Comparative Study of Two Methods For The Synthesis of Fly Ash Based

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Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

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A comparative study of two methods for the synthesis of fly ash-based

sodium and potassium type zeolites
Carlos A. Ríos R. a,b,*, Craig D. Williams b, Clive L. Roberts b
Escuela de Geología, Universidad Industrial de Santander, A.A 678, Bucaramanga, Colombia
School of Applied Sciences, The University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, City Campus – South, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fly ash (FA) from the Rugeley Power Station, West Midlands (England) was used in a study on synthesis at
Received 17 April 2008 laboratory scale of zeolitic materials under various conditions by two different routes. Zeolitic materials
Received in revised form 4 November 2008 were synthesized from FA by hydrothermal treatment in NaOH (Na-phillipsite, hydroxysodalite,
Accepted 10 February 2009
hydroxycancrinite, tobermorite, analcime and herschelite) and KOH (hydroxysodalite, zeolite Barrer-
Available online 4 March 2009
KF, K-chabazite and zeolite Linde Type F) solutions. By fusion with NaOH followed by hydrothermal reac-
tion, FA was converted into faujasite and hydroxysodalite. No zeolitic materials were obtained by this
method using KOH as alkali activator. The process of synthesis was optimised by applying a wide range
Fly ash
of experimental conditions with a wide range of reaction temperature, time, alkali hydroxide concentra-
Zeolitic materials tion and solid/solution ratio. The efficiency FA-based zeolites (FAZs) for heavy metal and ammonium
Hydrothermal uptake from synthetic solutions at laboratory scale have been investigated by the authors, revealing that
Fusion these FAZs may reach appropriate cation exchange capacities for their application in industrial wastewa-
ter treatment.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction zeolites. The conversion of FA into zeolites is conventionally devel-

oped by hydrothermal crystallization under alkaline conditions,
Globally, over 500 million tonnes of FA are generated every year which has been reported by several patents and scientific articles
from coal combustion by thermal power-plants and its disposal as [1–26]. The FAZs cover a wide range of known zeolite frameworks
landfill poses major challenges and serious economic and environ- and have been reviewed [20]. Recently, the conventional alkaline
mental problems. The burning of coal for the production of elec- conversion of FA has been improved by using more sophisticated
tricity supplies around 40% of the UK electricity, and therefore FA treatments, which include an alkaline fusion step followed by
is an abundant material. Furthermore, the amount of discharged hydrothermal treatment [17,19,27–31] facilitated the formation
material is expected to increase dramatically in the future. Due of highly active aluminosilicate salts readily soluble in water and
to increasing landfill costs, stricter environmental regulation and promoted zeolite formation, the application of microwave-assisted
current interest in sustainable development, the effective recycling zeolite synthesis [32] resulted in a drastic reduction of the reaction
of FA for the production of products of greater value to mitigate the time, and a method for synthesizing zeolite under molten condi-
depletion of resources and environmental impact has become an tions without any addition of water [33,34], although complete
increasing concern in recent years. The major application of FA is zeolitization of FA has not been obtained. A two-step synthesis
for concrete manufacturing, where it can provide both technologi- process [35,36] has been developed consisting of an initial
cal and economic benefits. However, this application is limited Si-extraction from FA by using a light alkaline treatment of FA
within the demand of construction materials. Therefore, zeolite followed by a synthesis of pure zeolites by adding an Al-bearing
synthesis from FA by several methods has been receiving a lot of residue solution obtained from Al-anodizing industry. Apart from
attention. Since the pioneering work of Höller and Barth-Wirsching the formation of zeolites, the hydrothermal conversion of FA can
[1] who were the first researchers that synthesized zeolites from also produce amorphous form aluminosilicate, referred to geopoly-
FA, a lot of investigations have been conducted to convert FA to mers [37]. The synthesis of FAZs in forms suitable for industrial
applications is of great importance, mainly as ion exchangers,
molecular sieves, adsorbents and catalysts. The resultant FAZs have
* Corresponding author. Address: School of Applied Sciences, The University of high potential to be developed as a high efficient low cost adsor-
Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, City Campus – South, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY,
bents with application in environmental problems, particularly in
UK. Tel.: +44 (0) 1902 322679; fax: +44 (0) 1902 322714.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (C.A. wastewater treatment. The potential use of FAZs in water decon-
Ríos R.). tamination has been evaluated by a number of research groups

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1404 C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

and the removal of heavy metals and ammonium from wastewater alkaline fusion stage prior to the hydrothermal reaction, the fol-
has been tested extensively [18,38–48], and turns waste materials lowing parameters were considered: alkaline activator/FA ratio
into useful ones. Zeolitic materials are highly selective scavengers for fusion 0.6 or 1.2, H2O/alkali fused FA ratio = 4.89 mL/g, reaction
of a variety of heavy metals that can be removed from liquid efflu- time (4 and 24 h) and temperature (60 and 100 °C).
ents through the process of ion exchange. In this paper, we inves-
tigate the synthesis of zeolites from FA at laboratory scale via (1) 2. Experimental
hydrothermal treatment in alkaline solutions and (2) dissolution
of alkali fused aluminosilicate salts in water followed by hydro- 2.1. Materials
thermal treatment. During the conventional hydrothermal synthe-
sis procedure, several variables were selected: alkali activator The raw FA used for the synthesis of zeolite-like materials was
(NaOH and KOH), concentration of the activator (1.33 and supplied by the Rugeley Power Station, West Midlands (England),
3.99 M), reaction time (3, 24 and 48 h), temperature (100 and being generated by pulverized coal combustion (PCC) and classi-
175 °C) and solution/FA ratio of 3.06 or 7.11 mL/g. By using an fied as Class F FA, which is produced from burning anthracite

Table 1
Synthesis conditions for conversion of FA into zeolitic materials by the classic hydrothermal treatment.

Test Chemical reagents L/S Hydrothermal Molar gel Zeolitic phases and other Residual
(ml/g) reaction composition synthesis products phases
H2O (g) NaOH (g) KOH (g) FA (g) T/°C t/h
1 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 100 3 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O – Qtz, Mul
2 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 100 24 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD Qtz, Mul
3 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 100 48 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD Qtz, Mul
4 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 100 120 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD Mul
5 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 100 288 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD Mul
6 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 100 3 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
7 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 100 24 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O SOD, GIS Qtz, Mul
8 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 100 48 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O SOD, GIS Qtz, Mul
9 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 100 120 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O SOD, GIS Qtz, Mul
10 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 100 288 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O SOD, GIS Qtz, Mul
11 18.00 0.96 6.20 3.06 100 3 0.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
12 18.00 0.96 6.20 3.06 100 24 0.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O GIS, SOD Qtz, Mul
13 18.00 0.96 6.20 3.06 100 48 0.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O GIS, SOD Qtz, Mul
14 18.00 2.87 6.20 3.37 100 3 1.4Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O – Qtz, Mul
15 18.00 2.87 6.20 3.37 100 24 1.4Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O SOD, GIS Qtz, Mul
16 18.00 2.87 6.20 3.37 100 48 1.4Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O SOD, GIS Qtz, Mul
17 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 175 3 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD, CAN, HER Qtz, Mul
18 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 175 24 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD, CAN, TOB, HER Mul
19 18.00 0.96 3.10 6.12 175 48 0.9Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O GIS, SOD, CAN, TOB, HER Mul
20 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 175 3 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O GIS, CAN, HER Qtz, Mul
21 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 175 24 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O GIS, SOD, TOB, CAN, HER Mul
22 18.00 2.87 3.10 6.73 175 48 2.7Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O GIS, SOD, TOB, CAN, HER Mul
23 18.00 0.96 6.20 3.06 175 3 0.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
24 18.00 0.96 6.20 3.06 175 24 0.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O GIS Qtz, Mul
25 18.00 0.96 6.20 3.06 175 48 0.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O GIS Qtz, Mul
26 18.00 2.87 6.20 3.37 175 3 1.4Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O GIS, CAN, HER Qtz, Mul
27 18.00 2.87 6.20 3.37 175 24 1.4Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O GIS, CAN, TOB, HER Mul
28 18.00 2.87 6.20 3.37 175 48 1.4Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O GIS, CAN, TOB, HER Mul
29 18.00 1.35 3.10 6.24 100 3 0.9K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O – Qtz, Mul
30 18.00 1.35 3.10 6.24 100 24 0.9K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O – Qtz, Mul
31 18.00 1.35 3.10 6.24 100 48 0.9K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O – Qtz, Mul
32 18.00 4.03 3.10 7.11 100 3 2.7K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
33 18.00 4.03 3.10 7.11 100 24 2.7K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
34 18.00 4.03 3.10 7.11 100 48 2.7K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
35 18.00 1.35 6.20 3.12 100 3 0.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
36 18.00 1.35 6.20 3.12 100 24 0.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
37 18.00 1.35 6.20 3.12 100 48 0.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
38 18.00 4.03 6.20 3.55 100 3 1.4K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O – Qtz, Mul
39 18.00 4.03 6.20 3.55 100 24 1.4K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O – Qtz, Mul
40 18.00 4.03 6.20 3.55 100 48 1.4K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O CHA, SOD, PHI Qtz, Mul
41 18.00 1.35 3.10 6.24 175 3 0.9K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O – Qtz, Mul
42 18.00 1.35 3.10 6.24 175 24 0.9K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O EDI Mul
43 18.00 1.35 3.10 6.24 175 48 0.9K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:76.4H2O EDI Mul
44 18.00 4.03 3.10 7.11 175 3 2.7K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
45 18.00 4.03 3.10 7.11 175 24 2.7K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O CHA, LTF –
46 18.00 4.03 3.10 7.11 175 48 2.7K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:78.2H2O CHA, LTF –
47 18.00 1.35 6.20 3.12 175 3 0.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O – Qtz, Mul
48 18.00 1.35 6.20 3.12 175 24 0.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O EDI Mul
49 18.00 1.35 6.20 3.12 175 48 0.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:38.2H2O EDI Mul
50 18.00 4.03 6.20 3.55 175 3 1.4K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O – Qtz, Mul
51 18.00 4.03 6.20 3.55 175 24 1.4K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O CHA, LTF –
52 18.00 4.03 6.20 3.55 175 48 1.4K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:39.1H2O CHA, LTF –

GIS, gismondine; PHI, phillipsite; SOD, sodalite; CAN, cancrinite; TOB, tobermorite; HER, herschelite; EDI, zeolite Barrer-KF; CHA, chabazite; LTF, zeolite LTF; Qtz, quartz; Mul,
mullite; L/S, activator solution/FA ratio.
C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416 1405

and bituminous coals. The reagents used to activate the FA were enized. The mixtures were transferred into PTFE bottles of 65 ml
sodium hydroxide, NaOH, as pellets (99%, from Aldrich Chemical and then crystallized under static conditions at 60 and 100 °C for
Company, Inc.) or powder (96%, from BDH GPR); potassium 4 and 24 h. However, additional tests were conducted at 60 °C
hydroxide, KOH, as pellets (99%, from Aldrich Chemical Company, for 24–96 h. The basic techniques and parameters to be considered
Inc.) or powder (P85%, Fluka) and distilled water using standard for synthesis were similar to those used in the conventional hydro-
purification methods. thermal synthesis.

2.2. Zeolite synthesis 2.3. Characterisation

The synthesis of zeolite-like materials was investigated by two The mineral phases in raw materials and as-synthesized prod-
methods: (1) classic hydrothermal synthesis and (2) alkaline fusion ucts were studied by X-ray diffraction (Philips PW1710 diffractom-
prior to hydrothermal synthesis. The experimental conditions are eter operating in Bragg–Brentano geometry with Cu Ka radiation
summarized in Tables 1 and 2. (40 kV and 40 mA) and secondary monochromation. Data collec-
tion was carried out in the 2h range 3–50°, with a step size of
2.2.1. Conventional hydrothermal synthesis 0.02°. Phase identification was made by searching the ICDD pow-
Alkali hydroxide pellets were added to distilled water to pre- der diffraction file database, with the help of JCPDS (Joint Commit-
pare 1.33 and 3.99 M NaOH or KOH solutions. Then, the FA was tee on Powder Diffraction Standards) files for inorganic
added to the alkaline solutions with a solution/FA ratio of 3.06 or compounds. The morphology of the raw FA and FAZs was exam-
7.11 mL/g. The progressive addition of reagents was carried out ined by scanning electron microscopy (ZEISS EVO50) and the
with stirring until they dissolved to homogenize the reaction gels. chemical composition of mineral phases was studied using the
The hydrogels were transferred to PTFE bottles of 65 ml for prepa- EDXS mode, under the following analytical conditions: I probe
rations heated at 100 °C or teflon-lined stainless steel autoclaves 1 nA, EHT = 20.00 kV, beam current 100 lA, Signal A = SE1,
for preparations heated at 175 °C and the crystallization was car- WD = 8.0 mm. Solid-state MAS NMR spectra for 29Si and 27Al,
ried out under static conditions for 3, 24 and 48 h. pH was mea- respectively, were recorded at room temperature on a Varian Unity
sured before and after hydrothermal treatment. The reactors Inova spectrometer under the following analytical conditions: MAS
were removed from the oven at the scheduled times and were probe 7.5 and 4.0 mm; frequency 59.6 and 78.1 MHz; spectral
quenched in cold water. After hydrothermal treatment, the reac- width 29996.3 and 100000.0 Hz; acquisition time 30 and 10 ms;
tion mixtures were filtered and washed with distilled water and recycle time 120 and 0.5 s; number of repetitions 15 and 2200;
the synthesis products were oven dried at 80 °C. spinning rate 5040 and 14000 Hz; pulse angle (radians) p/2 and
p/10. The chemical shifts were referenced to tetramethylsilane
2.2.2. Alkaline fusion prior to hydrothermal synthesis (TMS) for 29Si and 1 M AlCl3 aqueous solution for 27Al.
Optimal conditions for the synthesis of FAZs with a maximum
value of cation exchange capacity are a FA/alkaline activator ratio 3. Results and discussion
of 1:1.2 [17]. Therefore, alkali hydroxide powder was dry mixed
with the FA (FA/alkaline activator ratio of 1:1.2) for 30 min and 3.1. Chemical and mineralogical analyses of fly ash
the resultant mixture was fused at 600 °C for 1 h. The alkaline re-
agent added to the starting material acts as an activator agent dur- Chemical composition has an important influence both on the
ing fusion. The alkali fused products were then ground and potential application of FA and on the environmental impact of
dissolved in water (H2O/alkali fused FA ratio = 4.89 mL/g), gener- its subsequent use [26]. Although FAs do not exhibit hazardous
ally under stirring conditions until the reaction gels were homog- characteristics, specially designed landfills are required to prevent

Table 2
Synthesis conditions for alkaline activation of FA by using a fusion step prior to hydrothermal reaction.

Test Chemical reagents to be used Alkaline L/FP Aging Hydrothermal Molar gel Zeolitic phases and other Residual
fusion (ml/g) t/h reaction composition synthesis products phases
RM (g) NaOH (g) KOH (g) T/oC t/h T/°C t/h

53 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 21.5s 60 92 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O FAU –

54 ** 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 21.5s 60 92 3.7Na2O:Al2O3:2SiO2:149H2O CAN –
55 *** 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 21.5s 60 92 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
56 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 5.5s 60 24 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O – –
57 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 5.5s 60 48 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
58 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 5.5s 60 96 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
59 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 5.5s 60 4 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
60 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 5.5s 60 24 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
61 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 24s 60 4 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O – –
62 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 24s 60 24 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O FAU –
63 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5ws 60 4 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O FAU –
64 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5ws 60 24 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O FAU –
65 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5s 100 4 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
66 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5s 100 24 3.5Na2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:141.1H2O CAN –
67 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5s 60 4 2.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:140.1H2O – –
68 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5s 60 24 2.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:140.1H2O – –
69 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5s 100 4 2.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:140.1H2O – –
70 * 6.20 7.44 600 1 4.9 2.5s 100 24 2.5K2O:Al2O3:2.1SiO2:140.1H2O – –

RM, raw material; *FA; **FA + KAO; ***

KAO; FAU, faujasite; CAN, cancrinite; L/FP, water/fused product.
Stirring conditions.
Without stirring conditions.
1406 C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

the possible leaching of trace elements from FAs that can reach rank fuels such as bituminous coals and anthracites, and, to a lesser
drinking water sources [49]. FAs are classified globally into two extent, sub-bituminous coals, which are highly enriched in detrital
chemical types (Class F and Class C) for their industrial application. mineralization. The properties and chemical composition of FA
The chemical composition of FA used in this study was 52.96% SiO2, vary according to coal source and power-plant operation, which
43.60% Al2O3, 0.41% Fe2O3, 0.48% CaO, 0.33% MgO, 0.45% SO3, 1.30% makes FAZs even more versatile. Recent studies focuses on deter-
K2O, 0.33% Na2O and 0.14% TiO2, which is similar to that reported mining the suitability of a FA in the synthesis of zeolites for differ-
from a wide range of European FAs [50–51]. The raw FA has P70% ent applications [36,51]. The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in an important
of SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3, with a SiO2/Al2O3 ratio = 1.2, and very low parameter for zeolite synthesis, and the ratio of 1.2 is appropriate
contents of major impurities, such as Fe, Ca and S. Therefore, it for the synthesis of low-Si zeolitic materials with high cation ex-
can be classified as a low-calcium Class F FA, which according to change capacity. The very low contents of Fe and Ca is also impor-
[52] is commonly produced from the burning of higher-rank bitu- tant, taking into account that Fe-bearing minerals, mainly
minous coals and anthracites and this FA is pozzolanic in nature magnetite, can show an inert behaviour and Ca-bearing phases
(hardening when reacted with Ca(OH)2 and water). It can be also can act as a zeolite synthesis inhibitor through the formation of
classified as a Sialic FA type [52–53], and according to Vassilev calcium silicate hydrate phases [26].
and Vassileva [52], it is generated dominantly from the highest- The XRD pattern of the raw FA is shown in Fig. 1. FA mainly con-
sists of an amorphous phase giving rise to the broad hump be-
tween 20° and 35° 2h. There are few weak peaks indicating the
occurrence of quartz (SiO2) and mullite (Al6Si2O13). The SEM image
(Fig. 1) reveals that the particles of FA are predominantly spherical
in shape with a relatively smooth surface texture.
SEM images in Fig. 2 illustrate several aspects about the mor-
phology of FA particles and their stability after thermal and acid
In general, FA particles are predominantly spherical in shape
with a relatively smooth surface texture (Fig. 2a). In some cases
smaller particles are attached to the surface of larger particles serv-
ing as substrate. The spherical particles are either solid or hollow.
They are generally hollow and empty (cenospheres), although
some may contain smaller spheres in their interiors (plerospheres),
as shown in (Fig. 2b). Cenospheres are believed to be formed by the
expansion of CO2 and H2O gas, evolved from minerals within the
coal being burnt [54]. Plerospheres expose the smaller spheres as
a consequence of a breaking or dissolution part of the shell of the
larger sphere. However, it is probably that plerospheres were
Fig. 1. XRD pattern (left) and SEM microphotograph (right) of the raw FA. Qtz, empty before being cracked, being progressively filled with smaller
quartz; Mul, mullite. spheres during the FA collection process. Fig. 2c corresponds to the

Fig. 2. SEM images of the FA particles. (a) Typical view of the FA particles with a predominantly spherical morphology. (b) Hollow sphere (plerosphere) containing smaller
hollow and empty spheres (cenospheres). (c) Surface of FA spheres after calcination at 1000 °C for 1 h. (d) Large broken sphere revealing gypsum crystals growing on its inner
surface after a batch reaction of 1 g of FA with 20 mL of AMD for 24 h.
C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416 1407

morphology of FA after its calcination at 1000 °C for 1 h in order to Experimental parameters and results for the synthesis of FAZs by
improve the reactivity of this solid waste material in future zeolite the used methods are presented Tables 1 and 2.
synthesis experiments, which still shows a smooth surface. Fig. 2d The main as-synthesized FAZs obtained by the classic hydro-
shows a broken large plerosphere containing smaller cenospheres thermal treatment method include: Na-phillipsite, hydroxysoda-
and minute crystals of gypsum, representing the product after a lite, zeolite Barrer-KF, with traces of tobermorite and analcime,
batch reaction of 1 g of FA with 20 mL of acid mine drainage zeolite Linde type F and herschelite. Using the alkaline fusion ap-
(AMD) for 24 h, in order to test its efficiency in the neutralization proach, faujasite and cancrinite were obtained with NaOH as an
of AMD and heavy metal removal. The surface morphology of the activator, whereas no zeolitic material was crystallized using KOH.
FA spheres usually is broken and shows evidence of dissolution
by acid attack. 3.2.1. Synthesis experiments in NaOH media
Na-phillipsite and hydroxysodalite were the main zeolitic prod-
3.2. Fly ash-based synthesis products ucts obtained after activation of FA in NaOH solutions (Table 1),
with different grades of crystallinity, depending on the experimen-
Our results show that sodium hydroxide was more efficient in tal conditions, although the last of them being the preferred prod-
the hydrothermal conversion of FA than potassium hydroxide. uct at higher temperature and NaOH concentration. The sodium

Fig. 3. XRD patterns of the synthesis products obtained after hydrothermal reaction of FA in NaOH solutions at 100 °C. L/S, alkaline solution/FA ratio.
1408 C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

hydroxide acts as a strong mineralizing agent, which forces the linity of Na-phillipsite after 48 h of activation would be due to the
reactants into solution. The greater the OH concentration, bringing into solution of some components of aluminosilicate glass
the greater the concentration of reactants in solution and thus by alkaline reaction and reaction times >72 h do not improve the
the greater the rate of crystal growth [55]. Along with these zeolitic crystallinity of Na-phillipsite similar to what is reported by [26].
products, cancrinite, tobermorite, analcime and herschelite, crys- In the set of experiments at 175 °C (Table 1, tests 13–24,
tallized as trace phases. Fig. 4a–d), XRD showed that Na-phillipsite and hydroxysodalite
In the set of experiments at 100 °C (Table 1, tests 1–12, Fig. 3a– are still the dominant synthesized types, accompanied by traces
d), XRD showed that Na-phillipsite and hydroxysodalite were the of tobermorite, cancrinite, analcime and herschelite at higher acti-
dominant synthesized types, with Na-phillipsite and hydroxysoda- vation solution/FA and analcime at lower activation solution/FA. A
lite dominating at 1.33 and 3.99 M NaOH, respectively. For shorter difference in the patterns of diffraction was recognized after 3 h,
reaction times (3 h), the diffraction intensities of quartz and mull- compared with those obtained at lower temperature, which is
ite showed a small decrease and zeolitic materials were not de- shown by the occurrence of weak reflection peaks of the zeolitic
tected. With reaction time, the intensities of quartz progressively products. A total dissolution of quartz and mullite occurred after
decreased, whereas those of mullite did not changed, indicating 24 h when a higher activation solution was used. However, at low-
that it was a relatively stable phase during the hydrothermal reac- er activation solution and higher activation solution/FA ratios,
tion, and weak reflection peaks of the zeolitic products appeared, quartz dissolved after 24 h while mullite only after 48 h. These
which showed increasing intensity with reaction time. However, crystalline phases showed a similar behaviour using lower concen-
the characteristic XRD peaks of mullite and quartz still remain after tration of NaOH and activation solution/FA ratios, with a progres-
48 h of hydrothermal reaction, which demonstrated the low reac- sive decrease of their intensities during 24 h of reaction, which
tivity of these phases in alkaline solutions. In this case, the only however increase between 24 and 48 h. Under the reaction condi-
source of Si and Al for zeolite crystallization should be the glass tions, it was observed that the reaction time probably was an
phase [26]. We have carried out the synthesis of Na-phillipsite important factor controlling the synthesis process between 3 and
and hydroxysodalite in NaOH solutions with different concentra- 24 h, although after this reaction time an approximately constant
tion at 100 °C for longer reaction times (results not shown here, behaviour of the reflection peak intensity was observed.
taking into account that excessively long reaction times are not Reducing the activation solution/FA ratio could be more ade-
appropriate for commercially-viable industrial production), and quate from a commercial perspective, taking into account a drastic
the highest NaOH activation efficiencies were obtained after a long reduction in the activation time, although an important decrease in
time (>48 h) and high activation solution/FA ratio (7.11 ml/g), and the crystallinity was observed with regards to that obtained with a
quartz and mullite were only partially attacked under these exper- higher activation solution/FA ratio.
imental conditions and no additional dissolution of these phases SEM images in Fig. 5 illustrate the occurrence of the synthesis
was observed for periods >48 h. Therefore, the increase in crystal- products obtained after activation of FA in NaOH solutions, reveal-

Fig. 4. XRD patterns of the synthesis products obtained after hydrothermal reaction of FA in NaOH solutions at 175 °C. L/S, alkaline solution/FA ratio.
C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416 1409

ing a change in morphology of the original surface of the FA parti- intersecting blade-shaped crystals (in some cases growing onto
cles, which can be explained by the dissolution of the amorphous the surface of a sphere of the original FA). The occurrence of differ-
aluminosilicate phase in the raw FA and the crystallization of zeo- ent FAZs, such as tobermorite, Na-phillipsite, cancrinite, sodalite
litic materials onto the external surface of FA particles as pseud- and herschelite, in which aggregate showing fibrous or flaky
omorphs, taking into account that the zeolitic aggregates keep appearance, likely corresponding to tobermorite, are recognized
the original shape of the FA spheres after alkaline activation. Large in Fig. 5e–h. However, Fig. 5g shows that no zeolitic product crys-
clusters of radiating tetragonal prisms of Na-phillipsite are ob- tallized except but an unidentified phase with hair-like
served in Fig. 5a and c. This zeolite seems to nucleate and grow morphology.
outward from the surface of the FA spheres. The covering of the
spherical particles with small crystallites becomes apparent as well 3.2.2. Synthesis experiments in KOH media
as the presence of large crystals of Na-phillipsite after alkaline acti- Results from KOH treatments are shown in Table 1, indicating
vation. Fig. 5a–d illustrate examples of the presence of hydroxy- that KOH concentration, activation solution/FA ratio and tempera-
sodalite, which develops aggregates of randomly oriented and ture play an important role in determining the type of zeolitic

Fig. 5. SEM images of the synthesis products obtained after hydrothermal reaction of FA in NaOH solutions at (a–d) 100 and (e–h) 175 °C. L/S, alkaline solution/FA ratio.
1410 C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

material to be synthesized in KOH media. However, the KOH solu- In the set of experiments at 175 °C (Table 1, tests 37–48,
tions showed lower conversion efficiency than the NaOH solutions, Fig. 6a–d), XRD shows that in spite of the activation solution/FA ra-
although interesting zeolitic products were obtained, which in- tios, a lower concentration of KOH (Table 1, tests 38–39, 44–45)
clude zeolite Barrer-KF as the main zeolitic product and K-chabaz- promoted the formation of zeolite Barrer-KF as the main zeolitic
ite, zeolite Linde Type F and K-phillipsite generally as trace phases. phase, whereas a higher concentration of KOH (Table 1, tests 41–
According to [26], FAZs prepared by KOH activation show a differ- 42, 47–48) K-chabazite and zeolite Linde Type F were the domi-
ent behaviour of the zeolite layer synthesized on the surface of the nant phases. In both cases, the intensities of quartz progressively
external surface of the FA particles with regards to those materials decreased up to disappear after 24 h, whereas those of mullite re-
obtained by NaOH activation, and the fact that most K-zeolites ad- duced during 24 h, being constant from 24 to 48 h. These zeolitic
here firmly to the FA particles these zeolitic materials attractive in products were accompanied by traces of K-chabazite, K-phillipsite
water treatment by cation exchange. We can not recognize a and hydroxysodalite. Results also showed that high conversion
difference in the diffraction patterns between the FA and the syn- efficiencies could be achieved in short periods of time by increas-
thesis products obtained after FA activation in KOH solutions for ing the KOH concentration. At higher concentration, in spite of
3 h, as shown by the occurrence of the aluminosilicate phases the activation solution/FA ratio, quartz and mullite were com-
(mullite and quartz). The formation of K-zeolites was promoted pletely dissolved between 24 and 48 h.
at longer reaction time (24 h). The XRD patterns of the zeolitic In general, when higher KOH solutions are used, the main factor
materials tend to increase with reaction time over 24 h, controlling the zeolite synthesis seems to be the L/S ratio, even in
while correspondingly those of mullite and quartz greatly lowered, short reaction periods [26]. Fig. 7 illustrates examples of the struc-
indicating the dissolution of aluminosilicates in the KOH media, tural aspects of the treated FA using KOH as an activator. The unre-
except when higher activation solution/FA and lower temperature acted surface of the FA spheres is observed in Fig. 7a–c. Hexagonal
were used. Generally, between 24 and 48 h of reaction, the peak plates of K-chabazite with a phacolitic aspect associated to
intensities of the as-synthesized zeolites showed a constant hydroxysodalite are illustrated in Fig. 7d. Fig. 7e and g show typical
behaviour. stubby tetragonal prisms of zeolite Barrer-KF, arranged into radiat-
In the set of experiments at 100 °C (Table 1, tests 25–36, Fig. 5a– ing clusters. Observe how the zeolitic crystals have grown onto
d), XRD indicates that quartz and mullite were not attacked by the amorphous material. An intergrowth between zeolite Linde Type
KOH solution, as shown by the approximately constant behaviours F and K-chabazite is shown in Fig. 7f and h.
of their reflection peaks, except when higher KOH concentration
and lower activation solution/FA ratios were used, which resulted 3.2.3. Synthesis experiments using a fusion process followed by
in the progressive dissolution of quartz and mullite and the corre- hydrothermal reaction
sponding crystallization of K-chabazite and hydroxysodalite be- The conversion of FA into zeolitic materials using an alkaline fu-
tween 24 and 48 h (Table 1, tests 35–36, Fig. 5d). sion, followed by hydrothermal treatment, revealed that KOH

Fig. 6. XRD patterns of the synthesis products obtained after hydrothermal reaction of FA in KOH solutions at 100 °C. L/S, alkaline solution/FA ratio.
C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416 1411

showed a poor efficiency to activate FA, compared with that when which indicates that the addition of this clay mineral to the mix-
NaOH was used as an activator. The XRD patters and SEM images ture controlled both the reactant mixture and the synthesis prod-
(results not shown) showed that most crystalline phase of raw ucts. However, this can not be assumed for adding FA to kaolinite,
FA disappeared in fusion treatment. The alkaline-fused products taking into account that the only hydroxycancrinite would be ob-
correspond to sodium silicate and amorphous aluminosilicate, tained. XRD revealed the occurrence of an amorphous phase evi-
which indicate that fusion was very effective in extracting silicon dencing the fact the reaction time for both nucleation and
species in FA. The reaction of quartz and mullite of the starting growth of zeolitic phases was not long enough.
FA with NaOH is indicated by the disappearance of their character- Additional tests were done as showing in Fig. 8b. As shown in
istic peaks. On the other hand, when the fused product was dis- Table 2 (tests 52–54, 60 °C), using a shorter aging time (5.5 h) of
solved in water and heated, zeolitic phases crystallized, using the hydrogel, faujasite was the single phase identified in the XRD
NaOH as an activator. However, the occurrence of an amorphous patterns (not shown), which showed a very constant behaviour
phase with a geopolymeric paste appearance, particularly using in spite of the reaction time. Changing aging conditions with stir-
KOH as an activator, reveals a non-successful zeolite synthesis pro- ring (tests 55–56 in Table 2) and without stirring (tests 57–58 in
cess. This suggests that most of crystalline aluminosilicate has Table 2) for 24 h, a poor crystalline faujasite was obtained after
been geopolymerised to amorphous geopolymer during the syn- heating at 60 °C for 24 h, although the synthesis products tend to
thesis as reported by Li et al. [56]. Several researchers have also be highly amorphous at shorter reaction time. Aging the hydrogel
investigated geopolymer synthesis from FA in hydrothermal con- under stirring conditions for 2.5 h prior to its hydrothermal reac-
version and could only achieve partial conversion of FA [57–59]. tion at 60 °C for 24 h (Table 2, tests 59–60), hydroxycancrinite
Therefore, the alkaline fusion method can be applied to transform was the single crystalline phases identified. This phase was also
the crystalline phases in FA to amorphous geopolymer [56]. Geo- obtained under the same experimental conditions, except chang-
polymers can be viewed as the amorphous equivalent of certain ing the temperature (100 °C).
synthetic zeolites and would have more or less the same chemical Therefore, FAZ crystallization was assessed to be in some cases
composition although the absence of the distinctive long-range fairly unsuccessful, as revealed by the presence of a substantial
zeolite structure makes them amorphous to X-rays [60]. percentage of hydroxycancrinite, with some quartz and mullite,
The XRD patterns in Fig. 8a show the effect of addition of kao- and a poor crystalline faujasite. However, in other cases a high de-
linite to the mixture to be fused, under the following experimental gree of well developed crystalline faujasite was obtained. There-
conditions: aging of hydrogel with stirring for 21.5 h, followed by fore, there is evidence that faujasite can be transformed to
heating at 60 °C for 92 h. Faujasite was the single crystalline phase hydroxysodalite, which can be attributed to excessive enrichment
obtained when FA was activated. However, when a mixture of of the FAZs with the alkaline activator [17].
FA + kaolinite was used, hydroxycancrinite was crystallized. This SEM images in Fig. 9 shows general aspects on the conversion of
phase was also obtained using only kaolinite as raw material, FA using the alkaline fusion method. Aging conditions strongly

Fig. 7. XRD patterns of the synthesis products obtained after hydrothermal reaction of FA in KOH solutions at 175 °C. L/S, alkaline solution/FA ratio.
1412 C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

affected the morphology of the synthesis products. A uniform crys- in the treated FA indicates that a total conversion of FA to crystal-
tal size distribution of faujasite was obtained aging the slurry for line zeolite was not carried out during hydrothermal treatment.
24 h without stirring, followed by heating at 60 °C for 24 h The considerable amount of unreacted or not totally consumed
(Fig. 9a). This process was repeated but aging the slurry with stir- FA spheres indicate a moderate degree of reaction in the system.
ring, although a very poor crystalline zeolitic material was ob- This might be suggesting that the precipitation of the reaction
tained. Two populations of grain size, corresponding to faujasite, products forms, in a short period of time, a layer on still unreacted
were observed after aging the slurry for 21.5 h with stirring, fol- spheres, which would inhibit its activation and could justify the
lowed by heating at 60 °C for 92 h; faujasite occurred as single moderate degree of reaction already observed in this type of sys-
large bipyramidal crystals. These grew at the expense of an aggre- tems [61]. In some cases no zeolite crystals were detected through
gate of small faujasite cubic crystals (Fig. 9b). In general, the syn- the SEM observations of some samples in spite of zeolitic materials
thesis products obtained after activation of FA with KOH are being detected by XRD, which could be due to a very small size of
similar to polymeric pastes. The presence of the spherical particles the zeolite crystals [62].

Fig. 8. SEM images of the synthesis products obtained after hydrothermal reaction of FA in KOH solutions at (a–d) 100 and (e–h) 175 °C. L/S, alkaline solution/FA ratio.
C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416 1413

Fig. 9. XRD patterns of the activation of (a) three different starting mixtures in the fusion step and (b–d) FA showing the effect of aging conditions of the hydrogel; alkaline
fusion method with NaOH as an activator.

29 27
3.3. Si and Al solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance ray of lines (at 85.6, 89.6, 94.2, 98.3 and 103.1 ppm) to
those observed in Fig. 10b, but with slightly less resolution. A sin-
The raw FA and selected synthesis products were studied by 29Si gle resonance at 84.0 ppm is observed in Fig. 10e, which is as-
and 27Al solid-state NMR with magic-angle spinning (Fig. 10), signed to Si(OAl)4 sites of faujasite, although there is a weak
which is a powerful technique that reveals important information resonance at 89.0 ppm (Si(OAl)3(OSi) sites).
on the local structure of the [SiO4] and [AlO4] tetrahedra in
aluminosilicates. 3.3.2. 22Al MAS NMR spectra
The 27Al MAS NMR spectrum (Fig. 10a) shows two peaks at 44.7
3.3.1. 29Si MAS NMR spectra and 0.4 ppm due to tetrahedral non-framework Al(4) and octahe-
The most intense peak in 29Si MAS NMR spectrum (Fig. 10a), dral non-framework Al(6) co-ordination, respectively. The intense
centered at 108.6 ppm, is assigned to highly polymerized Q4 Si sidebands result from a relatively high level of paramagnetic impu-
sites [Si(4Si)] and attributed to quartz. There is severe line broad- rities in the FA. As we expected to see the 27Al MAS NMR spectra of
ening caused by a paramagnetic component in the FA, which ac- the as-synthesized materials are mostly tetrahedral aluminium,
counts for the intense spinning sidebands (between 0 and 50 consisting of a single resonance, corresponding to zeolite Al(OSi)4
and 150 and 200 ppm). The main component appears to have sites. Fig. 10b shows a single resonance at 59.3 ppm (Na-phillip-
a Q4 type of environment. However, it is quite difficult to detect site), although there is a small amount of extra-framework octahe-
the silicon because of this. The 29Si MAS NMR spectrum of dral aluminium at 4.7 ppm. Fig. 10c (hydroxysodalite), 10d
Fig. 10b consists of five resonances at 87.4, 91.9, 97.0, (zeolite Barrer-KF) and 10e (faujasite), are characterized by a max-
103.6 and 107.6 ppm, revealing the presence of Si(OAl)4, imum intensity at 60.1, 58.5 and 53.8 ppm, respectively as shown
Si(OAl)3(OSi), Si(OAl)2(OSi)2, Si(OAl)(OSi)3 and Si(OSi)4 sites, in respectively. These peaks have a much narrower linewidth than
respectively, which are characteristic in Na-phillipsite. The 29Si that of the Al(OSi)4 in the FA. They are predominantly tetrahedral
linewidths were large, indicating that the silicate species are very aluminium, with little evidence of anything else. The outlying
poorly crystalline. As expected from Loewenstein’s rule, there are peaks are spinning sidebands. Therefore, the 27Al MAS NMR spectra
no Al–O–Al groups. Therefore, all Al atoms must be surrounded clearly distinguish tetrahedrally and octahedrally co-ordinated
by 4 Si atoms as next nearest neighbours. Fig. 10c gives predomi- aluminium. Al in higher co-ordination can typically result from
nantly one resonance at 87.2 ppm (Si(OAl)4 sites of hydroxysoda- the water co-ordinating to the Al in the zeolite, the presence of ex-
lite), although there is a weak resonance at 93.0 ppm tra-framework Al species, often observed in calcined samples or
(Si(OAl)3(OSi) sites). Fig. 10d (zeolite Barrer-KF) gives a similar ar- the presence of impurities, usually alumina (see Fig. 11).
1414 C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416

Fig. 10. SEM images of representative synthesis products obtained via alkaline fusion method with NaOH as an activator.

Fig. 11. 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the (a) raw FA and (b–e) representative synthesis products obtained after alkaline activation of FA with NaOH and KOH as
mineralizers. Main and minor phases are indicated in uppercase regular and italic fonts, respectively; starting material phases in uppercase regular font (red colour). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
C.A. Ríos R. et al. / Fuel 88 (2009) 1403–1416 1415

3.4. Reaction mechanism during zeolite synthesis were converted into sodium or potassium silicate and aluminate
salts at the fusion temperature (600 °C). These newly formed com-
The reaction mechanisms of zeolite synthesis from FA by alka- pounds dissolved in water more readily than quartz and mullite in
line hydrothermal reaction has been investigated by [21,24,26], the starting FA.
and can be divided into a number of stages. The chemistry of evo-
lution of the system is very complex due to several factors. How- 4. Conclusions
ever, the reaction history of the zeolite synthesis developed in
this study can be summarized as follows. The conversion of FA into zeolites both contributes to the miti-
The dissolution reaction of FA occurs in a temperature range of gation of environmental problems and turns this by-product of
20–120 °C as a first step and the amount of OH in the alkaline the coal-fired energy sector into an attractive and useful material.
solution makes a great contribution to this reaction [21]. In gen- Zeolitic materials were successfully synthesized via hydrothermal
eral, dissolution strongly depends on the pH of the alkali medium, treatment and alkaline fusion followed by hydrothermal reaction
with NaOH or KOH acting as mineralizers. Following the alkaline using FA as starting material and NaOH and KOH as alkaline activa-
approach, the crystalline phases in FA were dissolved completely tors. In some cases, zeolite formation was assessed to be fairly
by fusion with the alkaline activators, with the formation of so- unsuccessful, taking into account that the synthesis products con-
dium or potassium aluminosilicate salts, which can be easily dis- tain a substantial percentage of hydroxysodalite, with some quartz
solved in H2O. The dissolution of FA or alkali aluminosilicate and mullite also present, while only a very small fraction of a de-
phases released ionic species which were transported to the nucle- sired zeolitic phase can be observed. The type of zeolite formed
ation sites. As the condensation of aluminate and silicate ions took by varying the experimental conditions, such as temperature, reac-
place, the particle surface of FA was covered with the precipitation tion time, alkali hydroxide concentration and solid/solution ratio.
of an aluminosilicate gel. Our experimental data suggest that the FA could be converted into
During nucleation, the gel composition was significantly af- a beneficial product, which will be used in the future as an ion ex-
fected by thermodynamic and kinetic parameters [62–63]. The for- changer in removing heavy metals from wastewaters. Therefore, it
mation of different nucleation sites occurred and, following the is necessary to develop further experiments under well-optimized
Ostwald rule, larger crystallites (usually with lower surface free conditions, to successfully prepare highly crystalline zeolites. The
energy contribution and more stable) destabilized smaller coexis- efficiency in the conversion of FA can be affected by the contents
ting crystals of the same phase, decreasing crystal size distribution of non-reactive phases (mainly mullite and quartz) or glass as well
and promoting the growth of progressively fewer zeolite crystals as its grain size distribution. Preliminary results reveal that the pro-
(metastable phases). With reaction time, more stable phases duction of crystalline FAZs as the main components and other min-
formed at the expense of the initial metastable phases. Finally, or phases, can show adsorbent and ion exchange properties with a
the stable phases reached the required equilibrium conditions to wide spectrum of applications. A special case of interest is to con-
promote the crystal growth of the final zeolitic materials. There- sider in future experimental work is the synthesis of FA-based geo-
fore, following dissolution of the FA in alkaline solutions or its al- polymers in environmental applications, particularly in waste
kali fused products in water, new phases crystallized. A management for the immobilisation of cationic toxic contaminants.
polymerization should be the process that forms the zeolitic pre-
cursors, which contains tetrahedra of Si and Al randomly distrib- Acknowledgements
uted along the polymeric chains that are cross-linked so as to
provide cavities sufficiently large to accommodate the charge bal- This research was supported by the Programme Alban, ‘the
ancing alkali ions. Finally, the crystallization generally involved the European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin
assimilation of material from solution by a growth process, which America’, Scholarship No. E05D060429CO, and the Universidad
began when the nuclei reached a critical size and the crystals Industrial de Santander (a remunerated commission) for funding
started to grow. Consequently, reaction products were generated C. Ríos, and has benefited from research facilities provided by the
at the expense of the spheres of FA, until the ash particles were School of Applied Sciences at the University of Wolverhampton.
completely or almost completely dissolved. We acknowledge Dr. David C. Apperley of the Department of Chem-
In general, the conversion of FA can be described by two main istry of the University of Durham for the acquisition of Solid-state
stages: (1) the dissolution of aluminosilicate phases of the FA Nuclear Magnetic Resonance data and their interpretation, and
releasing Si and Al and (2) the crystallization of zeolitic materials. Mrs. Barbara Hodson for assistance with SEM data acquisition.
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