
necessary. Although many of the general principles presented • As rates (calculated for all infections and each organism): Number
here could be applied to pediatric patients, we focus on peri- of infections by organism for a time period, divided by dialysis-
tonitis in adult patients. Clinicians who take care of pediatric years’ time at risk, and expressed as episodes per year.
PD patients should refer to the latest consensus guideline from • As percentage of patients per period of time who are peritonitis
our pediatric colleagues for detailed treatment regimens and
• As median peritonitis rate for the program (calculate peritonitis
dosages (16). rate for each patient, and then obtain the median of these rates).

PERITONITIS RATE N.B. Relapsing peritonitis (see Table 6 for the definition) should be
counted as a single episode.
• We recommend that every program should monitor, at least
on a yearly basis, the incidence of peritonitis (1C). in a linear scale. Some centers also monitor the incidence of
• We recommend that the parameters monitored should death associated with peritonitis, which is typically defined as
include the overall peritonitis rate, peritonitis rates of death with active peritonitis or within 4 weeks of a peritonitis
specific organisms, the percentage of patients per year who episode, or any death during hospitalization for a peritonitis
are peritonitis-free, and the antimicrobial susceptibilities episode (6,12,30).

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of the infecting organisms (1C).
• We suggest that peritonitis rate should be standardly PREVENTION OF PERITONITIS
reported as number of episodes per patient-year (not
graded). Exit-site and catheter-tunnel infections are major predis-
• We suggest that organism-specific peritonitis rates should posing factors to PD-related peritonitis (31). Many prevention
be reported as absolute rates, i.e. as number of episodes strategies aim to reduce the incidence of exit-site and catheter-
per year (not graded). tunnel infections, and clinical trials in this area often report
peritonitis rates as a secondary outcome. In this guideline,
As part of a continuous quality improvement (CQI) program, we focus on the prevention of peritonitis. The prevention of
all PD programs should monitor the incidence of peritonitis exit-site and catheter-tunnel infections will be covered in a
on a regular basis (17–19). During the computation, only separate guideline.
peritonitis episodes that developed from the first day of PD
training should be counted, while relapsing episodes should CATHETER PLACEMENT
only be counted once. However, it may also be useful to monitor
any peritonitis episode that develops after catheter insertion • We recommend that systemic prophylactic antibiotics be
and before PD training is started. Peritonitis episodes that administered immediately prior to catheter insertion (1A).
develop while the patient is hospitalized and PD performed
by nurses should also be counted. In addition to the overall Detailed description of the recommended practice of PD
peritonitis rate, monitoring should include the peritonitis catheter insertion has been covered in another ISPD position
rate of specific organisms and drug susceptibilities of the paper (32). There are 4 randomized, controlled trials on the use
infecting organisms (20), which may help to design center- of perioperative intravenous (IV) cefuroxime (33), gentamicin
specific empirical antibiotic regimens. With this information, (34,35), vancomycin (36), and cefazolin (35,36) as compared
interventions can be implemented when peritonitis rates are to no treatment. Three of them showed that perioperative anti-
rising or unacceptably high. biotic reduces the incidence of early peritonitis (34–36), while
There is a substantial variation in the peritonitis rate 1 that used cefazolin and gentamicin found no benefit (35).
­reported by different countries, as well as a great deal Vancomycin and cefazolin were compared head-to-head in 1
of variation within countries that is not well explained study (36), which showed that vancomycin is more effective
(1,3,14,19,21–26). Nonetheless, the overall peritonitis than cefazolin. The overall benefit of prophylactic periop-
rate should be no more than 0.5 episodes per year at risk, erative IV antibiotics was confirmed by a systematic review of
although the rate achieved depends considerably on the these 4 trials (37). Although first-generation cephalosporin
patient population. In some outstanding centers, an overall may be slightly less effective than vancomycin, the former
peritonitis rate as low as 0.18 to 0.20 episode per year has is still commonly used because of the concern regarding
been reported (27,28). All centers should work to continuously vancomycin resistance. Each PD program should determine
improve their peritonitis rates. There are several methods of its own choice of antibiotic for prophylaxis after consider-
reporting peritonitis rates (Table 1) (13,29), and expressing ing the local spectrum of anti­biotic resistance. No data exist
as number of patient-month per episode has been commonly on the effectiveness of routine screening and eradication of
used. However, the committee favors reporting peritonitis Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage before catheter insertion
rates as number of episodes per year as data are presented (e.g. by intranasal mupirocin).
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Besides prophylactic antibiotics, various techniques of of peritonitis with double bag compared with the standard Y
catheter placement have been tested. Four randomized tri- systems (82). On the other hand, 2 updated systematic reviews
als have compared laparoscopic or peritoneoscopic catheter did not find any difference (42,81). It was suggested that the
placement with standard laparotomy (38–41). One study use of conservative statistical techniques might have partly
showed that peritoneoscopic insertion led to significantly less accounted for the lack of difference observed (42).
early peritonitis (38), but the other 3 were negative (39–41). Published studies that compared the peritonitis rate of
A systematic review concluded that there is no significant machine-assisted automated PD (APD) and CAPD showed con-
difference in peritonitis rate between these techniques (42). flicting results (83–91). However, most of these studies were
Two studies compared midline with lateral incision (43,44), observational rather than randomized trials, and the analysis
but neither found any difference in peritonitis rate. Several of these studies is handicapped by failure to report on the
studies examined the technique of burying the PD catheter connection type in the cyclers used. At present, the choice of
in subcutaneous tissue for 4 to 6 weeks after implantation APD versus CAPD should not be based on the risk of peritonitis.
(45–47). The first prospective study with historic control
found a decrease in rate of peritonitis (45). In the 2 sub- TRAINING PROGRAMS
sequent randomized studies, one showed a decrease in
peritonitis rate with a buried catheter (46), while the other • We recommend that the latest ISPD recommendations for
showed no difference (47). One retrospective study found teaching PD patients and their caregivers be followed (92).
no difference in peritonitis rate between pre-sternal and • We recommend that PD training be conducted by nursing staff
with the appropriate qualifications and experience (1C).

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abdominal swan-neck catheters (48). In summary, there are
no convincing data that the buried catheter technique lowers
peritonitis rates. The method of training has an important influence on the
risk of PD infections (92–103). Much research is needed on
CATHETER DESIGN the best approach to train patients on the technique of PD
to minimize PD-related infections. Unfortunately, high-level
• The committee has no specific recommendation on catheter evidence guiding how, where, when, and by whom PD training
design for prevention of peritonitis. should be performed is lacking (103). Detailed description of
the recommended practice of PD training has been covered
There are no convincing data regarding the effect of PD in another ISPD guideline (92,93), which each PD program
catheter design and configuration on peritonitis risk. Eight should consult while preparing the trainer and developing a
randomized trials have compared straight and coiled PD specific curriculum for PD training. In essence, all PD training
catheters (49–55) and found no difference in peritonitis rate. nurses should receive adequate education to perform training
Two systemic reviews of these trials had the same conclusion and subsequent further education to update and hone their
(42,56). Two randomized controlled trials found no differ- teaching skills. Each program should have an established cur-
ence in peritonitis rate between a swan-neck design and the riculum that is followed in teaching the patient the procedure
traditional Tenckhoff catheter (57,58). Several retrospective and theory of PD. Testing the patient practical skills at the end
studies suggested that double-cuffed catheters are associated of training is essential.
with a lower peritonitis rate than single-cuffed ones (59–62). After PD training is completed and patients are started
However, the only randomized trial on this topic showed no dif- on home PD, a home visit by the PD nurse is often useful in
ference in peritonitis risk between the two catheter types (63). detecting problems with exchange technique, adherence
Downward direction of the tunnel and exit site has theoretical to protocols, and other environmental and behavior issues
benefits and is often advocated for the prevention of catheter- which increase the risk of peritonitis (104–109). However, the
related peritonitis, but the data supporting this are weak (64). effect of home visits on peritonitis risk has not been tested
in a prospective study. One retrospective observational study
CONNECTION METHODS in 22 pediatric patients reported a non-significant reduc-
tion in peritonitis rates following the introduction of home
• We recommend that disconnect systems with a “flush before visits (110).
fill” design be used for continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD) In addition to the initial training, retraining plays an
(1A). important role in reducing mistakes according to learning
specialists (98,100). Previous studies showed that compli-
For CAPD, several prospective studies confirm that the use of ance with exchange protocols was significantly associated
Y connection systems with the “flush before fill” design results with peritonitis rate (98,111). Another study found that 6
in a lower peritonitis rate than the traditional spike systems months after the initiation of PD, most patients took shortcuts,
(65–80). Two systematic reviews concluded that the risk of modified the standard exchange method, or did not follow
developing peritonitis was reduced by about one-third with aseptic technique (102). Re-training may reduce peritonitis
the use of Y systems (42,81). Among all disconnect systems, risk but data are limited to 2 small-scale uncontrolled studies
1 previous systematic review showed a significantly lower risk (98,101). A randomized controlled trial has been completed

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LI et al. SEPTEMBER  2016 - VOL. 36, NO. 5 PDI

on re-training and the results are pending (112). The indica- TABLE 2
tion, optimal time, and content of retraining have not been Indications for PD Re-Training
well defined. Home visits by PD nurses may be a good way to
determine which patients require re-training (98). Other indi- • Following prolonged hospitalization
cations for re-training are listed in Table 2 (14,92). Certainly, • Following peritonitis and/or catheter infection
all patients must be re-trained whenever the equipment to • Following change in dexterity, vision, or mental acuity
perform PD is changed. • Following change to another supplier or a different type of
• Following other interruption in PD (e.g. period of time on

• The committee has no specific recommendation on the PD = peritoneal dialysis.

choice of dialysis solution for prevention of peritonitis.

Early data suggested that the choice of PD solution may study showed that intranasal mupirocin reduced S. aureus ESI
affect peritonitis rates, although the results of published trials but not peritonitis (134), but this study has been criticized
are conflicting (113–120). The largest and methodologically for excluding patients at highest risk for S. aureus PD-related
most robust randomized trial of neutral-pH, low-glucose- infections. Intranasal mupirocin treatment is also less well
degradation-product (GDP) PD solutions demonstrated that accepted by patients (135). A recent study in pediatric patients
suggested that the addition of sodium hypochlorite solution

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these fluids significantly reduced the occurrence and severity
of peritonitis compared with conventional solutions (117,121). to topical mupirocin may further reduce the rate of peritonitis
A subsequent meta-analysis of 6 randomized controlled trials (136). Mupirocin resistance has been reported, particularly
concluded that the quality of many trials was poor and that trial with intermittent use but not daily use (137–140). The long-
heterogeneity was high (primarily due to risk of attrition bias), term implication of mupirocin resistance, however, has not
such that the use of neutral-pH PD solutions with reduced GDPs been studied in detail.
had an uncertain effect on the rate of peritonitis (122). The With the extensive use of prophylactic agents against
choice of PD solution should therefore currently not be based S. aureus infections, Pseudomonas species have become a
on the risk of peritonitis. proportionally more common cause of catheter infection (141).
A randomized controlled trial showed that daily application of
EXIT-SITE CARE gentamicin cream to the exit site was highly effective in reduc-
ing ESIs caused by Pseudomonas species, and was as effective
• We recommend daily topical application of antibiotic (mupi- as topical mupirocin in reducing S. aureus ESIs (125). However,
rocin or gentamicin) cream or ointment to the catheter exit 2 subsequent prospective studies found no significant dif-
site (1B). ference in the rates of infection between patients treated
• We recommend prompt treatment of exit-site or catheter with topical gentamicin and mupirocin ointment (126,142).
tunnel infection to reduce subsequent peritonitis risk (1C). Other observational studies suggested that the change of
prophylactic topical antibiotic protocol from mupirocin to
General measures concerning exit-site care and meticulous gentamicin cream was associated with an increase in ESI caused
hand hygiene during the dialysis exchange have been recom- by Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas species, and probably
mended and should be emphasized during patient training non-tuberculous mycobacteria (143,144). At present, topical
(14). Wearing a face mask during dialysis exchange is optional. gentamicin should be considered as an acceptable alterna-
A systematic review of 3 trials found that topical disinfection tive to mupirocin for prophylactic application at the exit site.
of the exit site with povidone-iodine did not reduce the risk Unfortunately, the incidence and implications of gentamicin
of peritonitis compared to simple soap and water cleansing resistance are uncertain.
or no treatment (123). A number of observational studies, Other alternative topical antibacterial agents have been
randomized controlled trials, and meta-analyses confirm tested. A randomized controlled trial found that with standard
that prophylaxis with daily application of mupirocin cream or exit-site care, the rates of catheter infection and peritonitis
ointment to the skin around the exit site is effective in reduc- were similar between patients receiving daily topical application
ing S. aureus exit-site infection (ESI) and possibly peritonitis of antibacterial honey to catheter exit site and those treated
(37,42,124–131). This strategy is further shown in another with intranasal mupirocin ointment (145). Similarly, another
study to be cost-effective (132). In a meta-analysis of 14 randomized trial found that topical triple ointment (polymyxin,
studies (only 3 of which were randomized whilst the remaining bacitracin, and neomycin) was not superior to topical mupirocin
11 were historical cohort studies), topical mupirocin reduced in the prophylaxis of PD-related infections (146).
the overall risk of S. aureus infection by 72%, and S. aureus Other prophylactic strategies have been tested. In a ran-
peritonitis by 40% (127). One retrospective study showed domized controlled trial, peritonitis caused by S. aureus or
that once weekly topical mupirocin was less effective than P. aeruginosa ESI was markedly reduced with the use of cip-
more frequent administration (133). A previous prospective rofloxacin otologic solution to the exit site, as compared to

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simple soap and water cleansing only (147). Two randomized follow hysteroscopy with biopsy (170) as well as in women
studies comparing oral rifampicin with no treatment both with vaginal fistula and leakage (171–174). One retro-
demonstrated significant reductions in peritonitis risk with spective study of 13 gynecological procedures reported a
rifampicin treatment (148,149). In another study, cyclic oral non-significant reduction in peritonitis rates associated
rifampicin and daily topical mupirocin to the exit site were with antibiotic prophylaxis (0/4 vs 5/9, p = 0.10) but had
equally effective in reducing the rate of S. aureus peritonitis inadequate statistical power (161). Transient bacteremia
(125). However, adverse effects of rifampicin were more com- is common after dental procedures and may lead to peri-
mon than those of topical mupirocin (124). Moreover, drug tonitis (175,176). Prophylactic antibiotics (e.g. single oral
interactions involving rifampicin were a real concern, and rifam- dose of amoxicillin) before extensive dental procedures may
picin resistance developed in up to 18% of cases with repeated be reasonable.
usage (150). The use of oral rifampicin for prophylactic purpose Prophylactic antibiotics are usually recommended after
is therefore not routinely advocated. Other oral antibiotics, such wet contamination, i.e. if the dialysis solution is infused
as trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, cephalexin, and ofloxacin after contamination, or if the catheter administration set was
were not effective in reducing peritonitis rates (151–153). open for an extended period (14). Most nephrologists give a
There is a strong association between ESI and subsequent 2-day course of oral antibiotics after contamination in which
peritonitis (31,154,155). Early detection of ESI and prompt dialysis has been infused, but there is no widely accepted
management with appropriate antibiotics are logical steps to standard regimen.
minimize the risk of subsequent peritonitis (31,154). A number of other potentially modifiable risk factors for

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peritonitis have been reported (19) and are summarized in
BOWEL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SOURCE INFECTIONS Table 3. Notably, hypoalbuminemia (177,178), depression
(179), and loss of motivation (180) are repeatedly reported
• We suggest antibiotic prophylaxis prior to colonoscopy (2C) as important risk factors, although there are no published
and invasive gynecologic procedures (2D). data to show that treatment of these problems would reduce
peritonitis rate. Similarly, exposure to domestic animals is
Peritoneal dialysis peritonitis commonly follows invasive another risk factor (181,182). Animals should be excluded
interventional procedures (e.g. colonoscopy, hysteroscopy, cho- from the space where the PD is being performed (182). Two
lecystectomy) in PD patients (156–160). In a single-center study observational studies suggested that oral vitamin D therapy
of 97 colonoscopies performed in 77 CAPD patients, peritonitis was associated with a significantly lower incidence of peritoni-
occurred in 5 (6.3%) of 79 colonoscopies performed without tis (183,184), but prospective randomized studies are needed
antibiotic prophylaxis and none of 18 colonoscopies performed to confirm the result.
with antibiotic prophylaxis (p = 0.58) (157). Another small
retrospective observational study reported that prophylactic
antibiotics before most endoscopic interventions, colonoscopy, TABLE 3
sigmoidoscopy, cystoscopy, hysteroscopy, and hysteroscopy- Modifiable Risk Factors of Peritonitis*
assisted intrauterine device implantation or removal, but
not upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, were associated with a Social / Environmental
lower peritonitis rate (0/16 vs 7/23, p < 0.05) (161). A previous • Smoking
• Living distantly from PD unit
systematic review recommended the use of intravenous (IV)
• Pets
ampicillin plus an aminoglycoside, with or without metroni- Medical
dazole, for this purpose (37). However, the optimal antibiotic • Obesity
regimen has not been determined by any clinical study. • Depression
Gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation and enteri- • Hypokalemia
tis, have been reported to be associated with peritonitis due • Hypoalbuminemia
to enteric organisms (162–164). Several studies also note that • Absence of vitamin D supplementation
hypokalemia is associated with an increased risk of enteric • Invasive interventions (e.g. colonoscopy)
peritonitis (165–168). Although there is no compelling evi- Dialysis-related
dence to date that treatment of hypokalemia, constipation, or • Prior hemodialysis
gastroenteritis reduces the rate of peritonitis, such problems, • PD against patient’s choice
• Training
which are common in the PD setting, merit treatment in their
• Bioincompatible fluids
own right. Observational data suggest that regular lactulose • Wet contamination
use reduces peritonitis rate (169). Infection-related
• Nasal Staphylococcus aureus carrier status
OTHER MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS • Previous exit-site infection

A number of other modifiable risk factors for PD perito- PD = peritoneal dialysis.

nitis have been described. Peritonitis has been reported to * Adapted from Cho Y, et al. (19).

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LI et al. SEPTEMBER  2016 - VOL. 36, NO. 5 PDI

CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT urokinase therapy (203). When PD effluent clears up after
antibiotic treatment, catheter removal and re-insertion can
• We recommend each PD center have a continuous quality be performed as a single procedure without the need for tem-
improvement (CQI) program in place to reduce peritonitis porary hemodialysis (202,204,205).
rates (1C).
• We suggest that multidisciplinary teams running CQI INITIAL PRESENTATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PERITONITIS
programs in PD centers meet and review their units’ per-
formance metrics regularly (2C). The algorithm of initial management for PD patients pre-
senting with a clinical diagnosis is summarized in Figure 1.
A team approach for CQI is the key to a successful PD pro-
gram (19). The CQI team generally includes nephrologists, Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Peritonitis
nurses, social workers, and dietitians. Regular meetings of
the team should be held to examine all PD-related infections • We recommend that peritonitis always be diagnosed when
and identify the root cause of each episode. The CQI team at least 2 of the following are present: (1) clinical features
identifies problems, develops solutions, and evaluates results consistent with peritonitis, i.e. abdominal pain and/or
in an iterative fashion. In essence, if a pattern of infections cloudy dialysis effluent; (2) dialysis effluent white cell
develops, the team needs to investigate and plan interven- count > 100/μL or > 0.1 x 109/L (after a dwell time of at
tions such as retraining, changing equipment, applying new least 2 hours), with > 50% polymorphonuclear; and (3)
protocols for exit-site care, or managing contamination. positive dialysis effluent culture (1C).

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Preliminary data suggest that CQI programs reduce peritonitis • We recommend that PD patients presenting with cloudy
rates (17,185,186). effluent be presumed to have peritonitis and treated as
such until the diagnosis can be confirmed or excluded (1C).
SECONDARY PREVENTION • We recommend that PD effluent be tested for cell count,
differential, Gram stain, and culture whenever peritonitis
• We recommend anti-fungal prophylaxis when PD patients is suspected (1C).
receive antibiotic courses to prevent fungal peritonitis
(1B). Patients with peritonitis usually present with cloudy PD
effluent and abdominal pain. Cloudy effluent almost always
The majority of fungal peritonitis episodes are preceded represents infectious peritonitis, although there are other
by courses of antibiotics (187–189). A number of observa- differential diagnoses (Table 4) (206). Some patients present
tional studies and randomized trials have examined the use with cloudy effluent but no or minimal abdominal pain. On the
of either oral nystatin or fluconazole as prophylaxis during other hand, peritonitis should also be included in the differ-
antibiotic therapy (190–197). In essence, 2 randomized con- ential diagnosis of the PD patient presenting with abdominal
trolled trials (192,197) and a systematic review (37) showed pain, even if the effluent is clear. In addition to the presenting
a significant benefit. Most of the other reports on the pro- symptoms, the patient should be questioned about any recent
phylactic use of antifungals during antibiotic administration contamination, accidental disconnection, endoscopic or gyne-
were non-randomized studies and have yielded a mixed result. cologic procedure, as well as the presence of constipation or
Unfortunately, nystatin is not available in some countries.
Observational data and 1 randomized controlled trial showed
that prophylactic fluconazole is effective (197–200). However,
there are potential problems (e.g. drug interactions, emer-
gence of resistant strains) with fluconazole prophylaxis that
should also be considered.
The CQI program may also have a role in secondary preven-
tion. For each peritonitis episode, a root-cause analysis should
be done to determine the etiology, and, whenever possible, an
intervention directed against any reversible risk factor should
be made to prevent another episode. For example, peritonitis
episodes caused by coagulase-negative Staphylococcal species
are associated with touch contamination, while Staphylococcus
aureus infections have been associated with touch contami-
nation or catheter infections. Identification of etiology may
involve review of the exchange technique. Retraining is
sometimes necessary. Replacement of the catheter may be
considered in patients with relapsing or repeat peritonitis
(201,202) and has been reported to be more effective than Figure 1 — Initial management of peritonitis. IP = intra-peritoneal.

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TABLE 4 the home setting. Such an approach requires that the patients
Differential Diagnosis of Cloudy Effluent be trained in this technique and that antibiotics be kept at
home. Whenever possible, cultures should be obtained either
• Culture-positive infectious peritonitis at a local facility or by having blood culture bottles kept at
• Infectious peritonitis with sterile cultures home for use. However, it is important that no one accesses
• Chemical peritonitis the PD catheter without the appropriate training or equipment,
• Calcium channel blockers which is often the case in smaller emergency departments. In
• Eosinophilia of the effluent
this case the patient can drain his/her abdomen and provide
• Hemoperitoneum
• Malignancy (rare)
the cloudy effluent for culture. Alternatively, the patient may
• Chylous effluent (rare) place the cloudy effluent bag in the refrigerator until they
• Specimen taken from “dry” abdomen can bring the sample to their PD center. The benefit of self-
initiated treatment, however, should be carefully balanced
against the potential problems of over-diagnosis and habitual
diarrhea. In addition, the patient should be questioned about misuse of antibiotics.
past history of peritonitis and ESI.
On physical examination, abdominal tenderness is typi- Identification of Causative Organism
cally generalized and is occasionally associated with rebound.
Localized pain or tenderness should raise the suspicion of an • We recommend that the blood-culture bottle be the pre-
ferred technique for bacterial culture of PD effluent (1C).

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underlying surgical pathology. Physical examination should
also include a careful inspection of the catheter tunnel and • We suggest that sampling and culture methods be reviewed
exit site. Any discharge from the exit site should be cultured. and improved if more than 15% of peritonitis episodes are
The degree of abdominal pain and tenderness are important culture-negative (2C).
factors in deciding whether a patient requires hospital admis-
sion. In general, patients with minimal pain could be treated Gram stain of the PD effluent should be performed even
on an outpatient basis with intraperitoneal (IP) antibiotic though the result is often negative (209). The yield on the Gram
therapy if this can be arranged. Follow-up within 3 days is stain is increased if it is performed on centrifuged specimens.
advisable to confirm resolution and appropriateness of the An appropriate method of culturing PD effluent is the most
antibiotic choice. important step in establishing the causative organism. In some
When peritonitis is suspected, dialysis effluent should specialized centers, one could achieve less than 10% rate of
be drained, carefully inspected, and sent for cell count with culture negative peritonitis. Identification of the organism and
differential, Gram stain, and culture (207). An effluent cell subsequent antibiotic sensitivities help to guide the choice
count with white blood cells (WBC) > 100/μL (after a dwell of antibiotic, and the type of organism often indicates the
time of at least 2 hours), with > 50% PMN, is highly sugges- possible source of infection. Bedside inoculation of 5 – 10 mL
tive of peritonitis (208). Abdominal X ray is generally not effluent in 2 (aerobic and anaerobic) blood-culture bottles
necessary. Peripheral blood culture is usually not necessary has a reasonable sensitivity, and the culture-negative rate is
but should be obtained if the patient is clinically septic. To typically around 10 – 20%. (210,211). The yield of peritoneal
prevent delay in treatment, antibiotic therapy (see below) fluid culture is enhanced by inoculating the fluid directly into
should be initiated once the appropriate dialysis effluent speci- rapid blood-culture bottle kits (e.g. BACTEC, Kent, UK; Septi-
mens have been collected, without waiting for the results of Chek, Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland; BacT/Alert,
laboratory testing. Biomerieux, Inc., Basingstoke, UK), centrifuging PD fluid
The WBC count in the effluent depends in part on the length and culturing the pellet, or the lysis centrifugation technique
of the dwell. For patients on APD with rapid cycle treatment, compared to inoculation into standard blood-culture bottles.
the clinician should use the percentage of PMN rather than the Specifically, centrifugation of 50 mL PD effluent at 3,000 g
absolute WBC count to diagnose peritonitis, and a proportion for 15 minutes, followed by resuspension of the sediment in
above 50% PMN is strong evidence of peritonitis, even if the 3 – 5 mL supernatant and inoculation on solid culture media
absolute WBC count is less than 100/μL (208). On the other or standard blood-culture media, increases the yield by 5 to
hand, APD patients without a daytime exchange who present 10 times but is more cumbersome (212,213). The combination
with abdominal pain during the daytime may have no effluent of water lysis, Tween-80 blood agar and Triton-X treatment of
to drain. In this case, 1 L of dialysis solution should be infused, the PD effluent is also a sensitive culture method (214). The
dwelled for 1 to 2 hours, and then drained for inspection and specimens should arrive at the laboratory within 6 hours. If
laboratory testing. immediate delivery to the laboratory is not possible, the inocu-
Some PD patients live far away from medical facilities and lated culture bottles should ideally be incubated at 37°C. The
cannot be seen expeditiously after the onset of symptoms. solid media should be incubated in aerobic, microaerophilic,
Since prompt initiation of therapy for peritonitis is critical, and anaerobic environments.
this necessitates reliance on immediate patient reporting of The speed with which bacteriological diagnosis can be
symptoms to the center, and then initiating IP antibiotics in established is very important. Concentration methods do not

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only facilitate microbial identification, but also reduce the time ceftazidime was considered to be superior to other regimens
needed for a positive culture. In over 75% of cases, microbio- in a proportional meta-analysis (227).
logic diagnosis can be established in less than 3 days. When For gram-positive coverage, several studies compared a
the causative microorganism has been identified, subsequent first-generation cephalosporin with a glycopeptide-based regi-
cultures for monitoring may be performed by only inoculating men (228–231). When analyzed as a whole, glycopeptide-based
the effluent in blood-culture bottles. regimens result in a higher complete cure rate, but there is no
When cultures remain negative after 3 – 5 days of incubation, difference in the rate of primary treatment failure, relapse, or
PD effluent should be sent for repeat cell count, differen- catheter removal (203). A systematic review noted that the
tial count, fungal, and mycobacterial culture. In addition, result was largely influenced by 1 study, in which the dosage
subculture on media with aerobic, anaerobic, and microaero- of cefazolin was substantially lower than current recommenda-
philic incubation conditions for a further 3 – 4 days may help tions (228). Other studies found no difference in cure rates for
to identify slow-growing fastidious bacteria and yeasts that are vancomycin and cefazolin when an appropriate cephalosporin
undetectable in some automated culture systems. dose was used (228,230,231). Nonetheless, some PD units have
a high rate of methicillin-resistant organisms and vancomycin
Other Novel Diagnostic Techniques may be preferable for empirical gram-positive coverage (232),
although it remains controversial what threshold prevalence
• We suggest that there is insufficient evidence to currently of methicillin resistance would justify the routine empirical
support the use of novel techniques for the diagnosis of use of vancomycin as gram-positive coverage.
peritonitis (2D).

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For the coverage of gram-negative organisms, previous
studies have shown that aminoglycosides (e.g. gentamicin
A number of novel diagnostic techniques have been or netilmicin) (233), ceftazidime (233), cefepime (234), or a
explored for the early diagnosis of peritonitis, including carbapenem (235,236) are all effective. Cefepime per se has
leukocyte esterase reagent strips, biomarker assays (matrix reasonable activity against gram-positive bacteria and mono-
metalloproteinase-8 and -9, neutrophil gelatinase-associated therapy may be feasible (234). Fluoroquinolones could also be
lipocalin and procalcitonin), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) used if supported by the local antimicrobial susceptibilities of
for bacterial-derived DNA fragments, 16S rRNA gene sequenc- antibiotic sensitivities (237–241). For patients allergic to ceph-
ing, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight alosporins, aztreonam is also a possible alternative (242–244).
(MALDI-TOF), and pathogen-specific “immune fingerprints” In a randomized controlled study, IP netilmicin and ceftazidime
(215–226). However, none of them has been proved to be supe- had similar efficacy to empirical gram-negative coverage
rior to conventional techniques. Other novel techniques have (233). Short-term aminoglycoside treatment is inexpensive,
also been developed for rapid species identification and the safe, and provides good gram-negative coverage. There is no
determination of resistant organisms (e.g. methicillin-resistant evidence that short courses of aminoglycosides accelerate
S. aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci, Klebsiella the loss of residual renal function (233,245–247). However,
pneumoniae carbapenemase), which may allow more rapid ini- repeated or prolonged aminoglycoside treatment (more than
tiation of focused antimicrobial therapy of resistant pathogens, 3 weeks) was associated with a high incidence of vestibular
but their role in the management of PD-related peritonitis toxicity or oto-toxicity and should be avoided (248,249).
remain unclear. Further studies in this area are necessary. In addition to the above combinations, a variety of regimens
have been shown by prospective trials to have acceptable
Empiric Antibiotic Selection results (250). For example, imipenem/cilastatin mono-
therapy was as effective as cefazolin plus ceftazidime (236),
• We recommend that empirical antibiotic therapy be initi- and cefepime was as effective as vancomycin plus netilmicin
ated as soon as possible after appropriate microbiological (234). In another study, oral ofloxacin alone was not inferior
specimens have been obtained (1C). to cephalothin plus tobramycin (241), but the effectiveness
• We recommend that empirical antibiotic regimens be center- of ciprofloxacin monotherapy has declined markedly in the
specific and cover both gram-positive and gram-negative past decade (251).
organisms (1C). It is important to note that antibiotic resistance may develop
• We recommend that gram-positive organisms be covered by with extensive empiric use of broad-spectrum cephalosporins
vancomycin or a first generation cephalosporin and gram- or fluoroquinolones. The prevalence of resistant pathogens in
negative organisms by a third-generation cephalosporin or each program should be regularly monitored and the choice
an aminoglycoside (1B). of empirical antibiotic may need to be changed accordingly.

Antibiotic treatment should aim for rapid resolution of Dosage of Antibiotics

inflammation and preservation of the peritoneal membrane
function. No antibiotic regimen has been proved to be superior • We recommend that IP antibiotics be the preferred route of
to others as empirical treatment (203), although the combi- administration unless the patient has features of systemic
nation of a glycopeptide (vancomycin or teicoplanin) plus sepsis (1B).

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• We suggest that IP aminoglycoside be administered as daily previously that for patients with substantial residual renal
intermittent dosing (2B). function, the dose of antibiotics that have renal excretion
• We recommend that prolonged courses of IP aminoglycoside needs to be adjusted (12,13). However, recent studies suggest
be avoided (1C). that such adjustments are not necessary (284,304).
• We suggest that IP vancomycin be administered intermit- In general, IP dosing results in high IP drug levels and is
tently and the serum vancomycin level be kept above 15 μg/ preferable to IV administration. Moreover, IP dosing avoids
mL (2C). venipuncture and could be done by the patient at home after
• We suggest that IP cephalosporin be administered either appropriate training. Although IV vancomycin is reasonably
continuously (in each exchange) or on a daily intermittent successful as empirical gram-positive coverage (237), pre-
basis (2C). vious studies have shown that IV vancomycin resulted in a
significantly higher rate of primary treatment failure than IP
The recommended dosage of antibiotics for the treatment administration (203,305). Intraperitoneal antibiotics should
of PD-related peritonitis is summarized in Tables 5 and 6 (236– be added using sterile technique, such as placing povidone
239,252–303). However, the recommended dosages of many iodine, rubbing with alcohol 70% strip, or chlorhexidine on
antibiotics are based on published clinical experience rather the medication port for 5 minutes prior to insertion of the
than formal pharmacokinetic studies. It was recommended needle through the port.


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Intraperitoneal Antibiotic Dosing Recommendations for Treatment of Peritonitis

Intermittent (1 exchange daily) Continuous (all exchanges)

Amikacin 2 mg/kg daily (252) LD 25 mg/L, MD 12 mg/L (253)
Gentamicin 0.6 mg/kg daily (254) LD 8 mg/L, MD 4 mg/L (255,256)
Netilmicin 0.6 mg/kg daily (233) MD 10 mg/L (257)
Tobramycin 0.6 mg/kg daily (253) LD 3 mg/kg, MD 0.3 mg/kg (258,259)
Cefazolin 15–20 mg/kg daily (260,261) LD 500 mg/L, MD 125 mg/L (254)
Cefepime 1,000 mg daily (262,263) LD 250–500 mg/L, MD 100–125 mg/L (262,263)
Cefoperazone no data LD 500 mg/L, MD 62.5–125 mg/L (264,265)
Cefotaxime 500–1,000 mg daily (266) no data
Ceftazidime 1,000–1,500 mg daily (267,268) LD 500 mg/L, MD 125 mg/L (236)
Ceftriaxone 1,000 mg daily (269) no data
Penicillin G no data LD 50,000 unit/L, MD 25,000 unit/L (270)
Amoxicillin no data MD 150 mg/L (271)
Ampicillin no data MD 125 mg/L (272,273)
Ampicillin/Sulbactam 2 gm/1 gm every 12 hours (274) LD 750–100 mg/L, MD 100 mg/L (253)
Piperacillin/Tazobactam no data LD 4 gm/0.5 gm, MD 1 gm/0.125 gm (275)
Aztreonam 2 gm daily (242) LD 1,000 mg/L, MD 250 mg/L (243,244)
Ciprofloxacin no data MD 50 mg/L (276)
Clindamycin no data MD 600 mg/bag (277)
Daptomycin no data LD 100 mg/L, MD 20 mg/L (278)
Imipenem/Cilastatin 500 mg in alternate exchange (244) LD 250 mg/L, MD 50 mg/L (236)
Ofloxacin no data LD 200 mg, MD 25 mg/L (279)
Polymyxin B no data MD 300,000 unit (30 mg)/bag (280)
Quinupristin/Dalfopristin 25 mg/L in alternate exchangea (281) no data
Meropenem 1 gm daily (282) no data
Teicoplanin 15 mg/kg every 5 days (283) LD 400 mg/bag, MD 20 mg/bag (229)
Vancomycin 15–30 mg/kg every 5–7 daysb (284) LD 30 mg/kg, MD 1.5 mg/kg/bag (285)
Fluconazole IP 200 mg every 24 to 48 hours (286) no data
Voriconazole IP 2.5 mg/kg daily (287) no data

LD = loading dose in mg; MD = maintenance dose in mg; IP = intraperitoneal; APD = automated peritoneal dialysis.
a Given in conjunction with 500 mg intravenous twice daily (281).
b Supplemental doses may be needed for APD patients.

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TABLE 6 variable and depends on the peritoneal transport character-

Systemic Antibiotic Dosing Recommendations for istics (315), and the high systemic absorption of gentamicin
Treatment of Peritonitis in patients with peritonitis and prolonged plasma elimination
half-life may lead to systemic accumulation and subsequent
Drug Dosing toxicity (315). At the currently recommended dosing regimen,
serum gentamicin levels might be excessive in over 50% of
Anti-bacterials patients (304), and higher serum levels were not associated
Ciprofloxacin (237) oral 250 mg BDa with better cure rates (304). However, there is no firm evidence
Colistin (288) IV 300 mg loading, then that monitoring aminoglycoside levels mitigates toxicity risk
150–200 mg dailyb
or enhances efficacy (314). The serum gentamicin level on
Ertapenem (289) IV 500 mg daily
day 2 is not associated with treatment efficacy or adverse
Levofloxacin (239) oral 250 mg daily
Linezolid (290–292) IV or oral 600 mg BD effects during short-course therapy (317). Studies on the
Moxifloxacin (293) oral 400 mg daily relationship between serum aminoglycoside levels follow-
Rifampicin (294,295) 450 mg daily for BW <50 kg; ing IP administration and the subsequent risk of ototoxicity
600 mg daily for BW ≥50 kg are conflicting and often show a negative result (318-321).
Trimethoprim/ Taken together, serum aminoglycoside level monitoring for
oral 160 mg / 800 mg BD
  Sulfamethoxazole (252) PD patients receiving IP treatment seems to play a small role.
Anti-fungals Once the causative bacteria are identified and sensitivity con-
Amphotericin (296) IV test dose 1 mg; starting dose

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firmed, early switch from empirical aminoglycoside to other
0.1 mg/kg/day over 6 hours; agents (e.g. third-generation cephalosporin) could minimize
increased to target dose
the risk of ototoxicity (314).
0.75–1.0 mg/kg/day over 4 days
For cephalosporins, there are few data on whether con-
Caspofungin (297,298) IV 70 mg loading, then 50 mg daily
Fluconazole (299) oral 200 mg loading, then tinuous dosing is more efficacious than intermittent dosing.
50–100 mg daily In CAPD patients, IP cefazolin 500 mg/L once daily results
Flucytosine (296) oral 1 gm/day in acceptable 24-hour levels in the PD fluid (308). Although
Posaconazole (300) IV 400 mg every 12 hours continuous IP ceftazidime is traditionally given at the same
Voriconazole (301–303) oral 200 mg every 12 hours dose as cefazolin (13), once-daily IP ceftazidime at a dose of
20 mg/kg once daily may not provide adequately therapeutic
BD = twice a day; IV = intravenous; BW = body weight. levels in dialysis solution throughout 24 hours (267). One
a Ciprofloxacin 500 mg BD may be needed if residual glomerular
pharmacokinetic study showed that a loading dose of 3 g is
filtration rate is above 5 mL/min. necessary to achieve an adequate dialysis solution drug con-
b Expressed as colistin base activity (CBA).
centration (322), which could be followed by maintenance IP
dosing of 1 gm q24h or 2 gm q48h (322).
Intraperitoneal antibiotics can be given as continuous (i.e. Oral administration of fluoroquinolones is commonly used
in each exchange) or intermittent dosing (i.e. once daily) alone or in combination with other antibiotics (237). Oral
(306–310). In intermittent dosing, the antibiotic-containing ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin reach adequate levels within
dialysis solution must be allowed to dwell for at least 6 hours to the peritoneum (293,323). However, adequate IP levels may
allow adequate absorption. Many antibiotics have significantly require a day to be reached, and some oral phosphate binders
enhanced absorption during peritonitis, which permits reentry can bind fluoroquinolones and reduce their bioavailability
into the peritoneal cavity during subsequent PD cycles. (324,325). Ciprofloxacin is effective against Pseudomonas spe-
For vancomycin, about 50% of IP dosing is absorbed when cies, while moxifloxacin has better coverage of gram-positive
there is no peritonitis, but nearly 90% in the presence of peri- organisms. A systematic review of 2 low-quality studies con-
tonitis (304,306). A randomized controlled trial in children cluded that IP fluoroquinolone may achieve better complete
found that intermittent dosing of vancomycin is as efficacious cure rate than oral treatment, although failure rates were high
as continuous dosing (311). The role of monitoring serum in both arms of these studies (203,276,279).
vancomycin levels is controversial (284,312). In general, a
dosing interval of every 4 to 5 days would keep serum trough Antibiotic Delivery and Stability
levels above 15 μg/mL, but there is substantial inter-individual
variability (284,304). Re-dosing is probably appropriate when The stability and compatibility of various antibiotics for IP
serum vancomycin levels are below 15 μg/mL (304,313,314). administration was reviewed previously (326). In essence, van-
At the dosage currently recommended, the peak gentamicin comycin, aminoglycosides, and cephalosporins can be mixed
concentration in dialysis solution is at least 8 times the minimal in the same dialysis solution bag without loss of bioactivity.
inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the likely pathogens (315). Aminoglycosides and cephalosporins can be added to the same
Two studies showed that once-daily gentamicin is as effective bag, although aminoglycoside should not be added to the same
as continuous dosing for CAPD patients (256,316). However, bag with penicillins because of chemical incompatibility (326).
systemic absorption of intermittent IP gentamicin is highly For any antibiotics that are to be admixed, separate syringes

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must be used for adding the antibiotics. Although vancomycin showed that intermittent dosing of vancomycin was as effec-
and ceftazidime are compatible when added to dialysis solu- tive as continuous dosing in children receiving APD (311).
tions (1 L total volume or greater), they are incompatible if Vancomycin can probably be given intermittently for APD
combined in the same syringe or added to an empty dialysis patients. Oral ciprofloxacin can also achieve adequate levels
solution bag for reinfusion into the patient. within the peritoneum in APD patients (323). In a retrospec-
Antibiotics are stable for variable times after being added tive, single-center observational cohort study of 508 episodes
to the PD solution (327). Vancomycin is stable for 28 days in of PD-associated peritonitis in 208 patients, no differences in
dialysis solutions stored at room temperature, although higher relapse rates, mortality, or the combined end-point of mortal-
ambient temperatures will reduce the duration of stability. ity and catheter removal were observed between APD and CAPD
Gentamicin is stable for 14 days both at room temperature and patients continuing their own PD modality during continuous
under refrigeration, but the duration of stability is reduced by IP antibiotic treatment in each PD exchange, although elevated
admixture with heparin. Cefazolin is stable for 8 days at room dialysis effluent leukocyte counts and antibiotic treatment
temperature or for 14 days if refrigerated; addition of heparin durations were longer in the former (90).
has no adverse influence. Ceftazidime is stable for 4 days at
room temperature or 7 days if refrigerated. Cefepime is stable Adjunctive Treatments
for 14 days if the solution is refrigerated (328).
Data on the stability of various new antibiotics and PD solu- Some patients with PD-related peritonitis could be managed
tions are limited and often fragmented (329–332). Clinicians on an outpatient basis. The decision to hospitalize a patient

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should remain alert for new studies in this area. In general, depends on many factors, including hemodynamic status of
icodextrin-based PD solutions are compatible with vancomycin, the patient, severity of signs and symptoms, and, for APD
cefazolin, ceftazidime, and gentamicin (329,333,334). When patients, the type of treatment schedule chosen, as well as
premixed in icodextrin solution, these antibiotics are least the ability to provide IP antibiotics as an outpatient and the
stable at 37°C and most stable at 4°C, permitting storage for 14 reliability of the patient. The rationale for anti-fungal prophy-
days when refrigerated and pre-warming to body temperature laxis has been discussed in a previous section (see Secondary
prior to administration (334). Prevention, above).
Patients with cloudy effluent may benefit from the addi-
Special Considerations for APD tion of heparin 500 units/L IP to prevent occlusion of the
catheter by fibrin. Depending on the severity of symptoms,
There is a substantial knowledge gap regarding the anti- some patients would require analgesics for pain control. At
biotic dosing requirements for the treatment of peritonitis in the initial presentation and before IP antibiotics are initi-
APD patients. In general, the intermittent IP dosing listed in ated, 1 or 2 rapid PD exchanges are often performed for pain
Table 4 could be given in the day dwell of APD patients. However, relief, although there are no data supporting this approach. A
extrapolation of data from CAPD to APD may result in signifi- randomized controlled trial showed that more extensive rapid-
cant under-dosing in APD patients because rapid exchanges cycle peritoneal lavage during the first 24 hours of peritonitis
in APD may lead to inadequate time to achieve therapeutic did not affect the rate of complete cure or relapse as compared
levels when antibiotics are given IP intermittently, and APD to the usual practice of 2 rapid exchange cycles (336).
results in a higher peritoneal clearance of antibiotics than Intraperitoneal urokinase has been advocated for the
CAPD. This problem is particularly obvious amongst high peri- treatment of biofilm, which may be the cause of refractory
toneal transporters. Alternatively, APD patients who develop or relapsing peritonitis. A retrospective study found that IP
peritonitis may switch temporarily to CAPD. However, it is not urokinase and oral rifampicin, in addition to conventional
always practical to switch because patients may not be familiar antibiotics, resulted in catheter salvage in 64% of cases with
with the exchange technique, and the supplies for CAPD may persisting asymptomatic infection following coagulase-nega-
not be immediately available. A recent report also found that tive staphylococcus peritonitis (337). Randomized controlled
this practice is associated with an increased risk of technique trials, however, failed to show any benefit of IP urokinase for
failure and fluid overload (335). Resetting the cycler to permit the treatment of refractory peritonitis (338–340). The rates of
a longer exchange time in such cases is a logical alternative, complete cure, catheter removal, or relapsing episode, as well
but the efficacy of this approach has not been well studied. as overall mortality were not affected by adjunctive treatment
For patients who remain on rapid-cycle APD, there are few with IP urokinase. In contrast, 1 randomized controlled study
data concerning efficacy of first-generation cephalosporins showed that simultaneous catheter removal and replacement
given intermittently. For APD patients treated with cephalo- was superior to IP urokinase in reducing relapsing peritonitis
sporins added to the daytime exchange only, the nighttime episodes (341).
IP levels are below the MIC of most organisms. Adding first- Peritoneal permeability to water, glucose, and proteins
generation cephalosporin to each exchange would appear typically increases during peritonitis. Reduction in ultrafiltra-
to be the safest approach. Although the IP vancomycin level tion is commonly observed, and fluid overload is a frequent
may be low in APD patients due to slow diffusion from blood complication. Temporary use of hypertonic exchanges and
to dialysis solution, a randomized controlled trial in children short dwell times may be needed to maintain adequate fluid

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LI et al. SEPTEMBER  2016 - VOL. 36, NO. 5 PDI

removal. Temporary use of icodextrin solution may prevent addition, monitoring of WBC count in PD effluent may predict
fluid overload in PD patients with acute peritonitis (342). treatment response. A retrospective study showed that dialysis
Because of rapid glucose absorption, glycemic control may effluent WBC count ≥ 1,090/mm3 on day 3 was an independent
worsen in diabetic patients. Blood glucose monitoring with prognostic marker for treatment failure (343).
appropriate adjustments of insulin dosage may be needed.
Protein loss during peritonitis is also increased. Screening for Refractory Peritonitis
malnutrition should be undertaken in patients with prolonged
peritoneal inflammation. • We recommend that the PD catheter be removed promptly in
refractory peritonitis episodes, defined as failure of the PD
SUBSEQUENT MANAGEMENT OF PERITONITIS effluent to clear up after 5 days of appropriate antibiotics
• We recommend that antibiotic therapy be adjusted to
narrow-spectrum agents, as appropriate, once culture After initiation of antibiotic treatment, there is usually clini-
results and sensitivities are known. (1C). cal improvement in 72 hours. Refractory peritonitis is defined
as failure of the PD effluent to clear up after 5 days of appro-
The management algorithms for gram-positive cocci and priate antibiotics (Table 7). Catheter removal is indicated in
gram-negative bacilli identified in dialysis effluent are sum- case of refractory peritonitis, or earlier if the patient’s clinical
marized in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. Within 48 hours of condition is deteriorating, in order to preserve the peritoneum

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initiating therapy, most patients with PD-related peritonitis for future PD as well as preventing morbidity and mortality.
will show considerable clinical improvement. The effluent Prolonged attempts to treat refractory peritonitis by antibi-
should be visually inspected regularly to determine whether otics without catheter removal are associated with extended
clearing is occurring. If there is no improvement after 48 hospital stay, peritoneal membrane damage, increased risk of
hours, cell counts and repeat cultures should be performed. In fungal peritonitis, and excessive mortality (344).

Gram-positive cocci on culture

Continue gram-positive coverage based on sensitivities.

If enterococci, adjust coverage to vancomycin or other appropriate agents.
If methicillin resistant, adjust coverage to vancomycin or other appropriate agents.

Assess clinical improvement, repeat dialysis effluent cell count and culture at days 3-5

Clinical improvement: No clinical improvement: No clinical improvement by 5 days on

continue antibiotics; re-culture and evaluate appropriate antibiotics: remove catheter
re-evaluate for occult
exit-site or tunnel infection

negative S. aureus Enterococci

treat for 14 days screen for treat for 21 days treat for 14 days
S. aureus carrier;
treat for 21 days

Peritonitis resolves but persistent consider simultaneous

exit-site or tunnel infection catheter removal and re-insertion

Figure 2 — Management algorithm for gram-positive cocci identified in dialysis effluent.

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Gram-negative bacilli or mixed bacterial growth on culture

Continue gram-negative coverage based on sensitivities.

Consider switching to 3rd or 4th generation cephalosporine.

Assess clinical improvement, repeat dialysis effluent cell count and culture at days 3-5

Clinical improvement: No clinical improvement: No clinical improvement by 5 days on

continue antibiotics re-culture and evaluate appropriate antibiotics: remove catheter

Pseudomonas or
other gram- mixed gram-negative or gram-
negative bacilli negative + gram-positive organisms

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consider surgical problem;
give 2 effective antibiotics
in addition to gram-negative
based on sensitivity*;
coverage, consider metronidazole
re-evaluate exit site and tunnel
and ampicillin/vancomycin

treat for 21-28 days treat for 21 days treat for 21 days

Peritonitis resolves but persistent consider simultaneous

exit-site or tunnel infection catheter removal and re-insertion

Figure 3 — Management algorithm for gram-negative bacilli or mixed bacterial growth identified in dialysis effluent.
* Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole is preferred for Stenotrophomonas species.

Relapsing, Recurrent, and Repeat Peritonitis Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus

• We recommend that timely catheter removal be considered • We suggest that coagulase-negative staphylococci generally
for relapsing, recurrent, or repeat peritonitis episodes (1C). be treated with IP cephalosporins or vancomycin, accord-
ing to antimicrobial susceptibility, for a period of 2 weeks.
The definitions of relapsing, recurrent, and repeat perito- (2C).
nitis are summarized in Table 7. Retrospective studies showed
that relapsing, recurrent, and repeat peritonitis episodes are Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus peritonitis episodes,
caused by different species of bacteria and probably represent especially those caused by S. epidermidis, are mostly due
distinct clinical entities (166,345–347). When compared to to touch contamination. Many patients with S. epidermidis
non-relapsing episodes, relapsing ones are associated with a peritonitis have mild clinical symptoms and respond well to
lower rate of cure, more ultrafiltration problems, and higher treatment as outpatients (351–353). In some centers,
rate of technique failure (166,348). Recurrent peritonitis epi- the prevalence of methicillin resistance is now very high
sodes had a worse prognosis than relapsing ones (166,345). (354,355), and vancomycin may have to be considered as
A recent study suggested that bacterial DNA fragment levels empirical therapy. Even for methicillin-sensitive strains,
in PD effluent are significantly higher 5 days before and on it is important to avoid inadequate IP antibiotic levels,
the date of completion of antibiotics amongst patients who which may lead to relapsing peritonitis. For this reason,
subsequently develop relapsing or recurrent peritonitis (349). continuous dosing of IP first-generation cephalosporins is
Another study suggests that effluent white cell count and leu- preferable to intermittent dosing. Effective antibiotic treat-
kocyte strip test at the time of stopping antibiotics may also ment for 2 weeks is generally sufficient (351–354). The
predict relapse (350). However, further studies are needed to patient’s exchange technique should be reviewed to prevent
validate these results and confirm their clinical utility. another episode.
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TABLE 7 be treated with IP vancomycin if the organism is susceptible.

Terminology for Peritonitis For patients with severe signs or symptoms, an aminoglycoside
may be added for synergy. However, aminoglycosides should not
• R ecurrent: An episode that occurs within 4 weeks of completion be added to the same bag with penicillins because of chemical
of therapy of a prior episode but with a different organism incompatibility (see Antibiotic Delivery and Stability). Although
• Relapsing: An episode that occurs within 4 weeks of completion of ampicillin has little in vitro activity when added to common PD
therapy of a prior episode with the same organism or one sterile solutions (331), clinical experience suggests clinical efficiency
(356). For vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) causing
• Repeat: An episode that occurs more than 4 weeks after completion
peritonitis, if the bacterial isolate is ampicillin-susceptible,
of therapy of a prior episode with the same organism
• Refractory: Failure of the effluent to clear after 5 days of ampicillin remains the drug of choice. Otherwise, linezolid,
appropriate antibiotics quinupristin/dalfopristin, or daptomycin are valid options
• Catheter-related peritonitis: Peritonitis in conjunction with an exit- (278,281,292,360–363). Given the clinical efficacy and pro-
site or tunnel infection with the same organism or one site sterile file of adverse effects, daptomycin is probably the first-line
antibiotic of choice for peritonitis episodes caused by VRE
N.B. Relapsing episodes should not be counted as another episode (278,363–365). Bone marrow suppression usually occurs after
during the calculation of peritonitis rates; recurrent and repeat 10 to 14 days of linezolid therapy, and prolonged therapy may
episodes should be counted. also result in neurotoxicity. One previous study showed that
removal of the PD catheter within 1 week of the onset of refrac-

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Relapsing coagulase-negative Staphylococcus peritonitis tory enterococcal peritonitis was associated with a significant
suggests colonization of the PD catheter with biofilm, and reduction in the risk of permanent hemodialysis transfer (356).
catheter removal should be considered. When the PD effluent
becomes clear with antibiotic therapy, many of these patients Streptococcal Species
could have simultaneous re-insertion of a new catheter as a
single procedure under antibiotic coverage, and temporary • We suggest that streptococcal peritonitis be treated with
hemodialysis could be avoided (204). In addition to conven- appropriate antibiotics, such as IP ampicillin, for 2 weeks
tional antibiotics, a retrospective study found that IP urokinase (2C).
and oral rifampicin resulted in catheter salvage in 64% of cases
with persisting asymptomatic infection following coagulase- Streptococci frequently originate from the mouth (175),
negative Staphylococcus peritonitis (337), but the benefit of although S. bovis typically comes from the colon (366).
this approach needs to be confirmed by further studies. Peritonitis episodes caused by streptococci usually respond
well to antibiotic treatment (175,367), but viridans streptococ-
Enterococcus Species cal peritonitis are more likely to be refractory (368). Cefazolin
and vancomycin are often effective.
• We suggest that enterococcal peritonitis be treated for
3 weeks with IP vancomycin (2C). Staphylococcus Aureus
• We suggest adding IP aminoglycoside for severe enterococ-
cal peritonitis (2D). • We suggest that Staphylococcus aureus peritonitis be treated
• For peritonitis due to vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus with effective antibiotics for 3 weeks (2C).
(VRE), we suggest treatment for 3 weeks with IP ampicillin
if the organism is susceptible or with alternative antibiot- Peritonitis episodes caused by Staphylococcus aureus are
ics (linezolid, quinupristin/dalfopristin, daptomycin or often secondary to exit-site or tunnel infection, although
teicoplanin, based on antimicrobial susceptibilities) if the touch contamination is also common. If the bacterial isolate is
organism is ampicillin-resistant (2D). methicillin-sensitive, a first-generation cephalosporin is the
drug of choice. Two retrospective studies found that the initial
Enterococci are normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract empiric antibiotic choice between vancomycin and cefazolin had
(356,357). Intra-abdominal source must be considered. Other similar clinical outcomes (369,370). If the isolate is methicillin-
pathogenic organisms are isolated in about half of the cases resistant, IP vancomycin is the drug of choice, but teicoplanin
of enterococcal peritonitis, and the coexistence of other and daptomycin can be used as alternatives (371). One study
organisms was associated with high rates of catheter removal, showed that the use of adjuvant rifampicin for 5 to 7 days may
permanent hemodialysis transfer, and death (356,357). reduce the risk for relapsing or repeat S. aureus peritonitis (369).
Enterococcal species are always resistant to cephalosporins. However, rifampicin is a potent liver enzyme inducer and interac-
Identification of the exact species is important because resis- tion with other concomitant medications may be problematic.
tance to penicillins and carbapenems is far more frequently Observational data suggest that treatment with effective
observed in E. faecium than in E. faecalis (358). Although antibiotics for 3 weeks is needed (369,370,372). Prolonged
there may be clinical response to empirical therapy with first- vancomycin therapy may predispose to the emergence
generation cephalosporins (359), peritonitis episodes should of vancomycin-resistant S. aureus and should be avoided

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whenever possible. For patients with concomitant S. aureus If single gram-negative organisms are isolated, the anti-
exit-site or catheter tunnel infection, catheter removal should biotic should be chosen according to sensitivity, safety, and
be considered. convenience. It is important to note that bacteria in biofilm
are considerably less sensitive than that indicated by labora-
Corynebacterium Peritonitis tory testing (378), which may account for the high percentage
of treatment failures, even though the organism appears to
• We suggest that corynebacterial peritonitis be treated with be sensitive to the antibiotic in vitro (379,380). Retrospective
effective antibiotics for 3 weeks (2C). studies have shown that gram-negative peritonitis had higher
risks of catheter loss and death than gram-positive episodes
Corynebacterium species belong to the natural flora of the (379–384). In one study, recent antibiotic therapy was the
skin. Infections due to Corynebacterium have been increasingly major risk factor of antibiotic resistance, while ESI, and possibly
recognized over the past decades, largely due to improved recent antibiotic therapy, were associated with poor therapeutic
recognition and microbiological techniques. In a retrospective response (382). The SPICE organisms (Serratia, Pseudomonas,
study, Corynebacterium peritonitis often resulted in relapse or indole-positive organisms such as Proteus and Providentia,
repeat episodes, catheter removal, permanent hemodialysis Citrobacter, and Enterobacter) have amp-C beta-lactamases,
transfer, and death (373). Another retrospective study found which inactivate cephalosporins, and have a high risk of relapse.
that relapsing Corynebacterium peritonitis was common after a Although single antibiotic therapy is often effective, 1 retro-
2-week course of antibiotic treatment, but relapsing episodes spective study suggested that treatment with 2 antibiotics may

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can usually be cured with a 3-week course of IP vancomycin reduce the risk of relapse and recurrence (382).
(374). For refractory Corynebacterium peritonitis, obser- In recent years, there has been widespread emergence
vational data suggest that catheter removal within 1 week of 2 antibiotic resistance mechanisms: extended-spectrum
after the onset of peritonitis significantly reduces the risk beta-lactamases (ESBLs) (385,386) and carbapenem-resistant
of permanent hemodialysis transfer (373). For patients with Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) (385,387); the latter are also called
concomitant exit-site or catheter tunnel infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing
Corynebacterium, early catheter removal should be considered. bacteria when the carbapenem resistance is mediated by
beta-lactamases. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases are
Pseudomonas Peritonitis resistant to all cephalosporins but usually susceptible to
carbapenems. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae/
• We suggest that Pseudomonas peritonitis be treated with 2 KPC-producing bacteria are usually resistant to all classes of
antibiotics with different mechanisms of action and to which beta-lactams, usually resistant to fluoroquinolones, variably
the organism is sensitive (e.g. IP gentamicin or oral cipro- susceptible to aminoglycosides, but usually susceptible to
floxacin with IP ceftazidime or cefepime) for 3 weeks (2C). polymyxin and colistin.
• We suggest that Pseudomonas peritonitis with concomitant The isolation of a Stenotrophomonas species, while infre-
exit-site and tunnel infection be treated with catheter quent, requires special attention, as it is sensitive to only a
removal (2D). few antimicrobial agents (388,389). Recent treatment with
carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, or third- or fourth-generation
Pseudomonas peritonitis is generally severe and often cephalosporins usually precedes Stenotrophomonas infections.
associated with infection of the catheter. Pseudomonas aeru- Based on limited observational data, therapy with 2 antibiot-
ginosa is the most common species. Retrospective studies ics for 3 to 4 weeks is recommended (388,389). If the isolate
have shown that Pseudomonas peritonitis is associated with is sensitive to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, this agent
greater frequencies of hospitalization, high rates of catheter should be included in the regimen. Tigecycline, polymyxin B,
removal and permanent hemodialysis transfer (375–377). The and colistin are other possible alternatives.
use of 2 anti-pseudomonal antibiotics is associated with better
outcomes (377). Carbapenems, such as imipenem, meropenem, Polymicrobial Peritonitis
and doripenem are valid alternatives, especially if the bacterial
isolate is resistant to cephalosporin and anti-pseudomonal • If multiple enteric organisms (multiple gram-negative or
penicillins. If fluoroquinolone is used as part of the regimen, mixed gram-negative/gram-positive organisms) are grown
ciprofloxacin should be used, while moxifloxacin has very little from PD effluent, we suggest that surgical evaluation be
anti-pseudomonal activity. If concomitant catheter infection obtained immediately when there is no prompt clinical
is present, catheter removal is often needed. response (1C) and that the patient be treated with metro-
nidazole in conjunction with IP vancomycin and either IP
Other Gram-Negative Bacteria aminoglycoside or IP ceftazidime for a minimum period of
3 weeks (2C).
• We suggest that non-Pseudomonas gram-negative peritoni- • If multiple gram-positive organisms are grown from PD
tis be treated with effective antibiotics for at least 3 weeks effluent, we suggest that patients be treated with effective
(2C). antibiotics for 3 weeks (2C).

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When multiple enteric organisms are grown from the PD agent be continued for at least 2 weeks after catheter
effluent, there is a possibility of intra-abdominal pathol- removal (2C).
ogy. Presentation with hypotension, sepsis, lactic acidosis,
or elevated dialysis effluent amylase level should also raise Fungal peritonitis is a serious complication with high
the possibility of abdominal catastrophe (390,391). When a rates of hospitalization, catheter removal, transfer to hemo-
surgical cause of peritonitis is suspected, the antibiotics of dialysis, and death (397–400). Initial therapy is traditionally
choice are metronidazole plus vancomycin, in combination with a combination of amphotericin B and flucytosine. However,
ceftazidime or an aminoglycoside. Monotherapy with a car- IP amphotericin causes chemical peritonitis and pain, while
bapenem or piperacillin/tazobactam may also be considered. IV administration has poor peritoneal bioavailability. In
Assessment by a surgeon is needed. Computed tomographic addition, flucytosine is not widely available. If flucytosine is
(CT) scan may help to identify the pathology, but a normal used, regular monitoring of serum concentration is necessary
CT scan does not eliminate that possibility. If laparotomy is to avoid bone marrow toxicity. Peak serum flucytosine levels,
needed, the PD catheter is usually removed and antibiotics measured 1 – 2 hours after an oral dose, should be 25 – 50 mcg/
are continued via IV route. mL (401,402).
In contrast, polymicrobial peritonitis due to multiple gram- Other agents of choice include fluconazole, an echinocandin
positive organisms often has a favorable prognosis (392,393). (e.g. caspofungin, micafungin, or anidulafungin), posacon-
Their clinical behavior is similar to peritonitis episodes caused azole, and voriconazole. Although fluconazole is commonly
by single gram-positive organisms and the etiology may well used, the prevalence of azole resistance is increasing (403).

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be touch contamination. Antibiotic therapy is often effective Fluconazole only has activity against Candida species and
without catheter removal (392). Cryptococcus. Echinocandins have been advocated for the
treatment of fungal peritonitis caused by Aspergillus species
Culture-Negative Peritonitis and non-albicans Candida species, or in patients intolerant to
other antifungal therapies (297,298,398). Caspofungin has
• We suggest that negative effluent cultures on day 3 warrant been used successfully as monotherapy or in combination with
a repeat dialysis effluent WBC count with differential (2D). amphotericin (297,298). Posaconazole and voriconazole have
• If the culture-negative peritonitis is resolving at day 3, been successfully used for the treatment of peritonitis caused
we suggest discontinuing aminoglycoside therapy and by filamentous fungi (287,300,301).
continuing treatment with gram-positive coverage (e.g. Irrespective of the choice of anti-fungal agent, observational
first-generation cephalosporin or vancomycin) for 2 weeks studies suggest that prompt catheter removal probably improves
(2C). outcome and reduces mortality (300,301,397,398,400,404).
• If the culture-negative peritonitis is not resolving at day Anti-fungal agents should be continued after catheter removal
3, we suggest special culture techniques be considered for for at least 2 weeks. A recent study suggested that around one-
isolation of unusual organisms (2C). third of patients could return to PD (399).

Recent antibiotic usage and technical problems of culturing Tuberculous Peritonitis

the specimen are the major reasons for negative effluent cul-
tures (394–396). If PD effluent yields no growth after 3 days, Although classical symptoms of fever, abdominal pain, and
a repeat WBC count with differential should be obtained. If the cloudy effluent may occur with tuberculous peritonitis, the
repeat cell count indicates that the infection has not resolved, diagnosis should be considered in any patient with refractory
special culture techniques may be considered for the isolation or relapsing peritonitis with negative bacterial cultures. Similar
of unusual organisms (e.g. mycobacteria, nocardia, legionella, to bacterial peritonitis, most cases of tuberculous peritonitis
filamentous fungus, and other fastidious bacteria). This would have PMN in the dialysis effluent at initial presentation, but
require close liaison with the microbiology laboratory. lymphocytosis in the dialysis effluent usually becomes obvious
Many culture-negative peritonitis episodes are probably later. Ziehl-Neelsen stain examination of the PD effluent is
caused by gram-positive organisms. If the patient improves often unrevealing, and conventional culture technique (e.g.
clinically, initial therapy should be continued (394–396). Löwenstein-Jensen agar) is slow and not sufficiently sensi-
Duration of therapy should be 2 weeks if the effluent clears tive. The time to develop a positive culture is considerably
promptly. In contrast, if there is suboptimal response after decreased in fluid medium (e.g. Septi-Chek, BACTEC; Becton
5 days of empirical antibiotics, catheter removal should be Dickinson, NJ, USA). Overall diagnostic yield could be improved
strongly considered. by centrifuging a large volume of effluent (50 to 100 mL), fol-
lowed by culturing the sediment in both solid and fluid media.
Fungal Peritonitis Alternatively, mycobacterial DNA PCR can be performed on
dialysis effluent, although false-positives are not uncommon
• We recommend immediate catheter removal when fungi are (405). Laparoscopy with biopsy of the peritoneum or omentum
identified in PD effluent (1C). has also been advocated for rapid diagnosis if the index of
• We suggest that treatment with an appropriate anti-fungal suspicion is high (406).

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The treatment protocol should be based on general proto- • We suggest that if re-insertion of a new catheter is attempt-
cols for treatment of tuberculosis but is often started with 4 ed after a PD catheter is removed for refractory, relapsing,
drugs: rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ofloxacin. A or fungal peritonitis, it be performed at least 2 weeks after
previous study showed that rifampicin levels in PD effluent are catheter removal and complete resolution of peritoneal
often low (407). Intraperitoneal rifampicin treatment has been symptoms (2D).
advocated but is not available in many countries. In general,
pyrazinamide and ofloxacin could be stopped after 2 months, Indications for catheter removal are summarized in Table 8.
while rifampicin and isoniazid should be continued for a total For refractory peritonitis and fungal peritonitis, simultaneous
of 12 to 18 months (407–413). Pyridoxine (50 to 100 mg/day) ­re-insertion of a new PD catheter is not recommended, and
should be given to avoid isoniazid-induced neurotoxicity. On patients should be put on temporary hemodialysis. Observa-
the other hand, long-term use of pyridoxine at a higher dose tional studies suggest that effective antibiotics should be
(e.g. 200 mg daily) is in itself associated with neuropathy and continued for at least 2 weeks after catheter removal for
should be avoided. Streptomycin, even in reduced doses, may refractory ­peritonitis (423,424).
cause ototoxicity after prolonged use and should be avoided. After severe episodes of peritonitis, around 50% of patients
Ethambutol is associated with a high risk of optic neuritis could potentially return to PD (423–425). An ANZDATA Registry
in dialysis patients and must be used with appropriate dos- study demonstrated that return to PD after catheter removal
age reduction. Previous reports suggest a dose of 15 mg/kg and temporary hemodialysis for peritonitis was not associated
every 48 hours or thrice weekly for up to 2 months (414). The with inferior patient-level clinical outcomes when compared

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optimal treatment for drug-resistant tuberculous peritonitis with other patients who either never required hemodialysis
remains unknown. transfer for peritonitis or who had permanent hemodialysis
Many patients respond to anti-tuberculous therapy without transfer for peritonitis (426). Furthermore, subsequent peri-
catheter removal (407–413,415). However, it is important tonitis-free, technique and patient survival following return
to differentiate patients with miliary tuberculosis, whose to PD were not associated with organism type or duration of
peritonitis is part of the disseminated disease, from those time from hemodialysis transfer to PD restart (426). There are
with isolated tuberculous peritonitis without extraperitoneal few data on the optimal duration between catheter removal for
infection, because the duration of anti-tuberculous therapy peritonitis and re-insertion of a new catheter. Observational
is different. studies suggest a minimum period of 2 to 3 weeks (423–425),
although some would recommend later re-insertion in cases
Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Peritonitis of fungal peritonitis (397,398). Re-insertion of a new catheter
should be done by laparoscopic or mini-laparotomy approach
Data on peritonitis caused by non-tuberculous mycobacte- so that adhesion can be directly visualized. Ultrafiltration
ria are limited but may be increasing (21,416–422). It is not problems are common after return to PD (423,424). A small
uncommon for non-tuberculous mycobacteria to be misidenti- proportion of patients with PD-related peritonitis develop
fied as gram-positive diphtheroids. Over half of the isolates are recurrent intra-abdominal collection that requires percuta-
rapidly growing species, such as M. fortuitum and M. chelonae neous drainage after catheter removal (427). The chance of
(420), and often become positive on routine bacteriologic a successful return to PD is very low in this group of patients,
cultures in 3 to 5 days. It has been postulated that extensive and direct conversion to long-term hemodialysis should be
use of topical gentamicin ointment for exit-site infection considered (427).
may predispose patients to non-tuberculous mycobacterial
infection of the exit site (144). The treatment regimen for non- FUTURE RESEARCH
tuberculous mycobacterial peritonitis is not well established
and requires individualized protocols based on susceptibility There are some new antibiotics that, to the best of our
testing. Catheter removal is usually necessary, and experience knowledge, have not been tried for the treatment of PD-related
with non-removal is limited (420–422). The type and duration peritonitis. For example, ceftaroline has good coverage of
of antibiotic therapy are variable, and the optimal treatment
regimen is poorly defined and depends on species and drug TABLE 8
susceptibilities (416–422). Indications for Catheter Removal

Catheter Removal and Re-Insertion • Refractory peritonitis

• Relapsing peritonitis
• We recommend that PD catheters be removed for refractory, • Refractory exit-site and tunnel infection
• Fungal peritonitis
relapsing, or fungal peritonitis unless there are clinical
• Catheter removal may also be considered for
contraindications (1C). – repeat peritonitis
• We suggest that it is appropriate to consider return to PD – mycobacterial peritonitis
for many patients who have had their catheter removed for – multiple enteric organisms
refractory, relapsing, or fungal peritonitis (2C).

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