119584-2003-Genato - v. - Silapan

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[A.C. No. 4078. July 14, 2003.]




Complainant William Ong Genato alleged that in July 1992, respondent Atty. Essex L.
Silapan, asked if he could rent a small office space in complainant's building in Quezon City
for his law practice. Complainant acceded and introduced respondent to Atty. Benjamin
Dacanay, complainant's retained lawyer, who accommodated respondent in the building
and made him handle some of complainant's cases. Hence, the start of the legal
relationship between complainant and respondent. Respondent borrowed two hundred
thousand pesos (P200,000.00) from complainant which he intended to use as
downpayment for the purchase of a new car. In return, respondent issued to complainant a
postdated check in the amount of P176,528.00 to answer for the six (6) months interest
on the loan. He likewise mortgaged to complainant his house and lot in Quezon City, but
did not surrender its title, claiming that it was the subject of reconstitution proceedings
before the Quezon City Register of Deeds. Respondent failed to pay the amortization on
the car and the financing firm sent demand letters to complainant. Complainant tried to
encash respondent's postdated check with the drawee bank, but it was dishonored as
respondent's account therein was already closed. Respondent failed to heed
complainant's repeated demands for payment. Complainant then filed a criminal case
against respondent for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 and a civil case for judicial
foreclosure of real estate mortgage. In answering the foreclosure case, respondent
alleged that "complainant is a businessman who is engaged in the real estate business,
trading and buy and sell of deficiency taxed imported cars, shark loans and other shady
deals and has many cases pending in court." Complainant griped that the allegations are
false, immaterial to the foreclosure case and maliciously designed to defame him. He
charged that in making such allegations, respondent is guilty of breaking their confidential
lawyer-client relationship and should be held administratively liable therefor. Consequently,
he filed the present complaint for disbarment, praying also that an administrative sanction
be meted against respondent for his issuance of a bouncing check. The Board of
Governors of the IBP approved the report of the investigating commissioner finding the
respondent guilty as charged and recommending his suspension from the practice of law
for one (1) year.
The Supreme Court affirmed the findings and recommendation of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines that respondent's allegations and disclosures in the foreclosure case amount
to a breach of fidelity sufficient to warrant the imposition of disciplinary sanction against
him. Respondent's explanation that it was necessary for him to make the disclosures in his
pleadings failed to satisfy the Court. The disclosures were not indispensable to protect his
rights as they were not pertinent to the foreclosure case. It was improper for the
respondent to use it against the complainant in the foreclosure case as it was not the
subject matter of litigation therein and respondent's professional competence and legal
advice were not being attacked in said case. The Court stressed that a lawyer must
conduct himself, especially in his dealings with his clients, with integrity in a manner that is
beyond reproach. His relationship with his clients should be characterized by the highest
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degree of good faith and fairness. The Court, however, modified the recommended penalty
and suspended respondent lawyer from the practice of law for a period of six (6) months
considering that this is his First administrative offense against him.



LAWYER. — Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer
owes fidelity to the cause of his client and shall be mindful of the trust and confidence
reposed on him. The long-established rule is that an attorney is not permitted to disclose
communications made to him in his professional character by a client, unless the latter
consents. This obligation to preserve the confidences and secrets of a client arises at the
inception of their relationship. The protection given to the client is perpetual and does not
cease with the termination of the litigation, nor is it affected by the party's ceasing to
employ the attorney and retaining another, or by any other change of relation between
them. It even survives the death of the client. It must be stressed, however, that the
privilege against disclosure of confidential communications or information is limited only
to communications which are legitimately and properly within the scope of a lawful
employment of a lawyer. It does not extend to those made in contemplation of a crime or
perpetration of a fraud. If the unlawful purpose is avowed, as in this case, the
complainant's alleged intention to bribe government officials in relation to his case, the
communication is not covered by the privilege as the client does not consult the lawyer
professionally. It is not within the profession of a lawyer to advise a client as to how he
may commit a crime as a lawyer is not a gun for hire. Thus, the attorney-client privilege
does not attach, there being no professional employment in the strict sense. EAcIST


explanation that it was necessary for him to make the disclosures in his pleadings fails to
satisfy us. The disclosures were not indispensable to protect his rights as they were not
pertinent to the foreclosure case. It was improper for the respondent to use it against the
complainant in the foreclosure case as it was not the subject matter of litigation therein
and respondent's professional competence and legal advice were not being attacked in
said case. A lawyer must conduct himself, especially in his dealings with his clients, with
integrity in a manner that is beyond reproach. His relationship with his clients should be
characterized by the highest degree of good faith and fairness. Thus, the Court agrees with
the evaluation of the IBP and finds that respondent's allegations and disclosures in the
foreclosure case amount to a breach of fidelity sufficient to warrant the imposition of
disciplinary sanction against him. However, the recommended penalty of one (1) year
suspension of respondent from the practice of law seems to be disproportionate to his
breach of duty considering that a review of the records of this Court reveals that this is the
first administrative complaint against him.

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PUNO , J : p

In this complaint for disbarment filed by William Ong Genato against respondent Atty.
Essex L. Silapan, complainant alleged that in July 1992, respondent asked if he could rent a
small office space in complainant's building in Quezon City for his law practice.
Complainant acceded and introduced respondent to Atty. Benjamin Dacanay,
complainant's retained lawyer, who accommodated respondent in the building and made
him handle some of complainant's cases. Hence, the start of the legal relationship
between complainant and respondent.
The conflict between the parties started when respondent borrowed two hundred
thousand pesos (P200,000.00) from complainant which he intended to use as
downpayment for the purchase of a new car. In return, respondent issued to complainant a
postdated check in the amount of P176,528.00 to answer for the six (6) months interest
on the loan. He likewise mortgaged to complainant his house and lot in Quezon City but did
not surrender its title claiming that it was the subject of reconstitution proceedings before
the Quezon City Register of Deeds.
With the money borrowed from complainant, respondent purchased a new car. However,
the document of sale of the car was issued in complainant's name and financed through
City Trust Company.
In January 1993, respondent introduced to complainant a certain Emmanuel Romero.
Romero likewise wanted to borrow money from complainant. Complainant lent Romero
the money and, from this transaction, respondent earned commission in the amount of
P52,289.90. Complainant used the commission to pay respondent's arrears with the car
financing firm.
Subsequently, respondent failed to pay the amortization on the car and the financing firm
sent demand letters to complainant. Complainant tried to encash respondent's postdated
check with the drawee bank but it was dishonored as respondent's account therein was
already closed.
Respondent failed to heed complainant's repeated demands for payment. Complainant
then filed a criminal case against respondent for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 and
a civil case for judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage.
In the foreclosure case, respondent made the following allegation in his Answer:
xxx xxx xxx
4. That complainant is a businessman who is engaged in the real estate
business, trading and buy and sell of deficiency taxed imported cars, shark loans
and other shady deals and has many cases pending in court;
xxx xxx xxx

Complainant denied respondent's charges and claimed that respondent's allegation is

libelous and not privilege as it was irrelevant to the foreclosure case. Complainant further
pointed to paragraph 12 of respondent's Answer, thus:
12. That on January 29, 1993, before paying for the next installment on his
car on January 30, 1993, defendant Essex L. Silapan asked the complainant to
execute a Deed of Sale transferring ownership of the car to him but the latter said
that he will only do so after the termination of his criminal case at Branch 138 of
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the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila, . . . where he (complainant)
wanted Essex L. Silapan, his former counsel in that case, to offer bribe money to
the members of the review committee of the Department of Justice where a
petition for review of the resolution of the Investigating Prosecutor was pending
at the time, . . . or, in the event that the said petition for review is denied, he
wanted Essex L. Silapan to offer bribe money to the prosecutor assigned at the
above-mentioned Court, and even to the presiding Judge, for his eventual
acquittal, which defendant Essex L. Silapan all refused to do not only because
such acts are immoral and illegal, but also, because the complainant confided to
him that he was really involved in the commission of the crime that was charged
of in the above-mentioned case. (italics supplied)

Complainant gripes that the foregoing allegations are false, immaterial to the foreclosure
case and maliciously designed to defame him. He charged that in making such allegations,
respondent is guilty of breaking their confidential lawyer-client relationship and should be
held administratively liable therefor. Consequently, he filed this complaint for disbarment,
praying also that an administrative sanction be meted against respondent for his issuance
of a bouncing check.
When required by the Court to comment, respondent explained 1 that it was complainant
who offered him an office space in his building and retained him as counsel as the latter
was impressed with the way he handled a B.P. 22 case 2 filed against complainant.
Respondent insisted that there was nothing libelous in his imputations of dishonest
business practices to complainant and his revelation of complainant's desire to bribe
government officials in relation to his pending criminal case. He claimed to have made
these statements in the course of judicial proceedings to defend his case and discredit
complainant's credibility by establishing his criminal propensity to commit fraud, tell lies
and violate laws. He argued that he is not guilty of breaking his confidential lawyer-client
relationship with complainant as he made the disclosure in defense of his honor and
Secondly, respondent asserted that he executed the real estate mortgage in favor of
complainant without consideration and only as a "formal requirement" so he could obtain
the P200,000.00 loan and for this reason, he did not surrender his title over the mortgaged
property to complainant.
Thirdly, respondent claimed that he issued the postdated check, not for account or for
value, but only: (a) to serve as "some kind of acknowledgment" that he already received in
advance a portion of his attorney's fees from the complainant for the legal services he
rendered, and (b) as a form of assurance that he will not abandon the cases he was
handling for complainant.
Lastly, respondent denied that he received a P52,289.90 commission from Romero's loan
which he allegedly helped facilitate. He alleged that the amount was paid to him by Romero
as attorney's fees, the latter being his client. He used this amount to pay his arrears with
the car financing firm. On January 29, 1993, before paying the next amortization on the car,
he asked complainant to execute a deed of sale transferring ownership of the car to him.
Complainant refused and insisted that he would transfer ownership of the car only after
the termination of his criminal case which respondent was handling as his defense lawyer.
Consequently, respondent stopped paying the amortization on the car. Respondent also
alleged that he filed a perjury case against complainant who, in turn, filed a complaint for
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libel against him.
In a Resolution, dated October 27, 1993, the Court referred the administrative case to the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and recommendation.
On August 3, 2002, the Board of Governors of the IBP approved the report of the
investigating commissioner finding the respondent guilty as charged and recommending
his suspension from the practice of law for one (1) year.
We affirm the findings and recommendation of the IBP.
Prefatorily, we stress that we shall not delve into the merits of the various criminal and civil
cases pending between the parties. It is for the trial courts handling these cases to
ascertain the truth or falsity of the allegations made therein. For this reason, it is not for us
to sanction respondent for his issuance of a bouncing check. His liability has yet to be
determined by the trial court where his case is pending.
The only issue in this administrative case is whether respondent committed a breach of
trust and confidence by imputing to complainant illegal practices and disclosing
complainant's alleged intention to bribe government officials in connection with a pending
Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer owes fidelity to
the cause of his client and shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed on him.
The long-established rule is that an attorney is not permitted to disclose communications
made to him in his professional character by a client, unless the latter consents. This
obligation to preserve the confidences and secrets of a client arises at the inception of
their relationship. 3 The protection given to the client is perpetual and does not cease with
the termination of the litigation, nor is it affected by the party's ceasing to employ the
attorney and retaining another, or by any other change of relation between them. It even
survives the death of the client. 4
It must be stressed, however, that the privilege against disclosure of confidential
communications or information is limited only to communications which are legitimately
and properly within the scope of a lawful employment of a lawyer. It does not extend to
those made in contemplation of a crime or perpetration of a fraud. 5 If the unlawful
purpose is avowed, as in this case, the complainant's alleged intention to bribe
government officials in relation to his case, the communication is not covered by the
privilege as the client does not consult the lawyer professionally. It is not within the
profession of a lawyer to advise a client as to how he may commit a crime as a lawyer is
not a gun for hire. Thus, the attorney-client privilege does not attach, there being no
professional employment in the strict sense.
Be that as it may, respondent's explanation that it was necessary for him to make the
disclosures in his pleadings fails to satisfy us. The disclosures were not indispensable to
protect his rights as they were not pertinent to the foreclosure case. It was improper for
the respondent to use it against the complainant in the foreclosure case as it was not the
subject matter of litigation therein and respondent's professional competence and legal
advice were not being attacked in said case. A lawyer must conduct himself, especially in
his dealings with his clients, with integrity in a manner that is beyond reproach. His
relationship with his clients should be characterized by the highest degree of good faith
and fairness.
Thus, the Court agrees with the evaluation of the IBP and finds that respondent's
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allegations and disclosures in the foreclosure case amount to a breach of fidelity sufficient
to warrant the imposition of disciplinary sanction against him. However, the recommended
penalty of one (1) year suspension of respondent from the practice of law seems to be
disproportionate to his breach of duty considering that a review of the records of this
Court reveals that this is the first administrative complaint against him.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, respondent Atty. Essex L. Silapan is ordered suspended from the
practice of law for a period of six (6) months effective upon receipt of this Decision. Let a
copy of this Decision be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant and the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines. The Court Administrator is directed to circulate this order of suspension to
all courts in the country. SIcCTD

Panganiban, Corona, and Carpio-Morales, JJ ., concur.
Sandoval-Gutierrez, J ., on official leave.

1. See Answer, Rollo at 23-29.

2. It was allegedly in this case that the complainant communicated to respondent his
desire to bribe the members of the review committee of the Department of Justice where
the case was pending evaluation and eventually also the prosecutor and judge who
would handle the case when filed in court.

3. Hoyas vs. State, (Fla App D3) 456 So 2d 1225, 9 FLW 1993.
4. Schwimmer vs. United States (CA8 Mo) 232 F2d 855, 353 US 833, 1 L Ed 2d 52, 77 S Ct

5. People vs. Van Alshine, 23 NW 594 (1885); Regala vs. Sandiganbayan, 262 SCRA 122

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