College Management System Documentation
College Management System Documentation
College Management System Documentation
1. Introduction
5. Testing
5.1 Scope of Testing
5.2 Test Plan
5.3 Test Case Design
5.4 Sample Test Data and Result
6. Limitations
7. Future Scope
8. Conclusion
9. List of Figures and Tables
10. Bibliography
Description of project
In this Project, abstract of the project for College Management System is given along with full
explanation of the College Management System. There are many departments of administration
for the maintenance of college information and student databases in any institution. All these
departments provide various records regarding students. Most of these track records need to
maintain information about the students. This information could be the general details like
student name, course, performance, attendance etc. or specific information related to departments
like collection of data. All the modules in college administration are interdependent. They are
maintained manually. So they need to be automated and centralized as, Information from one
module will be needed by other modules. For example when a student needs his course
completion results it needs to check many details about the student like his name, registration
number, year of study, exams he attended and many other details. So it needs to contact all the
modules that are office, department and examination and result of students. This project is useful
for easy user interface. The system utilizes the powerful database management, data retrieval and
data manipulation. This project provides more ease for managing the data than manually
maintaining in the documents. The project is useful for saving valuable time and reduces the
huge paper work. To successfully develop this system, a number of tools was studied and used.
These include implementing technologies like Crystal Report, programming languages like
C#.Net, relational databases like SQL SERVER. The tools and technologies used are discussed
into detail in this document. It is recommended that this system is extended to cover all
The introductory chapter of this research work examines the background to the subject under
consideration, the statement of problems, the aim and objectives, the significance of the study
and its justification, the purpose and possible uses of the research among other things necessary.
It will highlight the outline of the work and map out a plan for the entire project.
and money. According to the management guru Peter Drucker (1909-2005), the basic task of
management includes both marketing and innovation. Practice of modern management originates
from the 16th century study of low-efficiency and failures of certain enterprises, conducted by
the English statesman Sir Thomas More (1478-1535). Management consists of the
and directing an organization’s resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy [1].
Management also includes recording and storing facts and information for later use or for others
within the organization. Management functions are not limited to managers and supervisors.
Every member of the organization has some management and reporting functions as part of their
A management system is a proven framework for managing and continually improving your
of a management information systems (MIS) and those that exist reflect the emphasis and
prejudices! Of a particular writer. The term MIS has become almost synonymous with computer
based data processing and indeed many books with MIS in the title turn out to be exclusively
concerned with topics such as system analysis, file design and various other technical facets of
switching ,interchange, transmission of reception of voice and/or data, and includes software
This Project takes the consideration with the importance of ensuring that the correct problems are
addressed and that relevant information is available when, where, and in the form required to be
useable by management. Having emphasis on this Project and MIS can be defined as: A system
to convert data from internal and external sources into information and to communicate that
information in an appropriate form, to Managers at all levels in all functions to enable them to
make timely and effective decisions for planning, directing and controlling the activities for
manage themselves efficiently and effectively. In the beginning, business computers were used
for the practical business of computing the payroll and keeping track of accounts payable and
receivable. As applications were developed that provided managers with information about sales,
inventories, and other data that would help in managing the enterprise, the term "MIS" arose to
describe these kinds of applications. Today, the term is used broadly in a number of contexts and
includes (but is not limited to): decision support systems, resource and people management
Records management is the systematic control of an organization’s records, throughout their life
cycle, in order to meet operational business needs, statutory and fiscal requirements, and
and reliable access to records, ensuring the timely destruction of redundant information and the
identification and protection of vital and historically important records. Records management
covers records of all formats and media. This includes paper and computer records; cassette,
video and CD records. Records management is needed throughout the lifecycle of a record, and
the process begins when the decision to create the record is taken.
Records are vital for the day-to-day functioning of the University: they support the decision-
making; document its aims, policies and activities; and ensure that legal, administrative and audit
requirements are met.For records to perform their various functions, some form of management
is needed. Management includes control over what is created, the development of effective and
efficient filing systems to store the records, and procedures for the retention of those records [5].
The goal of any system development is to develop and implement the system cost effectively;
user-friendly and most suited to the user’s analysis is the heart of the process. Analysis is the
study of the various operations performed by the system and their relationship within and outside
of the system. During analysis, data collected on the files, decision points and transactions
handled by the present system. Different kinds of tools are used in analysis of which interview is
a common one.
In the past, frantic efforts to improve the situation in many universities through the introduction
not seem to have helped the University much because the record management system is still
funds, and material resources. The reality reveals gross inadequacy of qualified personnel,
facilities, students’ explosion and space problem. This study is therefore a response to the
challenge by striving to empirically identify these problems and well defined management
options that could improve record keeping processes in universities especially in the study area
The Core aim in developing College Management System is to provide an easy way not only to
automate all functionalities of a college, but also to provide full functional reports to Any
University top management with the finest of details about any aspect of any College, bringing
the best way of management in the various forms of College Management System.The system
will be a bridge between the College and Students, The System will manage the task related to
the college students, employees and to reduce time to searching of appropriate candidates in
college view. Its integrated structure, modules and core database engine helps avoid redundancy
of data and duplication of work, thus resulting in efficient use of time, resources and cost.
The dominant form of record keeping is the traditional way. The process of receiving data’s
from students and staff details are done through manual records. This process will take long
time, separate employees need to maintaining the databases. All the college details are stored via
separate databases. It will take long time due to this process time waste, increase in paper work,
money waste etc...In this process it is very difficult to maintain the fees and accounting reports of
college in proper way. Lecturers does not maintain the file, documentation, reports (class Wise,
The System has no integrated management system that integrates all of the University’s systems
and processes in to one complete framework, enabling an organization to work as a single unit
It is hoped that the current problems relating to records keeping in the university by using the
1.4.1 AIM
The goal of this project is to design and implementation College Management System for
University College that computerizes all the details that are maintained manually.
To create a system that is always available and provides up-to-date Collective Records of
To create a system that will provide easy Query to all related details of student and
employee and generate any kind of report and search records, Records can be exported to
history details
College Management System will create an easy compilation of exams reports and
What New records management objectives would you like to see the organization obtain?
2. System Requirement
Chapter one which is the introduction discusses the background of the study, problem statement,
objectives, research questions/ hypotheses, scope, limitation of the study and definitions and
Chapter 2: Literature review. This chapter focuses on the technical review of the project,
emphasizing thetechniques and tools used for the project. It will focus on the outlook of existing
systems and state means of improving upon them. This chapter will help justify the importance
of the project, and highlight how different it will be from other similar systems.
Chapter 3: Methodology. Here the development of the proposed system is analyzed into details.
It will analyze the technologies used, data sources and programming languages used and why.
Dataflow diagrams, flowcharts, use-case diagrams, relationship and entity diagrams, etc. will be
used to explain the proposed system extensively. Strength and limitations of the methods
Chapter 4: System Design, Development and Implementation. Here the system design will be
implemented, after which it will be thoroughly tested and reviewed to correct all identified
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation. This chapter will look at the project
objectives and goals, and state if they were solved at the end of the project. It will cover the
observations that were identified and suggest the necessary improvements that must be
This project when completed will computerizes all the details of Staff and Students of any
University College that are maintained manually. The system will transform the traditional way
of recording to a modern, advanced, and electronically enabled method. It will enable easy
access to information and allow for easy and efficient management of will also serve as a
bridge between the College and Students, and manage the task related to the college
Help to maintain the fees and accounting report of the college in proper way
This chapter focuses on the technical review of the project, emphasizing thetechniques and tools
College Management System is a large database system which can be used for managing any
University College’s day to day business. College Management System allows users to store
employees, results, attendance etc. Most importantly, this information can be easily shared with
authorized users, records can be easily searched, and reports can be easily generated. Using
College Management System, finding student information is just a few seconds away which
might have cost hours, or even days, before. At the end of the semester, printing students'
statement becomes just a few minutes' job. The system uses C#, Net 4.5 Technology with Crystal
report as the front end and SQL Server 2012 as Back end.
This chapter describes the methodologies used in the project. The proposed system will be
analyzed in detail, highlighting the functional and non-functional requirements. The model of the
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that would be employed in the system development
will be discussed. Technologies used, information gathering (fact finding), data sources and
The successful development of any system require effective fact finding techniques to gather the
adequate system demands, functional and non-functional requirements which will be required for
Fact finding (information gathering or data collection) is the process of using research, meetings
interviews, questionnaires, sampling and other techniques to collect information about system
requirements and preferences. Accurate information can be collected with the help of various
different fact finding techniques used by the analyst. A researcher may use more than one
Out of the various options available, the researcher used interviews and observations as the
Interviews and observations were chosen because it provided first-hand reliable information to
the researcher to make prudent decisions for the system design. Before the project started, certain
The administrator of the university was contacted for all information. The staff at the
administration office and accounts office were friendly and they willingly provided all needed
information. Where necessary, meetings were arranged with the stuff and Lecturers in an open
environment. All meetings were conducted with the core motive of obtaining much information
The university currently has no integrated system in place to manage student data. The admission
officer write down student information like name, date admitted, documents submitted,academic
details, guardian information, course being taken, contact information, among others in different
books as and when necessary. Interactions with various staff of the university suggested that
there was no consistency in storing student data. This comes with a great task of identifying
which information is substantial or useful to the software design. Great amount of time was spent
sorting out the different student information available and tracking student fee payment.
In instances of ambiguity, the researcher asked more questions that would enable him arrive at
the right decision. Questions were therefore structured for specific purpose and particular
It was also realized that most of the potential users of the proposed system had little or no
knowledge about the system and could not describe clearly what they require of the system or
Some administrative staff in the university did not attach the necessary importance to scheduled
The feasibility study proposes one or more conceptual solution to the problem set of the project.
Feasibility analysis usually considers a number of project alternatives, one that is chosen as
the most satisfactory solution. These alternatives also need to be evaluated in a broad way
without committing too many resources. Various steps involved in feasibility analysis are:
1. To propose a set of solution that can realize the project goal. These solutions are usually
descriptions of what the new system should look like.
2. Evaluation of feasibility of such solutions. Such evaluation often indicates shortcomings in the
initial goals. This step is repeated as the goals are adjusted and the alternative solutions are
2.3 Economic Feasibility:
The system being developed is economic with respect to School or Collage’s point of view. It is
cost effective in the sense that has eliminated the paper work completely.
The system is also time effective because the calculations are automated which are made at the
end of the month or as per the user requirement.The result obtained contains minimum errors and
are highly accurate as the data is required.
2.4 Technical Feasibility:
The technical requirement for the system is economic and it does not use any other additional
Hardware and software.
2.5 Behavioral Feasibility:
The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive interface. User
requires no special training for operating the system.
Mouse : 3 Buttons
Language : C#
Use Case (UC) diagrams are drawn to summarize who can use an application or system, and
what they can do with the system. They are used to show all of the available system
functionality. Use Case Diagrams have four (4) major elements: Actors, System, Use Cases, and
relationships. Use Case Diagrams represent the functionality of the system from a top-down
Use Case diagrams as behavior diagrams are used to describe a set of actions (use cases) that
systems (subject) should or can perform in collaboration with one or more external users of the
system (actors). Each user provides some observable and valuable result to the actors or other
UC diagrams are used to specify external requirements on a subject (required usage of a system),
the functionality offered by a subject (what the system can do), and the requirements the
Figure 3.4 - Administrator Use Case Diagram of the College Management System
Figure 3.5: Accounts officer Use Case Diagram of the College Management
Figure 3.6: Admissions Officer Use Case Diagram of the College Management System
Figure 3.7: Lecturer Use Case Diagram of the College Management System
The context diagram is a top-level view of an information system which allows the showing of a
systems boundaries and scope [13].The context diagram shows the whole system under study,
indicating data flows in and out of the system by external entities but with no data stores shown.
The diagram shows the abstract view of the College Management System. It will show all the
external agents and all the data flow of the system in one diagram. The context diagram explains
the entire project of the College Management System in one process. The drawing of a context
diagram starts with the identification of the parent process and the external entities with inputs
and outputs.
A dataflow diagram is the graphical representation of a system's data and how the processes
transform the data [14]. DFDs approach a system from a data perspective.
They are commonly used to document the process of current and required systems. The dataflow
diagram of the system would describe all the processes involved in the College Management
System. The diagram summarizes the system more clearly than the context diagram. They are
constructed using four major components, External Entities, Data Stores, Process, and Data-
Flows [13].
External Entities represent the source of data as input to the system. They are also the destination
Data Stores represent stores of data like computer files and databases within the system. They are
drawn as open-ended rectangles and uniquely identified by letters followed by a number. Process
way. Processes transform input data into output data. They are shown as larger rectangles with a
numeric identifier in a box at the top left corner. The box would indicate the process location and
Data Flow represents the movement of data from one component to the other. An arrow indicates
dataflow (data in motion), and it is a pipeline through which information flows. Data flows are
shown one-way only, and external entities are shown as dotted lines.
1-level DFD:
Child Diagram:
• Must include all data flow into and out of “parent” process in level 1 diagram
Physical DFD’s
2-level DFD:
3-level DFD:
main modules in this system are the admin module, Accounts Officer module, Admissions
Officer module and Lecturer module. The other sub-components under the main module include
student registration, student profile entry, internal marks entry, hostellers, bus holders,
attendance, registration form download, employee profile entry, bus fee payment, course fee
payment, employee salary payment, hostel fee payment, scholarship payment, other transactions,
Admin Module
View Login
Login Session Entry
nt Entry
Student Profile Student Registration Entry Hostellers Entry
Employee Entry Student Registration Employee Salary Hostel Fee
Profile Entry Form Download Payment Entry Payment Entry
User Registration Entry Student Attendance Entry Internal Marks
Hosteller’s Bus Fee
Entry Payment Entry
Admissions Officer
Figure 3.14: Admissions Officer Module Structure of the College Management System
Fees Payment
Scholarship Entry Other
Payment Entry Transactions
Figure 3.13– Accounts Officer Module Structure of the College Management System
Lecturer Module
A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one
another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram
shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved
in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out
the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use case
realizations in the Logical View of the system under development. Sequence diagrams are
sometimes called event diagrams, event scenarios. A sequence diagram shows, as parallel
vertical lines (lifelines), different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal
arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur. This allows the
Admin Login Master Entries Student Entries Transaction Records Reports Server
ask id and
password Verify()
Ackowledge Perform
Operations Store
Operations Store
Activity diagrams, which are related to program flow plans (flowcharts), are used to illustrate
activities. In the external view, we use activity diagrams for the description of those business
processes that describe the functionality of the business system.Contrary to use case diagrams, in
activity diagrams it is obvious whether actors can perform business use cases together or
independently from one another.Activity diagrams allow you to think functionally. Purists of the
object-oriented approach probably dislike this fact. We, on the other hand, regard this fact as a
great advantage, since users of object-oriented methods, as well as users of functional thinking
patterns, find a common and familiar display format, which is a significant aid for business-
process modeling.
Because it is possible to explicitly describe parallel events, the activity diagram is well suited for
the illustration of business processes, since business processes rarely occur in a linear manner
and often exhibit parallelisms.
Activity diagrams can be developed in various degrees of detail. They can be refined step by
step. In the external view, activity diagrams, just like use case diagrams, exclusively represent
business processes and activities from the outside perspective. Refining diagrams does not mean
describing process details that are performed within the business system, which often leads to an
unnoticed shift to the internal view
Login Form
Enter username
and password
Master Transaction
Entries Students Internal Marks Employee Entries
Entries Student Entries Entries
3.7.1 LOGIN
Login module is used to check whether the user is an authorized person to use the system or not
Admissions Officer
Accounts Officer
Administrator can perform all the operations in the system, the administrator level will be the
account with the highest accessibility functions and privileges in the system. Its rights and
privileges know no bounds. Thus Administrator can delete and update the records, register/add
new users and make changes to database, view various reports, and do practically anything it so
Admissions officer makes student admission and student profile entry. Admissions officer is not
Accounts officer is Mainly Transactions, Accounts officer is not allowed to delete and update records
Lecturer can only Update the Attendance and make Internal Marks, Lecturer is not allowed to
3.7.7 FORMS
2. Login Form
3. Login Details
The User Registration Form is designed for registering the new users or account users for the
system. Student Registration Form is designed for registering the new student’s details and
course details. The Student Fee Form is used to enter the student’s fee details. The Student
Marks Form is designed for submitting the semester or exam marks of the students for a
particular course or an individual student. The Student Attendance Form is used to create the
identity number of students who attends a particular. The Employee Profile entry form is
designed for entering the staff details and other relevant details. The salary payment form is used
to derive the salary for employees. The Course details form is designed for entering the different
course available in the campus and other relevant details. The Scholarship form is designed for
awarding students scholarships. The Hostel form is designed to accommodate students into
RGPV College Universities Hostels. Other Transaction Forms is designed to record any other
purchases, Assets etc. The Department Form is used to create department for students and
Employees. Transportation form Records list of Transportation Routes and charges to and from
the College. The Event form is for events management. The Batch form updates the semester
group of students in a year range. Bus holder’s form is designed for entering the students who
have paid for bus transportation in the campus. The bus fee payment form is designed to capture
All the above mentioned data are stored in the back end and can be retrieved as reports with
filtering options. The Following are the reports that can be taken from this system
1. Student Registration
2. Students
3. Hostellers
4. Student Profile
5. Students Attendance
6. Fee Details
7. Internal Marks
8. Employees
9. Salary Payment
1. Student Registration
2. Students
3. Hostellers ( By Course & Branch, By Student No.,By Student Name, By Joining Date,
By Hostel Name )
4. Student Attendance
5. Employees
7. Employee Payment
9. Scholarship Payment
3.7.10 WINDOW
1. Main Menu
Microsoft for the C# programming languages. Visual C# contains tools for developing,
debugging, and deploying C# Code. It is designed especially for use in developing code written
for the Microsoft .NET Framework, DirectX Application Program Interface (API), and the
Microsoft Windows API [6]. C# is a modern and innovative programming language that
carefully incorporates features found in the most common industry and research languages. In
keeping with the design philosophy of C#, Microsoft has introduced several potential new
features to the C# language that increase developer productivity with language constructs.
Since its introduction in February 2001, a number of developers have begun building software
using the C# programming language. Even within Microsoft, C# has been used to build several
shipping applications, including the .NET Framework, MSN Web properties, and the Tablet PC
SDK. As such, C# has proven itself as a language suitable for the construction of high-quality
commercial software.
Many of the features in the C# language were created with four different design goals in mind:
A unified type system and simplifying the way that value and reference types are used by the
Practical developer headroom established through the unique capabilities of the C# language,
Pragmatic language constructs, such as the for each and using statements, which improve
developer productivity.
In the "Visual Studio for Yukon" version of the C# language, Microsoft plans to build on an
already elegant and expressive syntax by incorporating a variety of features across a broad
spectrum of research and industry languages. Included among these language features are
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application
development in the distributed environment of the Internet. The .NET Framework is designed to
provide an object-oriented programming environment that guarantees the safe execution of code,
and to eliminate the performance problems of scripted environments. The .NET Framework has
two main components: the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library.
Microsoft ASP.NET hosts the runtime to provide core services such as memory management,
thread management, and remoting while enforcing strict type safety and other forms of code
accuracy that ensure security and robustness. Code management is a fundamental principle of the
runtime; code that targets the runtime is called managed code, while code that does not target the
runtime is called unmanaged code. The .NET Framework class library is a comprehensive,
object-oriented collection of reusable types that developers can use to create ASP.NET
applications. [7]
Microsoft is providing best-of-breed development tools with Visual Studio .NET and the .NET
Framework. The .NET development model embraces many programming languages, so that
developers can use whichever language is most appropriate for them and for each project
Visual Studio .NET is a complete set of development tools for building ASP Web applications,
XML Web services, desktop applications, and mobile applications In addition to building high-
performing desktop applications, you can use Visual Studio's powerful component-based
development tools and other technologies to simplify team-based design, development, and
deployment of Enterprise solutions[8].Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, and Visual C#
.NET all use the same integrated development environment (IDE), which allows them to share
tools and facilitates in the creation of mixed-language solutions. In addition, these languages
leverage the functionality of the .NET Framework and simplify the development of ASP Web
applications and XML Web services. Visual Studio supports the .NET Framework, which
provides a common language runtime and unified programming classes; ASP.NET uses these
components to create ASP Web applications and XML Web services. Also it includes MSDN
Library, which contains all the documentation for these development tools
This is a business intelligence application used to design and generate different reports from a
wide range of data sources. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, (the software for the system design)
has an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) version of Crystal Reports bundled into it.
Crystal Reports enables the ability to create interactive, quality presentation content to the Visual
Studio.NET platform.
Crystal Report of Visual Studio .NET is the standard reporting tool for Visual Studio .NET. You
can host reports on web and windows platform and can publish reports as Report Web services
on the web server. It is based on framework of Crystal Report 8.0 and uses open and flexible
architecture, with standards like XML, to allow porting reports over the web. Using crystal
report expert you can choose report layouts, display charts, calculate summaries, subtotals as
grouped data as well as conditionally format text and rotate text objects. Although Crystal
Reports for Visual Studio .NET supports variety of data source like ADO record set, CDO record
set, DAO record set, MS Excel workbook, this walkthrough endeavor to explain How to report
off ADO.NET Dataset using Visual Basic .NET. As you all know Dataset is the core component
of distributed application and is explicitly designed for data access independent of any data
source. Dataset can be created from variety of sources. Whatever the source is, before reporting
Bind report to Windows Forms Viewer to display report with actual data at runtime.
Visual Studio .NET is the first Windows development environment that gives developers a fully
Integrated and robust reporting solution. Crystal Reports is now installed with Visual Studio so
developers can write applications that have reports seamlessly integrated into them. Starting with
Visual Basic 3.0, Crystal Reports was included with the language, but not part of the Null
installation. It was also a stand-alone product that was independent of the programming language
SQL server offers high levels of performance, availability, and security at the lowest cost of
ownership.It provides a set of functional program that user can use as tools to build structures
and perform tasks. Because applications are developed on SQL Server are completely portable to
the other versions of the programmer can create complex application in a single user,
environment and then move it to a multi-user platform. Users do not have to be an expert to
appreciate SQL Server but the better user understands the program, the more productively and
A database management system (DBMS) consists of a collection of interrelated data and a set of
programs to access the data. The collection of data is usually referred to as the database. A
Database system is designed to maintain large volumes of data. Management of data involves:
The application programmer writes application programs that use the database. These programs
operate on the data in the database. These operations include retrieving information, inserting
The end user interacts with the system either by invoking an application program or by writing
their queries in a database query language. The database query language allows the end user to
perform all the basic operations (retrieval, deletion, insertion and updating) on the data.
The DBA has to coordinate the functions of collecting information about the data to be stored,
designing and maintaining the database and its security. The database must be designed and
maintained to provide the right information at the right time to authorized people. These
The major advantage that the database approach has over the conventional approach is that a
database system provides centralized control of data. Most benefits accrue from this notion
of centralized control
Unlike the conventional approach, each application does not have to maintain its own data files.
Centralized control of data by the DBA avoids unnecessary duplication of data and effectively
reduces the total amount of data storage required. It also eliminates the extra processing
necessary to trace the required data in a large mass of data present any redundancies that exist in
the DBMS are controlled and the system ensures that these multiple copies are consistent.
Since redundancy is reduced, inconsistency can also be avoided to some extent. The DBMS
guarantee and that the database is never inconsistent, by ensuring that a change made to any
entry automatically applies to the other entries as well. The process is known as propagating
A database allows the sharing of data under its control by any number of application program or
users. Sharing of data does not merely imply that existing applications can share the data the
database, it also means that new applications can be developed to operate using the same
since there is centralized control of data, the database administrator can ensure that standards
are maintained in the representation of the stored data formats. This is particularly useful for
The DBMS guarantees that only authorized persons can access the database. The DBA defines
the security checks to be carried out. Different checks can be applied to different operations on
the same data. For instance, a person may have the access rights to query on a file, but may not
have the right delete or update that file. The DBMS allows such security checks to be established
Centralized control can also ensure that adequate checks are incorporated in the DBMS to
provide data integrity. Data integrity means that the data contain in the database is both accurate
and consistent. Inconsistency between two entries can lead to integrity problems. However, even
if there is no redundancy, the data can still be inconsistent. For example student may have
enrolled in 10 courses in a semester when the maximum number of courses one can enroll in is
7.Another example could be that of a student enrolling in course that is not being offered that
semester. Such problems can be avoided in a DBMS by establishing certain integrity checks to
be carried out whenever any update operation is done. These checks can be specified at the
In non-database systems, the requirement of the application dictates the way in which the data is
stored and the access techniques. Besides, the knowledge of the organization of the data, the
access techniques are built into the logic and code of the application. These systems are data
dependent. Consider this example, suppose the university has an application that processes the
student file. For performance reason, the file is indexed on the roll number. The application
would be aware of the existing index, and the internal structure of the application would be built
around this knowledge. Now consider that the some reason, the file is to index on the registration
data. In this case it is impossible to change the structure of the stored data without affecting the
It is desirable to have data independent applications. Suppose two applications A and B need to
access the same file. However both the applications require a particular Field Name to be stored
in different formats. Application A requires the Field Name “Staff Salary” to be stored in
decimal format, while the application B requires it to be stored in binary format. This would pose
a problem in an old system. In a DBMS differences may exist in the way that data is actually
stored, and the way that it is seen and used by a given application
The ability to create multiple relations and enter data into them
the transformation of complex data stores to a set of smaller, stable data structures. Normalized
data structures are simpler, more stable and are easier to maintain. Normalization can therefore
To structure the data so that there is no repetition of data, this helps in saving space.
To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions and deletions.
To reduce the need to restructure or reorganize data when new application requirements
Systems analysts should be familiar with the steps in normalization, since the process can
improve the quality of design for an application. Starting with a data store developed for a data
dictionary the analyst normalized a data structure in three steps. Each step involves an important
1. First Normal Form, which decomposes all data groups into two-dimensional records
2. Second Normal form, which eliminates any relationships in which data elements do not
3. Third Normal Form which eliminates any relationships that contain transitive
This Project provides the detail structure of the college campus and its departments. College
Management System synchronizes the working of all the departments. It looks on all aspects of a
college, its students, faculties, departments, marks, hostels, attendance and other co – curricular
activities. College Management System is the easiest way to manage all functionalities of a
college, which facilitates colleges to maintain the functionality related to college employees and
their students. Research and analysis will therefore be limited to the case of RGPV University
Along with India’s Rapid economic development, the construction of college has also developed
greatly and university conditions are immensely improved. RGPV university college have done
a series of reforms on the system, structure, management and teaching methods making Difficult
to bringing too many or too often changes to the system. While the equipment used to teach,
research and administrate have been increased day by day, the assets of colleges are large
increasingly, how to manage such a huge asset well and make and make full use of their
effectiveness has become a urgent affairs to the management sectors and also the Difficulty,
faced during initial planning and implementation. Due to the advancement in technology, the
total assurance of security cannot be fully guaranteed. The researcher was limited by time due to
4. Design
The object oriented analysis and design methodology and its process of system development are
based on objects as the name infers. Objects may be used to define variables, data structures, and
Object Oriented Development Modeling does not analyze systems from different viewpoints by
using tools like Data-Flow diagrams as in SSADM or RAD. An object oriented approach to
system development analyzes and defines the required behavior of a series of classes that will
The philosophy of objects orientation states and affirms that applications can be built by
Envisioning objects that work together. In theory, the method relates to the process of developing
programs to real instances and activities to identify methods and operations of objects as well as
based on the idea of components, as opposed to the structures that form the basis of structured
reducing development time dramatically. The object oriented approach to systems development
also undergoes the modeling of systems by the use of encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism,
and methods with the use of various static and interactive diagrams to show classes, objects as
Computer programmer and researcher, BoochRambaugh and Jacobson pooled their resources
and formulated the idea of Unified Modeling Language which has become widely accepted as a
standard. They made use of diagrams to describe the system under development [10].
The diagrams used by the UML are: Static Structured Diagrams (Class Diagrams & Object
Diagrams), Use Case Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams, State Diagrams, Activity Diagrams,
Structured Systems Analysis and Design was introduced in 1981 as the standard method of
analysis and design developed by the Central Computing and Telecommunication Agency
can be arrived at [11].The methodology uses three main viewpoints when analyzing and
developing systems. This gives the developer a clear understanding of the business requirements
and helps to remove errors. These viewpoints or models are however based on:
Processing (Functions),
Functions represent the user's view of the processing taking place in response to an event. The
event on the hand triggers the process or functions. It can thus be anything that has an effect on
the business system being created or considered. Data is also considered as the raw material of
any processing system. The function view of the methodology is represented by the dataflow
modeling, events shown by entity and event modeling through entity life histories and effect
correspondence diagrams. The data view on the other hand is represented by the logical data
model. SSADM uses a structured method of approach to systems development. It thrives on four
Requirements analysis,
Requirements specification,
Physical design
development and high quality result. This method is designed to take advantage of very powerful
development software that has evolved recently. The method enables the development
strategically important systems faster while reducing development cost and maintaining quality.
It achieves this by the use of a series of proven application development techniques within a
well-defined mythology. It uses the incremental approach to systems development, where parts
of the system which can stand alone is provided for use and the maintaining part of the system is
The objective of the methodology is to build and implement the parts of the system which will
deliver the biggest business benefits first and then the other parts of lesser benefits later in the
project. In incremental models, a limited set of user requirements is allocated to each increment
and with each successive (internal) release; more requirements are addressed until the final
RAD promotes the use of prototype considered as essential to provide valid systems that will be
owned by the users. Prototyping in systems development is the process of creating a version, or
part of a system so that users can have an idea of what the system will offer, and provide
feedback on whether the system is what is required. The use of prototyping within this
methodology helps to identify misunderstandings between users and development team and may
help to detect missing user requirements. RAD system development approach is thereby a rapid
Developing a database solution for a university like RGPV University College which pays great
emphasis on the nature of information and data to be captured by the proposed solution, the most
ideal systems development methodology to be adopted is the Structured System Analysis and
The SSADM concentrates on the analysis and design phase of the Waterfall Model of the
(2007) [12]
The following is a list of benefits gained from using SSADM. The approach SSADM uses to
Project timeliness depends on two things. Good planning as well as good managementand
control. SSADM has a modular structure which relates directly to project deliverables and helps
in all aspects of project management. It gives a clear specification of what is to be produced and
Quality can be improved by detecting errors early in the lifecycle, especially by involving users
and skilled practitioners in checking for errors. Rigorous techniques promote accuracy, with
adequate checks of completeness and consistency. By defining the required quality of design
documents, and stating the tests for them, SSADM promotes better quality management.
By continuously involving users, by modeling business activities and work practice, by using
SSADM enhances the prospects for success on large and small projects.
SSADM uses the commonly available skill in a wide market place, e.g. Data Flow Modeling,
Logical Data Modeling. It promotes their effective use by aiding forward planning, and building
SSADM uses Business Activity Modeling and Work Practice Modeling to ensure that the focus
of the project is on what the business requires. The system produces a documentation which
makes visible the business objectives; the developer's thinking and understanding of the business
objectives; the link between the needs of the business and the system under development; and a
The separation of logical system specification and physical design helps to establish a new layer
of portability. It reduces the cost of re-implementing the system on new hardware and/or
7. Improve flexibility
Every application development is different. The ability of tailoring SSADM to suit different
projects is a major factor for organizations who wish to reuse their resource skills on other
projects, and to be able to benefit from the many different ways in which SSADM techniques
SSADM has been designed to provide useful tools for project managers and to transfer expertise
to practitioners. Its use makes benefits and costs visible to both business and IT management and
SSADM uses the waterfall lifecycle model to arrive at a desirable system. It would be used
throughout the project development, and will include the following stages:
3. Systems Design: Handles how the requirements of the new system will be effected.
5. Testing: This is where the system is tried to see if all goals have been met.
6. Implementation: This is where the system is hosted and made available to others for use.
The architecture of the proposed system is very important to explain the processes of the system.
The initial design will help the development of the system as it goes on. The structure design will
explain the overall process of the proposed system. Other parts of the system design such as
process design, module design, interface design, input and output specification are outlined
Vie Reply
Admin w from
the Data
Syst Server
Accounts em
Admissions e
These requirements refer to the functionality of the system, and particular service it will provide
to the user. This system should provide various services in line with the functions which they are
to perform
Input Services,
Data Services,
Computational Services,
Administrative Services
The proposed system would allow users to make inputs into the system through the use of the
system interface. The system should be able to validate the Name and Password entered to check
if they match and have the requisite permission to perform what activity it is trying to perform. If
the Name and Password combination entered do not tally with the one in the database or do not
have the permission required, the system should display an error message or reopen the login
If the details entered are correct, various activities can be performed depending on the privileges
available to the user, like student registration, marks entry, attendance, fee payment etc.
A button would be provided on each page to allow the user submits the data entered into the
database. A LOGOUT button would also be provided to the system interface on completion.
These pages and action initiation buttons should be clearly labeled to avoid any uncertainty as to
The College Management System should provide data services capable of storing data into the
system. The data stored should include student registration, attendance, marks entry, fee
payment, salary payment etc. into the system. The database should be able to be queried in
The processing of data by the system should be infallible. Because of the mathematical nature of
the system on transactions, it would be required to perform various calculations. The system
would be programmed to handle all tasks correctly. Certain math computations that would be
The system should be able to provide a number of output services in the form of reports. Reports
Reports can be generated on different aspects of the system including users who have logged in,
student registration, subject info, fees details, employees, students, hostellers, bus holders,
An interface would be created for the systems administrator to view various reports regarding the
The system shall allow for administrative and maintenance services. The administrator should be
able to make changes, corrections and additions to the database. The systems administrator
possesses "super" user rights and should be able to make changes to all data as well as the
Non-functional requirements define how the system would address the above mentioned
functional requirements. Other terms for non-functional requirements are constraints, quality
The system shall not occupy more than eighty (80) megabyte of disk space. Upon
installation of the system, all components needed by the software to work smoothly shall
The system shall not utilize more than 10MB of available memory. The proposed
application when operating at its optimal level would require averagely 5MB of system
The College Management System would have a tooltips on most of its interface to aid
users whenever they are in doubt as to what function a particular button or tool performs.
System access rights and security levels shall be provided to ensure that only people with
the right credentials equaling the one in the database can have access and use the system.
The system is time-bound. It should be completed within five (5) months of its
A database administrator would be "coached" in order to make use of all the systems
The system would be made friendly, so that staff of the institution can easily familiarize
and acquaint themselves with it. Normal programming buttons and tool tips would be
Terminologies and acronyms peculiar to the university would be used to make the system
Emblems, crests, logos, and colors used in the system would be that of the RGPV
University College.
This chapter presents an analysis, discussions and interpretations of data from the RGPV
University College. The findings, effects, and outcomes of the College Management System are
analyzed here.
The system before its design was divided into sections at the beginning of the project in order to
The system consists of two main parts, the logical and physical design.
The logical design was used to describe the systems structure and characteristics or
features. It includes the database management system which will serve as a storage point
for all data inputted into the system. The DBMS serves as a link between the user and the
operating system. It will permit administrators to interact with the data schema.
The physical design describes mainly the interface design of the system. It is through this
The system was divided into different parts at the beginning. This ensured that the different
aspects of the project were all handled taking into consideration their peculiar needs. After
designing the different parts, they were tested individually to ascertain their robustness. After
testing the individual parts, the various units were all integrated into one complete system.
Various verifications were carried out to guarantee the completeness of the entire system. An
acceptance testing was also performed by the Lecturers and staff of the university before the
1. Platform: Here the system's compatibility with the operating system on which the application
would run was analyzed. The system was designed to be compatible with
2. Number of Users: The system is hosted on a central server with a shared database, and
accessible to all staff at all times. The system has unlimited access, and can be used by numerous
staff concurrently. This requires a robust database which can accommodate multiple users to
3. Security: Safety is a major important aspect of any software design. In all record Keepings,
safety measures are recommended because information should be divulged to authorize users
Certain guidelines were observed during the database design. These guidelines acted as a
framework to ensure the database was normalized, error free, with data redundancy eliminated.
Relationship: The kind of connection that exists between the entities of a database
determines how the database tables and queries would be created and linked to allow for
data retrieval. It also defines how the primary and foreign keys are used in the tables.
Data Categorization: Data once gathered is grouped into separate categories depending
Data Field: The fields or attributes of each table is determined after the data
categorization. These include the columns that would hold the data to be stored. All data
Here the various interfaces for the project were analyzed. The design layout, screen template,
Some underpinning principles that were considered in the design of the system interface are as
1. The design is to ensure that all needed options and tools for a given task are clearly visible
without unnecessary distractions. This prevents overcrowded interface and ensure neatly
arranged interfaces.
2. All related tools were placed together. This makes items easily recognizably and alsoseparate
unrelated ones.
3. Aesthetic and minimalistic design is used for the interfaces. Colors used were minimal on all
interfaces. Contrasting colors was used to ensure that texts on all interfaces are clearly visible.
The system interface design provides the entry point through which all data is inputted into the
system. It enables the users to browse the entire software. Privileges assigned to a particular user
determine what a user can see and do anytime that user logs into the system.
The login page for all the four different categories look the same but have different privileges
and rights
The main start-up page is the first screen/page that any user interacts with upon successfully
accessing the system. This page enables the user to make any changes to the system without any
restrictions.Upon selecting the category you belong to, you are directed to the corresponding
The system was subjected to a series of comprehensive system testing. This ensures that all
system functionalities was performing well when compared to the initial stated requirements and
functional specifications. It ensured the system met all the specifications and capable to handle
The system allow employees to make Student Registration entry, student profile entry, Hostellers
entry, internal marks entry, bus holders entry, attendance entry, registration form download,
employee profile entry, bus fee payment, course fee payment, employee salary payment, hostel
fee payment, scholarship payment, other transactions and also view records and generate
reports. The system was uploaded onto a server before it was thoroughly tested. Some of the
features examined included the student record search by course & branch test function and
reporting functions.
To log in as an Administrator
Admin 12345
Raj20505 12345
Amit123 12345
To log in as Lecturer
Rahul123 12345
Table 4.22 - List of Usernames and Passwords used to login into the System
The final implementation of the College Management System was done in three phases.
a) Preparation phase: This involves all the possible works involving research and ground work
to ensure that the newly developed software was implemented successfully, efficiently and error
b) Deployment phase: This phase entails all activities required to successfully install the system.
The software was made available for consumption by both staff and students
c) Training and transition phase: This involves all the activities used to train employees,
lecturers, and administrators of the university to take responsibility of the system. They were
equipped with the requisite skills needed to manage and maintain the daily usage of the system.
5. Testing
Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding in error.
Debugging is the process of loading the exact cause of an error in removing that
cause. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and
represents the ultimate review of specifications, design and code generation.
These techniques provide systematic guidance for designing tests that: Exercise
the internal logic of software components, and exercise the input and output
domains of the programs to uncover the errors in program function, behavior and
Testing Methods that are used :-
1. Black Box Testing.
2. White Box Testing.
3. Unit Testing.
4. Interface Testing.
5. Interrogation Testing
6. Performance testing.
1. Black Box Testing:- We used Black Box testing. We give different different
type of inputs and check the output.
2. White Box Testing:- In this testing, we check all the loops and structure. We
give input according to the the loops and structure and check the output.
3. Unit Testing:- In this testing, whenever a module is finished we check it
individualy, means all the functions are checked individualy.
4. Interface Testing.
We check if all the interactions between these applications are executed
properly or not.
Errors are handled properly or not.
If database returns any error message for any query by application then it
be should catch and display these error messages appropriately to users.
Along with India’s Rapid economic development, the construction of college has also developed
greatly and school conditions are immensely improved. Any university college have done a
series of reforms on the system, structure, management and teaching methods making Difficult
to bringing too many or too often changes to the system. While the equipment used to teach,
research and administrate have been increased day by day, the assets of colleges are large
increasingly, how to manage such a huge asset well and make and make full use of their
effectiveness has become a urgent affairs to the management sectors and also the Difficulty,
faced during initial planning and implementation. Due to the advancement in technology, the
total assurance of security cannot be fully guaranteed. The researcher was limited by time due to
7. Scope
This Project provides the detail structure of the college campus and its departments. College
Management System synchronizes the working of all the departments. It looks on all aspects of a
college, its students, faculties, departments, marks, hostels, attendance and other co – curricular
activities. College Management System is the easiest way to manage all functionalities of a
college, which facilitates colleges to maintain the functionality related to college employees and
their students.
This project centered on the development of a system that automates, integrate, centralized and
utilizes the powerful database management, data retrieval and data manipulation. This project
provides more ease for managing the data than manually maintaining in the documents. With
that universities, banks, and other institutions that deal with large data and client base incorporate
ICT into their daily activities and programs for speed, ease and flexibility.
Information available shows that much research has been done into College Management System
in times past and several are still ongoing. Employees can sit at their desk and have access to
records and report of any kind. With thisintegratedmanagement system, all of the university’s
systems and processes is integrated into one complete framework, enabling RGPVUniversity
College to work as a single unit with unified objectives. The university’s record keeping
becomes a unified whole, with each function aligned behind a single goal: improving the
performance of the entire university. There is less duplication, and it becomes easier to adopt
Based on analysis, discussions and a review of previous chapters, the following have been
The College Management System application is a desktop application system with four
main user levels namely Accounts Officers, Admissions Officers, Lecturers, and
account holders by the administrator into the system (under a particular user level) at all
The system allows its data to be shared, so it’s installed on a centralized server and run
from client machines at any department. All the college details are stored in a centralized
The system ensures strong security and confidentiality because of the tools, applications
and methodologies that were employed during the design and development stages of the
During the development of the project, the RGPV University College was used as a case study. I
recommend that the system be expanded to benefit all university colleges in the country.
Certain functionality that I desired to include in the College Management System but wasn’t
possible because of time constraints can be considered in future systems. Some of these
functionalities are:
3. Complaint Management
4. Seating Management
Appendix A
Data Dictionary
Student_name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the name of the student
Fathers_name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s fathers name
Mother_name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s mothers name
DOB NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the student’s date of birth
Level NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the level at which the student
is being admitted
Address NCHAR (50) YES This refers to the address of the student
Contact_no NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s contact number
Email NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s email address
Course NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s course offering
GuardianName NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s Guardian name
High_School_Name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s high school
HS_Year_Of_Passing NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s high school
year of passing
HS_Aggregate NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s high school
aggregate obtained
HS_Board NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s high school
Senior_High_School_Nam NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s high school
e name
H_Year_Of_passing NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s high school
passing year
G_year_of_passing NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s graduation year
of passing
aggregate obtained
course nam3
year of passing
aggregate obtained
PG_university NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s post graduate
university attended
Student Table-dbo.Student
DateOfAdmission NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s admission date
Fathers_Name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s fathers name
Mother_Name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s mothers name
DOB NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the student’s date of birth
Contact_No NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s contact number
Email NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s email address
Branch NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s course branch
GuardianName NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s guardian name
GuardianContactNo NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s guardian contact
GuardianAddress NCHAR (50) YES This refers to the student’s guardian address
Senior High_School_name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s senior high
HS_Year_of_passing NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s high school year
of passing
HS_Percentage NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s high school
HS_Board NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s high school board
H_Aggregate NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s higher aggregate
Graduation NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s graduation name
G_year_of_passing NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s graduation year
of passing
Post_graduation NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s post graduate
PG_year_of_passing NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s post graduate
year of passing
PG_percentage NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the student’s post graduate
PG_university NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s post graduate
Attendance Table-dbo.Attendance
Branch NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s course branch
SubjectCode NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the course subject code
the attendance
AttendanceDate NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s attendance entry
StudentNo NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the student’s index number
Batch Table-dbo.Batch
StudentNo NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the student’s index number
DateOfPayment NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the bus payment date
ModeOfPayment NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the bus payment mode eg.
TotalPaid FLOAT YES This refers to the total bus fee payment
DueFees FLOAT YES This refers to the bus fees owed and
StudentNo NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the student’s index number
SourceLocation VARCHAR (250) YES This refers to the bus source location
StartingDate NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the transportation start date
Course Table-dbo.Course
CourseName NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the student’s course name
BranchName NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student’s branch name
staff belongs to
to the employee
belongs to
DOB NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the employee date of birth
FatherName NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the employee father’s name
PhoneNo NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the employee phone number
MobileNo NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the employee mobile number
DateOfJoining NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the employee employment date
Email NCHAR (50) YES This refers to the employee mailing address
payment date
ModeOfPayment NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the employee salary mode
TotalPaid FLOAT YES This refers to the total salary paid to the
StartingDate NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the event start date
StartingTime NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the event start time
EndingDate NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the event end date
EndingTime NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the event end time
fee payment
FeeID NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the unique fee identification of
Semester NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the semester for which the fees
is paid for
UniversityStudentWelfare FLOAT YES This refers to the student welfare fee amount
CautionMoney FLOAT YES This refers to the caution money paid by only
first semester
TotalFees FLOAT YES This refers to the total fees to be paid by the
ModeOfPayment NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the fee payment mode eg.
Mobile money,cach,cheque
TotalPaid FLOAT YES This refers to the total fees paid by a student
DueFees FLOAT YES This refers to the amount of fees owed and
Course NCHAR (20) YEs This refers to the course a student is paying
Branch NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student course branch
Semester NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the semester for which the fees
is paid for
ees to be paid
Fees paid
CautionMoney FLOAT YES This refers to the student caution money for
TotalFees FLOAT YES This refers to the total amount paid by the
HostelFees FLOAT YES This refers to the total amount of hostel fees
JoiningDate NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the date a student joins the
StudentNo NCHAR (15) YES This refers to the index number of student
ModeOfPayment NCHAR (20) YES This refers to the mode of hostel fee
mobile money
DueFees FLOAT YES This refers to the amount of fees owed and
internal exams
Branch NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the student course branch
Section NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the section weather morning
or evening
other transaction
TransactionType NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the transaction type weather
debit or credit
for a scholarship
for a scholarship
amount paid
SourceLocation VARCHAR (250) YES This refers to the route source location
Password NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the password required for
Name NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the account holder full name
Contact_No NCHAR (10) YES This refers to the registering user contact
Email NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the registering user email
Date_of_joining NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the date of user registration
usertype NCHAR (15) YES This refers the user account type
Password NCHAR (30) YES This refers to the password required for
Appendix B
Use Case
1. Master Entry
2. Users
3. Students
4. Employee
5. Transaction
6. Records
7. Reports
8. Tools
[9] By Brian Bischof, " Excerpts from the book” Crystal Reports .NET Programming, 2004
(ISBN 0974953652).
[11] Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of the Hong Kong
[12] "Waterfall Model, System Development" Structured Design Methods (2007), [Online].
Available: [Accessed Dec.22, 2013]
[13] D. Yeates and T. Wakefield, "Systems Analysis and Design", 2nd edition, Prentice
Hall. New York, 2004.