Air Intelligence Report, V1N19

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~ SUmllARY Of




on 6 JUnE 17

.... flAM fRom 11




.... BIlL OUT AT 16

XX I B 0 M B ERe 0 M MAN D


J.4 JUT 1945


3,495 Tons on Four Cities 3
Photo of OkaTama Damage 3
Photo of Nobeoka Damage 5
Four More Cities Burned 6
Photo of Ube Damage 8
37th Incendiary Attack 8
Photo of Tokushima Damage 10
315th Cuts Jap 011 supply 11
Results of Earlier Missions 11
Objection SUstained 12
Photo of Akashi Plant Damage 13
Photo of Eitoku Plant Damage 14
Setting It Right 14
Japs Need More Speed, Firepower 15
Peashooter Pete 16
Jap Fighters Tough on 5 June 17
J.A.F. Lacks Flexibility 19
P-5ls Down 26 Nips
Flak from Picket Boats 21
Kyushu Flak Defenses
- - 25
B-29s Strafe Nosey Boats 27
17 Rescued with Airborne Lifeboats 28
Bail-out at sofu Gan
"".i, I"'

It Is lntel'l(led that this "eekly re_

port be a source of informat'ion for 0:0,"_
bat cre., and starr officers who have a
leg1t1lllate interest In the operation! o!
the XXI BOllIber Co~and. "'1 thin th~.
l1mits it "houle receive the wiClest pos_
sible circulation permissible under the
provisions ot 4ft ~eo.5.
In orde:- that 8 l:IIU:ll1Um or intelli_
gence tlSy be inc luded. the report is
liven an overall classification of Sec_
ret. 'll'hen the nature of the msterial
warrants, indiVidual articles have re_
ceived e lower security classification. OXAYAlIA INCENDIARY [WfACiE resul t-
ing frcm the seth Wing'S strike on
The report Is so assembled that the
compOnent sections may be removed 8M Returni ng to ni 2e-~9 June total! 2.13 5Quar e mUell,
circulated or flIed separately. It por_ Itt&:ks
lIet's 1fO~in5t urba~ht incend1ary or 63 percent or the builf..UP &1'_'
tions are reprOOuce(l. security regula_
tions must be observed and the source ~~~I 515o~t29aga1nS~e~~Aafter
-eIIUId - 5 of th a
f 28-29 w;re airborne e XXI Bomber
",.,,;a"". ~:ela~1nst
... o~o:e c~~~~t
.",,,,.aU7. ,_",,"117 .11'-
Correspondence regardl"8 this pub.
l1cetion shOdld be addres,ed to the COIll-
a the JaD .nd
IMndlng General, XXI BODIber COllElal)d, <>a 'un. .nu. '
"" •••,,,"'
I••., .bo ••ojl .nd Nob .0,," ot un-

APO 234, c/o PO.tll:llllter, San Francisco, u._11 WO' but 11"7 ..,.u"'"
~ll.ncendi~ ,~~
Calitornia, Attention, AC or S. A-2. , ."tal or .nd tho or •
th. hub
of ton

._.u c U' ,rt cU


~ .¢ /5:.•.;. -
0, ' "
.own . ,
.nutact1lr1ld prodUt
or , •••

J'.&KES D.· GARCIA b th.. t .nd

.~" 1OftI"".~,:-'
ColoU.l. G.S.C.

eOlllae.~argets "".of> t'" .. SOft!!

AC or s. A-2 r ..pr1m
1I,...;h. the 487 .U'ornrt • t ..
rr--...- .
TH: C.G. XXI B.C. Initials iM ~ 35 to er7 taro.'"
n'T"" ........ D.
AD ••_
,..... ..-
,_ .-..
ot ••" uUo",
DATI 14 JU17 1945 ~
0ol,< 0' h. ottar cos' to·
t .... ..t>' .. ,...........
.... " ' _.... - - _.

ne 8.29.
RtotOOlic~ by ~~th PTU
",-_ SION 2M __ OItAY'" - ' ot
... rros
,01'" ..-' ota....o11d
DO -'n-
I.,,,.. 1s • "<1"""h
ere .t ""...
n- , ...• "
opo1O"DO .. - ot

rSOinss• OOOareper~uare mile. The bUild_
largely one or two story. density i
wood and plaster houses with Some mile. Al~h abOUt 52
concrete otfices and stores in the ings are ~ lila I~ Pt
north section. A number ot small ferro-.con or b:tolck!\1 or Itlrl~
industrias are located in the city is the crete co' e0llCt e ~
proper but the larger tactories and tarial. P~dClllinan~t!'Uett~-,
military installations are on the in the ere are atzo\letJ,,;.......
outskirts. cOllllnercl~ity and the no tzo'1~~
"idth. &rea are a •• tlla....
O!l.l, or~
The 73rd
against s ptlt lip l ••
One lundred torty one B-29s ot ped 1 asebo, 141 ot~,...
the 58th Wing were airborne against bombed067 tons on th. "1"-,:
the city. Of these, 136 dropped tran anVisually and pr~...
964 tons of incendiaries on the tar- teet. Tw~v~age SlUt...,.:~
get (66 visually, 68 by radar snd Nine enemy ti~d otb., ~
two by mknown means) trom an aver_ and one atta ~uters ...::....
age altitude ot 11.400 teet. Three
aircraft returned early and the dis-
were lost. E~~hieitl'l<I. 1!1:
ended" ...
position Of the bombs of two of the Vedium and hea\')' tlak
planes was not reported. ally meager and lnacCU!' ........
sity increased a ' . -.
Sevet enemy aircraft were Sight_ gressed. One B.~9 ~:r~::'"
ed but they made only two attacks.
The B-2~ claimed one "BabOl de-
stroYed and. one enemy tighter prob-
flak damage. seerchl1&'ltl -
able to penetrate the onra:.
ably de~troyed. One B-29 was lost Two new type flat ••tI.
to unknown reasons and four landed reported. One 1fU I Ws' .
at 1"0 llost flak was n11 to sion (estimatel1 40 teet 1D~
I meager and inaccurate. No flak dam_ which had tour d1stlllct Ufl_ _......--~ '·S'

age was sustained. A ne" type of subsequent to the f!rlt •. I!lt ~-~ ;-
possible grOOnd-t~a1r rocket with other os a large burst II!lldl.,. ) "~. -. ,- ,
large bursts and streaMers W8S re-
ed rue similar to pbllllp!11l1'J1 n&
~-~ • 14l

Complete photo coverage shows

Post strike pbOtClil do.'"
vide coverage ot aboot. 1% ,.mr:;
DAMAGE TO NOBEOKA, ImPortant shiPping "and indust.r
center on Q'ushU, totalS .51 Square mile. or .36W1per·
the main portion of the city de- or the city but tbsy 40 rtMl.ll cent of the urban a result of the .3l4th n&'s
stroyed 8S a result or the 58th square mile, or aboot 11.9"" incendiary strike on the night or 26-29 lURe.
Wing IS bombing. Damage totals 2.13 of the urban and itKb.trlJJ ....
square miles -- 63 percent of the destroyed or dallllge4.

built-up portion. Two unidentified re
industries were a~ost entirely )lISSIOli 236 •••on 'ten enelll)" atrcraft "ere Il1ght
wiped out and a railroad yard dam_ !ek1 acr09 and one attaCk _de. '!'here1DSt .. 0DO
aged. voJi. the 3l3th" tar'...
••• forl:S a bo~tf'e narrow strait, }loJ1 loslle' and 00 clataS &P the
tlanspO%'ta eneck for all rail enOlDY' TWO a1J'craft landed at ecura1.. •
night's operatiOn!. Jl~ It- llu.shu a tiOR between HonshU anc:l ,lak' was lIlaaget' and ins tet
VISSION 235 -- SASEBO treme northern tip jiuII" tte A!Jlai~ between tho islanl1s anl1 tnreugh the uodercast. ROI a1J'CZ'at
western entraOCe or ~.,..,...=; JlXltberll. t.c mainland. 1I0Jl is the succeeded in J.-.J.Oli .rtf/IIIJY radars.,.hich was the 73rd Wing IS It ranks t11'tb uoDC t lle.1 'lttl or the Kammon TUn-
one ot 1lhleh ceased operation
1 at
target tor the night, 1a one of the 1n the number and ~ .... Strelh c runs unl1er Sh1JDono sek1 the beainninfl of t;be J.- a&·
"co::" .. ' ~e to W. c itT (rCJJ the aiJI·
four principal naval bases of Japan.
It is uportant for the construction,
repair and maintenance ot small Da_
handled and is
IIllltl'lU U the coal , •
lfoJl U I!I c~pect oi" taJI!"
.... ho,OOo'aJ,he population til about
):tr att" the density Is 40.000
, ..ue IlI1le. cri~
~ b. . a .... ~
~t; Cb· ..-
rrca pOlt
reconaaUS,a.nee of" • .s!
val venels and has a harbor which .u.,a or '8
transportation tu~~~
'Ca~ 313th sent
could accommodate the Jap fleet. It
is the westernmost large City lnJa_ pends the CCllpld_bl. II.! ..
101 a1rorat
ell. b t the city 91 of which bC81boo
up ar-bout
•• -fa" wa citT·
sb"" ~..
c~~ 1ft. cltT
pan and lles at the head or sasebo
Bay in northwestern ~ushu.
ted In northern IV
of the most cClDC~ ~~
~ hCII" radar through 10110 cloud
feet an average altitude or 10.
500 . . . .U 1 pari1a111' b1 • . - .
!rtJIJ SbS-OIIOII¢ at ttla tpit til·
f181llm&ble target ~."...- ~iar~ey dropped 624 toM ~~:; pboCOll . ., . . . . .
1'he population or 206,000 is con_ The buUl11n8S ar e ____ ttr u. Three b~-o-d
Uts •
centratel1 lIl&inly In an area about one ClI' t.~.tOl"1· fill' •
3l square miles. A~rage POPUlation
lloD& with. tbI .i'" tI
OVer steel 19.&0 at 100,680.
This ~lty,hlt by the 314th Wing, bUild1n flo_a
15 one or the most important centers 1n the gs or 'lrOOd e~ 'r!ls~e ~e in the indUstrial One hun&'ed twelve aircraft at
tor manufacture or military explo_ hOUses ~~ant areas llst1'Uetl~t ~ the 313th 'R1ng were airborne. One
sives 1n Japan. Pour plants in the are predOl:nl~OPS 10 : 'oat ei\ .t's ot hundred dropped 752 tOD5 or 100 aDd
e1 ty produce the basic chemicals. otl)' IlClOde tIt7 PI' ~ ..fjJ' ,ISSloN ,41 .- J(1lllAlloro 50o...POU nd 1ncend1ar18~ trCID an aV'"
As a tr8r~port8tlon center the city The 314th ... t erage altitude of 10,600 teet. F1t·
sUborne. Or W1ng had It! ty two bombe~ v1susll1 and 48 by
~ !iYu,h
18 the ncst important on the east ot thetourth laI'ges
coast ot Kyushu between Otta and
983 tons of these, 11llb~
p r 1lllary fran 1nce nd1 &%'le! Q~;iIj
U, is the capital or
dtf oto Prefecture and as such 15 radar.
three bQllbed V~OI '100 het OIl '- ~ottant goverlllleot center. It Twenty enemy t1ghters made only
Nobeolr.a 1s about half way up the dar lone unkbO::11 lfld ~ ~ ~ we llladquarter5 of the c1a16th Army three weak attacks. Med1WD aOO
banb. Phe ~1~ lL heaVY flak was n1l to moderate and
east coast of KyuSh~ on a delta ttrUl01l aod l.! the cClDDler cen·

~ of the area east of Sh1m8 generally inaccurate. There were
plain pertly flanked by mountains
Ion the south, west and north. It Six enelllY a1 ~. It includes a number of In- no losses and only aD! aircraft
one attacked. ~~;;t lire 1~1« b:jtt iostauati005 probablY sustained minar damage. Eleven
has a POPulation of about 80,000 and no losses 'I'hr "re no ~ 1a1 to war production. Kuma...
,and the built-up area 1s about one on Iwo. 'lak' was mee B~29s 1t:&li I:tO al.!o 15 8 strateglcal~ impor.. landed at Iwo.
'and a halt Square miles.
The key industrial plants are ot
: modern construction,reinforced oon_
Damage fran themhuoQ
curate, med1U.l1l and ,eager ar.4 ~

.51 square mile or 36 peru ~

u:t raU a~ highway tren5porta...
111lll bub.
TIl_ 1Jrd lUng sent 162 aircraft
About .42 square m1le ot damage
resulted fran the miS!lion • e3 per ..
cent of the city'S built-uP area.
I crete, asbestos or metal sheeting ijl!ll!t it, 1&l of which dropped The damage 1s eoncentrated in the
the bUllt-up area. ho lecl'i center -of the eity. Two industr1esi
targets received 1I11l0f' ~~ 1111 tons of incendiaries fran an
includil18 the Higashi.1I1S4lDe cee
Uulle altitude ot 10,500 feet.
!~I.n&n! mainly by radar through Yine\ received heaVY damBge.

. - -=---
I ~ 10/10 doud. One bOOlbed an..
• FOIII'MonCities-B".,.. • I~er target and. seven returned
eul.1. CM sireratt d1tched on re-
t;I'~ and the entire crew was res .. The ShimonOSeld Urban Area (aee
On tbe night or 1-2 July units dropped 1,039 tons ot lOO-po.:d U. ~.Ad. j1'our landed at Iwo. lIissioD 236 far 1mpartance ot tar-
or the x:U Bomber Command duplica_ cendiery bombs and 5QO.pOUDll_ get) was attacked by 126 out of 1'2
ted thei~ operations of 28-29 June diary clusters. One hlllldred •• rout ene:ny 81rcratt were sight... 3l4th Wing aircratt. They dropped
one of them bClDbed by raw _ .d llIt none attacked. Clouds pre- 819 tons ot incendiaries.12 v1!lual..
by givil18 four more Japanese c1ties ,,:ted narchl1ght5 from lllumina- ly and 114 by radaI' through 4 to
the ince~diary treatment. the 6 to 8/10 cloud. BIIIb1t1 alt!· tire a1rcratt tor AA fire. Flak 9/10 cloud frOlll an average altitude
tude was 10,800 teet. CkIe.1reN!\
bombed another target ,nil sl1 rt- :'t: ~~er and inaccurate with one ot 14,250 feet. Five dropped CD
other targets and nine returned
er.... t receivil\& minor damage.
turned early. early. One E..29 was abandoned 25
Kure l attacked by the 58th Wing, ~ ~e tra!!
the mission totals miles north of two and nine crew
contains one of the major target Seven enemy fighter, "" ,II!:" me~bers were rescued. Twenty seven
concentrations on the Inland Sea. ed but (Ud not attack. rw:~ it ~U~otllltlebor about 16 percent
I All of the targets either are a nl1 to meager and i.celll"l~; (It}' se a uilt-up area ot the landed at 1"°·
1Iip' vera1 barrack type build.. No enelllY aircraft "ere encount.- ar
part of l or are assoc1ated w1th the the first part of ttl, (<<ct'd ~.were destroyed in the military ered. TWo aircraft sustained .in
great Kure Naval Base. Th1s is the creasil18 slightly in intltllUI l:t damage from mea&8r tollloderate heavY
largest fleet building and ma1nten_ accuracy for the last grouP!:
t JS flak and generallY lIloderate lIledlU1l1
ance base in Japan. Because of the weather cleared somea •
aircraft succeeded in d e >
lr.t:- lIlSSIOtl 242 __ UBE tlak. TWo to 12 5earehl1gh t5 were
il16frecti'1e tllr0U6h t,"!e overcast.
crippling blows to the Jap fleet in e
recent months, the base probably is jamming gunlaying and' u-d11. t.r~e et15 a coal mining and lndU5" greatly redUCing tlak 4amal .nd
overtaxed 1n its repair and main.. radar. One a1i'cratt 'Ulte cauS ing 1nacCUl'aoy.
ttp or Hty near the southwestern
tenance facilities. The arsenal nor rIak dam&8 e • l:ltl Onshu. It is off the main COlIple photo eovera&e ,bOWS
includel(1 in the naval base is the ~ It e:~lat1on routes of Honshu,but the main te portion of the cl tr d...
largest producer of naval AA guns. Reconnaissance ph:f~rl - ~ tal:! to J ns several key plants reI..• !ltJ'oyed as a result ~ thiS m1sdi
to the city a,9 a res e ~~ , COlt ap war prodtlction. It halll [)aIIS8Ie totalS about .!51 sqU81'e Id e.
The city proper has a number or sion to be 1.5 Squar t 1.1 ~ ~tlld:a~t1y built_up cOllloerclal and )1' ;,6 percent of the IlUll~P
t pot'.
entire heart of the ~"1~~
small industries but probably is ~lotl n 1&1 area which atfordlll .. tlon or the eltr. (Seezoe )
Ittae~ble target for incendiary
more irc;lortant as a housin,ll; site out. Areas not arree ~lf • It had a populatioD in
far emt:loyees of the naval extreme wes tero. nd ,.~
The population of 238 1 000 is con- sections of the ci~~e
centrated within a two and a half the built-uP co""!r Ii. _~ ...
lIlile area. area des troyed I 48 ~...
bullt..up area"" of till po;;,.
The 58th ~ing sent 160 aircraft strayed. The qua l1 t:1 ;iIt""-
against the target. Of these, 152 was not good enouah to
48 percent of the he8vJ,..........
area. Five unnumbered. and. ed ublden-
sand shoPSi t1i'ied. industries are d.amag •
1.l' taell1tie nt a stD8 1
.Il~ te~U'era1't p s:apiane base MISSION 249 -- HIMEJI
~~ki a 1lI1nor
I"'~ ttll'k' I 11I111" Rimeji, with 8 population of
:t,~1lIll1l'.g ).28 aircraft 104 ,000,is a major railroad. termin-
58th 'RillS Sren~iCh dropped. al on the sar!Y0 tIl8in line. It is
tIl1tl160 s __ 95 ViS - an important military center, con-
#~/ of 1ncend~ari~cm an aver- taining headquarters bu11dings,ord-
~l .Dd III by ra ~ feet. Three nance and. munitions stores and. a re-
;,J.lJ'11t1tude ot 10, t5 and eight re- ported arsenal. It is the site of
~e6 other ~r:e aircraft crashed. the Kawanishi Aircraft Assembly
r.z:Jl!d tarlY· after take-off and one plant, assembling the fighter
1(.0 :~~ was rescued. Twenty
~ •• ""ed at 1110.
,11- no air opposition. The 3l3th W1ng sent 107 a1rcrart
f/lIl"l :~er to moderate,inac- against it, 105 of which dropped was, .ost'" medium. 760 tons of incendiaries through
'::'1!,8 en
;U 6l
co loU or damage rr om
,t •Thera .4 to 7/10 clOUd.. Thirty four bomb-
ed. by radar, 57 visually and 14 by
?hoto reconnais!ance Sh01fS that radar with visual correctiOns. "The
I W51 port10n of the 1Iester n ,cen- average bombing altitude waS 10,600
~ end southern sections of the feet.
-'ltJ 15 destroyed. The eastern
t of the e1 ty as still eovered. No aircraft were lost bUt one had
~.tll s~oke at the time the photos its vertical stabilizer and rUdder
I!l'I taken. virtually des troyed by banbs fal-
ling from another B-29. Four landed
VlSSI0N 248 __ KOCHl at 1wo. seventeen enemy fighterS
[odl1 15 the industrial ano cow- were seen and they made seven at-
weill center of southern 5bikokU. tacks. Flak was pr1IO.arllY (rOC lIled-
It u the cap1tal of Kochi Prefec- ium weapon! with a few bW"sts framt
t'2t and l.s located at the head of heaVy AA reported. One a1rcrat
t:ado Bay, rive IIl1les inland. In- sustained minor damage frODl flak.
~.str1es 1n the city include paper
ul tuttle 1lI1l:U now converted to
PhotoS shOW that 1.12 square
~ production and larger induS-
mile of the city 1l'8S destroyed nor
t:les around the city include a
damaged as a result of the lIi5si° •
This is 56 percent of the city.
~;r00d plant, metal working plant bringing the total destruction
71 to
, el....cement and chemical plants. The
• 'I probably is more important as
ISeap1tal am commercial center than
date to 1.38 Square mile or

- . - ~~~••••••I[~"::' lat~ 1ndu,strial center. The popu-

OQ 5 106,000.

bull~'P a~d ~ ~
TokU 1m8- i5 the largest city on
pe~. ShikOkU,sll .ith a popUlatiOn at 12°1
the UBE. mining
or Honshu 'ndustral "nt.r ",,, ... or One hUndred twenty nine aircraft
-up area as' 5 .42 square mile or 23
a result of 313th '5 str:Ucllo 0II1..!"""·
. the nrd ~ing were airborne 000. It is the si te obablT or se.era
~1~t it; 1e6 dropped 1i060 tons large textile m.iUS. pr con-
var to war production. The pop-
el ru:end.1aries through to e/l0
of Japanese c1ties to Dt a llld ~~ 113 by radar and 13 visu- ulat1ted density is 40,000 per square

.~ rt;" r~' Bombing altitude was 10,500
Again on the 0n
night of 3-4 July to incendiary "tta Ckll 001 lJ.' 'lbree aircraft returned ear- lIlila.
four of the wings the total of such 111,51 ".' The '14th ."irlg had it as • ear- st
took 8 Japanese
.,,,,,-ftJ get, sendiOi lS1 aircraft .pin-
city apiece Bnd VISsION 247 _ hud it. or tIles_,].29 dropped 1,050

~ SI11k~:'~
bIl. bo enemy aLrcraf't were s1l:
1~ d1d not attack. one B-2: . .~ tons at inC_ndiari-
..,a cl.-z'

dropped incendiary
bombs on it. The Takam8 tsu is
part city and the ~~
1l~ to unknown reaSona c·"li:ht
.eather __ 54 dS"""U1
radar __ rre-a 11. 050 teet. ~
7' bY
cittes were Toku_ lol.ediUIII ::' ..a,,:eJ"
,et'd~ flaked at Iwo. other tarSets aDd 51$er.tllJ'n-
s hlma.Takama t9u Bnd
Kochi on Shikoku with KOMhU. It nat' ~
railroad ferry , .., encountere C• It
tid generally inaccurate.
ed .arlT. lfol18 or the l[! 8'1 "" .U'-
and Hlmejl on Hon_ of 111,247 'lfithln a b ~~ ~.__
-trte total- ."~
_ .quar- .il- or
portent lnstallatlo~~
s,hu. This series teO area of d IOuat' "
or attack3 brought
to 26 tr>. ""....l-. __ ~ •• 0_._ ..... ..Ailr orA t ..•• I •
Flak ..,a9 meager auy ,1..110"" ........... •

'lfttv" JA! O~L SUpp~.

eraft sighted attacked. Medium and
118avy flak was generally meager and or 74 percent or the tO~l Photos taken after the mission
lnaccut'ate. There was no loss or area Of the City. 'nIe e bJ.llt. sh01'l' fires still burning in two
l1alllllge. has been destrOYed by r~l1t ~ urdment Wlng,..mlch
tanks at the refinery in the crude
small parts in the eUl'e:ae e ~~i 3].5th BOlli start on the night
011 storage area at the south end
Damage totals 1. 7 square lllUe "est portions. Tlro S_ll!~t.:.l ";!
to a goodbombing the utsube
of the plant. In the refining area
ono unit is severely damaged. Some
tr ies were destrOyed, (Seeretj 40 1~26-t7 JUne by took a 1Ib8ck at two damage is vis ible in the north por-
~1'!r ~,1'i~~~1Japanese 011 instal- tion of the plant acroSS the river.
I~ U1~U week.

udoll5 t on the night or 29.. 30
tIls targ e Nippon 011 company
r.:l ns ]Q14ama t !lu. at one time the
i).1t'iaz,gest 011 reunery 1n the O• •ARLI•• MISSIONS
r,:t.h inner zone. It produces
II~~: ga5011n8 and olls. The Returns are now in on the result.!!
trlI t 15 located five miles
r=t ot TokUYam8,site of other ot most of the missions flown on 26
; rtll81 1e5 which were seriOUsly dam- June, which were reporteCI 1n the
~ 111 a.29 strikes on 10 May.
last issue of the A.I.R. but on
!teplant (Target 672) lies 1mmedi-
which DO post strike photos had been
ittl1 lUt or the Hitachi Mamrl'ac- obtained. Here are the assessments
;;:113& company Locomotive WorkS. of damage:
Thirty six aircraft were atr-
~Ir!f ap1nst the target. 32 drop-
,1:1« ro8 tOn! of high explosives on MISSION 223, sumital10 Light vet-
11:1 target _. 31 by radar and one als Industry at OSaka, Target 263A,
11 dead reckonl~. Average bombing flown by 58th W1D8: HOot dam8&e
altlwde liaS 16.650 feet. Four of tot!l.U 250,000 square feet, 12 per.
e, 8-299 returned early. cent of total roof area.
!lllrteen enemy aircraft were
l!!bted bolt there were no attacks.
i.u:was nil to meager and inaccur- l.lISSION 224, osaka 8,r111Y ArseDBl,
Target 382. flown by 73l'd >'I'log. ()JlI.
~ 11th 9earchl1ghts unable to
:Us a coordinated effort through plete coverage shOWS no new damS&e.
to 10/10 cloud layer.
1,~r:;lnery unit which covered
"':. .000 square feet of groo nd ~rrSSION 225, Ka'll'8SaId Aircr&1't
e:t m~s, destroyed as a result of company, AkBShi plent, T81'get 154
e •
type bSS on. Two small storage flown by 31.3th lUng: Hew dacsg is
~.l:ts ~~ngs and a small by_prO- 904,750 Square Ceet of roof ares,
also were destroyed. 26 percent of tots l area.
e4,!~O~1t,and 40 percent destroy·
l&Mu'a is mission was the HitaChi
~'le O1ituRring Com.pany. just east of IIISS
226, no coVerage.
efinery •
4zo0::~ty eircraft were ail'ilOrne, 39 J,tISSION 227 AUuU F8ct l' Hs·
gor Arsenal. farget 197: .eo peor·
th Il& 29'7 tons of 500.pound Ops
(35 byredar and f~ centa of roof area daJDBged or de·
stroyed briOS inc total to date to
icl:lbl~) through 4 to 10/10 c?~t· 55 percent. Hippon vehiCle ~.
~ .'0) altitude was 15,650 e •
Urcra~t bombod another target. cactur 08 COllIpe.I17. rarget .ed: Ne"
dama&e i is 40 percent. br1nging tOo-
tal to ez per~nt. Both or these
ters t.9 . . re hit bY the ,,14th "ins:
all.! t
untllth:-~" ,,J." .,
r~ 'fb.ere we re no 10"" to thO .... ,
!to t.ed bX enelllY aircratt' ttaok8
on thl. misS ioO • .-
deJ:laged or d an lncend tary strike by .,
.. - =
1 ts totul bu~lstroyed 1.7 square -mile or"
bomb ers
ut they . .de
landed .t no IWo
a 11_·•
t-up area, u
MISSION 228, M1tsub1shi Aircraft
'7orks I Kagam1gahara Plant, Target
1833: 20 percent new damage. Kaga_
J:11gahara Llil1tary A1:rport, Target
249: 50. percent roof area da:naged
or destroyed. Both targets bombed
by 58th '1ing.
MISSION 232, Utsube
Refinery I Target 1S84 !Ib" ~
"as bombed on the' 1'lI1I 'S
June by the 31Sth "1~&bt or iii
rUnning its tl.1'st 11;1~1tII ..
empire. Thirty percent .tt.....
ar ea or the itl! ta llatlOl "
I.~ISSION 229,Aichi Aircraft ':.brks, aged or destroye,. "".. ~
Eitoku Plant, Target 1729: 113,800 the most damage lrIl't tilt
hYdrogination un1ts, tbe ~
square feet of damage, 4 percent of
total. Damage to date is 19 per-
cent. Hit by 3l3th \'ling.
tetraethYl lead unIt, oU *'--:
ufacturing unit al)1b)'"pr~..
cessing units. seVll1'al_ ...

MISSION 230, Sumitomo Duralumin

COlDpa~ Plant at Nagoya, Target
2040i 3l4th ·,'/ing: 20 percent dam- BelateO. coverage au, '- ...
obtained on the Hiteebi ~
aged bringing total to 52 percent. Works, Kaigan Plant, TariI'JIII;
This 1nstallation na b,lt Itllll
73rd W1I18 on 10 JUDe. Pon . .
photos show that the 73N . .
UI53ION 231, Kawasaki Aircraft blew this target oft tbI ... It
Plant, Kagamigahara, Target 240, major buildings are cCllpll~.
flown by 314th ?ling: 27 percent aged or destroyed. Qll1 et ...
or the total roof ar .
damage bringing total to 60 percent. age. (Confident1al)

-Ot no it wasn't
the first air-to_air
bombing or a Jap air·to-dl -
The c1l1l ttli.
fighter by a B-29,. ,tr(JJtd' . -
says ':he 58th Wing. ed bJ tIM II
c_il4 CIllO.
TheY're talking abcut the story mi ttee and credit . . p.
on Pa&e 8 or Issue No. 16 of this entire ere.... ft111 cJ,aiI
PUbl1:ation,wherein the feat of Lt. be the first or 1" t
·"alter Wilemon or the 313th \11ng
was Oescribed. cred1t must be ela~·-.
Major Schon!aU and b1I ...
Here's the 58th Wing's letter on
the SUbject: "While it is not our The letter is 1~_Wli.~
Terry, A-2 of the ~_,
refers us to ADDIS C" ~ JC,lWASJJCl AlRCRAP'l' CCIIPANf, ~
pLlft, OOW bas 7 •• ~ pereent at lUi
destre to detract from Lt. Wilemon's
feat, justice WOUld seem to require
that hill cla1lll ot being the first Opposition., at Xl ~.­ or ll root ar- ~4 or 4.-
Tactical 1115SioD RtJlOl"" 1Dal at tha total
4.-&~ OIl • 26 JuD8
to bring down a Jatlanese fighter by atrCJ7ed. 26 pel"caot
this methOd IlIUst be contestM. C-l-9, paragraph It). Jl!! root s r _ "
Personally, ..'II _r!!"~' s t;rlP by tha 3l3~ Wi..•
-On 21 December 1944,Ha.1or James
SchOll1au or the 46Bth BOJnb Group ot take Col. Terr1" ~SIo~,
the :ex: Bomber Commanil brOUght down and "e're pret t 1';:: "',,'
an U:'I1dentified Single engine f1gnt- mon w111 too. • .. '
er crier MUkden, Manchuria by the good. trick .. 11 , .
This might be accomplished by in-
stalling jet_propulsion units simi-
lar to those in Bake, possibly un-
der the wings. The units probably
would Inerease the speed frail 25 to
30 knots tor a very short operation-
al period, enabling the enemy to
elude our interceptors 1n an attempt
to attack our surface craft.


Returning B-29 Cl"ews describe the
fire power of the Jap interceptors
IUtl the loss or Okinawa the en- as meager and inaccurate. Present
rtI h decreasing his attacks in fire is largely !'rem 20-mm cannon.
:.\ area and is withdrawing his Although the enemy at times reports
l!1eratt to the hCllleland to rebuild large numbers ot B-29s damaged by
tlJ depleted units in preparation mp interceptors, it is doubtfUl
f% the next amphibious landings. that he believes his own lies. cer-
tainly he IllUst be aware ot the "eak-
It aDpears that during this per- ness of his fire po"er. It is prob-
bl ot callp&rat1vely little offen_ able that he "ill replace the .eO-mD1
lIre activity the Japs will attempt cannon in his interceptors such as
~ lIprove their tactical aircraft Jack and George "ith 30_mm. It is
~ tiJ~ strengthen their defense. equally probable that he will equip
~1!' attention probably will be bombers such as Peggy with 7S_mD1
:ftr ed arQ,lnd increaSed speed for
e de aircraft, greater fire_
:;er tor intel'ceptors and bombers,
a hIgh.&! ti tude figh tel'. Because of the heavy damage to
the in-line engine a1rcratt factor-
Ra!D FASTER SUICIDE PLANES ies at Akashi and Atsuta, the pro-
ELUSIVE TARGET NUl.!BEiI 1729, Cl duction of Tony has been greatly
Aichi Aircraft Works. Eitoku ;l&:'l, l';)1~:/IPll1r
are· using trainers as reduced. The enemy has been search-
turned up almost intact in thll !'f" I;.@ed a craft. ObViously the ing tor a high_altitude fighter.
COtU1aissance taken after tile 3!!Cl ~t ot or these 1s slow compared to No" is an opportune tilDe to kill
Wing 1 s 26 June strike. Total- ~Ide pI the P·51 or P.47. The sul_ two birds with one stone -- contin-
age to da te is 19 percent. t~ ane is of flO value to the ue the production of Tony and at
let Ulllass it can reach its tar_ the same time produce a bigh-alti-
~u; b:;lie.d landings heretofore tude fighter. This he can do, and
ltr,j.bll3~dln8de without support from

~ .~ ,6}kr.- H_' ~,~'~;;

probably is doing now, by replacing
~ Ito Planes, but with Okinawa the in_11ne engine with a radial
~~ as bases f'>l' frlefldly ftgh- engine of sufficient power to make
A letter rrom the 881,t Squed_
ron ,r the SOOth Bomb Group
P01nt, out thet e photo PUbl1'h_
the ebove me ntlone'
IM1v1dual cr
edit , _ til'"
goe, to S/sgt;'n.
e~~J: ne" lafldings w11l be ac-
by strong air support.
Tony a b1gb_altitude f1Bhter.
It a1S 0 is hiAAly probable thet
~ Nip
eo on Page 9 or Isoue 15 or the
A.I.R. we, 1n,orrectly credited.
The P'oto. Wh1ch 'h""" e 'kyrul
gunner on the p curt'"
Cept. Fred J. it100. 1 ,lI'.
1n the lead pea.. ere t... J"
It sUiciders will not find
~tpto/ to elUde fast Allied inter-
Itt. ~ in Order to reach their tar_
the enemy eventually "ill produce a
twin-engine high_altitude lighter.
This could be a Nick or similar
or 1ncend1er1e, desCand1ng uPon
YOkohsma on 29 Uay, Was takan by
fine shot and t cred" r
give tha corra,
'~le thae.rafore, it is quite prob_ plane with a turbo-superoharger.
Iller t the enell'()" will attempt to It 1s believed th5t there alreedy
!n "j 'lid -Sa the speed of his trainers has been in operation a high-al-
USe them as su1c1de planes. titude version at Dinah. (Secret)

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