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Change Detection

Using SAGA

Tutorial ID: IGET_RS_012

This tutorial has been developed by BVIEER as part of the IGET web portal intended to provide easy access to geospatial education. This
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IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

Change Detection using SAGA

Objective: To detect and analyze the changes in land use and land cover of a region using post classified images
from different time periods.

Software: SAGA

Level: Intermediate

Time required: 4 Hours

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills:

1. SAGA should be installed on the computer.

2. Student must have completed exercise IGET_GIS_001, IGET_RS_007 and IGET_RS_008.
3. Familiarity with basic operations in SAGA is preferable.


1. Campbell, J. B., & Wynne, R. H. (2011). Chapter 16: Change Detection (pp. 445 - 464), Introduction to Remote
Sensing, Fifth Edition. Guilford Press.

Tutorial Data: This tutorial requires two classified images. You can download the data from the following link:


Data Reference: Wagner, P. D., Kumar, S., & Schneider, K. (2013). An assessment of land use change impacts on
the water resources of the Mula and Mutha Rivers catchment upstream of Pune, India. Hydrology and Earth System
Sciences Discussions, 10(2), 1943–1985. doi:10.5194/hessd-10-1943-2013

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

Change detection enables us to assess the gains and losses among various types of land use and land cover in a
region over a period of time. Remote sensing data is widely used for change detection due its high temporal
resolution, wide coverage and cost effectiveness over field surveys/inventories. Change detection can be used as
diagnostic tool to understand the impact of anthropological effects on natural resources, which might further help
us to prepare a sustainable planning measure to protect our environment. Change detection techniques are mainly
of two types. The first one is spectral change detection, in this technique the unit of analysis is a pixel, a
neighborhood, a multi temporal segment or a spectral class (Campbell & Wynne, 2011). One would require
accurate radiometric, atmospheric and geometric corrections to be carried out before performing the spectral
change detection. The second technique is post-classification change detection. It uses thematic maps (classified
images) as inputs. It is a relatively easy and less accurate method compared to spectral change detection. In this
tutorial we will learn how to perform post-classification change detection in SAGA.

In the tutorials 7 to 9 of IGET_RS series, we learnt how to create thematic maps from satellite images using
different image classification techniques and how to assess their accuracy. These images serve as excellent visual
guides to understanding the spatial distribution of the land use and land cover of a region. Furthermore, they can
be used to calculate the actual spatial extent of different land classes at that point in time. However, a single land-
use map may not be enough to identify areas where change is taking place. To see what changes have taken place
to the landscape, it becomes necessary to have at least two land cover maps of a region at two points in time.
Therefore, the procedure of ‘Change Detection’ utilizes two or more such thematic images belong to different periods
to track the changes that have taken place in the study region over the length of that period. This allows us to
assess which land classes are gained, losses and remained the same over the period of time.

1. Import the thematic images in SAGA via the Load button. Navigate to the folder containing the tutorial
data and change the file type to ‘All Files’. Select the tiff files named ‘LULC_1990’ and ‘LULC_2000’, and
click ‘Open’.

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

2. Select the image ‘LULC_1990’ in the list under tab section, and click on the tab on
the right. This displays the metadata of the image file. You will see that the ‘Value Type’ is ‘unsigned 1 byte
integer’ and the values range from 1 to 6, this means that there are 6 land classes in this image.

3. Double click on the images to open them. They will appear in shades of grey. This is because the class numbers
are being treated as pixel DN values. However that is not the case as this is a thematic image and each
number represents a unique land class. We will use the lookup table that accompanies the .tif images to
designate the appropriate class names.

4. Click the tab and change the ‘Colors’ type from ‘Graduated Color’ to ‘Lookup Table’. Select

the ‘Table’ field and click on the button.

5. In the table window that appears, click on the ‘Load’ button and open the file ‘Lookup_Table.txt’. The colours

and class names would have changed. Click ‘Okay’ and then ‘Apply’ above .

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

6. To do the same thing to the ‘LULC_2000’ image simply right click on it and select ‘Copy settings from other
layer’. In the window that pops up select ‘LULC_1990’. This will copy the class colours and names to this

7. Look at the tab to see which land class each colour indicates. It will look like this:

8. Overlay the ‘LULC_2000’ image on the ‘LULC_1990’ image. Turn it on and off via the ‘Maps’ tabs by double-
clicking on it. This way, we can visually gauge the gains or losses of the land classes over the decade. For
example: If we look at the west of Pune (Pashan), which is just right above to the centre of the image, we can
see the ‘Urban’ class has increased due to the development of the Pune-Mumbai Bypass road and the built up
area around it.

Question 1: Which land class got converted to Grassland in the above region?

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

Question 2: Is there any other part of Pune that has expanded significantly?

9. Another way to look at the images is in a side-by-side comparison (As seen above). Load the ‘LULC_2000’
image in another map window. Select the map window and via the ‘Map’ menu, check (Map → Synchronize
map Extents). When this option is checked, this current map window will control the viewing extent of the
other window. If you’d like the other map to use this feature as well then select it and check the same option
from the menu.

10. The advantage of a georeferenced map over an ordinary map is that spatial measurements can be carried out
on them easily. Let us take a look at the distribution of classes in the map using a histogram (Go to the Data
tab → select the Land use Map → Right-click → Histogram). This will create a histogram of the classes in the
current image. Do this for both images and place them side by side.


11. These histograms give us an idea of the relative distribution of classes within each image. However, to
compare the land class distribution across images we need to have a single histogram containing all the class
values. This can be done by converting the histograms into tables and then joining them.

12. Select the ‘Histogram map of LULC 1990’ and then click on the ‘Convert to Table’ button in the toolbar
above. Do this for the ‘LULC_2000’ window as well.


IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

13. Two tables will appear in the Data tab list. Double-click on them to open. If the column is too small, expand it
by holding left mouse bottom and dragging the border between two columns.


14. The field titled ‘AREA’ describes the area of each land class in square metres. This becomes inconvenient at
small scale maps (Those maps cover large areas, where we deal with hundreds or thousands of square
kilometres). The conversion of area can be done by using ‘table calculator tool’ with a conversion parameter ‘1
m2=1/1,000,000 km2’, open the table calculator (Modules → Table → Calculus → Table Calculator).


15. Set the window entries as shown above. They are explained below.

Formula: This is the calculation to be performed on ‘AREA’ field which is third on table (f1, f2, f3… are being
the first, second, third…etc fields). Change the default formula to ‘f3/1000000’ since we are converting
‘AREA’ from square metres to square kilometres.

Field Name: If the entry ‘Field’ is ‘[not set]’ then this will the name of the new field. We will call the new field
‘Area_sqkm_1990’, type it over field name.

>>Table: This is the name of the table for which the calculation has to be done. From the dropdown menu
select ‘Histogram: 01. LULC_1990’.

Field: This decides which field the results will be placed in. Select one from the dropdown menu. If it is ‘[not
set]’ it will create a new field titled by the ‘Field Name’ entry. This time we will keep it as ‘[not set]’.

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

Result: This points to which table the result will be placed in. ‘[create]’ will create a new table. Keep this as
‘[not set]’ to append the result to the current table.

Now click on ‘okay’ to finish.

16. Open the table ‘Histogram: 01.LULC_1990’ again. The new field will be seen attached at the end. Repeat the
step 14 to 15 for the table ‘Histogram: 02.LULC_2000’


17. We now open Modules → Tables → Tools → Join Attributes from a Table. Set the ‘Table ‘entry as ‘Histogram:
01. LULC_1990’ and the ‘Join Table’ entry as ‘Histogram: 02. LULC_2000’. The Identifiers are the fields to
be used as the common link. Set them both to ‘NAME’. To create a new table select ‘[create]’ from the
‘Result’ dropdown menu. Now click on ‘Okay’.


18. The resulting table will have fields from both tables. We can now create a histogram comparing the areas of
the two images. Right-click on the table and select ‘Diagram’.


IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

19. In the Properties window, change the ‘Display Type’ to ‘Bars’ and the ‘Label’ value to ‘NAME’. From the
‘Attributes’ section, check the options for ‘Area_sqkm_1990’ and Area_sqkm_2000’. You can change the
colours if you like. The resulting graph will look like below:



Here the histogram shows the increase or decrease in area of each class over a decade.

Question 3: Which class shows the highest increase?

20. This visual interpretation gives us a good idea about the change in the land cover in terms of just area, i.e.,
quantitative values. However, to map the location of change and the individual transitions, we will use the
‘Change Detection’ module. Open it via the menu (Modules → Imagery → Classification → Change Detection’).

21. In the module window, fill in the details of the table as shown below and click on ‘Okay’.

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga


22. The newly created change map will appear in the ‘Data’ list. It will have the class changes indicated by colour.
For example, in this case, the changes from Shrub land are in different shades of blue while those from the
Grassland class are shades of dull yellow.


23. The Legend tab serves as a good guide for the colour scheme, but the differentiating between classes might get
tricky. One way around this is to select the ‘Changes’ layer and place the mouse over a pixel to get the class
name, it will appear in the Status Bar below.

24. The ‘Changes’ image is accompanied by a table which lists out the changes in a cross tabular form. It
compares the classes of the first image with those of the second. Open the table by double clicking on it. To fit
the values to column, right-click on the title in the ‘Changes’ table and select ‘Fit Column Sizes’.

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga


25. This matrix gives us the area of change for each class transition. The row wise classes are the first image
(LULC_1990) and the columns are of the second image (LULC_2000).


26. Take the above table, for example. The table shows the area of Grassland converted to Urban class as
112323600m2. This translates to about 112km2.

27. The transition areas can also be compared using a histogram. We can view this by right-clicking on the
‘Changes’ image under ‘Data’ tab and selecting ‘Histogram’.

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga


28. As seen above, the unchanged classes have the highest values, for example: the Shrubland transitions, the
‘Shrubland>>Shrubland’ transition has the highest value. We can remove these by going back to the Change
Detection module and unchecking ‘Report Unchanged Classes’ and then click ‘Okay’.


IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

29. The unchanged classes will have been removed. As you can see the colours have also changed. This is because
SAGA generates a new set of colours every time you make a new result.
Question 4: Can you tell which land class the Urban growth infringed upon most?

30. To set the histogram colours to be class-wise, right-click on the ‘Changes’ table and select ‘Diagram’. In the
pop up window, set the ‘Display Type’ as ‘Bars’, and the X Axis ‘Label’ to ‘Name’. From the ‘Attributes’
check all the classes and click ‘Okay’.



31. This second histogram has the transitions coloured according to the class of the final state (LULC_2000). For
example, all the transitions that convert to Urban are in green, and the transitions that convert to Grassland
are in light blue.
IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

Question 5: You can notice Urban land use is converted in to Grassland and Mixed Crop land! Would this be
the real case? Can you explain why this transition exists?

32. Transition data can be viewed in another way. Select the first histogram window, i.e., ‘Changes [LULC_1990

>> LULC_2000]’ and click the ‘Show Table’ button on the toolbar above. This will create new table
titled ‘Histogram: Changes [LULC_1990>>LULC_2000)’. This displays the transitions as a list of classes.


33. To further analyze the class transitions, we can view them on the map. This way we can visually understand
the distribution of a land cover transition. We must extract them from this table. Let us try to extract urban

34. Note down the ‘MIN/MAX’ values of all the transitions contributing to Urban class. (Eg.
Shrubland>>Urban). These should be 3, 10, 17, 31 and 38.

35. Open the ‘Reclassify Grid Values’ module (Module → Grid → Tools → Values → Reclassify Grid Values).
Select the current Grid System and select ‘Changes [LULC_1990>>LULC_2000) under ‘Grid’. From the

‘Method’ field, select ‘simple table’. Select the ‘Lookup Table’ row and click on the button to open it.


36. Press ‘Add’ till you get five classes in ‘Lookup Table’ window. Replace the MINIMUM / MAXIMUM values
with the ones you noted down earlier, see below figure. The ‘new’ values will be the class from which the

IGET_RS_012 Change Detection using Saga

transition has taken place. Click ‘Okay’. Set the Operator as ‘min <= value <= max’. Check ‘Other Values’
and keep the ‘new value’ entry as ‘0’. Press ‘Okay’ in ‘Reclassify Grid Values’ window.


37. Open the ‘Reclassified Grid’ layer in new map window by double clicking over it under Data list. It may not
have the colours differentiated since the new classes are numerically adjacent to each other.

38. We can use the original palette to describe the land transitions. Load the ‘Lookup_Table.txt’ file via the

tab (refer Step 4 -5).


Question 6: List the possible applications of change detection?


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