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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems



Planning and Designing

Gas Detection
Systems - Select -

With a grasp of gas sensor basics, and a methodical plan for installing the detectors, you can February 1, 2002
build a system smart enough to save your life.
Industry News
Wolfgang Jessel, Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA Updated Twice Weekly

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Whenever combustible and/or toxic substances are stored, processed, or ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited
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transported in the chemical industry, the potential risks are high. For 9001:2000
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example, if pressurized gases are accidentally released, pipelines leak, or Ally to Buy and Sell
combustible liquid vapors escape through damaged valves or leaking seals, • Sensoria Allies with SAIC to
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the result can be a hazardous condition. In the case of: Projects
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Combustible substances. There may be considerable damage to Director
installations if the substances ignite and explode, often accompanied News From Sensors
by further fires and human casualties.
Toxic substances. These can pose a serious risk to human health,
often involving symptoms that manifest themselves only at a later
date and are difficult to assess, possibly even leading to premature

First, Some Questions

Everyone who plans to install a gas detection system needs to consider
three sets of questions:

Gases. With what objective are which gases to be monitored?

Where are they likely to be released? In what concentrations and
quantities? How often?
Gas sensors. Which sensing technology is most suitable? How
many sensors are needed? Where and how should they be
positioned and calibrated?
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Gas detection systems. Which alarm thresholds are appropriate?
How is the alarm information subsequently processed?

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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems

Answering the first group of
questions will give a general outline
of the task at hand, clarifying the
operational conditions and the
intended purpose, i.e., whether toxic
gases (or gases that can have a
suffocating effect) need to be
detected to protect workers or
whether combustible gases (or
vapors) need to be detected to help
prevent explosions.

Gas Sensors
Generally speaking, three methods
of measurement have firmly
established themselves over many
years in the chemicals industry:
electrochemical, IR, and catalytic.
Electrochemical sensors are
particularly suited to the detection of
toxic gases in the lower ppm range.
IR and catalytic methods are used
to detect combustible substances in
concentrations below the lower
explosive limit.

Electrochemical. Under certain

Photo 1. The Polytron 2 gas detector for
conditions, an electrochemical electrochemical sensors is designed to continuously
sensor (see Photo 1) can oxidize or monitor either toxic gases or oxygen.
reduce reactive gases or vapors
diffusing through a hydrophobic membrane, thus coming into contact with
an electrode embedded in a special electrolyte (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. An electrochemical sensor works by oxidizing or reducing reactive gases that

diffuse through a hydrophobic membrane and come into contact with an electrode
embedded in a special electrolyte. Ions and electrons are produced, the latter forming a
current in a circuit connected to the sensor's electrodes. A third electrode keeps the
voltage constant, so the signal is proportional to the gas concentration. The chance of
false alarms in the Polytron 2 is reduced by sophisticated protection against RFI.

The catalytically activated electrode reaction then produces ions and

electrons, the latter forming a current in the outer electrical circuit
connected to the sensor’s electrodes. With a third electrode integrated in a
potentiostatic electronic circuit, the sensor voltage is kept constant, with the
result that the current is proportional to the gas concentration. To optimize
temperature compensation there is a negative temperature coefficient
resistor placed in the interior of the sensor.

Infrared. The IR measuring principle (see Figure 2 and Photo 2) is based

on the fact that gas molecules are excited by IR light of a certain
wavelength and so produce vibrations while partly absorbing energy from
the light.

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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems

Figure 2 and Photo 2. In an IR gas sensor, one IR light beam is of a wavelength that excites a particular
type of gas molecule and thus loses part of its energy to the resultant molecular vibrations. The intensity of
that beam is compared to a second beam of the original energy, and the differential is used to measure the
gas concentration. The Polytron IR is an explosionproof detector for combustible gases and vapors.

Compared to the original IR light intensity, the attenuated intensity within a

defined fixed optical path is a measure for the gas concentration. A second
beam with a wavelength not absorbed by gas can be used to measure the
original IR light intensity. This is used to make the IR system tolerant to
dust and alterations to the intensity of the light source itself.

Catalytic. The catalytic measuring principle (see Photo 3 and Figure 3) is

highly suitable for the detection of combustible gases and vapors.

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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems

Photo 3 and Figure 3. In The Polytron 2 XP Ex flameproof catalytic detector, two ceramic beads are heated
to ~450°C. One is activated by a catalytic material that oxides the gas and forms additional heat that is
detected by measuring the resistance of a platinum coil. The bridge current of a Wheatstone bridge with a
second, deactivated bead as reference is approximately proportional to gas concentration at the lower
explosive limit.

Two ceramic beads (pellistors) with embedded platinum coils are heated to
~450°C. One pellistor is activated by a catalytic material that, at the given
temperature, oxidizes the gas and thus forms additional heat which can be
detected by measuring the resistance of the platinum coil. Using a
Wheatstone bridge with a second, deactivated pellistor as a reference, the
bridge current is approximately proportional to the gas concentration in the
0%–100% range of the lower explosive limit (LEL).

As each of these measurement technologies can have advantages and

disadvantages depending on its intended application, the most reliable
information about the suitability of a particular method to the task in hand is
likely to be available from manufacturers, supported by their application

Spot, Area, and Fence Monitoring. A distinction is made among three

basic sensor positioning strategies, though naturally it may be necessary to
combine or adapt the strategies to suit a particular application.

Spot monitoring. Potential sources of leakage (e.g., valves, filling

nozzles, flanges, bellows) are known and their position can be
pinpointed. This means that sensors can be positioned in such a way
as to ensure that gas leaks can be reliably detected in plenty of time.
Area monitoring. Potential sources of leakage cannot be pinpointed
and are spread across a large area, with the result that sensors must
be distributed over this entire area.
Fence monitoring. Potential sources of leakage cannot be
pinpointed, so the outer limits of the installation are monitored to
check whether hazardous gas concentrations are crossing into

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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems

neighboring, unsecured areas.

Spot monitoring can be accomplished by the highly targeted use of just a

few gas sensors; area monitoring requires a large number. The latter
method is used, for example, to monitor combustible liquids in storage,
where the sensors are distributed in a grid-like manner across the entire
area. In this type of application, a sensor can monitor an area of 500–1000
ft2, while in solvent storage areas a reasonable compromise appears to be
a circular area with a diameter of ~30 ft (total surface area ~800 ft2).

When planning installations, however, area monitoring is often favored

simply because at the time of planning the potential sources of leakage are
as yet unknown. This is bound to be a costly and indeed the most
maintenance-intensive solution which, in many cases, later proves to have
been unnecessary. The more precisely the locations of potential gas leaks
can be pinpointed, the more economically planners will be able to design
the gas detection installation.

From a safety point of view, fence monitoringûas a method of gas detection

is little more than informative, since targeted countermeasures are virtually
impossible by the time an alarm is given. Countermeasures, after all, can
be effectively implemented only if there is adequate information available
concerning the time and the location of the leakage. While area monitoring
provides far less precise information than spot monitoring, fence monitoring
does not give any specific information at all about the location and time of
the gas leak. This is particularly true when open-path systems, e.g.,
photoelectric barriers that detect the potential danger caused by a gas, are
used for fence monitoring.

Certain basic rules must be followed in positioning a sensor:

The vapors emanating from combustible liquids are always heavier

than air, and they flow through the air close to the ground. Sensors
must therefore be positioned very near the ground (though they must
nevertheless remain accessible for calibration purposes).
Only three combustible gases are significantly lighter than air:
hydrogen, ammonia, and methane. Unless they are extremely cold,
these gases rise and can gather together close to the ceiling,
forming so-called gas nests.
Toxic gases, though heavier than air and present in the air only in
low concentrations (e.g., <1% by volume), should be monitored at
around head height (in the breathing area), as their distribution is
mainly dependent on convection and thermal currents.
If there is a preferred, defined air flow or an air flow guided by
appropriate baffle plates, the sensor must be located on the air
intake side. If monitoring is performed in air ducts, factors such as
dilution and alarm delay will have to be taken into account.
When detecting combustible gases or vapors, the sensor must be
positioned between the leak and the source of ignition. Furthermore,
the safety concept must take into account both the reaction time and
the time needed for the intended countermeasure to take effect
(e.g., start-up time of additional ventilation systems).
By determining the maximum expected source strengths and air
exchange speed, the potential flammable volume can at least be
estimated (IEC 79-10: 1995), although it is not possible to take
sufficient account of obstructions to air flow.

If for whatever reason a sensor cannot be positioned in the immediate

vicinity of the potential leakage source, it is possible to sample air
continuously and thus lead the gas sample past the sensor. This method is
expensive, however, not only because the airflow must be monitored, but
also because any adsorption in the pipeline or condensation due to a
temperature gradient must be taken into account. If worse comes to worst,
the gas must be completely conditioned, possibly even to the extent of
ensuring explosion protection. Air sampling, of course, also increases the
reaction time of the gas detection system.

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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems

Calibration. As is true of virtually every measuring device, gas detection

instruments perform a relative measurement, i.e., they measure a gas
concentration and compare it to a known concentration that is not actually
present but which was communicated to the device during its last
calibration. The quality of measurement will therefore always depend to a
significant extent on how the last calibration was performed and—if the
measurement quality is subject to aging (e.g., through long-term zero point
drifts and sensitivity)—when calibration was performed.

A fundamental prerequisite for reliable measurements is an accurately

performed calibration. However precise the device may be, poor calibration
practices can cause it to produce readings that are completely false.
Especially when calibrating with test gases with a very low concentration of
the target gas (effects of absorption), specialized knowledge is needed and
in many cases calibration cannot be performed on the spot. (There is help
in the form of precalibrated, plug-and-play electrochemical sensors.)

Catalytic sensors should be calibrated with the gas to be detected. If the

substances in question are combustible liquids, it is possible to generate
concentrations of, for example, 50% LEL cyclohexane in a calibration
chamber directly on site. Although calibration with the target gas gives the
best calibration results, the use of previously determined calibration factors
has also become an established method. With catalytic sensors, however,
this method has a greater potential for error because these calibration
factors are subject to greater fluctuations and aging. IR sensors do not
have this disadvantage. The best general rule is to calibrate a sensor under
real-life conditions.

Gas Detection Systems

Lowest Acceptable Alarm Thresholds. Every measuring device has a
certain measurement error, described by the manufacturer as the standard
deviation or repeatability. For gas detectors too there is always a certain
probability that a measured value will fluctuate within specified limits around
the target value. If the ambient parameters of temperature, pressure,
humidity, and flow rate are also taken into account, the zero point
fluctuation may even overlap with the fluctuation of an alarm concentration
that has been set at too low a level. As a result, there is a certain probability
that incorrect alarms will be given, and hence the gas detection instrument
becomes unusable.

This knowledge is essential, as it proves that the safety of an installation

cannot be increased by lowering the alarm thresholds below a certain limit.
In safety technology, incorrect alarms are regarded as extremely
dangerous; if they occur too often they will be ignored, possibly leading to
serious trouble in the event of a genuine alarm.

The correct lower alarm limit can be calculated only on the basis of the
sensor data and the actual operating conditions. The lowest limit should be
no less than six times the zero-point standard deviation under actual
operating conditions. Depending on the target gas, the type of sensor, and
the application, the lowest reasonable alarm threshold may be
predetermined by the gas concentrations present or by the properties of the
detection instruments or sensors. When lower alarm limits are desirable for
occupational health or safety reasons, they can be achieved only with
considerable effort and/or equipment. In such cases, a compromise
acceptable to everyone concerned must be worked out in the planning

Alarm Messages. Two alarms have been demonstrated sufficient in gas

detection systems. The pre-alarm provokes a reaction, either a prearranged
set of responsive actions or the issuance of instructions appropriate to the
particular event. Should the alarm condition persist, the main alarm is
triggered and more aggressive actions are taken, such as switching off
machinery and clearing the area. Ideally, the main alarm will
rarely—preferably never—be necessary.

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Sensors - January 2002 - Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems

Adapted from “Planning and Designing Gas Detection Systems” by Dr.

Wolfgang Jessel, appearing in Dräger Review 85, April 2000, by

Dr. Wolfgang Jessel is an Applications Engineer and Physicist, Dräger Safety AG & Co.
KGaA, Revalstrasse 1, D-23560 Leubeck, Germany; 49-451-8820, fax 49-451-882-2080,
[email protected].

For more information, contact Draeger Safety, Inc., Gas Detection Systems Division, 10450
Stancliff, Ste. 220, Houston, TX 77099; 281-498-1082, fax 281-498-5190.

Or contact Draeger Safety, Inc., 101 Technology Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15275; 800-922-5518, fax
800-922-5519, [email protected].

For further reading on this and related topics, see these Sensors articles.

"Bringing Nondispersive IR Spectroscopic Gas Sensors to the Mass Market," September

"Area Monitoring of Hazardous Gases and Vapors," January 2000
"Optical Gas Detection with Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers," September 1999
"The IR Fingerprint: Using IR Absorption Spectrometry to Monitor Gases for Process
Control," May 1999
"Next-Generation IR Gas Measurement," October 1998

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