Jasbir Singh Presentation For Indonesian Sugar Industry

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Seizing Trade, Industry Tourism, Investment and Services
Opportunity from Indonesia”
16th & 17th November, 2017
Venue: Hotel Eros, Nehru Park, New Delhi
Embassy of Republic of Indonesia, New Delhi
• NFCSF is an Apex body of Cooperative Sugar Factories in
India making it the LARGEST Sugar cooperative in the
• An autonomous organized governed by the Multi State
Cooperative Societies Act of Govt of India, M/o Agriculture
& Farmers Welfare.
• NFCSF represents the Cooperative sugar sector being a
• NFCSF is the official Spokesman for suggesting the Govt. for
policy matters, financial assistance to the industry and all
other related issues etc., for improving the sustainability of
the sugar industry.

• The main objective of NFCSF is to provide Technical
Consultancy services for promotion of Technology for
improving productivity of the sugar factories in the
field of:
– Sugarcane Agriculture,
– Sugar Engineering,
– Sugar Processing Technology,
– Project Cost Estimates,
– Project Financial Management,
– Effective by-product utilization like Cogeneration,
– Ethanol, ENA and downstream products.

• The technical cell is well informed and keeping track of
technical developments in the sugar industry for
introducing schemes like
– Energy conservation
– Reduction in steam consumption,
– methods for improving bagasse saving,
– optimum level of Cogeneration,
– improving operational efficiency parameters
– Improving cane productivity and better quality of sugar cane in
most economical manner
– financial management feasibility of the project
– Techno-commercial approach of services for improving
feasibility and profitability of the project.


• New-proven and innovative technologies are introduced for long term

sustainability of the sugar industry. Introducing technologies for
improving productivity for reducing cost of production to improve its
profitability for making it a financial self supported industry.
• In view of the above, it is essential to transform the industry into
“Integrated Industrial Complexes” with an idea to operate in complex
round the year even when the sugar plant is non-operational during off
season. If such approach is materialized on ground level, it should be
apprehended that the By-products of the sugar factory will be more
profitable than the main products i.e. sugar. This will also help in proper
utilization of man power of the sugar industry in off season.
• The concept of the consultancy services need to be changed with
advancement of technology for better utilization of our Resources,
Infrastructure, Utilities, Knowledge Bank, Manpower for over all socio-
economical development of the society. The “Sugar Integrated Industrial
Complexes” should be developed as a business hub.

A) The technical consultancy services are covering the following Areas: 6
❖ Installation of green field projects in Sugar, Cogeneration, Distillery for Ethanol
❖ Modernization, Expansion, Balancing of the existing sugar projects
❖ Improving the technical performance by way of advise in efficient operation,
energy conservation, reduction in steam consumption & power consumption
❖ Off season repairs & maintenance and approval Budgetary Cost Estimates for
the same
❖ On the spot for investigating the causes of reduction in recovery to reduced
sugar losses and adjustment of the operational bottlenecks and trouble
shooting of the plant
(v) Technical packages for capacity calculations of the plant and for balancing of
the plant for its efficient operation viz.
a) Plant Capacity
b) Plant Balancing and
c) Efficiency & Energy Audit.


• Calculating the rated capacity of each equipment of the

• To ascertain the areas of bottleneck
• To check the suitability of the capacity and head of
pumps & HP installed.
• To suggest for getting rated crush rate and efficiency


• To suggest the proposals for :

▪ Modernization for efficiency improvement & automation
▪ Measures for reducing the steam consumption % cane.
• To check :
▪ Targetted Performance parameters of the plant
▪ Steam consumption % cane of the plant.
▪ Steam and fuel balance of the plant.
▪ Sugar losses in the plant & measures to reduce the same.
▪ Material balance of the plant.
• Project cost estimates

A. Performance Evaluation : 9

B. Power Consumption Profile & Rating Check:

C. Electrical System Operation:

D. Thermography study: 10

E Process Energy:

F. Identification of energy saving areas and opportunities for improving


• Introduction Shredder/Fiberizor to achieved P.I. > 90.0%
• ACVVVF Drives for mills with Planetary/double helical gear
boxes & rope coupling for energy conservation.
• Improving Milling Performance.
• 0.10 Recovery rise for each one unit rise in RME
• 10 units rise in Primary Extraction gives rise to one unit rise in
overall mill extraction.
• High Pressure boiler 110 Kg cm2g with high super heater steam
temperature of 540 Deg. C with regenerative feed heating to
improve steam fuel ratio to around 2.6 or more. Multi fuel
furnaces are being introduced to burn biomass etc. reducing
moisture % Bagasse emerging from the Mills to 48%.

•Introduction Bagasse drier to improve boiler efficiency and

improve steam /fuel ratio by reducing moisture % Bagasse from
50.0 to 40.0.
➢ Chimney gases temperature reduced from 160 deg. C to 80 deg.C
➢ Steam fuel ratio rise = 2.6 to 3.1
➢ Boiler efficiency improvement by 0.5% with every 1% reduction in
moisture % baggase and up to 76%
➢ Waste water heat recovery & reducing environmental temp.
➢ Regenerative Heating of feed water shall improve the steam fuel
ratio of the boiler.
➢ Reducing excess air & quantity of flue gases to chimney.
➢ Emission level is considerably reduced.

• Quintuple effect Evaporator with initial 3 nos. vessel are Falling Film Type 13
and with effective vapour bleeding scheme to reduce steam consumption
to 30-32% on cane.
• Energy Conservation methods have been introduced to reduce in house
power consumption to 25 KW/TCH in electric driven plant.
• No fresh water consumption in the plant by utilizing the recirculation of
water & utilizing excess condensate effectively.
• Zero Liquid Discharge norms are being introduced for distillery effluent
• CPCB norms for air and water pollution and online monetary is being
• Sugar processing techniques are being improved by providing continuous
pans etc.
• Automation at various stations for consistent working & improved


• Monitoring and efficient operation of existing sugar plant for

achieving bench mark of efficiency figures.
• Monitoring of complete overhauling, repair and maintenance
during off season/season to reduce maintenance cost.
• Providing proposal for revival of the closed / sick units after
scientific analysis of the causes and reasons for the same and
to submit a bankable proposal / DPR.
• Modernization and Energy Conservation for efficient
operations of the existing sugar plants.

– Preparation & Submission of IEM to Industry Deptt. 15
– Selection of site and best suitable layout for efficient working of the
plant and fulfilling the Govt. Rules & Regulations.
– To propose appropriate technology for cane crushing operation and
compare the study- Milling V/s Diffuser System.
– Preparation of Detailed Project Report.
– Designing, Engineering & preparation of Specifications of Plant &
Machinery introducing modern/efficient/automation and state of the
art Sugar Project..
– Preparation of NIT ( Notice Inviting Tender).
– Project Cost Estimates.
– Financial Feasibility / Viability Report study.
– Inviting quotation and negotiation for placing order.
– Preparation of agreement and placing order.

– To introduce automation in plant for optimization, efficient operation
and quality production of sugar with reducing man power.
– Negotiation and Selection of machinery supplies suitable for timely
commission and quality supply of design and engineering of the
– Preparation of Draft Agreement for machinery supply, commission and
performance along with preparation of project implementation
– Vetting of equipment drawings.
– Vetting of designing of Civil Foundation and Execution.
– Stage and Final Inspection/ running trials of machinery at
manufacturers’ workshop as per terms of the agreement.
– Supervision of quality and sequence of erection work of the equipment
at site for timely commissioning.
– Supervising the test and trials of the equipment for satisfactory
working after commissioning.
– Supervising the performance trial of the plant and machinery as per
terms .
– To supervise the functioning of the plant to achieve the rated capacity
/ efficient and quality of sugar after commissioning and performance
by removing the bottlenecks and weak links.
– To supervise and monitoring the working of plant during the season for
efficient operation.
– To supervise overhauling and maintenance of the plant during off
season for satisfactory and efficient working of the plant during season
to achieve targeted performance parameters and capacity utilization.
– Training of the staff for efficient operation of the plant.

– To prepare Detailed Project Report for Cogeneration in existing Plant
and Green Field Project.
– Optimum power generation study at most suitable and economical
steam pressure and temperature configuration.
– Selection of Cycle for power generation through Back Pressure &
Condensing Mode for minimum steam consumption and maximum
power production.
– Selection of Electrical Equipment for minimum power consumption,
minimum transmission losses by improved cabling layout, Better
Electrical Distribution System Design and Automatic power factor
control system application.

- To provide complete know-how for Modernization and
Expansion of existing molasses and grains based units and
to prepare DPR for Stand alone / Integrated Distillery of any
capacity for manufacture of Rectified Spirit, ENA, Ethanol,
Country Liquor, IMFL & Bottling Plant etc.

- To suggest to improve the fermentation and distillation

efficiency, efficient use of steam and power so as to get
maximum yield and to get excellent quality of ENA.

- To provide complete know-how and preparation of
Detailed Project Report for production of Refine Sugar
with existing / new project. Proposals for preparation of
DPR for production of sugar without use of Sulphur using
Defeco Raw Melt Phosphoflotation process for production
of White Sugar having colour value below 50-60 ICUMSA.


A) Number of Sugar Mills Installed in Coop. (In Numbers) 284

Number of Sugar Mills Installed in Pvt/public. (In Numbers) 457
Total number of factories Installed (In Numbers) 735
B) Number of Sugar Mills Working in Coop. (In Numbers) 188
Number of Sugar Mills Working in Pvt/public (In Numbers) 299
Number of Sugar Mills Working (In Numbers) 487
C) Area Under Sugar Cane ( In Lakh Hectares) 43.90
D) Production of Sugar Cane ( In Lakh Tonnes) 3067.20
E) Yield of SugarCane (Tonnes Per Hectare) 70.00
F) Utilisation Percentage of Sugarcane for Production of Sugar (In %) 63.00
G) Quantity of Sugarcane Crushed (In Lakh Tonnes) 1924.00
H) Quantity of Sugar Produced (In Lakh Tonnes) 202.00
I) Sugar Recovery Rate (In %) 10.50
J) Sugar Consumption per capita (inJS/SR
Kg.) 20.00
SEASON 2016-17 2017-18
1 Andhra Pradesh 3.85 5.50
2 Bihar 5.26 5.00
3 Gujarat 8.86 11.00
4 Haryana 6.67 6.00
5 Karnatka 20.90 25.00
6 Madhya Pradesh 3.45 3.50
7 Maharashtra 42.38 73.00
8 Punjab 6.60 7.0
9 Tamil Nadu 10.62 6.50
10 Telengana 1.15 1.50
11 Uttar Pradesh 87.50 100.00
12 Uttrakhand 3.45 3.50
13. Other States 1.31 2.50
14. Total all India JS/SR 202.00 250.00
Performance Parameters targets :-
Milling Station:
• Preparatory Index:P.I. to prepare cane should be improved to around 87+.
• P.E. Extraction should be improved for each plant to around 75%.
• Reduced mill extraction should be improved 96+
• Moisture % bagasse should be reduced to 48-49%.
• Pol % bagasse should be reduced to 1.7%.
• Imbibition % fibre should be increased to around 280%.
• Last Mill Juice Brix should be reduced to around 2.0%
• Maceration water temp. should be increased to above 85° C.
• Roller grooving size, angles, pressure feeding advices, hydraulic pressure mill
RPM, roller grooving arching, mascheart grooves, mill settings, juice drainage
reduced and re-absorption, mill RPM are need to be carefully set/proposed for
efficient milling performance.

Boilers : 24

• Boiler efficiency should be improved to around 71%.

• Steam fuel ratio of the boiler should be improved to 2.4 to 2.6%.
• Auto combustion system, boiler modification need to
be done for its optimum performance
• Instrumentation

T.G. Sets and Electrical system:

• The specific steam consumption of the TG
• Power factor 0.95 or more
• Specific power load of the plant 22-25 KW/TCH
• Harmonic study to reduce the electrical losses

Boiling House :
• Vapour bleeding scheme need to be suitably modified alongwith flash recovery system
so that the steam consumption % cane in process should be reduced to around 30% of
• Reducing cost of production.
• Sugar losses should be reduced to around 1.7 – 2.0 % on cane below 80 ICUMSA by
suitably modified process scheme.
• Production of quality sugar
Roadmap for modernization of sugar plant at a glance:
• Capacity utilization of the plant should be improved up to 100% or more.
• Sugar recovery should be improved to as per the bench marking of each sugar plant.
• Bagasse savings of the plant should be suitably improved.
• The detailed project report for each of the plant should be prepared as per the cast
study by NFCSF for improving Energy Consumption, Fuel, Steam , Power & Water
• Cogeneration, Ethanol & By-products utilization for converting them “Sugar Industrial
Complex” for operating as a business hub for improving profitability.
• Fixing Performance parameter targets for efficient operation of the plant.

• The experts are having long working experience, professionally qualified
and well informed about the present innovations/progress in the field.
• All experts are having four decades practical experience in their respective
• Specialized professional are in field of Agriculture, Sugar Engineer, Sugar
Processing, By Products Utilization Distilleries/Ethanol/ENA etc.
• Financial Management and Cost Accounts
• Administration and Govt. Liaison work
• Project Management team from Concept to Commissioning in Sugar,
Cogeneration, Ethanol Project is available.
• NFCSF is having a total strength about 40 Nos. employees.
• Technical cell has been re-structured so that innovative and modern
technologies may be introduced to meet the challenges being faced by the
sugar industry, to improve its productivity, technical feasibility and
financial viability (List of officers given in later slide).

S.No Name Qualification Designation 27

1. Sh. Prakash B.Sc. (Agriculture), Managing Director

Naiknavare PG Dip. in Business Management
PG Dip. In Marketing Management
2. Sh. Jasbir Singh B.E (Mech.), A.N.S.I. (Engg.) Technical Adviser
F.S.T.A; M.I.E. (India
3. Sh. A.K. Jain B.Sc. (Hons), ICWA, Financial Adviser
AIMA Diploma in Management
4. Dr. J.P. Singh M.Sc. (Ag.), Ph.D Chief Cane Adviser

5. Sh. S.K. Seth B.E.(Mechanical), A.N.S.I.(Sugar Technical Expert in

Engineering), B.O.E., Sugar Engineering
Chartered Engineer
6. Sh. A.K. Sud B.Sc. A.N.S.I. (Sugar Technology) – Technical Expert in
1973, A.S.T.A. (India) Sugar Technology
S.No Name Qualification Designation 28

7. Sh. S. Somasundaram B.Sc,, A.V.S.I (Sugar Technology), MBA Dy. Tech. Adviser
(Finance) (Sugar Technology)

8. Sh. Debraj Halder B.E. (Mech.) Dy. Tech. Adviser

(Cogen & Elect.)

9. Sh. B.C.Gitte B.E. (Mech.), PG Dip. AVSI (Sugar Dy. Tech. Adviser
Engineering) (Sugar -Engineering)

10. Mr.A.K.Srivastava B.Sc. D.I.F.A.T. Consultant (Distillery)

• Commissioning of Green Field Sugar
Projects/Modernization & Expansion Projects
– 200 Nos. new factories & expansion of projects
– 25 Nos. of ethanol projects
– 20 Nos. bagasse based Cogeneration projects
– 05 Units syrup & melt/ filtrate
clarification/adoption of latest technology to
produce quality sugar of 80 ICUMSA.


Etheopia 2
Madagascar 3
Sudan 1
Nepal 1
Niger 1
Ghana 1
Fizi Sugar Corporation 3

S. No. Projects Description of projects 31

1 M/s U.P. State Sugar Technical Consultancy services-cum-Inspection

Corporation Ltd., unit services from 2500 TCD expandable up to
Mohiuddinpur 3500 TCD Sugar plant with Cogeneration

2 M/s Sahyadri SSK Ltd., Preparation of DPR for green field project of
Kolhapur, 2500 TCD alongwith Cogen and Ethanol plant.

3 The Bagpat Cooperative Sugar Preparation of DPR for Modernization &

Factories Limited Expansion from 2500 TCD to 5000 TCD
alongwith 18MW Cogeneration
4 The Kisan Sahkari Chini Mills Technical Consultancy services-cum-Inspection
Ltd., Sneh Road, Najibabad services for 40 KLPD Ethanol plant

5 The Kaveri Vibhag Sahakari Total project consultancy of sugar plant

Khand Udyog Mandali Ltd.,
S. No. Projects Description of projects 32

6 M/s Uttam Sugar Mills Ltd., Preparation of DPR for 8500 TCD from
Unit Barkatpur existing sugar plant of 7000 TCD

7 The Karnal Cooperative Preparation of DPR for 3500 TCD Sugar plant
Sugar Mills Ltd., with refinery and Cogeneration

8 The Panipat Cooperative Preparation of DPR for Green Field Project of

Sugar Mills Ltd., 5000 TCD alongwith Cogeneration and
9 The Pipraich Sugar Mills Preparation of DPR of 3500 TCD expandable
Ltd., a unit of U.P. Sugar to 5000 TCD with Cogeneration &
Corporation Ltd., Distillery/Ethanol plant.

10 The Munderwa Sugar Mills Preparation of DPR of 3500 TCD expandable

Ltd., a unit of U.P. Sugar to 5000 TCD with Cogeneration &
Corporation Ltd., Distillery/Ethanol plant.

S. No. Projects Description of Projects 33

11 The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Preparation of DPR of 3500 TCD

Ltd., expandable to 5000 TCD with suitable

12 The Gurdaspur Coop. Sugar Preparation of DPR of 5000 TCD with

Mills Ltd., suitable Cogeneration.

13 The Ramala Sahakari Chini Preparation of DPR of 5000 TCD with

Mills Ltd, U.P. 27 MW Cogeneration.

14. The Kichha Sugar Co. Ltd., Modernization and Balancing at 4000
(A Uttrakhand Govt. TCD with appropriate cogeneration
15. Maholi (Sitapur) Sugar Mills Preparation of DPR of 5000 TCD with
unit of U.P. Sugar Corporation 27 MW Cogeneration.

• It is indeed our pleasure that the delegation from the Indonesian
Sugar Industry has given us an opportunity to have an interaction
regarding development in the sugar industry in India and Indonesia.
Their visit and sincere deliberations in the discussion found to be
very fruitful for us.

• NFCSF is keen to provide our project management services for

modernization, expansion, operational efficiency improvement,
energy conservation, Co-generation plant and distillery projects for
Ethanol, ENA production and other related matters of the sugar
industry. It will be our pleasure to provide result oriented and our
best services for the development of the Indonesian Sugar Industry.

• We look forward to hear from you for further consideration of the

Terms of Reference and Scope of Work for various areas of mutual
co-operation and assistance for development of Sugar Industry & its
allied ventures between the two great democracies.


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