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CSWIP-PW-6-96 7th Edition February 2017 Calificacion Polietileno

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Requirements for the Certification of Plastics

Welders, Entry Level (Level 2) and Standard Level
(Level 1)

7 Edition, February 2017 Hot gas and extrusion welding
Butt, socket and electrofusion welding of pipe
Geomembrane welding

Issued under the authority of the Governing Board for Certification

All correspondence should be addressed to:

TWI Certification Ltd

Granta Park
Great Abington
Cambridge CB21 6AL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 899000

Fax: +44 (0) 1223 894219
E:mail:[email protected].
Web: www.cswip.com

CSWIP is administered by TWI Certification Ltd

The use of the UKAS Accreditation Mark indicates accreditation in respect of those activities covered by
Accreditation Certificate No 25

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

The Certification Scheme for Personnel (CSWIP) is a comprehensive scheme which provides for the
examination and certification of individuals seeking to demonstrate their knowledge and/or competence in
their field of operation. The scope of CSWIP includes Welding Inspectors, Welding Supervisors, Welding
Instructors, Welding Examiners, Welding Quality Control Coordinators, Heat Treatment Operatives, Cathodic
Inspection personnel, Bolting Technicians, Drillstem Inspection, Plant Inspectors, Underwater Inspection
personnel, Plastics Welders and NDT personnel.

CSWIP is managed by the Certification Management Board, which acts as the Governing Board for
Certification, in keeping with the requirements of the industries served by the scheme. The Certification
Management Board, in turn, appoints specialist Management Committees to oversee specific parts of the
scheme. All CSWIP Boards and Committees comprise member representatives of relevant industrial and
other interests. TWI Certification Ltd is accredited by UKAS to BS EN ISO/IEC 17024 for certification of

TWI Certification Ltd understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities,
managing conflict of interest and ensuring the objectivity of all its certification activities, in accordance with
BS EN ISO/IEC 17024.

This document describes the requirements of a scheme for the testing and certification of personnel engaged in
plastics welding.

Access to certification schemes is not improperly restricted. The sole criteria for certification are given in this
document (and any subsequent amendments) and no other criteria will be applied. Certification is not
conditional on the candidate applying for other services or membership from TWI Certification Ltd, its parent,
or any other groups or associations.

1.1 Scope

This document specifies the method of testing the knowledge and skill of a welder who is required to
carry out welds on thermoplastics in new constructions and repair work. The skill examination of a
welder is an essential condition for the assurance of the quality of the welding work. The application of
this document guarantees that the examination is carried out according to a uniform procedure.

Qualification testing and certification is available in accordance with the current issues of the standards
listed below:

BS EN 13067: Plastics welding personnel – Qualification testing of welders – Thermoplastics welded

AWS B2.4: Specification for welding procedure and performance qualification for thermoplastics.

Details of training and examination are contained in Appendices 1, 2 and 3.

Certification in accordance with the above standards shall be denoted Standard Level (Level 1)
certification. The requirements for Entry Level (Level 2) certification, which does not require evidence of
training or experience prior to taking the test and compliance is only based on this specification
document, are specified in Appendix 4.

1.2 Requirements prior to taking an qualification test

Only welders whose training and/or whose previous activities show that they are likely to pass the
planned test may be admitted. The admission requirements shall be in accordance with the conditions
specified in the above standards.


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

The test procedure consists of both theoretical and practical tests all of which must be supervised by
either a Plastics Welding Examiner (PWE) (see Appendix 1) or an authorised Invigilator.

2.1 Theoretical tests

The welder's knowledge of the practical working rules for skilful and safe working shall be established in
the theoretical test.

The theoretical written test is a multiple choice paper (specific to the category of certification sought)
consisting of 20 questions covering the following:

 designation and rules for welding of thermoplastics to which the test is designed to apply, meaning
of the welding signs and symbols of the range of work;
 operation, control and monitoring of the welding equipment;
 welding processes;
 knowledge concerning on-site welding;
 correct preparation of the work pieces for welding;
 familiarity of the characteristics of thermoplastics within the sub-groups;
 preventing and correcting faults when making welds;
 knowledge concerning the types of imperfections for the applied welding process(es);
 knowledge of the welding procedure specification (WPS) and welding record sheet;
 awareness of the consequences of misapplying welding parameters and/or procedures
 knowledge of non-destructive examinations and destructive tests necessary for the applied welding
 awareness of health and safety requirements for the above work.

Completion of the theoretical test shall be continuous without access to teaching aids.

Only one theoretical test per welding method group (hot gas and extrusion welding of sheets; butt
fusion, electrofusion and socket fusion welding of pipes; extrusion and heated wedge welding of
geomembranes) is required to be taken, regardless of the number of categories of certification being

The pass mark is 80%.

2.2 Practical tests

The welder shall complete the test piece specified by the required welding technique and material
group, in accordance with the relevant WPS.

All welding equipment, materials and documents necessary to complete the test piece shall be available
to the welder except for tests involving the welding of lining membranes, where the equipment and
materials shall be provided by the welder.

The time taken by the welder to complete the test piece shall be specified in the Examination
Declaration Form and shall correspond to that taken under production conditions.

The test piece may be examined visually by the PWE or Invigilator at any time during the practical test,
and the test terminated at any stage if the necessary skills are not exhibited. The completed test piece
shall be examined visually without magnification and shall meet the acceptance criteria specified in
Evaluation Group I of the current issue of AWS G1.10M.

The test piece shall then be tested destructively, as defined in the relevant standard. Details of the
practical tests specified in BS EN 13067, together with the range of qualification, for each category are
given in Table 1 for information. Examples of mechanical test acceptance criteria for examination test
specimens are given in Table 2.

2.3 Application for tests and fees

Candidates for testing are required to submit an application form and experience checklist and, if
appropriate, evidence of successful completion of a recognised course of training. Applications will not
be considered confirmed until correctly completed and authenticated documents are received. In the

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

event of a false statement being discovered in the application documentation, any testing will be
declared null and void. A certificate is automatically invalidated if there are any outstanding fees in
respect of that certificate.

Candidates proved to have cheated, or found to have attempted to remove or found to have removed
examination material in a CSWIP examination will not be accepted as a candidate for any CSWIP
examination for a minimum period of five years from the date of the examination where cheating,
attempt to remove or removal of examination material, was established to have taken place.

Arrangements may be made for testing to be carried out on the employer's premises.

3.1 Successful candidates

Two copies of a certificate of proficiency demonstrating success in the relevant qualification test will be
issued to the sponsoring organisation or person. Duplicate certificates to replace those lost or destroyed
will be issued only after extensive enquiries.

3.2 Unsuccessful candidates

A standard results notice will be issued to all candidates and their sponsoring organisation. If applicable
it will indicate those parts of the tests in which success has not been achieved.

Candidates who fail to obtain a certificate shall undertake further training before taking a new
qualification test. One retest in the part of the examination that was failed can be undertaken, providing
this is done within four months from the date of the original examination. After this time, or if the retest is
failed, a new qualification test, comprising both theoretical and practical parts, shall be undertaken.

3.3 Initial qualification

The validity of the welder’s qualification begins from the date when the overall assessment pass is
awarded and is related to the date of expiry on the certificate. This date is different to the date of issue
marked on the certificate.

A welder's qualification shall remain valid for a period as defined in the relevant standard, providing all
the following conditions are fulfilled:

a) the welder shall be engaged with reasonable continuity on welding work within the range of
qualification corresponding to the qualification test certificate. An interruption period for longer
than six months is not permitted.

b) the welder's work shall be in general accordance with the technical conditions under which the
qualification test certificate is awarded.

c) there shall be no specific reason to question the welder's skill and knowledge.

The sponsoring organisation shall advise TWI Certification Ltd at twelve monthly intervals on each
welder’s activity and the welder’s quality performance.

If any of these conditions are not fulfilled, the qualification shall be cancelled.

3.4 Prolongation

Prolongation is only allowed when TWI Certification Ltd is advised before expiry of the period of initial

Prolongation is only allowed when proof of welding quality is available to TWI Certification Ltd, who
accepts that this is the case. This can be provided by:

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

 Test results from TWI Ltd or an independent, nationally-accredited test house on specimens
taken from a test piece appropriate to the category or categories being submitted for


 A signed letter on headed paper from a customer, dated within 12 months from the expiry date
of the initial qualification, stating that welding work carried out by the certificate holder and
appropriate to the category or categories being submitted for prolongation, was of acceptable

The validity within the range of approval is extended under the original approval for a further period of
time, as specified in the relevant standard, provided the conditions according to 3.3 are fulfilled.

3.5 Period of validity of certificate

Approval test certificates have a period of validity of one year. A new certificate shall be awarded
annually, provided that the approval is maintained in accordance with 3.3 and 3.4.

3.6 Approval test recertification

An approval recertification test taken within three months before the expiry of the period of validity shall
commence from that date of expiry.

3.7 Exemptions

Certificate holders who wish to take an examination on a different material/pipe size but on the same
welding technique for which they hold a valid certificate, can be exempt from sitting the theoretical test
again. In this case, the validity of qualification for the new category shall be from the date of the original

If a certificate holder wishes to take an examination on a different welding technique to that which they
hold a valid certificate, they must take both the theoretical and practical examinations for that category.
In this case, the validity of qualification for the new category shall be from the date when the overall
assessment pass for this category is awarded.

3.8 Validity of certificates

Certificates are only valid provided:

a) they are within date;

b) they are on standard cream CSWIP paper bearing the CSWIP logo in black on gold signed by
an officer of CSWIP and embossed with the CSWIP stamp;
c) they have been signed by the PWE;
d) they have been signed by the individual to whom the certificate is awarded;
e) they are accompanied by a valid official CSWIP identity card.

Photocopies are unauthorised by CSWIP and should only be used for internal administrative purposes.

3.9 Complaints and appeals

An aggrieved party in a dispute which considers itself to have reasonable grounds for questioning the
competency of a CSWIP qualified person may petition the Governing Board for non-renewal of the
certificate. Such a petition must accompanied by all relevant facts, and if in the opinion of the Board an
adequate case has been presented, a full investigation of the circumstances under dispute will be
initiated. If the petition is substantiated to the satisfaction of the Board, the certificate will not be
renewed without further test.

Appeals against failure to certify or against non-renewal of the certificate may be made by the welder or
the employer upon application in writing to the Governing Board.

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

TWI Certification Ltd maintain records of successful and unsuccessful candidates. These records are
accessible to the Governing Board or its nominees at all reasonable times. Full records are only held for
a period of eight months from the date of the test, only outline details of the test and the results are
maintained on file.

ASTM D6392-2012: ‘Standard test method for determining the integrity of non-reinforced geomembrane
seams produced using thermo-fusion methods.’
AWS B2.4: 2012: ‘Specification for welding procedure and performance qualification for thermoplastics.’
AWS G1.10M: 2001: ‘Guide for the evaluation of hot gas, hot gas extrusion, and heated tool butt
thermoplastic welds.’
BS EN 12814-1:2000 ‘Testing of welded joints of thermoplastic semi-finished products – Part 1 bend
BS EN 12814-2: 2000 ‘Testing of welded joints of thermoplastic semi-finished products – Part 2: tensile
BS EN 12814-2:2000 ‘Testing of welded joints of thermoplastic semi-finished products –Part 2 tensile
tests.’ Annex B: ‘Notched tensile test specimen.’
BS EN 12814-4:2001 ‘Testing of welded joints of thermoplastic semi-finished products –Part 4: peel
BS EN 12814-8:2001 ‘Testing of welded joints of thermoplastic semi-finished products – Part 8:
BS EN 13067:2012 ‘Plastics Welding Personnel – qualification testing of welders – thermoplastic
welded assemblies.’
ISO 17024: 2012 ‘Conformity Assessment - Criteria for Certification Bodies Operating Certification of


For further general information contact:

TWI Certification Ltd

Granta Park
Great Abington
CB21 6AL
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 899000
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 894219
Email: [email protected]

For specific information on training and examinations and tests and arranging for them to be carried out,
contact the approved Examination Body:

TWI Technology and Training Centre - North East

Ferrous Road
Riverside Park

Tel: +44(0)1642 216320

Fax: +44(0)1642 252218
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

Table 1 Details of practical tests

Weld Type of Range of qualification

Material Test Examination test piece form examination test Type of
Group Category (Note 1) Welding process (Note 2) (Note 1) Dimensions joint
1.1 S en = 5 Hot gas - round nozzle V V/Bf + r All en V, V, X, 
1.2 S en = 5 Hot gas - high speed nozzle V V/Bf + r All en V, V, X, 
2.1 S en = 9 or 10 Hot gas - high speed nozzle X V/Bf + r All en V, V, X, 
2.2 S en = 9 or 10 Extrusion - continuous V V/Bf + r en  3 V, X, 
2.4 P dn = 110, SDR ≤ 17.6 Heated Tool ][ V/Br en  3, dn  315 ][
2 PP
2.5 P dn  400, SDR  17.6 Heated Tool ][ V/Bs dn > 315 ][
2.6 P dn = 63, SDR ≤ 17.6 Heated Tool Socket V/Pc All dn Socket
2.7 P dn = 63, SDR ≤ 17.6 Electrofusion Socket V/Pc All dn Socket
3.1 S en = 10 Hot gas - high speed nozzle X V/Bf + r All en V, V, X, 
3.2 S en = 10 Extrusion - continuous V V/Bf + r en  3 V, X, 
110 ≤ dn ≤ 180
3.4 P Heated Tool ][ V/Tw dn  315 ][
SDR ≤ 17.6
3.5 P dn  400, SDR  17.6 Heated Tool ][ V/Tw dn > 315 ][
90 ≤ dn ≤ 125
3 PE 3.6 P Electrofusion Socket V/Pc dn  315 Socket
SDR ≤ 17.6
3.7 P dn ≥ 355, SDR ≤ 17.6 Electrofusion Socket V/Pd dn > 315 Socket
dn ≤ 63 on 90 ≤ dn ≤ 125
3.8 P Electrofusion Saddle V/Pc All dn Saddle
SDR ≤ 17.6
3.9 P dn = 63, SDR = 11 Heated Tool Socket V/Pc All dn Socket
dn = 32 on dn = 90
3.10 P Heated Tool Saddle V/Pc All dn Saddle
SDR = 11
4.1 S en = 4 Hot gas - high speed nozzle V V/Bf + r en  2 V, V, X, 
All dn
4 PVDF 4.3 P dn = 110, en = 5.3 Heated Tool ][ V/Br ][
en  1.9
4.4 P dn = 63, en = 3 Heated Tool Socket V/Pc All dn Socket

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Weld Type of Range of qualification
Material Test Examination test piece form examination test Type of
Group Category (Note 1) Welding process (Note 2) (Note 1) Dimensions joint
5 5.1 S en = 2.3 Hot gas - high speed nozzle V V/T en  1.6 V, V, X, 
or FEP All dn
5.2 P dn = 110, en = 3 Heated Tool ][ V/T ][
or PFA All en
7.2 M 2 ≤ en ≤ 2.5 Hot gas by machine V/Pt 1  en  5 Lap
7.3 M 2 ≤ en ≤ 2.5 Heated wedge by hot gas V/Pt 1  en  5 Lap
7.4 M 2 ≤ en ≤ 2.5 Heated wedge - electric V/Pt 1  en  5 Lap
7 PE 7.5 M 2 ≤ en ≤ 2.5 Extrusion - manual Lap V/Pt 1  en  5 Lap
7.10* M en = 0.75 Hot gas by machine V/Pt 0.3  en  1 Lap
7.11* M en = 0.75 Heated wedge - electric V/Pt 0.3  en  1 Lap
7.12* M en = 0.75 Extrusion - manual Lap V/Pt 0.3  en  1 Lap
9.1 M 1 ≤ en ≤ 2 Hot gas - manual Lap V/Pt 0.7  en  3 Lap
9 PP 9.4 M 1 ≤ en ≤ 2 Heated wedge - electric V/Pt 0.7  en  3 Lap
9.5 M 1 ≤ en ≤ 2 Extrusion - manual Lap V/Pt 0.7  en  3 Lap
Note 1: / = and
B = Bend test (f: face, r: root, s: side)
V = Visual examination
T = Tensile test (w: waisted specimen)
P = Peel test (t: t-peel, d: decohesion, c: crush)
S = Sheet
P = Pipe

Note 2: V = Single V preparation

V = Single V preparation with backing run
X = Double V preparation
][ = Butt weld

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Table 2 Examples of mechanical test acceptance criteria for examination test specimens

Material Test Category Mechanical No. of specimens Acceptance

(BS EN 13067) Examination test piece Welding process test Mechanical test requirements to be tested criteria
1.1 S en = 5 Hot gas - round nozzle Bend 30 bend angle
1.2 S en = 5 Hot gas - high speed nozzle Bend or 7mm ram displacement Max. of 1 failure
6 initial (3 per side)
from 6 specimens
2.1 S en = 9 Hot gas - high speed nozzle Bend 45 bend angle + 2 additional
PP-H + 2 further passes
2.2 S e =9 Extrusion - continuous Bend or 13mm ram displacement
or n
PP-B 85 bend angle
2.4 P dn = 110, SDR = 17.6 Heated Tool Bend
or 22mm ram displacement
150 bend angle
2.4 P dn = 110, SDR = 17.6 Heated Tool Bend Max. of 1 failure
or 52mm ram displacement 4 initial
PP-R from 4 specimens
118 bend angle + 2 additional
2.5 P dn = 400, SDR = 17.6 Heated Tool Bend (side) + 2 further passes
or 38mm ram displacement
PP-H 70 bend angle
2.5 P dn = 400, SDR = 17.6 Heated Tool Bend (side)
or PP-B or 19mm ram displacement
No fracture between pipe and
2.6 P dn = 63, SDR = 11 Heated Tool Peel (crush)
PP-H, PP-B fitting
4 (2 per side) No failures
or PP-R Fracture length  distance
2.7 P dn = 63, SDR = 11 Electrofusion Peel (crush)
between first two turns of wire
3.1 S en = 10 Hot gas - high speed nozzle Bend Max. of 1 failure
65 bend angle 6 initial (3 per side)
from 6 specimens
3.2 S en = 10 Extrusion - continuous Bend or 19mm ram displacement + 2 additional
+ 2 further passes
dn = 110 (or 180) Tensile
3.4 P Heated Tool
SDR = 11 (or 17.6) (waisted)
Ductile failure mode 4 No failures
3.5 P dn  400, SDR  17.6 Heated Tool
PE Fracture length  distance
3.6 P dn = 90, SDR = 11 Electrofusion Peel (crush) 4 (2 per side) No failures
between first two turns of wire
3.7 P dn = 315, SDR = 17.6 Electrofusion  25% brittle failure 8 No failures
dn= 32 on dn= 90 Fracture length  distance
3.8 P Electrofusion Peel (crush) 2 (1 per side) No failures
SDR = 11 between first two turns of wire
3.9 P dn = 63, SDR = 11 Heated Tool Peel (crush) 4 (2 per side) No failures
No fracture between pipe and
dn = 32 on dn = 90
3.10 P Heated Tool Peel (crush) fitting 2 (1 per side) No failures
SDR = 11

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

Material Test Category Mechanical No. of specimens Acceptance
(BS EN 13067) Examination test piece Welding process test Mechanical test requirements to be tested criteria
Max. of 1 failure
70 bend angle 6 initial (3 per side)
4.1 S en = 4 Hot gas - high speed nozzle Bend from 6 specimens
or 18mm ram displacement + 2 additional
+ 2 further passes
PVDF Max. of 1 failure
41 bend angle 4 initial
4.3 P dn = 110, en = 5.3 Heated Tool Bend from 4 specimens
or 15mm ram displacement + 2 additional
+ 2 further passes
4.4 P dn = 63, en = 3 Heated Tool Peel (crush) No fracture between pipe and fitting 4 (2 per side) No failures
3 parent and Max. of 1 failure
5.1 S en = 2.3 Hot gas - high speed nozzle Tensile 5 initial from 5 specimens
ECTFE, FEP + 2 additional + 2 further passes
Short-term tensile weld factor  0.8
or PFA 4 parent and Max. of 1 failure
5.2 P dn = 110, en = 3 Heated Tool Tensile 4 initial from 4 specimens
+ 2 additional + 2 further passes
7.2 M en = 2 Hot gas by machine T-peel
315N peel load
7.3 M en = 2 Heated wedge by hot gas T-peel
and fracture in parent sheet
7.4 M en = 2 Heated wedge - electric T-peel 7 Max. of 2 failures
273N peel load
7.5 M en = 2 Extrusion - manual T-peel
and fracture in parent sheet
All failures, except for an AD-WLD
PE 7.10 M en = 0.75 Hot gas by machine T-peel break, shall be in the parent 7 Max. of 2 failures
All failures, except for an AD-WLD
7.11 M en = 0.75 Heated wedge - electric T-peel break, shall be in the parent 7 Max. of 2 failures
All failures, except for an AD-WLD
7.12 M en = 0.75 Extrusion - manual T-peel break, shall be in the parent 7 Max. of 2 failures
All failures, except for an AD-WLD
9.1 M en = 1 Hot gas - manual T-peel break, shall be in the parent 7 Max. of 2 failures
All failures, except for an AD-WLD
PP 9.4 M en = 1 Heated wedge - electric T-peel break, shall be in the parent 7 Max. of 2 failures
All failures, except for an AD-WLD
9.5 M en = 1 Extrusion - manual T-peel break, shall be in the parent 7 Max. of 2 failures

(all dimensions in millimetres)

Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd


Tasks and Responsibilities of Plastics Welding Examiners

1 Definition
A Plastics Welding Examiner (PWE) is a qualified person acceptable to the contracting parties who
verifies the compliance with the CSWIP document for the qualification testing of welders of thermoplastics.

The PWE may not be the examiner for any individual that he/she has trained and shall reach his/her
professional decisions independently.

2 Tasks and Responsibilities

Note: Some of the items listed below will not apply to tests conducted under Appendix 4 of this

 Select the questions for the theoretical tests.

 Check the eligibility and identity of the candidate. This includes attendance on a recognised course
where applicable.

 Supervise the qualification test - both theoretical and practical parts including welding of the test
piece(s), ensuring that normal examination conditions are maintained at all times.*

 Check test materials, welding procedure specification (WPS), machines and equipment to be used.*

 Identify the test pieces with the number or mark of the PWE and the candidate.*

 Witness the completion of the welding record sheet by the candidate.*

 Check that the completed test piece is visually acceptable before submission to the test house.*

 Ensure that the test pieces are delivered to an approved test house for the specified destructive

 Check the test house qualification and training course qualification if applicable.

 Mark the theoretical test.

 Evaluate the completed test piece, the test specimens and the results produced by the test house in
accordance with prescribed procedures.

 Forward the results of both theoretical and practical tests to TWI Certification Ltd.

 Take action in the case of difficulties during the test, for example:

i) stop the test if the welding conditions are not in with the WPS or if it appears that the welder does
not have sufficient skill to obtain a satisfactory result;
ii) allow the test piece on which welding has been started to be replaced if difficulties arise which
have not been caused by the candidate;
iii) allow errors during the hot gas or extrusion welding practical test to be repaired if appropriate;

 Verify compliance with the conditions for prolongation of certificates and inform the Certification Body
accordingly if the conditions are satisfied so that a new certificate can be issued.

(* these tasks can be carried out by an authorised Invigilator).


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd


Examination Syllabus

1 Hot Gas Welding

1.1 Health and safety

Electrical safety; fume; care and use of electrical/hand tools and lifting tackle commonly used
by the welder; heat burns and fire.

1.2 Plastic materials

Molecules and polymer chains; plastic material classification; copolymers; glass transition

1.3 Common thermoplastics for fabrication

Polyethylene; polypropylene; polyvinylchloride; polyvinylidene fluoride.

1.4 Materials identification

Simple manual test; fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).

1.5 Processing of plastics

Injection moulding; extrusion; blow moulding.

1.6 Joint types and symbols

Common joint type used in thermoplastic fabrications; symbols for welded joints.

1.7 Welding processes

Process; equipment; applications.

1.8 Welding procedure

Setting the gun; hand tools; preparation of materials; hand welding; speed welding; filling the
weld; finishing the weld.

1.9 Welding procedure specification and welding record sheet

1.10 Inspection

Visual inspection; spark testing; dye penetrant test.

1.11 Destructive testing

Bend testing; tensile testing.

1.12 Certification

2 Butt and Socket Fusion Welding

2.1 Health and safety

Heat burns; fume; machine safety; pipe and fittings storage; handling of pipe and equipment.


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2.2 Plastic materials

Molecules and polymer chains; plastic material classification; copolymers; glass transition

2.3 Common thermoplastic materials for plastic pipe

Polypropylene; polyethylene; polyvinylidene fluoride.

2.4 Pipe and fittings identification

Standards; identification markings – fittings, pipe; materials identification.

2.5 Processing of plastics

Injection moulding; extrusion.

2.6 Plastics pipe welding processes

Butt fusion welding; socket fusion welding.

2.7 Welding Procedures

Welding procedures and records; manual butt fusion welding; manual socket fusion welding;
machine socket fusion welding.

2.8 Testing of Welded Joints

Visual inspection; non-destructive testing; destructive testing.

2.9 Certification

3 Electrofusion Welding
3.1 Health and safety

Electrical safety; use of 240V and 110V equipment; care and use of tools commonly used by the
welder; pipe and fittings storage; handling of pipe, fittings and equipment.

3.2 Plastic materials

Molecules and polymer chains; plastic material classification; copolymers; glass transition

3.3 Common thermoplastic materials for plastic pipe

Polyethylene; polypropylene.

3.4 Pipe and fittings identification

Identification markings – fittings, pipe; materials identification.

3.5 Processing of plastics

Injection moulding; extrusion.

3.6 Welding process

3.7 Welding procedure


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3.8 Testing of welded joints

Visual inspection; non-destructive testing; destructive testing.

3.9 Certification

4 Geomembrane Welding
4.1 Health and safety

Electrical safety; use of 240V and 110V equipment; fume; care and use of electrical/hand tools
and lifting tackle commonly used by the welder; heat burns and fire.

4.2 Materials technology

Molecules and polymer chains; plastic material classification; copolymers; glass transition

4.3 Thermoplastic geomembranes

Geomembranes; manufacture; polyvinylchloride; polyethylene; polypropylene.

4.4 Welded joints and terminology

Materials; joint types; symbols.

4.5 Thermal fusion processes

Principles of heated wedge welding; joint preparation; welding parameters; principles of hot air
welding; equipment cleaning and maintenance; welding documentation.

4.6 Extrusion and manual hot air welding

Joint preparation; principles of extrusion welding; welding parameters; repairs; connections to

pipes and structures; welding documentation.

4.7 Testing of welded joints

Destructive testing; failure modes; non-destructive testing.

4.8 Weld quality

Types of imperfection; origins of imperfections.

4.9 Site working

Cleaning procedures; weather protection; handling of materials; subgrade acceptance.

4.10 Related Geosynthetic Materials

Geosynthetic clay liners; geotextiles; geonet; geocomposite.

4.11 Certification


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd


Specimen Questions for the Theoretical Test

Candidates are required to tick the correct answer in the section provided. There is only one correct
answer for each question.

1. What does OEL stand for?

Occupational Exposure Law

Ozone Exposure Limits

Occupational Exposure Limits 

Occupational Ethylene Limits

2. The above picture shows which joint type?

Butt joint

T joint

Edge joint

Cruciform joint 

3. Why would you adjust the speed of an electric hot wedge-welding machine during welding?

To get the site work finished quickly

To compensate for ambient temperature fluctuations 

To prevent the equipment stalling

To ensure constant speed


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd


Requirements for Entry Level (Level 2) Certification of Thermoplastics Welders


The categories of certification described in this appendix are classified as ‘Entry Level’ because they do
not require evidence of training or experience prior to taking the test.

Certification in accordance with this Appendix is deemed to satisfy the ‘Level 2’ qualification standard of
the UK Environment Agency for welding PE lining membrane.

Unless otherwise stated, the provisions of the main part of this document apply.


2.1 Hot gas and extrusion welding of sheet

The test procedure consists of a practical test only, which must be supervised by an authorised PWE or

The welder shall complete the test piece specified by the required sub-group, see Clause 4, and
according to the relevant test piece geometries specified in Figures 1 and 3 of BS EN 13067 and in Table
A1, in accordance with the relevant WPS.

2.2 Welding of pipe

The test procedure consists of both theoretical and practical tests, all of which must be supervised by
an authorised PWE or Invigilator.

2.2.1 Theoretical test

The theoretical written test is a multiple choice paper (specific to the category of certification sought)
consisting of 20 questions covering the following:

 operation and monitoring of equipment;

 knowledge concerning on-site welding;
 correct preparation of the pipes for welding;
 preventing and correcting faults when making welds;
 knowledge concerning the types of imperfections in pipe welds;
 knowledge of the welding procedure specification (WPS) and welding record sheet;
 awareness of the consequences of misapplying welding parameters and/or procedures;
 awareness of health and safety requirements for pipe welding processes.

Completion of the theoretical test shall be continuous without access to teaching aids.

The pass mark is 80%.

2.2.2 Practical test

The welder shall complete the test piece specified by the required sub-group, see Clause 4, and
according to the relevant test piece geometries specified in Figures 2, 4 and 5 of BS EN 13067 and in
Table A2, in accordance with the relevant WPS.

The test piece shall be subjected to a visual examination only and shall meeting the acceptance criteria
specified in Evaluation Group I of the current issue of AWS G1.10M.

2.3 Welding of PE lining membrane

The test procedure consists of a practical test only, which must be supervised by an authorised PWE or


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

The welder shall complete the test piece specified by the required sub-group, see Clause 4, and
according to the relevant test piece geometries specified in Figures 7 and 8 of BS EN 13067 and in Table
A3, in accordance with the relevant WPS.


Candidates for testing are only required to submit an application form.


Successful completion of the test will lead to certification in one or more of the following categories:

Hot gas and extrusion welding of sheet

1.1 Hot gas, round nozzle welding of PVC sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
1.2 Hot gas, high speed nozzle welding of PVC sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
2.1 Hot gas, high speed nozzle welding of PP sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
2.2 Continuous extrusion welding of PP sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.1 Hot gas, high speed nozzle welding of PE sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.2 Continuous extrusion welding of PE sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
4.1 Hot gas high speed nozzle welding of PVDF sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)
5.1 Hot gas high speed nozzle welding of ECTFE, PFA or FEP sheet – Entry Level (Level 2)

Butt fusion and electrofusion welding of pipe

2.4 Heated tool welding of PP pipe (Diameter  315mm) – Entry Level (Level 2)
2.5 Heated tool welding of PP pipe (Diameter > 315mm) – Entry Level (Level 2)
2.7 Electrofusion welding of PP pipe – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.4 Heated tool welding of PE pipe (Diameter  315mm) – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.5 Heated tool welding of PE pipe (Diameter > 315mm) – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.6 Electrofusion welding of PE pipe (Diameter 225mm) – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.7 Electrofusion welding of PE pipe (Diameter > 180mm) – Entry Level (Level 2)
3.8 Electrofusion saddle welding of PE pipe – Entry Level (Level 2)
4.3 Heated tool welding of PVDF pipe – Entry Level (Level 2)
5.2 Heated tool welding of ECTFE, FEP or PFA pipe – Entry Level (Level 2)

Heated wedge and extrusion welding of PE lining membrane

7.4 Machine Hot Wedge welding of PE lining membrane (electric heated wedge) – Entry Level
(Level 2)
7.5 Extrusion welded PE lining membrane lap joint - Entry Level (Level 2)

Table A1 Entry Level (Level 2) categories for hot gas and extrusion welding of sheet

Material Test Category Examination test piece Welding process Weld form
1.1 en = 5 or 6 Hot gas – round nozzle V
1.2 en = 5 or 6 Hot gas – high speed nozzle V
2.1 en = 9 or 10 Hot gas – high speed nozzle X
2.2 en = 9 or 10 Extrusion - continuous V
3.1 en = 9 or 10 Hot gas – high speed nozzle X
3.2 en = 9 or 10 Extrusion – continuous V
PVDF 4.1 en = 4 Hot gas – high speed nozzle V
5.1 en = 2.3 Hot gas – high speed nozzle V
or PFA
(all dimensions in millimetres)


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

Table A2 Entry Level (Level 2) categories for welding of pipe

Material Test Category Examination test piece Welding process Weld form
2.4 110  dn  180, SDR  26 Heated tool ][
PP 2.5 dn  400, SDR  26 Heated tool ][
2.7 dn = 63, SDR  17.6 Electrofusion Socket
3.4 110  dn  180, SDR  26 Heated tool ][
3.5 dn  400, SDR  26 Heated tool ][
3.6 90 ≤ dn ≤ 125, SDR  17.6 Electrofusion Socket
3.7 dn  355, SDR  17.6 Electrofusion Socket
3.8 dn ≤ 63 on 90 ≤ dn ≤ 125, Electrofusion Saddle
SDR  17.6
PVDF 4.3 63  dn  110 Heated tool ][
5.2 63  dn  110 Heated tool ][
or PFA
(all dimensions in millimetres)

Table A3 Entry Level (Level 2) categories for welding of lining membrane

Material Test Category Examination test piece Welding process Weld form
7.4 en = 2.0 or 2.5 Heated wedge - electric Double lap
7.5 en = 2.0 or 2.5 Extrusion - manual Lap
PE 7.10 en = 0.75 Hot gas by machine Double lap
7.11 en = 0.75 Heated wedge - electric Double lap
7.12 en = 0.75 Extrusion - manual Lap
9.1 1 ≤ en ≤ 2 Hot gas - manual Lap
PP 9.4 1 ≤ en ≤ 2 Heated wedge - electric Double lap
9.5 1 ≤ en ≤ 2 Extrusion - manual Lap
(all dimensions in millimetres)


Copyright  2017, TWI Certification Ltd

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