QIDS - Inventar Rapid de Depresie - English
QIDS - Inventar Rapid de Depresie - English
QIDS - Inventar Rapid de Depresie - English
Please circle one response to each item that best describes the patient for the last seven days.
0 Less than half the time, awakens no more than 8. Weight (Decrease) Within The Last Two Weeks:
30 minutes before necessary.
1 More than half the time, awakens more than 0 Has experienced no weight change.
30 minutes before need be. 1 Feels as if some slight weight loss occurred.
2 Awakens at least one hour before need be, 2 Has lost 2 pounds or more.
more than half the time. 3 Has lost 5 pounds or more.
3 Awakens at least two hours before need be,
more than half the time. 9. Weight (Increase) Within the Last Two Weeks:
0 Sees self as equally worthwhile and deserving 0 No change in usual level of energy.
as others. 1 Tires more easily than usual.
1 Is more self-blaming than usual. 2 Makes significant personal effort to initiate or
2 Largely believes that he/she causes problems maintain usual daily activities.
for others. 3 Unable to carry out most of usual daily
3 Ruminates over major and minor defects in activities due to lack of energy.
15. Psychomotor Slowing:
12. Suicidal Ideation:
0 Normal speed of thinking, gesturing, and
0 Does not think of suicide or death. speaking.
1 Feels life is empty or is not worth living. 1 Patient notes slowed thinking, and voice
2 Thinks of suicide/death several times a week modulation is reduced.
for several minutes. 2 Takes several seconds to respond to most
3 Thinks of suicide/death several times a day in questions; reports slowed thinking.
depth, or has made specific plans, or 3 Is largely unresponsive to most questions
attempted suicide. without strong encouragement.