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Power Cables

A Powerful Connection

Power Cables – the powerful connection
Day by day power cables from Pirelli show their excellent
reliability in distribution systems, power and industrial
Pirelli Cables and Systems is one of the two core busi-
ness fields of the Pirelli Group that can look back on
125 years in a top position in power transmission and
Together with the former business sector “Power Cables”
of Siemens, Pirelli is now No. 1 in this market sector.
This forms a solid basis to meet the competent and inno-
vative growing requirements of the worldwide energy
The following pages describe the major products from
our delivery range.
Power Cables

Contents Page
Power Cables – General ............. 4 – 8
Low- and Medium-Voltage
Cables up to 45 kV ....................... 9 –14
Accessories for Low-
and Medium-Voltage-Cables ... 15 –18
High-Voltage Cables
up to 290/500 kV ......................... 19 –20
Accessories for High-Voltage
Cables up to 290/500 kV ............. 21–23
Power Cables – General

Application Standard cables are suitable In view of the possible external stresses
for most applications. for power cables, standard cables are suit-
able for most applications for laying in the
They are preferably used where overhead
Cables intended for the transmission and ground (distribution cables) or for installa-
lines are not suitable, e.g. in densely built-
distribution of electrical energy are mainly tion in air (installation cables) (Fig. 3).
up areas, in cities (pedestrian zones), in-
used in power plants, in distribution sys- High-voltage cables are often designed
dustrial installations and buildings.
tems and substations of power supply utili- according to the specific stresses of each
For power supply cables there are two
ties, and in industry. special case of application.
main fields of application with different
stresses (Fig. 1): The instructions AR 320-220 and AR 320-1-
220 contain detailed information on the ap-
plication of cables, e.g. permissible pulling
forces, limit temperatures, bending radii,
Laying in the ground Installation in air cable fixing, storage and transport, etc.

Directly Outdoors Voltages

in the
■ Rated voltage
– Power cables are classified according
to the rated voltages U0 /U and Um.
– Um is the maximum rms value
In ducts Indoors between phase conductors.
– U0 is the rms value between con-
ductor and ground or grounded
metallic covering (concentric conduc-
tor, screen, armour, metal sheath).
In concrete In channels U0 = U/ 3
– U is the rms value between phase
– For application in three-phase and
single-phase systems the main stan-
dard rated voltages in compliance
In water
with IEC 183 are given in Fig. 4.
The maximum continuous operating-volt-
age at normal operation for low voltage
cables with rated voltage of 0.6/1kV
(Um = 1.2 kV) is
– 1.8 kV in d.c. systems
Fig. 1: Fields of application – 3.6 kV in a.c. systems
for PVC-insulated cables having a
concentric conductor or armour and
Stresses and requirements
conductor cross-sectional areas from
For these cables, especially for the insula- Stresses determined by the function: 240 mm2 and above.
tion (electrical strength) of buried cables,
reliability and a long service life is required. Current Thermal
The power cables from Pirelli Kabel und Normal stress
Systeme have proven this by an excellent operation
service experience over decades. Voltage Electrical
The different stresses determined by the
function form the basis for the definition of Short-circuit Thermal/
the cable requirements (Fig. 2). mechanical
Operation stress
under Thermal
Ground fault
fault con- stress
Transient Electrical
waves stress

Fig. 2: Stresses determined by the function

Power Cables – General

Current ratings
For safe project planning of cable installa- Laying in the ground Installation in air
tions, the cross-sectional area of conductor
shall be determined such that the require-
ment Mechanical Tensile strength (laying) Tensile strength (laying)
current-carrying capacity Iz ≥ loading Ib Impact strength (civil works) Pressure force (cleats)
Abrasion Vibrations
is fulfilled for all operating conditions which
can occur. A distinction is made between Termites, rodents, etc.
the current-carrying capacity
Chemical Chemicals Chemicals
■ for normal operation (permanent influence), (short-term influence)
■ and for short-circuit oil, acids Ozone
(operation under fault conditions)
Especially in low-voltage systems, the Climatic Moisture (water) Moisture (rain, humidity)
cross-sectional area of the conductor must Temperature UV radiation
be additionally determined in respect of
the permitted voltage drop ∆U. In order to Temperature (cold, heat)
avoid thermal overloading of the cable a
suitable protective device also has to be Fire behavior Not applicable Fire propagation
selected. Besides that, the relevant instal- Corrosive combustion gases
lation rules shall be observed. Smoke density
With regard to these criteria, brief in- Circuit integrity of cable installation
structions for project planning are given
in Part 2 of the book “Power Cables and
their Application”. They are sufficient for Fig. 3: Stresses determined by the installation method
most cases when using the values listed
in this book. The procedure is shown by
examples. Uo/U Um in three-phase Um in single-phase a.c. systems
More comprehensive calculation meth-
Both phase One phase
ods with detailed project planning data can conductors conductor
be taken from Part 1 of the book “Power insulated grounded
Cables and their Application”. [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV]
Order-Nr.: Part 1: A19100-L531-F159-X-7600
Part 2: A19100-L531-F506-X-7600.
0.6/1 1.2 1.4 0.7
For high-voltage cables, the current-carry-
ing capacity is to be examined for each 3.6/6 7.2 8.3 4.1
special case of application. It depends on
a lot of special laying and installation con-
ditions so that it is not possible to give 6/10 12 14 7
standard values.
12/20 24 28 14
18/30 36 42 21
All types of Pirelli cables are based on na-
tional and international standards such as 36/60 72.5 – –
DIN VDE and IEC. A perfect quality system
according to ISO 9001 ensures a maximum
64/110 123 – –
of reliability of Pirelli cables.
76/132 145 – –

87/150 170 – –

127/220 245 – –

160/275 300 – –

230/400 420 – –

290/500 525 – –

Fig. 4: Voltage levels

Power Cables – General

Constructional elements Oil-impregnated paper, a classic insulation

material, is still used especially for extra-
Nominal cross- Nominal cross-
of cables high-voltage low-pressure oil-filled cables.
sectional area of sectional of the
The advantages of this type of insulation
phase conductor screen
are the vast experience that stands behind [mm 2] [mm 2]
it and the high degree of reliability so im-
The conductors comply with IEC 228. pressively demonstrated by the fault-free 25 to 120 16
The type and construction of conductor – service of these cables decade after decade. 150 to 240 25
whether circular solid (RE) or circular
stranded (RM), sector-shaped solid (SE) Identification of cores for 300 25
or sector-shaped stranded (SM) – can be low-voltage cables 400, 500 35
taken from the relevant tables in the book
Cables with more than 5 cores (control ca-
“Power Cables and their Application”, Fig. 5: Nominal cross sectional area of phase
bles) have black cores with white imprinted conductor
Part 2. The smallest permissible nominal
numbers. The green-yellow core is to be
cross-sectional areas for circular and sec-
used solely as a PE (protective earth) or
tor-shaped conductors are specified in the
PEN (protective earth and neutral) conduc- For high-voltage cables a lead sheath is
relevant standard.
tor. The blue core is provided for use as a normally used for low-pressure oil-filled
Especially for high-voltage low-pressure neutral conductor. cables, but it is also available for cables
oil-filled cables, circular stranded hollow with XLPE insulation. For high-voltage
conductors (RM...H) are used. For cross- The blue core may be used as a phase con-
ductor if the cable has a concentric conduc- PROTOTHEN X cables up to 150 kV, how-
sectional areas of 1000 mm2 and above, ever, normally a screen of round copper
special segmental conductors, also known tor or if a neutral conductor is not required.
wires with a cross-sectional area of 35 mm2
as Milliken conductors, are used in order or 50 mm2 is used together with an alumi-
Concentric conductors, screens,
to reduce current losses occurring due to num laminated PE sheath.
armor and metal sheaths
skin and proximity effects.
Low-voltage cables may be provided with For all types of insulation used for high-
Insulation concentric conductors as protection from voltage cables, a corrugated Al-sheath is
contact if there is a possibility of the ca- available. The advantage of such a cable is
In the field of cables with extruded insula- the high mechanical rigidity and, under fault
tion, there are three dominating insulation bles being exposed to mechanical damage.
Concentric conductors are made of copper. conditions, the high short circuit current-
materials which have proved to be reliable: carrying capacity.
PVC for low voltage, EPR up to app. 150 kV The data on the cross-sectional area in the
and XLPE up to the highest voltage. XLPE type designation code always refer to the
material of the phase conductors. Outer coverings
for PROTOTHEN X cables has a high-grade
insulating compound of polyethylene with For cables with concentric conductors in For low-voltage PROTODUR cables with
a cross-linked structure which shows excel- distribution systems, the wires of the con- PVC insulation and PROTOTHEN X cables
lent properties. Cables above 30 kV up to centric conductors are laid in waveform with XLPE insulation, a PVC sheath is nor-
500 kV are designed with superclean insu- (CEANDER conductor) on the inner cover- mally applied.
lation material because of the very low loss ing. These conductors facilitate the instal- Medium-voltage XLPE-insulated cables nor-
factor at all operating temperatures. The lation of the branch joints because the con- mally have a sheath of polyethylene which
permittivity is also relatively low to limit centric conductor can easily be lifted up and is more resistant with respect to the me-
capacitive power. bundled at one side. It also ensures that chanical stresses. PVC sheaths can also be
The conductor shield and insulation shield there is sufficient space for connecting provided, especially for underground min-
of XLPE-cables are extruded together with branches to the underlying phase conduc- ing or indoor installation (flame retardance
the insulation (triple extrusion) in special tors without having to cut the CEANDER according to IEC 60 332-2).
manufacturing processes. So the insulation conductor. As already mentioned, high-voltage cables
screen is generally solidly bonded to the in- Screens are compulsory for all cable types having a screen of round copper wires are
sulation. To remove this insulation screen above 0.6/1 kV. Screens shall consist of provided with an aluminum laminated PE
during installation of accessories, a special copper. Multicore cables may have individ- sheath consisting of an aluminum tape
cutting tool is required. ual screened cores or a common screen. coated with PE copolymer on the outer
In multi-core cables a steel wire armor may side and bonded to a black PE sheath. All
Designs with easy-strip semiconductive other high-voltage cable types are usually
layers are also available for medium-voltage also be used as a common screen. The
screens which are always grounded en- also combined with a PE sheath because
cables. of its high mechanical stability.
sure protection from contact and carry the
PVC is mainly used for cables designed for short circuit and earth fault currents. Accord- Only if there are requirements for flame
voltages from 1 kV up to and including 6 kV. ing to DIN VDE 0276-620 the nominal cross- retardance according to IEC 60 332-2 a
Pirelli PROTODUR cables have an insula- sectional area of the screens (geometrical PVC sheath should be applied instead of
tion based on that material. Compared to cross-sectional area) must not fall below the or in addition to the commonly used PE
XLPE, these cables have a significantly values in the following table (Fig. 5). sheath.
higher permittivity.
To protect the insulation of PROTODUR or
PROTOTHEN X cables against permanent,
intensive ingress of fuels, oils or solvents,
a lead sheath can be provided under the
PVC sheath or PE-sheath.

Power Cables – General

Examples for application Products High- and Extra-High-Voltage Cables

up to 290/500 kV and Accessories
(Fig. 6 to 9) Information on high-voltage cables and ac-
Low- and medium-voltage cables
cessories is available from Pirelli PKS BU EV.
Information on low-voltage and medium- High-voltage cables are laid and installed
voltage cables with voltages or construc- by Siemens on a contractual basis. This
tions not listed in this Engineering Guide, covers all tasks from route planning up to
for example paper-insulated cables, can the final voltage test to be carried out.
be obtained from Pirelli PKS BU EV. The cables and accessories shown on the
following pages are designed for all kinds
For further information please contact: of high-voltage transmission of electrical
energy. The main requirements for these
Fax: ++49 - 9131-73 46 30
applications are as follows:
■ Low loss factor tan delta:
Cables with improved fire behaviour This is for low dielectric losses to mini-
mize heating.
SIENOPYR cables have the following ■ Thermal stability of insulation:
excellent characteristics: This is for a uniform loss factor at all
■ Reduced fire propagation performance: load fluctuations and overvoltages
Fig. 6: Installation of low- and medium-voltage cables Even in the case of large grouping and occurring in operation.
in an industrial area vertical installation of cables, the spread ■ Electrical stability of insulation:
of fire by cables is prevented (tests ac- This is for freedom from partial dis-
cording to IEC 60 332-3). charge through effective prevention
■ Corrosivity: of ionization in voids.
No subsequential fire damage because All these main requirements are fulfilled
the materials of these cables are halogen- by XLPE-insulated PROTOTHEN X cables
free and the gas emission is non-corro- and low-pressure oil-filled cables, together
sive (tests according to IEC 60 754-2). with Pirelli accessories for high-voltage
■ Low smoke density: cables shown in Fig. 33 to 36 by examples
Fire-fighting and rescue operations are to demonstrate their typical constructional
decisively facilitated (tests according to elements.
IEC 61 034). For further information please contact:
Pirelli PKS BU EV
For further information please contact:
Fax: ++ 49-9131- 73 46 30
Fig. 7: Laying of a 20 kV single-core Fax: ++49-9131-73 46 90 Note:
PROTOTHEN X Cable PKS = Pirelli Cable and systems
BU = Business Unit Utilities
EV = power supply utilities
Flexible cables: IS = industry and special cable
Flexible cables which are used for instal- IL = installations cables
lations in high-rise and industrial high-rise
buildings, for connecting mobile equipment
as well as for internal wiring of equipment
can be obtained from Pirelli PKS BU IS.

For further information please contact:

Fax: ++ 49-9131- 73 46 90

Fig. 8: Low-pressure oil-filled cables to switchgear by Fig. 9: Cross-bonding joint comprising single slip-on stress-devicer 400 kV XLPE cables
GIS-type sealing ends with corrugated aluminium sheath

Power Cables – General

Product Overview –
Selection Guide
Overview of standard cable types and a
guide for the selection of cable according to
voltage, insulation and metallic coverings.

Low and 0.6/1 kV Multi-core PVC No screen PVC

medium insulation sheath NYY Page 9
Power Concentric
cables conductor NYCWY Page 9

XLPE Steel armor

2XFY Page 10

No screen EVA- Page 13


3.6/6 kV Three-core PVC Steel armor PVC Page 11

insulation sheath

6/10 kV XLPE Screen Page 11


12/20 kV Screen and Page 12

Steel armor

6/10 kV Single-core Screen Page 12

12/20 kV
18/30 kV
PE- Page 13

Control 0.6/1 kV Multi-core PVC No screen PVC Page 14

cables insulation sheath

Concentric NYCY Page 14


Headsheath PVC YKYRY Page 10


High 64/110 kV Single-core XLPE Screen Laminated 2XS(FL)2Y Page 19

voltage insulation PE-sheath
Lead sheath PE-sheath 2XK2Y Page 19
127/220 kV
160/275 kV
Corrugated 2XKLDE2Y Page 20
230/400 kV Oil-impregnated sheath
290/500 kV paper insulation
NÖKLDE2Y Page 20

Fig. 10: Overview of main cable types

Low and Medium Voltage Cables
up to 45 kV

Multi-Core PROTODUR Power Cables 0.6/1 kV Application

Mainly for power stations, industrial
plants and substations. Usually laid in-
doors, in ducts and outdoors. May also be
NYY laid in the ground where damage (e. g.
from pickaxes) is unlikely.
U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design
acc. to Power cables with Current-Carrying Capacity
DIN VDE 0276-603.3G, HD 603.3G,
■ copper conductor, acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603,
IEC 60 502-1
■ PVC insulation and based on IEC 60 287
■ PVC sheath. Permissible operating temp. 70 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 160 °C
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A58-X-7600
Four-core PROTODUR cables,
type NYY for 0.6/1 kV
2. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
Part 2, pp. 226, 227

Fig. 11

Multi-Core PROTODUR Power Cables 0.6/1 kV Application

Mainly for distribution systems. Also for
with concentric waveform conductor power stations, industrial plants and sub-

NYCWY Current-Carrying capacity

acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603, HD 603,
U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design based on IEC 60 287
acc. to Power cables with Permissible operating temp. 70 °C
DIN VDE 0276-603.3G, HD 603.3G, ■ copper conductor, Permissible short-circuit temp. 160 °C
IEC 60 502-1
■ PVC insulation, (for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)
■ concentric copper conductor
laid in waveform and Publications:
■ PVC sheath. 1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A28-X-7600
for 0.6/1 kV
2. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
Part 2, pp. 232, 233
Cables with aluminium conductor on re-

Fig. 12

Low and Medium Voltage Cables
up to 45 kV

Multi-Core PROTOTHEN X Power Cables 0.6/1 kV Application

with flat steel wire armour For very severe operating, laying and
installation conditions. The armor with-
stands tensile stresses such as those
occurring on step gradients and in mining
2XFY subsidence areas. Suitable as river and
submarine cables.
U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design
acc. to IEC 60 502 Power cable with Current-Carrying Capacity
■ copper conductor, on request
■ XLPE insulation, with
Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
■ flat steel-wire armour and
Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
■ PVC sheath.
(for short circuit durations up to 5 s)

Fig. 13

Multi-Core PROTODUR Control Cables 0.6/1 kV Application

with round steel wire armour For filling stations, refineries and other in-
stallations where the effects of oil, sol-
vents, etc. are to be expected. The lead
sheath protects the installation from such
YKYRY effects.

U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design Current-Carrying Capacity

acc. to IEC 60 502 Control cable with
on request
■ copper conductor,
Permissible operating temp. 70 °C
■ PVC insulation, with
Permissible short-circuit temp. 160 °C
■ lead sheath,
■ round wire armour and (for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)
■ PVC sheath.

Fig. 14

Low and Medium Voltage Cables
up to 45 kV

3-Core PROTODUR Cables 3.6/6 kV Application

with flat steel wire armour Mainly in power stations, industrial plants
and substation stations.
For laying outdoors, in ducts and indoors,
resistant to tensile stress, suitable as river
NYFGY and submarine cables.

U0/U = 3.6/6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) Design Current-Carrying Capacity

acc. to Power cable with
DIN VDE 0271, IEC 60 502-2 on request
■ copper conductor,
Permissible operating temp. 70 °C
■ PVC insulation,
Permissible short-circuit temp. 160 °C
■ flat steel-wire armour and
■ PVC sheath.
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A50-X-7600
3-core PROTODUR cables,
type NYFGY for 3.6/6 kV
2. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
Part 2, pp. 248, 249

Fig. 15

3-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 6/10 kV Application

with copper wire screen on each core Mainly in power stations, industrial plants
and substations and in distribution systems
where high thermal stresses occur. For lay-
ing outdoors, in ducts and indoors.
Design Current-Carrying Capacity
U0/U = 6/10 kV (Um = 12 kV)
acc. to Power cables with acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620, HD 620,
DIN VDE 0276-620.6C, HD 620.6C, based on IEC 60 287
■ copper conductor,
IEC 60 502-2 Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
■ extruded firmly bonded semi-
conductive layers under and over Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
the XLPE insulation, with (for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)
■ individually screened cores and
■ PVC sheath. Publications:
1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A1-X-7600
3-core PROTOTHEN X cables,
type N2XSEY for 6/10 kV

Fig. 16

Low and Medium Voltage Cables
up to 45 kV

3-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 12/20 kV Application

with copper wire screen and flat steel wire armour Mainly in industrial plants, power stations
and public distribution systems, where
high thermal and mechanical stresses
2XSEYFY Note: This type is available on request for
the full range af cable types incorporating
U0/U = 12/20 kV (Um = 24 kV) Design aluminum conductors, screens of copper
tapes, armour of galvanized round steel
acc. to IEC 60 502 Power cable with wires or steel tapes, outer sheath of PE
■ copper conductor, or any combination of these.
■ extruded firmly bonded semi-
conductive layers under and over the
Current-Carrying Capacity
XLPE insulation, with
■ individually screened cores, on request
PVC separation sheath with Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
■ flat steel wire armour and Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
■ PVC sheath.
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A43-X-7600
3-core PROTOTHEN X cables with wire
screen and galvanized flat steel-wire
armor, type 2XSEYFY for 12/20 kV
Fig. 17

Single-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables Application

Mainly in power stations, industrial
with copper wire screen plants and substations. For laying out-
doors, in ducts and indoors.

N2XSY Current-Carrying Capacity

acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620, HD 620,
U0/U = 6/10 kV (Um = 12 kV) Design based on IEC 60 287
U0/U = 12/20 kV (Um = 24 kV) Power cable with Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
U0/U = 18/30 kV (Um = 36 kV)
■ copper conductor, Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
acc. to
■ extruded firmly bonded semi- (for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)
DIN VDE 0276-620.5C, HD 620.5C,
IEC 60 502-2 conductive layers under and over
the XLPE insulation, Publications:
■ copper wire screen and 1. Leaflets:
■ PVC sheath. Order No. E50001-U511-A2-X-7600
1-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 6/10 kV
Order No. E50001-U511-A48-X-7600
1-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 12/20 kV
2. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
Part 2, pp. 258–265

Fig. 18

Low and Medium Voltage Cables
up to 45 kV

Single-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables Application

Mainly for industrial and distribution
with copper wire screen systems, for laying in the ground. When
these cables are laid indoors or in ducts, it
must be noted that polyethylene-sheathed
N2XS2Y cables are not flame-retardant according
to DIN EN 50265, Test method B
U0/U = 6/10 kV (Um = 12 kV) Design
U0/U = 12/20 kV (Um = 24 kV) Current-Carrying Capacity
Power cables with
U0/U = 18/30 kV (Um = 36 kV) To DIN VDE 0276-620, HD 620,
■ copper conductor, based on IEC 60 287
acc. to
DIN VDE 0276-620.5C, HD 620.5C, ■ extruded firmly bonded semiconduc- Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
IEC 60 502-2 tive layers under and over the XLPE
insulation, with Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
■ copper wire screen and (for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)
■ PE sheath.
1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A65-X-7600
1-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 6/10 kV
Order No. E50001-U511-A26-7600
1-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 12/20 kV
Order No. E50001-U511-A25-X-7600
1-Core PROTOTHEN X Cables 18/30 kV
2. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
Part 2, pp. 258–265
Fig. 19

SIENOPYR Power Cables
SIENOPYR cables with improved charac-
Halogen-Free Cables with Improved Characteristics teristics in the case of fire are mainly used
in Case of Fire in buildings and installations with increased
safety risks and high concentration of
people or valuable contents.
The application of these cables should
N2XH be regarded as a measure for preventive
fire protection in:
U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design ■ Hospitals
acc. to Power cables with ■ Hotels
DIN VDE 0276.604.5G Part 2 ■ Underground and local rapid transit
■ copper conductor,
(HD 604.5G) rail systems
■ XLPE insulation,
■ inner covering and ■ Schools
■ EVA sheath. SIENOPYR cables are intended for instal-
lation indoors and outdoors.
Current-Carrying Capacity
on request
Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)
1. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
Part 2, pp. 271–277

Fig. 20

Low and Medium Voltage Cables
up to 45 kV

Multi-Core PROTODUR Control Cables 0.6/1 kV Application

Transmission of control pulses, measured
values, etc. in power stations, industrial
plants, installation indoors, etc., in ducts in
NYY the ground and outdoors. The printed num-
bers on the cores simplify identification
U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design and speed up installation, as ringing out is
acc. to Control cable with not necessary. When long runs are laid in
DIN VDE 0276-627.4H, HD 627.4H, the ground, inductive effects are to be
■ copper conductor, taken into account.
IEC 60 502-1
■ PVC insulation (numbered cores) and
■ PVC sheath.
Current-Carrying Capacity
acc. to DIN VDE 0276-627.4H, HD 627.4H,
based on IEC 60 287
Permissible operating temp. 70 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 160 °C
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Fig. 21a
Order No. E50001-U511-A63-X-7600
PROTODUR control cables,
type NYY for 0.6/1 kV
NYCY 2. Cable book:
Power Cables and their Application,
U0/U = 0.6/1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) Design Part 2, pp. 246, 247
acc. to Control cable with
DIN VDE 0276-627.4H, HD 627.4H,
■ copper conductor,
IEC 60 502-1
■ PVC insulation (numbered cores),
■ concentric copper conductor and
■ PVC sheath.

Fig. 21b

Accessories for Low and Medium Voltage Cables

Together with the cables, we also offer a

complete range of low and medium volt-
age accessories suitable for all kinds of ap-
plications and tested according to interna-
tional standards.

Voltage classes :
– low voltage: up to 1 kV Um
– medium voltage: 12, 24 and 36 kV Um

Products available:
– joints
– terminations
– separable connectors

Overview of accessories for polymeric power cables*)

Multi-core 0.6/1 kV Straight joints CTJL (1 kV Um) Fig. 23 Page 16

2XFY Branch joints CTBL (1 kV Um) Fig. 23 Page 16

Power 1-core 6/10 kV up Straight joints ITJM, EPJM Fig. 24 + 25 Page 16 + 17

cables to 18/30 kV
N2XSY Terminations ELTImb, ELTI, ELTO Fig. 26 Page 17
Separable connectors FMCS, FMCE, FMCTs, FMCTj Fig. 27 Page 18

3-core 6/10 kV Straight joints ITJM, EPJM Fig. 24 + 25 Page 16 + 17

Terminations ELTI, ELTO Fig. 26 Page 17
12/20 kV
2XSEYFY Separable connectors FMCS, FMCE, FMCTs, FMCTj Fig. 27 Page 18

Control Multi-core 0.6/1 kV

cables NYY Straight joints CTJL-1C (1 kV Um) Fig. 23 Page 16

*) Overview of some of our accessories for polymeric insulated low and medium voltage cables, other accessories are also available on request.
Please check suitability of listed accessories with your cable cross sections.
Cables Pirelli s.a. reserve the right to change without notification, any characteristics for technical modification.

Fig. 22

All the accessoires are listed in the Pirelli


For further information please contact:

Fax: +33-1-49 76 45 42

Accessories for Low and Medium Voltage Cables

Straight joint and branch joint for multi-core cable 0.6/1 kV Description
■ Cast resin joint and branch joint with
transparent plastic casing made of two
shells which are snapped together or
CTJL, CTJT, CTBL fastened by slides
■ Insulation: two part synthetic resin, sup-
plied in pre-dosed bags or in cans
■ Sealing: self-amalgamating tape or putty

■ In ground, ducts and in air

■ No need for special tools, no heating

Fig. 23: Castfit

Injected straight through joint 6/10 kV up to 18/30 kV Description

for 1-core and 3-core polymeric cable ■ Tapped joint, with resin injected outer

■ In ground, ducts and in air

■ No need for special tools, no heating

Fig. 24: Injectfit

Accessories for Low and Medium Voltage Cables

Coldshrinkable straight through joint 6/10 kV up to 18/30 kV Description

for 1-core and 3-core polymeric cable ■ For 1-core cable: complete coldshrink-
able joint
■ For 3-core cable: coldshrinkable joint
with heatshrinkable or injected outer
EPJM protection

■ In ground, ducts and in air

■ For 1-core cable: no need for special
tools, no heating
■ For 3-core cable: gas torch or hot air
blower if heatshrinkable outer protection

Fig. 25: Elaspeed

Indoor and outdoor terminations 6/10 kV up to 18/30 kV Description

for 1-core and 3-core polymeric cable ■ Elastic slip-on terminations, moulded
from non-tracking silicone rubber
■ ELTImb: monobloc termination with inte-
grated stress relief tube up to 12/20 kV
ELTImb, ELTI, ELTO ■ ELTI, ELTO: modular termination
(separated elastic components)
up to 18/30 kV

■ ELTImb and ELTI: for indoor use, into
boxes, compact switchboard and termi-
nal boxes located outdoor and subject to
■ ELTO: for outdoor use, can be subject to
severe climatic conditions, solar radia-
tion and pollution, for terminating cables
onto overhead lines or busbars

■ No need for special tools, no heating or

Fig. 26: Photo Elasticfit 1 or Elasticfit 2

Accessories for Low and Medium Voltage Cables

Separable connectors 6/10 kV up to 18/30 kV Description

for 1-core and 3-core polymeric cable ■ EPDM moulded connectors, screened
■ Ratings 250 A, 400 A/630 A, 630/1250 A
■ Non-loadbreak operation

FMCS, FMCE, FMCTs, FMCTj Application

■ For connection of transformers, switch-
gear units, motors, etc.
■ For indoor and outdoor installation

■ No need for special tools, no heating or

Connectors can also be supplied with me-
tallic housing. Accessories for separable
connectors and bushings are also available.
Please consult us for further information.

Fig 27: Formfit 1

High-Voltage Cables up to 290/500 kV

Single-core XLPE-insulated cable 64/110 kV Design

with laminated sheath Cable with

■ Conductor
■ Conductor screen
■ XLPE insulation
■ Insulation screen
64/110 kV (Um = 123 kV) ■ Semiconductive nonwoven
swelling tape
according to DIN VDE 0276-632
■ Screen of copper wires
IEC 60 840
■ Copper contact helix
■ Laminated Al-PE outer sheath

Current-Carrying Capacity
on request
Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A108-P-7400
XLPE insulated high voltage cables

Fig. 28

Single-core XLPE-insulated cable 160/275 kV Design

with lead sheath Cable with

■ Conductor
■ Conductor screen
■ XLPE insulation
■ Insulation screen
160/275 kV (Um = 300 kV) ■ Semiconductive nonwoven
swelling tape
based on IEC 60 840
■ Lead sheath
■ Compound
■ PE sheath

Current-Carrying Capacity
on request
Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
(for short-circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A108-P-7400
XLPE insulated high voltage cables

Fig. 29

High-Voltage Cables up to 290/500 kV

Single-core XLPE-insulated cable 290/500kV Design

with Milliken conductor and corrugated aluminum sheath Cable with

■ Milliken conductor
■ Conductor screen
■ XLPE insulation
2XKLDE2Y ■ Insulation screen
290/500 kV (Um = 525 kV) ■ Semiconductive bedding layer
■ Fabric tape with
based on IEC 60 840
interwoven copper wires
■ Corrugated aluminum sheath
■ Plastic tape in compound and
PE sheath

Current-Carrying Capacity
on request
Permissible operating temp. 90 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 250 °C
(for short circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A108-P-7400
XLPE insulated high voltage cables

Fig. 30

Single-core low pressure oil filled cable 290/500 kV Design

with corrugated aluminum sheath Cable with

■ Hollow conductor
■ Carbon black paper
■ Paper insulation
NÖKLDE2Y ■ Carbon black paper and metallized black
290/500 kV (Um = 525 kV)
■ Fabric tape with interwoven copper
according to IEC 60 141 wires
■ Corrugated aluminum sheath
■ Plastic tape in compound and PE sheath

Current-Carrying Capacity
on request
Permissible operating temp. 85 °C
Permissible short-circuit temp. 160 °C
(for short circuit durations up to 5 s)

1. Leaflets:
Order No. E50001-U511-A5-P-7600
Cables and Accessories for High- and

Fig. 31

Accessories for High-Voltage Cables
up to 290/500 kV

Typical design of outdoor-type sealing end Typical design of transformer-type sealing end

Connector Connecting
stalk tube

Corona shield


horn Filling compound
Slip-on stress cone


stress cone

Outlet screw
or valve connection

Support baseplate
Copper entrance bell
Outlet screw
or valve Copper
connection entrance bell Mechanical protection


Fig. 32 Fig. 33

Accessories for High-Voltage Cables
up to 290/500 kV

Single-core sectionalized joint

Coaxial cable for cross-bonding Conductor shield Housing

Deflector Insulation Deflector

Fig. 34

Typical design of GIS-type sealing end

Connection interface
according to IEC 859

Cast-resin insulator

Filling compound

stress cone

Copper Outlet screw

entrance bell or valve connection


For further information please contact:

Fax: ++ 49 - 23 31- 35 71 18
Fig. 35

Kabel und Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Kabelwerk Berlin
P.O. Box 140
Gartenfelder-Strasse 28
D-13599 Berlin

Kabel und Systeme GmbH & Co. KG

P.O. Box 32 20
Paul-Gossen-Strasse 100
D-91050 Erlangen

Order No. E50001-U511-A117-P-7600

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Dispo-Stelle 30200
TH 054-990347 1012287 KG 099910.
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