Daily Plan of Activities

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The document outlines a daily plan of activities for student nurses' exposure in an outpatient department including objectives, timeline of activities and rationale.

The objectives are to develop meaningful relationships, recognize their tasks and responsibilities, and demonstrate nursing care skills.

Activities include morning and afternoon duties like vital signs, wound care, medications, documentation as well as pre- and post-conferences.

Daily Plan of Activities

Date: January 14, 2018

Area of Exposure: CL-OPD
Day of Exposure: 1 (Monday)

General Objectives:

After 4 days of PHN exposure, the PHN will be able to:

1. Facilitate the activities, interventions, and procedures of student nurses both routine and non-
routine according to the daily plan of activities.
2. Apply the skills previously learned about leadership and management (i.e. Henry Fayol’s
Principles of Management) through hands-on management of SSN’s.
3. Develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude required of a head nurse through observation,
interview, and application.
Specific Objectives:

After 8 hours of duty, the PHN will be able to:

1. Establish rapport with the SSN’s by establishing meaningful relationships and appropriate
2. Manage the SSN’s assigned to her by lecture discussion, demonstration, and hands-on
3. Recognize the different roles and responsibilities of a professional head nurse through
After 8 hours of duty, the SSNs will be able to:
1. Develop a meaningful and appropriate relationship with the practicing health nurse through
appropriate conversations.
2. Recognize their delegated tasks and patient assignment provided by the practicing head nurse.
3. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills about OPD and render nursing care to their assigned
Time Activity Rationale
7:45 am Meeting of practicing head UNITY OF COMMAND: workers
nurses with their assigned clinical should receive orders from one
instructor manager.
8:00 – 8:15 am Preconference: DISCIPLINE: the medical team
- Morning Prayer should start the day with a
- Introduction, statement of morning prayer.
purpose , and establishing CLARITY OF PURPOSE: every
the contract of exposure staff in the unit should have a
- Meeting of PHN’s with clear understanding of their
their assigned SSN’s purpose and responsibilities
- Delegation of assigned UNITY OF DIRECTION: The
tasks health team should be moving
towards a common objective in a
common direction.
8:15 am Proceeding to the assigned area DISCIPLINE: student nurses
(CL-OPD) should render nursing care at the
right place and right time.
8:30 – 11:30 am Nursing and administrative AUTHORITY: PHN’s must have
duties and responsibilities: the authority to give orders, but
- Shadowing they must also keep in mind that
- Maintaining a clean and with authority comes
orderly area responsibility
- Supervising in the DIVISION OF WORK: work
administration of nursing should be divided among
intervention by SSN’s individuals and groups to ensure
according to their that effort and attention are
capacity: focused on special portions of the
a. Vital signs taking task
b. Care of patients with EQUITY: all employees should be
casts, braces, splints, treated as equally as possible
tractions, and external INITIATIVE: Management
fixators should take steps to encourage
c. Wound care worker initiative, which is defined
d. Bed bath as new or additional work activity
e. Administration of oral undertaken through self-direction
11:30 – 12:30 pm Lunch Break RENUMERATION: compensation
for the work done should be fair to
both PHN and SSN
12:30 – 3:30 pm Resuming nursing and DIVISION OF WORK: work
administrative duties and should be divided among
responsibilities individuals and groups to ensure
- Guiding in the that effort and attention are
documentation and focused on special portions of the
completion of patient’s task
- Afternoon vital signs
3:30 – 4:00 pm Post-conference ESPIRIT DE CORPS:
- Announcements and management should encourage
preparations for another harmony general good feelings
day’s duty among employees
- Reflection of SSN’s to the DISCIPLINE: the medical team
occurrence of events in the should end the day with a closing
duration of their duty prayer.
- Closing prayer

Prepared by:
Paulyn Joy C. Bais

Area Facilitator:
Mila C. Espiritu, RN, MN

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